CC 04-17-6210323L .So. 3MTOOA- -T(,i VALB ROAD AIr2-4505 --ITY Op CUPERTINO MINM= OF 011E ADJQ; REOUI/1R NWIW OF THE CITY COUNCIL, April 17. 1962- PIACC 10321 So. Srxatoga-sunnywale Road TIM: 8:00 P.R. I A& == TO TO FUG II CAT-L: Councilmen Z"chti, Jewett, Pt:losi, Lazaneo coachmen A . :'.r8alch Staff Presents ,L�ty Reneger, City Attorney, C1t7 City Clawk III -MbveA by Oxmci by Councilmen Pelosi tint resolution 589 be .A Resolution of the City Council ae�fte City of Cupertino, _ Results of the RGadcipal d �eeleetxon sigrnedl� the Ci�lerk. statement total vote result laeoxporsted is the resolutlon'sbows the following tally: pbr City .ouocllman: Paul H. Finch 391 J. Rrbert Dempster, Jr. 365 AnthorS J. Pelosi 232 Ernes. J. Fine i63 Michae: ;dco 139 Harold 21ch 2 Leonar E. Chase 1 Referenda`. measure Yes - 330 ;:o - 331 AT-7x: Coun: *lmen: 'eenetti, Jewett, Felosi, Fazareo YAYS: Co,:'- L--en: !hone 13 ' : CJ's__ -:3en: Saieh 301�-:7N CARFi:= : -Z The Cit. _:erk then inrl: d Cers,ficates of Election to the s:�ecessful ca. iii' :es, na^_ly, :aul F. FIrch and J. Hobert }tester, Jr.; _he oath of ofrice t:as also administered. The reti- :nz Mayor and Councilman were replaced by Councilmen P' -ac's and Peer : :er. IV Moved by Cow- t —Lian Jewett that John Senettl be chosen fayo:• of the City of -- 7ertino for tta ensuing year. Seconded by Council - 1•R Pinch. ATHS: Cot-cilmen: Der, ster, Finch, Jewett RRITS: Coun-11men: None Affil: Cots.ilmen: Saieh A33MM: Counzllmen: Beretti Outgoing Mayor, Nick razaTP^, took a few minutes to thank all eoaoezmoed with the City of Cupertino mimiclpal government, aapeeially Councilmen, staff and rewspapers. He emphasized his gpmtltude and appreciation to all who had helped'his in his term as Riyor of the City, and wise.•d the new Council the beat of every - t2dms In their legislative emdeavors in the future. Rfayor John Benetti also took oeveml minutes to express his agsmelation for the :,onor braWAl :d upon him and to assure those fa attandance :hat he wmild b his beat to serve the City. He *Reeked the retiring memL•:re p"fusely, praising them for their ■deft on behalf of the r= sidents of Cupertino. V Roved by Counellmsn Fineh that :'erne H. Jewett be nominated OD tie post of Vice - Mayor. 3eeonded by Councilman Dempster. Moved by Councilman Dempster that noslinations for Vice -Mayor be closed. Seconded by Councilman Finch. AYES: councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: ABSTAIN: Councilmen: MOTION CARRZND: Dempster, Finch, Benetti None Saich Jewett 3 -0 Vote taken on the previous motion to declare Verne H. Jewett Viee- Mayor. Comrdhlear Dempster, Finch, Bensttl u MlY3: f omoilmk* . :. None 'ABSENT. Conadtli lor Mich 0mud2VOK— : Jewett Major Bmmetti reiterated that apprealatdon should be expressed to the two man who have stepped down after a lot of hard wort:. it has been an honor to lave worked with such polished and experienced men as Anthony Palosl and Nick Iazaneo. Moved by Councilman Jewett, that the meeting be adjournod to personnel session. Seconded by Councilman Finch. AYES: Councilmen: Dempster, Finch, Jewett, Benettl NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Saich MCTION CARRIED: 4 -0 Meeting adjourned to personnel session at 8:30 PM. Motion to reconvene and adjournment was made by Councilman Jewett, Seconded by Ccuncilman Dempsrer, and carried 4 -0, at 8:50 P.M. ATTEST: City ierx j. APPROVED: _ s1 Jchn Lknetti n r cl-ti or Cupertino