CC 03-12-62J MAR l 110 lo�u 90. ai+sog¢- sum�vn]s _ uo.a AL 2-M5o5 C J Ka� Of TO WKWAR ri,06IC OOk3d' IOM NjgTM OF Waft 12, 1962 as So..SAPOtohs:�Vtil! Rosd �+3� !1d• as eluted. A. vntAteenr , I. Lettd -< y ;,,, Hr • Blair. -2. 'l1�B33iiiiss s. 8eidy relative to reduced saDdiv- isios rmOairemaats to hill eoamti7. 3. Comb of 3811M CISPa: Tlanning Commission agenda of Merely T; minutes of lbbruity 21, 1962. ' H. pesedssiooer prplich spoke on the consents of the 'neme- papas is the northe the length of ths.agenda and the ties in- volved In tilt dirpoait of rpplications before the Cosniuion- Some of the reasons he east iooad for the length of time involved were that the law requires two hearings on an application and the lack of Ordinance and papers necessary to vote on certain applications. IV BLUUMS SCHROULMID: A� ALPR1 LARD COMAXY: Application 48 -Z-61 to rrsans 30 acres frog R -1 to R -3 -8; east side of SteliLng Road, 1,337 ft- south of Roaestead Road. Second Rearing conti:ned. The i;nal:ean asked if there were MY comments regarding this application frow the audience. There were none. Commissioner Leonard asked for permission to read a proposed resolution on sabjeet application, being a 'Resolution of Planning Commission Recomeenddng Adoption of An - ergency Ordinance to ReSrlate Heavily Landscaped Project Multiples Developed Vnder A Comprehensd•- Plus And Providing Internal Beereatdonal Areas And Ocean ftee"a- The proposed resolution was read, as folloas9 I.. UIH=S the Coe d"10n has receatlY heard several presents - LSaas by professionals in the fields of land plaming, altdpla &rWd- tectars, multiple dw engineering. and project comatrmotion for the saamive and tasteful dovelopagat of substantial area within our City, awe,e, II. MOMS the Commission believes thee0 propose" mould re- malt lam 1) A considerable WWQd1AS In the quality Of multiple dwell - ings adthln the City; 2) A considerable laprovement In the -tar bass of the City; )) A partial oom':ribution to the recreatIOMI and la+wa spske auseftlAm vdthin the City; and 4) A more efficient use of land th a hai been cosmnn*hsratofore erd. III,, 11�AS . +loo bas "rt 98tad Warch 1, Ift rsi re Pl which nos 1) L�fat oar • it -9-1t erdinanae - /160 - 10 not u ad- jtsars. ooa�krol b!t ABw14a t jeOts,. ed 7200 aasaded in 7bb�rar7, 1962 mod et nnRteriallcars; s ion Marcel 8, V. resMema the f mime on dmems it usettl and �s�per to. bond fozm•zd its VIOMWoint at-ooer ib the Coimo12 with-respect tb:dse11M& pvolsets of this sort becemse of ezeeptional •rsrit sod nrnineri MW 2�IO , JK It ZZM91D, Chats ��ap� __��eee a At� t d&e!!1 =989 *1 p as tho f a �!lilnbf p�sd ac_# �i} Ibr dasrt- 17. •• "2St ,• • 9 eL:. 1:�� '.' :.CSZ y, lAed Compow an the valson Proper - UM— '. ..�� �e�17 bt_ OQf�i0QFaoncurrent- 3. 110 psope al of JohnOOD sad roar a boas 00 the !� proPMA4, aid the of the $tonsoon rbar a Droieat of �� so0lrsgs a0 the yapper paws not as yet p}egrbmsed for ems LO b aoosideta!" t�M'yaepojed esoay ordinance. Comaisslaaer Zommord,moved that the Alpha Land Campas7 rezoning be womomenodod as per ibddbdt s, items 1 to 12, which list is on file at City Mau, and thm fouowrings I. VMO M a aeaalutlon has been adopted on this data resom- msmding adoption of an emargoey ordinance to control multiple duelling projects of the sort described by the applicant; and, n. WEZFMB the foregoing resolution was written with this app- lication In mind; and, III. WHOM S It is the wish of both the applicant and the Com- mission that this rezoning and the appropriate new ordinance be handled concurrently if possible; MW TUWAW B MR /T ABSOLVED TOM . A) we recommend granting of the rezoning subject to the follow- ing eonditlonss 1 12 See Schedule B, the usual list 13 Adoption of an ordinance along the lines suggested be- fore final passage of the rezoning; 14 Signing of agreements satisfactory to the City Attorney City EkSLneer, City Manager, and Cupertino Sanitary District with respect to aemer outfall lines model the proposed Junipero Serra Freeway 17LM just northrerd and dosahlu of the subject property 15 riling with the City a ooepletely identified docket of sepa, sketches, and descriptive statements cufficient to establish clear- ly no intent and purpome of the applicant on trio development with amenities. re- speat to to'bserwose of the a it? of design and con - and . Me. Oriffln, speaking for Alpha Lard Co., had no objections to al3d dW the City Council to choose a name if not satisfied with the prmsmmt }name of the zoning In Question. There were no objectlono frow the aadlence. Commtssionmr 11togmrold mov- smcoeded b7 ComalsDianar Ramp7, that the meoord hearing be elonvA on Alpha Lard Co. . Adis OoWasUeeftm AdMo, litsgerald, lrolieh Lsomard, Rampy, -- srau _a- Jim ` Comhissidnerst fine Condssioners: Sr4der ID'Z= CARRIID: 6-0 CosNishtsnnar LeehaQ�s pro. ova motion on tbo': rezoning V"' seconded by Commissioner Frolich. ATLAS: Commissioners: Adagio, Fitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard, ha!Ol, Onsod"loners: Now GUNI r io�Mrs G oar _. - .n �orr�s.u► a�aaerd, - r.e6100 w Nx at `tee 1w cod th. .wb�.ot — - %��"F� J "" lA^elaP ;.F ,� f.�t�3o -. .. rtr -•'_ ,�. -r..° .: : 'amt A70t. ' OoNYiaows# Ad•et Fltsprald,, 11011th, Leonardo �/ :. ooritlsetleeersi_ . "�� ICARSIED: SceHrs 6-0 B. AANOLD Y. MOBSs, Apylication 49 -Z-62 to rssgne 10.3 acres froS WIVIA2 to-I&S41p all t. Mast of IA2]r,- 3.429 ft. south orrSteverA-Preak.Nlid. adjoining east side df Calabasas Creek. Second Res -ing odatiaSed. There were no convents from the audience, either verbal or written, on this application. A report from Mr. Storm regarding the proposed bridge crossing at Wolfe Road and Calabasas Creek was read. Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald, seconded by Commissioner Frolioh, that the second hearing be closed. AYES: Commissioners: Adagio, Fitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard, Raspy, Small MAYS: Comsission6re: None ABSOR: Commlssioa rs: Snyder NOTION CARR=: 6-0 Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald that the rezoning be granted and the City Council be put on notice that the bridge is needed at this site. Commissioner Leonard amended the motion with the following: That an assessment of W.00 per living unit be contributed by the developers lr a radius of one- quarter mile of bridge site; sec- onded by Commissioner Prolich. AYESS Commissioners: Adagio, Fitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard, Raspy, Sesll WITS: Commissioners: None ASSNNT: Commissioners: Snyder NOTWO CARRIED: 6-0 Commissioner Fitzgealdra motion of granting the rezoning was seconded by Commissioner Raspy. AYES: Commissioners: -Admmo, Fitzgerald, Fmlloh, Leonard, Ramey, 'Small WAYS: Commissioners: None ABSNNT: Commlisio:ers: Snyder IIDTJSSI CAYSURD: 6-0 C. JOHNSON • WIPE: Application 52 -2-62 to rezone 29.6 acres from A-2s]1 2 to R -34$, edjolnitng ?rest aide of Manta Vista School, off Mt. View - Stevens Creek Road. Second Bearing Con - tinued, Mr. Rundonni spoko is behalf of the application.' NO discussed the subject of the posalb1111,F of tax exemption mentioned at the last maette g- by Comel"I W bKOW40 sec this era ect -. Ccg=sslorer Isoneld meted one work session on this appli' cation to iron out a few more partiCGls-"-q. loved by Cossdssiaosr 1wwrd that Narch 221 at ye6 PA be tie date for this wort msssim; aMaond XWS: Commimsiosares Adsmo, s Cossdssloner;: � r yNM CAN=$ bitecti will be prrsent at the meeting 44 �:b_• viaidlh, Leonard, Rasp? Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Raspy, Mr. Hohmohn ssw a 4 _ ob — ` i ry �i "A-4264 t pp, �pp�leatun 504-462 fio',.'Te f Pros - poet _ :larlh Zsaa, B -3 -5 and C -i *H; Vast ofiPros poet Road, north of Mt, Bden Road, Second HoRrin6 A letter from E,,t R. Brasil, Mayor of Saratoga, was read. wo contents of this letter strongly urged very careful consideration of this application as the proposed lash use of same would adversely affect the City of Saratoga. Mr. Brasil pointed out, in his letter, that the property in in the this applicaationawarran warrants ta�dififerdentttypesofadevel- to the property opaeat than that proposed in order to uphold the value of the Sarabga property. Commissioner Leonard requested that the proposed ordinance on this application be read now rather than wait until its turn on the agenda (see VI A) as it is pertinent to this. hearing, and in view of the fact that the Commission was ranning ahead of schedule. The City Clerk read Ordinance 002 J: Regulating 'Pne Location, Erection And Maintenance Of Mobile biomes Or Trailer Parks, Providing Minimum Standards For The Design Mobile Regulating The Licensing And Conducto e Trailer r MobileHow OrT krailerParks, Providing Penalty For The Violation Thereof And Repealing A11 Conflict- ing Ordinances. This reading served as introduction only. It is to be set up for a public hearing. Vince Oarrod rose in support of this application. Mr. Tierlink, 2810 Mt. Eden Road, representing several home- owners in the area, rose to state their objections to the application. Mr. fiassod stated that Mr. Tierlink and those he represents BBee suggested that the entiirree application be held up for future date,�. until the total General Plan of the City of Cupertino is completed rather than :eve spot planuins; or at the discretion of the Planning Corfu; ?,ant with respect to the General Plan. Commissioner Fitzgerald moved that the application be tabled until called n0 by the Planing Commission or the applicant, seconded by Commissioner Leonard. AW Condesionu ms Adman, Fitzgerald, Pr011ah, Leonard, RaspY. small � s Comalesioneres Mons Commissioners: Syder R1NW CARRIED: 6-0 Comaisatoaer ii&�la mowed that the applioatioo.be sent to aw Planner, by Cosatssiorar Raspy. .M. A`!lles Cosalssiotrr� AdO, TltagblMlH, yrollcn, Leonetsd, Rswp7, Small Caesissi0iores Now � : CommisiSoneres Snyder CARKERDS 6-4 -Ms�: bta. 1 ei�Baal AXWs X. NALUM S. mH,His Application 53 -2;-62 to r*20" a12 of lot 22 ad yalt 40 lUt' 13, IMP of Mbhta Vista Aprthaw at cor- nor Permit�alD0 90080t for we *taeion. second BBearlos. Mr: D1MOSllisb► 38R 3i' Dom' o-2._ re.vftssftQd Mr. Hubler. 'lease sass so objectfoe to ZI�aPDlioaridi!�fY the asdi�wlsi. 4evE� i - �t�e7� M!. at01! la's if = station a� a0 1/1011lh t>,IL sit ."eta MOOD 0 e ... s ne .gal -rev. i_ "athoweld, /(pliers, MY�•/ ��, awn i Moved by OOnnimm:aeter Adnro that the Cowtiesion "Coemsend cto tae city common that me applicatim be smog with the mamal ar ditAeos, Modut B, items l to 12, ad the Council be put on notice as to an head for sipislim�Lism according to !hair policy; seconded by CiOn"Miooer pitsomem. Ams Caaaisalemares Adei, Fitzgerald, Prolich, lsoterd, Raspy, MA15: Comdmlaere: NOM ABBOMh 1B08 CARBI>� aaialelat r Moved e ermi seconded �ws Fltz- S@Mld, thne pt be wed On is application' ATES: Cossissloners: ��, MAYS: Cosmlarioners: Bone ABSENT: Commissioners: � r IDCM CARIM: FitMAesald, Frolich. LOOnard, ft"070 F. PAUL NARIAW. U. i PA79E DA SOUSA: Application 41 -2-61 to rezone 1,314 ft. n 337 ft. at the southeast corner of Lu- cille t Highway 9 from A- 2:H-4, R-3-R and 2-1 to C -1 -8. sac - Ond Bearing continued. 0. PAUL NARIAIQ: Application 25 -2-61 to rezone 65 acres from A- 2:B-4, R -3-3 At R -1:B -2 to C -1 -8; 13.5 acres at the northeast corner of Narlani a Highway 9; 29.5 acres at the southeast cor- ner of Narl=d ♦ Highway 91 11.5 mores at the northwest co. -aer of Highway 9, 329 ft. south of Homestead. Se.-ond Hearing. H. ANDO810 POSOi Application 4"-61 to ivotwsw0u12.6 acres Lucille adjoining the east side of Highway 9. from A -2:B -4 to C -1 -8. second Hearing. from A-2 B- 4�toC-C -al 8; wet side of 47-Z-61 to rezone tUghway 9. bout1150 ft- south of a projection of imil e, second Bearing• J. DONALD A. Z1W=2 Application 45 -Z-61 to rezone 11.02 acres from'A -2tB -4 to C-1 -8; meet 0140 of Highway 90 450 n• south of Homestead lead. Second Hearing. Peter palling rspiasented the applicants of items F and•0- Be reysssted a vote be made tonight as the original applinationu mean snb- ritted about a year ago. Mr. 'Ateoi represented the applies.-Its Of item B and Z- IN -5- feat the sass as Mr. PaTum rsgU Im a votes. oene Hastin represented the applicant Of item J. He also a that a vote abould be taken this night. No objections on these applbations here heard from the audience. Moved by CompiasAqner. Wolich that the hearing be closed on the Mn -lard and Sousa appliost:on ('ten P)i,secended.by Commissioner Fitzgerald. AL jI_: CosmlasiOhe"t 4 r, FItsger'ald. Pm, tION "=Led, may, r :I' Ce�lOfltra • metiAl for OaIIia+ tithOliL p?edjIM dice o1R tom! +OPtAoilf'io¢ .mart.: .- rate, on R lication aad..thst o!Paul Neriani 16) for the Commlseionsr Prolich moved that: vhareas, a comprehensive land -awe SWWAY of the Ted ham n'mg Area is about to be undertaken which will purosida ?oaring Plan for future development; and Whereas, this zoning application is part of a gray of similar ragma to in the aame,general-&real and Whereas, granting of this application either slow or Ind junction with other associated requests might irrevocably commit City to a developmental pattern in advance of the Profesaiomal Plammar*s land use std and recommendations, and of the City Whereas, it will be to the long -term but interests and of this developer to zone this parcel in seeordance with an over- all integrated City zoning pattern; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Planning Commission recommends denial of application 42-Z-61 without predjudies. Seconder by Commissioner Leonard. AIZS: Commissioners Fitzgeald, Frolieh, Leonard, Ime", Small WA=S: Commissioners: Mons ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Adamo ABSENT: Commissioners: 3Mder MOTION CARNiED: 5-0 Moved by Commissioner Pitzgeald, seconded by Commissioner F 3. that the hearing be closed on the Paul Mariana application (0)- A]BS: Coma'ssioneres Fitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard, Raspy, Small WAYS: Commissioners: none ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Adam ABSENT: Commissioners: Snyder NMON CARRIED: 5-0 Moved by Commissioner prolich, seconded by Commissioner Leonard, V-At the Paul Marian' (0) application be denied for the same reasons stated in the denial *.r the Marlani a Sousa (P) application- A1339 Cosmiss'ore rs: 1°rolich, Leonard, RampY, 3=11 IiY3: Commissioners: Fitzgerald ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Adam A>lSIM Commissioners: tSyder MDTLON CA10=9 Commiuloue Adsao returned. Commissioner Ra:pY excused him- self from the voting on the next application (H). Moved b;, CQmmisaioner Fitzgerald, seconded by Commissioner Frolich that the hearing be closed on the Poso application. OommisvioMns A Admen, P ATIS: O Commissioner Fitzgerald moved that the Antonio Poso application be approved. Notion dies for lack of n secbM. Moved by commiedi.oner Frolich, seconded by commissioner. Leonard, that the application of Antonio Poso (R) be denied for the mome reasons stated in the denial of the Mariani s Sousa (F) application. *LIRdmmo, Prolleb, Lmoimrd, Saul .ritzgerald Moved by 000MM106".. FitzgeralG, seconded by Coaetasioner r t at th th . hWIdI 7UP006" an tt* "pUfttd+em of Rajo1Rod AlRSi Commissioners: Adamo, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Raspys Wyss Commissioners: now ASMMITs Commissioners: Snyder IDMW CARRIED: Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald that the Rodrigues applica- tion has approved. Motion dies for lack of a sacond. Moved by commissioner Leonard, seconded by Commissioner Pro - rreahsonshastated in the deniaaRodrigues fattheiMarIWA &)SoOnadae(F)applicatio Ana: Commissioners: Adamo, Frolich, Leonard, Rampy, Small MAYS: Commissioners: Fitzgerald AHBZf: Commissioners: Snyder NOTION CARRIED: 5 -1 Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald, seconded by Commissioner Adamo, that the hearing be closed on the application of Donald A. Ezcell (J). Aysg= Commissioners: X11, Fitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard,.RaaPY, Wis: Commissioners: None Ate: Commissioners: Snyder MMOM CARRIED: Moved by Commissioner Fitzgerald that the application of Ezcell be approved. Motion dies for laci: of a second. Moved by Commissioner Leonard, seconded by Commissioner Fro - lich, that the application of Donald A. Ezcell (J) be denied for the same reasons stated in the denial of the Msriani & Sousa (F) application. AYES: Co— Uaionsra: Adamo, Prolich, Leonard, Ramey, Small �= Commisslonersi Fitzgerald : Commissionmrs2 Snyder CARRIED: 5 -1 E. 0>DROE UNAOEA: Application 22 -V-62 for a variance io allow a sign 35 ft. high where ordinance requires 20 It.; 19675 Stevens Gawk Blvd- -- Portal Plaza. Osorge Yamsolm, the, applicant, wan present, and stated that the 814p would haw landscaping as depicted in the picture presented for review. There wets no objections to this application from the audience. Moved by CommiealOmmr Mauro that the Commiwsion recommend appsoval of this application subject to landscaping at the discretion of the city Officials; seconded by Conalsmorkervalff' AUSs Commissioners: A �, Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, RamPY, Nont Commissioners: Now � M adorers: r Ilto Include was held as to The an the City has Of four as9aa_ I to include largett signs Mat are in variance to the RSSaent SUP OadiRamae- �ated that the HniU Ot=fiaial attsad tM�sta1T Msdl f I "fib tether discow the iQet o�_doclaa � a ifit ordinance by mad - s aw"Oft olsNee to: goveeM'1�eel asses that sibs tun we okdieafil t paw . slam_. , J approva by COMIAN&OW mwioas notion be fresaaes.d. -r. Abe: lommlssionsrsz Adam, Pitsgaraid, Frolich, Leonard, Ramey, TMs Commissioners: Nome AffiY!s Commissioners: Snyder inn= CARE=: Ibvad by Commissioner Adamo, seconded by Comisebzwr Fitzgesald, that variance be granted on the Unmake, application aubjeot to land - soapims; at the discretion of the city officials. Anal Commissioners: � , No75s Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Snyder "MoR CARRIED: V UNFINISAW BUSINESS: A. C-2 ordinance Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Ramey. Maned by Commissioner Leonard that the C -2 ordinance be tabled so that it can be Drought up by the Planning Commission at a later date; seconded by Commissioner Ramey. Affis Commissioners: A de , Fitzgerald, Frolich, Leonard, Ramey, CANall XA7S—. Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Snyder 6 MMOM CARRIED: B, Miscellaneous Moved by Commissioner Frolich that the City Title Company R -3 -N zoai application be placed on the agenda for March 26 and that maid public hearing De re- advertised because of the time elapsed since the last hearing and because the application is expected to be amended to rejoest R-24-K instead of R -3-N; also that the applicant be informed Of the contemplated enactment of a new R-24-R ordinance, and that he be his regwat ae accordingly, the as to amend AM: Commissioners: Adam, Fitzgerald, Frollch, Leonard. RamPy. miss Commissioners: None ANGNM Commissioners: Snyder MDUOM CAS: VI NEW ffJ NRSS: A. MOLUTION %51 Council Intention To Initiate Amendment To Ordinance 002 By Adding A Zoning Classification To Be Known As Mobile Home or Trailer Park (M -TP). Moved by cosmiasioner Leonard, seconded by Commissioner Raspy, that this resolution be set up for a public hearing. Unanimously carried. g, liaeellaneoua NOW ADJOUNEW IbVed by MsaD7, �ed,athht the meting be adjourned. a! dj slon rbeting adjourned at 10:27 Y.M., March 12, 1962. Ali 2.