CC 02-26-62log , J►E 1�' or '= PL1 MME COICQdSION. -. February l�Cl ss. 8�mtoga.Svmywal. Ss¢ B:OO P.R. Cosdsfoweas rseswt: =A; -, Written to tie Commission for the sesame eosmr this type of development. mil o�'p�oge�ad QQN3d� =.. d repre- eei, . Be . 0 Plans l O R 9 to eas stated that around the Sur Area, more and pore cities a;e beginning td , eaogolas this .Fpi of an arrangement and are amending their osdinaneea. stonesom mse asking that this type of development a *cm� foe �'�upe�eaW that the City possibly eoald amend It- Mr. Seth stated that this type of development has been in existsaee for about twenty -five years. oLve piano and layouts that he displayed stowed tow it can be adopted to an urban area. Stow- am is very such interested In the Coem:ity and has a parcel of land that is an excellent piece which offers a great potential and will be a credit to the City. Chairman Saall stated that atePpresentto the the arming Consultant for the City was preparing Coedsalon's consideration. Commissioner Fitxgemld ailed ir it was urgent that this develop- meet be started at once. Mr. Seth answered yen, but not test each court is a unit and it my be developed in that way. Commissioner Leonard S giestm0 that the plans and brochure be eeteased to Mr. Rnrshbbow. Sr. Sntb stated that � M Krusfiov was ems" at this plan and bad been contacted during development Of e it. met be had discussed It with Mr- Kmshkbov. CjmcdssUcmr_Fitz8U% d_W q that the plans be offlelally.sub- altasd to the Flaming Cossultaet. Seconded by Commissioner Leonard. A>SSr Coelssiomers: pltXWWm d, Frolich, Leonard, S►mpy, 30911 �{= Commissioners: Some Armor Commissioeers: Adam, Snyder Rd12/ CAWWWs S--C - 2 Alter aslanar yeollah oomgssted that there does Oct sass to be a+Misp were to do unless a am oidisswe is passed, or nhsn it le7s�sd, tb.t the City ClAwk im fastrooted to notify the spplieant. >� Set6 eeQuested that ha bs notified when the study sessions � M Oct�h a be llowed Ana it. Be offered WW help lhe mq dr able to contribute to meradite matters. 1 - .r.. to the alal4► sessions are set up. IL Verbal pa�ie�n'9aa11 asked it there wwOM any verbal coRROnlcations from , the Ransom". There me" none. Doi Frolich moved that all eomwAsiastloms be received and filgf. tgoonded by COMajW1onW 1Stzgereld. AU is favor: z.. :.Aftm MOM08- . -. simmer litagerala.sbw8 that the applleatian be eon - tsnrl�t reeks. 9eeonded bs 00=3"ai -Per Frolieh. R�ftz Ll�igslonss'as >rits�eal4, irollch, Iwoseld, Rasps, 9a811 hlii.Te < ssicners: Add ABd�'s alorers: Adnao. 900dar wMS CAIMMO: 5-0 - 2 ABM! IL AFMW Y. 109.8: Application 49 -Z --62 to resone 10.3 acres from R -1:B -2 to R -3 -!i- 411' rent of adjoin g eastsside of Calahazas�Creek. Second adjoining Rearing continued. Mr. Ralph gasona representr3 thrs applicant. :he stated that upon riving due consideration to the ropwest wade by Commissioner leomnrd that his applicant consider a $100 assessment PPr Lmit to help pay for the br -.dge across Calabazaa Creek, -...e Vplican had fo•. ==d it to be completely unfeasible. Commissioner Ieonard asked what they felt would be a Practical flows. Mr. Ramona answered that they would consider an aruunt comparable to -shat Oliv -r Rousseau has contributed to the bridge. Chalsaan Small asked the Cltj Engineer if he had any informa- tion .boat the bridge. The Cit.- Engineer stated that he had been instructed to do nothing on the bridge at thiz time. Comolseloner Fitzgerald stated that as far as be could se%, this was as application for zoning and he did not believe that the Comis- siose absmld not be concerned with the bridge. Is It R -3 land or Isn't it, if not, it should be turned down. Considerable discussion followed regarding the amount of R - -3 zonlsg now in the City. Mr. RmmoM Stated that they would consider =l0 or $15 per unit and that there were approzimatel.- 120 units. Chaizls 9s11 observed that there seemed to be two problos, the zonsag and the bridge. Chairman 3=11 then went to the audience to ask if there were any comments. i. - at Rine, 10327 westa -res.. any ot"r spertaents in this area. &- tbea+Aggd test he thought it would ples geld sae bow this would fit in with t, - 2 Ccpertino asked if there more was told that there more. Rw Da better to wait for the xmsses- t`e rest of the City. 4 D i_.eould.be.referred-to the 00 sosioner Isom Ci6d 0>�r, not just as a bridle, but a� an equitable matter. Be also felt that all of these applications should go into a study sommu:. i - There was an discussion on fba faasuanty of asking the aeriose developers in this arm to sontrlbute pubic construction itioof Me be,~. Also if a rysoelma ware Granted, conditioned. Tin .CUM Attorney OUtsd that tWs :Co�issioa tumid Impose ally dams am felt seeessm ao a reponiMt• Mr. ism nss a r¢ioo sae. Nr- aw! alWl�arnae t tb=t oa°atr°ti°° in the Sprint ma�mof tin am, t0! � the �MMNlWdte sagpMtc. ,�=e o a Asa an Saco" ""In be dis0 EAtliman Smau as1 i� li►tlm Tics :� sf tae Zesma sads.at the last - c t fbt i. a�udaas4 the Ordiaaone. .Attorney Anddingli, Masi has b. ocovered soap: that it sos11 em se that every eme ti mutt ` at leidtso. Csoissioner Frol.ich sdwd that the City Monier be requested to investigate the bridte C194101046 at Wolfe mad and esubexas CE"ft and determine the cost of tba staseteee &lost with a proposed fimmselog program which ineolvea t!s developers in this arw. Flood Control and the County of Sant CUM and the City of Cspertino. Also try to get a ropy of thm OW4100MO from the City of Santa Clare that pertaime to the foram" thr_ mined in t5s bridge crossing over Fiymaridgp Road, by M ►rah 12, 19b2 . Seconded by Commissioner T1monasd. AUS: Comaissiomers: 1►rolich. Leonard. raspy, Smell MM: commissioners: ntsgerfld AHSWWRr. Commissioners: Amato, SmWdwr MDYfOX CAaao 4 -i - 2 AIUM C. .oa31SGX ! MAFS: Application 52 -2-62 to rezone 29.5 acres .ran A -2:19-2 to R -3 -9: &kiolnLng vest elde •.1 Monts vista 'ohool, off Mtn. View- Stevens Crceic Road. Second Hearing. Hr. Warmer Wilson, 10650 Worth Stalling Road, Cupertino, spoke for the applicant, Mr. aandonl being out of town ani unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Wilson went over the renderings briefly giving a rundovn of what is proposed. That is, a Senior Citizens Development, with approxismtely 296 units. 112 Efficiency residents, 152 one bed -oor•. . resirents. The density would be 1 units pr acre. He also r-al e a letter directed to the Coiasio n WOr. Wilsor stated that in answer to the Question "Why Luoerrino?" he could think oI many reasons. Wbr Instance, where there ar,- r.- elders around, pushing older people ouut.nThattolder pa'ople are happiar 8mbuebia is pushing when they are In a group. Shrirven Small asked that if a Church should sponsor this development, would they Irma the Lase tax exemptior that churches are metitled to. City City Attorney could not Ur. Wilson stated that In all 11::ell1, a corpora tion, rather than a church, would sponsor tai- deve;opxent. That a ccrporstion would pretty such hove to be self- contained and self - sustaining to be elWble for an FHA loan. CaMissioner Frolieh asked if the Sanitary District and School ftstnot hod eo�/nted that ra e application- l Svez* of this In the case of info"dng theseparticularagencies, - 3 - eatld test servo their GM lnt"'eats by exp,. fining their own develop - wants to the fllesenta y School District and the than Cork City Clerk and Obtaining letters from each agency, ct Chairman Small ohwerwd that the :ity Council stand be sale aware of these large daaeloPwsnts asking for rezoning, and suggested t�oobaat the Comaigion t!l 't -a Joint mm :tins with Use COVS1611 to get Weir rde=w an thpmm-implications. ftomisilcow tAboOd-stated with a series Of MWIT Wllca" that the is and if t�al = Vent a,ll�� pdo that something Owr one-half ,`lll�la ;�s:�ie��t w�ievetwd weld yass•delM ia' k.v. U81 bird JAWt0 Qhallry tat *Y issues. *ub has dx» at a �aiwC wsating• `-, r � - 'stated- that t0�fas ap�ioatiewi? a0onld` slat thr' " an vo to the Caned lewl an their", wad mpN saoold_.�Y_sit Ow thew. Also that Was pUsning Consultant tlith and Etery appilcatieb that Gives in. shn�ld not is t adcb Frelich stated that a direct result Ot this rush Cosiisaioner tO develop is bsoanse of the upending Plarnn6 i COne taat•s work. I!' 3f pr twelt3i :ms wooed and developed that it would be a or the Plaaiaervs� time and the Clty's money to even nth an with mate the the Hotter Plan. No Bali• it reasonable to get togas t at a decision On what to do • C,, 11. That they need help to arrive on these applications. Commissioner Fitzgerald suggested that one of tbeand applications what they with it' my' espthat be sent on to the Covmeil to see do "tat the Commission would bave a pretty good of them. After more discussion wherein ft. Wilson stated that this to in before the Hooter Plan application was not ends in order get was developed, that the applicant chose Cupertino for reasons climate and proximity to shoPPiug- t em reasons other than the General Plan. Commissioner prollch asked if there would be many variances The taAlicant stated this required on this l i would have to comply withthe and subdivision ordLrnces. Chairman Small asked if there was any count from the audience. to the belie Mr. 8rnest Hine stated that he felt this should Council that it should bp a pretty good Cit�d Commissioner Fitzgereld moved that s"nd hearing be closed. Notion died for lack of second. Commissioner Frolich moved that application br continued • for two weeks. Seconded by siaahe Aug: Commissime rs: Frolich,' Ramey, Leonard, Small =a: commissioners: Fitzgerald AM=: Commissioners: Adamo, Suter bPiOw CAMal>m 4-1 -- 2 AB MT Commissioner Frolich moved that a meeting be set up between the City Council and the Planning Commission for thr evening of March Tth, In order to attempt to arrive at soma sort of policy guide in general oa these larger applUstions, before the Planning C i� �� has been Seconded board on theme devslopee J.W: Commisslw:ers: F�itlll -ch, u,a3rd, 7ampy, Amall XMz Cossdssiawers- Angier: Commissioners: Adam. Sr fdsr �liOM CAi0II76 1 -1 -Q! Air. _" r. WTFF Cha11 nedwil a ibCep at thtr 002nt.iir the meeting. Ties. 9:50. astiig re-ca coned at 10:05. : b. EICOM Q1AMOD: Application 52-249 to rewne 38.7 acres faoee" to ?railer Part Zone, It3-' and Q-2 -Hi �- vast of Prospeet ]load, north of Mt. Edam Road. Second Hearing. , Mr. aalad rspawented himself. He stated that before he ever seeds application Lo :tbs.Plamirg Commission that he had sat in the Codoeil Chsa' I Vttb.tf" Coanailwen and explained iris plan to thaw. That they were wall suers of what he intended to pat an thls land when he anuxed to the City. abaa?staL teewa aaw.elus to Ahe CM, bhaa he had Ai Carl Hllaer Us"ater an the psopat7 for a day, q*'A - that W..>b> : DDab r waabacrasoassaQ tint_ kris soar ttaR x 'r.c lir. arsrea�lfii.. 'abN the a ;1Mx1!altfpaa "that would live im sbeae rioald Dm A -1: aiwat.•li4,Ms a private - � caned ees4sdehluCtliaf &"ttri'e ' wow]a;bs ao lstaaratfawa _ There wes+e..aswlal peopde.in the amienes• imw-SeWoop. who were interested in the Sevelopment of this property. -0ha1remn 2ea11 seaI to the audience for comment. -. Ernest alne asked it those people would carry their proper share of taxes, for example schools, etc. The answer was yes. . W. John McDonald represent Mr. a Mrs. lkwlirnk, who were pro - world covveer this sort of this development In this�parti�cularcarea.t The answer we no, but in this casK, the County Ordinance would or could be adopted in two public hearings. Mr. McDonald also asked If this particular area was encompassed :In the Master Plan that is proposed for the City of Cupertino. Chairman Small then read a letter from the City of Saratoga Planning Commission In which they requested that no decision be made until they had an opportunity to study this application. The letter further remarked about the width of the road and the possi- b1litles of problems that may arise in moving these large vehicles Into the area. Mr. 0araod said toot people living further down on Mt. Eden toed have encroached on this road by planting large hedges. That these people have never been willing to give up any of their property for road widening purposes. The Oarrods have given land whenever they were requested to do so. That the Fire Marshall has approved the road for this type of traffic. And that they anticipated no heavy traffic by reason of these mobile homes, that they would only be moved in once. • Commissioner Prolleh asked if people would -be bringing In' their own trailers. Mr. asrtod answered that the trailers would be o►.led by the occupants, bat that the State law prohibits them from inovang this large a vehicle. That all vehicles of this size are moved com- mercially by experienced people. Mr. Oarrod also stated that they can use materiels already on the property :.o construct their roads, that Chars will be no reason for large gravel ttuats to traverse the road leadlrg to the property. Chairman 3=11 observed that posslbla this Lad could be de- veloped into a prime residential area. He asked Mr. Qartod if any thought had bass Sivas to developing one acre lots. Mr. Qarrod asplisd that to even think of developing this lam Into one more lots, the coat would W prohibitive. Since the amount of land that IS available to develop is smaly. Gy comparison am the balamoe of Wo, land would be assessed at the saw tax rate as the developed tendon. as would be, in offset, cutting his own thsaat. Discussion of the plena as to commercial and R► -3 sominL that. - 5 1Nd also- bees r sprasted. OIL this app1l cation. The reasoa.for. the 2­3 we to build a guest booie'so that visitors. to'.the "Trailer Park idly have sow place to stay mbile visiting, since the mobile hoses AN sot onow much space -for`visitore to sleep. are Commercial zan- US sea-requested so that•a small emwrasary could be built to seem= - r0sithls ftsidests of the Trailer lark. Since the area Si aoaewhat lB@latwL it scald be better to have a store there, Mtbar than have tome Crive three or fear mules lust for a bar of soap. Ne. llaLeald aNed Mr. earned boy far alemg he sus .in the do- t3" pamomety sad."smhld he salt far the RM*w Plan.to irmitsa_ alL7b made of it. that to solve. I , at bef re us Trailer two 000M ft" .to adept- OftAMOW Ordinance. r' !. lll�rsd, !. gratin N set for or apiast.thds.Boeing. r of fact, it thMee bad Dams an mha.Oatter. 3dla is'not-VO only iheo this dlty. That bCore � eS questions a ht� be Mass that Wpertlao will later Mr. Ted Aobertahern stated that he has a plot of moss 40 acres In this area. Peels that, so Each could be developed into beautiful residential lots. Comas slonsr fitzgereW moved that the second hearing ° closed Notion died for lack of second. Commissioner Leonard moved that hearing be continued. Seconded O' commissioner Frolich. AMB: Commissioners: Frol.ich, Leonard, Rampy. Small PN S: Commissioners: Fitzgerald Affil: Commissioners: Adam. Snyder Chairmen Small move-1 that this wetter be brought up at the joint meetly* with the Council on March 7th. Mr. oarrod azW that if this matter 1s not considered favorably would the Comodssion, •h= they pass their resolution on to the Council, consider also foreardirr3 along with that resolution, a pe- tltioa requesting that this lead be withdrawn from the City of Cuper- tino. Roll call was taken on the Motion wide by the Chair for this matter to be brougl^t up at the joint sesslon between the Commission and the Council. A=: Commissioners: trOlieh. Leonard. Rally. Small �3 Cosniasioners: Fitagerald AMe : Commissioners: Adamo, 9e7der WT= CARRIED: 4 -1 - 2 ADMW V. IACRY SlOM, 1M.: Application 19 -V-62 for Variance to allow a sign 35' h.gh where ordinance porous x' and 348 sq. ft. niece ordinance allows 150 aa. ft.; 805' west of Rlgk a.7 9 or. north side of Stevens Creek Road. Continued. "a Chief Building I, - for we.t in .a detail •cplalnlrg to qe Oammisalon bow such 9gUOM footage Lucy, Stores would be allowed MOWgedr'signs. It was 3enlded that since the actusl store faced ek e• Btsmmpe.v; Rosd, that they could conceivably use up the entire A t 2 � I for r *commwA*d thatthey be lowedcodo this. 11oweve1 J , this ]4 be a va -lance on the 01MU" sign on Hlghwy 9, which is re- 40""d .sear item IV, !. is • NN p-AvAI n arose as to, tin pr'sLiepm Linn would arise men tlie- adjolmdba sterns were eonstmotsd- Shay would. want to adrertlse and at -t�as� stases wars ollorid a SUP. Of t6U.disa,-it,wOuld. leave m tee the otbert stores . to asset sloes. •i1oo� Fitzgerald a»s10d test Item IV, F, tha.smlicatiom for a ff�h bn Stewms Creek boalturd, be granted. with tbs. �608"7� wars sm height and size. SocomdsA by 001001401OD.,r Fiolteh.. � A1N:b2 amsimsia10ere: Frolics, Vuspereld, Asepy, Lea=946- SWU loom: Nbns dosses= b ffiMagiaoer Looaid owed Saea�E lrLbwAwf°°sr ia+b- - A�s CamalYigimerm; Finlicb, ! Oaaisslemers: None lr .. an wait =s.. t t this application be dmled. intsonsld,,Leonard, Sam", Sal Alb Commissioners: Adam. Ssoder MOM= COMMM.- 5-0 - 2 ASWW. •Ceifidssiuner Fitzgerald recommended that the applicant get to- gather with t al rrrome matawhereby aMW could advertise along with their signs. Ntr. JohnsLo , of Ray-Lite 7eon, represented the applicant. hfe asked if it would be possible for OENCO to erect a temporary Sign, and to pat it in writing that when the other stores are constructed that they would either coordinate their signs with the GMW sign or the GNIOD sign would be taken down altogether. The feeling being that s-eil much time as the balance of the shopping center vas de- vejoped, people Sr)—,-.g south on ahatamy 9 would not be aware of the a NM store. Chsizinn Sea.. stated that if Mr. Johnston coald sate such ar- r ngmmenta with t_w other store o0aaer5, that It would be agreeable to the Commission for him to come back and present to the Commission the sign proposed far LSbway 9. All in fs.or. G. /M17M AAFJM: Application 20 -V-62 for a Variance to the Sign Ordinance to allow an addition of 416' x 6 10' to the existing 8160; southreat corner of East Metates and Stevens Credo boulevard. Continued. (Se- cond Variance on same sign). So Chair moved that this variance be granted with the co dl- tion that the addition be removed if the store should change their scnmdmv* of being open 24 hours. Seconded by Comedealamer.UQ ard- ATIM: Commissioners: Fralich, Fitzgerald, Leonard, Amp, 910611 NOM Comissicners: lone A0100ft timedasloners: Adaao, 307der 10'17ot:aAMM• 5-0 - 2 AV=f L VAUM S. BO'JM: Application 53 -Z-62 to rezone all of lo'. 10 and part of lot 11, fop of fonts Vista (northeast corner of b]aney t Stevens Creek 3o1016vard). �fYftmm A -3-fi to C -1 -N. sae Permit also sought for yes station. First Nssring;. Fb. tkllt Butler represented himself, 130 Ridgeway road, Wood- side, CaWornfa, We stated thus this is a m:ho. oil cow that wisam go-p" a station on this pgoperty• Rat the station *111 be of tab OSSOMst quality. lie s1Cp rtat4d that they wiahsd to ecmt~t a ago" A the balance of the .9a1fr nmy. 7 - ___ - -_ - elk" i°..^.".'• T.-. fi.° TnLT .'^...........- ..-�- .+..'�:. ,)vFg+w �..� ^lS � Chaii'an °v11 aeMed zi thara Mae a►�4! 3p the aodi_eooe, mho? ., end to convent. There ogee no cue. Qsmoiseios:er lroli. -h 10 that the first hearins be closed. 8eemdsd by Commissioner a i 14 - Cmaimionsmi Vitsgereld, "Olich, Leonard, BMW, 9asi1 S I neNo i : AOtae, thuder /� y - g N� � 4� at* '& t .. WL goo 6400ow- 0340 City i M lb in this i1�Et F'dii to aNtin66 hd NlMall amend !ne d♦etll at tm O lq�l�llls - �r com imsrrss: Nnbm Id, 1Abo"s'alpl, Smell Commissioners: Adsmm', SaTder NOIDOII cAlaW: 5-0 - 2 ABB Chairman Small asked the City Clark to notify tta spflioant that he had fire dais in which to appeal to the City Council. It J. CUp== gam: Application 17-U -& for a Use Permit for a nom storage building and the remodeling of existing sales building, 10431 N. ffi9hw3y 9. Chairman Small read a latter from the applicant Odch stated what they intended to do. The +applicant was represented by Mr. Item Vensks. Ne displayed the plans that indicated how the nursery would be remodeled. The Commission agreed that the Cupertim Nursery has always has an asset to the City of Cupertino and that they have always cooperated with the City. Commissioner Leonard moved that the use permit be granted. Seconded b�i Commissioner RaWy- ABS: Commissioners: pitzgerald, Prolich, Leonard, PamPY, Small xM: Commissioners: lone Ali': Commissioners: Adaao, Sander N MCW CATMM: 5-0 - 2 ABMW �, r':- A. C --2 OBE: No wort to be done on this ordinance at this tire. • D. KMCWIAlAd03 V1. MW VJSIMM: A. MSCBLtA»S: A letter received from Nor. Thomas 9. R"dy, which he requested be I after 10 P.N. TNa letter asked that some provision be considered by the Commissioy to alleviate a situation on the saw Craperty he waa in the process of purehmsing. TNe property was located oa Aegssrt and Ludy Ieae. "as property is hilly, which preserhill- s problem -since the city ban no ordinance governing hill- aide Was City Begineer stated that he had recommended to the Council that they adopt an ordinance that the County had recently adopted an ELIU2&o Development, but not hinE had developed. CRAllose Small mwvad that t em matter be brought up at the jmit eaeting• SeeondW by COeaissioner NNW. ell in favor. r Leonard saved to adjourn the ssatdng at 11:50. A :. I:l kr A E�JJ. Chairman