CC 02-15-62AL 2-45U.) 3ARIITCOA- 30�lVltt• 141D _ _ �. "ca"WUMMV 10 1 �. ga�u load k 14 �s r �Y "�ti � �:� � ^�,�4•fr2' fi xewwL 3tart:?`lt +.:t, :for s. ad`lfeac . t ` Mac �3 gyt has .bagb'eausd to give aw ft I _ �isle-f;�t study y-i a Approved for' tae" saw'" s! yes, City'egr ammt an 6rdin� r. bas. a ffftd p. se agreement and 4rdinan.'e between slow am the City and the California hater Berdla Comparlr. Also, tha California liter 3errice CCP has a contrast with the PuJlie VUlitisn Commission of t $tote of California rerulrtn6 them to provide miter within their franchise arcs. The rater company has four a parti nlarr well at the inters OctlOnsOf �lfe load and �t1an Calabasas Creek. This application is now berors the City Council. _The Mayor stated that 80106 w.1lls neait y "0 _going out of bbyj Will Lster beaposted on the bulletin board. The map p tan .%:n -tted centric circles shoriug at 1000' intervals the location Of nearby_ wells, the proposed site being at the center. The goest!'u is going Council to decide is where California Water Service Company to get rater to serve the subdivision being built within the City of Cupertino. Councilman 3alch said that his concern is with the City Of Cupertino and that he is going to base his decision on the needs and Snteres:j of the City. He referred to the petition presented in opposition and named Tarevich, Pend, DeNapoll, Meyers, and Hadar, as pretty far away" from the subject alto. All the county wells have gone down and the wells in this area have gone down more than meat, fie said that no ore can definitely foretell what effect a well will have and it is "just luck on how you hit it' Two lister Vella, amt Craft well and One PaguAni well are the closest to the astoofconcerned hdlld be Vw greatecncern of the City. Milovina and Stepovi wes, said Nr. Saich, are fuseber away. The Mayor asked Councilman Balch to verily the fact that the Canty of Santa Clara once approved a well alto upon an application by the Monte Vista Wptter Works, now the cups; -tino Water �t ment,d and ctrtaln ranch ONOea, want to court against the use pt by the Canty. No asked Councilm►n Saich to coweent on this. Couwilman Smioh agreed that this was so, that he and seve:al other erchardista JT'' +!toot[ litigation to prevent the construction of a well by tho, Mate Vista Water Vorks, but the Court railing was in favor or LAs Montt Vista Water Works aed they were allowed to teor-me the prgftt and dIg the well. This well 18 now being used by tiro %. ty or Catpartlno. counoilman Salch said that the Council should eJonnettoutside ea sidsr the lmtsrosts of the City, bring In mind that it has no 44&10tam ear} oo oeer+n oves the property bsyond thi City limits.not -1- The Ymor referred to tae Lester map sn: listed the wells which l inside the City lisdto amd the wells 'which are olultside the City h !,s. and a�iAp�IM �yi a�Cbale nted r� t�IQ inai gt�il and thv B}1QA to boffi tentative tad final mpg, A t a� that in Citf is guarsateetng the utilities xhetu appsoval W. an acknowledged that the .City .. oaoaider ti5 mId'omrars In the arx and the effd. of the ,z z ties, or wells in t* .a4K, upon tba- .. , s. r QOvnoiSmrn sh ,sad1lt, lomneo both ' agreed twit iff} �we tbe_ LbaoYrJ:=�..�u�!� bs i�lto sbo�]d _ well a " ' othe �oJn of amsil be iM1dl: ': the cif , is 1pg , ap 24O ^7AaM lr+lis will have -to be .Ccwddered In Sidi- �itsi�fs He I be Built wits 60 *At`er supply. COald acs ndtbi�_ pith Issuing de pelt• Pluslly, wrangle with f *6&ra that can be-Voitedied in court if ie the appropriats';iolation. Councilmen peloai.referred to the mater plan adopted for the Cupertino hater Works, noting that he was against the plan. However St.haa been adopted and the plan shows Stelling Road to be the easterly limit of the Cupertino Water Department area, meaning that the Cupertino Water Department will not serve any area east of ,telling Road. Hurthermors, California Water Service Company has a contract in the form of a franchise with the City and the lublic Utilities Commission to provide water in certain areas of the City of Cupertino. The existence of a franchise and the adoption of the ordinance make it incmubent on the City to take the appropriate steps. If the City were to deny the application, he is inclined to feel that it would be a negation Cr the ordinance heretofore adopted. Suppose, said Comollman Peloal, that California Water Service Company, came to the City Council and said 4hat our proposed well at Fomeatead and Highway 9 will dry up their wells on Stell1re Road, some of which are ured 'w the City. He said that this would present an amusing situation for the City. The main consideration for the City Council he madntsinsd is that such water as my be produced by the subject well will be for the use of the residents of the City of Cupertino. Additionally he said that some consideration should be event that certain the affectedeadversely. water he mentioned ano device similar to the agreement between the City and Callfornaa Water Service Company whereby a standby emergency supply 13 established. If some type of working agreement could be arranged between the farmers and the public utility he would be satisfied, 1» said. With such emergency service in mind, he is in favor of a use permit since the franchise and the master plan of the water department so indicate. The llRjor pointed out Cat the city of Cupertino is not in a financial position to expand its own water department •to incIWO the adeole City. Councils" Palosi asked the City Attorney .,f there Ss not some 'implied covenant' or promise in the franehiN. The City Attorney sale that the franchise does not expressly give roia Water Service Company the powar to dig Wells but -uch =cations a.�a oontainad is the franchise. In addition, California Mrter 8s!,4oe oompany does have acontract wLth water adthin16s � Coaaelon which positiveU rsquI r tbeis franchise area. Cttamailman xlah ;agii ingaI counsel It the City could got Me My Attorney nanmmsl�al99rri ottid there Isialways a�poeaibilltthat as City omit be drawn ins 1: in this cane he thought only on ` � -s- A this 1s ffie only May thst the beef of sbule of =M101Pel P0"7 1 discretionary and a uRe permit can be attacked since it is pure therm la rrc inherent rlaht in any party to a use permit. Sw hlyor saki t&zt If the ercity council go s the Planning Camdrelon. Claltforsrla to to side of the the fseolein the City; the same is trare parties. In one sense, platers, irnolvlr� eoMmt action by private 3e said, if we desy the me permit appf�on, City might be the der out t 0.a gjr be joined as a part oc the action. eaue, the C1y OMM17MA Semen &%W that the City should not Mori7 about a 3M salt, bat shadd 4W go the merits of the dttatlon not on the faate or lsadld'.Aly. at wa►ttal litIV%lon. lhtt no eaame oeanidsasti°n should be toallfY 1lebld ei not be b 1st �eedlfL]i* d 1bs law = sad that this should Cal wow web a Oetllign is Rafe. gm Ogg, he said that they �M s0OM1fer � j,'�a of relief for faraMrs 'A so eNr�rOy Mill serve Mast of SON '4 NMI. ant tort tbs City "par tepagreemt _for emergency b0elllsd >dd. nth ss aruoss to her =te agreements _ water soppllass hs edA SL in a �r9stJe� 89 to letter Ibrksrcan not blitbrMa hater gum -*A@ Clomparp in s<mh tea. L's"spwtr owners can contract for such amerganoy esrvioe and be noted that at least .e of the rancherss,me O.adyg to statements suds dmr3ni the course of the he• ,settle the ages no. SmMver, he does not ace how the City can problea in the othe7 frma:hise areas and implement or enforOa aa;ee- aeits betum, private parties. Be said that the subject cdpf llsh utilities would probably help in any emergency, repeated that water to distressed racchers at minimum cost. repQB he did not see bow the City could help in drawing up an agr'eewo-:it between private parties. Councilman Beuetti said thadethecaoihelp both Service and has already eRpre with the City In the event efo6 nthe tis3 the c& Ufo- dawateServiceforemerg ecy water sanexa:Ple. Co•.mcilman Pelosi agreed, saying that he meant only that Councilmen have a duty to individuals, big and small. Councilman ,'erett said that such emergency agreeme.=tr s "Oulu nit be conditioned to the use persdt. COVAJc,lman Yrlosi agreed again, saying that his co Lentions are mainly for the recosd to acquaint the ; :'` "^ w4+r -s views and tha viers of the City Council. The Meyor concluded the discussiun by aQ _sing the CowiFhC that they have a serious doe! sion to wake cn the c� ':.g Mor day er The City &4incer, John E. Fleming, and the City Attorney, Sam J. Anderson, left ac this point - 9'3 2Z MpLoyZES, HW,?JTA1S7ATI0M: Councilman 3aich al =o left - 9:31 M. A generelrted Ai.r :cussi., +Orasw Uidihe the subjec,tof the meeti«g MV hospitaliw2ron p.._ y should be acieduled between the employees, the Coimcilcwn, and Tepresentatives of C. P. S. and Mutual Of New cork, the data to be a",anged between the varr.ous parties. The eeetirg me adjourned a: 10:17 7.M. A APPAO : �Ywre Rai w�^ Glick e. Lasaneo rr y or Tlaw"G -ini . R - i-