'amino, CalliorT�la
100 CALL: Councilmen Present: Benee1ti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich,
Councilmen Absent : None
Staff present . City manager, City Engineer
The Ibyor coamented, on the , mating item on the agenda, the Pollard
=ttiT, and suggeated that tbis.Ae put over until the of
4 15th. All of the Councilmen concurred.
TbA.iilar, then brle;l.7•outllned the Ditz -Crape tentative map
astoad the -City fa- bMet,•tbe Council. on.toh background of
.Ttt _ DFoDo
seb Got and the �t�tive asp that wet ,b0li submitted.
The City Engineer ssaf6dg&1 a tentative asp bad`beon submitted
go�.approved by the Cdty.of- CJXpertlnw in 1958' ,This Saes pap was sub -
,& t, to the Planning Coeliasiwl. The original sap had 124 was
tlbcnsand (7,000) foot lots. This was presented to the Planning Coa-
aiploa and Was_not soeeptabla. It waa requested tbo .tbe developer
-a14 tbo City Engineer get together and revise the MR, increasing the
a�pptt sizes. The City Engineer showed the Councilmen the revised map,
Jkbibit B-1, which the PiarAning Commission approved.
After some discussion, Councilman Pelosi moved that the map sub -
aitted by the City Engineer, marked Exhibit B-1, shoving 117 lots, be
accepted as recommended by the ?laming Commission, granting a variance
for a 56, street, and variances for ten jots that were nct in accor-
dance with the minimum recriircmenta of th- City Ordinance. Seconded
ty Councilman Saich.
AIM: Councilmen.: bene *_t1, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Laze:,,,-,)
ARYS: Councilmen: Nine
ABSENT?: Councilmen: Uon:e
The City Engineer then inforr -ed t!:e nci,ccii that he had recrAved
dedications of rights of way on Highway 9 fr,m John F. Torl and Minnie
It was moved on Coun53� en enecti, •ecorded by Councilman
AYES: Councilmen: Betettl, Jewett, Felosl, Saich, Lac:aneo
MAYS: Councilmen.: 11W.9
ABSENT: Councilmen: No-:a
A dedication for right -of -way for 44zhw3v 99 Adopted. frEapproval. eC ,)bv
eilman Jewett moved that P.esolution No. 5-49 bc
Councilman Benettl.
AYES: Councilmen: Be:netti, Jewett, Pelosi. Saich, Lazaneo
MAYS: Councilmen: None
ASSffiFi': Councilmen: None
M M'ION CA&UM: - 5 -0
Councilmen Jewett commented on Ms. M Cali'e cooperation with the
City on the dedication of his property. That he had only been con-
tacted twice regarding the dedication all! when Councilman Jewett spoke
t9 him the second time and discussed it with him, that Mr. Call said
he was very glad to assist the City in th'�zc improvements to the City.
Mayor Lazaneo read a letter from W. it. Field, valley First Nation-
al 8 nk. Mr. Field stated that due to a previous ceeaitment, he would
be unable to be present at the nv:t!rd Cr January 8th.
Mayor Lasanso asked City Engineer Fleming what was' needed along
We bent property for the Qighway 9 improvement. Tye City nnglneer
stated that no property world be needed for dedication, that the
- 1 -
off set of four feet of the -enter 11.-le to the west, makes it ann�ces-
sery for additional property on the east ale.
The Mayor asked Councilmn Saich and the CSty 'Afinh5or to meet at
tba City fingineer's off_ce on Tuesday. January 9th, at 30 A.F., to
Otnsak on other properties on Sighway ° when there say be a possibility
of acquirt!g de.:lcation-
Councilsin Jewett asked If Charles Dear had been contacted- The
ansaleP was yes, that he had been. Loule Pavfso, owtrr of Cupertino
Fintelwald s Deer contaoted by the County and also the City Manager has
dedication Mitt his. Mr. Paviso said that he *&a willing to
bat he wanted ties thing for the dedication, yell
be able,to aeatIn" with his garage busin!aa at this
Q, 'IM Moor stated th"� City Manager sbowld Daft a report on
�i haler Dapertae�tsan• il�e report to itle3nde financet; •
i� to the aonnow P t i n.�msinent and other matters peirtain-
City Musser o ated Wet be was now compiling data for this re-
Part. rinten9ent of
The Msyror read a latter from Prsck 0. Fea:ley, Sups
Cupertino krnion School District, regarding the walkway In R.vercreet.
"M City Ma sger stated that Mr. r-pley would have some Positive she
"Z regarding the Unimproved portion of the walkway from Creston
Drive to the -reek by lamaar9 23rd. In the mean.ime,
was instructed to get In touch wit," ':x school. official and review the
walkway and coon back with a recoamen'::Von.
Coancilssn Jewett ccmmented on ,h, oank de;losits, ctvt'. -.g thA
be had submitted a report to tl•- �o•u ;'- i derosits cf
Puris that would not .e use.; irmedlatel.y. P had
the valley FI:,st Nations: ink and t!+e 1-- 1iK of America. Beihatdlthat
both banks had stated that. they will pay ; -1/2¢
order to draw the =
3 -1/2% 1nteest, 1 °_:"sits rust remain for a period
of six meat`s. If drawn after 90 d tnterest will be 2 -1/2%.
drawn within 'o d-yt, no Interest .:_.: cz paid. Both banks have thts
Counc"wn Pelosi asked t` this was the favorable &ranee o: re-
turn for our investment, how want Cc '-'r cnt Dills. Coaunc ±:lama
Jewett stated that having goveirm-ent ..s we had to leave the :ncney
on deposit for mar= than a year and a: t::P present titw, the interest
rate was 'vest sljChtly ever 3%. 1:' = ^ - -•1 t et it did not "aspens with.
the interest rate that was Wing pail by the barks.
Councilman Jewett said we shoe: -'+rostt this ymeney now andttake if we
advantage of cx immediate earniarb t•�" brginnl7Ja :vuaay .lst. If we
we will be "rented for the whole ^,
wait, we wi'i lose all cf the mc;,"h .•f jeeuary aad this woull repre-
sent almost $200.00.
Counncilmn Pelosi stated that tTe C?'.y n:uoul3 have a letter =rove
the banks stating that they woul,; pay t'us amount cf Inteae;t. F'!y.:r
Lasaneo concurred with CM- Milman Pe'_ai :: statement.
Councilman Jewett stated, I hi a spent a great deel of tins getting
this Information for the Council e:K! I think it is unnecessary that NO
have to have a letter of guarantee Y_oc the banks. no can certriusy
go to the Dank aril place our money on ',WPChem anal when they to we will
we are going to get 3 -1/�, we
gat this amount of interest. mn Cou:' .- Ln'n!'- -nettl said, Ihe think tint =-
Cotarcila Jewett has something, 1 J
tion by letter from the bank.
.Councilman Jewett said that the link jf America had first stated
t¢at the amount of interest wo:all be 3.1;43 and later called his and
dnt4prest. app-.Oval irst Matloc.,al will pay the gene amount. pay 3-1%
It was moved by Countiiman Pelost t:-t the reeommendstlon of the
City Treaw=vr and 00001127611 in by the City Manager that$50,C00 from
the General FW4 and $25,000 from "'a Storm Drain Fund, be planed in
interest bearing deposits. And t:r2t each sum should be a sep+s. ate
security. Seconded by Councilman Beietti.
Aim: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo
1ATS: Councilmen: None -
Ar9P: councilmen: None
Coonsilssn Jewett asked what the status aspof the. ifis recommendation
tr m the City N♦Ployees regarding sand he had
Ntnepl' staLad that this bed been discussed by the esploy s� that
ant reserved anything from them. ndatio by Hanetti 15th. it was con-
.should be in with the reoonMmdation by Jemary
d that the City etployeea should be informed 25th they should have
h,*06on enotion in to tbs Ccmnail by the 38320127 15th meting.
Cameilmen Peloel asked about the Golf Coarse �t�• "at
ther0 has been some dissatisfaction with r if bo wished to answer Lthe rs
Zion. Tbs Mayor asked the City Meuega
4uestun. talked
sererahal Coeeasioons,,nnot ppaaa�ticullaarlyhareegarding annwcatiion,Gbutabout
road entry and other matters and Mr. llaeson reamed to be quite con-
Mayer *.azaneo a ated that he had talked to Hr. Bracker, owner of
the property regarding their feeling about the annexation and kbeep id
that Mr. Bracker's only concern was that they
their agricultu::•al zoning.
Councilman Benetti brought ip the matter of the in- Cat.❑ "Y water
lima that are now in tie: pianninj st-agP for the lmp*,rtaticn water
program. He said there vas a post;jbility that Cupertino cc,-.-.1d be left ve
it was very impoortanthth tasomennelbeepresentlat ty
athe CcunOOvate- that
Commission meetings to protect the City's future it, this :-er-1 important
Mayor Lazaneo asked Councilmen ^1::netti if it wo.;ld be possible
for him to attend the meetings. Ccuttctls3n Benetti being the r?ternate
On the Commission, and if the Maycr couid not be present, the olternate
would be there to act on matters that would effect cupertino.
The Mayor read a letter from the Cupertino cha ber of Cozamerce
requesting a new aerial map. The City Man age: was instructed to get
the cost of a new aerial map.
Councilman Pelosi moved that the letters read be received and
filal, seconded by Councilman S,1ic:t.
COu-ncilman Pelosi moved adjournment. Seconded by C�*,utcilman
Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 P.M.
NSck J. iezane:•
( I .
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