CC 01-02-62• 10321 So. SARATO3A- SUWr1VAIS RAID JAN 4 1962 AL 2 -4505 CITY OF CUPERTINO iuu- jLuwn OF THE FECiZ 1R KERTIM OF TIM CITY COUNCIL: January 2, 1962. PEACE: 10321 Sc. Saratoga,- _-w:nyvale Road 17lS 8:00 FM I SiLm To Ta n7AG II AOrt CA7b: (bnmoiLaa: Pe+aaant: Camollsun"�iavt: stair Presents Y Q pwom or to rums m : Benetti, Jewett, Paloei, Salch, Lazaneo City Manager, City Attorney. City Engineer aad City 'Cler`.c December 18, 1961 Korsd by tlmm ilgen Bmwttl that the minutes be approved az st*dtted. seceodad by Coasollan Jewett. AMS Osmwilaat: Denettl, Jewett, Felosl, Saich, T8z311e0 NRYS: C9tae12men: None AbA : Councilmen: *in* NMCK CAM: 5 -0 TV PUBLIC ITS: A. JACK .17`- ?4C*T: Applic.:0 n 44 -Z -fl to rezone 3.5 a2res from A -2:B -2 to ' -2 -A and -l: west e:ds o' v&�mtal:i Vicw- dtevena Creek Road, sort* of Mr.jta V1sta Schcol, north -,f A1: 1''c IT:,- Fscoawmended *7 P!wLarvt CJ=aisslon Re3oitt.an Tol-r4::v� KIP. In res7cnse to a Taestion L. t!:e "al.r, the City r.erk -Aid that no writtc. protest had `.�":% subte -ted. ::o oral pro. -em's were !trade at r" seclirg. Gem Yaa"n represe:tei V-se appllravt. The eeap wls posted which he rev ;edri, ldrntl t". nT :Se strevl.s i- _3-:d1n9 t:.2 inte:'n a: street patter•, surcouncing zone.::, etc. Fe mntlorer that the property was nrescntol to the :1+I bee-re In a Zif-erent appllcJ- tion, requas.l••v R-3 -9 a: ttat t1••. This Via Len deried. :ne applicant, vltb conacnt of tFa F,".ning Co!a- dasion,'c.s amended tre present a,-l:catlon so teat the cr+glral regaeat for C -1 -1: ha.Z1 become a xgae:•t for ::: -Y.. Accorl; :Z to thr map there are 9 F. -2 lots and :: R -1 lots. Novel by Ccunci,�aa . .::sic': tM t tte hearl:g be closed. Seconded by Co,.tnallman be::atti. AYES: Cour_!lsrn: Beretti, MAYS: : o un c l lae r.: 4=e ABSENT: .ouncilmen, Noce 47 -PION CA ?'-:TD: 5 -0 Je ++ett, F_loJl, Saich, Lazaneo Moved by Ccuncilman -ich that t::e C.lty Attorney be o:de:�:' t� d-sft an ordinance as per Flw=Ing Commission Resolut!Jn 8', .•_- raning the property in app: - cation 44 - ? -51_ and approvttg t`:c tentative sp for the R -2 -A an3 R -1 01str: eta. Sacenlz-J by Ccuncil- man Jewett. AYES: :3urcilmzn: Be. ^.ettl, Jewett, relosi, Saich. lazaneo NAYS: Cour:cilmen: done ASffiIT: C:uncllmen: None MOTION CAR4t EC: 5--C B_ CALIPOPSIA WATER SERVICE CO.: Ure F-rc:t applAcation 15-U -61 for a well, tank t_^d pur.ping .-acillties at the Intersection of Wolfe Road ar' Caiabazas C,-aek. Domed by Flanning Comnissior. " trnolution Sj. Appeal. The Mayor read a letter from Will W. Lester, Jr., aalc_rtiR ti-at the application be deferred to the next meeting co that he le able W present testimony before the City Fie stattd ttac due -i- to a ^previous comadtment he le wmble to attend the meeting on Jaauary 2. The vo or acknewlefted tre Prexmce cf Jcptha Wade, representing California Water Service Company. Mr. Wade distributed written material to the City Council describing the purpose of their application and the situation of the water utll- ty in and around the City of' Cupertino. 4te average daily demands were cited, as well as the number of customers and the saber of anticipated connectlors. Mr. Bade stated that the application gas first heard on November 27 by the Plarcting Ctmalsslon. ::t was continued to the imizt meeting to allow adjacent agricultural users to ezpcess an eptmion and at this .meting fins P2amin6 Cotaniasion voted for �yyqqq�llflsssssl. Mr. Made said that Callfornia Water Service Company has 4- 4tomers withln.tha city Units at the present ties. The M well owned by Callfands hater Service Company inalde yeodmceaeonly�200 galio� � ..asap veddtto Drive am tirg. He stated that the company needs to develop water sip as in the immediate v2ofalt7 In order co meet its cosvlt- ments and the needs of the PA210 relative to health and welfare. No went on to say that he felt Utz Planning Comaisalon touk the wrong tack in hearing the application as the interrelatiorahip of property rights in the developwnt of the tmdezgrotari .cater supply has been preempted by courrs of competent jurlacicti.m. He said that he would like to sufgesi thist the Planning ::c:�sslon m.ght not have sufficiently eonsid =red the rlgl•ts of the uvban residents of tha City of Cuy_rtino as trll as the obligations of California ',:ate- Service Gzrparty to pre :i•te for the 3t2 =th, safety, and welfare of the public wlttln its frarchlsr ;.rca. :he errnaers of t`,e id_tcr Service `ate pe ^.laded ' :'Sr Si :ia; e/ee :.* .7 ln72d` RC t.: ch : ^ `. 'Y _ :is location on the azs; eacta L`�-- trey veil rut luee thi.: _r•+lstr -nt thrngh 11tig2LIon over direct Snterf.rerce with othsr a__. 1n this area. He astir.'. t'.e Council *: ::c Km:7:e the urcert ne,d tar user applies, r =;e_'aliv in ,dew C V:e fact thrt ether vac -sr so-ave3 :annot be ex; -, led mLil 1361-. 1:- zeferr_d to the : �-It !wt.., Ag6educt; lr -t�nt l,lar.z call : ,3r the delivery of %aL;r tz� tte hlpertino ar" in 49j °. i.- cc ^r..u3• i by ar. +13 :hr -t ::.e ay ^11ca- .Ion is cons: =tent with tte t.Lter-sts cf th- ccmrinity .:.d _ the agricuit_ :rl 1t::erasts a:! .tot pertinent. Yoved ty '1GPc1-tx r Je +et- 'hat in view of the left -r fr=n V. W. Lester .fwt t :.-1 c;' :_i^ reLz —,g be ra3trorz..i to : -n-ry 15. Seconded tp Cc-m<11nr. 3¢nottl. ,-Y,?...: Co:c:cilmer: MAYS: l: l.: =lm- -: p0ne ABSEWT: Co:r.;ilraen: hrre PMION CP.Y_R.T_'EZ: 5 -r1 V CP. 13"C S AND RZ30LUTI02i5 F_:. "4-PTT0 A. ORDIXANCE 196: Renewing and 37�terdirr 0tiinancc ;tc of the City of Cupertino Cc.1c. „ Iand Jree :-jr A -2 -L Districts For a rerlod of Cne Year, and i ^.'_.ariag r. ;•' t .� an =! 1ltereof. In re:;unse to a gnest1,,n, the C;ty Attorney advised *:at Ordinance 1b0 esyibrs ly Its cwn :Lz. r on January 16, ar-2 a continuation cf dl.a prrvislors and m�gulntions is nec ^.a7.r7. Ordinance 1,� truces tar. :.harges v?-atscc^cr in the exlst.'r3 r-,rala- tions for R -2 -ii and R-3-'H d ?.r` � - Lc.. m_. ay _ =•nCin• _ s :: r,tie regulations in force frr anx:t_.e: pear or tn_til repeAler byrthe massage of the proposed per-:weent ordinance. Ordinance 196 was . ,eal in f•.01. Moved by Councilmen ai.h tMt Orrllnance 196 be era�t_d. Secondud by Cowicilmn Jewett. AM: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Sateh, lazaneo am: Concilmen: Bone ABsM: Ccr=eilmen: None N MON CJ1F.lcIED: 5-0 B. ORDINANCE 197: Rezoning proper*y of Raaanelli b Davaras of Rodrigues Avenue First Reading. to PO-R; 1 sere south side Co:mdlean Benetti soloed that the Planning Cossdesion resolu- tion 83 be read and the petition opposing the.appllastLon also be iced In its entirety wdth the names of the 18 Awwtmt* ants and th tt both be entered ofllefalyl' into the City >!eebWiN4 planning Oo issUft dissolution 83 was read by the qty Clerk s -404 the 18-row petitteh o pONa to the ayMaaflan of lilef'sy a Sasps was read by the Nls�or. 'jb recalled. 0 The pgltl�tien had already been read and that foil consideration has I Veen given to Its contents. Ordinance 197 given first reading. Moved by Counoilsan -B etti that the aforementior_ed petition and planning Commission Rasolutinn 83 be made an official part of the proceedings in this application. Seconded by Councilman Jewett. AVM: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, reloai, Saich, Lazaneo ]KYS: Co,,tcilmen: Bone CBS : Ccuncilmen: lone MfMON CAKIM: 7-J C. ORDINA.'(CE 198: rezoning prolw.rty of Frank SherlwM (Mscxay a soaps) fro: A-2-.a-4 to R -'_, and appioving tentative rap, 8.4 ac:ti3 between Randy r_-d Blan°yt adjoining the north side of a projec`.10:1 of Merritt (File 43- 2 -6:). First reading giver: D. RESOI:rIOK 534: A 3- so3utiorn of the City of Cupertino EapressinS Its Gratitude to iiebiEy L. Hubbard for Sp--vices Rendered to the City as a Nemter of the Board of S•lperclsor: of the County of Santa Clara. Upon the reading of the resolution, it w+ta coved by Councilman Benettl that Vie resolutic. be adopted. Seconded by Councilmen Pelosl. AYES: Councilmen: Scnett!, Jewett, relosi, Saich, Iazaneo IL, IS, - _,y- cilceo: tone ABSErr: roar oilmen: Nose MDTION CARRIED: 5 -0 E. RESOZL'_ICN 535: Grant i[ig Variance to Cupertino irnpert'es nn lots 10, 13, 17, its, Tract 2 -O (Ap ?1 :caL ?.on 16 - : -blj Moved by Councilman. Jewett that ^ esolution 535 be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Benetti. AIM: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Relosi, Saich, Lezanao NAYS: Counncilmen: Here Alf: councilmen: Ncne NDEM CARRIED: 5-0 F. RESOLWICN 536: Granting VArirnice to Cupertino grope ties on lots 200, 2202, M. Tract 2660. (Applicatlon 17 -V-61) , Moved by Councilman Jewett ti-at resolution 5? be adopted. 8eeonded by Councilman Benetti. AMM: Councilmen: Benetti, Jew.:tt, Pelozi, belch, Iazaneo NITS: Councilmen: worse AN MOT: Oo>mellnsm: Vane 11)2 I CARRIED: 5-C R PRY= BII.iS: A. Resolutions 532 and 533. Move! by Councilmen Hen- that Resolution 532 be adopted. Seconded by Councilmen Salch. ATM: Councilmen: Bgnstti, Jewett, pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None &BMW: Councilmen: None SMON CARRIED: 5-0 loved by Oouocilam Saich that Resolution 533 be adopted. Sesonded by Counoibasn Ph2081. y, Csunolleen: Baeltti, Jewett, pelosi, Saich, Lazaneo Councilmen: NOW # M : Councilmen, None NDtTON CARRIED: 5-0 tII PAOPBSTS AND MRITTEW CQiffMCATIONS: (1) Air Pollution Control District: (2) Bel -Air outdoor Products, J. T. Martin: Letter asl:eng the 0Duncil to reconsider its vc:te of the previous 3eeting sending the application back to the H Control Committee. The letter states th;A the drawing submitted is representative of the project and that Mr. Coffman was in error wh =r, Hue stated otherwise. C.ounc::lman Felosi said that he is on the H Control Co,¢mitt -e_ and his recollect -on is that the applicant d'.d state ti,.? ?- a:r._t- vas out of prospective. The contlnuatton of the sidewalk is another factor that is unclear. Mr. Pelosl recorzn ndea tt:.2t the application be put on the agenda of J2nuary 15. The City Manager re=iinded text the applicant ^ao rre:•icuc•i) said to tculd scow t-ae p3Lrr. ^.6 on the plot pya The C._ty Coon: _.1 requested :hat the plot plan scccmpany the application for January 15. (3) State of C:alifonia: Balletin on fall out shelters. Referred to the C <vil Defense Director. Moved by Co,mcllnar± Benetti that the comarmications be received a:si file:!. recorded by Councilman °elosi. AYES: Councilmen: B- anetti, Jewett, Pelosi, yaich, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: lone ABSENP: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 V. REPORT G? C?FICHRS AND COMMISSIONERS: A. Report of City Treasurer: No further report. B. Report of City HngSneer: (1) The City Ek;lzxer has h' ^.eived a letter f_ -3m the Division of Righwa7s r3121 c attention to an overlap between thY city bow:dary lines of Capertdno utd We Altos. The area in question was included in Homestead 4 -C anne_tatioa riled with the Secretary of State on April 29, 1951. Ordinance 33 by which th- City annexed the terric�ry in Ho.stead 4 -C, was enact;-4. March li:, 1957, and was filed b; Uw Secretary of State on April 29, 1957. 30 days must elapse between the passage of an ordinance and its effective dat -i. After that t;irc, !: w y t< sett to Sacramonto for f131rg. Los Altos annwmtl -.:n Si:avens Creek #2 also di:cluded the south one -half of Homestead fw+ad between Calbazaa Creek and Ales SP RR (Simla Jlmetice). Lon Altos atnesation Has filed with Was Secretary of State m December 13. 1956. The City Engineer 2•aa Wayared a legal demarIpUen for the area in gnertton. �,:. :.i.- ms's :.: •-0- Councilman Salch said that Cupe"rtiruoIs anneua -tion was supposed to be to the south side of the rose not the middle of tl.e road. He Bald that Ivan Meyerholz had drawn the MV for the amriAtion. Moved by Councilmen Jewett that the City Manager and City Attorney be authorized to check out the anne6ition and negotiate with '.he City Of Loa Altos., Seconded by Councilmen Salch. AYBS: Comuilmes: Smietti, Jewett, Pelosl, Saich, Lazaneo MAYS: 0=6611mmo Dose AH.SO01 . Cshmailmm: Mona 11MOK CAIi ! T _ E (2) 'my +Cl Us submitted a cross mectloe of the silaas affbated if bWOOM in ttie >?eighubos'rMtdd of gighsq 9 and :8tWhm �i7ARrt fbalevard. no Mayor asked Q%�4Yt� imager if Cali t .abet he had am Rodrigues had been notifaedl The City Manage been instructed only to notify Cau, whioh he did. Moved by Camsi]imgff J006ft that the consideration of High- way 9 parting "be de-Seized to the January 15 'meeting and teat Messrs. Cali, Field and Rodrigues be notj Seconded by well llSnas any other affected parcels on R:ighway 9• Benetti. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, Pelosi, Salch, Lazaneo NAYS: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: !lone NOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 (3) The City Engineer presented a dedication of real pro;.e :"'Y for roadway purposes from Nick, Rits, Joseph and virglzla it rdesi}�!. This property is located on the east side of 1{ighway S opporite the City Hall. 11ove3 by Ccuncilman Salch that Resolution 537 be adopte_' accepting dedicatior of real P-OpertY from Nick Mardesich et al for roadway purposes. Seconded by Councilman Jewett. AYES: Councilmen: 3-netti, J -Nett: R:1nei, Salch, lazaneo NAYS: Council-ran: :lone ABSENT: Councilmen: None MOTION CARRIED: 5-0 Report of City Attc7T.e7: The City Attorney stFted that the case of the City of Cupertino v. Pollard is being set for trial and will Pxriably be on the court calendar for September. T:e necessary additional depos_t has been made with the County Clerk in accordance with the request of the Court. The City Attorney referred to the letter from the defendants' counsel dated December 28. D. Report of Planning Commission: 1. See Planuuing Commission minutes of December 28, 1961. 2. planning Commission recosmenda Ordinance 89 remain "so iz ". 3. Mr. Crane, representing the application of Ditz -Crane posted a sap of the application acted upon by the Plasmas Commission on December 28, 1961. P.t that time the Planning Commission recommended approval of the tentative rep marked RYhibit "B" on the eonditior that the npp11 ^ant1s engineer submit. if possible, a revision Of ;1=bi.t "B" of not less Umn 115 lot:: cut to replace as many 7,000' lots as possible, with 7125 en. ft. lots or lamer lots. A second "condition' maintaired that the Comelsaion hereby gees on recciw as being opposed in principle to variance In such large volume and only acts in this case becnuuse of the baekgrotmd and possible moral Obligation of Us City which can best be analysed by the Council. -5- Hr. Crane aid that he has worked the e apthe s u to straee e t th majority of tba lots 7125 s9• ft or pattern. Tpe aver&®& lot size is 7900 8(1- ft.and the entire smap has been dmn to came up +dth a SinlUm of 7125 eq. ft. The Mayor asked the City b+gineer to review the map. Mr. Fleming did this with r*rerence to the surrounding streets, the location of Idlevilds the alignment of Aegoart Creek channel, etc. He reviewed the naigbborhood plan for the area explaindn:g that the original sap Me I in 1958 with, the fact in mind that recurrent f]AodI*i sated the Blaney Avemle area. In order to alleviate the f200d eooditlons In that quadrant of the City It was necesg&W to swdign the old cWM2 of P40art Creek. The right-0r wq M" to do this and the Honsseau (ldlewild) and Workow 7 rg&ly deft,, �visicns were en- -Wy through approval of to j , ,- lt. in a>�@s� ' � asp now before the City poumoil has gets ti rith the City ordinance in the amount of appaow3matgy i�- them are 8 lots with less sgmrre footage than req�rjd.ft_Gttt ordinance. Counci`3maa 9aieh' suSC sted that 1by Larsen, on the east 516e of to the psoposed subdivision be approached along with another 20t; 1a the immediate vlAinity so as to install the standard at time tit Idtvlewild a one was built. He suggested that these improvements be completed at this time along with the Ditz -Crane subdivision across the street. The Mayor said that this crate posribly is a good idea but did not feel that this consideration should affect the map befcrz� them. Councilman Ssich SIZaested that the City Manager contract t:se nearby owners and the tentative map be carried over to the n^xt meeting. Councilman Renettl ^_onc ::rm: ttat t:ie a; rlicatior. should 1 v put over to January 15. The tbavor said that the nap -onforms basically to City ordinancea,that there are va ^tancea �n only 8 lets invclviq, a matter of only a :ew feet. He advised action or the tentative map tonight. Councilman ?. ?notti raid he would lice to review the maps and the proceedings of the Planning Corsmissien until Jan.ary 15. The City Attorney r'fer -ed to Ordinance 117, Seet:.cn 3.5 and 3.6. Councilman Henetti said he d;d not care what the statute said; it is still a fact that there are 5 -A-lees of ninu. :es to review from December 28, and that he does not choose to rote cn the map tonight. Councilmen Pelosi said that he has to co!:cur w±th Cnunr.ila -Ln Henetti and he would like to review the entire proceedings dstirg back to the original application. The Mayor said that he sees no necessity to dig LP lnfcma- tlon that took place In 1958 since the map before Lh•:r sneaks for itself and it is not necessary to consider what may or may not have happened a couple of years ago. He proposed the nap be put over until January 8, at which time an adjourned regular rseet :-,P, will be held. Councilman Falosi asked that the administration get the Snforatlon for the Coen^dl. Mr. Crane said that he Me s :t:mitted a map which they feel complies with the regulatiom and ordinances of the City with the exception of a few adnor variances. be said he is not asking for tentative map. He d i Of original sald thst the City Ordinance provides for enta -j. elm M sdnlm lot size of 75M sq. ft less 5% for curvilinear streets. The reduction brings the minimum lot down to 7125 sq. ft. He repeated that there are only 8 lots out of 117 which are less than 7125 sq. ft. The Mayor reiterated that he is concerned with the map before the City council at rs this whi h,has riot bsomething which ace ened ato couple of yea ago the ordinances of the City. Councilman Jewett agreed that he could sea no reason to go back to the ftitmn application. However he concurred that the plarmIng amolssion hearing was held very reotntly, on Decedher 28, and that the Oomcil should have sdditionai time to review the application. Moved'D Cbwkoilaan Jewett that the tentative trap application of Udtn -Crane be postponed to January 8, 1962• Seconded L•y Councilmen Hensttl. AYES: 0ov nellmen: Bennatti, Jewett, pelosi, =ch, Lazaneo NAYS: 0ou1Imen: None ABSEW11 C0OM2200 n: None NOTION CARRIED:: 5 -0 B. Report of City :Tanager: (1) The State has asked for modification of Resolution 506 so that the figure $7,500.00 T•econes $7,60r,.00 and $30,000,00 becomes :30,320.00. It was decided to n•inber the Resolution 505 (Reviced). Moved by Councilmen Saich that Resolution 506 (Re,iz -ae.i) be adopted. Secorded by Councilman Jewett. AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Jewett, P:losi, Stich, :lzaneo NAYS: Cowncilmien: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Non- NOTION CARRIED: 5 -0 (2) The City of Sunnyvale has adopted a resolution OP;3s5ng the proposed increase in the tam rate of the Air Pollution District primarily on the basis that the said District 'us nit Indicated any justification for sip h an increase. The Kayor referred the natter to the e.gcnd+_ of January 15. (3) The City of CupF ^tiro h9zi a copy of a letter frz=l the Planning DJrector of the C;ty of Sunnyvale to the Superintendent of the Cupertino Union. School District, Granting approve. of the school's request for a school site and additional acreage to be added to the adjacent high school site so uLn of Homestcai, east of Wright. The Mayor asked the City Manager to inquire atoc :t th -. S%at•as of Mary Avenue and the planned improvements to Homew:2ad &tai. (4) The City Manager referred to the Decemher lq letter Crum the attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollard, 10420 Ta Cresta Drive, Los Altos. They are defendants in the condem cation actin by the City in its acquisition of an easement for a water pipe along the rear of the Pollard property, Lot 132, Creston Unit i"S• Further discussion, including the adjacent school walkway, was scheduled for January 8, 1962 at 7:30 FM- IX UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Water Commission The Mayor said that the next meeting of the Water Comadsalon will be January 3, and he and tll City Manager will attend and will furnish the Council with a report. -7- B, Miscellaneous: The Mayor asked the statue of the traffic signals scheduled for Miller and Stevens Creek Boulevard and Blaney and Steven Creek Boulevard. The city Manager said that he has been in touch with the contractor and that the work will be started in the month of January. x ffiI8031�SS: A. Nlseellalnaoua None R .OPAL C0M=Q{gTI=z None III ANDUMIMM Meeting adjourned at 9:40 VM to January 8, 1962 at 7.30 PM. ATTEST: 'City Clezic -- 20 A: PRUIM' 1LCck J. iazanco &Iyor,Zity oar �upertin.