CC 11-24-70 .. . CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California Telephone: 2S2-4S0S . MINUTES OF T1I£ ADJOURNED REGULAR I1EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER 2/" 1970 IN T1I£ CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mayor Stokes convened the meet ing at 7: 30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. !to 11 Ca 11 Councilmen in attendance: Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel and ~avor Stokes. Also in attendance: Acting City Manager and City Clerk Ryder. R..solutions No. 2088: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and From the Funds as Herein- after Described for General and ~isccllar.eous Ex- penditures. " Councilman fitzgcrald introduced Rcsolution No. 2088. It was moved bv Councilma~ ~cel. seconded by Councilman Frolich that Resolution ~o. 2088 be adopleà. Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel, ~aycr Stokes Noes: :\one Absent: :\onc Mr. Ryder inquired of the Council as to their feelinRs on the annexatiofi of the Corporation Yard to the Cupertino Sanitary District. He explain~ that the currcnt budget contains provision for the construction of wa~h room and ¡.Jcker facilities for employees working out of the CorpGratlon Yard. In that the present facilities are serviced only by a small s~pti tank a prerequisite to this construction is the tying into a sanitary sewer. Mr. Ryder prescnted cost figures from the Sanitary District indicatin~ that it had waived the annexation charges because the parcel alwavs had been under the jurisdiction of the City and that the frontage fee was reduced to one-half due to the distance of the property from Marv Avenue Total connection fees would be $1,044.23 and the total lateral costs $673.00. It vas moved by Councilman Fitzgerald, seconded by Councilman Green that authorization bc granted for the annexation of the Corporation Yard to the Cupertino Sanitary District. Ayes: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel, Mayor Stokes lloe s : None Absent: None ftl" 'Otl CC-72 roll call Rcs. :096 Adopte¿ annexation of Corrorati')f\ Yard t'O Cuper:~~C' Sanitar'." District cost figures annexation approved '''' 2 r.....t for 1.... of !loDe. Vista Park requesc for less. postponed personnel session ,,¿jcurr.r:enC . . IUDlt.. of the Mj__eS City Council Keeting Mo,,_ber 24. 1970 CC-72 111'. It)'der tJteD ~.. -_ to tbe 'Council a propoul fr_ Hr. Herbert le¡aart requ.s~DI per8is.ion to l.a.. the Honta Vista 'ark .it. for the CO"'TC1al ~ of flovers for a period of on. year. In return for tbis ,.~sioQ be propo.ed to rl!l.lOve tbe trees, perfora all grading n.c....r, to complet.ly clear the five~.cr. .it. and to post a $250.00 ~ to guarant.e tbe clearinl of the property aft.r the grov1na ...-. During tbe ensulna di.cussion of tbis proposal it va. brouglrt out that there wa. . po..ibility that better leasing arrangements couleS be made directly with tbe Flower Grovers if the Council wa. loinl to enter into .UY such agreement at all. The question va. poscponed to tbe next meeting to p.rait further inquiries to be .-d.. It was moved by Councilman ~oel, .econded by Councilman Fitzgerald that the Council adjourn to a personnel session which vas so declar- ed b)' ~layor Stokes at 7 :42 P.M., The ceeting was reconvened at 9:23 P,M. by ~~yor Stokes who then a¿journed it to 8:00 P.M. Monday, Novecber 30, 1970 in the Council Cha~ber of the City Hall. APPROVED: Is/ Gar~ G. ~tn~.Q Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: Is/ ~m. E. Ryder City Clerk