November 8, 196714
103.Q<0_ Torre Avenue- ; Cupertino, California 95014 Phone 252-4-50.5
C aliforni.a.
TIME':. 8": 00:':P aM e..
PLACE :-.; Council.... Chamb_er°;, City N6,119 1.030.0' Bbr:r!e. A.,e:nue 9;;; Gupert i�o:
C.omm•,o.,. present>;_: Hatch-,.: Kaausmeyer��9, Irwin
Comm..:.. abis,ent Aguilar 9.,: Kow !t .
Staff pr.:ese:nt _ Chief. Building Inspyactam, Bull':. Benev ch
R'ecor.d ng Sec:retary,, Sylvia. Hinrichs:. .
A Written - There were none-
B.- Verbal.
l:a Mr, Bob: Wo_rster of" Varian Industri_as, was_ px:es:ent in. r:espons;.e; to::: a:
request: from th:e:..B. it:ding_;Deprartment,regar..ding pr:ojo, t'J_ons on. the::
roof of their" b;uil.dzng.o The Chief :1.tild ng, Inspector :noted that>::
the original plans. did., not: show these: O;ne of'. the
aon.dit ons f.or approval of: th&r applicat on spueait ed. that` no..
appurtenances would', be located.:o-n the_ " roof _ which would be_visibl.e:.
from a.publi-c. roadway, o The parapets: are now,; in_p1bmev on the. build-
ing and; the: appurt:enances: are visible from: th.e: street:::
The architect, Mre Bill Watson:,, showed °saides: of.- the b'ui.ld ng and.
to.cations of. the:: equipment hoias:e.d on the,. roofo.He explained; that
these uni.ts:-hoes-e two., fan:s-, furnaces. and. the air cond t.ionIng..un .t
which are organized: in a. pattern. behind-: the�,:parap:et., ib
8; ft high. at- one end: of the building. and: 7° ft e . high at. the other
end- He pointed. out- that::. most: of' the. unmet"s: ar.e., hidden:. from view.-
however,. he admitted they could be• visible 'rom. t ..e Vallco. Pt,rk:.
office: building;; which: is- s: tuated" on a: knoll. higher., than. they:
Varian. building
:gheharchitect. for pres:ent ngThe Chief: Bu ldin:crk.,
ld,.pt that. these, units: are sailh. visiblethe s
fr°om Wolfe Road and: Homestead.: Road ` and: s:;ometY ng :should. b�e d`one :to
conceal. th em.;. perhaps:, a fence in front o:f each . unit would: be a::.
solution e
Arch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
Comm. Klausmeyer commented that it appears we have an 8' air
conditioning unit installed behind a 7' parapet. Chairman
Irwin remarked that the units were now in place and cannot be
easily removed, which leaves two alternatives. One would be
to paint the parapet a matching color to camouflage the units,
or, secondly, to install a fence above the parapet to screen
these units. He wondered how the building plans had pro-
gressed this far without the Committee being aware of this
situation. The Chief Building Inspector answered that when
the Committee approved the plans, the appurtenances did not
show on the drawings; they are now installed and are visible
so he wanted to bring this fact to the attention of the
Mr. Watson assured the Committee the sketches shown tonight
are the same as shown in the original detailed drawings, ex-
cept that these displayed drawings are sharper because they
are colored. Looking at the buildings from ground level, he
said, these units are not visible.
Chairman Irwin commented that perhaps a reasonable solution
at this point would be to allow the building to go to its com-
pletion and then camouflage these units in some manner to
conceal them from view of the public roadway. The Chief
Building Inspector pointed out that the appurtenances and the
parapet are already in place and visible from the street; it
is not necessary to wait until the building is completed to
notice this. Comm. Klausmeyer stated that the fact these
units are visible above the parapet, whether they are painted
or fenced to camouflage them, poses a question whether we
are going to relax one of the conditions imposed on this appli-
cation. Chairman Irwin contended that it would depend on the
total picture; perhaps a paint scheme would solve the situation
to mask the appurtenances in a satisfactory manner. The Chief
Building Inspector asked at what point are we going to make
this decision. If the appurtenances are not concealed with this
paint scheme and the Committee finds them objectionable when
the building is completed, then we will have to enter into
negotiations with Varian. He added that Varian is in violation
of the conditions imposed on them; the Committee should uphold
this condition and insist that these appurtenances be concealed
from the public roadway in one way or other. Comm. Klausmeyer
pointed out that this Committee is discussing something that
should go back to Varian decision on how to conceal these units.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Chrm. Irwin, that Architectural
& Site Control Committee advise Varian to submit a plan whereby
the roof appurtenances will be screened from view of the public
roadway; final approval to be contingent upon acceptance by the
Chief Building Inspector
Motion carried, 3-0
Arch.,... & Site_. Gont-r.ol.-Minutes ., 11/8/67
---------------------------------------------------------------------- — -------------
2. The- Building InsTecto-r introduced.Mr. Pat- Williams�, who
present by request of the City Council to the.-I.Arch- &
SiteCommittee how he planned toscreen the U-Haul-,trailer.s
in the, rear.: of' the Mobil. Oil, station_ on,Stevens-. Creek.. Blvd..,
and Wolfe: Road..
Chairman. Irwin.. recapped the City. Council; proczedinga: on. this -.-
matter%. The Chief Building Inspector,explalhed. that,.. Mr..,
Williams. hasintalled a solid board. fence.: at, the rearof, the,
property9. whereas the, City Council," & in -tent. on housing thel:
trailers was to enclose them on three: side Mr-:..., Williams-- said.�
it was a misunderstanding on his part the Council' a re.que;st..
so hewas here.: tonight to pres-ent, new. plans-..
Mr-. Williams: explained that,
he c.ould. not. build. the.. fence: to, the
building- it:s'elf since, he.. was leas.i.nR,frpin,.. Mobil Oil. and`- they
'low would not- al him to attach it to the. buiI-,dtng-.. Als--o�,, the:.
alleyway behind-, the service station is.used. by trucks: del- v`-er-m-
ing gas:, . and if thisarea. is f enaed�. it -,'will.. restrict thes-e;:,
gasioline trucks from: driving net He: had, a. plan. however.,,, tio
cons-truct a fence that could. be moved. when. the. gas:, trucks,.
drive-, in, and. hoped this:. would solve the: situation..,
The Chief, Building Inspector thatthe City Council'..
required' that Mr.. Williams install a three- sa.ded'. fence:, but.
they did not. specify it: hadto, �be: constructed to the. building?
itself.. Building a:fence with"wing.;3-,,,?? toward..the.. building
would still screen the trailers and yet allow the gasolixie.
trucks. access: to. the:: rear.- of the, prop-erty-.. He.. felt the. Cbunc:il.
would approv& thii.
Comm,.. Klausmeyer suggested- that Mr. Williams- prepare his-, plans
for the moveable. type- fenc7eand submit- them to. this:. Committee,:
for approval.. TheChief Building-,, pointed-_ out.. th.a t:
the City Council .. has . stipulated- that`Mr. Williams was--, to.: submit
plans, and. re-a-eive: approval.: by thi a Gommittee� t�onig-h.t,,, a--nd', t0,
appear before the Council. at their- next,. me.,eting, or., hlb- Us-..e--
Permit would be revoked. He added that the fence - Mr_Williams,:
proposed', which is, moveable:, might b,e:.a solution: for, screening:
the trailers from the street.
Moved: by Comm.. Klaus-meyer, seconded. by Comm- Fitch,, to re --commend
for approval t,o.. the City Council..,, Mr. Williams., plan,.. for.: a-,- three. -
aided moveable. type fence aons.t.ruct-.ed. of the.. s..amez-mat-eri as,
his existing fence, to. screen the U'Haill. trailers.. -I locatedat:
the, Mobil Oil service station. on: Stevens Creek.. Blvd-:..., anE-'.Wo_Ifb1- R-d,I_..I;I
AYES: Comm- Fitch., Klausmeyer,. Irwin.
NAYS : None
ABSENT: Comm_. Aguilar.,Kowitz
Motion carried.,: 3rO
Arch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
3. The Chief Building Inspector reported that the County is pro-
posing to build a fire station in the Monta Vista Area. This
is presently in County property. The application will be
heard by the County Arch. & Site Control Committee on Thursday;
however, because it does concern the City of Cupertino he had
asked Chief Fred Lurin of the Central Fire District to be
present tonight to tell this Committee what they propose to
Chief Lurin showed sketches and described the proposed fire
house as being located on 1/4 acre at Prada Vista and
Permanente Road. An existing 6-room house and garage were
purchased, which they propose to convert for their use. The
garage, 15 x 35, will be used to house the apparatus. The
fence in front will be removed and AC will be installed for
off-street parking purposes. The roof will be flat, and may
be 12' or 1216" in height, which is two to three feet higher
than the existing building. Some of the shrubs will have to
be removed because they obstruct the view, but they propose
to plant additional low type shrubbery. They have been
issued a Use Permit by the County Planning Commission and will
appear before the County Arch. & Site Control Committee the
following night.
The Chief Building Inspector explained that the City is in-
terested in the type of structure because this property may
eventually be annexed to the City of Cupertino, and it is
important that the Central Fire District meet City standards
and requirements in this proposed structure.
This application was given the number 312-HC-67, and a motion
made by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Klausmeyer, that it be
recommended for approval to the City Council, per prints of
front elevation and site plans submitted and the 10 standard
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Klausmeyer, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
Moved by Comm. Klausmeyer, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to approve the
Minutes of October 25, 1967, as submitted.
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Klausmeyer, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
-4- ;& Site Control Minut-es., .11/8/67
---------------------------------------------- -------
A. Application: 284-HC--67,, Int-ersfl., .1990.0 :'N. Tantau_-Ave_ _-_,requresting
Arch. & Site-A_pprovdl for the _iai�aslaap±mg .plan of m
the inters l
site at :1090,0 .N. TantauAvenua.
Mr. Walter Ward, Vallco --Park,., -.-present--_ea :revfaed aamaauape plans _-.far
, p.
Int-,,er.s.iI.Company, desi e.d b La.ur�-e.-n.c-.e�did�i�n.,.2an-.d-s--c-qpe -ar. a _,gn e, t..
Mr. Warld. exTlainea that :they _propoz..e :to :plant -five -t-_re--_-e-s .in -'the --front
-area,; tto.:,the ..left :the will --,construct -a berm --which 1xiJ.11 �::.b_e...l.anJds,,cI,. ppdd
-y q
mouth - --s presently ..,an - or dhrar'a
and zprinkllered. The area 0 the.S, t :�'
will . remain. so until . Vallao 'Park :area -expands.
Moved by :C.omm. Klaus-meyer, _s.ecoxfde.,a .by.. :Comm..`Fitth.; mecommend --t,,a -,',thre
City Council av.. ppro'al :of Application -2-84 HC _6T5 -for land calnxig plan
-per Plans :--submi-ttted.
AYES: Comm. :Fit-ch, Klausmeyer, Irsin
NAYS.;: None
ABSENT: Comm-, Aguilar, Kowitz
Motion car=,.e-d,, 3-0
-3.. .plization: 301-Hc--67, Otzen'ZIgn Berviza,
s _Gatos., ire.c que-sting.,:-Arch. & ZiteApp
roval �-:a:,,sd,--,,g.n at,
Milani Gleaner-s, .19705:Steyvens Creek Blvd:,
,Mr. A. W. Ferrin presented plans -of the -pT_qp.os-,e-.d,..s±gn. It - .will _-_I, -e
-patible with the other -signs in the -.area. .It will :be _set .oil 'the :r-..00f.
on top - of - 4 . x _-1211 and will - be -;exterma2l y: illuminatedTTh.e, ..Chief
'Building In - spectc:s r said the :sign :conforms vdth the. -.other ,.gn m -,-, -Jm-t.he
shopping center,
Moved :by Comm. KlausmeyeT,., :aeconded-b g 7 j n
y Comm. Fitch,
30.1-HC-617 be !r.e.c_o=en-deA to,.the -City. '.Goundil -iipdri tthe
plans - -submitted.
.,-AYES,: t6ihm:. _..F±t.1ch,,,, Klau.sme . yer . Irwin
HAYS: :None
-ABSENT: Comm.. Aguilar,-Kowitz
M-otlon -carri-ed, _3-D
C. Application: 304 HC-67, Cook &'Wilso.n,,. _2*5.-581 '.Elena ..Loz_Altas
:Hills -requesting & Site Approval -t�o..zonst-.ruct _,a..__I-.0 mat
apartment at the corner- of Alpine Drive.-.,�and:_Salem Ave-,., ._'La,I_.Crest,.
_i �`
Mr. John Wilson of Cook & Wilson ��submitted site .and :&Ievat'On. 7]Ams for
the prop.aaed building. He explained ..conforms -,-,-w±t.,h z.onzng an
the area;, and meiet:s with parking ..r..e-quir,.ements.*listed -_in -:the .'O-r,- nee._�
The building will be of the same -quality of --many -of
ingws in the area., and will be of an :attractive -de-aign.. :-,.,Th-.e _,garqges will
IArch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
be located underneath the terracing;they will have 25 spaces for
parking, well over the 20 required by the Ordinance. The materials
for the building will be of redwood siding, board and batten con-
struction combined with stucco, with shake roofs. The landscaping
will be as described in the plans and plans will be submitted at a
later date, prior to final approval.
Mrs. Thornton Craig of 22392 Salem Avenue, a resident of that area,
asked if this building will be constructed on one lot. Mr. Wilson
answered that it will be built on two lots. Mrs. Craig then stated she
understood these two lots were restricted to only 4 or 5 units. The
Chief Building Inspector pointed out that Cook and Wilson have combined
two lots to build this size unit; this is an R-3 zone and the building
will cover 40% of the lot, so there is no problem here.
Mr. Wilson went on to say that the building will consist of two
3-bedroom units of 1474 sq. ft. and eight 2-bedroom units in excess
of 1000 sq. ft. each. The outside lights will be low mushroom type
lights, plus lights in the parking area and swimming pool. There
will be no signs on the building.
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Klausmeyer, to recommend to
the City Council, approval of application 304-HC-67, per the plans
submitted and the 10 standard conditions, and the Planning Department
application check list, and landscaping plans to be submitted at a
later date, prior to final approval of the building.
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Klausmeyer, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
Irwin called for a recess at 9:25. Meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m.
D. Application: 305-HC-67, Brite Lite Neon, 820 Park Ave. San Jose,
requesting Arch. & Site Approval to erect a 5' x 6' plastic sign
at Jakob Realty, 10051 E. Estates Dr.
Mr. Basher, representing Brite Lite Neon Sign Co., presented plans of
the proposed sign, which will be single -faced; white background with
red letters, off -turquoise border and will be internally lighted.
The Chief Building Inspector stated this sign will not be higher than
the parapet and the sign is in keeping with the rest of the signs in
the area.
Moved by Comm. Klausmeyer, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to recommend to the
City Council, approval of Application 305-HC-67, per the sketches and
pictures submitted.
Motion carried, 3-0
Arch. & Zite Control Minutes., 11/8/67
— ------ I ------------------------------
E. Application: 306-HC-67, Otsen Sign Service, 15500 Corinne"'Rrrive
Los Gatos, r-equesting Arch, & Site approval to erect a -71 RX 117
plastic pole sign, approximately one-half block.north of Stevens
.Creek Blvd.,:on -Blaney Avenue.
The Chief Building Inspector announced that:according -to a :T-.,ep.ort :from
the Planning Department, this sign does not -c.omply:wddth,a oppa s i , h - mg ,�-.e r
iJ c, nt-e
sign, -according to the :new Sign Ordinance..; --a-11's-o I the total :slgn,,
which is 154 -sq. ft.., exceeds the Ordinanc.e.limit for -the ura-a.. -The
applicant has been :notifi-ed that he.must :appear !)--efore :the .Arch.. 4 _-Skte
C.ontr,ol Committee for an exception to the Ordinance, and -t.o:-submit plans
for a groundwsign. This necessitates -a - 21-.,day- waiting ,perladl, The
,application, therefore,,, ,.'is _ postponed until 'further noti.c-e..
Moved by Comm. Fitch., seconded ;by Comm. -Klausmeyer,l to postpone th�_2s
application-.unti.1 further moti:ce,
Motion carried, 3-0
F. Application: 30`7-7HQ_67, J. W. Loughlin, 10672 Deep Cli.ffe.-Driva.,
�requesting Arch. & Site Approval to :construct four 'triplexes�At
the corner of Riverside Drive and Stevens Canyon,Rd.
Mro Loughlin -submitted -plans of the propos.edbuildings,, :describing them
to be of rustic type, ;compatible to the other '' -homes in -the -area_ Th-ey
:-split 'level units,, dezi In
.gned so the rear of 'the.buil(il -g-s are :dlsb
attractive,. All the units will have Btandar'd garages .with -,do_-or;s.,,
than carports., with ::a �generous. -amount ,of . land-s-cupIng -t-o _ShLelf -the
ing areas. The structure-s will be:of .board -:and _batten., -.-with ,-,a.,doib_
nation of red -wood and ztucco,, exterior.
Mr.. Loughlin d ;be -1
,g in.said that t,o .avoid which n
by dire.cting. traffic from -the - pro,te.ct to Foothill 31v-d_,d
'Stevens ::Creek Blvd. they :have eliminated .-exits and < t-o 'these
two streets,. The Chief Building Inspector advised :the ':Committee --that
Mr. Loughlin is considering a common driveway -to ,.-.-s-,-e-r..v-e:th.e.s.-.e 'four
,triplex units, and :felt this should be recorded In the minutes to
:.alert the City Council to this situation..
_'.In -answer to Comm. Fitch's question whether :he proposed to -submit land:
-,soaping plans before final approval of the -building,, Mr. ..Loughlin ,said
--he would do so :if necessary. He proposes to landscape the front -area
,only.; night lights will be located at the driveways,, __low.,mushro-om -type
lights, which would lend themselves -to a res,i.dent,.ial.'r-.&th--.-er"-th--ali--an
type building. ?
iMoved by,Comma .Fitch seconded by Comm. Klausme yer,., to :.recommend o th.e
Council., approval of Application 307_.HC-67, subJect to:the TO. at:ari.d
and conditions; per site and elevation plans submitted, and per -land
,zc.ap_:ing and lighting -,Plans to be submitted at:a-lat-er :date, prior `to
final approval of the - building..
Motion carried, 3-0
Arch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
G. Application: 308-HC-67, Warner Wilson & Pauline Woodruff,
961 Regent, Los Altos, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to
construct a restaurant to be located at the Crossroads Center,
east side of the Cupertino Post Office.
Mr. Dennis Copsa, architect, presented plans of the proposed build-
ing. It will be of Colonial style construction, having 107' frontage
by 185' depth, and will seat 96 people. The exterior will be brick -
type block walls, and slate color shake roof. The air conditioning
units will be located behind the parapet, and will not be visible
from the roadway. There will be landscaping in the front area, and
plans will be submitted at a later date, together with plans for
outside lighting. The interior of the building will carry the same
theme of brick -type block and the color scheme will be red, white and
blue; flooring material will be of simulated brick (vinyl); ceiling
will be of redwood; fixtures will be of wrought -iron. The trash area
will be located in the rear, completely screened and enclosed with a
6 ft. fence. The front area will be used for parking.
Chairman Irwin commented that it appeared to be a very attractive
building, but questioned whether the total occupancy ratio was greater
than the parking space. The Chief Building Inspector pointed out that
the applicant has complied with the ordinance in parking ratio, with
four seats per parking space in addition to one parking space per
employee. He added that this restaurant will be located in a commercial
area and would not interfere with any residential areas in the way of
parking lot lights and other lighting; however, he must install ade-
quate lighting, and should include plans for on -site lighting before
final approval. In addition, a 6' berm or separation will be required
to separate the planting area and the parking area.
Moved by Comm. Klausmeyer, seconded by Comm. Fitch, to recommend to the
City Council, approval of application 308-HC-67, per plans submitted and
including the 10 standard conditions, and submittal of parking, lighting,
and landscaping plans at a later date, priot to final approval.
AYES: Comm. Fitch, Klausmeyer, Irwin
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar, Kowitz
Motion carried, 3-0
H. Application: 309-HC-67, Richard Kehrig, 963 Orchid Way, San Jose,
requesting Arch. & Site Approval to cons-,ruct a shopping center at
the corner of Blaney Ave. and Homestead Road.
Mr. Richard Kehrig presented site and elevation plans of the proposed
shopping center.
The Chief Building Inspector pointed out that the Planning Department
has reviewed this plan in the past few days and have found that this
Sit ;font bl :Minute-s.
Arch.. ll/ -8/
::area will b-e Lfronting :or abuttlqg ;an .- gr=u . 1-tural -mome-, :. rhlch -:will
nac--as's-itate .of the buildi:ngs t:o 'be .-locatie'd .feet back of sts,fro-
_.p.os__eu lio-c-ati-on.. 2h1s is --in -.a;c_cDrdanc-_e .,w-tth th:e zomim _o.T.dima-nc--e_,, -,w-.h`,_,L&h
St-tpuIates -that hare be a,-6 _Tt. ,'.bac-k
Mro '_,Kehri-,g -.Pgreed. -that the ---ad* J nJ n _amaa .is',_zon--ed. J.'o ._agr�eilt�ar1, but
there is -.a,.P-ffUli-c _u ,e.s _-f a.-c.i Tt�y m -:,�,hlc .'he
st-ood _,allows this -area o go to amy:type IMmi-mg- The add!aeer�t 4mo-
'S 'hidh 1: in _:Sunnyvale '3 id. 'L t
--y-e-Tty :-,,.,w s ,yvale Ai'stm, --c.t.) _�I- �.z-on-e,,d.7 n� he Am �Esiume 4,hd_-s
ne v -deve.lo d -s..-r-- id 'd -c(Dmme from -a w � e� a :rest-'entjAl-. Elie �_-as:ke. ..for'nt�s -1-r- m
_are. -J, :_never be v p,
the -on this Is.sue_
L ,Ch-,dirma-n,.1r-w_in -commented that �is :.,at ---a , Aiz.-,.aAxmmta f-iiin
ds-.cus-'S:Ing _zoning laws.', :mand .--_-as-_'ked -.the. '.Chef 3u 1:el�Aqg e-ct-ar.ff-mr mn
� -e ..Chief .Building 1nqpff.C_t.-GT -,poi -Gut -tumt �T' ,.:Mrs..
K-ehrig _�acc._(E�pt -.t,h-.e _fact .of the -61 z_e�t�b-ack'�.-ax a -an .:and plan Fa=.c_r.ddmg,1
:aan,.pra.c,e_&d with the --,-.s-hop.p-ing.,..c-.e:nt-.,e.-r...
Mr. -Kehri.R d-e:s-crfb_ed the :-Qro_o as.-e.-c! ;plans _f or -the_shopping ,:cjente27... _The
T±rzt'.buildingto be -c-onstruttad -will-,b-e the.Standard; -mm tthe next -building will h-o_-Liis-_e various -sho-p.s', :.and. `the -,th±_-:r`d,-,b
uilding -will b_e
!'.r. _--.-Fr-_e.e:z-e shop. _The!c material .,for 'the"'_b_uiX'dings .,b-e - -:,of
.,addbe .-slump stone. the _facing will he %-�a combatimn:.of -the same -.s'lmm
nd and h -.ea-vy us--e of :m-atur-al woods The -roof ar_ca:de have _'10"I
'.-b--.eam-s -oand.16" .cdlumn-s., 7which 'Will.-.b-,e .stained, .with :facing thimglleis
mixd -1-anterns on top -.of -these aolumns_ There be a P� ous aj�p':
_cat,d-_on:'-.O'f ]-and-s-'a.aping e He .-said he. would _1,like -to ,:,.--sub 'the A-mm-d-s-,.ca
,plans.,, a%gns,, ,parking .and lighting plans -at _ later _date, but mild
:appreciate .approval .on the .site :.and �:elevat _on plans
aP_1 .: .7e :
_h _ih waiffd
In .answer..:, -to :c ±ons from -the -C.oTnmit_te-.e,, the applicant
of all -zl x -1 provide on -�e h .number .and �s±'ze ...c-ontrol �t �e mumb gns,,, --,:a id.2he V
'Chairman., _asked -,--if --th �,,wmnd .'.-,.b-.e access, from
.and -- -a�, -"-Ag.' `,ght.s.. -asking -11 _2
-the ."Stiandard to .:the
there l.'s :an .-a openim.',, Vh -lan
As e,,_al
-Fit ---tthh:.e.-
matter -of _-.d.larificati,onv, Comm. -ah --'asked _if the �, .plans - -s f(D 1� S�Z-n
for th-6..maim _-sh.qp_pimg center .would be --subi3iitteA -:at T.-a _later �fdaitt--e
Mr K -g,.,s.afd th -ould.
Movedy _b �omm. Fit--ch... �:&e-.c.onded �b .Comm. �2KI'augm-myrNner,, e-.commenA:-t--.o -.,-,the
.Gounail -approval'of applicati:on 330.9'HG`the -_Jdl1oxJ_qg
a.o_10 .-staridard...a.andit ions
Si'-ett -tq, -,af tthe
.2. and _elevation plan-,, zubj,
.6 o set °batk.
-3. '.Landsuaping.plans zubmitt.ed,,prior v 1
A. .Cooifdinated.1ightin ,:and .-parkin
5.0 g
A 'd-,t,,o "..h-e
"-ng -t-.o,,-.b.e:u..nif-1
1-1 :signs the buildi :controlled by :,the .:d-eve1oQ:er,.
U 't -d -2 6 -'Shopping ..--center .:sign to be ubmit i.e.
., -a mter date
Motion �:car_-r.J_e'4,, _3--:0
Arch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
I Application: 310-HC-67, Architectural Associates, Inc. 1900 Camden
San Jose, requesting Arch. & Site Approval to construct a 4,400 sq. ft.
church building at the corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Prado Vista Dr.
The Chief Building Inspector reviewed the application and explained that
this building is in County property at present, and will be presented before
the County Arch. & Site Control Committee the following morning. It will be
located across the street from the proposed Fire Station. It is on the
Agenda tonight because the City of Cupertino has a policy wherein an appli-
cant wishing to be served by City water shall annex to the City, and shall
conform to City requirements and standards when requesting application
for any purpose within City of Cupertino limits.
Mr. Norman Scott, representative, described the proposed plans. The build-
ing will be of frame construction, a built-up roof with a shake parapet
around the perimeter. The outside walls will be of exposed wood or
scored stucco in warm wood tones. Off-street parking for 40 cars will
be provided, although the County requirements are for only 25 cars.
Mr. Scott asked if the street improvements, such as curbs and gutters
could be held in abeyance until the building has been completed. The
Chief Building Inspector replied that in the past the City Council has
allowed churches to construct the building and place a bond for deferred
construction of improvements, if they would dedicate that portion of the
land to the City.
The Chief Building Inspector pointed out that the City of Cupertino
Building Code indicates that a public building with a shake roof would
be considered as one -hour assemblage, and he wanted to alert the appli-
cant that City standards must be met.
The Chief Building Inspector pointed out that this church will be built
under County jurisdiction and standards. He thanked their representatives
for appearing at this hearing tonight, and asked if they had been approached
regarding annexation to the City of Cupertino. Mr. Ted McCoy, chairman
of the Building Committee of the church, stated he would advise the church
about this. The Building Inspector added that if a property is in the
area for future annexation to the City and the property owners desire to
be served by the Cupertino Water Department, it would be adviseable to
request annexation. If the church initiates annexation proceedings prior
to the installation of the water meters they can build to County require-
ments, but must apply to Cupertino Arch. & Site Control Committee for
approval of their plans.
A representative from the County Arch. & Site Control Committee was present,
and noted that the County requires that landscaping plans be submitted
before final approval of the building. He added that the County cannot
promise to defer the off -site improvements; however, the County would be
notified that the City of Cupertino would be willing to defer these
improvements for one year, providing dedication of right-of-way be
given and a bond be placed ensuring this. The Chief Building Inspector
suggested this Committee make a recommendation to the County Arch. & Site
Control Committee to this effect.
�.'Andh_ 9&.-,.S te "Gontrol Minutes,, _11/.8/67
----------- --------------- ----------------
.Moved -:by -C-omm. Titch,, :seconded b auF -tLo =e:c ommena
'y Comm. .�Kl
-.fapproval ,of Application _10-�HC-6T, per the _plic,ati. 3 ::site plans and primt�s
�.-submi-tt&.di-with th-e 'lands'aaping.-as _r.eznmmende�d by
-S_ite and -o-ff-,:8..ite--imp-rovement-s to :be �nstall:ed
s :art :of his ;--.,-�p a
a plic. tion.,
-MatIon c-,arr,±eA:, _3__w0
.0 _-�T, a.w_n:,.& 'Baunt.,j �-,,y
,J�. �.App.-Iiaation:: -311-�HG :-Amaoe.:-
S,1,9,n Compaiqy _33
." a
Vil1q,ge-, _'Palo.,Alto., �reque-sting:'AT,_dh.. & Site "t
-�4 .-x 41 '!B 1. & H.Graen..StaW ..-sign --on -th-e.-faae :af tithe _7?W Super -,Market building,,, ..19..7.67.3t evens Or-.eek .,-B.1-,v.-d,.
'Mr,Jim T±-sh -T-,-.-.e re.s--entative
submitted :plans fi-(D.r,--th-e,-:,pr s:ed.A
2t ,,,be _of '_p_la-stLc, a_ingl;e faaed; I — alum inated n—
.ztdlle_'d in -.-front -.6.f --the.Is-dbj:ect -,store,, .--situat-ed ---at -:th-e'-.-erf.d -c6f the
Su.pper -
-The _'Chi_e.f._BuiI_-d±ng -:1n-s-pactor noted that the --._sdz-.e;,.df -Ahes--I'Tn :'does
,ahe ,.'. he -total sign --ar:ea Hallowed., :and.,at i�aompIlas -,wt-th- -,:the "
,He._-r:e,cI,u,as:ted,-, -however, .that .:in the event -.this
'Mr :Fart sh., r.-emovve -the other stamp .sigas �ar_ound,the ,,,Park, att'.
Moved by ..Comm° 'Fit-dh',,.-seconded by Comm.: __--,Klau1smeyer_,,, -to .r-euommend 'Ito
..,the C±.ty 7-.,per prixzt
Imi `h .s
�.,su .and ent upon -.::of-bf t -e -Xot-heT_1� tam�p ��s�l
'g gns �prdfor
t:o erecting -:the ---new, :-ane.
�AYES: 'Comm. _F!t-ch_., ::Klausmeyer., _Irwin
"NA -.,S,: None
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar., �..Kowitz
K. .-A-pplLcatlan i'246=H-C-._67
_-Th-_e Chief '-I-u- ildin .g :Inspector ;r-eport_e_d :that --,t,.h-,.e :Ad -Art ::.Company, d an .on the Ardh. _Contr..d1,.-Comt±tte_e
ia:previ.o7as f or .-.approval to --erect i-a..,.:s!,x,-gn w._-4y_Mt_oze
n Vallao -'.Park ..-Sh..p -a.p. ing Gent'.e.r. At the time -the :_Iaais xs, fflit[tdd�.rgn 71.w
�dt .did --,-not -.,show :the:ceramic emblem. The..,zaa*. -s _:now .-Inst-AII-pe
on the`';building.;,",and the _Chief _-:Building _".-Ins, would .like h ,p_e:-c"-t'or�,',wwo_1d1 ,,ke -te
:r,ac.orA to _:show -,that -this -emblem :.on -the ;,sign .as .approved by :the
Moved b.y Comm.,,
-the JGity:. Douncll.., appr_oval,.-of the -c-erwiic 118" _emblem iron _S:afeway
'Zlign,, under'.,application 246-HC-,67.
AYES:: Gomm. Fitch.,-'.Klaixsme -,y-e r'.9..Irwin
NAYS:: Nome
ABSENT: Comm. Aguilar., Kowitz
Motion -carried,,.3-O
Arch. & Site Control Minutes, 11/8/67
There was none.
There was none
Moved by Comm. Fitch, seconded by Comm. Klausmeyer, to adjourn the
meeting at 11:30 p.m.
Chief Building I ctor
/s/ Keith Irwin