March 27, 1968W
CITY OF CUPERTINO., State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95o14
Phone: 252-4505
`The meeting- `w as -called to order' dt:&e05'p6AA6 by:Merdber Fitch',Oh6
presided- over `the meeting and led 'the `assemblage in the ,flag 'I'salute
Members present Aguilar 9 Zinall', Fitch,. Absent Member Irwind'
Also :'present ,.:,ge-cording-,Secretdi;y Eatzleyo
mall moved, Member Aguilar sec-onded and it was passedo-_
Member �t
unanimously,, that the zoning''ordiharice revisions,as s*ubtittod:
by Director�o,- f Plahning, LauYin-' beackhowledge,d;and filed.:
There, we-ze no other written-communidations.
The RecordIng:Secretary advised the Committee members that a;call
had been received from 'Phairman Irwin, indicating his inability
to attend tonight's meeting.
There wereno further -verbal 'communi cations.
Member Aguilar moved,, Member Small seconded I aftd:it was passed:
.unanimously thatthe minutes. of the March 139 1968 meeting of
"H" approved as printed.
A. 328-HC-68-. Powell and Lee Realto'rs.9 'San lntonio'::Road and
Second Street, Los Alt"os;:resubmitting approval -6f, request
to erect sign in conformance with existing allowable sign
area on the proposed building on Stevens Creek Boulevard
and Bianchi Way.
Mr. Powell stated that, since the City Council had denied the
requested variance for a pole sign, he was resubmitting his
request for approval based upon the requirements of the Sign
Fitch, in clarifying the reasons for the Council's denial
of the variance request, said that the Council felt jb.stified in
.denying the application as it did not meet the requirements that
should be met, that the building by its very location was suffi-
clOntly outstanding,,and that the building in itself was a distinct.
Mr., Powell ,' -said that he had been disapp
ointed in not having been
invited to. comthent, on the rational of conditions that' would
justil fy 'the:: granting of a variance.
call to order
flag al "a 6::
roll call
filed '
no written
no VdAals
page 2
Minutes of "H" Control, March 27, 1968
328-HC-68 cont'd
Mr. Powell did indicate that the last Council meet/ ng had been
a particularly long, busy and emotional one and that the Council
had probably overlooked asking for an expression by the applicant.
As before, Mr. Powell maintained that the purpose of the Sign
Ordinance was to get and keep the business community as attractive
as possible and that the conditions, as stipulated in "H" Control's
recommendation to approve the application, would have justified
a variance, specifically, Section 10.4 of the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Powell stated that he had three alternatives at his disposal;
1) placing the sign against building side(s); 2) placing a sign
on top of the roof or 3) the pole sign. Since the pole sign had
been denied him, Mr. Powell was asking "H" Control's members to
assist him in discussing the two remaining alternatives, at the
same time remembering that a sign placement on the sides of the
building was impractical if for no other reason tan expense,
as it could easily be reached and destroyed and/or defaced.
Member Small inquired as to the size of the proposed sign and
was told that the actual sign would measure 314" x 5'10" and
that the pole, as submitted on the artist's rendering, would
measure 9'5 from top to bottom. Member Small also asked what
the original intent of the Sign Ordinance had been, and Member
Fitch stated that, although aesthetics had certainly been a
consideration, the major intent was to provide a guide and
a means of control.
Member Small felt that since only two variances had been granted
since the inceptioi. of the Sigii Ordinance, i.e. five years ago,
consideration of hardships placed upon an applicant could not
have been a concern of vast importance. Mr. Small also felt that,
apart from all other considerations, the sign, as submitted, was
attractive and that the placement of sip-ns on either the roof
or the sides of the building would not -have nearly the aesthetics
that the pole sign would have. Member Smali wanted the record
to show that he had asked for re -affirmation of "H" Control's
position in recommending the approval of the variance for the
pole sign.
Member Aguilar agreed with Mr. Small's last statement and wondered
if it would do any good to once more recommend approval for the
pole sign, indicating ,"H" Control members' feelings. In answer,
Member Fitch asked that he be permitted to refresh the Committee
members' memory on the activity of the City Council in connection
with this application. He recalled Councilman Johnson's strong
point that the building itself represented the business very aptly,
that the building was too close to the street to warrant a sign,
and that the Sign Ordinance was a very well conceived and effective
vehicle with which the City prevents the installation of unattractive
Minutes of "H' Control, March 27., 1968
328-HC-68 cont'd
Member Fitch said the Counc'.1 1;had given this application a lot
of'consideration, and that he respected the treatment of the
application and its subsequent_'-d n* ,:.e ial as well as the City Council's
consideration to maintain the requirements of the E..-
_n Ordinance.
Mr. Fitch said that the applicant had a very good-1,oking sign,,
but that it. would have to be considered in itssurroundings and
its relationship to the City of,C:UP ertino.
Member Small said that, in his opinion,, the figure of a;',200'
frontage was arbitrary simply because it meant 1/6th of an acre,
and not enough of a reason; also, that he had not yet been
convinced that any of the stated -alternatives would be better
suited to'the City needs than the proposedDole sign.
Member Small moved that "H" Control re -affirm its vote on
Application 328-Hc-68 from anaesthetic standpoint, also
that, instead of looking at the.4,pplication in the form of a
hardship, it be considered that placing a sign on the roof
or attaching it against the building will not, add to the attract-
ive principles of the City of Cupertino; and in the case of
Application 328-HC-68 "H" Control ,'r-e -affirms its vote and requests
that the City-Couricil take a second look. Member Aguilar seconded
with a question.
In the ensuing further discussionthe applicant reiterated his
request that the Sign Ordinance be reevaluated for its purpose
and intention, after which 'Member Aguilar moved to amend the
motion to include a clarification to the Council that "Hlv
Control recommends the approval of the pole"'sign. Member Sma 1 11
seconded the amendmentandit was passed unanimously, . after
which the original motion passed 2 1. with Member Fitch
voiciing the "No" V'Ot e.
Mr. Powell askedthat his requested appearance before the City
Council be postponed for two weeks because of planned business
trip. Mr. Flt-ch requested that Mr. Powell write a letter to the
City Clerk pr1or to the April 1, 1968 meeting of the City Cc4`mcil.,
asking that the final decision on this application be held in
abeyance until the April 15th meeting.
352_-_Hc-680 Town & Country s De;velop err 20430 Town Center
Cupertino; requesting "H" Control approval to con-
st-ruct a 189000 sq.fto industrial building, to be located
in the West Valley Industrial Park on the west side of
Bubb Road, approximately 500 feet south of Stevens Creek
!page 3
member 's
to motion
page 4
Minutes of "H" Control, March 27, 15,68
332-HC-68 cont'd
Mr. Ralph Ramona of 18700 Casablanca Lane, Los Altos, stated that
the proposed development was Located a the: westerly side of Bubb
Road and backed up against the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks,
and that all proposed buildings strictly adhere to all City
When requested to e:T)lain the proposed development in detail, Mr.
Ramona said that the "eye brow" would be constructed of heavy
cedar shake with asbestos backing and normal stain, the columns
would be poured into place and sand-blas+nd to create an open
aggregate rough look, the walls would be Latex painted, but that
the colors had not been decided upon as yet. However, Mr. Ramona
stressed that all colors would be subdued and decorations of
the buildings had been planned to enhance the attractive impression
of the entire development. Also, that the window frames would be
aluminum and there would be an extended use of stone veneer and
Since Mr. Ramona had submitted artists' renderings and plot plans,
Member Fitch asked numerous questions relative to the plans for
the development, such as whether the screening as indicated on the
rendering would extend to other buildings to ensure an impression
of continuity, the distax-ce between the building and the street,
if a continuity c,f architecture, lighting and landscaping could
be expected, to all of which the applicant answered in the affirm-
ative indicating his sincere desire to cooperate with whatever
plans necessary to enhance the area and guarantee its attractiveness.
Member Fitch, joined by his fellow Committee members, explained to
Mr. Ramona that he was the first applicant for this development
and that the Committee wanted to discuss guidelines so that sub-
sequent proposals would reflect continuity of architecture, land-
scaping, design, exteriors and lighting in order to maintain the
high level he was apparently seeking. Mr. Ramona assured the
Committee members that all subsequent applicants would have to
channel ;heir requests through his offices, thus insuring an
integrated development.
Mr. Fitch told the applicant that the City would be most happy
to assist in and ,rich whatever was necessary to bring plans for
a tremenduous area to fruition. Member Small asked about appurte-
nances and how they would be hidden from view and was told that
the "eye brows" extendou above the roof line and no equipment
could be seen unless it was from an airplane.
There was a lengthy discussion of future landscaping and the
applicant stated that a minimum of lawn was planned with inter-
mittent trees and low -maintenance shrubs. Again, Mr. Ramona
stated his desire for absolute cooperation with the City's wishes.
Minutes of "H" Control., March 27, 1968
332-HC-68 (ontd
Member Aguilar asked if the applicant would be opposed to submitting
a detailed landscaping plan at a late- tiffe, and also noted that the
proposed parking facilities showed 9 X 20, whereas the Ordinance
required 10 x 20; also,, that Mr. Ramona give a detailed description
of the planned lighting.
The applicant said that all outside lighting would be facing the
buildings and not disturb motorists travelling Bubb Road, that
there would be one or two lights of very low construction at the
sign, as and when it is installed, and that the parking lot would
show a number of low lights to discourage burglars.
Member Fitch- said that., according to everything submitted, this
was going to be a -most attractive development and that he hoped
that the applicant would maintain a strong hand in controlling
all. proposals.
Member Aguilar moved that Application 3.32-HC-68 be recommended
for a-Pproval, subject to the ten Standard Conditions, with condi-
tion 11) that the exterior walls be of subdued colors; 12) that
the exterior light adhere to the oral presentation by Mr. Romano;,
13) that the parking meets the City's requirements; 14) that the
plans for the signs and landscaping be submitted at a later date;
15) that this application be recommended for approval with the
plans and specifications as submitted; 16) that the architecture
e compatible;gWYthat any and all signs carry out a pattern; and
9) that any appurtenances installed not be visible. Member
Small seconded and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Fitch advised the applicant to appear before the City Council
at their April 1. 1968 meeting and suggested'that he prepare a
colored rendering to better acquaint the City.Council with the
very attractive development,
The--,-.e was -no. unfinished. business.
Member Aguilar moved,, Member Small seconded and it was passed
unanimously that the meeting be adjourned.
Thel meeting adjourned at 9030 pomp
g';;�ngng 'Rec��aS retary
ZsJ - Guy Fitch
Acting Chairman
page 5
no unf.bus.