April 10, 1968e
CITY OF CUPERTINO9 State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505 HC
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Irwin, who
,subsequently led the assemblage in the flag. salute'.
Committee members.present Aguilar, Fitch, Small, Irwin. Also present,
Chief Building Inspector Benevich9 Recording Secretary Matzleye
Under the ,"Verbal Communications" portion of the agenda, Mrd'George
Otsen of Otsen Sign Company asked to present an application for a
sign relocation. The. Committee members.agreed that Mr. Otsenss
request ,would be discussedas item Co under B°ApplicationsY.
There were no written communications
In referring to the March 27, 1968 minutes, specifically, Application.,
328-H&-689 Member -Small requested that the minutes reflect the.follow-
ing verbatim. clarification*.
ya The applicant, Mr. Powell_, did submit a rendering of a sign to appear
oar; the roof of. the building. It was the opinion by a 2 - l vote at the
meeting of March 27, 1968 that the original motion for the granting of
the pole sign be re -affirmed by the Architecture and Site Control
Committee and re -viewed by the City Council. I had.the opportunity
call to order
f lag ' sa lute
roll call
to, agenda ,
no written
to attend the particular City Council meeting involved. The applicant clarification
was notgivenan opportunity to present his side..and.in the interest of Minutes
of;, girness it ..was the opinion of the Architecture and Site_ Control
Committee that the City Council respectfully re-examine the application
involved. Mr. Powell did not re -apply for a pole sign after the Council
had denied the said sign,:,,, The reason for granting the application,was
in the motion.of H Control's meeting -.of March 27, 1968. This is for
clarification reasons only.'®
Member Fitch asked that on Waage 5, fourth paragraph, under 11332-HC-6811
Item 16) read "that the architecture be compatible within.itself in
the complex or that there be a continuation in the architectureP.
Member Small moved, Member Fitch.seconded and it was passed unanimously
that the minutes of March 27, 1968 be approved as corrected.
Chairman: Irwin stated that; there were additional items to be dis-
cussed in connection with Application 328-HCm68, and suggested that
the members re-engage in.the matter under ",Unfinished Business".
page 2
290- HC- 67
290- RC- 67
333- HC- 68
Minutes of H Control April 10, 1968
A. Application 290-HC-67, QRS Neon Company, 690 Potrero, San
Francisco, requesting approval to erect a "7 - 11" trademark
pole sign, to be located at 20455 Silverado Avenue.
Mr. George Britt of QRS Neon Company stated that he had been in
contact with the Chief Building Inspector relative to the proposed
sign, and had been advised that he was allowed a 72 sq.ft. sign.
Mr. Benevich stated that he had not been aware that the 7-11 stores
have standards as far as signs are concerned but that the applicant
was allowed a 72 sq.ft. sign. Also, that the reason for omitting
the light on top of the sign, as specified in the minutes when the
construction of the store was approved, was the close proximity of
adjoining residences.
The applicant said, in answer to questions by the Committee members,
that the sign would be constructed of subdued plastic material with
a xed' and green 7 - 11 on white background, and that the pole sign
would be installed in the frontal planting area.
Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 290-RC-67 for approval
with the plans as submitted; further, that the top lighting fixture
be omitted and that the sign shall have a maximum of 36 square feet
per face. Member Aguilar seconded and it was passed unanimously.
HC- 7 f
Chairman Irwin advised the applicant to be present at the April 16, 1968
meeting of the City Council.
B. Application 333-HC-68; Ad Art, Inc., P.O. Box 648, San Jose,
requesting approval to erect a 21 x 616" "Florist" sign on
the Cupertino Nursery pole sign, located at 10431 North Saratoga -
Sunnyvale Road.
After Chairman Irwin had read the application title, Member Small
stated that his wife is the florist in. this application and that
he asked permission to be disqualified. Chairman Irwin concurred.
Mr. Jim McClay of Ad Art, Inc. presented, by the use of an architectural
rendering, the proposed sign which showed a "Cupertino Nursery" sign
on the top of the pole, a "Florist" sign to the left and a reader
board to the right of the pole. Mr. McClay stated that there would
be no structural or engineering changes and that only a 4x6.6 sign
would be added.
Mr. Benevich cautioned that this sign would have to be placed in a
protective surrounding. When the applicant stated that the pole
sign was presently installed in concrete bumpers, Mr. Benevich
maintained that, in order to preserve attractive impressions, H Control
had previously insisted on planters not only to enhance the area
but to protect the sign from being damaged. He suggested that this
condition be made a part of the application.
Minutes of H Control April 10, 1968
page 3
Application 333-HC-68 coat°
Member Aguilar wondered if the florist was part of the nursery con-
cession and if it could be construed as a shopping center. Mrs Benevich
assured Member Aguilar that the florist was under the employ of the
nursery and that the sign Ordinance permitted advertising under one
sign if the business is under one ownership,
Member Aguilar felt that the sign was unattractive because it shows
three different shapeso Member Fitch agreed with Member Aguilar
stating that he would like to see a continuation of design by tying
the two existing signs and the one now being proposed together so
that it would not gave the impression of an add -one
The applicant stated that the sign had sheen metal fins giving it
character and design and since all signs would be painted in the
same color this 'would make it "loop very attractive.
Additional discussion ensued relative to centering the two lower
signs to the top sign and/or have the "Cupertino Nursery" sign on,
top, the "Florist" signs centered under it and the reader board in
center under the "Florist" sign with a distance of 611 between each
Mr, dim Small addressed the. Committee members saying that the -'florist
addition is not a concession, that it is owned wholly by the Cuper=
tiano Nursery and that Mrs. Small is the managing florists
Theme was further discussion on the enclosure for the pole sign, such
as raised concrete or asphalt berms or redwood planter boxes to afford
some sort of obstructions for car bumpers.
Mr. Beanevichn strongly advised against redwood planter boxes stating
than sooner.or later someone will damage' the boxes and until they
are repaired the area will loops messy, and suggested that the sign
should be protected on both sides by a raised concrete berm of
suitable height with plantings.
Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 333=HC-68. for approval
333®HC-W '
as per the plot plane and sign lay -out as submitted, with the ,added
condition that the ,area beneath the sign will -have a 6 to 3 inch
high wised berm complete with suitable plantings.
As Member Small, had'disqualified himself, thus leaving only three
Committee members, Member Irwin seconded the motion with Member
Aguilar voicing a Y°No" vote.
Chairman Irwin advised.the,applicant to appear before the City Council
at their April 16, 1963 meetings
page 4
334- HC- 68
unf. bus.
removal of
sign re-
text of
Minutes of H Control April 10, 1968
Applications - cont'd
C. Application 334-HC-68: Otsen Sign. Company, requesting approval
to relocate sign on "Red Vest" restaurant at 19930 Stevens Creek
Mr. George Otsen of Otsen Sign Company stated that the existing sign
was presently located back against the face of the building. Also,
that the oval sign on top of the existing sign would be removed, thus
reducing the height of the sign, that there would be no change in
the lighting or the color and that the wording "Bottle Shop" would
be replaced by "Banquet Room" in the existing sign.
Mr. Benevich advised the Committee members that by placing the sign
to the front northeasterly border of the property, the existing planter
and reader board sign would be omitted thus lessening the congestion
in the front portion of the property, all of which would result in
a great improvement.
Member Aguilar moved to recommend Application 334-HC-68 for approval
with the plans as submitted. Member Fitch seconded and it was passed
Again, Chairman Irwin advised the applicant to appear before the City
Council at their meeting on April 16, 1968.
Unfinished Business
Chairman Irwin said that several weeks ago numerous minor infractions
to the sign Ordinance had,been discussed. One of them had been the
sign on the Car Wash at Silverado Avenue stating "Open - Car Wash".
He said that the sign was still on the premises except that it now
reads "Car Wash Open". Mr. Irwin maintained that the building is self-
evident and that it is unmistakably clear what it is. He requested
that steps be taken to have this sign removed.
Further, in referring to Application 328-HC-68, Mr. Irwin stated that
he had received two communications from the City Clerk in connection
with that application, both of which he wanted to read into the record.
HC- 7
The text of the first letter, dated April 3, 1968 addressed to Mr. Keith
Irwin, 19843 Baywood Drive, Cupertino, is as follows:
" At its meeting of April 1 the City Council did not understand that
portion of the Architectural and Site Control Committee minutes
of March 27, 1968 having to do with Application No. 328-HC-68.
It was the unanimous opinion of the Council that if this particular
application had been refiled it would be placed on the agenda for
the Council meeting of April 16, 1968. If this had not been re -
filed subsequent to the denial by the City Council on March 18, 1968
no further action would be taken.
Would you please advise me prior to April 11, 1968 what the status
of this is so that a determination as to whether or not it should
be an agenda item can be made. 11
Minutes of H Control April, 10, 1968
Unfinished Business cont°d
The text 'of the second letter, dated April, 3, 1968 addressed to Mr'.' -
William Powell, San Antonio at Second, Los Altos, with a carbon copy
to Mr. Keith Irwin, reds as follows:
99 At its meeting of April 1, 1968 the City Council unanimously
agreed that it would have been ,necessary for your application
No, 328-HC-68 to have been refiled in order for the Council
to take any further action.
If -this particular application for a sign had been refiled sub-
sequent to the CouncilBs previous denial it will be considered
at an adjourned meeting of the City Council to be held at
8o00 p.m., April 16, 1968. If this particular application
did not comply with the foregoing, no further action will be
taken. �9
Both of the abode letters "were signed by Wm, 'E, Ryder, City Clerk,
City of Cupertino,
Mr. Irwin stated further that, in suubseq ent 66nWe"isations relative
to this matter he had found the application to be "dead". However,
in talking to Mr. Benevich and in an attempt to cla,ri£y.the confusion,
it was ascertained that the applicant came in.for a sign exception,
paid a fee of �25.00, was then denied the exception, then came back
and filed for a sign within the confines of the sign Ordinance. At
that time Mr. Benevich felt that no additional filing fee -should be
charged and that the original application number could be retained
When asked, Mr. Benevich stated that Mro Powell was well aware of
the facts and realizes that application 328-HC-68 is 09dead". He has
now. re= pplied for .& ,sign under a new number, the -,,,presentation of
which would not be heard until the May 8th meeting as Mr. Powell is
going through the entire filing and publication period of 21 days
Further, that Mr. Powell will submit two,,sign proppsals so that :the
Committee and the City Council can review both,
Again, Member Small wanted the record to.show that his only point
in connection with this application was the fact that, heaving per-
sonally attended the City Council meeting under discussion, the
applicant was not called upon to present his case and did not get
a chance to even speak; Member Small maintained that the applicant
Should have been givena chance to speakwhether or` not the City -
Council agreed in approving the application.
Member AVilar said the fact that Mr. Powell had submitted a roof
sign at the last meeting of H Control, which sign was found to be
unattractive, should have been stated in the minutes of that
meeting to avoid further confusion,
New Business
After having read a portion, of Condition One of the ten Standard
Conditions, Member Small wondered if the verbage was sufficient
to discourage protruding appurtenances on building roofs from being
surrounded by coverings even more unattractive,
HC_ 7
page 5
text of
page 6
Minutes of H Control April 10, 1968
New Business - cont°d
Discussion ensued on this matter and the Committee members felt that
if an applicant is instructed to hide protruding appurtenances from
view and he does so by enclosing them with some awful looking fencing,
the purpose of the Ordinance has been defeated. Member Aguilar felt
that the verbage should be specific enough to be clearly understood
yet flexible enough to be applicable in any and all instances.
Mr. Benevich suggested that perhaps a sub -paragraph could be included
in the first Condition to the effect that H Control insists on examining
plans for the installation and covering of appurtenances prior to the
The members agreed that the suggestion as made by the Chief Building
Inspector was a very valid one and Chairman Irwin indicated that he
would incorporate the suggestion in the verbage formulation for the
proposed amendment to the ten Standard Conditions on which he is
currently working.
Mr. Benevich reminded the Committee members that a Chairman and Vice
Chairman should be appointed at the next meeting of H Control. Chairman
Irwin stated that he would also like to see the vacancy on H Control
filled with a fifth member.
Member Fitch noted the following infractions to various Ordinances
within the City of Cupertino, asking that the Chief Building Inspector
check into these matters:
1) the vacant area on the west side of Saich and Stevens Creek,
south of the car wash which is cluttered with various debris;
2) the signs in the gas station on the northwest corner of Stevens
Creek and Highway 85, which keep growing in number;
3) the "Patio Supplies" sign which is located on the Gemco store
4) the banner on the restaurant at. Highway 85 and Stevens Creek
which is thought of as a sign.
Member Small stated that the Pizza Parlor in the Portal Plaza Shopping
Center had displayed a sign mounted on a truck on weekends, and asked
that Mr. Benevich follow up on this.
HC- 7
Member Aguilar moved, Member Fitch seconded and it was passed unanimously
that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
,Is/ Keith E. Irwin
Ex- Offici