May 8, 1968CITY ®F ' CUPERT TO'� Mate ®f C€�13 °�s�°nia
10.800, T orre ' .venue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone, 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8,00 porno by .Chairman Small, who call to order
sifbsequently led. the assemblage in the flag salute a flag salute
CommitteIe members present. Fitch, Irwin, Small. Absent-. Member
r present,. Chief Building Inspector Benevich9 Recording roll' call
Aguilar. uila.. � .Also �° g P
p I
Secretary Matzley.
There -were no written communications. no written
Mrs M. W. Smith of 8o99 Piesidio DriveCupertino, addressed the
Committee protesting the de`�ris around, and the.general appearance
of,, .the , peedee Mart located -op pos'; e... e idio Drive e stated
that .he , had. contacted `the p °opri�tor f the.. market asking him to
placa a trash .receptacle on �the:premise`s:o, A cardboard`box had been F
placed, in front of the store after the request but this box is nest
at the e t a �° cones were -protest
always in evidence- Mr. Smith said th *� y.p P
littering,an area some 660 feet around the mart°and wondered what, voiced
if anything9 had been requested. in the way of trash receptacles when
the ...Speedee Xart application was originally approved.. Further, if
this bod. had legal power to not 'only induce t'e operator of the
mart to clean up the premises but also to insist that the landscepin.
be maintained.
Member Fitch said that he concurred. with Mr. Smith and asked that
i ed.iat action be taken> Mr. Fitch further 'asked if the Speedee action
Mart had a permit for 'operating the Ice Machine which is located.` requested
on the.outeide of the mart
There was considerable- discussion on this subject during which it
was ascrertained that the application- in question (65®HCm67): had: bee
denied by this body with a .5 0 Vote but that this decision had
been reversed by the City Council with the proviso that the building
be turned- to 9® degr .and o The 'members felt that.s sine the discussions
application was deny ed, by .this body,, no.conditions could. have beery
attached to the approval and that it would probably be' most difficult
tonf®�° ce9nditions now. All members a%�d that t�ae be given a .
copy of,theminutes of the meeting at which this applications was
denied for reference
Member Irwin moved, MemberFitch seconded..,and it was, passed unani-
mously that the Chief Building Insptetb be instructed to contact ;
the operator of the Speadee Mart about the iaintenancIa of his land- clean-up
soaping and to request that garbage containers be placed at, strategic .quested.
locations. Further, that the entire area, be cleaned up and ma.intalne '
which is assured to be part of the original applications regardless
of what the meeting minutes state.
page 2
opinion by
Minutes of H Control May 8, 1968 HC-9
Upon the motion of Member Irwin and the second of Member Fitch,"
which motion was passed unanimously, the minutes of the April 24,
1968 meeting of this body were approved as printed.
A. 335-HC-68a Powell & Lee, Inc. San Antonio and Second, Los Altos,
requesting approval for an excerption to Ordinance #353,
Section 6.041 to allow installation of pole sign at Stevens
Creek Boulevard and Bianchi Way.
Mr. Bill Powell explained, by way of drawings and architectural
renderings, the proposed pole sign and showed, by way of overlays,
suggested alternatives to the sign which could also be placed on
the roof of the building.
Upon being questioned by the Committee members, Chief Building Inspector
Benevich stated that the applicant was requesting an exception to the
sign Ordinance to install a pole sign for which his property does not
qualify as it meets neither the 210 lineal feet of public roadway nor
the fifty foot set -back requirements, Mr. Benevich said that the roof
sign would be within the Ordinance limitations as long as it does not
overhang the foundation lines.
Mr. Powell indicated that, although identification was an important
consideration in requesting the pole sign, he was mainly interested
in enhancing the building and creating an aesthetically tleasing
Chairman Small said that he had personally viewed Mr. Powell's building
and that, in his opinion, the applicant had lived up to everything"he
promised by putting in sidewalks, eliminating the garage, installing
the front entrance and re -wiring the building. Member Irwin stated
that, no matter how the conditions to the Use Permit were adhered to,
this body is interested solely in the business at hand, i.e the applic-
ants request for an exception to the sign Ordinance.
Chairman Small further stated that he was personally opposed to roof
signs and that the proposed pole sign was some seven feet lower than
the allowable height and that there was a distance of at least 300 feet
between the proposed pole sign and the nearest existing one.
Member Fitch asked Chairman Small if he could afford the members some
background information on how the restrictions for the control of pole
signs were established. Chairman Small stated that the 210 lineal
foot requirement was practically picked out of the air and certainly
established arbitrarily.
Minutes of H Control. may $9 196$
.page 3
335-HC-68 cont'a
Chief-Builaing inspector BeneV ch disagreed and said that the
res f°i do as had: cojie a` ut because the City Counncll.' had .considered
the .sma' ll pr'®pbrt-ies � fro_ nting, Stevens Cree Boulevard w- icb. are inspector
-ohed _66 ef°c al and,. to avoi :..pole signs in front* of biiil :ing9 defends ..
had restricted the lineal footage... Mr tenevich stated: that -this ordinance
sign Ordinance and its restrictions had been anything but picked
but -of the air but had been decided upon over seven, drafts to give
adequate protection to the City of Cupertino.
Member Fitch reiterated that many discussions on the sub 'ect had:
taken place and that the City Council had 'been most adamant in main-
tain ng both the lineal footage and the set -back and that he saw, opinions
no reason not to, abide by the Council's decision. Mr'. Fitch was of expressed
the opinion that,, since this is a request for a variance., the City
Council should be the deciding authority.
Chairman Stall said that the pole sign was so"close to qualifying;.
that it should be viewed on its, aesthetic merits and attractive
appearance, I and twat ' it should be remembered. that `this is .a .new
application and it should be treated: As such especially in Light of
the confusion surrounding Mr. Powell: ° s first application.
Member Irwin moved;that.spplicatioh 335.-)FIC-6$ he recommended for
approval on the basis that the sign as "submitted is architecturally
more pleasing than thealternate roof sign, subject to the standard
conditions with the plans and prints as submitted
mot ion
lacks second.
As there was no second forthcoming to this motion, Chairman Small `.hair sec
exercised the right of the Chair and seconded. -the motion. motion.
.Ayes o Members Irwin and Small
Noes o Member Fitch
Absent o Member Aguilar
Chairman Small advised the applicant that his application would he
discu.ssced at the City Council meeting 'to be held. May 209 1963e
Mr.' Reynold Watson presented the application by the use of artists
renderings, plot plans and, drawings and said that this property was
located adjacent to the existing Gemco Store in. Cupertino. Further, present -
that according to the desires expressed by the City Council, this at -ion
presentation encompasses the entire balance of the project, which
will consist of a restaurant fronting on Stevens Creek Boulevard and
a retail store operation fronting on Saich Way.
B. 337-HC-6$e Reynold Me Watson, $23 Na Humboldt, San Mateo;
requesting approval to construct two buildings, a restaurant
and a -retail and office building located: on tot, #19 at the
corner of Stevens Creek Boul,evardAt"and. Saich Way.
page 4
Minutes of H Control May 8, 1968 HC-9
337-HC-68 cont'd
Mr. Watson stated that the restaurant was located 129' from Stevens
Creek Boulevard with a seating capacity of 69 people, that it is
neither a takeout nor a drive-in restaurant, and that this was
a new venture by General Foods Corporation who had recently acquired
the Burger Chef operations; further, that this restaurant represents
the first of a national chain of such restaurants throughout the
United States and features latest innovations.
The applicant said that the design had been incorporated with the retail
operation maintaining the original colonial design with a number of
improvements, and that negotiations were underway to interest finance
companies in leasing the retaii/office building. Mr. Watson said that
the building was designed in modules allowing adjustment to any desired
floor size.
Mr. Dale Ellers, the project architect., explained that a new system had
been devised by which smoke, heat and grease are dispensed through sub-
mergence in a spray bath, the equipment for which is placed under the
hood of the chimney and all appurtenances are hidden under the roof.
Mr. Ellers stated that the landscaping and site plan varies little from
that previously submitted except that the proposed pole sign would be
surrounded by landscaping, it would `be a total of eighty square feet
and thus within the 3% gross floor building area allowance.
When Mr. Ellers explained that the restaurant building will show two
sides of lighted facia , continuing and internally illuminating General
Food's standard trademark, the identifying diamond insignia also shown
on the pole sign, Chief Building Inspector Benevich immediately cautioned
that the identifying diamond insignia lighting on the facia would out-
line the building and is, thus, considered a sign.
The applicant stated that this lighted facia insignia would give the
operators of the chain identification and is, apart from the diamond
that appears on the pole sign, the only identifying mark left. Further,
that the lighted facia would provide sufficient lighting for the
parking area in front of the restaurant and that the parking spaces
for the other building would be illuminated by lanterns.
The members discussed the basic architecture and found it in good order
and quite pleasing, When the landscaping plans were discussed, concrete
berms and stops for adequate protection of not only the parking lot but
the two existing and the one proposed mature tree as well as a sprinkler
system were requested and agreed upon by the applicant.
Mr. Watson reiterated that the lighting effect was critical to his
tenant, and thus to him, and asked. approval of the facia lighting subject
to the density being acceptable to all parties concerned.
opinion The Committee members asked that the Chief Building Inspector give
requested them the benefit of his opinion.
Minutes of H Control may 89 1968 HC-9
page ..5
A 337mHCm68 cont `d
Mr. B6nev ch- ststed that,. unequivocally, this diamond` facia is alp
attracting device and as such considered a sign which,, in turn, j_ s
governed by the sign Ordinance. When, asked by the Ce itt4,e members
if it Would make a difference if a configuration. other than the
diamond were used,_ Mr. Benevich replied -that-, although the'
was gall designed and: architectirrally sounds the. lighting would
provide a circus effect and should be eliminated. He s.uggest6d9
however, that the lighting could be placed under the eaves excluding
the diamonds.
Much discussion ensued among the Committee members during which
the fact that the facia lighting was also utilized. to light the
parking area was repeatedly stressed. The members also considered
the intensity and color of subdued lighting -When When asked the
applicant stated that there ware two considerations for the lighted
facia request one of which was that no high intensity would be
allowed on the building lights and the other that much time and
money had been spent to convince the tenant to agree to the pro-
posed set=back of the building. fir. Watson said, should the ident-
ifying sign bo taken away, he would have to start all over again
and perhaps suggest that the building be moved to a location much
closer to Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Member Irwin wondered if the tenant would,.` still insist on the
facia lighting if, the building were placed, chaser to Stevens
Creek and the applicant replied that the tenant would insist
upon the identifying sign regardless of the location of the
Chief Building Inspector Benevich reiterated, the necessity for
considering the lighted insignia as a sign because it is a trade-
mark, has a diamond on the facia area and is an attracting device
regardless of the intensity of the lip
�eus. He read Section 4.20
of the sign Ordinance, which verbiage confirmed his contention
that the proposed facia lighting is to be governed by the sign
In answer to questionsby the Committee ?embers, Mr. Benevich
allowed that there are several, instances of lighted facias in
the City, all of which had been installed prior to the inception
of the. sign Ordinance,.hut did not feel that the sign -Ordinance
should be defended. It was his opinion that this applicant was
adamant in retaining the sign because of its advertising ,import-
ance "and suggested that a legal interpretation relative to the
proposed lighted facia be obtained from the City attorney, and
. that this matter.b.e postponed until such time as this opinion
can be. obtained from:, the City Attorney to afford. the pity Council
abasis upon which to base their decision.
by the
page 6
Minutes of H Control May 8, 1968
337-HC-68 cont'd
Member Irwin moved to recommend Application 337-HC-68 for approval,
subject to the ten Standard Conditions, with the plot plan, artist's
rendering and .landscaping plans as submitted,, with the specific
proviso that the lighting on the facia of tae: restaurant be approved
as conforming with the literal interpretation of the sign Ordinance
by the City Attorney. Member Fitch seconded.
Member Irwin amended his motion tc state that the facia lighting in
question is as shown on the artist's rendering minus the diamonds.
Member Fitch agreed to include th-is and furtJ.�?er explain that the
lighting is to be subdued and directed to act as parking lighting
and not as a sign lighting, clarifying this further so that it could
be interpreted as not being just a sign but as a rather unique
handling of parking lighting,
Mr. Irwin further amended his motion to state that the diamonds be
removed from ''the facia lighting and the lighting to be subdued and
directed as a, parking lighting. Member Fitcb seconded.
After he seconded the amendment, Mnm:bFr Fitc a asked that the record
show the thoughts of the Committee members in allowing the motion
and the amend iernt to sta.-nd because i+, was b_9ought out in the dis-
cuss'ons that the I.1ghting on the facia De subdued and directed to
be considered as 111ghting for t'ne--&rk-,--ng lot, the :powering of the
lighting to be e6tablished by some met"llod of loira•ring and the in-
tensity of the light-i ng to be .such that i-r. 4-s not objectionable.
The amendment was passed ian&aimously, after wh'_c-n the original motion
passed 3 - 0a
Chairman Small called a recess at 10o00 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10015 p.m.
C. 338-C-68° Louis R. Chetaud, 11706 Shadow Creek Place, Los Altos;
requesting approval to construct a two-story townhouse type triplex,
to be located. in La Crest° Unil t #2.
Mr. Louis Chetaud explained the plot plau and architectural renderings
and stated that, although the _��endering showed a mature tree in front
of the proposed triplex, there would be a, tree but not necessarily
one of the size drawn.
Member Fitch moved to recommend Application 338-HC-68 for approval,
per the elevation and plot plans as submitted, subject to the ten standard
conditions, with the landscaping as shown on the rendering with the
exception of the mature tree. Member° Irwin seconded and it was passed
unanimously, indicating that the Planning Commission's checklist had
been reviewed and applied to this application.
Minutes of H Control May 85 1968
D. 339-HC-68.- Sharon Sondrol, 3358 Stevens Creek Boulevaird,,San
Zos'e'9 requesting approval to erect a 6', x 1P-"*obd carved pole
signs to be located at the proposed beauty shop at 2076o
Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Sinc'e the applicant was not presentg Member Fitch moved, Member Irwin
seconded and it was passed unanimously that this matter be continued
to the next regular meeting.
E. 34o-Hc-680 R.W. Young,, 90 E. Gish Roads Ban Jose; requesting
approval to construct a 7-11 store to be located on Homestead
Road, 1661, west of Woranda Drive.
Mr. A. Van Hoog came forward. and explained that he was present at this
meeting as both the architect and the builder were unable tol'appear.
In looking at the submitted data, the members immediAtely ascertained
that this application needed a Tentative Mapq and, Chief Building In-
spector Benevich stated that the applicant had beep: advised of this
necessity and would obtain sameg but that
hat the application could be
reviewed at this time if all other data was.,in.1ordero
Member Irwin moved, Member Fitch seconded and it was passed unani-
mously that Application 34o-Kc-68 be continued to the next regular
meeting for the following reasons-. 1) lack of Tentative Map; 2) non-
appearance by applicant; 3) insufficient numter of parking spaces;
and 4) no provision for a,,masonry wall on the application.
Unfinished Business
Chief Building Inspector Benevich was asked if the Speedee Mart dis-
cussed under "Oral Communications" had a permit to operate an Ice
Machine on the premises. Mt. Benevich replied that the .City frowns
on this practice but has no jurisdiction as it is located on the
property. it was suggested that this matter be discussed further
at the adjourned meeting.
Mr. Benevich stated that he was chosen Ex-Offio of this Committee
for the sole purpose of bringing any Ordinance violation to the
attention of this body since'a number of citizens attempt to cir-
cumvent adherence to. City Ordinances. It was, his opinion that the,
General Foods application was such an instance and thatP although
he .approved. of the architecture, the proposed facia lighting was
another attempt to squeeze by Ordinance requirements resulting in
a gaudy, carnival-likesetting.
page 7
data missing
of suppprtj
unf . bus.
by -chief
page 8
new bus.
Minutes of h Control May 8s 1968
There was no new business.
Member Irwin moved to adjourn this meeting to a later date to be estab-
lished by the Chief Building Inspector to accommodate Application 337-HC-68,
i.e. after the City Attorney's opinion has been obtained. Member Fitch
seconded and it was passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 11-.00 p.m .
E. J. Small