December 11, 1968lim
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order at 8:07 P.M. by Chairman Small, who sub-
sequently led the assemblage in the flag salute.
Committee members present: Adams, Buellesbach, McLaren, Youmans, Small.
Also present: Chief Building Inspector Benevich9 Recording Secretary,
Lucie Matzley.
call to order
roll call
There were no written communications, communications
Architect Warren Heid, speaking on behalf of the First Valley Corpora-
tion and at the request of the Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich,.
told the members that there was a sign in existent-e at the First Valley
Bank on Stevens Creek Boulevard and Miller Avenue which had been placedoral
there by the designer arbitrarily and without consent but with no malic .communication
Mr. Heid said that he realized.that this was not properly agendized and
that, in fairness to listed applications, he would be happy to be heard
at the conclusion of the listed business.
The Chief Building Inspector clarified that the architecture of the ap-
plication had previously been: approved and that the architecture had not
shown any protruding appurtenances which were now in existence and would
need to be approved. This then, according to Mr. Benevich, was a two-
fold matter: 1) to approve the existing sign presently in violation and
2). rectify the matter of the appurtenances.
Member Youmans moved that this application be placed as Item E on the
listed agenda, providing that all other business has been conducted by
10:00 P.M. Member McLaren seconded and it was approved unanimously.
Member Youmans moved, Member Adams seconded and it was passed unanimous-
ly to approve the minutes of November 27, 1968.
A. 376-HC-68: Harman Manager Investment, Inc 400
Main Street, Los Altos, -resubmitting for Archi-
tectural and Site approval of the landscaping
for the restaurant and cocktail lounge which is
to be located on the east side of the Kentucky
Fried Chicken restaurant on Silverado Avenue,
by staff
agenda place-
page 2 I H Control Minutes of December 11, 196S HC-23
soil test
report cited
reading of
motion pass(
Application 376-HC-68 Cont'd.
Mr. Robert W. Casella of 22468 Starling Court, Cupertino, presented the
application, indicating that the building had been approved at a previous
meeting but that the landscaping needed approval at this time.
Noting that the applicant cited only junipers as sole landscaping, Member
Youmans indicated that he, personally, was not satisfied with the pro-
posed plan and that this was another case where the committee is asked
to plan the applicant's landscaping for him. Member Youmans felt that
the application should be returned to the applicant for implementation
of a more imaginative approach.
The applicant advised the committee members that a soil test had been
performed and that the test report read in part, "under no circumstances
should water be allowed adjacent to footings". This request necessitated
the planting of junipers or other plants that need little watering.
Member McLaren read the conditions placed upon this application at its ap-
proval under date of October 23, 1968 stressing the fact that landscaping
had been requested around the building sides as well as on the front of
the building.
Chief Building Inspector Benevich reminded the committee members that this
building was owned by Harman Manager Investment., Inc. as was the Kentucky
Fried Chicken site and that the application stated that the landscaping
be similar to that of the Kentucky fried Chicken pr.i4ct. .�s such it •
would include all or part of the landscaping detailed on the Kentucky
Fried Chicken application.
Member Youmans moved to continue this application with a directive to the
applicant to improve on his plot plan, specifically his plantings, and to
consider a more creative approach than low -grading junipers. Member McLaren
seconded for discussion, stating that at the original submission of the ap-
plication promises for extensive landscaping had been made and that she was
disappointed in their nonexistence.
Discussion ensued relative to the possibility of moving the landscaping
closer to the construction and whether this would impede the availability
of parking spaces.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chief Building Inspector Benevich cautioned the committee members that the
applicant had requested permission from the City to prepare the pad as it
needed compaction and soil conditioning, but that such authorization would
mean that no foundations are to be poured nor are any permits to be issued.
Chairman Small felt that since the building had previously been approved,
the applicant should be allowed to prepare the pad for construction and
that it would work an undue hardship on him if the preparation was disallow-
ed. Member McLaren disagreed, saying that all conditions had been clearly
defined and this submission lacked what had been asked for.
Minutes of H Control December 11, 1968
Application 376-HC-68 cont`d.
After additional discussion, the applicant was advised that no work was
to be initiated until after the January 6, 1969 meeting of the City
B. 385--HC-68: Lester Mc Donald, 1991 Borchers
Drive, San Jose, requesting Architectural
and Site approval to construct a triplex on
Lot I, La Cresta #2.
page 3
Miss Georgia Baciu presented the application and explained that the
roof would be constructed of heavy cedar shake, the building to have presentation
plywood siding on both sides with stucco and stone veneer and that it'
would match the existing constructions in the area.
Member McLaren moved to recommend Application 385-HC-68 for approval
per the plot elevation and landscaping plans as submitted, subject to 385-HC-68
the Planning Department checklist and subject to the 12 Standard Con-` approved
ditions. Member Buellesbach seconded the motion and,it was passed
C. 307-HC-67: J. W. Loughlin, 10672 Deep Cliff.e 307-HC--68
Drive, Cupertino, requesting Architectural legend
and Site Approval of the landscaping for Lots
72, 73 and 74, Deep Cliffe Estates #3.
Mr. J. W. Loughlin presented the application stating that lots 7i, 72;
73, and 74 had previously been approved that the minutes reflected ap presentation
proval of only "a triplex" and not all four of them. The Chief Building
Inspector concurred in this statement and read the minutes of the June
26, 1969 meeting for clarification purposes.
Member Adams moved to recommend 307--HC--67 for.approval of the landscap-
ing of lots 72, 73 and 74 which is similar to the landscaping of lot 307-HC-67
71 previously approved, subject to the 12 Standard Conditions. Member: approved
Youmans seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
D. 386--HC-68e Haneberg--Koch, Inc., 939 Terra 386-HC-68
Bella, Mountain View, requesting Architectur- legend
al and Site approval to construct a 2100 sq.
ft. office building, joined by a portico to
a 9600 sq. ft. shop area with a 4800 sq.. ft.
future plant extension on Lot 11_0. West Valley
Industrial Park,
Mr. Albert J. Arens, General Contractor and representative of Haneberg-
Koch, presented the application stating that the site was four lots re-
moved from the existing Monsanto building, the use would be for single presentation
tenant only, would show heavy shake roofing, plywood .texture with glass
across the front and on both sides, that the office building had been
projected for 2100 sq. ft. and would be joined to a 9600 sq. ft. shop
area through an open portico. Further that provisions had been made .
page 4 1 Minutes of H Control December 11, 1968 HC-23
by staff
with condi-
Application 386-HC-68 contd.
for the future extension on lot 10 of a 4800 sq. ft. plant. Mr. Arens
explained the proposed sign to be of slump stone with 16" letters with
black light reflecting on same with a height of three feet.
Chief Building Inspector Benevich cautioned that the proposed roofing
material was not allowed in that fire zone. Further, that he had not
had an opportunity to check the application prior to this time but
would appreciate an opportunity to do so.
The applicant assured the committee that the air conditioning units
would be enclosed within the structure of the roof and would be placed
within the parapet. Further, that the tenant would be Printex, an
electronic and circuit manufacturer.
There was some discusssion on the proposed sign. Chief Building In-
spector Benevich stated that this building had 200 lineal feet for
the property, which would be 1017 short of the requirements. It was
the consensus among the memebers that the building was entitled to
some sort of identification, however they remembered that all the
signs for the Industrial Park had been stated by the developer to be
of one design and dimension throughout.
In answer to question by Member Youmans in connection with the venti-
lation system needed to ade _:;. 1y take care of possible fumes, the
applicant stated that no dangerous fumes would be involved at all.
Member Youmans also voiced his opinion that the office building was
acceptable as proposed but that the proposed shop area was nothing
more than a bare stucco structure and not in compliance with the
other developments within the Industrial Park.
The Chief Building Inspector reiterated that he would prefer to be
given an opportunity to ascertain whether or not the signs for the
entire Industrial Park Complex had been approved for certain dimen-
sions with a blanket approval so that the applicant could be advised
that the sign would need to be submitted for approval prior to its
Member Adams moved to recommend Application 386-HC-68 for approval
subject to the 12 Standard Conditions with the following additional
conditions: 13) the groun.. sign to be subject to subsequent submis-
sion after the Building Inspector's investigation! 14) the roof line
as shown on the applicant's alternate presentation s;_all be as sti.j--
lated; 15) the roof construction surface to meet the applicable
codes as discussed, that is, the shakes shall be tile shakes to meet
the fire code requirements. 16) subject to the Planning Department
checklist. Motion seconded by Member McLaren.
Ayes- Adams, Buellesbach, McLaren, Small
Noes: Youmans
Absent: None
Minutes of R Control December 11, 1968
Application 386- HC- 68 cont' d .
Member Youmans requested the record to show that his opposition to Ap-
plication 386--HC-68 was based upon his feeling that the shop area was..
comparable in quality to the other buildings within the Industrial Park.
Chairman Small called a recess at 10:15 .;".
The meeting reconvened at 10:27 P.M.
E. 315-RC-67> First Valley Corporation, P. 0.
Box 1340, San Jose_, requesting Architectural
and Site approval to install a penthouse on
the existing roof of the bank building to.
conceal the air conditioning.
'`Tr. Warren Reid discussed the matter of the sign presently in existence
at the First Valley Bank Building but in violation of the sign ordinance,
as well as the reasons for the larger than anticipated airconditioning
unit and its screening off from public views
Mr. Reid explained the proposed air conditioning and was planned
to be enclosed in conformance to the other porticos built. Mr. Reid
said that., should the air conditioning company have objections to this
method of screening the unit he would reappear before this committee
with an alternate solution. He cautioned, however, that the bank -would
need to meet its Charter Day and, thus, a time element was inexistence.
Member Youmans moved to recommend approval of the revised roof lines
for application 315-HC--67 which have been submitted for the purposelof
enclosing the air conditioning on top of the unit in conformance to the
City ordinances Member McLaren seconded and it was passed unanimously.
,The applicant stated that.the Chief Building Inspector had requested
that, he represent the bank in the sign matter in which he acted as con-
sultant without following; procedures. Mr. Reid reiterated that the
inst;R1.lation of the sign had not been malicious but had been an over-
sigh-c 'uy the sign contractor. Mrs Reid asked that approval be given
to the existing sign and that a continuing sign trend should be eg-
tabl:ished by requesting the lettering to be not taller than 1'0" and
not smaller than 6`..
Chairman Small directed that a report be submitted to this Committee
by the Chief Building Inspector at its December 26, 1968 meeting.
In stating that the material had been received too late to afford an
adequate study of same, Member Adams moved to 'Postpone action on
Ordinance 220 (J) to the December 26, 1968 meeting.
New Business
Member Youmans emphasized that continuous confusion existed between the
applicants for landscaping approval and this 'committee and that it was
a recurring matter that the applicant either did not understand direc-
page 5
recess .
220 (J )
page 6 1 Minutes of H Control December 11, 1968 HC-23
New Business cont'd.
tives and would subsequently plead hardship, or the committee is under
the impression that matters will be submitted at a later time and they
never are. It was Mr. Youmans' feelings that landscaping dimensions
and locations are an integral part cr each application and, in order to
avoid further confusion, he requested the adoption of a resolution,
which he read in its entirety. Member Youmans moved for adoption of
the resolution, which is being made a part of these minutes.
As there was no second forthcoming, the Chair seconded the motion for
discussion. Member Youmans challenged the Chair's right to second a
motion; discussion ensued as to the Chair's rights.
Chief Building Inspector Benevich suggested that, instead of approv-
ing a resolution as a procedure within this committee, the sugges-
tions within that resolution be either incurporated within the 12
Standard Conditions or be defined in the application which &P ap-
plicant needs to complete before any material is submitted. It was
Mr. Benevich's suggestion that the members of H Control study both
the application as well as the 12 Standard Conditions and attempt to
coordinate either or both with the suggestions listed in the resolu-
The motion to adopt the resolution within the committee was passed
unanimously with the directive that application and standard condi-
tions be reviewed in light of the suggestions c:;ncained in the re-
Member Youmans moved that the members of this committee review the
application form which is utilized by the Building Department with the
purpose of bringing forth recommendations for improvement of same.
Member McLaren seconded and motion passed unanimously.
Member Adams moved for adjournment which was seconded by Member Youmans
and passed unanimously,
Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Ex -Of ficio
/ s / E . .lames Small