CC 07-29-70 :.' ",I: r,~\ , I t t . , . . CC-54 . roll call continuance crrr OF CUPDTDO, State of CalUornia ~- Torre A_e, Cuperti80, CalUornia 1'1 J : 2S2-4SOS !IIlIUrES OF TD ..... .n IEGULAR IŒET11CG or THE CITr CXMIICIL BILD J1IU 29. 1970 IN THE COUXCIL CIWØØ. CD"l ...... \.Ur&adllO, CALIFORNIA ~ _tinl vas called to cmIer 11» Jlayor Stokes at 7:40 p,.. in the t' ,(1 ChaIIber of the Cit7 IIa11 after which he led the salate to the f1ea. "U Call C ,f1..n present: Green. Stokes. Councilmen absent: Fitzlerald, l"rol1ch, ~oe1. Co_iasioaen present: ButhenutÌl, Irwin, Meyers, Paeu (7:47). Commissioners absect: Hirshon. .Uso present: Actinl C1~ Kanager Ryier, PlUUÚDI Dirac:tor Sisko Øsyor Stokes re~uested that the sinutes reflect the absence of Council- .aD Fitzgeral~ ~n City business to attend a Planning Policy Cocmittee ...tinl and tëe absence of ~ilaall Frolich on City business to attend a Transportat1~n Policy Coaaittee =e~ting. CoaDcilman See: vas out of tOVQ aDd unavailable. . CoI1tin'\8nce cf ~eting Hr. Ryder said :hat as City Clerk it was obligatory on hi~ to continue the meeting to 3:00 p.m., HeDday, August 3, 1970, the date of the next re¡ularly sche~aled Council meeting. In that 3 quorum of the Council vas not ¡'resen:, the meetinl ';l85 officially continued at 7:1.2 p.".. APPROVED: Isl Gary G. Stokes Kayor, City of Cupertino ArŒST: /./ 11m. E. Ryder Ci~ Clerk