CC 07-13-70 ,\ \"a .~. ~"r,.\ f( . . CI.'II or CUPERTlJi:'. State of CaUfcmd.a J~ Torre An:œ, Cupertino. ~ ,- : 252-4505 CC-51 IIIJIUTES OF m ADJCIuJUdD -.a. IlUIlltG OF THE CITY COua;£J. JII!U) JULY 13, 1970 D ~'. CGØEIEIIICE ROOM, CITY HALL. WIC'..~. ---. CALIPOIIIA. f' }~:~:':i,· :~~ I!:::' , ' . .. called to ord8r _7:35 lÞ.H, by Ifayor Stokes vbo .u.- ,....':vitb the salute to the flaa- aD flaa vas available 111 the e RooIt. " ',;..-, '" . IId1 Call . t' n_ in attendance: Fi" _ "...... Frolich, Green, Noel, Kayor .. - . Also present: ActiDa C~cy -.ger Ryder, Public Works Director ", "-rough, Parks and Recreatiøa ~tor Parham, Recording Secretary r--~.-- Rudolpb. roll call .. ications - .. were no vrinen or oral c r,..·t1ons. . ..Ls of Co=issions and c.-íttees ~e were no =e~rts submittK as :DO _etings had been held since the 1-.t Council "",e:i:g. IWIIUc Bearin~s 110 public heari~s had been s('...-...ted. Or-H-"'ces an; RlI!s~lutfoDS . ordiDances ~r resolutions ~e é8e for couid,nation. ~1a1shed ¡¡usi::eu 1. D1s~\òSsion and interr..- with Mr. Gary Williams of Wank. WilliØ$ and lleyl_, IDe., 150 Kiddlefield Road, Palo Alto, relati~e to editorial a=d publication services for the City's quarterly _~ter. ¡quarterly , nevsletter I I Ik. Gary Willi.cs ,)f Wank, \/1111 and Neylan, Inc., addressed the Council ~1.. to e¿i:~rial and publicat~ services for the City's quarterly I _letter. He 6?lained that be bad bad brief conversations with botb ti,e ~r-~ _d Mr. ~~~er previously aa4 opened the discussion by saying that h~s fts. 1a an a~·er:ising and public re1ations firm and have been c_ -tca- pi! consulta:>t vlth cities of ~ 1^ Park, San Carlos 3nd Reclvood City. ~ function is to provide aD __ - of direct cOllllllunication becveen the ~lected c::i~ials and City ~e.ent and citizens. They have found' ~ .. 1nterestic¿ and informative ¥ZY to deal with the public; they offer ., JlaCuge publi~ relations ~. .... 1 (^- ( t written ~ posal r_ quested proposeot proced=-s for r~:- ing n_ Q! . .. 1Ibø&tes of the .:It, Councll My 13, 1970 CC-51 Dú1Dished Business Cont'd. A: C ..iIman Fitzgerald ..keel ... ~ IUD hours it takes to put oat: a _ Fterly issue and v.. toLl ~ this vould vary but would _tt.&te a pIOCI forty to fifty hours of _ at_t staff tlme. This does DOt 10- ...!-"~ productiOD time, art: t::t.e.. etc. Preparation begins about thirty tit forty-f11re days before J ~JI.-toD, Councilman GreeD ..ked 1Ibo does ~ proofing. !fr. Will~ .,4 that this is done jolotly. 10 that tIIe1r staff checks for ae... .... 7 .... the City gives the final _r......a],' C-clllUD Green inquired _ ø ertra charges for pictures if - set up __ own layout and vas inf,,· . dlat there would be no extra c:barS- 10 dtat they work under lID 'Clllllt:ract. San Carlos Life, vf.tb a di.- ttibution of 10,000 copi_. is r-ø""g an average of $4,200 to $4,500 per issue. 1heir contract is $1.7.000 per year for a twelve pase, lparterly magazine, there vas s.-e discussion ...... ...1Dg City of Cupertino's previous costs aD annual reports and nevs~ produced by the City. Distribution ~ also discussed. The ~ ~rized the discussion by ~nting ~t the basic question t. ~ or not the Council feels a quarterly ,report would be beneficial to rbe citizens of the City. It vas thg con- /5eDSUS of the Council that it would be very beneficial, not only for íCupertino ~ut to have Monta Y~a residents be included as well. If Ithis is done. personalized ~ess1Dg will not be possible with facili- ¡:ies availa~le now. !~uncilman :=olicb stated tea: having recently been through an ,~ was ve~- =u~h aware of ~ Lack of interest of the citizens ;=i:y and felt that this voul~ ~ the only way we would have to ¡=hem of ho~ the~r City opera~. j : ::Ouncilman :="Uch moved an<! ::r.mcilman Fitzgerald seconded that Mr. .illiams be re~uested to haTe ~ firm prepare a written proposal to :U?Crtino ::r such a quarter:: re?Ort which will subsequently be sub- :itted to ~r. Ryder and ~~. ~rson for their reviev and presentation ::0 the CO"".::'!. The moti= vas passed unanimously. I ;2. . "Councilman ';reen reported t!sa: be hac! contacted the City of Sunnyvale ,and discussed with them their ~rocedures for recruiting a City Manager. !As a result ~f ~tt..pting t3eir own advertising, their experience was not ,Yery successful. They then ~tact__d a professional firm, Griffinhagen- Eroger, 64 Pine Street, San FraDcisco. Council~an Green also contacted :his firm &nJ vas very 1apr~~ with the materials they supplied him with. ! SolIe of the paints brought OI:¢ by this firm which would need prior determi- !Dation were: (1) What i~ ~ City going to be confronted ~th in the DeXt five years; (2) Ar¿ ~e any special developmental plans or programs ,_ aight want to ..."hadze; () What type of individual do we want-do ve lwant to concentrate on fiØ3DCial planning, administration, public works or an indh-i.!ual víth ro'-' ~ experience; (4) Do we want the Ci ty Manager ~ be a fullt~e participaac ~ City Council meetings or submit reports for our evaluation. election of this acquaint Repart from Co~~l subcommittee on proposed procedures :~r recruiting a ~ City Manager. .., ~es of the City Council July 13, 1970 - Uaf1£ished Business Cont'd. ~~1aan Noel coutinued by sayiDg that the first thing we should do is ~ establish a statement of tbe available opening or a brochure wbich ~ ~ used for mailing, In this brochure should be a closing date ~~ic ... teen established for applications, We could advertise with ~hp. Cali fora1a League of Cities in the ~tern Cities, Nation's Cities _gazines, et.c. Kr. Carpenter of the California League of Cities has a priority ~ of City Managers who might be available and will make this list _nAhle to the City of Cupertino. Councilman Noel stated that what we -- to do DOW is 1:0 decide wtdch way we want to go, what we want to do, -- our statement made up of bow ve vant to handle this, and vhat kind of faterviewing process ve want to go through. The Bayor commented that Griff1nbagen-Kroger proposes to perform these th~~. for us with the added function of screening and qualifying all app1~~·~ts. This would reduce the number down to whatever we decide and e1~~~·te a g.eat number of hours on our part. ~~lman Fit%gerald suggested tbe posEibility of a local screening com- ~ttee. The Mayor felt this would be difficult as far as choosing mem- bers to serve on such a committee, Couccllman Frolich stated that decLslon the Council will make would best suit our interests. California, as well. he felt this is probably the most important this year, that the professional approach He also felt we should go otitside of Couccilman Frolich continued by suggesting the City have a public me~t- iDg, inviting the public and anyone interested who might have opinions regarding qualifications for a City Manager. The Mayor agreed. The next step then vould be to go to a professional ----sement team, if the Council so chooses. We can also correspond with other cities to inquire as to how they have dealt with this situation. Hayer Stokes said that we shouldn't hurry but that he is not in favor of delaying the situation any longer than necessary. Couacilman Frolich moved, Councilman Fitzgerald seconded and it was passe ~~usly that this matter be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Council neeting to permit others to present views on recruit- -.ot criteria. 3. Resolution No. 2017: "A resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino adopting an operating budget for fiscal year 1970-1971 by ratifying estimates of revenues to be re- ceived in th~ general fund a~d appropriating monies there- from to various departments and accounts; setting forth conditions of administering said budget; and acknowledging estimates of revenues and expenditures attributable to oth..r funds," CC-Sl page :1 publir. meet- ing tc be ' held for pres~nting vievs Res. 2017 legend , Kr, Ryder explained that the printed document of the preliminary budget presentatiOn¡1 ~ had been compiled previously by Mr. Storm and subsequently presented ... 4 nriew of ....et -.s. 2017 Hapted as _ded 1~::hitect :-e<;ues t 5 1~;>roval of ¡::-..a concept :=~ Library ~::-:'ve and ?-J.~king ~ct:Ssion c:>acept qproved . . , JUøates of the ":ity Council July 13, 1970 CC-SI 1JDfiJIished Busilless Cont'lI, eo tile Council of necessity _ will have to be presented with . dif- '-c approach, ill view of 1Ir. Storm's resignation, Inasauch.. 1Ir. Ri.· ... was DOt present durinl -.y discussions between depal tMDt beads ... *. Stora vhen tbe budset requests were presented, he asked each '. . ~~t bead to review the pre11aiDary budget doclDe1lt as it pertains bt IdscJepan.ent. If tbere _ _ modification that sbouU have been .... ad vas DOt, they vere _keel that a _randUII to tbis effect be #I. ted for transmittal to the Council, These are for as.1acaac:e in ~g the budget and cJeteraiftf". tbe spending program aDd levels of ~ and ill no vay are they to be construed as disagre_t. with ....t _y bave been submitted previously. DIe badget vas reviewed aCCOUDt by account and department by department, ~J'..r Stokes called for a r~ces. at 9:50 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 10:00 P.M. and review of the budget vas continued. CouncilJDaD Noel mewed and Councilman Fitzgerald seCODded that Resolution No, 2017 be adopted, as ,.o;\ed. Ayes: 1ioes : Absent: Councilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel, Mayor Stokes None None 1~. lyder was then requested to prc~are an amended document for presenta- tion to the Council. Sew Business 11- I Appr~7al of area concept for Library drive and parking facilities. Hayor Stokes said that Mr. Blessing must have some direction on the area concept for th.. Library driveway and parking facilities so that drawings ~d constructi~= =a! be completed. ~. ~yder com=e~:..d that Mr. Blessing had said that even should the Council not agree with this partiular Library Plaza design at this tt.e lor i! it did n:: wish to have it constructed at this particular time but thought this ?1r:icular area would be the place f~r some type of plaza lin the future, it will be necessary to have s~e indication DOV. Ccuncilman F1tzg..rald commented that he liked the project but was sur- ~r1sed at the C~3t. The Mayor agreed and said the Council should con- sider the possi~1lity of a price reduction, but that we don't need to aake this kind ~f decision at this point for what is needed DOV, Councilman Fr~lich asked if the City would be co~itted to anything if we give Mr. Blessing our approval of the area concept. The Hayor answered that we would not be committed, that even after the project was put to bid vé would not ha7e to proceed with it, The parking lot as it's laid out DOW does not provide for this type of facility. It was the Mayor's feeling that the Counc!l should allow Hr. Blessing to proceed witb this particular phase of the project. All other decisions may be put on tbe .aeada for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The . . ~utes of the City Council July 13. 1970 ~ Business Cont'd. . CouDcil was in agreement witb tbt. procedure. 2. Resolution No. 2029: tbe City of Cupertiuo year 1970-1971". "A resolution of the City Council of setting tax rates for the fiscal Ør, Ryder introduced this resolution and a schedule which had been worked' up outlining a proposal for the tax rates to be levied for the cøaing fiscal yea~, He said that vith the increase in assessed valua- tion it would be possible to retain the general fund tax rate at its present rate of 17: per ~lOO assessed valuation, This increased revenue resulting therefrom is for all practical purposes offset by the capital outlay requests just recently approved in the budget. He continued by ..,ing that the monies received for debt service ~an be used only for that purpose when the tax rate is specified as such. Inasmuch as the higher assessed valuation will produce more revenue than needed for both interest and redemption for the parks and City Hall bonds, it was his proposal that these tax rates be lowered to 9.6 for parks bond and 4.4 for the City Hall bond. The total tax rate for the City, if so approved, would be 3l¢, a reduction of 3¢ over what now is in effect. Councilman ~oel moved and Councilcan Fitzgerald seconded that Resolu- tion No. 2029, with rates as listed, be adopted. Ayes: lIoes : Absent: Council~n Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green. Noel, Mayor Stokes None None 3. Mobil Home Park Guestion. Councilman Frolich opened the discussion by saying that the oobil home park question c~mes up before the County Planning Co~ission this week and was on the City of Cupertino's Planning Commission agenda tonight. Be inquired as to the stand the Council is making on this question, if tbere is any change from previous discussions. The Mayor stated that Hr. Sisk and Mr. Yarborough had attended that meeting and asked for tbeir comments. Hr. Yarborough said that a general agreement on six areas was obtained at the mee~ing for the architectural approval at the County level. He also said that Cupertino's Planning Commission had passed a resolution a few minutes before indicating their approval of sought-after condi- tions, which are as follows: (1) The development shall install traffic signals at the intersection of Maryknoll Road and Foothill Boulevard as approved by County Traffic Engineer; (2) Each stage of the mobil boae park is to be subject to review prior to its construction; (3) Specific attention should be given to the effect of the plan on the existing land use in Cupertino surrounding this area. Cupertino wlll provide the water line; (4) The Use Permit shall be Rubject to an autoll4',.ic revIew at the end of fifteen years, or earlier, as determined desirable by the Planring Coauis.ion in order to evaluate use of the development. CC-51 page 5 Res. 2029 legend presentation: Res. 2029 ado?ted mobil home park dis- cussion conditions required .....-:-.. J: "'1 6 ~. ! If:" , landscapiq ~f Corp. ~d " e. . . ~):~ -" '.' . .: !UDØt.. . òf t'be City Council .Jaly 13, 1970 CC-SI JIev Jlusin... Coat'd. , Sis1t c~ted tbat the :pi-filS eo-1ssion this even1D¡ adopted . resolutioa in teepiD& with a KaOlution adopted by the City CouDell 1S, tbat it is their 1-"- r.pCioD the conditions ebould N COD- s1AJered if the County doeIt ),"-..... to approve this action, CoaaciluD FroUch expre..eII CiØllCern about the Karyknoll iDtersec:tion '-f"l so close to the exit tn. the freeway. Hr. Yarborouab eareed, say1Da tbis \o"ill have to be J......bt up before the Traffic Policy Com- n.., or Stokes i:quired as to ~ tbe overall plan will be developed, . Yarboro~~ ansvered that there is a ten-year option on tbe ~roperty but only two =nits of the tota1 acreage can be developed now, and theD only by sub::it:ing to the cooðitions stated. Before starting on the balance of t::.e trailo!r sites. they must come up with a master plan. Each phase ~i:: be on a tvO-year basis. Councilman G=.~~ asked how this complies with the recommendation of LAFCO that t~i. entire area be vorked out on an area-vide plan in co- operation ~i:~ the Cities of Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Cupertino. Mr. Sisk sai~ ~e is not confident that the County will go along vith it. ABAG h~. ~~?roved it. Mayor Stoke. ::=cented that Mr. Sisk and ~r. Yarborough will in no way ¡in¿icate th~: the City of Cupertino is in Ïa~or of this plan. Until !we find out .~~: is going to happen, we really won't make any determi- Ónation. ICouncilman :=::i~h said he thinks the be3t approach would be to continue trying to ~e: this property annexed to the City of Cupertino. Hr. Sisk ¡suggested thi. ~3tter of sphere of influence be brought back to the Inter-City C:~cil to see if other cities are as concerned as ve are. IKayor Stoke. ::omented ~hat the County will be hearing an application , on the 5ald~..i3i property, o!VeD though LArco passed a resolution that this partic~:~= piece of pro?erty had been d~termined to be in the sphere of i::::'".mce of the City of Cupertino and should be annexed to the City. ~~e County Planning Department has taken the position that they ha~e a :e~al application before them and they must act on it. The Mayor close~ the discussion by stating that our position has to be one of =eking 3= ~?peal, if the County approves the application. The Council va.'S in agreement. 4. ~dscaping of Corporation Yard. Kayor Stokes :rought up the subject of the appearance of the Corpora- tion Yard anë how the additions to existing buildings would affect this. He expressed ~is critici.. of the present appearance of this yard in that it did ~t reflect the proper image of the City nor did it conform e e Minute. of the City Council July 13, 1970 ~, .. JluaiDe.. Cont'd, To the atrlDpnt reqair nU iIIpoaed on private c_rcial and indus- trtal" _iDu.... Be Mid cbia va. on ODe of the main entrance. Co the City aDd va. dizwccly oppo.ite ~ very nice re.idential ar..., It we his thovaht thac ... buutificstion program .hould be under- t·t..... Couøcilaan Noel moved and Councilman Fitzgerald .econded that a minute order be adopted that the land.caping and general review of the Corpora- cion Yard be referred to Che Architectural and Site Approval Committee. The IIOtion vas pa..ed ,...-f...u.ly, s. Landscaping of ~ry Avenue overcor.sing. ~yor Stokes sugge.ted that there was an immediate need to begin plan- ning the landscaping of the Mary Avenue overcrossing, It was his belief that professional plans should be drawn as quickly as possible, pointing ~ut that Mary Avenue was an important entrance way to the City. Council~= Frolich moved, Councilman Noel seconded, and it was passed unanimously that authorization be granted the Mayor to instruct the staff to secure services of a landscape architect to secure plans for the lands~aping and fencing of the Mary Avenue overcrossing. 6, Relocation and rebuilding of building on De Anza campus for historical site. ~yor Stc~es said that he was asked to appear before the Board of Directors of the Trianon Building to discuss the possibility of re- building ~~d relocating the antiquated building on De Anza campus in central park. An estimated $100,000 would be the cost of rebuilding relocat1=¡ and putting it on new foundation. They would like some in- dication whether or not the City could do this. If so, under what conditior.s would it be operated. Would the City consider the possibil- ity of ta~ing over the lease on the De Anza property and rebuilding it there. S~ould it be considered as part of the bond issue, and if so, under what conditions. After so:e discussion, it was the general consensus of the Counc~l that the build~ng should stay on its present site. Also, that if it is put on the bend issue, it should be a third issue and not incorporated with any other ~easure: however, the Council was in agreement that we should try to avoid a third issue. CC-Sl page 7 , 'j j 1 I i minute I I ord.j ¡ ! landscaping : ; of Maty Ave" :overcro.sina I I : landscape : architect to : t'e secured relocating SI rebuilding oj building on De Anza campus . Ice-51 ¡.... . l I , . f i l...... .f tbe City C....,1 UU6.~t July 13, 1970 I~ _. .o'Nd by CoUDCn.... Roe1, secODded by COUDcibaD Frol1ch aDd 80 lared by Mayur S~olt.. ~hat the meeting be adjourned at 11:35 p,it. ArlAAI: I ¡ "s' wm. E. Ryder . City Clerk . , I I . APPROVED: 1./ Gary G. Stob. Kayor, City of Cupertino