CC 11-20-67
JIØOO Torre Øeaae, Cupertt.». Ca11fornia
!'boDe: 251-4505
IlÙIJIU 0' 'lID RBGIILG ......... 0' TBI CIT! COOIICIL -... . er 20, 1967
1'LACB: CoaDcll Ch-, Ct.t:y Ball, 10300 Torre Av_, Capert1Do, Cal1fonda
'fDII!: 8:00 P .K.
Cou:Dc. preaeøt.:
Couuc:. ab.ent:
u-p.ter, .Johnson, Roel, Stokes, 'Ua.erald
Staff present:
Cit:y Hanager, Phil StoB
City Attorney, Sa Anderson
Cit:y Clerk, Bill Ryder
Direc:tor of Public: Works, FraDk FimIey
Direc:tor of planning, Adde Laurin
Jlecreation Direc:tor, .John Parbaa
Chief Building Inspec:tor, !!1l Benevich
Assistant Planner, .Jim Nuaua
Jlecording Sec:retary, Evelyn Bell
III )(Th1JTES OF'TBE DEVIOUS !lu.J.u,GS: "'The Adjourned baular Meetina of
the City C~ft..i 1 _ p1.ftfting COIIIÙsUon. Oc:tober 30, 1967. aDd the
Regular meet1D& of Jlavember 6, 1967. Revision of October 1. 1967.
Moved by Couuc. Stokes. sec:onded by COUDC:. IIoel. to approve the
Minutes of October 30, 1967, as subaitted.
Kotion c:arried. 5-0
In the ~.. of the keaular KeetiD& of the City COUDc1l of
Nov_ber 6. 1967. UDder Public: Hear1nas, (1.) date of pl.anD1na
Cooai..ion ~luUDn No. 460 should read October 6, 1967 in-
stead of Oc:tober 23, 1967.
Hoved by Couuc. Stok... s,.c:onc:led by Counc. Fitqerald to
aske c:haaae ill those .1~utes.
Motion c:arried. 5-0
Counc:. .Jo~ poillted out, 1n the alnute. of lIDv..ber 6. ,..e 3.
It_ 1, re T_t.tt_ Hap, Edward Cali. there vas insuffic:ient
detail conc:anataa die disc:uasion on this subject. Be had received
-.ay r.elap"'" calla aDd uqu..ted further 1Dfo"'~tion to appear
on the reCÞrd, i.e., vbat vas dhc:...... and vb). it vaa disc...."
aDd further .pecUla c:onc:emiDl the various ...._t. on either
side of tlle~. Tbi. vas put into the fom of a _tion. .ac:onded
by Counc:. Boel.
- 1 -
- ~ .
lit _ of the Reaular Keet1D¡ of the City Council, 11/20/67
The _jeet of tile ,.'£ J . n10D of Council K1Du~u ... dh-
can. 1D depth. c-. ......ter r.-rked about the difficulty
of o!I..t..t. a cpIIl1fW ra·:cd1ø& .ecretary and auaaeated that
die IIt_... be r 'u--- ill . cøað--ed fora with the tape re-
c:onu..MnUI .. . J 1~ øf dewI, .hould it be cIea1r.... Be
,oWed oat dlat ~ ... - are DOt d1atriWL.!!CI to a IIÜe .ail1aa
Ust ... dIa 1:1 t1 t_U' ..... DOt Deed .uch detailed aCCOUDUna
of wbat took pJaca. ".L ~I: tha apenau 1Dvolved were a factor
CO be ~cIered a1ø.
At the r.,. t øf die *Jor, the City MaDaaez: pYe hta views
f~ Ia1.a put..,.u.c.- ....u that they could be prepared in
AØJ _& .. frea r_a:~ OBly the IIOtiona to ¡¡t.o.t a book fora.
.. t~~. the beat .., waal4 be to .et forth the of the dis-
cuaiøa ad tMD tha act~ tateD. Each COUDcllaaø bon what he
..u ... b1.a part1clpad.œa aD the &abject; 1£ there _s a vUh for
lIOn clauil it c-U be aðded. Dur1D¡ 80St 1011& diacuaa10Da there
will be a ¡rut cIeftl of repeUtioD that is uoneceasary in any ainutes.
Should a court case oo.e about, the ooly matter the court is concern-
ed witb i. Vbat did the Council do after the discussion took place -
DOt vbo said what.
eo.....:. Jou- -.reed wil!:h these views on setÜII& forth the
_t of a d........1oD IN~ di_areed that the Minutes as subaitted
reflected the subject ..tter accurately for the hour or hour and
a half of tae it took. .. did not vant a verbatim report but
also ""t want UI force anyone who vas interested to have to
co.e to t~e Ci~y Ball aDd sit for sev~ral hours to find out vhat
happeneè .
COu:.:. Stokes obaerYed that possibly the present difficultle~
.t...-4 !r3a the traoa1tiDn of 10.1D& an experIenced secretary to
tbe b1ri=a of a _ ODe vbo had not yet had the opportunity to
beco.e f.-11iar with the s1~uation. He thought that this vo~ld
~ab care ,)f iueU with the pasHae of time.
The ~yor coacurred tha~ there vss a sparse report1D¡ of thIs
parUc:ulM dlac_ion. CouDc. Johnson said he thought each issue
ahould be adequa~ely described and the aerits of each side should
be put f,)rtb reaardle.. of the lenath of the Minutes.
í~. City AttorDey reY1ewed a coaparison betveen Council and
court proc:eed1ala whare ~ court records are, In effect, tvo com-
pletely d1.ffer_t uu of a1m¡t..; a brief s.-..'rlzatJ.on of action
takeD aD4 a c~lete traDSCr1pt. He said if a C~uncilman wanted a
detail write-up of a par1:i....'... dlacuaaion he baa the r1&bt to re-
queat it aD4 the CouDc:11. is wi~hiD it. r1&hts :0 spend public funds
to have it do_ ~ 1t is of particular illl>ortance. To do it
on e~.ry ..tter to cø.e before the COUDcil would create a devestat-
taa problea for a a~eeary 1:0 aaalJze the issue and deteraine what
va. or vas DOt tbe _rit of &II arlu_nt.
2 -
JIImItu of the le&ular !leet1D¡ of tbe City CoUIICl1, 11/20/67
C-c. ~cer cUd DOt think it fair to place the IIardaD
of cIec1aioD on a eecretazy ad .....eaced that the ro--f1 ai--
_ ,~""""t to aD allbrev1ated type of Iff....'.., A C--n-
c:ou1d dum r~t a M,_n... aCCOllDt of c:erta1a ~ f- .
ev.. &fur die M-_1oa took plac:e. tile eec:rauzy tJ.D -U
taIIa tJMa off tile Þpa eariDa her.elf frea _ atu.ptUi to
taIIa cIøom evazy _d of enry _Uøa.
Cowc_JI~- ,-..--.. oat tN MH.. ~ of,bariIW . f .
of ......~.. for tile bIxor aud a half vn+f.. of Oc:tobK 30tIa ...
only three ,...~h. for a diacuuion diet took the - løada
of u.e on 1'-...,"'" 6th.
CoUDC. Stokee __ opposed to any reducU- 111 the ~tb of
the IfiDutea. of the Council or any of tile ('___f ... -- .. lie fOllDll
that a greatdetan. of infonation 111 tile "_...
Minutes belpfu1. Be vas iD favor of approv1Da CouDc. Jr"--'.
request and CODt........ to POiDt out aDd Si- p'.d...... to the
secretary for the next several aGDths on vbat vas vaated.
The previous _tion vas vithdrawn aDd Couoc. Stokes .....
his last CaDent into the fom of a Dew -,:;~ion which vas .ecoaded
by COUDC. Johnson.
MotiOD carried, 5-0
Moved by Couuc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Hoel to approve
the revisioD aod exp&D8ioD of the aiDUtI'. of Octob.r 2, 1967,
starting 00 pase 10, parasraph 4, throuah pase 13, paraarapb 1.
COUDC. JOhDSOD stated he had DOt received a cop)' of theH to
COUDC. Deapster, Stokes, Fitaaerald, Hoel
ABSENT: Counc. JOhnsOD
IV A. WRITtEN ccøann:c.uIOIIS
The City Clerk reported 00 three l.tter. of Appeal he
had received.
1. Froa Dr. Jo.eph F. Brown, appeal1øa tb. deDial by
the p'.ftft.fta Cv--f..ioD of appli~tion 16-%-67 for
tbe re&oD1D¡ of 15 acre. aDd 4 acr.. located 00 tb.
ve.t sid. of the Saratoaa-SUDDyvale lli&bway, north
of Stev_ Creek Blvd.
2. Froa JI.GIar D. Wooley, .ppealiDa tile ,h....f.. r__._
dOD d...b1 of applicatioD 17-%-67 for the rUODiD&
of !Dta 1oc:atecl at the south end of HouDt Crest Dr.
3. Froa ~ Webb, app".u". the Phftftf.. c-1aaioa
JtPProval of a U.. Perait for a coiD-operatad car
vaah _t to the aed Vest r..uuraat.
- 3 -
IH-..,. of the 'Iepla~ KeetiDa of the City COUIIC:i1, 11/20/67
A1M, _J.'" _ a petitiOll fo~ a left turD laDe 011 Stevena
cÞB. 11ft. that ... ... tuned over to tile CJ.ty Kaaae~ fo~ adaj,a-
unsrin un. .. _t1øD.
1IDt1aa.... ., C-. StGUe, ..caT·.... ., CouDc. o.p.ur. to
fUe tile 1_"-. ... to ..t tile nil -tell "r --1. fo~ public
bear1IIa at tile _t reaala~ _tilla of tile C -il _ Ðw-J...~ 4th.
!II'. .Jany Paeca. 10797 L1Dda nata Dr.. .uce4 that the ~es1dent.
of that UM had aœ '-- properly _ti.Ue4 of -.c had n_pired
OD SoY.u.r 6th. ..... othe~ ~_ideDta had ...11..1 CouDc. .JotmaOll
IIDd tile City" ... about the daDaer of -"'.. UDde Vi.ta Dr. into
a u1D a~tary to JIcC1elÜD ad. aød had _....1œe to pose.
n.. JIayor u1d that o:ba _tt.r had been before tile Plumi... eo.-
ai.a1oa for thr.. _U.... and tvic:e before the Couocll aod it bad
"- adverti'" t. the _paper. Be pointed out that the Tentative
Map already had beaD approved. The City Attoraey .tated that no ac-
tioa could be t.... at that ttee. partic:ular, in tb. ab.enc:e of the
Mr. Puetz vas c:oac:erned about the poteDtial influx of traffic
ont~ Linda Vi.ta Dr. aDd tbat possibly an taproper .tudy had been of tbe traffic .ituation. Couoc:. o..p.ter suaae.ted he contact
the Director of Public: Works who vas to _Ite a c:..plete .urvey of
traffic in tbe area aad live hia the benefit of bis c:~nts. Mr.
Puetz tben requested a c:..plete recapitulation of vhat had :aken
place as ~.t of the residents of Linda Vi.ta vere in the audience.
rbe City Attorney rei:erated that DOtbiaa c:ould be done at that
Couac:. .Job_ _rized the ...enc:e of _..y telepbone c:alls
be ~ received: The "proy_ent of McClellan J¡J" the axtenai, n
of :iyamûsport Dr., tba "proy_ent of Bubb ad. up to Mc:Clellan and
tbe off and on r.-ps of the freevay pa.t tbe c:ollel.' He requested
a staff report, in COGJUDctiOD vith that to be c:onduc:ted on stop
.ta-. "n how aød vbeD _ c:an financ:e and ~rove Mc:Clellan Rd.. the
exteaaion of ByaDDiaport Dr. to F~~thill Blvd. inc:ludina tbe _ssive
bora_boe bend in the area, thr iJlprov_t of lIubb Re!. aaona tbe
three juri.dic:tione iDYOlved, and that a c:onc:erted effort be _de to
.ecure the off aDd on r..,. at the freevay the c:oll"le.
He put tbia i. tbe fora of a ~tion Whic:h va. sec:onded by Counc.
Stoke. for di.c:ue.toa.
Counc:. Stokes ~nted he vas in aar....nt with re.pec:t to
Kc:Clellan Rd. aDd tbat it would DOt be ac:c:..pli.bed by a private
- 4 -
HlDutes of the teau1ar Heetial of tbe City Council, 11/20167
:"l!1oper becauae o~ the golf course etc. Be thought the e;t-
~easiOD of ~ Dr. ... of . 10118 1'.... proar- ~o
be solvecl 80 tile _ develop.. The 1'..,. bad bea requeated
by the City bat to DO avail; perbapa it coulcI be ..pronched
ap1a lilt . pøt'f....,.-1- bal8, fiDa1U:l8llJ. '!be 1'J:(,IOAl for
labb U. .. . poIIIC wll tateD bat a _ch IIOre cI1ff1c:alt pro-
bl. to .olve tIIa tile Blaøey or St.lliDa 18prøv -"ta.
Ccwc:. JcL rD poiDted out the uraeocy of tb1a .tudy beca....
of the op-f.. of die _ hlah .chool
Motion c:arried, s-o
!fr. Harold a__, a resident of the area, reported tha~ ~he
paper carried a atory 011 October 2S~h that the> tract had been ap-
proved witb ... Laøe to be build into a road to carry ~he traffic
on ~o !tcClellaD. 011 JIoveaber 8th, tbis _a cbanaed to have it '0
dow LiDda Vista Dr. He asked what bad happened to lUke this
Òange. The ~yor replied tluat all bad shovn Linda Visla
~. going ~hrdUsh and recommended be consul~ w1~h the s~aff on
t~e details of the ..p.
Patricia Wandry, Chairman, announced ~he dea~h of Mrs. Loren
A~ker (Judy Acke~) eulogizing her pas~ a~~ribu~~~ as a very ac~ive
~pa1gn worker, PYA memher, etc. The Commission would like ~o
,topese a memorial in bel' honor in the renaming of ~or~al Park
:~ Judy Acker Park.
~yor ritza.rald poin~ed ou~ ~ha~ a~ the ~1me the parks
~ere named, ~he Council es~ablished a criterion they would not
::.ame parka after aDy one person, be he living or dead. It was
i~tended that ~1al Park serve as this purpose and A pro-
vision was to b. .ade ~here for the placina of such recognitions.
!trs, Wandry stated th. Commission bad discussed this point and
ur1ved at two alt.rnaUve recommendations: 1. ::,.&t the building
i: the park a1ght be nased in Judy Acker's mea1lOry; 2. That the
?<\rlr. be dedicated to Judy Acker but with the naae r..ining as it
Motion aad. by C~c. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, that
t~e buildina in Portal Park be dedicated to the ...ory of Judy Acker.
!tot ion carried, 5-0
3. REPORT OF no: PI.\llNING COHHISSION (!1u Minutea of Nov.ber 13th)
Chair'~ lut~th reported on the lona aa.nda the Co.aission
had at last _CI.. after which a discussion _a h.ld as to th.
Jifferuc. io tbf-h. between tbe Co.aisaiou aud th. Council on
the nuaber of hor... to be permitted under the proposed Ordinance
:lO(1) .
- S -
T-- of the Jacalar Keet1Dl of the City CauDell, 11/20/67
c. I.EI'(&T OP 'DIE &- -·.....&udL AlG) SITE APPIOVAL \AlBlà.&.J.J.&& fSee
.._.. of"'4 '.. t. l~U)
(;I-t- . Iaria;'. _- lip the _tter of the apperuøeøees on
top of eM "ada _1~ iIåIII __ .ta11ll. theD ph--t. lie
lwp04tet tllac tt.M .... lie fis.. ill _ _ co eitbu W.
tlMa or to 'bpIø ~.
DIe .-t1OD of die ... 'endt for traUer r_cala ., 1Ir.
V:lttt _ df.CV.,~. it ~ report" the appl1cac could not
attach ~ co die _tdf"l. aiDk post-bal_ ill the aspbalt or
pr_t the ~ ... -.nø of "8Ol1ae trueD to fill die ator-
aae tub. A _able f_ ".f~ to be the cm1y alteraati.e but
that DO pløs bad bee ......tted.
!krted by Couac. State.. aecooded by COUDC. Roe1, that a re-
port by the .taff be ~ued at the next Counc:U _tiøa on
Lbe status of thia U.. 'erait.
Motion carried, 5-0
l!fr. Willi... appeared later in the evenina to report that
the fe~e had been installed aa of that date. The Council unanimously
agre~ :~ postpone further official action for two veeks for the re-
view ~f the plans as had been request~ previously.)
It vas report~d that Mr. Kehrig desired seae action on his re-
quest f~r a clarification from the Council in relard to a six foot
set ba.' of one of the aboppina center buildinaa. The plan called
for t~e bu1ldinas to be placed on the property line but it vas dis-
covered that the adjoinioa property is in Sunnyvale and zoned
!fr. Kehria prea.ted hia site plan and deacribed the layout
for the shoppioa ceater. Øe objected to any requir_ot for a 6'
set-ba.k ..yioa that there vas very li.tle likelihood that the area
in question would ever be developed as resideatial. If enforc.od,
it vould create probl... vtth the internal traffic and perkinc sit-
uation. He offered to fill io the lap between ~he buildioaa vith
a sluap stone fence of S' or 6'. Mr. Kehri. said in addition, he
vould 11~ to put in a fence of redwood (not no~l type) but on..
vith S to 10 inch a~re poata with ~ inch r~ alata. T~ia
would help halanc:e t"e _11 and add to the rusttc appearance.
!fr. J1a Nuala ac.ted he apoke with Mr. Ed. Moore, 'lanDiq
Director of Sunnyvale lobo their .~..ff had no objecttou to the
The Sunnyvale '1.ftftt~ Ca.aiaaion were cODcern.d with the fe~l-
ioaa of property _re edjaunt and acre apecifically lira. Becker.
After uplaln1na the e1tuatiOD of a 6' wall on her ,lrOpSrty 11118,
ahe had DO real objecti-. either. Her anorney, Mr. Cohen. Bovev".,
had acae (.Djections. lie will appear before the COU1ICll this even-
iAl after 10:00 P.M. tAt hie later apP"arance he offered DO
objecUoa) .
- 6 -
IQ...,-" o~ the Rqular MeetiD8 or 1;IIe City COI'J1CU. ll/20/61
c '1'he PGE Propert7 __A _r'tq this area is ap'iC1l1turaJ. &ODe.
Borderiac Cupertiuø, tIIøe Sa DO requirement ~or this wall. TIle
area itse1t honYer, is ~dential and the ordi"."'" 1a ~a1r~
explicit. Mr. Ifu1a "'-n" his ~ka bJ ItatiDe 1~'" ñrict~
up to the Council to .k. ,.. vbat to do in this .-tter'.
Mared bJ Counc. Ð _ ter, leconded bJ Counc. 1Ioel. to cODti_
the _tter to tbe tw. ...... Mr. Cohen arrhea IR tile COaDcil C:>O-.
JIotlon carried. 5-0
VILSQI-WOODRUFP APPLI~OI - Restaurant Euuiðe o~ PotIt omce.
Mr. Irvin introduced Mr. Denis Kobza. Architect, vbo clelcribed
the enerior o~ the I'"~ed restaurant vb1ch v1U carrr out the
theae of RevolutioDU'J' Dqa (red. white, blue, gold). It is not to
be f'ranchised but under 1oc&l O\õnership at the present tille. They
will sell mainl,y sandvic:hes - not dinners.
Move:! by Counc. D_ ....ter. seconded by Counc. loel. to approve
the II.i:r:.¡tes with the exception of the Kehrig application and that
of the ~raUer rental use permit.
Motion carried. 5-0
2. :::e ::ty Planner sated that there had been no objections re-
ceive:: :::. the applicaticm for a Variance (8-v-67) to allow an 8'
reàv~:: ~ence along t~e Southern Pacific railroad right-of-~.
east s:::e of Bubb Rd. approrlmately 850' aouth of McClellan Rd.
On a ".ution bJ Counc. Stoltes. the Chief Building Inspector
said ~!:at three such ...n.ances for higher than a 6' fence had
bee~ ~~ed in the past.
!t::Te:: by Coun::. Jœnao.:. seconded by C'_unc Noel. to approve
~he ai'¡::~:'at1oD.
MatlO~ :Arried, 5-0
3. ~;.D;:.II IKIŒS: T_taUv~ Map (17-'l'M-67) The Cit)" Planner
.tat~:: t!:e Propert7 18 DOt umexed to the City yet and it is not
xooeC1 t: !ì1-7.5. The or_tati... Map vould hue ~o be approved sub-
Ject ~: th... cond1tiODl. Allo. the front widths are narrower than
oth."r.,~ pera1tted and tile old retain~ng vall would ha... to be re-
infor:~:: ~r reDDTed.
MoT~:i by Counc. ~t.r. seconded by COl.iDc. loel. to ap¡:roye
"wUest ion 17-'111-67. witJa the stated condi tiODS.
Motion c~r~cd. 5-0
- I -
lI1I1utH of tile Be¡ul.&r Meeting or tte Cit)" Council, 11/20/67
n _
L .JdìÍ'IAL - Application 1..z-61 ad 6-V-67
~''CoàDc. Stokes ...... 1:IIe:r be treated as one appl1c:&'tiaa ..
.' '. ... 'beeD heard pNriaa.JT .. GIIt!. Mr. I'raDk Kohles, Udwni\7
, ..~. Palo Alto, spoke bef'ON ~ Coancll conc:erniDa the p¡...
'" . Mr. PruIJt IIøft'iS of Lœ ADp1" as the ardIiteR,
'B. .lsoa, 168111 -- Beal, Palo Alto, will dfte10p tile
, tbe c~ial portiOD o~ tJIi. propert7 18 on the troDt portioa
01 .... atnd Rd., 100' :It 120', 12,000 .q. ft. 'l'b18 side i. _"'1&117
...s.te4 to the Oftral1 proJect ~t and tits in with the ori«-
~ p1aD and rK_ ..ðatiOD or tbe p,.....1r.ø statt and in the Wti&1
-..r,. '!'be requird perk1lW _ 1IIclwle4 a 6' hish va11 aroua4 the
rite; alao included an eøtrIUICe troa within the site so that traftic
_ __ tree~ trca the proJect as we11 as Homestead Rd. It 18 a
~.nce urket for the ¡.eople ot the bDediate ar..a.
,~ "..
, ,'~
);~~ -
Mr. ...lson expJ:unf!4 th.. pr:>j..ct as a low-dens 1 ty apartaeDt hG'.s<:
~ ea.pris1ca 122 units on 7.~ acns. It vill b.. ot Ranch Styl~.
ri2 a p'f!at deal or V?Od ahake a1dica on exteriors. Over-all plan
~lu=Sea a maxilllUlll us.. ot interior patios and courts. In th.. d..sig~,.
-:!Ie)' reduc..d :iensity t'raI 136 to 122 units in one and tvo-stol7 b,.i .1-
:.=.p, rath..r ~:an all tvo-stor,- :~ldings, Tb..r.. vil: b.. a Iarce r~-
~ioz: ta.:1:ity toward the ai~e ",f th.. pool md up ~'" $30,ooG. "L~"
~ :& vi:: b.. put into the proJect,
Mr. Fr&C£ ~rris, Archit..=t trom Oran¡.. Co. then a1iresaed ~n~
::.:r.mc1l d..u.iIinc that Ir.:''''::i te 125' b"U Ucaa; _1:.
:ndlUnc to ~~ldlng, 25 teet. ~..y haY" _intained ~he 1..a1r-: ~o
~1~1tate vehi:le and pedeatr-:a.:. :lr~ulation vi th ~&ch se~arat~ .~...
L.: ita ovn, vith open spac" ~~::.g in exC'.... ot S::'S.
Mr. Morris stated ,h~ ~aTe th..¡ :~asi~r.
~.a1on to inatall carports i! of ¡&rages. J&r&¡f!s lIIOa~ ',~
o;r.e ~~ vo~:i nave Opel, doors vt.1':h might b.. svincing tne17, brolt·,;,
~ =aII8" a ~ontinuous main';f!r.&:.::e prabl... and not ne&r~y as at~:"&:·.
.. carports. :'hey ve also p~ :1ing a tnllis-vorlt area tor Ir....s~
Mr. Morris continUf!d that ~~e:r haTe decid..d to go alone vi th ~~,..
__1~ requirf!lllenu. Th~ haTe Archit..ctural . Site Control apprGa.
...s ~aed to coordinate &1: ;cu..a of th.. deTeloplllent.
It vas pointed out that !f.or>es,; High School u nearby. A p&:'£.;..;
~ .cd aix or ei¡bt tennla COur<;3 s..parate the project froa the o~~~
~ area of the school. ~. statt atat..d that it pr..sented no rr.-
~ and the Planni.... Co.a1a.ioc had no obJ..ctions to zaking one :~. ,:
tV _tire area. Then vas a~ alight ob.1..ction by S~&1.., who ...'.,... ~,1
a ~ ended street to haT.! a turn-around.
- 3 -
.. .L
of the Regular MeetiD¡ of tile Cit7 Council, 11/20/61
Mr. Borris stated tIIat. ~ 1IOUld like to put a ~ Upt sate
&C1'OII3 the street IID4 to she the Fire ~nt a 1te7. 'l'bere is a
-uteuance problea ritb cbilclreD p}qins with cars.
Mr. Morris sai4 ~ 1!an agreed to g1 ve tire· access betveen the
Mr. J[ohles e. nte4 ~ the cCllllllercial aspect ot the proJect
vas an integral part at tile plaD.
Mr. Laurin interJected tbat since this renderiDg vas /lOt presented
to the plAnning COIIIId.ssi_. it should be a part ot the llinutes. Also. to
make the Architect' Site Control avare ot the problems presented to it
117 the Fire Department.
Counc. Dempster 1SOTed the Public Hearings be closed. Seconded 117
Counc. Stokes.
Co~cilemn Dempster, Johnson, Noel. Stokes, Fitzgerald
~~ion carried, 5-0
Counc. Stokes move;i ":'=.a1'. the applicant be allowed to e!'e~t carports
in lieu of garages. Se~o~~~d by Counc. Dempster.
Councilmen Demps":er, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgera~~
Y~~ion carried~ 5-0
Counc. Dempster moved ":0 approve the Variance under it"", 1A on the
Agenda (6-v-67). Seconded ~ Counc. Noel.
Councilmen Dempster, Johnson. Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald
~tion carried, 5-0
Counc. Stokes moved ~O!' denial of the Variance under ::. tem lB on the
Agenda (6-v-67). Seconded 117 Co'mc. Noel.
Councilmen Dempster. Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Motion carried, 5-0
.Counc. Dempster .aTed tor approval of Application 14-z-67. Counc.
Johnson asked if there vas UZT word at all from the High School. Mr.
Laurin BDswered that the)' baye not contacted the High School, hence
have not actually heard rra. th_, although the property had been posted.
Counc. Johnson seconded the ~tlon.
Councilmen ~wr. Jobnaon. Noel, Stokes. Fitzaerald
Motion carried. 5-0
- 9 -
IUD... _.. - ....1... C~~ Cowe1l Ke_U~,11I20/67
2.0' ,,~ -.::. 220(1)
CclaDe. Stœes stated tJId lie -. DOt agree with the p-I_"m..
..;.' ---loa to lia1t UI7 parcel. ~ ~ be ot large sbe. to three
. .' . Bis teeliJIs vu tJId tIIii ,... .I 1IU Mre~ to eODtrol tbe
. - .... s. 7be turàeD ot ~ooI - 11. be put upOD the propertJ' v..-&.
-.&6e Cit7. 3e thousbt that; .. .. 50 ..:res with three or .ore h- ]'1-
.. __ oat ot :.ine.
CoImc. StXes DOTed tJId GS. QrM-"I"e raain as llllended 117 tbe
- 11 UId tJ:a~ ~e readinc ..., title eœat1tute the tirst readinc-
- _ 3otmao: s~::onded the .ø&~
Coune1::e: :espster. J -
.... JIoel. Stoltes. F1 tzgerald
!4ot1c& ::arr..K. 5-0
~OLUT¡:~ ~:. :~:~
Me;ror F:~:,;.:-s.:.i stated ~ 1I'U :;0 oppositio:l to this Rest::'~-::t::..
_. .:...s -:!le Sc~:.:.: 7:S! just o!~ ~ :re~k Blvd.
:"::r:==. ~s~~:" ~:-:~.: ~he p-,¡-:~: ~.:.g :e closed.
Seconded ':;"j
~ ----
:r.:a:: ,
:~ur.=::=~~ :~=rster9 ~~~. S~:, Stokes, ~::gerald
Mo~:'~ ::-&:_ ~~:. 5-0
.::: :E:~-~ A.'I: ~~:::'~-:::::lS F::J? .c,:?:::S
~.&.~:E N:. :.: :e::;.i:~:- =",ved t::.a.-; :~.= -..-:e ~¡o. 376 be r'ead by ~: ~~~
-: =:s cor.s·,~·~t. t::e secor.~ .1 .'-«. Seconded 't:~. :"ooc. :I::.::',
~ : :ounc:' :.:~:. :~=~ster. ::i:::s~. S:>e:. Stokes, :'i tzgeral1
~: :Sone
Matix. ~e~. 5-0
VII: ?A-"=IIØ ~::.:.s
:S23 and :~~.
-~1on N.:. :~.:; vas read ~ -
... er Stokes,
Ikrred 1:)" :::.::::. Johnaon ':.':: a5aFt !!esolution 110. 1523, secon~~ '=7
~-. .oe1,
Coooc~~= :e:pster. J .
. JOel. Stokes, Fitzgerald
~ot1a& ~. 5-0
- -
cI 'the Regalr ::'<::T COUDCU. JIeeUIIc. 1l/20/67
1œD' .ðIa.uu BILLS ,=~ued)
JIIIeolutiœ )i:. ~2" vas r..a 1I!r ~ r ......r Stokes.
, ~,
Mcm!d ~ :""'œIC. IIoeJ. ~ ~ BøolutlO11 10. l52¡. sec0aðe4
\ _ Co1mc. :ci!:I:sœ.
~ ØIB: t"0""'"<-- Deçner, J, - aG, JIoel. Stok9. F1tqeral4
..: loDe
Jløt1ca carried. 5-0
D .::sr OF 0::': ...::.,;;
A. REPQJr. ~ __.1 ~ f'=ther t-:> report.
15. REPOR': . :::! MAJlAGER
1. ~~ :~":7 Manager suàlli~ a sketch shoving a proposed lan.s-
scaplng p::'a=. ::= ~he median = s+-..eTeZUI Creek Blv<i. in front of ~e
Post orr:.:~ <=: ~:e College.
Co>.::::. =~;it~3 moved ten-ta:iTe approval of p::'ans, pending c~ts
of lands:s;~, Seconded by ::c:m:. ]loel. This spplies to the area
fiOlll Hiç...-s;c : '...3~ only. aDd .>-.-.; ve vill confor.:: vi th what lan:à:ç-
1ng they :'~7' 1: ~!le College ~o~a: as Stelling !U. is concer.::e-:.
Moti= :arried. 5-0
2. .:.. :~:7 )lanager re......_ .e-: on the previously approved ::::c:s:.=ent
to contra:: ::= ~:e purch&Be ~ ~::ported vater. :'hey have aç~ t:¡ this
but vitI: ~:.. :..:.3~sllation of a ::- instead of an 5" meter. the :'ead ::'-:>85
em the EO :..~ ::0 great. ~....e estiJllated cost of this will be S-.3ÖC.::JO
i.%1IItead :f ::, :: ,JOO. 00 repcr:e'i earlier.
3. ~.:::;r llanager also ~rted the resignation received ~':IC
Mr. Sed1ù :: :.::~ Parks' Re<:..-eation Commission vho had confli~ i::. =eet-
1JIc sche1~.., :~ vas agreed to vithhold this resignation unti: suer.
'time as t~:! ::=..:':ict can be res::Ted.
4. ~. :~:7 llanager rece~~ a letter froc Cc-=t;, Superr..sor SuI
Jlllcgiore, So! :-::'1:.:":IIaD of the ~. pointing out that t},ey vould ake to
have a ItH::~ ..-:':h the C1t7 ~ C';¡:>ertino regarding the tvo pareela of
property ::. :':;~ino. C=. Stokes requested a copy o~ t!:ia letter.
Jleeting a:e- -! ~: 2: 00 P.M.. :.eo ->--r 5th, to be held in the Board o~
Superviso:"!' :'::s::ers, San Joae Civic Center.
5. ~':::7 Manager sta:ed that the Mary Avenue questiOll is DO
10nger in ~x:r~:::e so far as ~ present Sunnyvale Council is concerned
as they va:..: . ::> 3 that there be no further consideration given to
Minates o~ tire - _"'." City C~ancil Meeting, ll.'20161
B.. ~ OF cm KAnGER (cont1Jmed)
6.. !lie City XaDager 1IIUI ..keel at the last Council meeting ~or
-' - of landscaping the 0Ye1' c:rœaiDc at Blaney Avenue. The
.. . _ architects haft been cœ'ted aad be viII def'initel1' haye
1:IIIa ... the next meeting.
~. ID reprd ~o the I_...l of S7~l'e trees on Sco~eld Dr.,
~ _ _1'"".".1 by COUDcil 1IbeD this _tter vas discussed. The
. J- )lrCaiaed to replace th_ ud ve will see that tbey do. He
_ _ 1"- 'tha't there should be a deposit made to assure compliance.
~ City Attonoey rec_Dded the setting up of a casb bond in
~ ,,~ ! ~orIII. I~ and when the trees are planted, the bond will be
~¿ !II "'le.
C--C. Jobnso:: :ade tbe lIIOtioc, seconded by Counc. Roel, tbat an
~ . tor a cas:: ~ond be prepared tor tbe replacing of diseased
Motion carrie1. 5-0
._ He also :,~,,;:'~ed on ~èe ~:'c-,¡:::e::" :of a ;r~5sing guar':! a"
?~ and Bubb ?;>S. as ~irec':e1 ':y ':èe ::oun'oi1.
:~.Æ'! OF DIE::'::? :F PUBL::: ..-:?.JŒ
Mr. Fl~ey 5~s~ed that ~~~ :~ ~za ICFr);e~~nt Dlstri:~ :s
7~~~ comple~~i. ~e tele~~c~e ~~:es ~n the n~rth slde ~f S~~7~~S
:~ ::::yo;!. are t~=;=:"U')" and vi:: :~ :-e:'':I·¡e1 if. .2.'::' .:.¡t a mon~h ar.~ ~
~ propose C'"=.&::~ '::rder '1£ ~';,: a s:'gnal .';r.":L': at St.ell:r~ \;
~~:-_~~ and some ::~er minor c~a:g~s i~ ~he ~c~~t ~r $9,O~~.~~.
_~=. Stokes =J7~j to appr~v~ ~&L6~ Crjer .:~, seconde1 by :~unc.
A~~; Counc1lc~~ :;~nson, See:, £~~Les, Fi~:~~rtilj
SCæ: : Jlone
.1____: COUDcil1:a:: :e:.pster
Motion =&.~ie1. --0
"'. It vas po:'::~ej out that ':èe vorL on Canjy ROèk Mt. 15 fina:.¡y
~.~ completic~. l~e contra~~~r is ~r~Ylfi~ t.:s b~st ~o get the
.'t~... paved. Th:'s .-ss dellQ'ed a :1ay or ~...,o di.J(" t.<J raln. There is no
er:a:':c. and accord:'::,; ~o the soil e!:.gineer. n~ sa:'t>ty hazard, There
n:.:. æ plant1ngs 0:: ~hose slopes.
A requelt fro= 'allco Park vas received for certain minor change
o...'.fI..... _d authoriution of tbe Council vas requested for the drawing
up ~ ~ necesse'y reeolutiollll tor the chang..s ..nd modific..tion in
Use =1c1D&l Ico::e o~ vork.
)q ·etJ ot the Regular City Coundl Meeting. 11/20/67
Moved 111 COUDC. ~. seconded by Counc. Johnson. to grant the
nece8881'7 authorizatioa.
Counci1men JoJno....... Joel. Stokes. Fitzgerald
CouncilllllD ~
JlDtion carried. 4-0
3. Oak holl Bills ... siTen a tinal inapeC'tiOD and there are
several deficiencies at.ill to be corrected betore it can be accepted.
4. lIork is still proceeding on the øå.estead Road project.
5. The McClellan Rd. Storm Drain project haa been put out to bid.
The openi::g is scheduled. tor Mo"~. December 4th. vi th the avard to
be made a: :he Council lleeting that night.
E. :!:e park iii tea are being completed accord' nc to schedule.
:!:e ~ary Avenue vater main proJe~: is proceeding and the plans
are be:'::.; :ravn up.
_ :1oere is an =:1erstanding that the developer viII participate
in tl:e :.:¡:r=ve"ent ot t::'at strip ot Voss Avenue authorized by the Council
but nO ~:~a: vord has been received as yet.
.. At the request ot the acting City Engineer:
I!cvei by COUDC. 5oel. seconded by Counc. Johnson to intorm the
develo¡ers ot Tracts 50. 3442. 3628 and 3806 that the improvement bonds
~ nOV be retired.
:cUDci1men Jot.naon. Boel. Stokes. Fitzgerald
:oUDcilman Dempster
Motion carried. 4-0
::. !I'.mic1pal tmprov_nts have 't>een completed at St. Jude's Church
tor the installation ot sidevallts behiLd street and curbs and at Bayvood
Terrace. ~ack No. 427~.
Ccunc. Noel moved to recommend acceptance ot the improvements.
Seconded by Counc. Jonnaon.
Councilmen Johnson. Boel. Stoltes. Fitzgerald
Councilman ~ter
Mot1!:1n carried. 4-0
1UnuU:.1 or 'the Regula: City Councn Meeting, 11/20/67
3. The Council vas aüed by the Director ot Public Worb on
tile pol1C7 relative to the re1'uDdill8 ot a portion ot the ten tor
8traI Drain when a suba~t. action 117 the Couacn 1....d.e4 'the tee
8dIedule in q:æstion prior w 'the cCllpletiOD ot the orfp_1 içrove-
, After disc:wse1on"CaaDc. ~e8 wrred. sec0ade4 117 CoaDc. 1Ioe1.
tIIa1; the COUDcil has DO alterDative but to proceed accor41DC to the
poliCJ' in effect at the tille ot the trauaaction with DO retroeetiYit1
be1118 aJ.loved.
lføtlon carried. 4-0 (Dellpster absent)
Mr. A::~erson read Qrd1Jumce 10. 377, providing tor a Cit1 tax levy
OD the trcs~er ot real ,roperty.
Move~ :y Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. Steltes to adopt
Ordinance S:. 377.
Cc.::i:men Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stoltes, Fitzgerald
K~ion carried, 5-0
'F. REPOR:.. ~:'I:!:!" BUIIJ)!3(i IJlSPECTOR - :rone
John :~~am lauded tèe V?Dderful s~irit of the Se:.i~r Citiz~~3
at their re:ent ptherill8 where thl!)' staged a fashion shov, IDOde:~,j
b7 the Se:i:r Citizens thesselves. Over 350 persons attend~d. Th~
Seniors v:.:: have a dq at Bq Meadows with tree lunch at the Turf
Club. An:t:er event schtKt~ed for the Senior Citizens is the film
'"The Bib~e" :n December 9tè. ':'hey vill ;uke a veelt-en~ trip alSc. _f:
:.ecember :~: to Carwel and MonterI!)'. They had IDOre t!:an 450 perSc.n3
present v!:e: an expert t'rca Washington spolte on Feder&: :;rants and
Proç81118 .
Mr. ?arham is Iteepiac in very close touch v!.th the Federal Guv~rn-
..nt conce~icg these grants.
Mr. Ry~er stated that the City had received $50,000. in sales
~ revenue last Frida¥ aDd he vill purchase Treasury Bills vith th13
vith a maturity ot Deceaber 14th at which time there vill be presen!ed
to the Coun:il a rec~D4ation tor invelticg in Time Deposits.
.. -.. 01' tb~ Rqular City Council Meeting, 11/20/67
Be also reported that he aDd the Deputy City Clerk had attended a S9-
iJI&r CII election).an siTeD by A. Carlisle' Co.
Tbere are ?!Ù.7 tour .ore COUDcil meetiqa in which the COUDcil has
to pul resolutioDII hariD8 to do with the election on April 9, 1968.
Hr. lVder respectt'ul17 requested permission to be absent from the
_t111& of' December 4th because of a conflict ins personal matter.
MC~io~ :ade by COUDC. Stokes to grant the request, seconded by
COUDC. Joel.
=~uncilmen Dempster. Johnson, Noel, Stokes. Fitzgerald
~otion carried, 5-0
A. ~~. _::liams spcke ~Qncerning the fenc~ he was instructed to
place :e:':::i his trai:'ers. He advised thE.t as of today, this wing
~OD.~~~::::c is coc;:e:e1; how~vert there is no way a wing fence can
be J:''.;": ~; .: feet ~r:;=- :r.e rear.
:,.=" Stokes :eyed ~hat this ~atter be postponed two weeks pend-
ing t~e ~eview of t~e \ii~s as constructed. Seconded by Counc. Johnson.
~otion carried, 5-0
B. ^tt:~:ey Cohen,rerresenting Mrs. Becker spokp concerning the fencing
alor~ t~e ~cker prcperty as it pertains to the ~ehrig development. Mrs.
BecJte~ i:es not have sr.y objection, except for a 6" leeway as planned.
::.=:. Johnson =eyed ~he Variance be approved to permit construction
vitcc~t t:'e 6' set-èa:~. Seconded by Counc. Stokes for ~iscussion.
~:. ~hrig shoved a sample of basalt slump stone to the Council,
stati:c ':'e entire Yoster's Freeze building has been revised. All walls
former~ '0 be cODlltructed of Basalite block and all three sides of the
proper!Y :ine vall will be substi tuted with the adobe slump stone. The
~tioc val aDended to include the submission of revised plans. He further
disc,....: the exterior facinss of roofs to be in !Po rustic shake, to em-
phasi:e ,ontinuity of line. There was much discussion pro and con con-
cernicc the _tal roof or vood roof and the Chief Building Inspector
stated !:.e !lad advised the applicant that a wood roof could not be used
in a ~~rcial ~one due to fire zone regulations. The Mayor pointed
out t~a~ ~1Ù1 one exception had been granted previously and that was d'le
only ~c t~e other heavy restrict.ons ~~d conditions attached to i~.
IIiJIatø or the Regular Council Meetiag, ll/20/67
X UlFI1II~ BUSIIIESS (continued)
The original lIIOtion ID4 second vas withdrawn.
!IoTed b7 Counc. ne.pater, seconded b7 Counc. Jloel, to cOlltinue
t.his application t.o t.he next. regular Meting ot the CitJ' Couucil to
penit eonsultat.ions with tile Fire ~nt.
MatlO11 carried, 5-0
~e :i:-ector at Public ¥ora Iw.itted and explained in detail a
renderi::c o! his propolle4 p~ UId cost. ot capital improv'?-
ment Fro:e:~1 for the i.,rDYements at Stelling Rd., Blaney Avenue South
and B:&::ey Ávenue Jlorth.
:~ "'U a~ated that the Blaney Avenue !lorth project vould require
but a :::;!L:"&~ive17 lmall .-aunt ot vork due to the :-ecent submissions
at pr:.:se: ~entative .pI !or i~rovin¡ ~It of the properties on the
Itree~. ~,e :~t of this il eltieated at $:2,2'2.00.
?~s:.~: ~y~nue Sou~h ~. acre ~xt~n.iv~ !~j vill r~qulre a 5' dedi-
cati:~ :~ .:~~er side includi=c the curt returns. It is essentially
~ 4C. :~: ~= :~b .tr..~ vi~~ e~cUlh room ~~h~nd it !or publi~ util-
ities, .. "ieva.llts are toct~lated. The cost :s estimated at
S3i.-:~. .:~r. no provision for lsn; a~quisltion.
õ~'~"=~ ,1. froe Stevens :r~k Blvd. t~ H~cestead, going through
:our.~:. .'.:~!~:'.:"~loc. is e.~~:r.a":..d to coat. S.,)r:;.~~c..JO. ~e plan callej
f~r a ~,~.~~ o! a 40' Itree~ but the Council vas ad'lSed that. soceday
it vc~:: cs~e to be expanded to a 90' width. At present, the widths
vary ~~:: !~:~:on to ~ection. !n &BaVer to & ~u~stion by Cnun~. :emp~t~r,
th~ ::.~:; "!:_~~r said both stre-ets ar~ in th~ s~l~~t syst~m. vti:-t "'ðu~j
perm: ~ . '. .se ~f gal tu moniel for these :"rr~vements.
_;~,:. õto£el .ugg.sted !he elimination of ~urb and gutter from a
lect::~ 3:_~c.weatern) o! t~e project and Just widen the paved area, He
thougt~ ~~&~ !hil portion would lomed~ be deve:ored and would requ:rè
a f~~~:- ~:ieninc to 90' causing the tearing out of &Q1 improvements
put :c. ~;v. 7here vaa further dilcuslion on al!ernatives to the pr~F0s~1
to de~e~:~e :omparative coat..
:t Val ~oved by Counc. D~ster, leconded by Counc. Stokes to refer
the .r:.~.e: ;roJects to the City Manager for a review on tinancing re~uire-
menta s=~ & report to ~e lubmitted at tbe next ",eeting of !he Council.
'!!E~~.Æ.1!!! ReautU' )~~~:D§_~£_~È!_21:L=9~;.Ul~.?2.:L__u
n nw BUS:n:BS
A. Mr. JoIm I_s, 10397 Somerset Ct. addressed the C,-J1cll regardiD«
what he tene4 .. . cri tlcal problem along Blaney Ave. South. A 50'
SectiOD Wen tbere is onl7 . 12' clearance from the center line of th!!
ro.4 to buûes cleprirlÐ& children and other pedestrians a valkva7 alùLè
the .ieSe ot tJae aueet. 'DIe prOJwa1t7 ot tbe various schools and the
park .ü. W. a cJen&eroua situation. Be asked for the removal of the
....,¡et.UOll 011 tJae Ci t7 OVDed Propert7 and a fira till be provide.. to
preTeut tha S~D& ot vater and ..ake toot tratf'ic sarer.
It vas a"l'et b7 COUDC. Dempster, seconded by Couoc:. Stokes, to
bave the C1t7 NlD&ger take corrective action.
Motion carried, 5-0
B. Couoc. JoIIuon c~nted on ~he parks development progr8li1 and the
lack ot sufflciect additional monies to complete the Central or Memorial
Park. He would ~e interested in a forecast of vhen a."ld ho... th!! finar.:ing
vas to be acco.;:ished and suggested that consideration be given to a
bond issue for ~:is ¡;UTpose.
Counc. ne.pster thought that it vas premature to place another t~ná
issue b~fore t~ voters at this t1me. He offered that people are very
tax conscious aM perhaps the funding could come from increased pro¡;erti
tax valuations r!!sulting gram larger businesses locatinß here. He yas
very much in faT~r of dcveloplng the park but thought a bond issue ~nap-
propriate now. Also, the Council had already =ommitted itself t= a
library bond ial~~ in April.
Counc. Jo~~~n requested a capltal improvements budget be prepa~t1
for the next f:-e years so the Council could have a better understac.1:c.g
of resources ar.1 a prlority schedule of vhat is contemplated.
Counc. Sto&es brought up the question of a park in the sauthwes·e~~
quadrant of the :ity. The ar..a is rapidly bui lding up and he tc.,)u..c.·
that a site shc~d be acquired vhile one was sti:l available, if any
vere. The Parks :ommissicn vas lnstructed through the Parks anj Pe:cea-
tion Director ~. have a report ready for the next Council meet'c.g -~
the avail&bllit1 of sites.
The M~or ::.troduced a Resolution to support the City of Sar. ":e..,;',
request to the ?~.tmaater General for the issuance of 8 commemerat~.e
stamp in honor ~~ th~ 200th annlversary of the rounding of Mis~l~r. ~8~
Moved by ê:.oo, Johnson, s~conded by COUDe. Stok~. to a¡;~~cve "e-
solu~ion No. lS<~.
Coun~ll :~~ster. Johnson, ~oe1. Stokes, Fitzgerald
Motion ~arried, 5-0
iUnutes r4 Regular Meeting of the City Council, 11/20/61
n IJII BUSllIESS (continued)
Counc. Stoke. reJI&l'ked about the Project Status Report and re-
ca-eted that it be a recurring report on a IIODt~ baa1s. '!'be C1t1
Jlua&er stated that the format had been vorkd out and that it would
_ read;y ~ncing with the next Council meeting.
A motion vas made to ad..lourn by Counc. Dellp8ter. seconded by
Coanc. Stokes.
Motion carried, 5-0
Meeting adjourned at 1l:55 P.M.
151 Jerry FitzRerald
Mayor, City of Cupertino
A:-:::S-: :
Is, We. E. Ryder
Ci t:.- C~erk