CC 11-06-67
10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino, Calif.
Phone: 252-4505
MàUTm OF 'l'IIE RDJLAB _W OF 'l'IIB CITY COOICIL - Navellber 6, 1961
PLACK: Council et--, Cit7 Ball, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Calitonlia
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
Coupc. present: Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stoltes, Fitzgerald
COUDC. absent: None
Staff present: City Attorney, S8111 Anderson
City Clerk, Bill Hyder
Director of Public Works, Frank Finney
Director o!' Plannill&, Adde Laurin
Recreatior Director, John Parh8111
Chief Building Inspector, Bill Benevich
Assistant Planner, Jill! l'IUZUIII
Re~ording Secretary, Sylvia Hinrichs
Coupc. Johnson aslted if a re;œitinc of paragraph 2 on paae 10 vas g0111&
to appear in the Minutes. The City Clerlt advised that this h:ui been
jone but not ill time for ,ubmission at this meeting.
COUDC. Stoltes requested clarification cf Section C on paae 5. the
COUDcil had accepted the Park COIIIIIIisaion offer to help in reviewing
:andscaping and beautification plans but only for City properties.
Applications sublllltted to the Architecture and Site Control Cœaittee
vould st111 be reviewed by them and remain under their control.
COUDC. Stoltes also requested that line 1 or paragraph 4 on page 10 be
changed to re..t "... I t puts the burden of proof on the Ci t7 and it
vould be Impossible to enforce thia."
In relation to c_nU he bad read in the po:pers on the proposed
Library, COUDC. Stoltes sug¡ested that the rec~rd be .-de that the
Council haa DOt approved ~ doUar aIIOunt ~r vaa there uq intent
to pr~-desilD the building in advance of hirill& an ~chitect.
Moved by CO\IIIC. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Stoltes, to approve the
Minutes of Oc:'tober 24, 1961, aa corrected.
Notion carried, 5-0
of ~ Regula:' See-;:':16 of tbit Cit)" C<>uncll, :.:../6/61
A. Vritten
A reque8t for a 8oUc!1;a1õ1oa pezmt vu recdTed trœ XI'. Z. C1;rde
Rob8on, repre8entina the Cbr1ñiau Record l:'al118 POWIdation.
'fhe Cit)" Clerk vu inat~ to obtain cleannce trœ the C01õ:1:Y-
vide 8creen1Dg organ1a.tioa aud, subJect to this &jo~...,.l, p-ant
the reque8t.
Hoved by C:>;;:c. Stokes, 8econded by COUIIC. :;oel, that Cit)" Clerk be
in8tructed to obtain cle&rllDCe for thi8 re<¡~est.
Motion carried, 5-:
B. Oral
.. Y:. Fra:~ ~e:, :1:60 Sar.~& ~eres~, S~:~:~~¿~ ~ =~~~e5~ ~~r ~~e
appoin~:e~~ =~ ~ adul~ scèoo: crossi~g ~~~ ~: ~~e ccr:er c~
B'Wob and Reg::ä.r': Roads. He Lao s....:.:i~-:~.:i ø. _,~-: ter ~ro: ?:-::.~:;.~&:
Frank ::&:"~ o~ -::'7.e Regnart E:.e:enta.:-¡ SC:a':=: ~-'r...:':'rsi:&õ t:'::'s, as
yell as a ;e:::i~~ vit~ over 200 si~a~~es.
Move~ by :~~:. Stoìtes, sec:o~~ed b:r Co~.:. ':':~:~$::'r., to a".ã-:':.or:z.e
~r.e a?p~i~-:=e~~ ~~ the re~ues~ed sc~oo: .:=.:~~_=¿ &'~d, &:.~ :~
~r.str~.:~ ~=e =:~J Y~ager to vor£ o~t t=~ ~~: .::3 o~ this i::ed:a~e~
cr. hi3 re:~~ ~ro: v&C&tio~.
Mot1o~ carried, 5-:
, .
y~. ?a~ ~::::~,
t~e r~vo~&:::~ ~~
:955v Steve&$ Cree£ B:~i..
~is Use ?e~~ ~C~ ~:&~:c:
?;: ~C"eå ;'Ü
:ee;a.rd. :.;)
: ~;:~e..:~
¡::ope~:"l. _.. .a.~ :'ia cor.~en~ion t~Â:' t:'~ :.::.,.::.:.~.:,¡:.s 0:'" :':.e ::~e
Perci~ :'Â~ :e~~ ~e~.
:'~i:"-b ::.~ ~;':¡::':'33:'O~. it vu poir.ted. O\ó.: ::.£.': "~:e ~e~':è _..
~~est:~~ .~ :.: :'a.e bee~ co~~r~c~e~ so :~_: ~~~ :'~a~:è~~ .~~e :.c
~e enC:Oie~ 5= ~~ey voU:d =o~ ~e yi.i~:e ~~=~ ~.! v~ ~:'e s~~~~:'s.
7~e exis~::"~ ~e~:e did r.o~ de ~hia. In ~~e a~ :~:e o~ t~e ~;.~~
~ttor~ey ~~&:. :~e Co~~i: had ~he paver t~ =¿~~~J:~er a ~~::e~
&C~1o~ :~ ::. ~~s s~i:l o~ a current ~atu:e ~~ :. :e ~ss:=i::ty
t:at ~ :::s~:'e:-~:anding could have ::.~ :·o::'ovi:--4i :;ct:::"or.
vas maje ::y =~'..:".=. Sto£e8, and .econded by =:>;.~c, '¡ohn80~:
":'La':. :':.:!' .:i.Ž'ÿ:icant be l1ot.1t1ed too a;::;.ea: :¡~ 'o:"e 'the next
r.<:xt ::ee:~::ð or the Architecture and Site (;.)n.rol.
Cr--'t:ee to have thia resolved or the I:&:t"r vil.::' be
tùe~ =~~ t::e Council aaen4&.
HotiOD carried, 5-v
IUDUtn or the Rqular ~1DI or tile City Council. u/6/67
v /. JIUUKr (Ø ~ C(MIr~IOW
(See IIiJIutea of OCWber 23. 1967)
CIIa1nID lIatIIemIth .tated be vouJ.d be UDablo1l to c· ,It 011 the IUJmtn
+L el.,.... be be4 JIIR neelft4 th8 acl had DOt had the ,,!,.,GrtUDit7
to reed thea. Be ~d. bclt6yer. be &la4 to _ UZT q_tloas.
1. S'!'t'-- DBßLŒ1III'l cæP. IID4 L. I!UR'1' AVERY (22-u-61). USE
PLADI1IO CœMIsstœ RISOIJ1'101 10. ~56. Oetober 23. 1961.
!'.r. BIu't Aftr'7. the deYeloper. stat~ his reasona for selectill8 this
particular site. displto"ed sUdes of a siJll1lar project he has developed
:.:: Mountain View and described the details of his proposal.. When asked.
!:e Yeriti~ that '1e screed with &11 15 conditions as ~osed by the
FlanniD& C~ssioc. Bis tentative time schedule vas to start about
~!:e =dddle of ne~ year vith the ~:'rst phase beill8 completed vi thin
l~-:~ aonths. The second phase vould begin i_diately af'ter COllI-
¡:~~~:n or the r1r.~.
~e F:&nnlDg Dire:::~or gave his c~:'n~on that this development is yell
.:'--ej. There stl:l are SaDe =:'::~r problems on valkways and fences
:~~ rather than ho:1 up the at the Planning Commission level
!:e !:as asked for authority to vcr~ them cut.
:-:.~ :irector of p...c.:~c Works br..;.:~~t the Council's &ttention to tbe
s:o::e:::t of prlYate streets and t!:e various rlllllifications that could
XO".r :mder this c:::r.:::e~t, Mr. Avery stated that the engineering york
:.:: t!:e deYelopme::~ vould be per~~r:.ed by professional engineers and
y~'':j oonfora to aç:eptable sta::jards.
~~vej by COUDC. St:::&es, seconded :y :ounc. Noel, tc adopt Planning
:~ission Resolu~i:::n '~56. vith oonditions imposed by the Planning
Motion os:ried, 5-0
::;WARD CALI. et al: TDTATrn: MAP Cl3-'nC-67), ~5.8 !Lcres located
north side o! C:oluabua AYen~, West of lCenned)- School. Approyed
b~ Pl&DDiac C~SSlOD Reso1~tion No. 457, October 23, 1967.
:-~~ ^:'I..&:'n..o...c;.". 1ft: ...... ~,,",,: r
.~ the presentatioD of this application, Mr. George DiU: the developer,
"'q~st~ that the decision on who vould serYe _ter to the deyelop-
.::t be held in ÙC'7ance until it cou.i.d be deterained wether or not
:\:.pertino Vater could de. it econcaical17. It vas pointed out that
C1òpertiao ....ter hu an existing _in to the are!L and vas install~ in
& she suttic1ent to pl'OYlc1e t:'is service.
"!be enau1nc discussion on the tentative map centered around the adequaq
o~ egress frca the deYelo~nt and hov this voulèl affect the traffic
flav on ezistlac streets. Seve~ alteroaUyes _re proposed and the
_rin of e&l:h -1cbe4.
.'tIIe Regular Xee-:~::g ot the City Co-.o=11. ll/6/67
"~'~'~'-' '.
;¡T~~~ed in -:he cc-e:ltB trOl:\ thoae in the audience vas tbe otter ot
.f:dtf'-,'tin¡ land :y :-esident.a ot Bae :.a:.e in excha."1ge tor i¡:¡prove:ents
'át'. street. Cc:c. Dempster suggested that tb.. residents co:1fer
tr1t1i~e City :O:&:.ager on vqa to içrove the street. but that t.he
~ as prese::te:' could not be accçt.ed.
~ '1ncluded 1:: -:~e opinions expressed vas the matter of speeding
aD! uattic co::t:-c: i:: geroeral. Xa;yer F1tzge:-ald stated that t~is
p;:d'oJ_ could èe &::eviated vith =ere policing and traffic contre:
)~ by Co¡,¡:.,c'O S:=:.tes, seconded ~ :c~c'OJo~~so::~ ::> r.a."re "':.~e
:~:-ec"":.or of ?...::::.: ~~rks u."1der-tû£, 6. co:p:e-r-e S~-..i.:::r -:,~ 't.::"6.f'i':'c sig-
~~~t~or. i~ :~e ~~velo~ed areas ;~ "':.~~t p~ c~ ~~= ~:'~y (sc~~~-
·..·e~-: :;~adr3.:..-:;'O
Y.:otio:-. ca.:r:'e~,
C ^
.'-=-T~:' -oy :,:r~=. .::=....~5, secc.:l:ie~ ·:....l ::....::c'O ... ....u.....~.
.: :;;';,:ec't 'to: a 5:.:ee: '':.:'or. r..~~:' :.:> :':'r..¡j.~ .,~¿.-
..~-..~=- &
f';, ::.:.¿r
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CJ;';:.'::'O :è=;,;¡:er. ::ce:,
.~ - - .r &-"
hC~~O~ de~:~~~~, :-~
~Te: 'oy :J-""::':'O :è.::;.;;er, seccnè.é:' -::.'O
._;;.:": :~-..i0.¡ :3-::':-: s.s preser.-:.e:;. éó:..:'
".:)-";':-.'::'O S-:.:..t\..3, :..::. ~;:':c;':'
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y~-..ic~ c&::::..e~, ~--
...._. Sto.';.¿~ ::'¿~'~¿~:.¿oó. t:.Á.-: i~ -"~~:f:' ·...:.5 a. :'O~~:-.;":;""_:' .,~ ¿;.~:¡,-~::'ã.:;~';:.
~~ ~~~s so~t.h~e~~ ~~~ -..h~~ -:.~eJ :~~~~~~ ~~a ~~~~::~. ~~ :~~::.: 4,:,:~.
~ -::,,:.:.¡ '".-0 r.:£ s,:::~:.' ~~c3e ~-::ê'e:''; a:.":' ~:.:.e:·,;\õ. '': i..::.s ...:.e:-e
; i:'":~:-:'ar -:.:,&.:":-:..: ~:~~:'e:.s exi5~'O :.j _.:. c.o::-~, :.~ .:.,:,.~r..t ~~&t :::...:;:
....:.:L a.::.d c~·~~r:. :.:.'';':~ t~ s&veè. ir. ~::'e :"~:th.::.:.=-':":·õ .>;. "'~.'O .
- .
~7?GR~ CF ~;~~::~~~?~
:See M:~~:es ~: :.:to~e:
':::-l ^--"?~CVit:-
. _..~
.~ J
C~-:a.r. ..~"V:r. ~~e~ :~ t::e Cc~.:i: ,..-:'s:..t:d -:0 ::.&,;,o{t b...y cc=e:.ts 0:'-
': ~ X~1õ~tf"" c~ ':c-:;:;,,:- 25::..
,~__. S~c:es .S~~~ :~_~:~. :rv~: i! ~~e &p~:ic&~: ~~:- ~~e 5~eedee
)'~ .~r. v~s v~::~~; ~~ &b:'de by ~e ~c&'O 'S:...~ ~~=~V&:
:r'~e&er.~ ~c:-.. :.6..à:,r.r:/ v":'l. ü re'p:ied in te.t '- ·.~~:::"=a::.ive.
1U.II1It.. of the R~ lleetløs of the Cit,. COUDCil. ll/6/67
TIle Chief ..n.u. Iupector stated that the architect 18 8Oill8 to 1D-
stall a t'eDce ss.1l1ø' to the one nut to vu...on PBrIt.,
Moved by CoaDe. StoIœa. secODded by CoUDC. ~ter. to approve the
Architectural . Site Approval Cœai ttee IIiDutes ot October 25. 1967.
AYES: CouDe. ~er. Johnson. Boel, StoIœs. Fitzgerald
!lAYS: !loDe
Motion carried, 5-0
The Mqor called for a recess at 10:30 p.m. The meetill8 reconvened at 10:45 p.lII.
18-z-67: REZOBING from Residential, Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft.
lots (Rl-IO) and Residential-Multiple (R3-2.2) to Resideatial
Single-family, 7500 sq. ft. lots (Rl-7.5). Recommended by
Planning Commission Resolution No. 460, October 23, 1967, and
City Council Ordinance No. 376. (First Reading)
Y~or Fitzgerald read the past proceedings of tbi5 application, and
poin~d out that the Tentative Map on this aprlication vas approved at
the last City Council meeting.
~oved by COUDC. Boel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to close tbe public
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Boel, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to bave Ordinance 376
read by title only. and that the Mqor's reading constitute the second
Counc. Johnson, Noel, Stokes
Counc. ne.pster
Counc. Fitzgerald
Motion carried, 3-0
RlSmD'l'IAL (Al) zons. Recoaaended by PlaDDill8 Cœaisaion
Re.ollltiOll Bo. "51a. September 25, 1967. Continued traa City
Council Neet1DC uf October 24, 1967. (Pirat Readiac)
TIle PlaDD1as Director said there vere a f_ 1Únor chance. that vould
be conei4enc1 by the Planning Co.aisaion at its next _ting.
..<~ '
Bqular Mee'ting ot the Ci~ Councl1. 11./6/67
~'íf:")'r~--' :.}~
,'t:J;ii/'4: . -:
.;> ~>'-' .",',
':j':,if,+'C1V Attorner stated that the ODJ.T chaIIges which CaD be u4e after
..'$}":\.~'P1nt Reading are t~c:aJ. errora.
. ,fILA 117 COWIC. seccmdecl 117 CoImc. Johnson t.hat. t.his Ordinance
1IiI.-t1mled t.o the next Ci t7 Councl1
Counc. ~ster. B081. Stokes. Fitzgerald
Counc. ';ohuon
Motic::. carried. 4-0
ca:::ux:zs ~ RZS'::":""::CXS FOB ;"::'Cn:'.:..c,:.
:!:ere vere :.o:.e
':;¡O""-'-~ ':;...........
........._01 _..~
:52J a.:4d
~ -..,,,,
vas rea.:' :'-,j'
X::;'Te:' '~y :.:.~:. ::Je~. secc:.::'~::' :';l :~-...:..:. :e=.;¡~~~:", too a~c~-:.
?es::;:"..:.lo:. :;.:. :52:.
~-¡:.,~ :
~O~:. :e:~s~er. ~~e:,
-, ,
~;:'j'es .
Co~:. :,,::.naœ
Xo~~:.~ :.::~e~. ~-v
:EesQ.:\...-~ic:. :;~. :5,: vu re"':' ~-'i' ::t:u~e:" S~~.-._...
x..,...,..:1 ';..7 Co-..:..:. :e~pat.e:. ae.::.:-::'e:' ":.y C;.~c. .: :...:..-:es. 'to'~-:'
~..o:~~iO& x~. :52:.
L"'J:S :
Co~~. :em~&t..r. See:". 5-::,£e&. :itzge.;~~.d
CO\A:~. : ohnaOA
Xot.1~ ca.:ried. 4-0
a.-.: 01 CFFIC:::¡¡S
A. JIZiIOB:' CF C¡::- :¡¡EASUREB - - He had DOthing :\>..:tter to re~.
, --es ot the Regular Meeti::g C.r ~i:.e Ci~y C.:>u,-, i . 11/6/67
------ ~_. -
B. REPOlI'l' OF D~? OF ?'"u1>LIC 'o"ORKS
The Director s=r1:r;ed his repo:-:' ,,: Nov~er 6. :~... !!e IÙ.SO
brought to 't1:e a;t..~eI:-:':'o~ or t.he Cc ;::: il c:e~é.:. ¡.:,,~':;:'e:..s ir. the
installation ot -:.:-a!'!:'c: signL.s at. :-" :::le:':an ~ S':e:":i:-.g Roads.
Y.r. W~e H~~, -r..o vas inr.rcè." e . eX>l~~ -::::e v~i:)us
alterc.atives i~ -:.:'::.e ac::¡:ãisitioc. s.r. : nsta.lla~lo:. c~ E. -:.:-a~fic c:c~-
troller at this :'=:tersect~on a.r..~ :O..e es-:.1.::a::.ed c:.-:. :,~ eac~.
~oved by Co~c. S~o~es, seco..~e~ ~ ~~~~:. ~:e:, ~~~~ ~~-:.~c:-~z~~:o~
be g:-a.r.ted, s~~,=e=-: -:.c ~ ap?:-c~r: ...._ c:.::i-ge :.::'~: .:.~::..~ ~:::-;.r:''':e~,
for tha purc~ase :~ ~ ~ec~an~ca: ~ ~~:"o::e: Á-:' ~ ~~~:-:~i:ã~~ c~s~
o~ $;',000.00 -:0 -:.::e :e ..:.?:".:,v,·=-~=-.-:. :~s-:.:,,:.:-: ¿¿-_.
-~ --~
......- -..
. ,
7~e ::recto: :"e;~~a~
::.:'"_~ -.. r..:: ~:.
--~ ~ -
.. -
- -
':;.~ :.~-
?:--...;.r.~:-:'':';e _.;.:. ·::;j::":"e ::'~~7
2.-:" :-:.~:., --:'". ~~::'::':':'::'
a~ ~~e inte:-~e=-:'::~ ~~
. ___ ..J.
..~ ." .
..,.._. ---
..- -_.-
::vered ~~i: ~~.~~~e:
"- .¡;....... -.. -'."-
-..--.. - ~..-
:O~~J to c~:e~e -:.~e ~~~es~¿~~ ~,~; ~~~~e=~
?&:"~ p:ojec-:. :a..::. ·:.e ::=-.s:':iere:' .:.::.?_~:'c=', -.-:,_:. :-=:..-:'~'- ~ :......-:.:...::l
ex-:e::s::'on 'to ~::'e :c~~~:""'.;=:.:o:. ':..J:.:':::&'':-:.
~ovei by Cc~:. E~~~es, seco~~~~ ~.. ~;~~.. ~~~:~~
3v-~~ exte~s~c~.
.;.:ù.:..... ~:..e
.·.:'-:':0:-. ..:::s.;-:"~t_,
':'he :irec'tcr :"e;:.·:-~=;' :':.á.-:' -:':-.t:? :__..... -.- z:;.-=:::.:..~:¿,: ~~:...:. :..:.:
s-:oor::. draic. :~:..e a.:~ :5-..;.;::. :'có.':', -...-es....e;-::.~ ~:;. :'::'=-~Q. -:_~:.:.. ;:.;..c;:..
ve~e comple~e~ ~~ .:."~~ cos:. ~;~:"~x~~:.e:J 5~:,:::.::
:·~ove:' by Co~c..
of ?'..b:1c: Äor:&s
COIò.s-:.ruc:tion c~
seco::.~~':" =y
-"~ - - ....
.. _____ -- 7
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~e &~~~~~::'~e¿ :.~ ~:ü':êe~ .~~~ ~~~ ~7~~:.:si~ë a:.~
~~e 5-:'C~ dr~:::. b:' a~ ~s~~~-:.e~ ::.s~ ..~ ~~:,:::..::..
Xc-:.ic::. ~~~=:e~, 5-:
~ne ~irector 3~&-:.e~ ~=-&-:. -:.~ree c~ tte p~o~e:~5 ~~ ~~~ :api~&: :~-
prove:ent ?rogra::. a.:e :eaè.:1 to be £...o;ñ~::e'- ...... ~::'e ::-..:.::::.: -:':j:~g:.-:,.
He &dè.ed that -:':"ey ·Je:-e ra.ther ler.g-:.:.y, ~d c: -:'::'e :a.te~e5S
or -:.he hour. per:.a;;s ~e CO\:.ncil vou:.d ~re:e:- ..,a.:::':':'¡ -.;::.-::': -:~e
next :eeti~ 'to ;,us c~ 'them.
Y.oved by Cour.e.. S-:.o; seconded br :OUlC. ::oe:'. -:.:.a.~ -:.~e C,:)u:c11
be g~ven re~~s -:0 &'tuày, a::.d ~na-:' t:'~ ";.e ~:"&Ced or:. -:.11e
Agenda tor 'the De%t. z:ee-:'i~.
Y.ot1or. c:a.r~ied, S-c.
e.. ____..0>0...-___._..__.
~ .~
",'F. ,¡
"t ~ _.ù&r )ee-;~::;; ,,~ the Ci1:7 Co=cil. 1l/6/f:
":~ ..'~"', .-----
.",~.::....~~ "",,,-,
!Ie ~,.or of . ~_c
- ...- t;. 1967.
Works .~ze:. the City :::::':ineer'. ~ 0:
":L -~ I..c'theran =-::.::.:~: The Q:~ v::T"-='d like -:c c.::.mence with -:t.e:.:
&. _tion p:,o:ec-;. Fees. dep:>s~':5 a::.d bond &::o:;.:',ts have IIOt bee:.
~«Iaer.,f'ore, -:=e ~eement i::&s ~ been pnpa:"~~, b' the ov::er !;.as
... eã a road-.v ;;'edicat1on. -~ ::r..rector rec or e::ded that we
,\os _ ~ "'tLia dedica~~o:l.
:~ b7 Counc.. ~':.:~;s, seconde<:. Z7' :::.."zc. Xoel,
k_ :.522. accept~::;; .=a~w8¥ de~=~::~:;;:..
:; adopt Re.o:'~I"':~=
,--... -
:ounc. >-=;$':=:', Joh::.a~, :¡~:, 5~0j(es,
Y...:.-:.~:;=. ::::.--r:.ea, 5-~
=-:"w3: Or c::-~ ,~:::?,:¡EY:
:'."le c: :::
.'J. :5:~
,0.5 òeec,
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:.: ;veè. =:: .... _..... Sto£e3,
?esol\.ò':'::''::' :::. :519.
~~::;:':;'i::; b;¡
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;;tES :
n-'''' De:~$:-=~.. ...:.:..:..s:.:~, XCè:'
oites. :-:.. -:,zë:e:~:'
:.1..:-:._:.:;. :C"~:'eè.. 5-~
~_ :-~.e Ci::: .;"-.::~-;.ey re;::.:-:-!':. :.=. -::~e Reg::.a:: ·~:':er ::.a.-:.:.e:. _.-
£l.dd ':~.s.: ::. ::tegnart :L-:.e:' :..~ ~o aè.\":~~ -~::a't 'the -::~::~:
raad bee:: :"~:',;".-ed... A =~,:T:": ~:. ~:'&~~~or.. ::'E.~ ~I:en t'~:e:i &¡a.:.~-:
).~.. Reg::.&:: :-..;':, t.he C::::r ::.u: :..~~ been ~::",,):"~ed. &.~d -:~e ::.-;:..
Attorr.e)· ':'.:e.s ::'0-:' see ~ ~ :;,-:y 51:.0;;':'; t:lte 8Zr¥ s'te¡'$ -
~ecome ~;:"::'ed.
: ~ .-.n.m1 OF B:1::':::6J :X3PECTæ
~ Chief ~::':"-i. :nspector ~~ :.e voul.d ::ù... ::is repor.. ,._~.-
~ X - Un!i~~ste:' Business.
&. -.......r OF ~:R~::::.::, ~F RECBZI.Z;:"S
2be 1)1rector :,e-;.::--;ed on ~ ....ent. bei:lg pl&::ned by .". c:.~
- .&tiOD S-;c-:.
_ - - of tr.e "....Ü!U' Meeting ~ ~he City Cc:.:::c::, 11/6/67
'='",e ::irector or JI.e:Teatlem repo:....eê. 0:1 the Portal ~d "ilso:1 Parks;
i:e said there has 1._ DO major :¡:roble:n in the develr.p::;en, progra:n.
'='~e :&ndscape archi'~ vas ra.her dis~ppointed in the ~rogress,
'c\.:-: -:!lere baa bee: ~ more improve:::en. recent17·
F. R::?::;\:' OF DIRECrOe r:2 ?"'~l "iG
~~ =e:;:ort.
07 CITY C~~ - ?:~~CE :::;~::~?
~:..¿ ::':'1 Clerj( :ae;.~~e:' :.::'&'t. 'tr..;o ::::¡ ~a.s $2C:',~:: ~·-~~::.:a~:..e -:.J 'be
:;:3.:::' i:l 30-da.:r ~~ ::f:?~s:'~s. .~¿ ~e.:eivf:è. ...____ :'-.~f=:" :.::e :.ë:e-
...~_~ :....:.=. :.:-.=€~ ci" :.:'!: -:.;;.:...":£, ..u.........
~~c::,. :'0:' an i:1-:";'-"~-: ::-..-:e ú:'
::..~ s.:..=.e rate s~-.::..:.. -:~-e:" .::: Go..
. :a__=.. 3a:.:It sub:.:' ': '":~:.. ~ ~~~er
e.:..:·_:~:' :..~-:e.
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-::.e Resc:'
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:~;:~:e agreÞ-.~~
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s~.:.: a. ¡:o:'icy.
~{;. c;;a.::.:.... i.., 5-v
^ _=::¿r has õee:
:e ,..:;.:& College,
...:. :~. ....... ~ovR'ber
~::¿ ,; ~ ::¡ :.:~aðer' ~
:;c:.:-~ ~ :'v co::.C:::.;.::.
_ ;'~G.:.e ......
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:"e:....:.~..,.e -:'0 a
:y Counc. 5--L~.,
& perm1 ~ fer -:..:.e
seccnde5. '::¡
ap:?rove ~.:.
¡.A:'&de, to
'-.."".. ....... -...-
.............. .......a.......O;'..........,
..::zs. Cc::ec;e.
jI~';.ion cs.::: _t" i, 5-0
:-:.e ::. -:.y Clerk rep=-...e: =.e had reo: ~:,,"e';;' a t.ele~:)::.e :6.-_ :a:"o::. ::..~
~~~:y Health De~. a~a~i"b ~~~';. an acti-raZies ~::';.ic vi::
'-A ···...ct.d in .......---.- O· 5..···,· ·ar..A.... 1 . -c'~ ~-c-"'-
óJ. .........___ -..........._ .. .....4.~......, '" 4._,1 . _:? ..... .- - .-- ......-..
-:0 :; ¡:.III. Tb1. 1. a ~ ot a. Co...c.~:,·-vide prog:-= ~i :':..e:/ ...o~<l
::'~~e a.¡:prOYal to __ û;e parking ::'J: ::'oca.ted at tu rea.:' 0:' the
~~-:.. E&ll rOr ~. __e.
:!t ,:.
a or ~ JIe&ular Xee~ing ot the Cit)' C=~"1cil. :..:../6/ó7
JIøored by Co=. Stokes. seconded by Co=c. Johnson, to grant
_wVAl to the Count)' Health Department request.
Motion carried. 5-0
'nIe City C:"e:k stated he had received a cQ:¡?:"aint !'rea a citizen
resa;rd1ng tr&sh le:rt at the Salvation A.-r:;:¡ collection box located
117 U;e Mar.'a.:.::o Y.arket. '!'he City Clerk ;;;aid ~e had &S4ed t~e City
SÙ"eet Depar'"..::ent to pick up ~s trash. Ee sta~ed that t~ere is
a question as to the reaponsiòility o~ :aintaiLing the cleaLliness
ot t~e area s,"--round1ng the :¡;icL-u:;¡ bcx.
~~e :ity A~~or=ey poin~ed C~~ ~~a~ ~~:~ :~ ~,~ ~~e :e5~G~s:è:::~J
o!' -:~e S&:\"'a::~n Army cd -:'::'e:r o-:'::;¡ 't:":~~ ~::t' $~:'''l'agea.~:e :~e:s
~e~ in ~èe =~x. He s~ges~e~ ~~~~ t::€ ~:~: ;~ :~a~~~c~e~ ~~
~~e ~he S~~&tion ~. re~~5~~~~ ~::~: ~:: 7 £ee; ~~e ~~~ ~~
-::'e :rea c:es.: or the C1't7 ~:: :e:cve :.~:~ .. x.
:~7e~ by C~~~. Sto~es,
·:.e :'::~ruc-;e~ -;0 write
se:::::~e=' :'j.
"'",. -..
:.:.~-: -;::'e 5:'.s.~:"
.. ~-.
~c ~::'e S~?at:~~ ~:~. t: ~~:~ e~~ec-:.
V· . . --
...=-~...::" ::ø.:r:"è:", ;-...
x :"::;::T..s=-:~ BŸS::;:-53
~. ~SZ ?ERM!: - :ROCKER ~CŽ:~ ::: 2~,~::~ .~-~~ .. =~&::e~ ?e~~.:~,
Y~7~d by =:~~. S~o&es, se=~:~e~ ~y :~~~. ~~~s~er, ~~&~ ~~e
~ae Perci~ ~~r these ~r~:e: :e~~a:~ =~ ~e,:a~e~ ~o~d.
::~c. De~ster, :~~~c~, X~~:, 5-~~~s, :i~%ðerQ:~
y~~~~~ ~~r~~~. ~-~
3. :;SZ ?.::ñ..vJ':' - S:EVESS Cñ.;r:"'"'( ~.:!:: C~;:::.
...;,' -~
:he ·:.,iet 3"~. ~4 ng Inspec";.::r e~:&.~r.e':' :~~_: . ~~.~ :~ ~:l :·:a.:.&.6er :'a-:'
o",;-:~:1ed a :;::~ tor :11e Ga::'e~ :e::~er, oS·_~~ :~. :.....-6 ~::-.a-:. s--.. ~:..
":.:.e =~ter1L.s ":Ie loca:ted 1;0 ~::'e rear c:· <::..è : ~:;';f.r:y a.::' s~e o!
t,he ·Dina to -=e repaired. Si~ce ~~en. ~::. ?.i~ ~v.;.. -:.t.e wv=.e:. ::'a.s
"cro-"";'lt in .. :&ndscaping plu vr.icÌl vo...::. ~:., a p:"a:.~i::g area
and 6. raised 1¡em.
Y.r. 1',.tton descr~be4 his pla:, atatin.; ~.e ~..o ?~a:.t.d :'0 ::.&r&e
olea:.'lers œ ~e Propert7. &:Id hire:' .en "'6. _ boys to cle= \ò?
the "ðeds &rOWld the propert7 &:Id the ;:r..4. ..:.è. the 4.ebr~s i~
~rout ot the property. He has ICOved the tv" ..,,:>den atr¡;,ctures to
-:;110 r"lIr o~ the propel'tJ' &Dd no equi:pœ::t :",,=..:':4 0:1 Steve~s Cree£
~vard. ~ey do have a problez:: on wen ::ore material
Minutes ~ the Regular Council Meeti... , ll/6/67
-- ---
is ~ÌD4 handled, but tbe7 vill keep the drivev1Q's c]e>Jr and
the cellent cleaned up 00 the sidevallt. He feels there' is f'
noticeable change in tho! appearance of the propertT·
Counc. Stokes quest100ect Mr. Patton e';:out his prIJIÚ.ed plans to
bui..d the ~'avel bins 1D the rear of the propertJ'. Mr. Patton
stated that he has cc.pleted one bin, and the vill be
built as soon as the coatractor can get to it.
Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. !loel, to approve
a Use Permit for one year for the Stevens Creek G~~~~ Center
on !L year to year basis.
Mo~ion carried, 5-0
:n:w BUSI5::::~
Y~or Fi::fer!Lld reported 0= a call he tad received !r~ the Historical
Society re:s:ive to the proposed renaming of Junipero Serra Freeway.
:bey were ::=cerned lest become an accomplished !a~: and requested
support ~:r :eaving it name~ :unipero Serra Freeway.
~ved by =:·~c. Dempster, se~onded by Counc. Stokes, a letter be
~rected :: the members o! ~r.e Legislature, representi~ the City of
=upertir.:, !<Sking that they use their ir.f1uence to op¡:ose an"v renaming
o~ the ~ee.~v through Cu~e~ino.
Mo:ion carried, 5-0
Moved by =:~c. Johnson, se~onded by Counc. Dempster, :0 adJourn the
.eeting at ::: 30 p.m.
Kc~ion carried~ ;-0
1./ Jerry Flt&aerald
Mayor, City of Cuoertlno
1.1 *. at RYder
C1t7 Clerk
-...riting of Section V A. 2. Ci't7 Council ::1=tas, Xoveaber 5, ~967
2. EDVABD CALI, et &1: .....-mB MAP (13-'DI-61). 35.8 acres located
north side ot C"l-.\.-..... Vest ot ~ AleJ.oftl. Approved
117 P1.""i.,g Ca.1s.1oa lIMolutlO11 10. "51. October 2]j 19!í7,
In t!Ie presentatiCID td Uda II1JPl1cat1oa. Mr. oeorsr DiU. tbe deftl-
oper stated that what b84 beeD ao'.4l!11ted t... 11J'''' tile nn1~,ot
two or tIIree _tinp at tile p1-h\C ~..ioa leftlllDl! ~"'....
conferences ,."it!> the C1V ataft'. . bad 'but ODe c t 011 tbe _ter
distribv:tiOll S78tm. '!'be œt~-' request vas to haft tile Jose
Vater Co. serve the area t -It .. the \1111 ts 1 IID4 2 ot IIoøtebello
vere serred by them and tt.e .a1Da were instal'ed 104 aft1la!lle tor use.
Be stressed he vas not arsa:1Dc that this be wthoriled at tbis time
because the Planning ec-1uiCID had 1IIpoeed the c:oaditiCID that it be
served tT the Cupertino v.ter DepartMnt. His req_t. at present.
vas tha~ the _tter be held in abe7ance pending the resolrlna of what
he had teen given to beline vas an eng.neering probl_ tor Cupertilõ':
Water :0 provide the serrice ecoacaical1y ~e the h- _r.
Or. :~:~ asked by the ~or tor cla::~::a~ion, the Director of Public
Works s:s:ed that there is a line inlac;i :: :inda Vista Avenue coming
out of :::!! !'vin Palms tract to the nort:ves~erly corner of thia area
that :s ~,.jy to serve t:e subd1 Yis1on. ;;e LSO said that the City
Manage::- =.,.;i said the area will be serve;i t:; :he City and that in his,
the D:::-!!:::r's, opinion such service vas ~eas:ble. An overs:ze cain
had èe!!~ :~stalled for the :vin Palms ;ieve::~nt specific'::y to per-
mit se~:::~ ~o this area.
TI:!! :::1 Attorney pM-r.:!ed histor:cEo:. t,.:itground on the :ieter.nina-
tion c~ æe:"\"ice L-eas amocc 'the San Jos~ ¡;~':~r Co.. the Ca.:.i!orn~a Water
Co. ar.i ::::.~ !lonta Vista .ater Worlts, the :,.::er having beer. acquired by
the Co:: :f Cupertino soca ten years age. According to his reeollecti:r.
this a:~s :s not vithin the :urisd1ctior. :f :he San Jose Water :0. as
had bee:: ::'aimed.
TI:e Y~'or offered that the penússi::: g::-c:ed previous:.y fo~ San
Jose .a:~::- '::0. to serve t:e other tracts ::: the area vas a special case
due te :::e then ex~atecce ~~ their ~ns :.,.\"::-.g been installed already.
He also stated that there vas no questi:r. ::: the City's sind that
Cuper. :::: should !U1d coU:~ prorlde the ser\':ce in this p~osed tract.
II! :'!!sponse to a question 117 Counc. :er.¡:ster. the City Planner
stated ~:.&~ there had b~ .~ C:ODcern re:¡.:~ve to the ãO..~i.. ~r
traffic ::: thit general area. particular~' :"or throU&h tratric from
Footh.:':' ~:'vd. to the southeaat and the ?respect Rd. location. He
thought ::at under the cirC:\aatanc:es, the jecision to desicnate Hyan-
niapor: ~ the one to ac:eo.odate the nee;is vas the best that could be
Co:;:::, ';olulsoi1 pointed out his co&c"r.; :"or the Interior tratric
patter.: :~ the complex. It shan all of :t being fUnnelled eut to
Bubb Rd. ;;e suggested ~_dina the curve en Linda Vista up to Tvin
Palms .i:~:tly throU&h lots 74 1111~ 91, realigning the lots on the
~Uag of ~~ion V A. 2. Ci.1;7 Coomcll Minutes ltoveaber 6. 1961 (c_'t. ¡
vest liz, to allow .œe .Ln4ftc to go out that extenaIoa T.i..... nsta
to JIcClelllll, throv¡Ja . . ...:: y18ta to hit Stevens Creek BlYd. ~ pre-
sentecl. it IINIIS to !Ie i:IIr1tiC 'tile traffic to go on Ba1Ib B4. Be said
he ~ to .üe 11; .., ('.... be did DOt ftDt tbe 4eve1oper to lose
~ Mil ad that 1r,r ~__ of the others the _t that _14 be
lost vccld be one or tWo"'JIOIts1ble DOlle at all.
Mr. ;)itz coaaeutec1 tIIII& this questiœ had been reseerc:becl aDd
studiet. q',;,ite e.xtensI~' wttb 'tile Planniag C~ss1OD UId vt'tll U.e
etafl'. !Ie vas not coœ~ !- w1't1l the 10l1li of lots but bow best to
cope V::~ ,~ flow of trat't'lc through this area from Bubb Rd. 0IIt to
McClel.:c s:.d e\"entuall7 to Foothill Blvd. It vas his opID1OD that
thIs c:"':: -:,~ accompl1sbe4 iD two ~s; one, to have a stra1pt line
go r:'~' ~~cugh the tract ..a the othe::', as presented. Be thou8ht
that =:=. :: the antic1patecl traffic would be carried 1r,r Coluabus and
Terr~e ~: $ants Teresa; ICId vith lIyannispo::'t also, their vcnàd be a
four-"~ :':';¡~ributio;1 of it. They had tried to keep the internal por- ~
tion :: ~=-e s~bdivision clear of any thro~~ traffic as èci~ mere ideal-
ly s~:'ei ::r the res1de~S.
'. _. "':hr.son agr~ t!1&t if McCIel:..:: Rd, vas to stay the narrov
road ::~, :' :5 for the ~~ twenty years :~ vould be enre::e:y danger-
ous t: :',=..: !I.."1Y traf!i: ~=~ugb Tvin !'~'-' ~o Linda Vista. But, it
vas ::"7:'~=:e that McCle~ vould be i=.r:¥ed some day. H:5 sugges-
tion .~ ~: ge: the 1nte~~jr ~ra~ric of ~te :ract out ~=wa:: 2~eveLs
Creek ::7: ..~s:er by c~~ o"t Linda V:5~S to McClel:~. He demon-
stra:~:' -::.~ =·~:tl-turnl.::.ë ~a~ vlll be re:s.·..:.::-eod of a r~5:'ie:::: -:,f one
of tt~ :~~~::=~ lots :~ =::T:~ out of ~:'e s~~division .:~~ ~~e D~t=
repl~r:~ :~~: .~~~ lna~~~~s::~:lty vas h~g~~· sought &f:~r :y ~:-ospec-
ti ve :-.-::.~:"~
:=t~son r@i:ert~~ the diff¡2~::es now be:~ ~~=~untered
by U:e ::"::.1; oommuter ':~~:.~ on Bubb Ri. =~:. that th:'s ::::,-":i be &1-
levis:.i :: ~i when HY.--:~~rt vas imFr:.ei fully. As:t ~ov stands
we vc·~i :.. :::v:ting pe~~e ':: go dovn ~~: êi, and ri~': ~::v the situa-
tion :s :::,::erable W:,:~ ':~e further ieve::pment of :.h~ !o:thiIIs area
these ::~:::·~~les woul~ :~ :ompounded as :~:: Rde wou:~ see: ~o be the
only :"=of::L s~reet fer '";!".a~ -:raftlc a15:.. ~e want.~d a.:: &jj:~:onal.
easy .:~:~!::.: Stevens ~:ee£ Blvd. He 5:9.~ej two goe'! :¡":;.~ns he
dld ~:: :17! :~e answer ':~. ~~t vould l:Àe :: r.ave~ ver~ v~e~. ~~ ~ve~,
Hyanr.:s::~' ;;o:1ld go t~.oF and take o\'er êse Lane to =eet the bridge
and g:::' ,: ~s" and go :0;: azrl wen McClel:...~ would be i:;:r:':e:i.
~: ~::z replied ,:hs": p&at decisic::s ~re respor.s:'b:e !or the
pres~~~ :7~~-9.11 trarr1~ =~:ex1ty and :~a: ve were new be:~ raced
vith ::~ ::~se~~ences..
___, S;¡el said he :':'Te~ .n a Dit:-::rce developÞent a.l:IIost ider.t-
ic&1 t: ::'~ ~~~ now under :Usc:usuon and !:~ had not hear:! c! any of th~
resid~::s :~.:alning a~ the interl~r s:reet patt~rr.. Mr. Ditz coc-
lII"nt~i ::s: :.~ and the .t.arf' had sketch~i s~ twenty d:f!erent maps.
....T1ting of Se~tioa V A. 2, City Coun~i1 Kinutes November 6, 1967 (~on·t.)
each of ....; rl¡ could have snlved a parti~ular problem but this seemed
to be the best that ~ould be done to ~OIte as ~lose to solving all the
problems. He stressed he certainly vas not being argumentative :lr
At Counc. Stokes request, the City Planner replied that he vould
agree with the position or Mr. Ditz· that the detours involved with in-
gress and egress tn and tram the in'.erior or the tract were not or ~on-
sequen~e. !lothing much would be gained b)' ~utting through as had been
Mr, Carl Benson who resides on Rae Lane opposite the proposed devel-
opment asked about the status of Rae Lane as i t ~ould be an access to ~~"
property. He vas told that there vas no plan to use it at all 8';,1 thf1t it
vould .réèably be barri~aded off as it vas not a dedicated street.
Tè.e :ireotor of Public Works stated that in similar situations vhere
the s~=i:vision boundary abuts vhat is ~lassified as a private drivevay,vhi~h
Rae :~e is ~ov. ve vould require a one foot strip along the entire bound-
ary of ~~e s~biivision, This vould be dedicated for public use but not
acce.~ei. :è.is leaves it as a reservatlon but not dedicated as a City
street; :~e~e~~re, the lots on the westerly side would have no frontage
on ar~~ iei:=~:ej street. This means they ~~st dedicate and imprcye prior
to ge:::~g ~ t~:lding pe~it. It is alsc pcssible to have ~ fu:l l~n~th
barrioaie ~: ,revent Rae Lane people fro= uSlng the str~et and subdivision
peop:e fr:= ~s:c.~ Rae Lane,
~~r. 3ec.sor. said he vas speaking for all the residents of Rae Lane and
th~y vo·~i c.ever subdivide or improve ttelr property vith the result that
the s~=iivis:or. people vould be looking at half a street for the rest of
their, ~e Mayor took e~ception to the remark that history has shovn
such assertions to be modified at a later date and that plans had
to be =sie for ~hat eventuality. On being asked by Counc, Dompster vhat
his propo"&: vas, Mr, Benson said the r~sldents vere villing to dedicate
their :: ,roperties to the City if Mr, Ditz vould improve it vith a curb
and a street. :ounc. Dempster pointed out that the Ci~y had never imprcved
private ,roperty except for a major thoroughfare and that it vould be un-
fair to re;~:re someone else to improve a third party's property as ve':.
He sugèested ·~at the City vould be vil:ing to listen to and discuss some
type ~~ a~ i~~rovement district, Mr. Benson sald as far as he vas con-
cerned t~at the dual street concept would exist forever. The ~~or said
t.hat h:s reslden~y in the County presents an additional þroblem on split
Mr. Exter spoke on the present traffic problems on Bubb Rd. and stated
his cor.o~ren=e vith the suggestlon of Counc. Johnson as an aid to easing
SOlDt of the ccr.gest1on now being encoulltered.
Mr, Havard Christiansen of Columbus Ave, pointed out that tr_t street
now has a~ou~ &1' the trafric it can handle; and, that he vas given to
understL~j vher. he purchased his home there vould be suffi~ient streets
for al: thee .~esent and future subdivi,ions. Again, Mr. Ditz said their
effort had been to split the traffic so no one street vould become a maJor
~--1t111& o! s..:~i=n V A. 2. CiV Council Minutes Ifovsber 6, 1967 (con't.)
Ano~u re81ðeat ~ Col~ Ave. a:. ~iJOke to the ... question
aDd c~~Ñ 011 t.IIe t~1fe4 prœises previo__...,' blven. To this, the
Mqar ~liÑ that tile as_slOll by the residents vas on that which
thq t.h_dYes vera ~uti... He l14Veed that, un~ortunate17. Bubb Rd.
vu the ~ V8iI _~ .. to ÜIe east ve vere cont"ronted with the hills
aDd the ~:! course. ~ is a problem ve had to live with but ve could
~ up "ith a fair~ uUat'actory solution. He pointed out that the
Council a lear 8&0 b.a lIul!eQ the protestations o~ the area residents
on M7 ~or thoroucbtare SOill8 through that vest part o~ the City.
:ou::. Stoke. said that the Council did, on recommendation of the
Plannil:4J s~&!f, collllicier _ expressVBY out to this area to alleviate
this very ;:=bls aDd it vu those people who live there that objected
to i~. ~:a'ae of this, it _4 dropped by the Council and vu never
bui:~. ~~ Feinted out the s.-e type of problem on traffic vas to be
felt :~ ~:st aJ~ ather are&S of the City. He said each area had to
han~~ :t~ :~~ problema. Should traffic from this area be channelled
out :'::::'1 ::s~&, those residents would :I~~ect.
7~. v~;r said one aspect on wh::h ~ore effort could be exerted
vas F::::' ;r:t~ction. If there was a sreed problem, as claimed, more
=o~~~=~ ;~:A:~ b~ exer:lseè. :ounc. 3::~~s inquired abQ~~ traffic con-
tr:: s:~~£ ~.: ~~~1 ~ha~ pr~per signa::~a~:on could and ~ad been of
gr~at ~.~.::. ~lsevtere in forcing reOF:e to drive more oarerully.
~:~~-:-~ -.-: =-. .
~':':~: ::: ~our.~. Stokes. seconde:i :J" ::;1~C. Noel to t..a'"¡e ~h~
:~:!:~=~~~ of ~~:1c _orka make a :2=plete survey o~ ~~e
~~~::_= !ignal:zati:~ in that deve:::e~ ar~~ in tha~ part
:: ,~. :,ty t~ see vte~her or r.c~ ~ii:tional stop sigr.s ~re
~.-:ott:-?':' .
~c~ion carr~~~, =-2
_ _ ___ : :hnson ::cx:.ente1 that speei ~r stop signs were only a part
of ~~e ;~;::e: and ~hat ~ra~fi:: voluee .as also a proble=. He asked
!-'.r. ~: ~: :: :.~ vas o;:posed to his ori,;:,~": suggestion to which the r;!-'
ply .", ~~~t :'e persOD&ll7 ~elt it w~~i ::pose an burden on
Linda ~:=~~ ~1d would oppose 1t from a r:~ning point of view but not
fro: ~:'e :s.AC~-Up of t.he subdivision,
~C~~:, :ohnaon s~1zed his coc:~~ts that residents have but two
exits, i:~." :~IWlbus or lfTanniaport;, and toth empty into 8ubb Rd. Cars
will b~ ta:£~d up for three or four b~::~s on every one o~ these inter-
secticcs, ~e interior traf~ic probl~: ~f this subdivision can be solved
by the c~tt:cg thraucb of a street to g~~ ,hem to Stevens Creek Blvd. by
anQth~:, .~. than by Bubb Rd. This vi"v vas disagreed wi tb by the Mayor.
- 11:1Dc or Sectioa V .\.2. Ci1;7 CoaDcH lliDutes JoveIIber 6. 1961 (COD't.)
C01mC. Joel poiø1;e4 oat tba1; t<Ie7 had not 7et heard rro. 1:he resi-
dents or LiIŸ..a Vista Dr. &D4 U 1III&t had been suaested VU IIC=OIIplJ.ahed
all or the vov.ld be a1; CoaIIcll lleetina in two ww with their co.-
plaint. Counc. Stoe. feU tba1; there vu no doubt. in the IliDda of
Linda Vista resideuts tba1; the dead euded street would sœedq be ex-
tended. B¥ the s_ tolreD t!aaee 1dIo bought on Colu.bu8 ha-re DO les1t-
~te arguant .. to ...M....i. the7 would haY\: DO traffic on their s1:reet.
AlfT subdiTis10n sUlT01lllðe4 117 ~loped property will ha-re .ore streets
connect1ac to it nent~ .. ðeftl~ts proceed IIDd all Cit7 streets
_t ban a:: interl-"Ir to ¡øvrtðe the best possible traftic ..... nt.
COUlJ~. :0hn8on "spcaded as a tinal c~nt that SOBledq McClellllD
Rd. voul~ ~~3e a -.Jor st~ and that we had to ..sume all the people
residinc :.::. ~!le Tlrin ~ - I.1~da '18ta area vere avare of' it regardless
or what ~!:~ mbt sq' i~ ope: :=cl1 Meet1ac. Counc. Dempster disa-
greed. ::-=.:. Johnson ::o~t1n_:1 tut vhat he vas trying to do vas get
SOBle of ~::~5 ~rartie - ~ spee~nc problems - out to that major road
without ::a~"è to take Bu:t R:1. to re~ch it. He said he knew or no other
purpose :: :e serYed b7 M=Clel:'a: :)ther than to be used as a main arterial.
This v:'ew -.-u shared b7 a spçJtes:&r. ln the audience after vhich Mr. Ditz.
again. r~~:~~a~ed IIDd res~ate:1 ::.:'5 ~revious comments and position.
~c~:. ::tnsoD ..11 ~e v~.:: :4:h prefer t~ have three v~s to 8e~
out of :::.~ &:'ea i9tead :.! ~v::.. =---:Y. lIyannisDOrt going straight out
past the &::~ ~ourse 1ID:1 ~. ~: :J:.~hill. Linda Vista straight out to
McClel:a:. :::rJugb Monta '~sta ~: St~vens Creek Blvd. and also dawn l!yanLis-
port to ?~:: ~j. Thes.. a.~ ~he ~::.ree northerly exits.
Cow=:. S~okes said ~e t~c~: ::.unc. Johnson had made a valid point
and on ~::e :asi8 that Mr. ::'tz ha: said he did not care.made a motion
that th~ :e::.~ative Map be vlth the :onjition that that street
go thro~ ani connect ~~: :~~~ 'lsta. I~ vas sec;)nded by Counc.
Cou::.c. :empster ..~ it ~~i. particular problem had been discussed
at the F:ar.:::':\& C~..1= l.,.e: and vas answered by the City Planner
that it ::..: :;)t. Be said this vas a difrerent concept from the original.
Mr. Ditz sè~ !Ie had WOritM tor six veeks tl')'ing to achieve what vas now
being as£~i - t'wmell1nc ~is ~rarric t'r= Columbus and out Linda Vista
to MeCle::an.
The :~~:; Planner sbolled aDd explained th'! dirrerence betveen the
or1,inal a::j current UP. the ori,inal starr proposal being SOBle ~ to
haft two :':jependent streeta ,oi~ all the way through the subdiY1sion
to earl')' ::'e :')ad eft~ betwee:. th_. Th.. Map berore the CCUDel1 now
1s the res':~ eof eoot_s aDd co.prOll1se :>ut vithout the current s\l&-
pstton !:aT:'ng been di.caase4.
The ;:'rector ot Public Vera observed that the interaection or Linda
Vista IIDd !lc:lellllD term-Us 1n al.oat a sheer drop. WIIether that will
eyer be v:'iened or not is a point at this tillll!. 'to,'.. could !'esult
U,I. ot Secticn V A. 2, Ci~ C
-11 JUDutes ~r 6, 1~1 (CCIII·~.)
2a a worae intersection ~ .., we bIn't! a~ preaeD~. It - hi. opiD-
:I.- ~t pcin"'ti::g all the U'at't'1e w thia place vas iDcClllcelYaltle aDd
_ the re&Sac ~hat the cJeY-~ ..ked to drop that propoMol.
A turther discuss1C111 ... t:a.a be14 OD the y.AeDtlal· - tr or lots
tIIØ tight be lost vith tile -.,UO"' ot the mt.1OG 8114 the et't~ It
1c1 have OD :he internal cIr1rlJ1s ~U. ot the realcJeøta.
Counc. St:>ites expreased ~ OD the stat~a repri1DC the
1.iD4a Vista _ !I~lellan Rd. 1JIterSeetiOD 8114 vas toU 1'7 the D1rec:tor
or Public Vorks ~hat the ~ or w1ðf!l11118 the iDt.eraectlOD - pro-
lú1t1tive due ~= :he land 1"11.1 required. Tbe Ma¡Jor pointed 0IIt the
~.ibilit7 ::: :-ealignin« aDd re],ccaUII8 parts ot Mc:Clellu to Q'ftr-
C3Ie this,
Counc. ::=""n remin~ tbe Council ot a meetin« held vith the
(;=t1 vhere::: ::::e City ~ ti~ vith the County rec~ndatiOl1
~ a 90' !<!c::e::~ Rd. troa~'" Vista High School to Foot.MU B1Td.
&:): adoptei !L ;.::ioy for a 6(;. road. He telt that this intersecti=
c~~d acco=::i!L:e a 60' r-~. Counc. Stokes said he vas disturèed èy
..:::~s inter"e:::::: and enc~~~ peeple to go around sharp :o~er'
~ & narr:. ~:~~~~ to re&~~ :~.
Coun:. :~=;":er saí1 V~ ~~: èe creating a bigger proè:e= i~
"~ing tc ,,::'... s smaller ,,::.e. :,,=:. Stokes cOIIIIIIented it we were
::..=-t trying :.: f:·.-e a te~(;rL7 5~:·~:on to somethins that vil: s~:·/e
i -:.self vhe:: ::.. ~:sport -;:::nògh. He said "n a second look ::'e
oru not awc. ::' :he danèers ..~se::.ted by the drop-ott at the inter-
secuon. ::..:.:. :ohnson scd ~ vas not t&lking ot that and there
Y!LS a pro1::1e:: ::9 :rou van-:e-:'- ~c. ðr:. ve ~ver a clift. He vas'CC ~~
~ r~ght tur:: :: ~" thro~ ~a Vist& to Stevens C~ek Blvd. He vas
~king fo~ a::::~e~ way ~c g~~ ·c Stevens Creek Blvd. He knew tha~
k::lellan !:"i :: :e lmpr<:;Te'i sbcr<:ly but did not knov vben or H ever
~iaport ,..:'::'i be and va:1~M a current solution to the present prob-
~. Coun: :e=pter pointM oat ~he additional trattic generated by
..~ High So:::-:: cd observed t~ many people go out of their V8J to
."oid this eC'~' :n the IIIOrn1::.c with buses, etc. COUDC. Johnson roe-
¡;:ied that t~· F::1g on Butb M., three schools were involved, not ':)ne.
The !I.&ò'=~ :ùled tor a YOU on the IIIOtion:
Counc1:..&D .1œm.son
Counc1~ ~ter. Fitzgerald. Stokes. .oel
ABoS:::r: :
It vas COTe<!. by COUDC. J _ ter. seconded by Counc. Stoltes that
tile Tentati '" !lap be appran4 parauant to the cond1 tions 1çoaed
1I:v Plan:.ill4! =~ssion Reso1aUCID JIo. 451.
COUDci~ l' _ -",er. Fitzgerald. Stoltes. llcel
Councl~ ~
- -M... ~ ~iOtl V A. 2. City C
n lf4..mrtes BOYe.ber 6. 1967 (coa't.)
CoaI1c. Stobs lugeated ~ It tllere vas a h· owen ...odat1oa
_ UI.1.s area that the1 eœtact tile D1netor ot Public VorU aDd briac
'Ie Jaú atteatiO!l thoee Itreet. ... 1BtenectloDl vhere ~Ic:ular trafilc
...-.' exist. 117 10 doiac. be +-W-t that .uch vortt aDd eN'crt could
.. .... _J in the :'orthcœ1ac .t~.