CC 10-30-67 10300 Torre Annue. CupertiDO. Calitonl1a PIIoae: 252-1.505 t CITY or CUPERTIJO Calitonl1a IIPW'.... or 'fS ADJ0I1DW1ID ~. _~ CII 'ID em WUIIIõ.&J. !O ... D JOD! S!lSSIOJ VI'ftI !lIB l'UDIJG co.I8RTœ. - ~ 30. 1961 PLACB: Coa::::il ctt--r. Ci~ Øall. 10300 Torre A_. ~R1Do. Calitona1a TDII: 7:3: ?M. I SA:.:.-::; 1'0 '1'D FLAG þ II R::':' :A1L ==--=-:. present.: Deçst.er (1:1,5), Johnson. JIoel. Stokes. ritzcerald ==, .resent: Br7son. Frol1ch (3:00). Hirshon. ØorpD. But.henuth S~!L~~ .resent.: Ci~;r Manqer. Phil Storm Ci t;r At.tome)", Sam Anderson Cit;r Clerk, Bill Ryjer Direct.or ot Public \lorks, Frank Finne)" Direct.or ot Pl&l1llil1lJ, Adde Laurin Assist.ant Pl&l1ller, .!i. Juzua Record1118 Secretary, Sylda Hinrichs III A. ~~ C1t.;r Malla&er asked Cit.;r Council penaission t.o prepare plans tor :"-"ildill8 two roc:atI in t.he bas_rot ot the Cit.y Ball. one to house :"-"pl1catill8 equ1.-ent, one tor record st.orqe. . '!.:Ted by Coune. JIoel. seconded b;r Counc. St.okes. t.hat the Cit;r ~.a::aaer be authoriZed to prepare plans &lid construct. the requested ,.-XIII in t.he bas_nt. ot the Cit;r Ball. Á!::5: U!S: ,~ERT: Counc. Jobuon. JIoel, Stokes, Fitzprald lIoDe Counc. Darpater Motion carried, 1,-0 B. ~e Cit;r MiuIa&U' reported that. request.a baye beeD nce1Yed trca ~ddeDt. 011 St.el11na Roù. ukilll penaissioø to 1aDdscape the L..... iD ~ ot Uleir ~s. At. present., this i. a r1pt.-ot-vq ~::r fUt.ure s1ðo.. ,~ cJ..,.lo..-Dt. !!lis would be ac- with the s~ipulat1OD tbat. 1ItIeD the s1clevalU are CODSt.ruct.e4 t.be:r vould ~ye tbis , ........epiac at their CIVIl espeDSe. SlId iut.&ll teDces. -1- .. -ft. Cit7 C=dl - Pl.""h. ec-i..iOD. lOIJlJ/61 MaTed bJ Coaac. ØtaÞ.. .ecoDðed b7 CouDc:. Joel. tbù ~YAl be Ihell. U nq1Iatell. w1tJa tile .UpalatiOD ~ W. laD4ac:apilll will be rep1acecl w1t1t a race at l_t 12" tna tile c:arb. at the 4"'1111" of tile _ cd tile P1'_t".. AIlS: DIS: A!ISIII'r : c-. J," 011. 1Ioel. 8tœH. Pit.... ,. -- CoaIIc. n.p.teI' lIotiOD c:a:rriecl. 1.-0 C. The =1 t7 IIIIIapr ...,.4 WG. that the ..ter -.111 tna Mc:CleUu to 1Iut~ !!œd bu ðneloped ..7eral piD holn 1Itdc:h IIu c:reated ;r:~:_. Be req_ted Couac:ll author1zat1OD to replac:e thh :i::e ~f appron.atelT 300 teet. "k~:!. b)' COIIIIC:. Sto&ea. .ec:oDded by Ccn.nc:. JohDaOD. that the C1ty "'.a:.a,rer be author1&e4 to haye thh HDe replaced. .......~. ,,--. SA:;: Couac:. ~ohDaOD. Noel. Stokes. F1tzgerald JODe Counc:. :.çster ;..3S::r. : Motion carried. 4-0 :T The:: :;.. v.a::acer explained that the ;ur;cse ot thh .: 01nt meeting is to d1sc~5 -,,::J: the PlaIIIúCC =~.i..10n. the reJuvenation ot the Master Plan. The ~' :: :!.q duUe. of the Plann1ng rirector and his ataft are time con.~::ë, and 1t 1. ispo..1ble tor h1. to get all the nec:e..&r,J work ac:coc;:::.he:!. on the Muter Plan. The C1ty Manager added that he had ment1:::~:!. this tac:t to the C1ty Council at the t18e ot the budCet hear1111. and t:'~ :::o::cil 1ndic:ated that a meeting w1th the Plann1111 C~hsion voul: :~ :~ ~rder. The :1t;.. v.&:lager po111ted out that the tuic re..on f:;r the meeting is tor the r'.:¡:s~ ot the C1ty Counc:11 to d1.c~. and evaluate the 1ntormat10n nece....~· !~r the reJUTenat10D ot the Master Plan. and approval to e.pla,r an adj1t:'~~ Maller tor the PIUlll1nc Department .taft. to 1IIpl_nt this 1ntor.oat:'~D. He added that ."o:h 1ntormation can ~ obtained t'roa the County ::a:m1na C~..1011. e.pec:iall7 in the area ot rezoD1na' 1n are.. that are Dev on County property but eventual17 v111 be annexed to the C1ty c! ="--;ert1no. With an additional .tatt _~r. we c:an have current 1ntoraatic:: on propo.ed app11c:at10118 1n the.e are.. and c:an detena1ne vheth~r the1 are c:ootorw1111 to C1 t1 requireaenU; and 1t they are not. to advhe the Count7 P~III C~..1OD what .tandarda the C1ty require. ot the ap¡::ic&Dt 1t they doHire nentual17 to annex to tbe C1ty ot CupertillO. 'nIh in!o~UoD vCNld M ot _c:h value to the Counc:il. and vith mother .tatt ~er the intor.-t1on can be current and reYi..-d trequent17 '0 it would DCt 1:>e oec:e..ar)' to re.ort to outside ageocie. to keep ua 10to~d. -2- .~ ,~. f' r: , f . . . . .. "w, Clt7 CoaDell - pI__4. eo.1..ion, lC/"jI)/67 ..,-.-. IIqar fttaPnJ,4 nawð \bat there were 1_ bale p1aI1Giaa principles \lid -.t be naolft4 witJI \he PløD1ng C~..IOD t1rat. Be felt \he p1_4. D.._' ,,'Is wark1III ill a 41frue. tinc'IOD troll \bat or \!Ie "-41. !be C1V ~ .Y ~ poill\ed oa\ that DO c.- Is In a¿¡: I lit. wi\la : 4IftZ7 _ e:üe'. 1.... OD pl~.. aD!I tile 1'aIIt.laD ~ a PlaIm1. Depart.- __ 1. W ro-J.....:.' l11eu W tile C1t7 CoaIIcU, 1Ib1da 1. the final ~'7. '!Mae P_ atl_ caD \beD be 41_ee4 UI4 en.luaU4, b1It. 1ft _t 1Ia... a bale aD 1IIale1a W ltart, TIle PløD1nc D1rec\or .\atell \bat be act. aD nu'7 iD41rldualappUcaUOD. It we ere Ø)!-. W tollGlr tile Geœnl PlaD we will ..... to re&ODe W 1_ d..d\7 ... to c:1It back the upected popalatioa of the Clt7, 1\ 1. dlffl:ult W n_ rrc. hlper to lower "lIIlt7. It.... hil opiGion that tIIere 11 DOt eøoacb data in the preleutGeMrù Plan .. the Int'or- _tioa _ ob\a1De4 rrc. the 1966 celll\l.l and Ie rather Q\¡t-dated. More ewnct iDt_~iOll baa _ been coçiled 117 the P1amIillC Department. The 1Cq0r poiD\ed Q\¡t tllat the GeoerLi. PlaD 11 a guide and r.e doel IIOt lee vii)- the Cit7 CUDOt vork troll thll Plan, be telt it 11 no~ out-dated. Be a.1ded \bat be baa been uuable to p' needed int'ormation :"roc t.he Plan:ùac ~t and tbe;( ban not leen ot ..liltanc:e to him in ~ir.. decilioD8, ~ iIIportant dutiel would be left undone it the PlancillC ~at ~illl to reTile the Genera:. Plan. He tbought. t.ì.e P~annin& Depart_at lbould be able to operate v, t.h the preleat. Plan as vel~ .. t.t.q can wi th aDJ' other. Coua:. Stokel ..ked it there 11 ~ adèit.ional iatormat.iN: t:-.,.t co":d be obtained 117 lIIillC a new General Plan U.an troa vhat is avai:..ble il: tr.e preleat one. AlIO, to vbat extent il the data ayailable frù::' t:,e ::o=t)' beil:& used, aD!I to vbat exteat can it le '!Sed it it 11 not il:co~rated in the Geaeral Plan. The Plannil:& Dir..ct)r replied he vould st.art. vi th the preleat &oal. to deteraine how much ~¿ulatioa this zooir.. could produce, tben cœpare it witb the needs or the City to deter:ine how :IIuch ca.ereial area aD!I I)tfice areas a city or 1.5,000 would need. I/e vo":d then find we ba.,. too .w:b or too litt.:ie :~rciù area and vo":.i have t.o re%one ad41tional c_rc1al are.. tor a :it)' ot 50,000. There are many important .uA1cipal lerYieel ~hat bave to be p¡anned in proportio~ to t.he population; 1.e. .choo18, parkl, traftic ,:apacit)', levers, @tc. ;n r.is opinion, traftic capacity 11 tbe molt l:ap·)rtant. Our ..resent traffic arteriala .,.e deli~d tor a population or 20.000. and they are being usÑ ~t to capaci ty, II) ve would bave to proYide tor IIIOre t.han double that. In &DIV1Ir to Co_c. IIoel'l queltion, tla ~ity Manacer said that many details will haft to be _idered unci@r ',be beadl. ot reJuvenat.ion, luch .. ezprelnql, UD4ercr-nd uti 11 tiel. school.. 1çl'ow_nt.l, Itreet pattene, trattic, atc. Trattic and trU":"ie __Dt 11 an iaportant 1t_ 1IIaen'di.cuee1nc a new General Plan; ',bele _to be tied down lpeei- fical.q vtaen \be P1aD _. before a pu~he bearilll. AlIO, IadUltrial ere.. IIhcNld be e-.14ere4 WIder tbll bee.d. ot reJUftution. The ~r poiD\a4 out. tbat tbele 1t_ !lau bee4 41lcueled 1n thia pre.ent PlaD. .. e4de4 tbat ~ the ree14enthl _. llaft elaanpd. COWIe. -)- ¡ III t. "' . -~. C1tir Co1IDI:ll - P1........ r---. lO/'!IJ/61 . , oS. - 011 uked lÒat ~.....,oø Uda ~D&tiOD would serYe. aøI. 11' the ........ updated woal4 it ~'U~ the PlamdDl Director's 1ftJñ. ~. Stokes said 111 Ja1a .....- tIIere is DO quntiOll ~ t!IG - ~ .... ~ Pla, ucl11. .\(>011,.... -'~ updateð. lie -... - t!IG tIds plan ,... baed aD tile fit siz :revs -.0. u4 It ú DpartaDt Dd thq b&... ~to-aaw LotI l10a on 1Ih1ch to bu. Øp1D1ODS. AU tile 1Dtorat1cc aftila1l~ trt. tM Co1mt7 should be obta1De4 IID4 theD ... tor our t-~". ~ Frolie= acreed that to ~I 'e &ll;Jth1aa is iItportwIt. bœ pna'e<I _ to 1Ibat t.!:e discusa10n _ ~. Be th1Dka the IDC1uatr1a1. _ in ~ Vista ~s a muor (""....., al.ao the expres."..,.. 'l'be ~ GeDeral P1aD does DC~ s!lov INCh 1DtOØla!"loa in the ~ ot lacs! streets Oftr wtL1eh the :~~:r !1as IWclI 1111'1__. and it the County baa ~_tlon th&t abovs ~~s.then this P:La: a.bould be cbaqed. Be 41d DOt teel that ~ colort'~ ~::111 vu neces8U7, havever. :.c..mc. Jœ~= stated that the question is whether tbe Plan should be ~ted or £~¡~ current. It is ~eed it should be kept curr_t, but ~s COul~ ~~ :.-:ne v1tbout haT'~ this meetiD8' Counc. Stokes telt that, ':.ç . desre~, ,,~ are talklaa abo;t some major changes in the Plan. that trenù in :~~~~y have chanøe'!. ~:! the City ::ust keep up-tc-date on t~ù in 5:'=ë:~t'ui17 bouses, t;,vn houses and apartments wic:h would a.!~ect. the ::~:r. C~. Frol1:± said it we are on17 talkiaa about density ~t .ust t'i~!: :~ ~ecided it' t~s constitutes a change. It' s~. there vill ::.a.... to b~ :~co~"8S. etc. wi:± v:.11 tie up the Plannina De~__nt statt !" _ ther. :~ ::.:'s would happe=. !:.e vould not vant to see the Plan chaD&ed. :C.o:lc. lIoe: ;:-:~:ted out that t!:.e City has r,.:¡uests tor zoninp that are ~ sœe t:'s: coe not include-! a the General Plan. Bouses have been added ir. adJacen: o&:: Jose ucl these ~e the density. The -.,:or problea V7''':'d be i: ::::~ vestern part ~~ t.he City. COUIIC. Johnson v-::ndered wether __ types :~ ::;';'ldinas - CC'~"'UIIIS, apartments. etc. - in the vestern ;...-t ot th~ ::':y vould raise 'tM ðensi ty. ,.~ City !!a:.&ë~~ stated that _ &at first obtain additional information t:r the City ::~cil and the ?~ing Commission and so he is asking tor ~tiona: ~~:¡ t'or the p1.~,,·~ Department to accomplish this. The pur- p<»e ot th~s ~~tina is not ~ ~e the density, etc.; these v1ll have ~ be eva::at~:. We CaDDot e~a1:Iate public hearinas in casea ot zoninas. ::.e Peraits. '!'::.:. :c:mc. DeIç.~~~ pointed out ~t none of these decisions can be reached vitllout sta~:s~ical data, aD4 t!:Ie PlanniD8 Director is the 0_ to c:œ- pu.. thil i~:..__tion tor UIe C1~ Council. The County is cODAta:¡t17 re- rtllWing ap;::~:stiocr, ucl UIe City is beiD8 ~ncœpassed by rapid p-ovth. lie screed r- t:. the Pl&DD1D1 Ð1rector that he does not have enouct. .-n ~r to co:':e<:t this data, ... telt t!lere will be an t.paet CD the City ... surroun~::c areas vben 11_. '~ion increas... Continued ~""I nts will baye t: ~ -.de; nev I'C - ~. and streets, etc. Th.se ....-"IV. will ~ to b@ ~ and the 1Dtonatl00 is needed before thq caA be .... Dae Gen.ra: ?:'u .....ntuaU, w1U uve to be chanaed. To tIae __'s nt. tilst the 1111'œ.atl_ _ receives troa the Plaan1ac ~nt _4_ _ -_. CU7 Cocmc:ll - pl.....i. c:-i..ion. 10/30/61 . Is ot DO Yalue to h1a 1a -..... his decisioaa. he vas --~... U be 1'.1t ~e iDtomatioa vas __ ~ ......P. and vllat iD1'~icID 4114 the IIIr¡Jor apect to pt. n _ ~ tIIR this is IIOt sutt1c1ed . I . DØt to ...... oa . reJ1I'IeIaUaa 01 U. a..- ù PlaD. !lie IIII\JOI' ...4 t.IIat be 1a DOt "'1'1' c .114 to III _ . 1Iat be vœl4 lib to JaIØIr wild ~ iJlt'or- _"ioa w pt twa u. 1:' -I 1a SOill ( to 110 t!Id 1a -- a11' "beill ( doDe with oar peeed ~ CoaDc. Deçewr po1Dta4 ad u.t 1a Ms Db- s.rwatiaaa oa 1;he 1øtI- tlOll the COIID1öy baa 1IroIIIJI1; 1'_ _4 111 the JUt. 11; tends to sift 118 __ _ 01' dlreetioa twa 1Ihi':lt w .... - 1:7JIe ot decision. Counc. ~es DOted tIIR tJIe Mai7Or' s coneel1l s_ to be DØt 1Ibether we should update the G..-...l PJ.an on the s_ pdnclple .. the oric1nal Plan but that it should DOt be prepared in the s_ details .. tJIe orisinal. The .:'i t1 AttorDe7 po~ 0Ilt that the State PlaDDiac ~ s.u torth the trsmev:r& !or a General Pl8: cu1de line. such as requi:-ed PuilUc BeariD81. good ;:~se:ltatioaa. rec: ...dat1oaa by Planniac C~..iOl1 l1li4 approval by ("~t1 :oUDci1. The «'Úå lines s~st precise plans that are defini- tive st-,¡iies of variO'~ s¡e:ified areas that lie within the ~eral Plan. Precise r:ans can be i%:.iO:i&o:ed by the propert;r ovner. The i'lazIniac r::~ss~::: and City Ce>.=;.: set down the guide lines such as access. 1m- prove:e:=::s9 etc., ¥hie::' :'~:Jrma~1on the owner or ~eve:'opoer vi:':' need, and t~e ::snning Dire:t:r sakes his recommendations. So position should be tue:: '-''It il arter t::'e 3ecicgs. then when the data is presented to the :ity ::uncil they :a£e o:::'e !inal decision. ~cr :it:gerald stated t~t if the Planning Director is gnl=« to prepare these .:s::s, there shc"':'d :.e an e.greed policy. Counc. S<:.oJr.es said he felt s~e poli~y shoU:d :e established on street patte~-s. p"~lic utility seni:es, and how these .:eu will be served. The developer then could obtai:: t!:is specific 1:'::::':&':.10". which would save IINch t1ae of thl:< Planr.i::ë ::'allllllission ~ o::.e :o=ci1. He added that III&lJ7 hearinaa are de- layed ~:r l~ck ot spec~~~: i::!ormation. and this results in :ost incomes in pre;:~r':.y taxes. etc. :~ <:.he City can save !DOney by add!1I ( an ad- d! tio::': :an to the P:.···::.c Departlllent start to acquire this information he is ~:: !avor of it. :~~:. Johnson agreed vith Counc. Stokes. and added t:~t guide lines ~~ b~ set and informaticn ruruish~ <:'0 indicate hov ~ ;:a.rticular pr·ope~7 vill be developed. COIIIIII. FroU<:h agreed that an assistant to colle<:o: t.:U& information to serve as cu1de lines to de- veloper and property ovœ..~. is acceptable to hÙII. The Ma,yer pointed out. t.ha~ perhaps the Council should set up sc.e SUide lines fer the Planniac ~~or in preparation tor these rensions. vberei: the property 0VDer could have lIIore leeway in developill ( his pro- perty; s-,¡ch as de"isi~ :x. iocress and egress into his pr~1' St~t patterns should be the City's consideration. but ~ bow the pro- perty is developed. Counc. Stckes added tha~ ~ & developer comes to the City be 1. not here t.: build a IIOn~. but to build a development l1li4 .-IIa sc.e lIOIIey. Be telt that care ahoal.4 ~ lIiven to the area as a vbole ~ it is re- &oned and what will .. ._HI t.o the balance of the property 1. that s_ -5- '. r,,~ " ¡.e,..... __ CoaDell - i"..a:mill& c--t~_. 1IJ/3D/61 ~-''''''ì'?' '1;' "'. area of tile C1tJ. n _. UIe ....loper trl.. to ðrM1.øp to u. 1&lu.ate. ... sa.. JatenI1~ 1D wild' _J JII'_~ 1 ~h.llIia¡ ..... ~ f.... p1au tllG IN to ~ 1Ieñ . C-. .- .. .. ..... .. 1Ie11_ 111 tIae prt.......... or ~.. r 'tÍItOtIIe Ç1~. We ,- .JIII,..__ ,'wiD tile "'4 11J. or ' ... _ ~ to cIne1øp tile .. ~_ L", __''II DUKe« po1Dte4 ad ta.& 1~ _ DØt hia ~s. to - , Qe CIf -..l P1aa n'f1a1ea far to-. ~ ud it -a 1Ie an.1cIIpe4 . 'till J. . .. Ie -a tMD ~.I - tMa _ tIae P1aDD~ C'--Iea ~- "--, Ie eð6r4 ~ tIae -. '" 111 tile pneeDt PlUl 111 ...~_ -ed~_ . .,. per Kft wII1c:h he ~el~ 18 _' ~le. EacÞ t1M _ 8fPUc:an't "_ u te_'''C he .sn __ ~ I . Uou bee_... he c:a-~, ~er .... GeGenl Plu. 'ftd. -.t 1Ie . ,j oed ~_ ~..:b resœ1ac req,..t. tile n-lll& ~r alao ~"_4 . ~ iD the llei....bu.h004 P1a:. - - u haft .œe lor': ot ~ ~ _ ue .. a p1c1e l1IIo,. 1t ~s __ ~ to deeU~ this wileD. ~-~i_1kp is sub:a1tted. JIœ'!l iJ.- _ ~. be sai~. ~ture popIo1.atl_ ... ~1c capacit7 ahcNl4 tóo&e _ ha-., Oftr lei¡!lb0rh004 n-. .. ~4 pre.e:!t '.;h..e ideas ~ ~ C1't7 :OUDCi: oae at . ti_. ... ~ ~ point tile)" voul4 .ake a ...-.:: -lOG )D a nnet pattern. '::!IIa C1t7 )(ana;¡er ~~ tbat the ~..¡ PlaD vou:.j indieate vbat ~s ¥. D,le4 b7 'tJ::e :i t7 CoUIICi.l. aœ tJ:.ere vould be 110 question ;.:. ~~e I 'l"P8r'S a111~. :bis alao -.loot be o~ Yalue t< 1:)tb the PV..:.r.:.~ - t-do:1 and 't!'.e :it1' COUDe1~. p1aft~if\C .boul¿ lI)t be daM plr-e-:.ea;.. ~ :Pl.aD1L1I6 ::1~:'tor stated ~t be 1fOIÙ4 abi4e by tbe City Co'=:1: iIIIc;..iOD. 3e !e:~. 11oIteftz-. 1t a1Cbt be an ad.,a:,~a~e to th.. 1:=1: ~ 1.e coJl4 int~~e plaaa 1"''' other clties ocWlsional17. I~ ~j:,e ::~l d,¡eides == strip e~rc:lal. be relt tbe;,' silould bf..,. t!'.e ~~":s _ UI bOIl it a!:e:":. traffic cape1t7. :n regard to sboppiag ce:.":era, :.. Æ. an {'Þ.",!::,¡ aD4 41tt~ t)'peS ot .toppi:¡g centera voU:~ ~~ ,")re pecr:t'. Be VOIIl4 collect ðata 01\ this tor tbe C~1:·. a -iOG. r I ~ Ci't7 :4aDager ~ir.ted out tUt .. are tr;ring · 0 de.,elop the 1sac~ ctr ~ Cit7. and to see tbat 1~ 'J ~v....r17 4e.,e:o.,,4; tbls 1& '->!I;:r ve ~ aD ~!'.itec:":..-al aD4 Site Ccau'ol ec-1ttee. 1'bere 11&_ been a :a.. ~~~ vber. tJ::e ':ouaell baa ðeD1ed çpl1eaUo~.s. Vallco Park a:~ ~ Ceater are ~r04w:tII ot t.be Pla-t. Cœaiss:o:: aD4 C1t7 Co\m:i: - ..ú to .ee ~t the C1't7 ~ ita iIIag,'. COUDC. Dempater _ .4 tbat we VO<öld IIOt ha_ .... u.e.. ðrleloplS' na if it _~.. DOt tor 1Ia. 2'WquiraellU .-illtaillflCl 117 ~ Cl~. Be 41d n:t teel that . de- - Ji If CaD JlISt ane iD &lid to CO in iIl1a ovn di~e:t1oa. It 1& a _t~er d - _r.e as to hov auc:h ~ Uaere 1& to be .oj it i.. . _uer or - _ "--ce that a:l the ill41" ~ ,- ~ to v"ri< together. - . Stoke. .tated. tbat t.be J'1"-~", ec-1..ion :.u bad tore.~. ... _. 4rNlos-nU 11&_ .."'.~ ~ it there 1! eooperat1OD ~ - .. 'IU. rill c:.-. tOl'V&Ñ wi~ Fo4 &nelopuat.. '!'be C1t7 T'"-1l~ (I, .'. - ,. -6- III -... C1~ CowIcil - PluIIIia¡ ~..1œ. lOJ'!JJ/61 ~ dec1c1e the loc&tiœ or _Mi..,. œthe I'"u..-t)' or .et too -.q I\-Mct1œa CID the 4ne~ L. ~ FUIphl4 qreed, and telt Gd tIIeH Do Mnti0De4 4n-' _ 1;) are aoo4 Ullllpln ot cOCl9Uat1œ. C-. I1nbao wooðe:re411bat ~ ... be1a¡ cIetem1De4. is it poUq s.u. 01' 1. it, the h1r1118 or _ ..ut1~ _ tOl' the PlazmiJ18 ~ ~. !be IIII¡J'or uU4 it UIe ("--daD Þ1t the 1JItonat.iœ cœ1zlc Ó'ca UIe PluIII1ac DI!pU'tMtat ... clear. It... pointe4 out that. the vriUen n_'" are belptlll UI4 do &1- pI'œ a!>4 CODa u to whether the appU- ~1CID ahoald be &pjd'01h.4 or dea1e4; I.u....er. ._ tome the iøtœwatiœ ..., DOt be DeCellAI7. It t' t be rec: p'ðH to the PlanDiJ18 D~or wIleD to .1IJIP17 ___ or lea. 1Jat~iœ. At tWn a4d1t1oaal iøtor- ..-tioa 1!1 œe4ecI, ucl theD tJIq __ to uk the Director tor it, ~ch cJelap the applicatioa aDOtber two -.ks. . ~ Mqor cODtended that the drnt~r 01117 _t. guide lines. and t.he ?lanDiJ18 DepartMnt .hould leImt the plUlS up to the developer. ~e :it)' MaDscer açeed that the Plamú/:l€ Departaent or Public .orit. ~- aeDt .hould not. be lllÙtinø plaDs ucl ë.o1nø the vork tor t.he deve:oo>er. or ,.upwlt.)' OVDen vt:., are req...tiJ18 r<o&O:UJI8. Be did teel .ha. U.e reque.t tor another aplOJ'ee ÚI order t.;) get a4d1tional inror-~tion vo-":é. be to the City'. advantaae in eY&luaÜca what wiU be presented _0 _::'e :1t)'. ::r.mc. Stoke. .tated that he telt tile)' U"e all in aaree¡:¡ent .:.a._ -:::'e :øeneral Plan should be updated, and a. d~cis1on must be _de w:'e':.:'er ':.::'e a4:U tional _ber is necessU7 to the ?lazm1aa Department. He ~:ie:i ':.hat 1t the C1t)' Manaaer telt this er;>:>yee is nece.sary. I:e :'as ::'0 ~l w1th the request. . C:C-. Horgan pointed out that the C¡-~3':.~on. as he understoed it, VLS ::'C' ':.be aplO7ll8nt ot an assistSAt, but '::;;e d1scuss10n of the je:;er~ ?:..:. wtúch has not been discus.ed tor two ¡e.:n. Does the Plan need '..;.:a':.i=<õ. or not. and it .0 how JlUCh will 1t c:;;5t? Will the PhAI>ing Dire::.or r.e able to present it to the Pl&nn1J18 C,,-.,s810n 1n t1_ tor the re¡.cr':. _0 be presented to the City ':0uzw:1l 117 I ~c,,,,,ber 31st! COUDC. Johnson agreed that t.l1e Genen.: ?lan should be kept curre::.-:. &::.~ ;>erhap. it the Planninc Depart.ent ti_ vas devoted to this ra.t~er -:.... on .-. ot the lesser dut1e., au ad41 tional employee would not òe =::e..a.r:¡. Cølmc. Stokes po1nted out that the ah,tr haa had ..u)' requests fr= t~e PlaDniJ18 Coaa1.s1OD wh1ch ha_ not been done because ot lack ot ti:e. ar.d 1Ja order to tùe care ot thia ....."Ir'OC it vould be necessary to have thia a4d1t1onal help. Tbe Cit7 ...-....- ft;lOrted that both the PlanniZ16 Director and the Assi.taut p'.ftfta~ often vork after hours to get t~e _..sary intor.-t1on to the ph....hle C~ss1on and t.he C1ty Council. .. ... hopetlll that the COUDC1l ~ consider this reque.t and DOt wait ~Otr &Dot,ber _eth. Couac. JIoe1 &&14 :"1e tound DO obJections to eaplOJ'- ~ &Dother penon, but teU that tJIe Jcb speciticat10ns tor the ..s1at- .. should be IIOI'e cœpnb_he. eo. , B1nhœ screed that another ~ -oer in the P"""h1& ~:1t would .olve ...r aUeviate JI&ZIi7 ot .. probl_ ot c_1c&ti_ bet._ 1.11 tt.e statt and : .." ':"0:lil1..1011. -7- . ._--_._.~._- II1nt.". ca_ 1:1 n _ 1'1-""t. ec-iødoa. lO/'Y)/67 , '. - ". a .._ ñated thi. 414 ~ .oaDd l1Jut a tuU-tiM Job ~or aD- v.~'·f :J r bat ~elt it -u tab a t\Ill t1M eIIplO1e8 to 40 tJae 1IIIii!Iíftil'... 0rtiDaDcft. 0a17 tJa'ee QI'IIIt -...... have been wr1 tten in ...,... par clue to lac:t of 1'1_".. Depa:I"tMDt tiM. eD4 it il 1»- r.ìi ~ < -.. _ the CJI"It..--. atnctve pN1IU'e4 to iJIp1~ the . 1'- .41'Ja. C' .. - a¡rwe4 that with the .--.t of 4eft~~t ¡oing on in the eø. S~ 18 a tII1l t_ Job to JII"IIPU'8 aU the report.. It could caa .... ,.. tIM o~ 1'1-_t. c-1..1oa Meting i~ thi. 1Bt_tion _ -....,. at th. -'1l1li. ..~ _ CIcIDc. Deçeter. lecOliðe4 bT CouDc. Stoke.. that the Cit7 - _ 1te autborbed to bire ODe að41tiOD&1 penon ~or the I" .~ ~t .taft. lAD: CoaDc. DeIIpIIter. JobDIIon. IIoel. Stoke., Fitzgerald JIoae A!Ø: Mo1öioo carried. 5-0 V D1_~ ~oUoved on the _Uer or the tence around the Mobil Oil .'td1ca _ St_nII Creel!. BlTd. 8114 Wol~e Road. which vas a condition "t-~ II to the grantiDa o~ a U.e Perait. JIcIYW 1I!T CoaDc. Stolt.., .ecOD4ed bT COunc. Dempster that the Use Penlit _~It tor rental ot trailers at the subJect station be deDi_ &l1li CUIC.Ued. MoUon carried, 5-0 VI A. ~ J)1rector ot PllbUc Worka requested approval tor a change order _ 'tM Parka contract, nec.ssitated bT the need to incorporate __..a1Ja 1I01'k aDd it_ tor coordination witb the rensed bu11diz¡g p~ . The total coet to be .2105.00. .. _4 bT COUDC. Stoke.. .ecoade4 bT COUDC. Noel, to appro.. the - J Order. Motion carried, 5-0 B. DIe mrect.or of PllbUc Vorka .uba1tte4 a reque.t traa the Cit,. or - . Clan to recluaif1 PruDer14a. -'..nile throll&b'VaUco Park ~ a collector "net. to aD añèr1al tor ¡as tax purpe.. .. . bT ColIne. J0bD8oa. .ec0Dde4 bT CouDc. Dalpster, to approve _ 8J '--dtication. IIotlO11 carr1e4. 5-:> -a. · · · · · VII IL J b.r COlIne. DeI:ps~er. secoaðed 117 CouDc. Johnson. ~o aðJourn the -I-W at 9:30 p... A~: Mot1:m carried, 5-0 Ai"rtlUYDI: /s/ JC'r7 FUqøald Mqar, City ~ Cl.v-l'ttDO /s/ W'øt.. L bder ~~ Clerk - 9- __~.M__