CC 10-02-67 þ · þ · · - La.. AftIIIIe, :=,ert1Do, ~ ~ 1'IIoDe: ~I' þ., . . - - - ~ .. . - - -. - - ~ . - ---------..------------------------ ----- -. Cl!Y .. cu..a!IBn .......tA I. .... ~..- .-'. ".,. ~ 0-...., - . '1. , . _ .... .,:." u"_~1L - October 2. 1967 --- . CftF~~. ~ . 2i... A......, CIoa- LiDo. ~ 8søø'''' S .uml1'O _ ftACJ D a.t. CAU. CoaDc. p 1 t..: D _~. Z- CoaDc. alt_: IIcae '. ~. Jtotu. Fitscen14 8taft p.u!llt: Cit7 - _ . lid]. fton City ~ . ...... ADderaOll Cit7 I!I ., -.u ~. ,. DUeetar t:I pi I.., A4ðe Laurin D1rea.ar 01 r - '1 C Worka, I'raDk F1Imq BecreC1aa JIb'eetor, John Parhea Chief' þ11A1!~ IDçer.tor, BID Benevicb A..i~ .. r. J1a JfusuIa Record1Ds Secretu7, 1171via JliDricha :I:::I ~_ OF :5! PIß.rouB - . .-. - Septelllber 18, 1967 Mcßed 117 ~. Stoke~l. ..: .. bJ CouDc. JobDaon, to _..n. the JUnutes ~ September us, 196'7. .. subaitted. A!I8: :OUDC. D /ta'. '--011, Stokes, FitzpraJ.4 JIAYB: IoDe AII8'lAI1IIID: :ouDc. JIoe1. AB8D'r: IICII!e ~iOll cøn.I. ~ ~.i œAL AID -...- ca. -.,.~- !Iaere w-'" __ -1- 1M . ,-... - ,'." Met1Jll of tile ~~ (:I n, JIJ/2/67 - ~. --- - -- -- - ------------------------ y... __r op pr .a..¡ NO 0CIIJCJRf:.1OII c- ........ at 9/ið/fII) 1 Dlfteklr nIIIÌItÎIrbI4 Ø1!- l' ... at tile Metillll: of Ie, 1967, -. tI¡d. .'" _ __ _..&1 1t.eM 1III1c1a nub" 1IJ''' pt"~ I. C- -- ~. preI8IIÜDI to tile . ' I~·i¡ -;.~ " '.,~,;,' ;Il1O(1) "1"'_.. ..~- '11'" Alric:ll1t11nl-~ . ,... ..14 1IJ' tJie pi" I~ r .....' --- _ r....4II'I1Ic1 to tile , 1dtla a ~.._. 11_ .. I.tII 8løt'iaI. >, ~ ..... .." _. ", _ þ¡ u,D~¡·w.J,'" 8JI!I_L_.AL CCIII4- '(IIïe IU.Dutee of 9/'Z1/fIr) ..... '. In1D 1-....4 tile ,,·-··w or tile .-t1Dø ot 9/'Z1/61, 1IIa1cIa . - -j r a rec 1d.\OD to tile C1tr 0 ~1 tar tile iIW1"'~ of ~_'~ laItacç4"'I. Be R ~I· ~..... clar1ftcatial - . _ to wIIat cœat1tutea . dp ~U._ a ÜIJpp1III CIIIter - _ . to 1øU:ridual 11'''''' .i&D8 f'ar "'_'181111 aD 1JI41ñ4aa1 - - .. before the ec-s.ttee- . ,,, _ ~IIS with .. çpUcatiOD. .. -- . 1JIat be 1IOII1d like thr 1Dt __t.-taD of tile Culme1l OD tb1a u_. Mr. Valter 1Iu'd, of y..".- !Rtt, -.l reqaøted ~al1OD to -~''9 the two ~e4 aipa few tile V- on I.. ceater, tor :.'Cdew 1IJr UIe CØllDc1l. ~ C1't7 Att01'Dl!7 lIIlY1aea tIIØ 8CCIØ'II1DIJ to the C1t7 ar Ca¡lert1Dø QrM .. e. #353. 11><Jo1'" the Ardd- l_.A. Bite A_,,~~ cc-1ttee .__.. tM;r are DOt rMð;J tar a iIII-'atøa to ðeD;r 01' ¡rut -".~ _ _ IIJIl 1icat1oa. tile 4eci11OD ....." be p1.8ce4 before tile C1t7 CoaDcll .. 1IIter theD 30 ða,p after tile .. iataD 1IJ' the c-1tt... '!lie CIq' CøaacU tIleD proce.... neb ~1OD ~ .. it l1li ~w ar _ - 'n decl8ioa be4 beeD n- ~-'. ~ 1Ir. Wø'II tIleD .-t CoG to døc:r1be tile deM. exp1a1..1"1 that there vtU be ~ two pole 81....; ODe 1Ih1da w1U be 1oeate4 oa Bœeatø4 ao.4 ... be aD iðeDt1f1c:at1OD .Sp tar ~aIQ' 8toø8 vb1cb 18 the lu'pR J- _ 111 tile CIDter. aDd w1ll be a.' h1&h. with the vaUco 1'ark id81ti- ~ ·10"'.jut belCJv; tile ot!Ier pWt dp w1ll be an ideat1fftatiOD ~ tor the Fir" ..tlO!'·~ BaI:k.! ,,~.. Volte BöI4. Both v1U be of -1_ &1-"'. _ter1a.l, 1Ih1da 1.8 u-1uceat; ~ tb3 letter. wiD. staD4 oat. and tbere w1ll be 110 ~ upt. lie eddecl thIIt . ~ 1Dð1dct.l ~ 111 the ~ ... aipa UDder the .afta. ... wU111C1t be __ trca tile .t..Mi;. !lie øwera1.1l1cbt1Dg v1U be - - - eII4 ot the _ ............ ",-- ~a1. .. the large 81..... BIll C1't7 AttonIe7 .~'.1_ tIIØ tile ðet'1D11;1cm ot aSbopp1Dg CeDter ... 1-1..., IOta . 'Nt fortla: ~) it e4nrt1a.a & abopp1Dø - . eII4 2) it .¡ ahe l1a1; 1Dd1.~.ahøpa CODtaiDe4 111 the - -,... 1Ib1c1a 1IOII1d DOt be c:oaa1ðere4 . ,~ .ian. In answer to a -2- ... 'r of t1>c R""'11ar M-'!t4nG' of tbe City Council, 10/2/67 .~-_.-.._--------------------------- » TI þ quen1011 .. 'toe. WLe1òlk' ..,', Jr·.u.oú,:e aU.ov& one or ~ .bøpp1Ds C«Iter .1ga8, the CiV At1;0rD87 _red tbat ~ were .n'IIe4, altbauP th18 }lU'tic:ular .ip (8a1'eIIIIl') 18 1:1 ace.. 111 81se ~ a .Sp 1dd.ch i. .n alll4 80).'7 ~or t.he .øert18 .1. of - 8tare. II a1ao It&te4 tbat _ ai¡P tor e.ch abøppiDs cater 18 ."'lfl1 tor e.ch p:IIl1c atnet, but 111 Wa 1JIat8Dce the ."'W4111 CIIIIter tIIcea t'IIo pIblic .L~Mta. 1løn411J' COUDc. J---, Me -- J bJ' eø.c. Jrael, to ¡nøt plmita to vaUco fuok to 1Dd&U the two .. __ ''II cedez' a~ .. nquMte4, with the atipll.UGD tIIØ DO GUIer JIOle as,u .. to be erected. Am: M1B: M8IIIT: CouDc. ~, JoJ-o-. Jrael. 1toIrØ. ntqen14 lIoae lfœe lløtioD carr1e4. 5-0 1IDvecl1lJ' CcuDc. Stokes. HC"""'''' bJ' COUDc. JoIIDaCID. to -"'.. the lUnutes o~ the Architectural u4 Bite CODtro1 c-1ttee lleetiDs o~ 8eptsaber 27. 1967." ....4!4. AYES: Counc. Dellp8ter, JotmaOD, 1Ioel, stoItes, r1t.zaerald M'!B: lIone ABSER'l: lIone Motion carded, 5- 0 PUBLIC HEARDIGS 1. APPEAL: Danica K-ov1ch (FraDk !CoM..). ApplicatiOl. 1....z·67 tor re_iD8 trcIII Resi,.eøtial ~tiple (R3-2.2) to (!eœnl c-rcial (CO), 9600 sq. ft.; located south aide ot Bœeñead Road. adjacent t.o e..ter~ boUDdary ot IfoIIIest.ead B1gh schoo1. Denied b;r PlumiDs Cœa1sa10n Reso1utiOll 110. 442, A1J8UIIt 14, 1967. (Postponed traa the Regular Council Meeting o~ Septsaber 5, 1967). 2. APPEAL: Danica 1cIIeDov1ch (FraDk Kohles), Applicat1CID 6-v-67 tor a Variacce traa Ordinance 220(a-1) Sec. l:lc Rest.ricting the DUlllber 01' dvelling unit. per lot to 20; and traa Sec. 1:lc-3 restricting the DœIIer o~ dvelling units per grosa acre to 16. 137 units proposed CID 7.87 acres gross area, located .ou~h aide o~ IfoIIIestead ~. e..\1aceøt to e..ter~ bOUJldar:r o~ Bœeñead B1gh School. DeDied \)7 1'].....1..8 C~saion Reso1utiCID 110. 443, August 14, 1967. (Cot'.t1nued traa regular Council MeetiDs at Septelllber 18, 1967). MI¥Or Fitzaerald reed a letter traa the applicant, aaltin8 poatpone- MDt ot the appeal until the next _eting ot the Cit;r Council, on October 24, 1967. ~ -;r ., " fllUIII IeplIr JlNt1D8 of the CIt7 CauDell, 10/2/67 ---- - & - .... -..-- .- - ... - .-------------------------- IL .A 117 CøuDc. llelplter, CT - - b7 COUDC. J-g¿., to -" '4-t_ 1~7 all 6-~ - n Oc:tober 2IJ, 1: . 1· ,s ~. J ,rhw., .a~ . .. ... ~,< '. I ~.,," , ... ,. 1Iøe1. ft· _ ,. , _.:.:. " -~~w At¡---.- .. - - fllltIIII..-_al -1_- - 1- . -..-- ~ - .. . ... ;~=-: t=--.."~-..~~-. .- .L-la. ~:. -:. -= ~_.._~ "'J" - - - ~ aD.. UINe - _.aJa to A- - - _ .--... tIMr -- _ J _ ~. . J of -.... ~:J' - to ...". !:;I .. ... - - _ fI!I .... - !Ida 1I11III14 1Ie tile _ Ü - _ UIII pi 1-. ( - ..... - J 111~ 80 ... ~ ... ..= aU_ '-:' 1-- -- -' SII tile -~ ..-: tile c::IIW rl1 ....... ñateI tJda ... _ _ - . - -. CII'iIIW _.. 0-" C' t). ..-...... .,... 117 CI:IaDc. r" _. . r _ eø.c. 1Iøe1, to ........._.. ÜIe . J fII...· - .... -'_ .s.- fill tile l'IIâ'" II 1 -1- r I_CIP to u. 2111 .. - -.-~ ~ .-cia ..us. A!IB: CoaDc. D _ .ter, r" œ, -..1.It<*M, nt _ . &14 aD: !JaDe 1lalt1aD earr1e4, 5-0 lira. ".-127 a1ao requ<!Sted that the (I I-.-'aa ....... po-- 1Ie JIG'- -it:1;ed, W 1IeIIr 10he report on the reY1.M4 _"u.. plu8 tor tM JW1:eJ. .. VU- 1'-4- ~ 10M. 10m, .0 the7 -.r 'be 81:I1e 100 lea'ft MI'~. IIoft4 1rT 0 -. Stoke., sec:oDdec1 b7 0 . JIoel 100 tùe thi. a1õter lip ~ thU ~ of the meetiJ ¡ rather tbaD . r UanDiahe4 BuaiDe... ADIB: 0 ". Dapater, JohDaaa, JIoe1., Ittc*ea, ntqerald KA18: __ 1lalt1aa carried, 5-0 lira. -.:t ...-.. ot the pi.....,.. ~_ - -~...œed ÜIe nrriM4 :P1-= wb1c1a .. CI.t¡J- ~ 1I.a ~ Be ~e4 plaDa 1Dc111de4 --- aqvare fw- ... 4 -811 trc:a tile or1"-' - I.. hca 750 .q. ft. to lJ.OO ... ft. !b18 -- - t'1IIlIt... otrla..d the poø11Þ11Ur of diY141Dc the noor ~ eD4 ~. II.. . Mtter _, 8Dd by creatiIW __ bia roœ v1th . .epG'&t1CID t'rca tM -za -, -' ....u.. . 1110101. ~ 1'ar art clus.., or babT sUtiDs fac114--. ~'__1Ds 1iDe. were IatIJ* ~ 100 the reR roœ8. !be .~ ~"'1aD 1s the ._: 101M! ~ ~ root bu been kept part;~ t1.at. _ -I... flat root' l1li4.,.,.].- _-n"".. to ¡1'ft . be1;ter 411 --a ..It- . · · . · _ ~ of +-be IIft,-,~C' Meet~!I@ of tile City Council, 10/2/67 ---------~ ,.------------------------- --- .. -.,- J ~ WI) ~'" 1· ''8'' ..oIN~ ~_~:1 & IIIII&ll patio ... tile !lit-AII8'II _:, IT r ta 1arpr ....... u.. Ulow 300 sq.. t't, to tile &_5a1 = _ _ _¡ ~1111 tile ' a _ pwUaD ttk a better l8D4aCllP'.. effect, ... ~. ftIIIIt ~ $13.10 to ..00 pc' 811· ft. t~ tile bwf'''"". . V- J ........... tile .-& fJ6 tile ndM4 plio waal4 . -' · '_~,.-. II,: I . -- ~ 1'PTtoro __-' tIId ~ . ... _ 1" _ tile I. r. _ -It;.~, .. ,þJ.'JOO for Ita III. ft. "_ - . .. a.t s. ....._ tIda _ __ 1a.-cla ,.....4wH4 to tile - -r," ___ 1d.tIa tile ~... ........tiCD <»-4..1CID II&IlIftftl. r - pq L 'I , tIIe"- - nt:t;r or ..... a1l\1.... tMD At. ,a". _ - .," .. lid fe1' tile _ - ,,- ita aqaa:N tootap to aUør. 1 .,- _ III ... J&ñ 1a .-a ... _~4II1. tbD bø1IW . \ont,..t.. Ia __ - ,.ø. .. r '1GB D1NctcJ. ..... tIII& tile nrat pl8ZI .. t~ _ 1-.'7 ,. ... ft. .. 1\ ..' . _ ....t.. 11' tile noo sq. ft. lInn"1.. 1a too 1111 sa _ -'tt1.ca of t!Ie C1~ 0... n. _t r- tbe 750 sq. ft. lInn"1.. 1IOQ1d .. ...... c _ .-1_, '::- a 1" _ tel' ~caed tile ~--... at this tisle ot the 8d41UODa1 ""aGO.OO, .iDee ~ heliU.. ~ be uaed far J:IAII7 Jear. to -, ..A _ CouDc. ~er. ncœde4 b7 Counc. Noe:, that the plaD8 as _ -e4 be _"'.~~ far bun,,",.,. em both situ; that they be cœ¡pleted .-A pat out to b1:! as qaickJ7 .. pcaa1b1e. ~: CouDc. Deça~er, JobDIIoa. ~. St.okes, F~:zP.erald .us. ~ Mot1em :arried. 5-0 T.tI ORDDIAJ'.:ES AID Rl!SOW'rI~ pœ ADOFr1Œ 1. ORD:m.ua:i 110. 373: ...... _...JW DEVEI£AŒBT CORl'OBATIOJl. Dm-œøE: ,..,~ (15-z-67) trœ Planned Deft~ (p) ~. with R..1ðeaUal use, to S1ro.~1e-Fu117 Rea1~1al (Rl-7.5). Located east s1d~ of MarJ' Aveuue. 1700 feet DOrth ot 8\... . Creek Blvd. (Awrox, 28 acre.). Sec:ODC! -, "''''«' IIøYè b7 Coo.:Dc. S1;okea,... "-.1 by CO'.JJlC, Roel, to have 0rd1DeDce 50. 373 relll! 117 Utle only, and that the Mqar's re..nus I:OIIItitute the r.. ~ reading, AYES: Counc. Delllp8ter, Z' ......, l(oe)., stoltes. F1tqerald JIAI8: loDe lIøUoa carried, 5-0 -5- II:I.Dute8 or tile R~guè s. ' '.', ~ L~~ r f t '":' , .... ro". 10/2/67 ----------- -----.------ -. .---------------------- ..A 11)- c-c:. 8toU8. _ -. 11)- CoaDc. a.l. to eMCt QIoM- 10. m. =: CoaDe.]I J'&tao, ~ - lID. Joel. 8toU8. J'1tspn14 JIGIIe ~~ ~, 5-0 2. __..¥IIü... a». 31IJ. -'II _l.._.~ 8IBID QIft'M (II ..,. .-D .- .. £...11) IlIAD m __ ~ 1111. ad ~H. ~IllAJlClIO. 316. SiC-II 1111"1., ..A 11)- CouDc. stokel, ~!)OI·-II 11)- COUDc. Ifoel, to baft 0IGMDce 10. ~ nil! 11)- tl~ CIII11'. aDd tb&t the 1fIlor'l . .'. coanltv"d the 1ecca4 1 "i.. ~: CoImc. Døplter, 3--, Joel. Stokel. l1tspnld ~: Ifoae . 1Iot111D carr1ed. 5-0 IIIrnd by CouDc. Stokel. I~'" 117 Counc. a.l. to euact Ort1ftaftOJe Bo. ~. ADI8: Counc:. Dellplter, JobIIaœ. Boel. Stokel,Pltzceral4 aD: BODe Mots.- carried, 5-0 3. œDIlIABCIIO. 375: ..-...uu 8J'II ) LDIIft 011 DTAY_ ctma: BLVD. WImII TIll Cl'l".. IIId h IIJhl ! OIDDIAIICB ~. 29/J. 8ecCllld Re~. -, - IIIrnd 117 CouDc:. Stokel. ~... 11)- CouDc:. Ifoel, to ha.... 0r&I1DaDc:e Bo. 375 reI4 117 t:1~ CIII11'. UI4 that the JIqor' I . "i. c0lllt1tute tile lec:oat nlll".1l18. ADI8: Co1lDC:. D ,.1:er, 3--, Joel, Stoke., l1tspral4 aD: Ifoae Mots.- curied, 5-0 *"'-411)- CouDc:. Stokel, H<C _a_t 11)- CouIIc. Ifoel, to euact OrdiDace 110. 375. ADI8: COUIIC:. Dellpater. .r~~-IID. Boel, State., Pltqeral4 ~: Ifoae Mots.- curled, 5-0 -6- . . . . . II1Dutes or the Regular Meet1DC or the City Council, 10/2/67 YIII PAIDG BILIB A. Resoluticm 10. 1509 aDd 1510 Resolution 10. 1509... read by Tre..urer stokes JIcm!d by COUDC. Joel, eeconded by COUDC. ~ter, to adopt Resolution 10. 1509. AYES: COIIIIC. »-peter, JohDeon, loel, Stokes, Fitqerald !lAYS: lone Motion carried, 5-0 Resolution 110. 1510 vas read by Treasurer Stokes Moved by COUDC. 11081, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to adopt Re~olution 110. 1510. AYES: Dempster, Johnson, Boel, Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: Rone Motion carried, 5-0 IX REPORT OF OFFICERS A, REPORT OF CITY TREASURER - - He had nothing further to report. B. REPOR'!' OF CITY MA1IAGER 1. The City Manager reported the City Council has asked the assist~ce or the Junior Chamber or Commerce in pub- licizing "Get to Know Your Government" veek. The City Manager reported the Junior Chamber of Commerce h~ asked pe~iss10n to place a banner across Highvay 85 or S'I.'!vens Creek Blvd. They have asked the State for an encroachmeLt peradt but have not received it yet, so have asked th~ City Council permission to place the banner across Stevens Creek Blvd. in case they do not get peradssion trem the State for B1gh~ 85. In addition, since the Junior Chlllaber of C~rce has not "1>udgeted ror this amount, they have ..ked the City Council to assist them in the amount or $100.00. It vas moved by Counc. »-pster, seconded by COUDC. Johnson, to give peradseioa to the Junior Cheaber of Co.merce for the banner, plus otter th_ the $100.00 doIIation to the cause. AYFS: lIAYS: Counc. »-peter, JohDeon, 11081, Stokee, Fitzgerald lIone MotiOll carried, 5-0 -7- 1I11111te. ot the Re&\ÙL' Meetll11 ot the City Council. 10/2/67 ---- 2. fte C1V - ~¡¡.&J: ~~ ted OQ a hole aDd trench alone P.apart CNû. Be n1a1tted a .eport on thb to the nood Coatrol Diatric:t. but the1 lIVe UDable to locate the problla . ñate4. 'DIe CiV - ·vr to1lll4 the &pOt. vllich ... & t. 1111011 liDe ro-il\l a)~ II1¡1nnI¡J 85 hL__ID 811~.A A_ u4 l'aeltica. witll a prunre outlet alGal WI u.. IIIIr1III the ....,. niG. tilt. oaUet proablJ' ~ 11 water out of the bole. '!b11 baa been nrpain4. 3. '!'he C1t7 TO ~J r 1&14 he had recti"" a letter t'r<a the Count7 L111n17 ec-1..1on. Be wiU 1øclu4e the _tenal 1n hi. r6jI' L 011 the _ l1h1'V7 bu1141llc tor Cupertlno. aDd viU 4iIlC1lll it further vi th the Cl tJ' COIIDcll at'ter 1 t baa heeD pI'ÇU'84. 4. In anaver to a quntion about the .tona drain prohl... at Wolte Road brid&e. the City Manacer .ai4 he baa re- terred the _tter to the Flood Control District. ftq have prœ1.ed to repair it. although it baa not been done yet. . 5. fte Cit)' ........r .tated tbere baa been a re:queS'\. that tbe Statt prepare UI ordinance regulatill& and restrictill& borses in the CitJ'. The: Cit)' Manacer said he haa not found an ord1DaDCe to that effect in either the League of California Citie. or in aD)' other Cit)' in Santa Cl&1a Co.. but we can lnatruct the Cit)' Attorne)' to prepare such an ordinance tor Council action. Counc. DeIp.ter said he is not in tavor ot the Ci tJ' loill& to tbe expeDlle of pa.yill& for the CiV AttOl'lUlJ"s ti_ to prepare tbe ordinance. and doubt. whether tbe Council would be in favor of enactill& UI ord1D&Dce of this t~98. Counc. Jobn.on felt that there 1. no real point of re.tr1ctine the riding of bor.e. in ~ part. of the Cit)' through U.e Peralta and then allow han.. boarded on COUDtJ' propert)' OYt of our use peralt control to ride down CitJ' .treet.. Be tbought we shoul4 at l...t han a leak at tbo.e areaa of priM concern. ~ . Tbe PlanniDl Director c~nted that be baa inquired of .eYeral c1 tie. it the)" have an Ordill8llc, on ho.".e.. and he baa recel,," a c~ of UI Ordinance troll tbe City of Arcadla. whlch di4 have a section rea;, ictine tbe nuaber ot hor.e. on certain parcel~ COUIIC. Dellpater ,..18 this _tter baa not cODlltituted a prohl. aa tar .. be 1s concerned. Ul4 would like soee statistic. betore the Cit)' spencla too auch tt.e and mile)' '.)n thi. _Uer. COIIDC. Stolt.. asreed. ~or Fltacerald t.lt thet tbere is DO prohl. .. yet to varrant enactMDt ot WI ordinance. 4 COUIIC. JcluIaOD polnted out that tbere are s-. sections aDd .~ .tnetl in the Ci t)' were ridiDl boraes sbould be torhlðdeD. Be cited the Bqvoo4 Uld MontebeUo .8- ~t:"J"".r þ þ .- '''v Cc'm:il, 10/2/67 r .---------------------------------- ðirtrict. ... _,- 1IJl'fre borae. have ~auaed a probl_ ot au1tatlaD. .. ~ ~ to see m ()rd1- ~. ad hela such .. ~ .boul4 be eDaCted. __ nt...~d & "'-d tbat U _ eIIoa1d euet web m Or<'1--V- be aoe. DOt fIellt QD be wdboce4. COaIIc. states une4 with CGaac. J. ~ OIl, -.I ....... lie t~1. tIIØ bar... _-.,,,, be ~cte4 aD naidm1a1 ..t...., u tII8T do eœ.t1t11te a -......... 1Ir. 1IarIl CnIIÞ pId'~" GIlt tIIØ r1d1Ds bou.. 18 tile _!fOOd cl1atr1ct 18 a ~ pooblIa; 1) tII8T an a ....-. ad ...,. trJiIIø at tile - ._. 8IIIl 2) tar MD1tat1ca n ---. IIDnd bF COaDc. ~L'-w:lD, .ecoaded bF COImc. øtoIriU, tMt - 0rd1DIIIIce 'be _ _' .a. natrictlDc bone. at cuta1D .b:Mt. in tbe re.1&Iat1a1 _ ot tbe C1 ty. ADS: COUIIC. m _ Wr, .1.......·011. JIoe1. Stokea. P1tsceral4 lAYS: IIaae It:Jtion carried. 5-0 6. 1'be CitJ' .......,-r h.~ ted that tbe City 1a .000 ao1Dø to haft to 1IIport lI4d1t1aaal vater. md wolÙd lUte to coatnct 1I1tb the CoImtJ' tar 100 llere teet duril18 the tir.t J'UI'. ad 1I1tb ~.calatec! _1.8 bo'lDe Decea.ary in later year.. lie telt that nentual.l7 tile operation ot pullpins vater trc:a IllldersroUDd 1a goins to coat .we tbu1 iJIIported vat~r co.t.. Be v1ll bl:re ~~ber tiauru 011 tot~ coaU to pre.ent to the Couøcll at the next _tiD8. blrt vanted to bril18 tbil to the attentiOl1 ot the =oUII~ 11 toa.1¡bt. ;ouz:c. 1Ioe1 aake4 it the 1JIIported water would ~ttect m increue in vater rate.. The CIty Mana&er said it would DOt. The :onnec:tiOl1 co.t WOII1ld be $8.000.00. but thi. cøu.14 be paid vbeD the c:oatract 1& -.Ie. 7. 1'be C1ty Maa...~r ~e.ted approval ot Re.ollrtion 110. 1511. aatborblDe Uw C1 t7 to -..cquire aarplua Federal propert7 vbeD it 1. aft1lù1,'. ~ by CouDc. llellpater. .ecoaded by Counc. JIoe1. to aPFOYe Reao1utiOl1 110. 1511. AID: COUIIC. ~t.r. Jo""·oo, 1Ioe1, Stoke.. Pitscerald 1fA7S: IIaae Notioo carried. 5-0 C. lIEP'JB! ~ D'---4'w ~ I'UBLIC wœa tile DinIctar . ~sed hi. report ot October 2. 1967. ~ tile ~ Bock Jbmt&1D proJect, tile D1netor pc1Dted out that tile rUM v1ll DOt bel¡I tbe work that bu ~ ac- ~1aM4 011 tIaU project. 8IIIl tbare i. quU. . bit ot cIra1Dap. -9- ~ off 1:he Regd!: ~~ir.g of tœ '=it7 Cuuncü, lO/2'~' p--------------------------------------------------------------- Dust \-AS ,wrced to 1IU4, IID4 the clean up ~r1t is great. oounc. .r~NI ukee' vtIB .,....,.. be done iI' th~ developer ðoea DOt cœr~ete the pro,1ft __ The D1reetor answered that the developer !:M DOt ruD. ~,tae caçletion date vhich the Cit7 Council ¡aft Ida. "* DJ . ~_ aid he would obtain the detin1tó: ~ ~... 84'r1ae the Council. ~ " JIUU!I".l 01 :I!T 6L'W.......- L-A ....Led b;V the Dir. o~ Publie Vdrka) 'rile Di~~r ot Public 1Jarb d,~ ted he !md a dillCUllI.l.OII with Mr. 1fc1lL-:! R'.:th, all ~ flY the CouI:cil, 1:'~ he "auld 1.1.JuIo the or~~=:'~' ~o IItUl!;r 11: t't:rtber, and a :-epo:-t will b~ sub- .1tted. ~e Director theD u.ked if the Ci~ would consid'! cøa- tributi::g s:~,);) for the f..rv. nts or. \'cu Ave:we it Mr. !Nth can C<D! T,' ,,~~!: plans tor JiIDA er:.ensive .....rk ir. t.hat area. Thill vc·,:,:~ ':. ". benefit ~ ";be eit;r' s d~''''~ -;;~!4~ as propolled 'for t!:.~ :':-. ':,':~ park. ~il agre~¿ +'I:~: '-:;. ~:th should. ~- SE:nt t~s ;':!.::~ :et'or~ the C::r.:nc~J. ~e.rl '('::. :0.:':" ¡:~:1tri1:'..;t1D¡ ·h $,--'" "" e ....: ~'. . .'- . The ~:.~.:~~~~ ::.' P'_:h~ic ~~k:I =~;:::-...;_~ ". .:-.0lio ::'~:-~Tan~ ;:!"~~7 t"'ron-::~_~ :.- :.,.": Rood; ~:..e ~ :;:~.":e __ _ :'~ :b~è. ~8.ú e.r.. II!x!.~- ~r~ ?=,'..~: ~.:--': ~~r·lct-;:"'e. 3e S-2-:~'~ "~F.~ ':__~!, t~e prt:'~'~s~:n"-1S .,~ :..ts ~!'~.:- :.-:-:-~·:~:"'.ent.sJ ~±= R:-: ~.. ...~~": ;:::.::: :~ ð~~r.g ~~ :"~~."e -:n þø _ -:-- :te trl!':"': !:~:'..e :~ ·Le £-:"~.~ :':::- th~ ~II.!:"~::' ~f &' _ _.. n:~:..=:..-:-:'.DeD't. OD t;-", ',-1\ ,. prop<!r :~:.1 ~:: -:.bp. ,:..-.:.::_~:-. -".:::1¿ of a.:..: ~=..e ~:-:tr1c~ ~a::':~·:es. ':'r.e ~:.s-:- :'nJ ':"~..~: :)n tr.a~ ~r-~:c: -:ø ~tit'~ ::-!".; !\:-(It also ",.?~'''' -:::~ bour.dar;, '- tract,... 1dl1 høa to be .,...s 1I1t1Wa tile bouJlda.., :.. :::'e tract. tWort_te17, thia 1& . 1IU't of a pru.'7' ';".'=. Lou! a pl~meal !:lOVe ,,".se,:rouDd of or.l;r ':his INCh =.:,;::: ~ &:' extra -.... .. O'.lt of ~porttC'n to the b_fit to be p:':'~ ~: either the r.:Ib4ivider or t~" ¡......... E. As bit Wlderst:>,,~ :::.. int~lœ, ':his lItust ~sc ~e tüen ';rAer- sro\JA! : :..=.:~ ::'e poles ~~-:Te. ..auld r..a·"'! ~.:' be moved ;.,~ Looth:'n¡:; ~:H, :'he scr.1":.~ "oc-~.Aary of t.h:s :! ::: Sar. Jose, ;.:. this p.::-::.:.:: : all 11: the ~'":7 :::~ C\¡~r-::"::-. Mr. Jt-:-.: ~~:. ...:-.&t their ~:è ~ ':;'~f'n ::I!..~ '.; "'''r !ou :.;-.- :0 UI1de::-~: ~__; ....: ~t'l", l~s ~t,~~r.. ~!".e :'.:-:~v:'s~ör eL~ ~-: t~ :DCV?' .. _;: ~vo poles tha~ ~r.:mt or_ 8.."". ~x:.s~:.~ 5~ree~ (=.1bò Rd.). It 1.,,,"> ... ::r,':e:'satix :E. ~~er me.t:.: ,,os: Mr. F~r.:,e:r q-;es·1~ why t~~~· ~:":- :-.e!"'e. The,- ~A.!'";:t"@~ed t~ : _ ~. ~ ._:-.;~ t~~r tUa 1£ allcr.·f-- ..s!.1.ng li.%:.e ':Z:. an ex~st:':'".f !~=-~e~, as it ~. ~~e!:~ is sic,:~, ="'...." Oftr at tlIei.r ex;>er.se. :-=-.:;ur:. d:!.llpla~ a :¡a; to sh:.... :~.Ar : ~ they tbo-4~ O'!!c.e1"\'is€ ,;-...: :..~ainl:r '..c''':':::! haTe spoke:: _, ~.:rcr... the hea.-1.q :s t,~.·· ~t·eJIded o~ the '.:nder~.md ordina::ce, "::.ey weN' iro ~..or of the Cr::!i,..:ance. It is a ::atter o! be::-..; ,"'=': :':&1 ill tœ1r poir.t or vie><, L"'<l they vo,.ùi object to unje,.,;r:':.~ piec_~. -1.0.. . ,('¡I (..., ., ' ;'~i!".;~~; ~ t're 'l':-J~!!!" '.~.:~:;f :r.,.: _~ .~.~ .... A ~ ".... : ---------------------.. -- -----..------.------- - þ . þ þ ,.-'...... .. .--------- . .._.----- '!'he r..ew :.trt!et line vjU ~..,: ir.l, øted 1~~{' 1·_t("';~3c,,:; ...'!f}..... . ~ -: ,"-¿ in thc3~ t1r:O pol~s pr'!~'!::ts. &0 probl~:-.j -':0 ':.:r.':!~r.:~- ~.1 X-";.3 ~.._~.. 'tho'~ ~......, '?Qlt'8 ..cuM ~t ,:-~1!!'Mtc1 1';ld ··.:'t.~1 f(~1r'1~ .:>:;,:,,1'-,~lJ ':.-;1':.'- to 1:'li:e '-set t. n'!:..r pele t.c thf ~Grtt c·~'" tt~ trn:t.. :.'h~a ".J~1.. i I } in order to have a r..... c:œe ':p tì:at. ".:1E" and no;;1; haTe l' .&0 to such a d~stance, .. the ~br pole Ie ato';~ 100' WEY trT.I th~ tract. On the south aide It i: ~tte a ~rotl~~; t~~ Ti~r· y:~ld have to SO to tbe m..t1Da pole. It 16 601!1ewha':. ex;>csed !Os tb~..., is a drl ftIIIir bet... eft ~be ~:ra';. and that pole, so that pole cO'.ll:1 DOt be mcvec1 very eu1!,' ~r to the tract.; bedd~8 tbere aight be euemt'nt proM_. 111 order to uMel'8""'UId ~""t a.ar.s ve have two risera vel')' clcae ~~ber. The hrmefl\ lI~bool ic a",; Ie<: O'¡~!'- head, end it would ~ a heavy 1JI'IIier¡srowKi ,'iT' e"res. ~'1~ 3t~...t to the otller pole m."'1:"..J on ~1sport, which is u. el~c' £.J, l<'!r. 'rI:at is ':he pole tha<:: VC".:ld sup¡¡1.y the acboel. ~"; ·.:c·.;.lt ~ a'll! '.0 be undEr~~ to th&': ~~e, and there are two ~:~:~!'c~ier· ~~,,~~ ill -;;he Sill! Joae t~ tLa~ viII ael'W' overher.(I r!,-;r t~.eae O:"~.f, s': aall! of 'Ilea ca.'! 11'9 l"'e:~-:-.':ecL ne:r eat 1Jr.atp. ~ ~~ - ':; ~.d. ~~r:->J~. this v;-:1<! co..-t tbt ~:~r arOl.nd $10,000 '.~ .:.:=-~:!~t~ "':>f> ,0:-, Mr. G>.;!U: :ODtiD·ied; ~be~ ...~ d·") Dot p&rt1.cula:~· . ··øa tOe:E :""::.fI~.. an8S that are un:itl'lr-'''':-'ò~ beca'ls'! it -prner,· prdI"-; ":'~c.,uc eros, '~~nther, aDd as -;;C,- ::~:Xt "..valopr.ent ,'c."..' ',- ë,,; :c'¡}" .;'.,' h11.,:.: the daft1......-..l >:-e-:-a.-.e t.r.l'Y could no': .c·, ..: -: ¡¡e', !' ,. s~- ?Ole %lOved. It >IOUlA: :<e '¡er.: c4ellsive. He ,',S ~ '. Y Ì"Z:: :,.' q"oJanael "hat.oe~e!" o! ~"1~,&. ___~crl."1~ir~ ~~hin t.r<!: r.. - . fa:~ '.~; ~ :.:- t.he bO'JS£3 beillg aern~ ,=:~e!'cr"':>i r..Uin t¡,,, .." Mr. ~'U1 ":amented t~'": ~'-~)' -:Jr..r..-r long d.·:~l-:T~~"'.·: ra~:.~:- -: -..... sl:ort OCl'S; tlM coat ;.er ~Y.:"; is eonaiderably j "'H '.:','1 ;¡:A' ..~.:' to...ve ~ne b..... - . u ";~ ~ ~'=rs re~ar!le.. or.:"~~ë.~" :;O..l "!:'r6 f· ~~ teet apar~ or ll!a,Jbe a ~~ &?8Tt; ~be lang..r 1ST, i. . ~ -,'::' -;;be j~;, uswùQ< the better 7~ ::~-.~~n;et.1OD 1s 1Ieca\.s.. )'~ ',,'1'~ i'..v.. . 10t of tte-ina or r!i~r~re~.- ~rf:oitS tI."Ork!rc at .1:'f!~!";.=-.~ -:~~;'~. :l:ë l:J1de!'~o\1."d liDea t::&"': _ :~~"'alled five ;"('u:: ,.." '.- :.:1 00:; ';;'0:- bette!' today aDd lII'.1c1: :~I!;:~r. Vb..%] WE UDderp'OUDll f :0.1 li"~ Bubb Road I .. aure we vi!: proOabl,y 1'1'1d tba~ 1": ,.: ,:i :-.~ :teð'r,:, ppr tC>Jt to do it aU. a~ ~:,(' ':.lme. A lot of a,,:>: ¡¡""'~ ~. 1:1 ..,,'" øc~~: frcntage, Sse Jc~~, &6 is t~e auoa1v1aic! . ,'c.'~ ,,;~e s'rc~' that ~s c\-erbead. It ~z ,~t!õ1r.P that "Ul t'~:e a :: :"1.. bit :¡, doing ~l! order to Ilftie!'Ç'O'~:'-:; it ~alm() : bas te t.. " ~,:"-:"ct o~ Ita ~.,.. ~r ritage1"&ld aa1d ~ ::~s cpinlOt1 be does 110': u-= ~"w tbe City CouDcU la accCllpl1a!l1z:c ZlUch by torcing theae po~e$ to g~ UIId..,.- ground It you wurt to erJd up vith two IIOre poles tbl!.t ~7e r18ers on tba. He cazmot ~ on that. He thinka in t~iE 01Ul" Mr. Gv'o!\ baa a good ~1Dt. It _ cOtJ.d eliJa1nate the poles, tt.a1: II:I\Ilj '3e . d11'terent stoq, bm; ..~ are not 10111& to ~l1;n1na~e en:r' '..... He thouøJat that 11' tbe t'IIll. 6 acrea to the north we..e bein(; dewløped at ü1a tia we a1pt. kft sœetblng, then it celiA! be 1'''11 UDder- 11'0IIII4 all tbe .,. to IIeClellCl. CCIIme. Stoke. uU4,.... 1:he b..1a..... ot tile Prcrert7 (east aid.) to the IIOrth de~ .... to McClellan IIIII! 1t tha~ line VIeIIt -u- ,. ot tile ReguJ,ar ~!eetlng c~ the City Council, 10(2(67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- underground, would you contll:'.Ie the undergrounding back to thi~ point? Mr. Gunn replied that in accordance to their interpretation or the ordinance this would not be their intention. Uwally to underground tbllt small lID area even tram McClellan to this point, 1& ver:r little use unless 70U could underground the eœire area, or U le~~· ~" it according to S~ plan. Counc. Stakes ccrrt:inued by ukiDs tbat after we reach the time wLen Boob Rd. 1& tulJ.,y de- ft'.oped what.is the plan tor undergroumUDg in the.. prebl.. areaa . like this. Mr. Owm stated that they do not haft a plan or their CMI to un<!erground uistiDg streets; it 1& in the t&lkin8 stage and it hu been beter. the ?U.C. tor sane time. They do expect th.t l:~t1me in the near f'\:ture :hey would have a decision whereby' '~ c=1d offer cities a Cèrtain eaount of their revenue to p"t in~o undergY'O':::1ine; e:cat1Dc ~~t.,. 1'bI!re wotàd 'be a _tter c~ r.eg')t~a~i::!; as to vhlch s···--". or what f<.r'. u,.. r:ity w,,'lId prefer ~avir.g 'I.."1der- ¡;round'!¿ =-"lat l1li4 in 1Ibat ¡or' or1t7. It \''O';ld be h1.s i~ea that ~ñif, 's ;:robab1y !II1 area which will eventually te !L.,dergroun:!8'.! ir. t:,at ""y. T'hrJ tIc hðV~ a ~.J1e ~1"~"'-'" ·.."t might allow them, if a~!'"CV'!-':, t" 1·:~ t!le '.I..,~e".;--cund serr..·.e ri&tR to the ho""..s. 'l'his i~ "~~::g ~t· Ci.." ~.,~ ~e ~~icted it will è~ ~~roved in t!~e. This ~~l: ~elr :~ "~~~ areas ·...·~e;:e peopl~ who r..a~..~ ,:,v~rhe"'~ s~r'/~"e r.-;w ",'e.r:~ ~:: ;~~ ..-.- ~~t.her ß:"': ~'1ve 'lr.~~rcrc;:::; i -: ",::11 ~:~lp ~:; ....r~n.!: j~'.;. ",:r.f::! - ~.:nc. ::~'::'~'jn e.sk~.~ i!" ":::~ ;!"~:r.lt.:J. ree.sor. '''~.:r t1"";!.s ".~.-:=- :"1"'). be -~1ng ~~;:'_:~~"!'O'¡~..~ :'5 t~r'~ ~E ~":.ere it r:~~::~ 4-:: ~t" ~ -:'!..-t!:':';r.:.~"'.'":. tT'J~.. -.ba:t ?~:'.- -:-1r.:: ~:~r~h ..; ":: ~·~:,"~lel~n.:-H :0 :~te:- .....::0-.:::, :.::- -., "",,.y.:' '-.:.1 f,oi::,-: -c ~e :':e·:~lcr~'~ .::;:-:.... n~·.,; ·...·0.:..~ '":.:-.~ .¡t~::'·:''!',,: :-e '~;,!''"~- ;:raund": >~'.~' J1.~ !"e~pcr.-~e-', '":.:-.!.t ~he:r :0 ,:,:,:,+- :-!"..,~",;re ".: . ~~~r~-:!"'" -~.. ·;,.~es8 :: ':r~ o:1t' lar¿:e -:,:·.~::-~~e-r:t ·...here :.~ ~'1\3 :~~S:::'!' "0 ~r.~ ~~velope!' __',1 ·.J~H;11 ::0'"; I!::' "'::-0 :~':ct ~.C' l.i!1 ""os-t:. :;:;·xc. ...- . Da'~ ~a:'::, ~am: b;; 'lar£e·... "::.e:: _: TJite '\ s~re~d". - I -,"'j:-.:,!:- ·~·~-:a': ~:.I. -; .. Y.ayor F:::<,,::-alJ: 8ayi:"~ ~:::~~ is n~~ "'7ne t-:-:,..- :er.gth ..,':)l¡J,d '":e a~c.:~ ::)!'!£; e:-.~·.;~.... :':":.:t: arc :/,:J" ~':r. a..!:.; ::-r..~~ he è.oes :-.C":. -':.'" boIi lont: ~t ~~; t~.~! ?«~ :~ 8t:;roX:- ::.ate1:{ ~ ::-.~ t. '=?.:rlC. J'-:.h::.:~ st:.14 he '.:.r.ders+.~ ~~4!re ~s a-t; ::"ea.~~ ~,":'O' mo!"e '::J ~o "'cC:ellae: c" vas c~,~('rr~e~! "d.tr~ ~~e °h.c!.... S~rf"to:!: "':~ 1.600'. ~~.. ~nJ\.n salè. the:r -:= not ~ons~1er. t:-.a't too ~s.:;et COl'l!ir:.,,:-~!"",[ ':œ le"~~, :>f the line ~ ~.cw !:anY poles it ~:veè.; ad;ually 800' involves two poles. JIot.ion made b7 CouDc. DaIpeWr, MCOII4ed b7 ~. Stolt.. tor d18- awaion purpose., tbat UDder p'OUDd facilit7 would DOt· be required 111 th18 se<:t1on. COImc. Stokes arked vbat coaatituted a large deY1tloy-J'·. ~. There are 1IU7 t." develop_nb that are ~"17 larger and i 1'. a~ared to him that on this piece they IIig!:t aa we:¡¡ say that no II:&in tral'lS1l:iss ion line is Going to go UDder~o;:nd. This particular length 01' !h1bb JIoed is 800'; he sa1.ð. 160)' .... mentiOIk i .. not being large in -12- · -.....- of +ì"l' :)c-....:1or 1·1~^A.;'tI'\.... ""ç ...~.- ",..... I.......'.""',..,~, .,~l2/(,7 ~-~ v.1>: .......... .., ,c;~-",...~ ~_........-;;; .,l..;J ...-.I;,.uJ.....~1 .J..J¡ -', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , .~- --,_.-~ of P.G.& ~, and ~e they consider 2 or ; ~ines as a lœs~; but the l'Oint is, how J!W!Y' pro.1ects 11: ~::1s 't",,-n e,re 111! @OiDg to get tbott _ 81'V longer than that e.n:i v'-..e;: '!:e ,.,e e':er pi::g to get . I-,ó' - Counc. JobnBon c......-..t.ed tbat we can ~0"1ceivab1y never _ 1IIIðersround utilities. He vas c:øncerDed that ò:' va do not get _ IIe:N and then start on other ~:e~s and thl'n cœe back, it woa14 ca.t . 1øt.. .le have to start s~lace ~d tMs would be a ßOCIIII ]IG.&ce to start. Mr. Gunn said that -mder- g:ocn;nd1ng is c"-gJ.. npid1y and SO we really den''!; ZrDv when !~. caœs to costa 1I11III& ~~ - bappen, but the real Me ob:ec-t1011 here is ~hat you bave F"- w1.th two risers on 1t. 7~.e ~lcper ;-.as to p~ the ~ fJI ~ that riser and ex':.e~~i~ i ~ dovr. to t~~ pole north o~ it. ~ another deV1l1opmea'; ,:,=s al:r..g and "'" ",ould be having _ ODe p~ far risers that ':8-"'::C": ~ ':se1. 7!:e expensive part ~ tbe line is jl1st that; tt,e ,.i~e~3 ':'cst 11. 1:': of :Doney. It i.I . ~ig job to supply tt.P. sd::>::; i ": ~e a ;-;-hase line and i".: U q-~1te I!. 11ttle r.l.~ going -::-.~~ ~~ ":~.at :'!r.t p~:'~. When an ~~ road project Ece! ~~nr!er~C""':--: :.-::.; ;,!a..~ 81: ~:::.~ at one time ~ I'_'~ ~onst~~ct~.,n c~sts ¿;r; ~,='.:~.._ ,:-::-.'!-!.~et"a1:-~'. Y::>I1 do not have er::r 1I8Etf4 risers or "I4teril!l; ',;- c.",.~, ;.:.' yo':. .',=, i: -;,iece-meal, the~ ~U .~ \lOr!l: ~!.~~ !:-:>e:: 1~":,,. --::-_~ -==~:'::, ex- ~~si\"'e wor~ th.e"; ~~.A! ....-!11 ha":e ..:) r~Y. I~ ~~'-:; -.#:.:-¿~:- '::¿":c:'l~e!1t. He sa:.~ ~:-~.t: "!".~ "'O~"~'" ~.,~t'\l: ~ -.:~ -.·~~d ~-:;~ ~~:~::x>. C01L"1C. J~=~= c?:e~ \:O·.~j ~.h~ :C£f--: :-~ -:.¿.:~..: -:.:- ~E:r.£·."~ C--.:: ~cplace a 2S - ;.,: ~~ r~.s'!'rJ ~"! "'~I-,:; t:.1':i! ~!:- :-:'"_-.:·~~::e +.r:~ ~::"s": of undergrtj·..u~~ ":.~e :ine as ":I!:~! ~,~. ~.;.::.:. ~~::.o/ r~-:irmative¡'; a=d ~~ :~-~ ~~~ev~~ a r~&~~ -11:: ~~ ::. ~ach end, :~-. :'~er to relo~~ "':2'": "J''''U __ to ili.o!t..... st4..r :..--=~ ~!"'X-. 't~l.~ "., :;;'\'i5ion, beca':5~ s:.,7 -.ù,dererO'm~ vires vil:. ~,.o:~:-:~' :::>t ~p. in -::-e =ight locatio::. ~.. -,""ill be a....t in the f)1~ ~6;:,~-: ~~~her t.!;eu ::: ":l".e new 5et-~a.c~ - ~ --e,t. , · · · ""::e on above nC"::'x: ,~:::s : Co-me. ~~~, ~~e:, ;·l~~;,,·":- :)~ ~ COlmc. .::.....--r ~:-..J :":.:J:,:es ............. .--...,,_:' : !';"'Jt ~::ì:1 ~arri~:!, "'-? - - T>i redor of ? ,:: ::0 '..: "', 5'::mrAri~e-i t!-e . r October 2, ls-E"'. s:r:. state-! no a~ion is ." ... ..- . . .-' - r~?ort - - . - -".- ne':.II!S!f.~"" .. D. RII'Cm fIr CITY .A::r~~ 1. Letter frœ t!:'.e ~-Orney of Mr. Ru401.ph Fri~%, =e~L-1ing e. t:railer OD the I"-vr"'rty of Mr. Becnert. 2. Letter regard1.ac .,,~ v1olatlon of grW:~ ~~~.1'"."Õ.~rl£ for grading done 117 tile __ party. A p:-ior .e~(b t ~,. tbe Dir. of Public Worka to tile C1t7 Council stated t~'> 8CDe çal1ng had been done, but 'tIIat ~re was insufficient ertde!:ce to deter- mine at what t.'OÚIt in tiJ:le the WGrk was dcne. Jiec=d£ show the r.II!tter was c1œe4. The City Attorney askK t!:lit ~~ bro matters -13- ., ... ..... - . '..~. - ."', .~ Kinu e= ~ tile ~lar )'!eet.inc ox' the City ~, 10/2/67 _.-- ---------------------------------------------------------- " :t 1Ie ft1"erred to bia GIld ~-" 'the D1rector oi" Public 1foI'k:¡ ~ ',¡. "t~ & new cbeck u to the ~.. of CCIÇlidDce or DCO-C .:1 i -- ,~:~~"Ã.~ftpoñ to Ida. . -!- . ~'~,\; i.¡,.' ,;~ 44 'by CouDC. Dellp8ter, - J :: ' . ~~, Attoruq's report. i, . }¡ . '~f:~"': --I bT Counc. :r~.dtI., to ~~o... the . 818: CounC. ~. 10M J-J ._~ .-0.1, Stokes, lUspI'II14 JIIJtiGD carried. '-0 3- ~ City Atto~ noted ~ ~ty Ordinances do not de1'1De ~ _.-per applicant for a Use PIe:m1t or Variance. It is DØt c:J.eu',' 'W!!etber the applicant is tbe ØIIDer. ~t. or I!. Beol Batate J)eaJ.er. Quest.iOD now arises as to the rights of the lessee ar.d _r. when lessee applies. 3elatiTe to the proper party, ooe ~ have title or clear le¢ interest. ?arties in good Irt"·"'¡"g ran apply to the City i'or pe=its. ' The I:ity Attorney does ~ ..~nd c'-V changes in the Orñi....,~e. unless and untU we ~~ -;bere bas been abuse. When a ¡:aD represent:! he is the agem.. ve a1Jrays accept this in «ood ~ait1:l, and we need ¡¡ot require ~:"o-:.; :æ is the agent. "'. ~ City Attorne:! reported t::.:.t the property owners of the ?:cr..1CC ~ket hnve l'een cleanin¡; it ~. .:Id there have been no ~:;.~t:; for 'two wee". ~:¡; O~- Y~ved by Co;;.nc. Dempster, 5eCODded by Ccunc. Noel. to c:'Cc::;" -:.r.e matter of tbe ?roduce De..O-; ,!)ued on tb,~ evidence at haT.':'. ¡~: Counc. ¡¡e:::¡¡ster, ;¡~-=, Jioel. ¡;~o::e,;. Fitzgerald :-AYS: lIone ~1an carric~, 5-0 5. ~.œre have beer. alleßed vic~t:"ans or. tr.e f.orci property, ...:¡;.~. ~<ere referred to us by ttoe Eea:.ü. Department. The owner he.:; ::-eported this to ile corre~. ':be Cit:; A:.torney asked :for ~inuance on this !latter f= ___..her t."o weeks untU the C=...õ:1-:.:; Æalth Depart=ent has c;:edei 'the premic~G. I. -. 07 BtJIU)J2¡; :¡iSPEC'l'OR - - Ioth1D& f\u,ther. ~ ~i"'ÙIg Inspec';or was asked whether ~h(' 1,;,,"011 Oil st:>:tiœ =-:; ~e Boad b&d a~ied for 'their ".. Pez1ait for ren1:ü ot tra1.l.e:z _ 1:IIe station. TI:ey bAve DØt. PI A b7 CoImc. JolIIIson, .ee·...""'" 117 Counc. D€"4pster, that V..obll ~~ ~ aÞ1Hcl bJ' letter that tbq ..-t -.Jut ap¡11ication tor',..Uae l'e=~" - rlo._ 'the next i)'nft..U MetillC. aDd that the fence muat be ~ef è7 a.:; -U-. " . .." -. ' " 0"·' . ~ «:,-- .~ k.~-i'~ ;';"·,~?t·. ... _ ~ .. , · u-.. .. -- ' "f" .""":-- ... ". ~. --., " . _._---- --.- - ---. .-...'"'-_.._--_..._.~-......---- .------------------ .A:!ES: . J :,~. :E~~te!' .J!:I'-wML""'W:., x.~:, _" .3 : ~c::. ~ ?:t.7",-'?~~r:..lè MøUGI c:e-rlK, 5- C !!Ie city !óBao,-u report~ be 1a! dIe::ked c!: :he S~e"{ens Creek CIu'den Ce::<e: :i~uatic.-:, mill .-14 ~ tbirJ;s :~ is impossible t~ .,.. the ~ pita on S~. CNek Blvd; !lc"~ver,he suggeste¿ ~ to tbe ~ 011 bow to .., top tne ¡:rc~rty and to move ::...-:i, ør tbe ~;:s:st avIQ' tra:I tile ñreet, and ,"..: "cate ~he:r. insi:!e t~ .-va-t.". ~ ið,t1œ _ -..Ie t.h..' tile CMIU'..clean up tt.e ...u~t." c.~ :ace his Use 1IazIt.. The BuUd1D.\ Ir.spector vill n~- :a:!:t a repor: :c this =at~ d -:œ !:e^~ re¡"~..!':."'o~~:_::._il zee'ti.::.£.. 7... ~' OP ~ i DIREC':"Ca !'be Dire~:: ~~.1D14 t1'-..e ':"~-:'7 C-r_':~: ~ :ak1ng ~ ,'- 'f'1a1t. ~o <:he ;c-Ls -nbetics. 51! advised . ~t a :'r.>=~ ~1;eratiO& ~~ ~:e Parish Z-:';%~ -~::. :-e ~C!' s;-.c'" ~:""..- a.n~ :?'-~ :-. :. z .c:y :~~~:~:- :,.., ~ I.~:'". r .......: :)!'. :~<! :._:..:.::c.-:=~ ':-.Ç. ~~-.~.:.~ ---- . - iŒPORT CF F:Å.1:";,,1,, DIJIEÇ':Q -' The P-- --_:_- T}irecto: =-=--..=-~-:~:. ~:-æ: -~.!.' ~- 7 ::'--:;.. .-- nas .. .. two Zor..1:-~ -:~':"'''-''':4I!f: r....-:.~ .....-:- ':~:-:"":"-"t':: ~~..e:: _.I.-H- revise-.:. -:-=:: the Zon~ ::-A"---~~~ Boo;: i!-.::":' :.j,.~~::L ~.ap ~. Imd ~V~ -vh_1Ige the =.u_-;ed pages i: :I:~ Cçun~ ,..... tOll1~ . 2. Be .epo.-;ed em two .1oiDt ~1Dp; ODe be:..-een the Cou:It7 pbnn', ::>,-ha1co aD!! -:!Ie ~~ Plar.n~ ·~.:aaission, :- October~, 1967 to d~~ ~. Vista a:-.i Foothil:' B¡~., ....d t'"- ....-.:.e'. r joint __~__ ---,,_... ""'r ".-.. C1'·r....;., ~..; ,..~...u _.. .....-.. -...;;-:.--e, ~. ......... ..¡... ...-: . ......- .4.,--,r Planr.':-'¿ =~ssion ~~ :":'.J.~~= p~a.r~""::~ ;:':~.":'-;:5 tu~¿ ;c.~.!~"::~ revi~::t:. =~ ~he Gene:'L :::-::. 7::e C!:';~ --- ~~~ :"'l'.':-P:-:'!'~ Oct~1>€:- : :~~, the 5t.:' ~_~:.~ ~ ~!'.e ~:::.::- :L ?ZPC~ OF :::! :r:::tr-:.pr.;=c= :_~~...R ~æ: F1.~~aJ.;:~ ~=~c~or rep:)r"-~ = tl:-e rec:'..:e~:~';;. ir..' ..tMIrt fit ..... ?= moO'ies :~ ::ity will i:&Te ~ :rol1ov:'::~ ·.'..e5 ~.-.:a tt-.e _t'.:r1IIC c~ seve~l~ ~ Deposits e::C "-. s. Tr~as'~' =::..:,. ;.. .'........:j" --&" 'bee~ pla~e: ~ the Clt~- 0 ., kooks of t~¿¡o :'~":e~e!'·~ ::,,!.-;Þ.! .~- sitted ::: ~~'~g òy tbe ~OIZ 1o:al banks &::.! ~:- :he j&~e:; ~ !2IC'nlts c~ ~. avaUab¡e ~% 1.t:ftatment. -...d by ~=:. Johnson, H- ~ by Cou!':. ::~¡, :hnt the fell=- ~ d1str:'~~iœ be made ~ør tile ðeposits c:' s·,:h J:3OIlies: r~'OO due ~~/66 F'..rst V&J.ley !;enk 545,000.;)') due .. " " 100,000.00 due ll~ Wells Far<:O Bank 100,00:;.::'0 due 12 /67 .. .. .. .. 6o,ono.oo due æ Crackel' ~:t1zl!ns Bank nr'oao.oo due .. .. .. 1J.O,OOO.OO due Euk of A:>eric& 190,000.00 due 12/5~' .. .. .. '. ~~.~....~.:.-- '- ~ "-- ";., i!t '-~.'';':'!, -----------------.. -- -. . ---....- .-. ----- . AYES: Ccn:r.c. De7::?f<:t:, Jcl'..:¡:¡c::, ~"_'~l, :--:; ~~ ~·::_-:::crllJ.i NAYS: lIone ~icn carrie,:, r ' )- X 1mW'.u'I.LIIJIW BOSIlŒSS: aned b7 Coonc. Dempster. M.cO!lded br Clr1Dt'. JOhn900, that the ~ appoiut-ALs be ..ae: "-111' ~mrr - IUJt COIIISSIOlf Brian Wilson J_ Bestul Re~t1Oft tor appointment te< t!:~ Cotmty Libruy C~s1on . . . . J Ú!1 S:na.1l A:rBS : :lID: Counc. Dempster, J':m::.sc%ô, Noel, Stci:es, Fitzgerald lIoae Motion carrie¿, '-C XI !iEIl BUS~ :1:e Dir. or P.æl~c Works repo~~ t.1":8t '1."'. .?;::l'~~t!')n :.as "':e~~ -Ad":'" t~ --:he CO'~y Plannin.-,:; Coa:1ssi':)!1 ~t')r a !i~,,;~: .,:: ,"~a ~e:-,..-t_c~ tr~,..'t:.i~-.. -':. ~!:e COrMr of SteveM CreeL R~sd anè F'~,:,,~:-~:': in··~·L -:'r. r:-").l."+.Y &.rell!. !be iz:Ipz"C ...~ts con!om -:c ::)'<..t.!l~y req'':~ ~'~':~-.. _ a " ,'a;, :.~ ~:>.... ~c!"r.,r~. ~~ :1tyof ,:-.,pertioo requiIecer.ts. Re aMe" ,,- '. ~ C!.':.y ~,' C"'~r':.tr,= :..d an ~_.rt vith the ::,-=tty ';t'.at 3,e,¡~ ., :,'..e-k. ":'1'1. '"<Y.:':! 1:e _17. 1__. HCftMver. the .:c=-;y Public './,'r ' ,,,,,"-!··..·'er.': ;-~. stated ~!:at ,,~th tt'.e c-onatrl'ctlor. ot ":=-e new f'ree>-a:; r~ - ."~.o' .':: ?1 V"i. i%pt'O'_"t.; t~t tocr laae. are adeT~te. ~e Dlr. 0: - '.:: W~r~z a~~e~ ~t~ ::';y ::O\:J1cll whether tt.e ~1ty s~~~~ p',rsëe .,> ~ . ,." '~:,e a.;ree.:ent cr "free with the County or. the to'~ lanes. :~ YU ~hen poL1'1~ed O".1t ~~.t MlJ)P s1='~l·~('!\·-·~ ...--~. :Js: Perr:1ta, rea:!!:irg the high standards of C\,:;:ert1:lo's ree:' 1,"!:·~ ,,: '. r.p-;:,::; t~ the C=~ty P1am11n¡; COIIIIIias10n tor a per.dt and expe"~ t:,·..~t ,~:!)' to annex ...., ~!:'= ~ty of ~.:pert1no. 1'be ~11::ants ";h~:! l',::,:" '0 r;o,,-:t;,' requirer.e"t~ ~ put in their 1mpt'O._~s and ':.hen a~-'-:' . = -;;he~.pet't1no Wat.er Department tor water serv1œ. !he Cit;r Attorney stated ~ 1:: nc law obagat1ng the City to sell ~~ water. The City Ji--rl' suggested th!lt th~ ('".,.,r:11 shculd heve . letter directed to the ~_L".. adY1Bin¡; ~ tllat the City of CUpertino would like their cCIDdderation b rece1v1~ copies ot plans, etc. for Use Permit app11c:ê1cDa s1Jbmitted to the County, pa.-ticularly ~ service stations, si....., these app11c-&nts ~11 be IIll!'lerlng to t1'.e City of ~rtino and r.-1fti1S City water. -16- _'-J._ - ~ the Resular Jleet1ug Dt the Cit7 Council. 10/2/61 · · · t ì L". .à....._...:.';. .Atter d1seauiOD, it".. -.reed to _nd the ~t1on aud haye the CiV IfuIIcer write a letter to the ColUlt;r, vitb a cOW to mbll 011, stat~ tbat the CiV 01 Cupert1Do requests the CcIImt7 to CODtom to the six ~ 011 8teftna Creek Bl1lll. as or181Ml1T qreed, aDd tuture appUC8Db to cODtom to CiV ot Cupertil10 requ!I ts in bun'". l1li4 illpt'O\ uta. Vote OD the MeDåeDt IUId the lIotiOD. JIoftd 117 Co1mc. Dnpater, seeODded 117 CoUIIC. .081 .uBS: COQDC. Dnpater, JoImaon. 110"'1. Stokes, F1taprald MIS: lone Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: /s/ Jerry ?1tzaerald ATTES'I': /8' WIll. Eo ?;yjer ::'~:r Clerk -11-