CC 08-29-67 em COOICIL JullU'd8 AUGUST 29. 1967 - þ 10300 'l'œD A..... ......-:.LIIU. CALIJ'OII]IIA 9501'- CITY OP CUPBRTIIO CaUt01'll1a IIUUDID or !II AIIon"~~' pmm.ø _.LIllI or TIll em COOICIL - AIØJ8'l 29. 1961 PBOII: 252~505 1'£1'3: ('_tl - - Ir. Ci't)' Ø8ll. 10300 'l'orre Anuue. CUpert1Do 'lDII: 8:00 P.M. I SAImB '1'0 'l'D !'LAG II øou. CALL CoaDei1llla III ..at: eOUDei:'- ~: ~ter. JotmsOD. Stokes. F1tqerald Joel þ Suff preseøt: C1t;y JII.-aser. Pbl1 St.orm Cit;y At.t.orney. Baa Anderson Cit;y C1erk, Bill I17der Direetor ot Pub1ie \lorks, Frank Finney SPECIAL IIJI:CIPAL ELECTIOJI ':'t:.e Cit.y Clerit present.ed Resolution Ro. 1498 in which t.he result.s ot t.he Special Mlmicipal Eleetion had been t.abulat.ed. Tbe "Yes" vot.es on bot.h Measure 10. 1 (Ordinance 10. 355) and Measure !lo. 2 (Ordinance 10. 360) were iu a 1II&J ori ty . MeTed ~ COUDeit.&n De~st.er, seconded by Councilman St.okes t.o declare :!c." result.s ot t.he election as cont.ained :n Res:>lu!.ion !lo. 1498 and t.o &~~,t said Resolut.ion. AYES: Council8en: Dempst.er, JobnBon, Stokes, Fitzgerald þ !ICES: COUDcil8en: lone ABSE!IT, :oullcil8en: loel Mot.ion carried, 4-0 PAYMEII't OF BILLS Resolut.ion 10. 1495 V&8 read by the Cit7 Clerk. Moved b7 COUDeilJlan Stokes, seconded II)' Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution 10. 1'-95. AYES: COUDei1aon: Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fi tzger&ld 10ES: COUDCi~n: \lone AlISEIIT : COUDcil8el\: loel Motion carried, 4-0 -1- CIft ~1JICIL hunn:aø AIJGU8'f 29. 1961 œ.- œDllllO. 13 DB ØZA DIPIIOt-.. DI8!UCf 66--1 . ~-.:p 0r6Ir~. 13'" 1øt.Nþ Ill" "..4 rf! ~ ........ D1rector of Pabl1c VadIa .. ~.s.¡- -.-tce of u..-. tal' .. ......,'~IOD of caU1a '~..:: .ta of tile JI'O.føt. '!lie pr1Dc1,.I lIT". tal' Wa .. tile 'Ìañ Jd to be _l'w."""!1It P.O. . Jr. .. UIe I"M4 to ~ GUIer ~ -- of UIe ~lce nth it. Nøn4 1It,C-n.u: StoIœa. lecF-..a 10' c-cu.a II _.~. to ........6 I!hMlp ðI'der 10. 13 tor tile De ADA IIotøv. to DiaVlct _1. IIOIIS : CoaIIc11Mn: ~ter. Joba~. stoUa. n~saenld CouDc1Jae11: BoDe AII!S : ABSIII'l': CoIIIIc\JaeII: Jfoel Notice curie4. ~ ~ '3IGBALIZATIOB OF MARY AvauB AID 'á<lCl&1'IAD ROAD The Cit7 IfImICer presente4 the ecru ..t vtich had beeD rece1Ye4 bJ wlaich the COIIDt7 ot 8aD~. Clan. the Cit7 ot &..ay,ale ad the Cit7 t Capert1Do are to share iD tile _~I of cODltrw.UDC trattic 1ipa11 at ~he intenee- t10D ot Mu)' A_ &ad ....tea4 JIoe4. The C1t7 Att0rDe7 pft hie iDUr- pretat10D ot thOle þ,rtiOõ1l ot th. acre Dt c"l1ptiq the C1tJ' ot CapertiDO. MaYed bJ COIIDc11aaD Stokel. lec0Dðe4 bJ COIIDci1aaD ~'Iter. to Authori.. the Mqor IDd C1t7 Clerk to lip the~. ..t tor the :1t7 ot CupertiDO. lOllS: COIIDc1:meD: Dellplter. JoIIUoa. stoUa' F1t..-rale! COIIDci:men: lODe 4 AYBS: ABSIII'l': COUDci:men: loel MotioD carried. ~ ADJOURIIMDl' MoYee! b1 COUDc11aaD JOhnlOD. eecODda4 bJ COUDC11aaD »--plter to edJOVD the Meatiq at 7:55 P.M. )..)tiOD carrie4. ~ APi'ROVKD: I~I JAPrY Pi~a..r,l~ Mqor. Cit7 ot CupertiDO AT'l'I!ST: 1.1 wa. B. ~~-- Ci t7 Cleft -2-