CC 06-05-67 . ,.010300 Torre Ave., Cupertino. Calif. 95014 Phone: 252-4505 iF~r,'------------:-:-~-:~-:~k;:~:- :-:-:-:-:----------------- ~,"[,.~,l~ ~'~i '. .~. . ~1 ,:;,~,;:..; .~" , OJ' TBB RmULAR IÌÁiiÖiø:OP '1'BB CITY COÚIÁi..J:; - J1J)1B 5, 1967 . , ....r-..,þ- ,., -. . . Council Chamber., Ci1;t Ball, 10300 Torre Ave..., Cupertino ~ :/ ""f' 8:00 P.M. Z SAWTE TO THE P'LAG D: ROLL CALL Counc. present: Dempster. Noel. Stokes. P1~zgerald Counc. absent: Johnson . » Staff present: C1ty ~nager, Phil Storm C1t7 Attorney, Sam Anderson City Clerk, Bill Ryder Director of Pu~l1c Works. Frank Finney Director of Planning, Adde Laurin C1ty Eng1neer, Bob Shoo~ Ass1stant Planner, Jim Nuzum Recreation Director, John Parham Ch1ef BUilding Inspect~r, B111 Benevich Record1ng Secretary, Lois Inwards II! MINUTES OF PREVIOTJS MEETINGS - Nay 15, May 22, June 1, 1967. May 15th: The Plar:,ing Director called attention to page 7, paragraph 5, wh1ch should read as follows: "The Planning Director sa1d this is agr1cultural zoning under County Ord1nance. The Plann1ng Department had favored approval of the application ~or two years, àayllght hours, and two or three horses per acre. During the pub11c hearing, there were massive object1cns from the public." . Moved by Counc. Stc~es, seconded by Cou~c. Noel, that the Minutes of May 15, 1967, were approved as corrected. Mc~icn carried, 4-0 Moved ~y Counc. Noe:, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to apprc:-\'e the Minutes of May 22, 1967, as submitted. Mot10n carried, 4-0 Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel. to approve the Minutes of June 1, 1967, as subm1tted. Mot1on carried, 4-0 -J - IV ORAL AlID WRITTEN C(IOONICATIONS ORAL: . .'... . ..J(r- Honaan HathaD80n. 10500 Ma1'7 Avenue. cupertino, addressed tbè Council on a, pøtion ot water ,øervice to h1s property. " ,.,...tated thak~~._pertl -~.be1M øold and it _s the 1ì\tenUon Of:-t~_ toconat1'í1~tJ i1t»Sle-fam111 dwell1ng8 on~be prope:t-b¡r;J;:~ bis reason torwnt1ng to talk to the Council 1188 0.' tbè~_t,ter of water's~oe. His property 'hlÌd been served'1J1,Ca11torn1a Watèr,:fo~,at least torty years 'and that thenewóimel'."lshed tohav4r'Cal., Water service h1s 'develop¡ent. Øesà1dthàt the pro~ waø under ca1. water's franchise area. Be,also questioned t~ availability of øufficient water h'oID the Cupertino ..tel' Department and wanted to know 1t there, would be ,adequate water ava11able. Mr. Nathanson _s a1øo 1nterested in the re1mbursement pro- gram prov1ded by the City, 1f any, in relat10n to what Cal. Water offered. Mr. Nathanson stated that he was not oppos1ng the C1ty of . Cupert1no serving the property but the developer was in- terested 1n the quest10ns that he ra1sed. ) The C1ty Manager cOlIIDented on Mr. Nathanson's remarks. It was true that the property was under Cal. Water franchise area. Th1s. however, had been changed when the C1ty of Cupert1no had 1ts Master Water Plan prepared 1n 1961. Mr. Aumack, the eng1neer who prepared the report, contacted 4IÞ Cal. Water outl1ning the serv1ce area projected by h1s re- commendat10n for the Master Water Plan. Th1s plan included the Nathanson property. Mr. Aumack reported that Cal. Water did not oppose the al1gnment change for water serv1ce. The CIty of Cupert1no Water Department's re1mburseable policy 1s that the Water Department pays for the extra cost of p1pe above e1ght 1nches. For 1nstance, 1f an e1ght-inch 4IÞ p1pe costs $8.00 and a twelve-1nch p1pe costs $12.00, the Water Department pays the $4.00 over the cost of the e1ght- Inch p1pe. The Counc1l has establ1shed and used this pol1cy w1th other d~veloper3. It was ordered that the staff 1nvest1gate the water serv1ce requirements for the area and subm1t a report to the Counc1l for the1r rev1ew at the next meet1ng. WRITTEN: A. Letter from Wilson, Jones, Morton . LJnch. request1ng Council act10n of ResolutIon No. 925-28 and ResolutIon No. 925-29 regarding Project No. 64-1. . -2- <;, þ . The D1rector or Public Works said Mr. Jones baa planned to be present to explain this Resolut10n 925-28, but s1nce he _s not able to attend this meet1ng, he suggested postpon- ing 1t. So .avec:!. bJ COunc..Stokes, seconded by Counc. Heel. This IIIOtion ..1t1tb1h"&1ID when it 1I&a eatabliahed the City Attome~ ~.p¡.ee.nt And.explain it. \, ,". . Moved bJ' Courw. De.pater, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt Reaolut1o~,JrO. ,925-28. A1BS: CouDc. Dempater, Noel, Fitzgerald RA 13: BoDe ~IRBDI Counc. Stoke. ABSBR'1': Counc. Johnson lIot1on carried, 3-0 Tr.e City Attorney 1ntroduced Resolution 925-29 by F1rst Reajlng. M;;';ej by Counc. Stokes, seconded vy Counc. Dempster, to aj:.: Resolut10n 925-29. ~:~: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes. Fitzgerald ~YS: None ;=S~~: Counc. Johns~n Moti:m carried. 4-,) ~. :e:ter from WIlson, Jo~es, Mort~n & L~"cr., requesting :;;~ncl1 actlon en Reso:~tlon Ko. ~36:-30 :'egardlng Project No. 66-1. .~ :1!y Attorney Introdu~eJ Resol...t lJr ~;;;. 138:-30, s~::1~g the time and date as MonJay, ~~:y 3, 19E7, at 2::: P.M., for recelving and cpe~1~~ t1ds :n tr.e second ;;:' Se:'les 67A Bonds. M: ';=j by COUi'lc. Stokes, se~or,d"j ry CO·,.I!lc. Neel, cO adopt Rrs::~tion No. 1381-30. A YES : XA"£S: A5SENT: Counc. Dempster, ~cel, Sto~es, Fltzgerald None Counc. Johnson Mot10n carried, 4-0 C. Letter from Franklln-Wlndsor Development Company, appeal1ng the denial by Plannlng Commlssion of applicat10n 5-Z-67. -3- ~'l ~ ., I~ _..; ~--'~' 1'""" r...-, ,< t¿" t., ~~> " ;:..¿ Moved by Counc. Stokes. seconded by Counc. Dempster, that applicat10n 5-Z-67 be set for public hearing on June 19, 1967. ADrB: .18: ~ aíØlh-¿": ".':. Noel, Stokes, P1tzgera~d Counc. Delllpeter. None Counc. JohnllOft Jl¡)t1on carrie4. Ji-o }). IAttter t1'01D ,Cupert1Do JC's, offering ass18taDce in the ;' . ,beaut1.fJ1Dg or tbe _die" strip on Stevena creek Blvd. ADd. .!Dc. tbeT bell*! 1n tbe passage of tbe JIU"k ac- quisition bold. tbe7 now also have offered to help with the central park 4evelopl8nt. Be IAttter frolD 111'. A1 Carter, Cha1rman of the Park ".-1"1g contest 1d.th the I1UI8S that had been subldtted. P. Lettt'r of June 2nd, frolD Architectural and Site Control Cha1I'1118n Keith Irwin. which wl11 be lntroduced during his report. . Mayor Fitzgerald asked the C1ty Manager to thank the JC's for the1r part1cipation and 1nterest 1n two 1mportant pro- Jects. Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded ty Counc. Noel, to include the Park Naming discuss10ns on the June 19th agenda. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Sto~es, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson . Mot1on carr1ed, 4-0 Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, that the written ~cmmunicationa be rece1ved and tl1ed. Motion carried, 4-0 "! ORDINANCE NO. 353 - SIGN ORDINANCE (SECOND READING) (Placement on the agenda d1rected by unan1lDOuS consent of the C1ty Council at the1r regulsr meet1ng on May 15, 1967) -4- SeqJ.on 6.03 J'reeways: Advert1s1ngd1Jsplays adjacent to '!'he Planning Director a1d the Planning C01lllll1ss1on aga1n d1scussed this sect10n aud dec1ded 1 t should be lef't as 1I1'1tten. þ 'Íi) . Counc. Stokes noted~ .. good percentage of' property in CUpei't1Do that 1s a"J,II,1 .~ 1;0 the freeways 1s rea1dent1a1. ,Be aaked 1t our new'" Ord1nance would regulate s1gna àðvert1s1llg vacanoles.;étc. The Planning D1rector 881d t:heae s1gDs are pe1'ld.U:e4:' but they are 8111811. In 84d1- . t10n. all signs come be!r01'8 the Architectural and S1te Control. ," ..,....~¡, . Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, that Sect10n 6.03 rema1n 88 ~tten. AYES: C~:nmc. Dempster" Noel. Stokes, Fitzgerald NAYS: S::::le AESENT::':;:.mc. J ohnaon Motion carried, 4-0 é.:-:. Ground 3~~3 6.:;,...: Where .~:-::~:tej: G~z.od S~gns shall be permittej Q,!,.:Y on lots w::~ ~: least 2l~ ~eet linea~ fr~ntage en a p·~t11c right-:~-~~y except ~~ere tr.e bu11j1~g setback is ~:~ty f t (- - . , . >-i" . ~ d S· · ' 1 ee ~ _ ::' greate:,. _" ..... Cr¡ case ~'ne "roun -g!', :"-. be all:);<,::. The P:~,~1~g D1recto:, sa:~ the at0ve 15 the Plar:.1ng Com- mlssio~'s :'ecommendat~cr. at this t1~e. Upon re~~est, Chairtta" ='~:I-.enuth exÞ;la~.ed the C.,!:'"::sslcn' s je013:on t::: It add tn~ ::s: phrase to Section 6.c~.. Mr. Bot S: ::t said he "'0',41 l1ke .' ,': :::ver a fe... pc1nt;:; brougr.: ..; ty some c~ ~!"..e !:)ercha!4ts 1r.. Cupertino. The Ordinar:= ::ntrad1cts the Zoning O~I:1.ance ...1th ~egard to the int.~~~~: right to d1splay and advert1se goods. ~om- merce :s :1~j closely to a~vertis1ng. There now ar~ ?l non-cv~~:~~r.g s1gns 1~ Cupertino. H~ quest10ns t~e 1mpl1~a:~:~s made by tne staff reP0:'t that we have a "forest :~ pol~ signs". He d1d his own research, anj could ~~:J ~1nd a tot.: of 21 poss1ble ground S1gr.3 for the unde~e:~ped comme~1al property in Cupertino. He d1j not be:~e.e ~egulat1ng signs on a 10: size bas1s is equi ta:::=. Further, !(:'. Scott quest~oned the fea3ibi11ty of r.or.- cQnro~:~~ sIgns be1ng forced to corne jown in twc or f1ve years. :~~se signs are expensive and vital to the small bus1ness~~. He also ~e:t the adjit1~nal phrase regard- ing 50' :~:ntages still would d1scriminate aga1nst S0me busines5<';;. -5- Counc. Stokes reviewed the stafr report. He said he haa never been or the C'P~nlol. that exiating, non-conforming ground .~.,.. _t come down. Counc. Hoel sa1d we !DUst J)lan now for ...1; .. ahould have years from now. He 1s more w1111.ng to '. a10Da with 100' 11.neal.trontage than the 210' 11.neal ~ 1'WDtege. W).A" ftt.1gerald ... in ra90r or 100' 11.nea1 trontage ñtb ,,~ ..back. Be sa1.4 .. ahould no1; 41.acr1l11nate __ na1; '.... -..11 bua1rwa~. , ~ì _ CoUDC. Roe!. øcGP'eIS _ Counc. Stokea, tlat s.cUon .~oQ.. Ned aa fol10118: "1Ibere _~tted: Ground Sips a~l t- p.â'\l4tted only on Iota with at l.at 100' 11.neal frontage 011 a p¡bl1.c r1lSht-or-..y, except where ,he bu1ld1n8 aetback sa t'Uty teet (50') or grea~. 1n which case one around 81cn 11111 be allowed.· CouDc. Stokes felt this phraaeo1oQ' deteats the f'UI"POae ot 1;be Sign Ordlrßnce. Mr. Ted Shar:-::n, of Sharron' a PuntI ture '::ûmpany, sa1d he haa . been in bus:~ess In Cupert1no tor 12 years, and now h1s ground a1gr. ~~s~ come down. Counc. Stokes saId he would l1ke to see all ex:s~ing s1gns rema1n; the new Ordinance appl1es to future S~g~3. Mayor Fitzgerald was 1n favor of letting the present s:¿ns stay and go along with the Planning Com- ~sslon reC'~~~~ndatlon. AYBS: RAYS: A.ESBlfl' : Co~~:. Dempster, Cou~:. ~el Co~:-.:. Johnson S~okes, Fitzgerald 4 Motion carried, 3-1 Moved by Cc~.:. Stokes, seconded by Coun~. Dempster, trA~ the Planning =~~1ss10n recommendatIon )f 2l0' lIneal trontage ur.:~ss there is at least a 50' ~ettack, In whlc~ caae one Grc..;:-.:i Sign will be allowed, h· -:-.ð'ie a part of the Ord1nar.:~ and the statement of non-c' r.fùrmlr.g sIgns be deleted. . AYBS: RAYS: ABSDrl' : Co~~,'. ~mpster, Co~~:. Noel Cou:-,:. Johnson StokeD, P1tzger~ld Motion carried, 3-1 Moved by Co~:. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Dempster, that non-conforml~ð Ground S1gna, at the date ûf this Ord1nance 353, w111 be allowed to rema1n. ADm: JIA YS: ABSDrl' : Coun:. Dempster, Noel, Stckes, F1tzgerald None COU::è. Johnson Mot10n carried, 4-0 -6- " . . . . Sect1cll1 6. 0lI2 one pole sign should Mayo¡- Fitzgerald Counc. St~ke& felt that any more than requ1re the obta1ning or a variance. agreed. r~ved by Counc. ,Stokèe. secoñded by Counc. Demp:.Jter, that 'vnere shall be no lION tban one gl'Ound sign per lot on .bopping centera in acess ot 210' unless a Use Permit is ae,iured for the aecon4 sign. ADS: RA1æ: ABSBN'l': CounC. Dempster. Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald Hone Counc. Johnson Mot10h carried, 4-0 4.2101 Readerboard: A s1t!T. intended for per10dically changed advert1s1ng. ~.:~_ Readerbcard S1gns ~.:~_: Readert:ard Signs witr~n sight of public right-of-way shall be permitted only to the extent that they conform with and are included in the total sign are~ permitted ty this Ordinanc~ 353. S~ch signs shall c.:>nsist of a ýermaner.: sign and of ~etal or p1aðtic letters or symbols :.~ a ty~e approved ty t.:'e Architectural and Site C'ontr::¡l '::;::;rr.ittee. Chalk or c-.:r,er Impr,':ised letterir.g sr.a:1 ~c: be ~e~mltted. 7~e abc~e sections 4.2-1, ¿.lO~ ~~j b.1041 were s~t~~ttej ~y the Flar.r.ing Direc-.::.r. upon reccrr.mendatl:m of tr.e ".a:l::: r. "'o\'ed b~' ::clmc. Stoke~, seconded by ~c."r, 11oe1, tc aJopt s.ection~ :'.241, 6.104 a:-.d 6.1041, a:. sutmitted to t!'.e City Gc....ncl1. AYES: !;AYS: ABSENT : ~0~nc. Dempster, Noel, S~JktS, Fitzgerald N;:)ne Ccunc. Johnsc:'". Motion carried, 4-0 Moved by Counc. DeQPster, seconded Ly Cou~c. Stokes, that Ordinance 353 be read at f1rst reading by title only. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Motion carr1ed, 4-0 -7- ~ C1.ty C1er;c ~ntroduced OrdinanCe No. 353 by title only. - _ ,P1tzgen:d stated tb1.s constituted the First Ø_ðlng. VI: ~. ~T ()lP r..ANRUlO 0-_ .ØT(II (See Minutes or IIa7 22, 1967) . ... '! .!:i; But~lt!1 rev1eWeiJ aet10D taken by the P18ftft1" eo.- " . ". : at tbe~' la8t .etSllS. . r;,..¿),~··.f' ~.:.. .4. ..Sûch Bros. (2-m-67) or.atat1ve }.lap tor proposed Lt¡ht Induatr1a1 1Iañ. 35 acres located nortb or Un1nrslt.y 1fQ UJ4 ..t or Southern Pac1f'lc Railroad. AfiPl'Ove4 b7 PJ.ftft1~ C01lllll1ss10n Resoht10n Mo. 1125. 1117 22. 1 7. 1Ir. -.os lC1'8...sz said the;v bave renewed the condlt1Dns 1dth tile .utt &00 ~ave agreed 1dth ~.t of them 1n principle. 1d.th II1nor changes 1n wor41Dg ot Condit1ons 3 and 6. Be WICW)l'. hove~er, like to d.1scuss Ccmdlt10ns 7 and 9 1dth the CouDI'11. Ctv><'''t10n 7: ~. Krausz said they uve no des1re to use um verai ty ;. ·'-~~.;.e and plan <;0 use t':. fer1ng here. They ~ like :: ~~d1cate the 15' ~~t not construct the street. ~e they ar~ ~:t going to ~se ~r~~ street, they feel .tatever is ;~3ently there v1ll be sufficient. It ca~': ~ used for a~ ~~dustr1al street w~th the proposed w1dt~s. ~~~c. Sto~~! 5a1d 1t 1s pcl~cy ~~r the developer to de~!!::~ t~.e street a::a:e~t to t~e rrope~y being developed. Jlcved by C~":::. 3,;oke", se:~!"..:1ed :;¡ Gounc. Nüel, 0;1".a0; :':'nd1tion 7' r~~::1.. . . lira. Ann Ar..g~r, Monta V1s':a, sa1: ,;!'.at in 19'17. when tr.e property O~.~r! ded1cated s~ree~s ';0 the County, the :o~.ty 1r.)".Ù.d not a::~;: anything leas tr.ar. 40' wide. AYBS: Co~~:. )empater, Nee:, S,;o;ces. F~tzgerald Iii Y3 : No r. '-' .&~-·T: CO''':.:. :.JMson . ~"'::::'J:n ~~rr1ed. --:. CorJd1t10n:: Jll:r. L...usz _1:1 :1r~...eways would be const:-~c':ed as the lots ~~ developed. T~e Plann1ng D1rector sa1:1 tr.e ~eratand1r..g ~s that the r:>ads are to be constructed as the ~t. are de.e::ped. When quest.1~~ed. Mr. Krausz said r~ cUd not Imov v:-.at lots vould be de'¡eloped first. IIB70r P1tzgen:d suggested: "~a access to be ¡:.rov1de¡\ at such time as ,;r.e lots are bu11t." '!be City Eng!~eer suggested: "Roada be constructed trom the 8OI1thern bo\:.:"':a:oy of these lots." 41 -8- lIwed by ('.:''';''"lC. Stokes. seconded by Counc. Noel, that ~1t1o!: -; t-e changed t:o read: "20' w1de drlv~ ~ 41.d be ~onstructed ~ 1JD1.vers1ty Avenue, a..~..'VX1- " ", '.. ,r~17 fol:'cv1ng the west. Dorth and east boundar7 o~ .¡ ,í,:~'~~ area, includ1ng tœ~ as they are developed. ,;:.... " ';'"~,, ::. Demp8t~:'~~ Stokes, Fitzgerald ~'$:{,~:,,: : COunc. Johnson' ..~ ',." #: " c. carde4 -..0 , r",i-ii Motion,. . , " , #:- ""~1t1on E: Mr. Krausz -'ed that they only be J.-.:4.d.red to dedicate the right-ot'--tIIIQ' on Univers1ty Avenue. So -.oved ::0 :ounc. Stokes. aecc;nded by Counc. Noel &'WILC1: _D: Co-=c. Dempster. 5:>el. Stokes, Fitzgerald Nc~~ þ ........'151'11': C:.:.c. Johnson ~ct10n carried, 4-0 ::O:ñ1tlo:,:: Mr. Krausz vo1JJ.d rather this were l~f".; :::~:: ~::: allow :~= :he oppo~~ty to negotiate. The C~~7 ~t~orney ~~:: th1s cor~tlon ¥as protect10n for t~e ~evelope: ;õ ~ell as tt~ ~perty owner. The D~r~~".;:::= :::f ?~=11c W.::-a said he has received a letter from tre';o;':.I.-:;¡ E~t1ng ~~~: :¿lleve U~~~ersity Avenue should be ~~r. ~~:à1tic~:: !he stafr was 1r~tructed to get in :~~=~ ~:h the ::~.:y on th1s. þ ::'c:.;.nc. S-::,:"õ and Noel ~e1".; -:t..e phrase "to the sa-:~,,:-a::~:::r. :::f the CC~,:Y'3 and C1".;7'S Department~ of Public ~~rLs· JI~:¡ld te ..::ied to the e:¡d of Condj t1". 7. RC~ed by :=_~:. Stokes, s~:~jed by C~unc. Noel, :r~~ .pp11cat::~ ~-rM-67 be approvej with the n1ne Gor.d~:~=::s .. adopte.i. l.YBS: C:_:::. Dempster, !Ic~:, Stokes, Fitzgerald JaYS: l\.:~." J.BSIINT: C':..:::. Johns:::". ~otion ca~e:1~ , ,.. ~-" -9- J:.ou1s A. Pagan1n1 (6-'DI-67)Ten:at1ve Map !or 17.5 acres, south ot St~eD8 Creek Blvd. and east or Blane:; Ave:7.le. A_-4>Ye4 by Planning Co~.,slon Resolution No. 423. ..., 8. 1967. ,~. at O'Connell, or SterÌSIJC ...., said he 1s tu1UU' '.~ UJe CODð1t1oDS I"AIIIII ..,~ application 117 the J'lan- , ..~..., Q " ,..1on ard .. __I - to ....r &IV' quøt1oD8 or . "tIìe C!.Q CouDcU. 2. . lIP. OICoDDeU'" ..ke4 ., ~... A. Stokes what t7P8 ot ix.es ,_'1'1 be bD1lt here. 1IIr'. O't"r' "'11 ..14 thQ w1l1 be Jarpr .- tbe ~k h....I~J _ 1IUl be t1IO-sto17'. !td.8 v-~.,. 11111 _ble tile J' JI1a to pt their boats aø! trailers t;O ~ rear or aide ot ..-- _~t;y, .. dictated ~ the e!.~ Oi'd1naDce. CoaDc. Stokes said he has ~ approac t".ed by people 11 ving Dear this property, .be wúMd to bave the e-.......cI1 st1pulate ':bat no two-s-:o:-y holies beck up to any existing one-story :x-es. Mr. 0' ::'onnell dId 1101: ob3ect to this stip.llat1.on. J!bVed by Co:;:::. Stokes, secooSe<1 b;y Counc. Noel, to appMve a.p;¡l1.cat1on -:-:'!I!-',7 w1th ~he conditions !:nposed 17 o;t".e ~ng Co-'S3~;:n and another cond1U;:r.: that cr. :o":S :?-34, the :~:7 :'eserves ~tA r1ght to li~1t the r.e!gr.": of .37~ell backi~~ :~,to R1chw~ Drive. . A'IZS: aY.S: .J.~ør: Co~:. Je~pllter, ICe:, Stokes, Fi:zgerald Nor:e Co::.:. :: =-_'1S0r. . ~:::.::: ~ar:-i~~. --.... .",.", Plann1r-tÕ :::-",:tor i::.":=-A~::ed the j::- :t:"em of t!'.e.:.d~':"- ~~ ut1:i::",! ':"equ1reme~~ C~ all. i~::~j1ng :r.e ::":3 bcrder1ng t:-.:!" w:-.1ch al~ t.ve ove:':-.e,,j ut11i":;" ¡:.c:es. :c~.=. Stok@! ~~~ Dempete~ :.:t this W~~:~ be a~ '~:eas:n- 4IÞ ùle requ1r~~-e,,: ~n tr.=.s ca.e. The P:a:,~,i~.g D1~:"::::" æisòced ~ ~he O!-'d:,À:,:" shoul:1 :e &-_nied t: :',·:':ect tt".=.s ":!'.i:-.k1ng, ~_~ ~t ..S ~~::;~j the ~~~~:e wo~:~ ~~: be a~e~~e1 a~ ~~a t1me. ~ve~ by Cc~,:. 3t~kes. se::::rðed ty :~-~:. Demps:e:", "::: ~~er this ~: :~~ ~tar~ ~ :~t7 Attc~.~y to wor~ tr~s c~t. :c~c. Demp~:e:- s~es":~ ":t~ applica~: w~rk w1tr. ":he staff -:.:. arranae a::. ~:-;ernat~ve. A"IBS: Co~.:. Je!llps";.t=r, Soe:, Stokes. F: t zgeral:!. SY.S: Nor.e "-.4.~r: Cou::.:. :.::~..naon K:;:~.:>n carrIed, ~-O . -10- B. RBPORT OF TBB ARCHI'l'ECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL C(JØ(['l'rU (See Minutes o~ MB7 24, 1967) Cba1rman Irw1n revS.Øed the action taken at the last cOllllllittee meet1ns. fte City Clerk read C~n Irwin's letter ot June 2n41n regard to non-co¡-¡fo~ce of the S1gn Ord11'lance ~. 160. Walt Kohn of the Produce Depot. Chairran Irwin askê4 for Council action on th18 matter. J Upon recoJll!llendat1oD ot the City Attorney. it was 1IIOved by Counc. Stokes, secODded by Counc. Noel, to request a staft report on the above matter. AYES: HAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, NOel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Motion carr1ed, 4-0 Counc. Stokes asked about app11cat10n 278-HC-67. Mr. Kehr1g's plan was placed on the bullet1n board. He discussed in detail the bU11ding mater1als. . Moved by Counc. Dempster. seconded by r~unc. Noel, to approve A~ch1tectural and Site Control Minutes of May 24, 1967, with the st1pulat10n that app11cati~n 278-HC-67 is subject to the Tentat1ve Map. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT : Coune. Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. J cr.!lSc,n Mot1c~ carr1ed, 4-0 C. REPORT OF PAP.KS COMMISSION (no meet1ng) . Cha1rman Wandry asked the Council what a~~rcach the Com- m1ssion should use 1n regard to future planr.ing of the central park. Counc. Stokes was of the cp1n10n that we w1l1 have a central park very shortly &fter the two neIgh- borhood parks, but we should withhold any plans until the results from the bids on the first two parks are in. Chairman Wandry sa1d the Comm1ss1on would l1ke a copy of the I1st of the Chamber of Commerce's park rAme suggest10ns and would l1ke to make recommendat10ns. Counc. Stokes felt that, s1nce this 1s a contest, all names should be submitted to the Counc11 and a recommendat10n of the Co~ission would r~t be proper. The l1st of names eould be made ava11able tor rev1ew, however. -11- VD PUBLIC HBARI1II8 '" J:: , :; tf~,: 'r ç;-., , '~ a(,;::"" . l"~' r..{' Ít :-c.., , -. l.ou1.ll A. p..,..¡.... = Rezonir:g (7 -Z-67) fl'01ll Re8idential s1Dgle-r--'\7 (II1~J.O) to Residential single-fAmily (Rl-7.5h "'Po" l-u17 17.5 acres. south of Stevena Cl'eek B1~. aid ~ ot Blane7 Avenue. RecOIIIIended tor approva1 .....,~ C~ 1..1on Be*>lut1on Ro. 422, _ 8, 19fi'1. ,,0.. ,-'11 ()rdi_n¡;,e to. 363. 1 , ' , 1Ir. Pat O'Co-w'1~ ..-.14 be concurs with tile Plann1ng CoImIis- 810n reccaWICIDlloÚlllb". IIQor P1tq.-.1d F· IS tor c.~nt. troll the audience. 'ftwre were none. Moved by COUIIC. ~ ~ter. seconded by Counc. Stokes, to cl08e the public bear1Dp. Counc. Deçater. Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. JdJDeon Motion carried, 4-0 Moved :y Counc. Dellp8ter, seconded by Counc. Noel, that the read~,~ of Ordinance 363 be read by title only and that the Mayc~'s reading constitute the first reading. AYBS: HA 1'3: ABSmr.' : . AY&S: HAYS~ A5S~::: C'ounc. Dempater, Noel, Stokes, P1tzgerald None Counc. Johr.aon j Motion carried, ;'-0 VIU ORDnõA.'iC'BS AND RBSOWTIONS POR ADOPTIo.~ 1. O:-j~nance No. 362: Lou1s P. Bonac1ch - Rezon1ng (6-Z-67) . :":-;0 Residential Sing1e-Fsm1ly, 10,OCO sq. ft. lots · ~R:-I0) to Resident1al S1nK1e-Pam11y, 7,500 sq. ft. lots ,R:-7.5)¡ 3/4 acre located at 20771 Scof1eld ~1ve, C'.;ert1no. Second Read1ng. Mov~ :y Counc. StokesJ._secon.:ied by Counc. Noel, that the read~:".g of Ordinance 302 be by title only, and that the Mayor's rea<Ung constitute tl':.e Second Reading. AY&S: HAYS: ABSEN! : Counc. Deapeter, Noel, Stoke~, Fitzgerald None Counc. .1obnaon Motion carried, 4-û -12- ~ , . » . I Moved by Counc. ])emp8ter, seconded by Counc. Hoel, to enact Ordinance 362. AYES: HAr.I: ABSBR'l': Counc. D't.pater. Noel, Stokes, P1tzgeraJd Hone dounc. Jo)m~on Motion carried, 4-0 DC PAnHG 'RTT.u A. Resolution Ro. 1458 and 1459. Resolution No. 1458 was read by Treasurer Stokes. Moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to adopt Resolut1on No. 1458. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster. Noel, Stokes, F1tzgerald None Counc. Johnson Mot10n carr1ed, 4-0 Res~lut10n No. 1459 was read by Treasurer Stokes. Moved by Counc. Dempster, aeccnded ('y Counc. Noel, to adept Resolut10n No. 1459. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Motion carried, 4-0 X REPORT OF OFFICERS A. REPORT OF CITY TREASURER -- Not h1ng further. B. REPORT OF CITY MANAGER 1. The Peace Officers' Association 1s contemplating bUild1ng 1n Monta Vista. There was d1scuss10n of water service and annexation. 2. Blttension of Mary Avenue. The Sunnyvale Plann1ng Commiss10n voted 5-1 1n fav(r of this extension. It will come before the Suru.yvale C1ty Council next week. -13- -i. 3. 'I'.~ City Manager attended the Board of Supervisors' .~et1ng in regard to the library. There _s dis- cuss10n about hav1Dg one large, County-WIde U,brary system. 1Ulp1ta8 and IIorpn 8111 are slated tor øtena10ns ot tbe1r 11'b1'ar!.e8; ~bel1 and CUpert1lJo .... left out. . .,'., " ,. ~, ,'~ ." r,,' Iì;", '::Ounc. Stokes would llke to Jmow when the 11bra17 tf';, .'-' , budget meet1D&l COM betore the Board ot SllpeJ"V1sor8, as well as other pert1rlent matters relat1.ve to library serv1.ce 1.n CUpert1no. 4. Some time ago, the Rotary Club made a Counc1,l-approved 1nvestigation of hosp1ta1 needs in the Clt7. Results at that time showed we had adequate tacllitIes in the area. Perhaps this should be re-stud1ed. 5. The proposed Water Department Budget for 1967-1968 was presented and reviewed. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, for passage cf the Water Department budget as proposed tor 1967 -19é8. . AYES: NAYS: ABSEN7: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Mot10n ~arr1ed. 4-0 t C. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Wayne Howarth, of the Lawren~e O'Brien Company, 1r.troduced Change Order #8 fo.' Project 66-1. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconj",j by Counc. Dempster, to approve Change Order #8 for De Anza, et al., Improvement D1str1ct 66-1. . AYES: NAYS: ABSEm' : Counc. Xone Counc . Dempster, Noel, St. >'es. P1tzger.t.ld Johnson Mot10n carried. 4-0 MDIUTB ORDER: Upon recommendation of the D1recto ~ of Public Works, It was moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to approve Change Order #2 tor V&llco Park Imprc~~ment District 64-l. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Noel, 3tokes, Fitzgerald HAYS: None ABSENT: Counc. Johnson Mot10n carried, 4-0 4 -14- t , , , ,...t ~. , . '\ ~,~ ~.; ...; t . 1Ir. Hash Guillal'd requested the opinion ot the City Council regarding the voting lights, prior to pel'llll1nent 1nstalla- tion. The Council felt they were adequate. D~ twOR-.rOJ" CITr BNGIHEBR 1: ,~ct,Ho. 4190, Oak Knoll H11ls. Unit No.2, A1ns1forth Drive at Stevena Creek School. . ", . ,~: ~ . Upon recoáì!imciât1on of the City Engineer, 1t was moved by Counc'. Dempøter. seconded by Counc. Stokes. to adopt Resolut1on Ho.l451, accepting -Quitcla1m Deed and Authorizat1on- f'rom Oak Knoll Company. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes. Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Mot1on carr1ed, 4-0 E. REPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY -- Nothing further. F. REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR -- Noth1ng t urther. G. REPORT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR -- Noth1ng further. H. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR -- Nothing further. I. REPORT OF CITY CLERK - FINANCE DIRECTOR 1. Progress Payment #1 to Lawrence G. O'Br1en Com- pany for Project 66-1 1n the amount of $60,145. 2. Progress Payment #1 to the Zipse Pav1ng Company for Project 66-1 1n the amcunt of $155,899. .). Progress PaymelOt In to Preeman-Sondroth Company for ProJect 64-1 1~ the amount of $95,137.94. Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Dempster. to author1ze the above-mentioned three Progress Payments. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT : Counc. Dempster, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None Counc. Johnson Mot10n carried, 4-0 -15- ç< ~~. &1";;.' 1.,_" Þ: . ~' þ ~t XI 4. Series 67-1-A bonds in thf! amount of *150,000 had been delIvered and Series 67-1-B would be del1vered toœor1'OV. Time dep:81ts are _tur1ng Tuesday ani! Wednesday, June 6 and 7. '1'hese plWl bond proceecÞ would !lake 80lIl8 .1.1a81.000 avaIlable and sbDu14 be placed on on. Depoft~.. JIoved b7 Counc. Stolœe. seconded Þ;r Counc. Dellpeter. to author1ze tbe City Cløk to pt sealed b148 and set an adJoumed Councll --1DB tor Ve~ftAsdQ. .TIme 7. 5:00 HI. . AYES: RAYS: ABSBN'l' : CoUDC. D6l1p1ter. JIoel, Stokea. J'1tzprald Bone CoUDC. JoblWon JIotion carr1ed, 1.1-0 UNFINISHED BUSIHBSS . A. Ca~r.c. Stokes stated that he has now appo1nted an Ad Hoc C~=cittee to d1scuss the rate of the Farrish Ho~se, as he ¥as authorized to de w~ile he ~ss Mayor. The Cc~ittee consists of: Mr. LouIs Stvcklmelr, Mr. Pa~scn. M:". Loren Ackl"r, Mrs. He:er.e Madsen, Mr. Ve~, .T..we~~, M:s. Juan1ta McLaren, M:". ~ill ~~Ke, and Mr. J~~~ Pa:,rAm. MoveJcj' Cou.r.o. ;)em¡:ster, 3"'.'_:1ded ty ~:; .r,'. ~L..~. " ap¡xIr:t 4 these ,ecple t~ the Parr13~ :'':'.;8e ';J"'tr.~·.·P", wt", ".t' 3~lp'';- lati.:~ ::-.&t it ~ould be eX¡;.i:-,je;1 1f f ~.;r.;1 fea3~'>. AYES: NAYS: ABSEN:' : N~~a. St~kp~. P!~~gera.1 :oun~. Dempster, Sone ':ounc. Johnson Mot1on carried, --~ . XII Nmi :S;':S:::NESS XIII A. Na:~..m&l League of Citl..s C".:>r.ver.~ :~r, 18~:ml:-,", ,.p sr.::rtly. May~r F1tzgl"rald and Cc~~.:. De~p3ter expr~8s..j ·~...lr wls::es to attend. Moved ty COUl\c. Stokes, se,a:,de,j by ('o"r:o. No~l. ~.: a'..ltr..:Jr1ze any CC".~.t1c1l_n who can to at~t'nd. AYES: ~YS: ABSENT : Counc. Dempster. NC'~:, Stokes, Fltzgeralj None Counc. Johnson Mot10n carr1ed, ~-8 ADJOUJUIŒNT Moved ty Counc. De~pster, se,~nded by Couno. Sto~~s, to adJou~ the meet1ng to Wednesday, June 7, 5:00 PM. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 AM. Mot10n carr1ed, 4-0 -ló- t þ þ &.u.-$l: ..... ... Rt'·'· C1 y Clerk -17- APPROVED: /a' :Jerry .n....Jd Mayor. City ot CUpert1no