CC 06-01-67 $,1MíD - d¥'"&.__ c ~1Do Ca1Ucmú.a ~4 l'haae: ~2~ -r~._-----------~-~------ ------------- - - . ,- .--' d~ , ~~~ CI~Y 0. CUPI.~I.O " ~:. .~:, 'ò c:aJ.S1'anda '" "-.,'~ W>~__, ~'f""..&-:')7)!- ..J ',-. _ . f ',' ·-;~t~~ð ',: . ' . . . ._:ãi'~.. IJIBCDI. ..,~.~ ,. 2SCIft ~"Ur. ~ 1~>2._· .. <,'- ¡ . , ~:. ~1 - '".&.. 10300 1\...... &. ;~t..1DD, call1'ond& .. ':00 P.II. . ~ 1'0 mr: FIM .D MLL CALL CIømIc. prelent: JobnaƓ (6:'-5 P...), Stokel, PltzseraJ,d Cou4c. abient: Delllpater,:woel 8"u.tt prelent: city 1faDa8er, Pbll Stona City Att0rDe7. s.. ADderlon Cit7 Clerk, BU.J. B;rder Jknred by Coun- Stok,.., aer:oaded v.r ~ Pitzgerald to recell untU 6:45 P.M, at which time a quorum will be pn lent. 2!Ie City Clerk h&a on tUe tel.eç".... traa Coun"ilJlaD Despr;~r &rid Councilman !Ìoel, both ot We. were out ot State, giv1llg conaent to bold t :¡,(o Special lleeting. lleeting reconvened at 6:45 P.M. :In 1IBU\wrIOBS FOB AOOPl'IOli 1. BlSOImIOJIIO. l381-31: :w.........U1.U116 UBaID ASSESSMD1S Attorney Bob Hill, ar ~OD, J'ODeI, Morton & I,ync:h expl.uDed proviliona . Koved by Counc. Stokes, leconded by Counc. Johnaon, t:: Idopt Relolution 110. l381-31. AtB8 : 1DB8: AæEI'l': Councu.eD - Jobn8OD, &-tokes, Plt:r.geral.d Counc11aen - !loDe CouncllMn - »-pa+..er, llcel )Iot;ioa carried, 3-0 2. RlSOLUTIOlllO. l381-32: SB'f'PI'- Ð' (y PARCBL 5 Attorne7 Bob 1U.lJ., ot ~oa, JODes, IIortOD &. l6'nch explain~ prov1liona . Moved by CouDc. "'tokes, ...e0ade4 bY' Counc. JolmaOD, to adopt ~Iolution 110. l38l-~~, - 1 - .. a _ .'1 iii ....:.~.,-' cJj··n _ l' -aD,~, n·"Cnll14 - ... _ I _ -tfio, Jfoe1 ..,.- ~,3-0 " ., It ........ . t;l.tl "j .... -, _n . ,_ 0MIa.~· VI, to ed,1oana *' ~I :. i ,~ :;.\. .. --- elf')" c:l8k A..-n..,S /s/ ;'e!'"~' ~·l.~.....,.JJ· ..... C1_ or d _ . 'SIlO - 2- _. '. . . . .