CC 05-22-67 "-'---~--""'_. · . · . · . 2Ø3OO Torre lw., CUpertino. CaUf., 9501:" Phone: 252-4505 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY Ol' CUPERTINO ,,~'1 f'orn1a {~. ,,;..< ... __ or !III ~WJUœl ...-~·MAI ~.L*, OF THE ern ~"".u. BBm ''t' . ~ 22. 1967 '---I Counc:1.: CbaIIber. lO3DO 'forre A'Ienl1e, Cupert1Do. C&11torn1a ...-: 5: 00 ì .Jr. I SALtJ'!'I :"0 THB PJAG II ROLL :-~ Co=:. ;::-esent: Co.......::. I:sent: ~~pater, Jor~$~~. ~.:>el, Stokes, Fitzgerald n,':¡ne Sta:--~ ;:""!'sent: C1~7 Manager. F~.:: St.:>rm C1~7 Attorney, Sa~ ~~derson C1t7 Clerk, =~:: ?yjer C1~7 Engineer, ~:: S~0vk Re:reatlon Di~':?'-~· -:-, J~hn Pa:-:-..a~ JUJa,;.'!!; ORDE!': 1I,:';~j by Cc',¡:-.::. ~onpst,,':". i- ,~jed ty C::..:-.::. Noel, tt.a: ?~:::..;~ion No. ::=:=1-25, '~, :~.:~ :: .)f ~:-,e pre.ious M1~_:~:, .as not ~sed. II:-;:'~n carrie::. :=1 roE:..: ~ 3\RINGS A. ?.3::.::.:.::-rON NO. :~81-2": A ?E.3,~:.'_':_:ON OF I!~"TION TO "k'3 :HANOBS AK!> MODIFICA7:::';' :'E ANZA, E7 AL., ~:!ICV'EMENT PROJECT NO. oc- Att::-,~! &b Hill. -:,~ Wilson, " de~:~~: :~e Resolut~~~B. M~rtún a~= ~~~h. - . Move: :, :~unc. Demps~er. seco~j~~ .~ Counc. Nee:, to cl=!~ ::-:':" Public Hear1r.gs. Mot~on carried, -. Move: :1 :~l1nc. Despater, seccnd,,'j :y Counc. Heel. to adopt Res::.::;n No. 1381-27. AYES: NAYS: .-.:...."lc. Dempster, Johnso r., \' . -'" .\ - ~ -. s.:-~e Mot10n carriej, -- , - Stokes. P1tzgerald -1- , ;', ~.,: '" >;~>,~~~ "':"~~". .,;'," ,'li·, ',-.- , ~'::.ø..."".~ . . '''Ii' . ~, Moved by Counc. Dempater, seconded by Counc. Noel, to ad~t Resolution No. 1381-28. AYES: Counc. D-,...t~, .Johnson, Noel, Stokes, P1tzgerald NA13: !\"one . "~n carried, 5-0 . 't ~ . " ., 1Ir. 1IQne ~,O~ 'IMIrence O'Brien C1fil ~Øf!ere, exp1a1--c1 c......'~r ". Moftd 117 Couno.. 'II . ~ter, seconded by Counc. JohnSon, to autbar1ze Chanp' Order ". MotIon carrj~d, 5-0 IV UNPIHISBBD BOS.1JIII5SS A. PAJUC DBVELOftdNT (cont1nued from May 15. 1967) The C1ty Manager introduced the matter of the park entrance on Mary Avenue concern1ng the exchange of property with the developer; the C1ty to put in the 1mprovements at a cost of $7,500. D1scuss1on f~llowed. The::-e was d1scuss1on between Mrs. Phyllis Brewer, 21118 Garoe::a Drive. Cupert1no, and P3.rks Comm. Wandry in rega~j to s1dewalks and pedestrian entrances to the centra~ pari¡. . . Movej by Counc. Stokes, secondej by Counc. Dempster, for the ~~ty of Cupertino to acq~~re the pr0perty per the Agree~ent, in exchange for tre p~tt~ng ~n of the street Im~~:,ements at the central par~ er.trance on Mary Avenue. Motion carried, 5-0 . II PRQ'"ECT 66-1 (cont1nued) The City Attorney explained tte modificat1ons a~d changes per Resolut1on No. 1381-29. Moved by Counc. Dempster, $ecù~jed by Counc. Stokes, to adept Resolut10n No. 1381-29 by t1tle only; to spread the cost of these 1mprovements by pIac1~ it under the Assess- ment Distr1ct for De Anza, et al., 66-1 AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, F1t~gerald NAYS: None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 . -2- · . · . · . :ø A. PARK DEVEL01"J'IIYI"J: (cont1nued) The Jlacreation ~r presented h1s proposal to develop the central park, ØÖDS ~t PriOr1ty in preference to the Wllson and Portal putœ. . DIscussion tollowed. COIIIII. Acker and Cola. ~"1r .~ óri this subject. ,- '1. Ifoved b7 Counc. ~. aecODded by Counc. Noel, to put the Portal and W1bDn ¡arks drawings out to bid at the earliest possible date. Motion carried, 5-0 B. CONSIDERATION TO VACANCIES ON THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL CuJvu·~·J:u;, PARKS AND RECREATION COM- MISSION, AND THE WATER COMMISSION Upon recommendat1on by Counc. Stokes, the C1ty Counc1l agreed that all present members of the above-named Committees and Comm1ssjons will continue serv1ng on an 1nter1m bas1s. The C1ty Manager was instructed to determine the present statu~ of res1dence of prev10us applicants for the Com- ~ttee and Commiss10ns and to see if they would be avail- able for appointment at th1s t1me. The Council would l1ke this i~format10n by the next reg~lar Counc1l meet1ng. c. MISCE!.!ANEOUS -- There was no~e. ... NEW BUSINESS A. A letter from the Chamber of Co~~erce. commend1ng the C1:y Counc1l tor the1r efforts toward fullfill1ng the recoMmendations made by the Congress for Commun1ty Progress was read 1nto the record by Mayor F1tzgerald. Moved by Co~c. Stokes, seconded by :ounc. Noel, to receive and file the above-ment10ned letter. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 B. The Veterans ot Fore1gn Wars requested peI'IIIJ.ss10n to sell t1ckets to the1r forthcoming donkey baseball game. So moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel. Motion carr1ed. -3- !', ' i( ~' ~. . J- '10 '., ;~. '"" -~.;~;-"~~ :' "I. ., ,. t,;~ ~~~\~·~c ~~ :'.'>~:E''.~-: ." .', f' ~.,,!,,;. '," . of' _~~,:,)~ " , .,..;. .'. >~;,i¡~{ . ~~. ..~. < ADJOUlWlUll' It ftS ~i*'aø17 agreed to adJoum 1;œ meeting at 6:48 P.If.·· ' VI " AT'l'BST: - ' C1ty Clerk .;> -4- A PPROVBD: /s/ . '.::or.,; '..1 .":-:;'''::...-:': Mayor. City ot Cupert1no . . . . . .