CC 05-15-67 . . . . . , 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino. Calif" 95014 Phone: ~52-4505 CITY OF CUPERTINO CI1l1forn1a Jd.Iiu',u¡, OP 'œB BBOULAR ~--r'w) OF THE CITY COUNCIL - May 15. 1967 I'£ACB: Counc1: Cba.1:er. C1t;7 Ball, 10300 Tolre Av~n;.;.e, Cupertino 211B: 8100 f.K. I SAU;':'B TO TBB PLAG II ROL CÞ.LL Co..:t~. present: CY~r.;, absent: Dempøter, ~chnson, Noel, Stokes, Fitzgerald None ,,'arf present: C1ty Manager, Phil S~orm C1ty Cle:,k, Bill Ryder Dlre~to¡ ~~ Public Works, Frank Finney P1~~.;tor of' Planning, A1de Laurin City Eng!n.:er, Bob Shc-c,i< D1re -tor =:' Parks &: f:ec" Jchr. Parham Asslst&nt P:anner, JIm Nuzum Chief BuI1::ilng Irspectcr, 31:1 Ber,evIcr. Recording Se~retary, Lois Inwa~j~ III M1~1::'ES OF PREVIOUS M'EETINGS - A;::-~: 17, May ¡, Ma:; 2, 1<jE7, The fl~nning Director cal1e::i to the a:~e~t12r. :~ tr.e City Co~.;ii that the R":1rigues TentatIve Map, aprll~atl=n I-TM-67, never was fo~lly appr~v~j. a1_houg~ t~e rezon- ing appli~ation ~-Z-67 was apprçv..='. So !::oved by Cc·unc:. Dempste:-, Sf>~( r,::ie:1 -';" C~=c. ~~'el. Motio/: carrl~:1, 5-0 April 17th Minutes: Counc. J0hns:n tellev~d t~e Dlre=t~r of P\.;b11c WorJrs I sta~emet;t ~r. pap;e 14, rext t c the last pal'sgraph, next to the last sentence, was mlsa.~:('te". The R¿,~ordlr¡g Secretary was asked tv t¡Ù(" the (',;,rrer;t wording orf the tape, Moveä ry Cc'unc. Dempster, se(':)r.de:1 oy C,_ ur.c. Jehr.3'èr., to apprt.\·", tt.e M1nutes of April l7, 196-', '-5 C','r:ecte,j. Motio~ carried, 5-CI -1- . .. '.', Moved by Counc. Hoe1, seconded by Ccun~. Johnson. t,') approve the M1DutE8 ot May 1, 1967, as recorded. MOtion carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. IIoel. seconded by Counc. Johnson, to approve the II1Dute8 or IIay 2, 1967, as recorded. ílc»tlon carried, 5-0 . -"" IV ORAL A1DtfBI'I"ra omllJHICATIONS A. ORAL -- 'lbere were none. B. VRI'l"l'BR 1. Letter of 1187 3, 1967, from Mra. N. N. Carey, of the Board or Governors, Pen1naula Reg10na1 Arts Councll, exp1a1ning the1r pos1til)n on the recent 1nduatr1al rezon1ngs, and enclosing a copy of her 1f:tter to the Bureau of Internal RevenuE: regarding . the1r tax-free status. Moved by Vounc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Demyster, to accept the Wr1tten Commu~ications. v Mntion carried, 5-0 REPOR~ OF PIANHING COMMISSION (See "..=.~,...tes of May 8, 19é7). A. Chairman Buthe~~t~ reviewed the Plan~!~g Commission action on the f~11ow~ .~ four items: LOUIS P. ~NACICH: VARIAN;g (~-.-67) TO PERMIT REDUCTION OP TOTAL SIDE YARDS PROM 1t FEET TO 13.8 PDT; NmTHBR SIDE YATID 1'0 BE !.ESS THAN 6 FEET. A PPftOVED BY PJ.ANN:KG :-aoc:3SION RESOLU'l'ION NO. 413, APRIL 2~, 1)67. (;~r.tir.~ed from May 1) COUNCIL RBSOLUTION NO. ~"52. 2. LOUIS F. BONACICH: TENTATIVE XAP (3-TM-é7) 20771 SCOPIBIJ> DRIVE, CUPKRTINO, CAUPORNIA. AREA 3/4 1.C'itK. APPROVED BY PLAm'ISO CCMMISSION RESOLU- TION NO. 412, APRIL ~4. 1967. (C~r.tir.ued f~cm May 1) 1. . Moved by Count'. De1llpster, seconded by C~\inc. Noel, to rev1ew app~'.ications 4-v-67 and 3-TM-67 along with applica- tion 6-z-67 under Item VI B, since all three concern the sa::lc property. Motion carried, 5-0 . -2- ~ I , ( , . . . . . :. CLIOO. JOllY.... ~TIVE MAP (5-'lW-67) JnN¡SING un T.T1IIIR D a:I8'1'1JIJ SU3P1\'ISION, BAST SIDB OF lOO'.nuLL"'-. ftIOl'n'J.!m ON ALPINE uiuva AlII) SJi- Ay - ,5 ACIIIS. APPROVED BY I'£AJlllTtiO C_IŒ~'JICII ON RO. 420. MAY 8. ~9ß(. -Ccunc. Døpeter *,0: I ~or ~re details fro.. tile Planner. '!'he P'l.....,ns DirMtIcØ' 8a14 ,;h1a Is an older eubd1.v1elon. and th1s !entaU... III. eatal1a the IIIOvlng of lot lJ.nes to update the aubcU......- In accordance w1th present Ordinances. '!'he Ass! Jtant piA" 0&. _ld so_ lot lines are eb1fted 2' and !=~ leaa tb8D ~t. A 9,600 sq. ft. lot Is cut to 9.3X S(t. ft. to ~ balance this subd1vision. The :J:.~:tor ot ~c Works answe:-ed Counc. Stokes' question t~o; o;::e subdiVider baa açeed L :':Jperate in the œtter or o;::e ~:"IIinage. Me.e-: :-¡:ounc. StokeS, sec'Jndt.-d :::.. :, ..me. De~~ster, that a~.::·!-~:n 5-'lW-€~ òe approved, s~:¿eet tc ~r.e c:r.d~tions so:: :'~-:. by the F~~:-.g CODlD15:;~.~,. MCt~;r. csrrled, ~-: ::::1mm RAVISSA: 'IARIANCE (~-V-67) :0 Rm-::E REAR YARD SB'l'3Io:1[ FOR :OMME!;¡C:,,:' 3l'ILDIWì AD: J.:r::;: TO :ŒSIDIN'I"".J,.l. ZO!Œ. 1060: s. SARA'I'OG;'-S'_~~T;;'LE ~ÅD. APPftG.z:.., E? PLAX!--¡::} _'~SSIœ: ?.ESC~:ïON "C 421 MA-r - - -~7 ·C.."·1· RESOr"-C" "0 1,,-- '. . _ -:. -;r- _. ......\..L.. _ ...... .... .'. ...?b. Ar:~~"-,--- ø... Muo,,-S .-s.-A."" t'ne r- ~ .......... .....- -_r- ~... ·......nten . ~ rI"I-. ~_....._. .......-......-~, ~..........!!;... a.. ....... - :~:~,;~ : :-!rslght. ·AS :.....:.:.": cn ::.';' :-'-:-3,r 1::.: :~:"'."!. 7r.ey are nc¥ ~=.: "': for a "''''a:-~a:.:,=, t: oa..:~ ·:-:s lega_; ~:r n:-,,=i:1tec- ,.:-~~ l~ Site a;;;:r-~"":; ar.j fc:": ~,~~j~r,¿ p<:~~: 0;: Ct.a~_':7 :'-.:s oul.:j:'~.. ~:"'. -;:¡e ba....,.; .' ::-.e 'P~-:-;.~:'"-;:; .:.:"'....: c....·:.~ 'I'h- Pla~.;~' ----l~s· r ... "t'~ø" -~..'. approval ....._..... ~ .._&-""C __..oJ-.... - -.'. " ..~....-..._- ....--- w... ::--.;11.... lmp-··.-:---e. ·he ....-. .-. w- .-'" __&-I"a_ "c. .:_ _.....__ "'_._~...._..... .;1t'~.. :.. ""'...-... ,..----. - de:~::- :..::'j stre4!!~ ~~¡:::-:,""e~er.t~ ...:-.' ~ _ -; ':"a~~:' =.£.:e. !!"',¡e st:"-:~-: ~~;::roveraer:';. ~.a..-~ teer:. I: .:..- ..:;,~ej :'!'". -:~.'! ;¡:::acent pr.:;~~"::. ":,:) the sc~,~":~., :'..1-; r.~'t... ... :-..~ aj,!a::<2':'".: ;:-:;-erty to tt:e ~. c :-: ~.. C.:·~,,:. ~~pster ,s"e-:1 o;r.e :::1 ty ....a::a,;:"':" ~ f he r.ad ar.;¡ tt:c :..,;::-,:~ .:n this IIBt o;er. The ¡;~ ::. ~a:.ager s"l:d o:he:'e is an eso;a::~5~ed polic7 :! ~~lrIng 5:.:-~e: lmp:"0vemer.o;s when e:ree: ~=provements c.:- ajJace~t ;:-~Fe:'ty ¡~.e c~en =onstructed. He s~,;:~eso;ed the P¡1l~..::lr.g Commls5~~-: recomrnendao;l:r. be fc:::"-!'':. Co~:. So;Qkes asked r~r details at~~t the Var1ar,ce request. He vas o;~ld the b\d1d..1n& exists, ar.d that there 1s a mas~,:j wall se~t~ this property from the res1dentIal prcpt:'::;·. Meyt': ::; Counc. ~oJœs, seconded ty C0unc. Jor.nso!1,CO app:-='.-e application 5-V-67, s¡;,bject to the condlt10'lS set foro;:: :y the Pla~ ~sslon. Motloc carr1ed, 5-0 -3- B. REPORT Of THE A-~'ULnoKAL AND SITE APPII)VAL CQuŒ'l'l'E! (See Minutes o~ .., 10. 1967) 'Þ Cha1~ IN1n reyl---~ U. ('.oDlD1ttee's act10n at tbeir laat =eet1."18. CooZe. ~"'^n asked about the i'1'OCL¡ce Depot Etter. The Cb1~ .....'1....ftg Inspector sa1d he ebeclrecJ thIs on the ..ekeIIIt'...1't.omd they were putt1ll8 up an extra A-traM slp. ~ atter will be d1se·I..eeI t'urther by the Co-.1~t... JIoved 117 COloma. Stol' . 8eConded by Counc. Jolmaon. to approve the Arch1t.e~ and Site Approval JUnutes ot "y 10, 1967. )'":;~ ~....~I>. ~ '$" <.... ~" ~¡;., .. ,< JIot1aG carried, 5-0 C. REPORT OP THE ..... ~SSION (See Minutes ot May ~, 1967) Ct.a1rma~ Wandry rev1.-ed the d1sc;'¡5s~vns of the r'-;!œI1ss10n at the~~ last meet~. Mov~d =7 ~ounc. DeK;e:er, seconded :y Counc. St~~~s. ~o d1sc\¡ss :he f1nances ~Jr park deve:2;:-r::ent under I~e= Y. Mb~~~~ ~a~~ed, 5-: 71 PUBLIC ~RINGS A. O1D:XANCE NO. ~; ~: 5::ïN ORDIX;..:::-E (C:~:~nued fr'~ ~y :. :967) MOved :7 Counc. ~~~~, s~condej ~y ~~~nc. Noe:, -~ place :~~3 item at t~~ en: ~f the ?~::lc HeQri~gs. MC~~=~ ~a~ied, 5-: B. 1.O:-:S F. BONACIC:: REZONING (::--Z-¿7) FROM RES:~E!'''TIAL SIX~-FAM!LY, ::,::Y.)Ç SQ. FT. LO:'S (Rl-lO) TO RES::>ENTIAL SDt:Jt-PAXILY 7,5C: SQ. FT. LOTS (R:.-7.5); 3/- ACRE LOCATED 10:: 2C77l SCOFIELD DRIVE, CUPmr.INO. Rm::\X'ŒNDBD BY F..AJo'"!\IX::; COMMISSION RESOWTIOS SC. ;'11, AFP':: 24, 1967. NOTE: A;p11cat1ons ~-v-67 and 3-TM-¿7, listed unde~ Item V A 011 the agema, )IIere also j~s~ussed at this time. The Pla~~1ng D1recto~ expl~1ned tha: this 1s a follcw-uP on an a~andonment o~ western Drive. If the Var1ance is not gra.r.ted. the JIa9.çwo1Y\A would no'.: t::e necessary and the 'l'entat1ve Map "ould be !nv.11d; aL three go together. The D1~tor of Pub].:.: Work.. had no objection to ";hese three a~plicat10r.s. llayor F1agera1d &skied for COmmE:nt5 frcm the aud1ence. There weN! none. .~- · . · . · I . . . . . )loved by Counc. Noel, seconocd by Counc. Stokes, to close 1;he Public :Iearings. . Mot10n carried. 5-0 ~ved by Counc. DetDps1;er. seconded by Counc. Jfoel. that ~, Qrd1nance Ho. 362 be reed ~ Utle only. -> ',,,, "':..- ~_.,,~ J ..~: ~ . aD: Counc. DetDps1:er. .Tobnaon, Jfoel, Stokes, JP11;zserald None !it)tlon carried, 5-0 JIoved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. .TohnsoD. that the Mayor's reading cO&.1Jt1tute tt.e Pirst Read1ng. A'!BS: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes, ntzgerald RAYS: None Mot10n carried, 5-0 Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Noel, t= adopt Resolution No. 1452. AYiIS: Counc. Dempster, ::;~:,son, Noel, Stokes, F1tzge:-a:;'j HAYS: NO:1.e Motion c~~~ed, 5-0 Moveà ~y Counc. Stokes, se::;~jed by Counc. Demps:e~, ::; approve application 3-~-67 ~~ accordance with P:a,~~~g Comm1S1s~,o~ Resolut1on No. -:2. AYES: Cc~nc. Demp~ter, ::;~:.s:;~, Noel, Stokes, F::z~e~a:d NAYS: N.::ne Mot10n ca::'r~ed, 5-0 c. APPEAL: USE PERMIT (6-":-67) SANDRA LEE STA."NA!C - A USE PERMIT FOR TWO YEAR.'3 TO OPERATE A BOA!IDI~r; STABLE, TO INCLUDE TRAI!ITNG A};1) INSTRUCTION, A7 22005 REGNART ROAD, C-JPERTINO, DENIED BY PIA!<'"!-."I~'J COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 414, APRIL 24, 19€7. Counc. Dempster abstained ~ro~ participation on t~i5 appeal and left the C~u~cil C~amber during the disc~ssi~r. and subsequent vote, Attorney Dan1el Denove., 20440 Town Center Lane. Cu~~rtino, represented the appl1can:. He said this property is presently zoned Al-43 'lnd that this is ideal "horse <cou:¡try". There are only about l~ famil1es 1n the canyon and most of them have horses. Th1s horseback r1d1ng train1ng and instruction will be cons:r~ctive recreation and not :ikely to attraot beatnik-type youth. Parents will del1ver and pick up the stud~nts. -5- Kr. Donovan quoted from Chamber of Commerce I1tera·~ure relating to the Cupert1no area h1lls as be1ng 1deal horseback rid tng country. '!'he Cuperti~o Recreat10n and Parks Department off'ers horseback r1ding 1nstructions. . A petition s1gned by 104 Ba.)MuOd Terrace homeowners re- ~<... ..questing that this Use' Ft.h4~ ~ granted -~ presented .'~ tbe Council. Anothn petit10n signed ~y 8 of' the 12 tI1- ~l1.es l1ving in the ~n.s also submitted. A '1-.,. 'tJibod petition in f'avor,o~ ttd.a Use Pe1'lll1t walt. signed by .. .> . 32 Cupertino res1dlmts em ]IeOple who do business 1n CUpertino . ~ 111". Done,van sa1e:'. the _...1-IIIDUlllber ot horaes would be 30. The C1ty O1ùlnance alloWS 2 or 3 horaes per acre. '!'he 1118.7.1mum numher ot cars up there at one time would be 6 to e, altrough it 'IIOI11d usually be 3 or 4. :r.n regard t~ the complaint that night lights were be1ng used, Mr. Dono'¡an sa1d th1s was at the t1me mares were giving b1rtt. ';0 colts. He ottered the cond1tion to th1s Use Permit tha~ th1s bus1ness venture be operated only dur1ng daylight hours. tit There has tee:1. concern about extra cars using the read. Mr. Donovar. :-.ad been told by his cli-::nt that Mr. Regnart is the only ~:1.e who has maintained the road; the people complain1~f a:'e not _ontr1but1~~ to the maintenance ~~ the road. Mr. Donova~ 3aid the only tt~ng commercial about t~is ~. g~71ng the ,,~js riding experience. As to fire hazar1, r.e said these ,,~j5 are too your~ to po8t this threat and, !~the~re, j~ring ~he drJ seasen the grazing animals ~eep the f:'8SS down. . As to the ~:~es, Mr. Regnart sprays regularly. Mr. Donovan has teen ass~red tr£t "here 1s ample water. He then showed 8 ser1es of colcred slides of the canycr. area, the :'~aj in question, the bar~ and its pI~xi~ity to the neif~t~rs. The trailer now sitting on th. pr~per";y probably wi:: be removed. Mr. Melvin Peterson, 1159 Bl~sfurd Drive, San Jose, 5a~d ,here woulj te the added prctlem of littering in tt.at general area. He added that he was nearly run over :,e- cently by s~~e0ne coming fro~ this barn area. He req~e5ted that speed :!~its be posted. Attorney William Christ1e, 1500 Los Padres Blvd., Saflta Clara, sal~ the applicant 15 ask1ng the City Council to overrule t~e deciQlon of the Planning Commission for a cOlllllercia~ :.;se at the top of a long, narrow, winding road. It th1s vent:.;re is done r1ght, 1t will ~e accompanied by rodeos, et~. And the four people prote~ting this applica- t10n are t~e ones who will be directl~ ~ffected by this . bus1ness venture. . -6- . Mr. ~1st1e said he uø1erstood why people 1n Baywood Terrace woU:d _lC011e t;Ma t'acil1ty ..:lose to home. yet not close el10Ußh to haft azq errect on the1r re~1dences. He called attention to tbe 1DeV1table tl1e~'. dust. lack or _tel'. etc. Be ,,-'" tbat l1III1tations have been pJ'C~8ed IIb1ch 11111 be v1~n7 s.possible to entol'Ct'. A1;tomq !lauric. 11' :1 62' tJDj,versity Avenu«. Palo AUO. .tate4 be .. rea4~'ip'-h\g llaJor Kemp, whose property looks clown on tb1."1iìì:fta. B1a cl1ent indicated tbe7 are concen:ft about tliè" ''''''''s at n1ght, anl that the road Is D&rl'OW and a1rH~ MI o~ chuck hole~. He challenged the stat-.ent that UIne 1s adequate water. Ir tb1s co.-erc1al venture ~ allO'''', the only water ava' lable to them w1~l be hoa tbe Regnart private well. He po1nted out tœt the grad1.J1s a1.J"eady clone without perm1ts was a violation ot ex1atq regulations. The house t!'ailer on the property 1s there Illegally. Mr. E1l1s Jacobs, 22051 Regnart Road. sa1d. he lives beyond the barn, an£' )¡as 11 ved there tor s1x years. He be l1eves this 1s go1ng to be one ot the better res1dent1al areas and does not tee 1 this u.ae 1IO'.11d be compe.:1ble. He po1r.ted out that the :ra1ls beg1."1 or. p~ .-a.te prope::'ty but end up or. public roads. He ~d the people wh;, :-.ave s1gr.ed :::'e pet1t1on 1:: !avor ot t~~s co~ercial use do no: }~.e close enough to be d1rectly at~ect·d. t ~. l . J'.r. Cecil "¿han, 22i¡..4:; ?~gr.art Road, s3.1.1 he !,>-",s ¡::as:~.red a tew horses from ti=e to t~oe, bu: t~1s 1s co~s~1~ratly :11ttere::: from the proposed use. He s~1.1 the 3c::'co: Board refused t~s serv1ce ~or t::'e childre~ ~~ there tec~~se :::'e road vas :.:>0 dange~4S. ~~~s co~e:':1~: use ~ou:1 ;u: =ore cars "n this dar~er:>'''¡5 road. . :'he Planr.i:¡g Director sal1 this 1s a,;r1:-..:1tunl zor.l',g ...."lder :ounty i::rdi:'!ar.ce. The F:anr.1ng Depar:-ec.t had favore1 approval ot the a~pl~cation tor two years, da~:1~~t hc~rs, a~j two or three hor5e5 per acre. :>.-r:1r.g ~he >:.;; :~c hea:-',~", ::-.ere were ::ass1ve ::>tJect1ons tro=: t:-,e public. . Moved by ':-ounc. Johr..sor., seconded br :::',;,::c. !loe:, :c cl::>se the Public Hearings. Motion carried, 4-0 Counc. No.!l asked it tr-.1s -,,¡se 1s in operat10n now. ::.r. Donovan said that horses a.re be1ng boarded now, but ::0 lessons are be1ng give:: ~s yet. CO~"lc. Noel asked if 1t would be necessary to use flegnart Road. MI'. Do:-.ovan sa.1d that 1t would, rem1ncUng the Counc1l ti'.at 8 of :he :'2 res1dents 1n the a:tea. are not opposed to Uûs. He continned that the last 300' belor.g to Mr. & Mrs. Fr1tz, but that 'there is an express ease::lent. which can be used for a"'-y use or purpose. -7- ~ t: f. r, . ~. ~ ~c : ~:' ,~\~# 1:;'':/:' .t. ;: ¿ '~~;:,'.~~,'-", . t' ;,>.,¡, /h ,;, '.':~/.~,' .~~2:)5~~··· " Cour.:. Stokes asked 1f it is the~~ intention to have rodeos, etc. 111". Dcaovan said t:-~s aspect has been magni- t'1ed. Pr1nc1rel17. this w1ll toe ::¡st a chance t'or the Idde to COllie up aid 1earn to r1de. Perhaps the7 w111 demonstrate their .lrn.' t'rom time to t1me. t ~ Counc. ¡olmaoD 1IIIaeaDCerned about the petlt1olW. Be said that __ ot tbit ~ 1IhL' have been asked to'lI1gn the pet1t1on "fere DK;C1Wft lIdequate tntcrmat1cm.' Be saId we are b1H'I! aboat..Ud.rt)- horses and a co.u"C1a1 venture. 81bb !bad and ~'i.L.-1I Dr:1ve 1IOuld get Increeaecl Wla. He :: " DOW 18 pttiDS '....,....œut the J"UUlnces ho'1'lle8 create on - Re~'t Road. Y'deJt he baa been referr1ng to the C1t)' llanager. Counc. Stokes Bar ¿ed w1 th Counc. J 0 hnsor, on IIOL-e pc Ints . It t!'~s venture 1fe1"e to be serve~ :'1 an adeqcate road, th1s would :,~ a aood area tor this oP<':-ation. lIe aa1C1 he might be ::ere receptive to th1s use, ::" ::1 :rore limited 1:1me bas~s a~ on a .--'ler scale. CoU'-:. ~)el sa1d t~~s 1s certa:~:~ su1table country for 4IÞ r1à~,~, :'ut that the~ are prct:~~s. He, personally, has~': seen much tra!~1c on t~~s :,:ad. He couldn'~ ~~e !In:.' :::-:-e¡ation be~ee:-. this ;::,:;:sej else and seoe of the ot~e:- ~ears expresse1. Cc·~.=. ::~~son sai1 ~~ w~~ld t~ -.:~~ recept17~ ~~ tr.e:"~ ::~:d be ar. a~=ess froe s:-~ ::her roadwa7. c=:-.=-=~:,".~j that t~~:-~:- v:; :.;.ld !-; -:7 go tt:ro-.,¡gr-. a de~::~: 3.:'ea to g~:; ~; :;:-.ere. th1s if He was re51- . Ma::::- ?::;:gerald ~~::; ::-,ere was- - " ;'lr.er area :'':)r horse- ba=~: :-:i:;:g; but, :~.ce :::;Clnc. .s~: ,':"'S mentic:'le1, :he time 11=:: ,,::~ number :;~ :-.c::-ses 5r,~..:: :" more re3:;r:~'cive for a -:-~=: ;eriod. Tr.e ::~ ::. Manager, ~ 8:'lSwer C ~~::::^ Pi tzgerald' s q"esticn, . cc,,:·::-.~j Ccunc. ';:::-:.3:;,:-.'5 sta~~-~',' that we r.a';e had cc=;:¿:~:s from :;r~ ~:;.~le in :::~ ~¿~~oüd Terra~e area at:'..;: ::'a:'ric. Cc:.-.:-,:. S::kes sugges:;e:i tr.at ::' : :,¿> '::1 ty Coc;.r.::::: 15 rece :'- t1~~ :: a more 11~:;~ :;perati~:: ~:r a shorte:, per10d or t1=~, ::~s appl1:::a:;::::: s~c"là :~ i.,.~led and sen: back to tr.e ::¿,:.lng Comm~s~~:;:". f':)r r!,;:-:::~:" study. Per:-.aps it sr.:_:i :e spt up cr. a temporar.: :¿S15 and 1f 1: w:::rks out al: :-:,;"::, the U~e Fe:-::;it coul:: :::¿o:: be extended. The bu:-::e~ ~::oulj be en tLe appl1:a::: :: come up wl:;~ the min~='~ number or hc~es they ::~:: have to mak~ :;h13 opera:::n feasible. C::un:::. N:.,.: s~ggested a six-months t1::-e- :asis. Move:: :7 Counc. Jcr.r~::n, secor.::.,.i :y Counc. Noel, to deny ap¡:':::¿:lon 6-u-ó7, and that a~y ,eapp11catior. fee 1s to . be ...-a:·;.,.:. AYES: NAYS: AES:':'::XIID : Counc. J::hr.son, Nee:, St~kes, Fitzgerald None Counc. De-~pster Mot~~ carried, --J -8- þ D. APPEAL: USB ñafiT (7-u-67) PETER B. æDPORD - A m;E PERMIT TO C~ClUCT AN AUT0MOBILE SERVICE STATION AT )IV CORNER OJ' RICillOOD DRIVE AND WOLPE ROAD. DENIED Ii': PLANNING (:(1- .~ON RESOWTION NO. 415. APRIL 24, 1967. Atto1'!Ìe7 R1cl)u'd W. JIorton, m H. Firat Street, San Jose, sa1d he was re......... ~1:ng the applicant. He first reviewed the PlaI1n1n8 ~ 'ul-tonact1on on the application. Tt'.ere were 110 ob3ectlOD1Ì¡01\oom the audience at that t1llle nor a1ll:e then. The vote'''' 3-2 for denial of the applicat1on, 1I1d1catlng dl!t'..~es of ,)p1n1on. The onl,. reason atate11 t'or denial 1I8S tl:la!: there already are two aerv1ce stations at tht t comer; DO ~t;her8 are needed. · Mr. IIorton said th1.s property is ~l!'eady z'Jned for this part1cular use. Be pointed out the get)graphy of the area ani surrounding wsea. Th~ staff :-eport 1nd1cated no other suitable use haa been presented se far. Mr. Morton said tht! bas1c problem is: Is there a need for a s~rvice station, to ue opP.rated by Richf1eld, ryn this site, as far as the C1t;' I:; concerned. H~ :..oted that some ti~e a~o the Coun~11 v01ced the need for a ,~rket analys1s of ~~~s ar 'a. Tr~8 r2q r.ow beer. done, and =opies were fu~~shed to the C1~y Council. This re5~arch demonstrates the:"e is a need r~~ a ~e~vice s~a~ion a~ ~~~s location, I~ ~s a part or a~ ~stublish~d s~opp1~~ =er.:er. It is on . " - the ~o hooe s1d~ ~~ the stree: of a :'~s~j~n:1al area to be s~:,ved, and leaj~:.g fror:: a o::aJ.:>r "~', !".'_ ":"."," frorr Vallco Fa:,,,. The resear:!". shows W"' ,"¿> R~ad ,:, :;'" a part of a traf- r~.: ?attern tha~ ~-¡~¡ves )11 :~:~r: :he 5:-.:,;:.:;:~::g a:-oea. It 1s :~portant as ,:;::'~~e 1s an ~:-,s·..:':'1.~~"'~.: ~...;~ter :;f serv1ce sta~:ons of all jI;~:-"ds wit.h1r, ? :i':'té.:', ~~"':á:-,~e. The ett;~~sis has bee~ =~ ~he eas:-~~s~ ~~d~~~;; t~e north-south tra:":"'~c 1s going -::. inc:-ease :::e3.5~lrat ~:t. :-~.e analysis als.: ::1.d1cates U·_~ pMjecte..i Ix¡:,~::a':::r. f:g..;:,e5 for the Ct:.pe:-: ino Plarn1r.Ä Area and 5::c-WS t r.e ~,,,,fd :-:J:' more servi.:e sta:~~ns throu~t'.c:: Santa C:a:'3 ::c .r.~:,-. Rl::--.:-1"ld has or.::,- .::ne other ,1o;.a".;1:;n wi th1:: : L~' ~r:-r.¡i'd:&~ '" Planning Area; it ~eeds another ::cation to aji'~~aèe:y 3er,e its cred1t ca:-~ and casn ct:s".;:;:¡e:,s. S~~i' è:~¡pan~~s !".ð'.'e as many as six 5:ations w1':;r~~ ".;:--.1s C1t~'. This:c: a :,~q...est ¡'or a pe:-~: to establ13!". a:.other R~~::field ",:a:::r.. · · A f:,ßl analysis :a1e by R~chfielj, in addl~ion te the mar~e: research a:-~lY515, was presented ts the Council. Out .:f 39 new Ricr-~~eld .tatlons s1n~e 1964, therø have beer. :1.0 close-dovr~. It is a responsible crgan1z3"~on. Rep~5entat1ves f~m Rich's Research and Richf~eld Oil Co=par~ were present to answer any quest1~r.5. · Mr. Loren Acker, 10510 Deodora, Cupertino, said he has a res~jence in Cupertino and it would be a pleasant and happy surp:-:se to aee t-~1nesses otter than servl~e stations come to C~pe~t Ino. -9- Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc.Dempster, to close the Public Hear1ngs. JIotion carried, 5-0 Counc. Stokes concurred somewhat with the atatf report in tbat ~ pu.o~ny, does not teel there 1s a better use tor tbe 'cox...r. 'lhe wbole COllllerc1al area has been develo'-'-pbUa1'd17. 'l'h18 is on a _.1or street. It Is . rear-elÌtNDCe 'Q118 service station; well dea1saec1. !b1a J U't.lcular service stat10n on this particular corner ,,111 1..". tb18 Gomer open. 'l'ratfic mves pretty tast on VoUe Road and there probably will never be ~ trattic 11ght on this corner. Architectural and Site Control on service stations bas 1mproved many told In the 1as,; tew years . 4 Counc. Jobnaon sa1d he voted against this service station when he was on the Planning Comm1ss1on. He does not feel this la the highest and best use for this property. ~~pert1no has been called "Gasoline Alley". He also f,Jt'esees traff1c problems wi th the proposed use. I Mayor P1tzgerald said he has reviewed the market research. ::e commented that we have a gl'eat mar.y service stations ...~ th1n the C1 ty and did not feel th1s was .3, logical ~:rner for another service statlon. M:ved by CO\.ònc. Stokes, seconded ty COL,nc. Demp::ter, to approve appl~~ation 7-U-67. . ~t~: Counc. Dempste:" StJkes XAYS: Counc. Johnson, Neel, C¡.~~erald Motien f3.iled, ~-: M:ved by CO'ID::. Johnsen, 5<?cended ty C~-'n,~. Noel, tc deny applicativn 7-u-67. AYES: Counc. J~hnson, Nùel, Fi:z?e~ald XAYS: Counc. De~pster, Stokes Motion carried, 3-2 E. APPEAL: USE ,PERMIT (S-U-67) RICHARD ,1. KEHRIG - A USE PBHMlT FOR A STANDARD OIL STATION AT SE CORNER OF HOMESTEAD ROAD AND BLANEY AVENUE. DENIED BY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOWTlON NO. 416, APRIL 24, 1967. . Mr. R1chard Kehrig p1&ced exhibits on the bulletin board to i:lustrate so~e points he wished to make. He said this property was just recently rezoned, based on his development plan. The only objection at the time of the rezoning was that this should go industrial. He said he has always ~elt . this to be a more commercial area in character. P.G. & E. ~ ::peratlons there are more administrat~ve than anything. -10- There are many industrial uses tfh1ch are more obJect10nable than a service station. Th1s 1s a good, balanced, integrated plan tor ..rvlces and merchandise for pecple. The Center wU1 be f'11'11t-cla_ ruat1c 1n nature, s1ldlar to Sharon Be1£hts Ceter on ..... 8111~. The exter10r 11111 be of' slUIIP stone. ~lth a u1llMll.ted shak" rcot· . Iir. KeI1r1a DOted tbat . 'service stat1o~ wo-å4 open up the c:orrwr. 'fbeCenter 1s p1........ for ~ co"erqo of the Pl'OIIU't7. Be IIu coopere~ 1I1tb the Clt7 1D ohtalD1ng street ded1catloDII am Is cooperating wIth the condItIons placed Oft the rezomnc. ~ are located balt a Idle t'rotI aD7th1ng tbt exists or 18 proposed. IIa10r P1tzprald a.ked it these are the plans which would be presented to the Architectural and Site Control. Mr. ltehr1g sair1 the7 were. Arc~~tect Paul Pr1schette said this ¡s an awkward corner and ~ght attract an undes1rable type of business. He said 1t ~s the 1ntent10n of the applicant tù de a good Job here, ar.~ ~~ ~~S the rëputation to back this ~p. . , l I The !'::'anning Director said the reasons agall~st th1s 3?"vi~e sta:~=:1 are that this 1s a very Sr:\éill ,,:-:-.!::el't:1al are3'. m&j~ s~ller by this servlc~ stat lor.. J~ was expressly sta:~j tr.at the rezonlng dId r..:", ¡",~'ll·'ate a -<:Ja:-ar.te¿> tra: 3. Use Permit for a .3ervl~~ $t.at~~~~ w~,...l:t te g!"a~to:::-j. . . Tte ='~rect()r went en to say th..=>ro::? !s 3~":""-:- aj·lar.~a~"-: T:: c:...:.;::¿:" servlc~ s'~at1ons. Tht2' '.....:3-la... ;.: ·a· ~ "'~. ....C .ser':l':-e sta:~=:1.s cc~tributes to a~cljenr~ a~j ._~~es::~~. If sta::~~s were gro1..òped, It wC'1..òIJ ,"" ,.-a.5!·'" ',~ apply rr3:'f~" er.g~::~erlng that would red;;c'€' :"C'S,- j~;:;d:1 :a~.:ages. S"'i~- te:'-ej serv1ce staticns creat¿> tt: ";d:3:. :~."" Allev" Image of :::-e City. Aesthetically, ~~ W~~ij ~~ ~etteI' t: "l1..òsteI' the~ a:1.d, im~tead, have some seer 1,-;8 ~: ~.aJcI' street:; re5e:--;ed f'Jr more prominent tCll: j! r.,:~. Mo·;e:: by Counc. Dempster, seccndè'J ~:¡ .::... ~~_c. Noel, t: clos-e the Public Hearings. Motion carrIed, ':-0 Cou:-,:. Stokes asked the Plar.ning DIrec:cI' what an "average size~ shopping center 1s. Tne DIrect-..I' saId It would te mos: des~rable to have 20 .cres f'~r tr.l.,. cen(ers rather tha~ scattered shops. This property has 300' x 300' frc~tage. Based on the layout and signs and desIgn, CJur.c. De~p5teI' was :n favor of th1s app11catl0n. . May::- FitzgeraJd sa1d this Is one of the few areas left where we have few service s'tatI0ns. -11- " . l Counc. Stokes noted that, without the service station on this corner, this dnelOplent probably will not cl)me into fruiticn. .¥e now haft the chance to develop this property in tb18 hahion. ~ 18 the possibility that tbls pro- pert7 1I1Ibt otb.rllL'W' be divided into IoU. Ø18 I_prenian was tlat tb!a .. . _ 11. neat, co_reial developlent. _ f«æ. '.. S1~pentedthis zon1ng on the besU ot the. . ,.IIt· '.1Ø8D it eDCO\11'8Pd the aWl· cant. eVeL tboalb .u..~""S did not blP17 tl-.. service stû1oD'Ø "-lOde ..1ð be poented. JIoved 1Iir Oouøo. If ,.ter. 8eConl!ed b7 Counc. SWkes, to grant aJlPl'Oftl fd IiIppUcat10n 8-u-67, Includ1ng the tollcndDS coøl1tSona: \, . ~. r~ 1. ad141ns pe!."a1t tor the serv1ce station not be issued unless applications tor the other two buildingS Ire approved . 2. All renderings and exhibits to be cade a part of the appl1cat1on~ AY8S: Counc. DP.mpster, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, F1t.zgerald !>A YS: None Mo~ion carried, 5-2 Joo!:'. Kehr1g stated ,;hat Stan-:1ald Oil going in or. ';r:e c;;~er \oi~:¡ assist him 1n c.-cmpleting his developm¿,:,;. H1s r:'es~n~ .3~:..1Ilti('n is that the tu11d1ng peIT.1it is necessary tc c;;r;.- 5~~te the deal with Standard 01j and prospect~ve tenants ~:' :ile Cellter desire the comple:.1 'n of ~r,ls bef,::.:,e ~c=~ t:- ::e'.ts are made. 7he coord1natl.Jf. ~:' the tlmln¡¡: ar.d :'~r,an,~ing of this prvJezt '.mder :':.0'.3.0' conditlo;:;S co:.::d t::"esent pl'Oblems. He asked 1f t::e:-e was sone way to a1' e- ~l3.:e this possibility. Cc~nc. St0~es 5ugge~ted Mr. Ker:rig ::2 what he could and that if tI:e petentia1 protlems teea:::e a :,eality, that he then present tr:e~ to the City Co:.:ncl1 a'; :~.at time. May.:>r P1tzgerald called for a recess at 10:55 P.M. The :::eet1ng reconvened at 11:iO P.M. :~ lignt ~~ the long age~da, Mayor Flt~~era11 1nvited the Parks Comm1ss1Qn to come to th~ Adjourned Meetirg Monday, May 22nd. at 5 P.M. rather than walt to the end of this :::eeting. A. ORDINANCE NO. 353: SIGN ORDINANCE (Contin:.:ed fro~ May 1. 1967) Tr.e Planning D1;oector waa asked to bring up tbe ind1 "idual sect10ns wh1ch ",p.re 'zlder consideration at this t1me. -12- . . . . . IIDUoo carrl~, 5-0 5.03a '!'be Councll accepted the revised 1I01'd1JI8 1n &be IIu 1at draft. 5.03t The Council and P1&nn1ng Co=lss1on agree on one sq. ft. 1nstead or two sq. ft. 6.022 Reved by Counc. Dempster, se~~:1jed by Counc. Stoke., to delete Section 6.022 IIÞ Ret10n carr~~j. ~-o IJ', II·... .' e'~"~ ,':4i"!tP".. ;.~;t·~,~·~ . ~, . . . a.etlon _.24 The D1rect(\~ read bo1:h the origInal 1101'I11ng lIDO r. reY1s10n .ugest~ 117 tt'.;¡, Co\IDC~ 1 on PetnA1T ~h. ani! .-14 the PlArm1r¡g Cc_.n..1on prerers the or1C1n&l 1ICmi1DS. I J RoYed '=7 Counc. ~.. secondecS _ :0-.. 1IM1. to 1ft- co~te the t+I1MII wording or Seets. -.- iJIt.o tile ~e. ' £.~31 S~a~~ uas instructe~ to re$~~~:C ·h~s. Dete~~~AtI~n tc ::e ~Aje at time or Seccnd ..',~~~,~.:or as ar. A'1!~r..j!!ler.t. S~~~:j reaj: -Any sigr. w~:~~~ feet :~ a freeway..- ~.,)~l ::::"';';..:'. :>empster fel-; ":t.e !:.a~~3:-.:= L"3.Se3 s~..:;,...:.= ::0: jeal~ w~~~ ~~j~v1d~allJ. - " M:-. R.:tert SC''Jtt pres~¡.~·~j ~-: :--:>-:-: ~.:.~ ~~g~.~j -::''"i .;:',: t~S~:-.¿.t5 owners or t..s~:~€'S:5 ;:- :"_ ;~:":Jo. ~wners :::0 ~~3s~es !'"'.ú...~:'.g a frontage :ess ~r.a~. _-~ :~:-:t'al ~I":'~~, a:-.~ 5'..òt~1~ted :r.~s se::10n be :1e:<e'~~,:i h~::' 'a .~'_' :. ,j~s-':-~~1~.a~~5 agalns! ~r.e :..e::....ìt w1tt: ::-.e t..;.~lJl;...: .;:.. ~~"": ~r. :~.~ _:..":. Mr. C:-.a:,::e Baer and ....r. Fran.. \': ,'..;'",,Ò .31.ri<"=r' p~:) \"ê,l,-ed -he"'- ,..-.......est to ·...S S~,.....'.- ~.., ",,:: .....__'U'... ?^oQ:;. .. _.. t--......... \..:.._ 'I;;"~~"'O,...' :1__'0,.1) -.. --..-...., ....'"',,'-../ Pepçe:' Tree Lane, asi<ed .~:- '.:c!s 3;'r:~éj :::; 5€,:,'.-!:e 3fa- -;1.: r.s, and was told 1: j;:J'S ::~-:. ~1:', "á~~e:" iía!'"'d ....:-ged t!:e C..:',;ncl1 to ac~ ~pcr: tL:;; C:~.±~:-.a;'\.:e t:)r..:.'.:t.:. La":"~!1('e Ha:ç:,:::'s Office is deslgr.:~:,.: ·:ã.,', Pari<, ar.d 1oIar.:5 tv ho:1 ::'1' until this 0:":11r.a:-,"'" !~ ~'"a,~:€'d. 7!",!5 l'.'lùlves hun.:J.:,ej$ of tho;,¡san1s 0:- j,'. ,,,"~ :" lanj¡¡a¡.::-,;-, s~gns, a::d s~.:oçping center sIgns. CC=~. :>empster asò<ed 1'0:' .:. ,', -,'l€'t€' 5Lldy ::.f ¡:.~:€' sIgns. May:r Fitzgerald s~~estej :::. rather than 2:~' as a r.IOre reali3tic fig...~; and u:'iship cases cl.\,::1 be re'¡iewej inji \'l.:bally. C:'..Ir.:. Stokes suggested the s:~:':' prepare tr.e report sug- gested by Counc. DelI'pster 'CI: l~r.eal frontage, but also tr.at the Council prc,ceed ~lth :he enactment of the Ordi- nar.~e. It can ahlays be a:::erojej. He was not ~r. favor of 2::. He sugges:e,1 pr'.,c·~·",j:I': 0n the ta¡¡is :1' the way the O:-Jlnance 1s ',¡ rit+::en !.~'~ a',j that f_,-t,'¡ero 5tu1y be in:t:~:tj Immediately. -13- _t1on . , .:,.¡. :6.091 ~'~, BfA.:' '., t>?4' '..' 11 ,~~l ," -.:. .. . .., <.~ }<\~..,' , '.,~' î;i.. .... ,. .,.. ' ",\,:~. ':~ '~,.- i.' ,"', ,_ ,:,,'-;.' " ~.,' . " ...'.. .' '~¡ , .- '-. 't ",!,:'e- :.-;,: 6.123 '.4 , . 8.2 10.2 -.21 IIoved by Counc. .J...hnllnn. seconded by Counc. 5¡.u¡';,.õ, that this section reed -t.o s1gns". t ~1on carried, 5-0 It>ved 117 C~~,~-m.. seconded b7 c:ounc.. Bøel. to retain the or''''''''' -r41ns: -with all.ßPllOrta within the 7ert1ca1"~' 1 . tOft of the foundation lines- lnatead of revision . _. tell b7 the Plann1ng C~ 1..10n. a.t1on carried, 5-0 Moved by Co~. .Jot-tlnn. seconded 117 Counc. Stokes, to change height ~ 8bopp1ng Center Sign to 20'. IIot10n carried, 5-0 Moved by CoUDC. DeIIpster, second~ by Counc. Stokes, that ~~e fee 1s to be $25.00. . MOt1on carried, 5-0 M;)vej by Counc. Stokes, seconded by CO;l!';c. Delllpster, that the fee 1s to be $25.00 Mo~10n carried, 5-0 Mc~~~ ty Co~~c. S:c~e5, seconded by CQ'~.c. Dempster, to re:'.s:ate the wc:-j "caintain" wherever:: was deleted and := define i: as proposed by the Pla~~ing D1rector. . Mc:~cn carried, ~-O ê & 12 The Planning ~rector said that thE'Je 5e~t:on5 originally we:'e wcrded to ccr.!"orm with a draf~e j "PF.¡cedures Ordi- na~=e", but trAt Ordinance will no· ~e f~rthcollling for so~ :ime. In :r.~ meantime, wordlr~ :;¡~st include present prc~~jures. Ap~priate revisicn ~as been agreed upon by the F:anning Co~ssion. . Mcved by C~unc. ~pster, seconded by Cç~nc. Noel, to ap;:'~~e the re?ised text of Sections 8 & 12. Motion caI'!'ied, 5-0 The Planning ~rector noted that the Co'~~ci¡ and Planning Commission agree on minor changes in sevel-al sections 11',di~ated 1n the May 1st draft. Moved by Counc. Stok~s, se~onded by Counc. Noel, the staff to make a ~t~dy of freeway setback for the 210 lineal ft. 1ss~e. to instruct signs and Mot1on carried, 5-0 . -14- . . . . . VII Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Co~nc. Noel, to close the Pub11c ¡;eat'1ngs. !btlon carr1ed, 5-0 Moved by CoW1C. Dempster, seconded by Cou.'1c. Noel, that the P:2rst Reading of Ordinance No. 353, as corrected, be by title only. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noel, St':lkes, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 The City Clerk 1ntroduced Ord1nance No. 353 by First Reading. Counc. Stokes requested and obtained Council approval that the S1gn Ord1nance be the first item on the agenda at the next C1ty Counc11 meet1ng. ORDINANCES AND RESOWTIONS FOR ADOPrION A. ORDINANCE NO. 358: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO~ING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO.2 BY RECIASSIFYING A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO FROM RESIDmTIAL MULTI PLE MEDIUM DEJISITY (R3-2.7*ma) ZONE TO PLANNED DEVELO~ENT (p-re; ZONE WITH PLANNED INDUSTRIAL PARK (MP) USE. (Second Reading) Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded ty CS~~~. Neel, that the Second Reading be by title only ~~j ~~at the Mayor's read1ng const~tute the Second Reading. Motion carried, ~-O Moved by Counc. Dempster, second~d fY C:_nc. !leel, that Ordinance No. 358 be enacted. AYES: Counc. Dempster. Noel, StuKes, Fitzgerald NAYS: Counc. Johnson Motion carried, 4-1 B. ORDINANCE NO. 360: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 2 BY RECIASSIFYING A CERTAIN PORTION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE (R3-2.7*ma) ZONE TO LIGHI' INDUSTRIAL (ML-rc) ZONE. (Second Read1ng) Mayor F1tzgerald asked if the requested letter from the College was on file. The City Clerk read the letter of May 3, 1967, from the Foothill College Board, which was 1n favor of th1s proposal. -15- The Planning Director added that -:he Planning Co_ission had nothing to add to nor subtract from the ~j,st or uses aubm1tted by the appUcant. IIoved by Counc. Stokes, seconded by Counc. Roel, that ,ordinance No. 360 be reed by tItle only and that the Mayor's . r6E'c:'I11'\g constitute ~. Second Reading. IfoUQn carried. 5-0 ,.,' ]loved by Counc. Stokes. seconded by Counc. Roel. that o.rd1nance No. 360 be eaacted. AYBS: Counc. Dempster, Noel. Stokes. Fitzgerald M'!S: Counc. JohnaJoc. Motion carr1ed, 4-1 . C. ORDINANCB NO. 361: THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CONTI- GUOUS UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED "IMPERIAL 67-1" TO THE CITY OF CU!"rXrINO. (Second Reading) . Moved by Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. !õoel. that Ord1nance No. 361 be re~d by title only and trÂt t~e Mayor's reading cvnstlt~te the Second Readi~~. Mot~:~ ~arr1ed, 5-0 Moved ::: C;¡unc. De:::~s':e:-, seconded by Cour.c. ~õcel, 1;0 enact . Ord1na~:e No. 361. AYES: ~:~nc. Dem~s':e:', :vr~son, Neel, Sto?es, Fl,:zgerald NAYS: ~:ne Mct~:~ ca:'ried, 5-0 D. RESOLUTION NO. :3=>26: "RESOl:';TION AtJT"::ORIZING A'¡'70RNEY OF RECOP.D :0 EXECUTB ST::'PULATIOUS FOR Et."!'RY OF J~. . Mr. Wa~.e Howarth. :~ Law:'ence G. B~ian and ::~pany, explained the need ~:r the Resolutlv~. Moved by Counc. Dempste:-, seconded Py Counc. Scel, to ado~ Resolution No. 1381-2£. AYES: Counc. Dempste:-, Johnson, Noel, Sto~es, Fitzgerald NAYS: None Mot~~r. carried, 5-0 . -16- . . . . . YJ:n PAYING BILLS A. Resolut10ns No. 1.454 and 1455. Resolut10n ~o. 1454 was read by Treasurer Stokes. Moved by Counc. Dl ......t:;& seoonded by Counc. Jfoel. adopt Resolution ..,1 . , Ort, to A'1ŒS: Counc. DellJl8tiè. Johnson, Noel, Stokes. P1tzgerald 1fA YS: None JIotioD carr1ed, :;-0 Resolut10n No. 1455 was read by Treasurer Stokes. Moved by Counc. ~, seconded by Counc. Johnson. to adopt Resolut10n No. 1455. A'1ŒS: NAYS: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Noe:, Stokes, P1tzgerald None Mo~~o~ carried, 5-0 IX REPORT OF OFFICERS A. REPORT OF CITY 7REASURER Ee :-.ad notr.1:-.g :-'..:,,::--.~r. B. REPORT OF CITY Jf.Ä.'iAGER The City Manager said he wou:j ~ake a ~~:: ~epç:'t at the next meetlr.g c:-_ the matt",:, ;'f' a po!'":~.:=-_ :~ ":~e Stoneson proper";:;p :¡eeded for =,:,,: 1'Y to ":r.e ?-i~;':l,.g lot of park #1. C. REPORT OF D:IRF.C"l'OP. OF PUBLIC \í0'\KS In regard to Item 2, I:;E ANZA ET ,;:. :MPRO~;:- PPO:ECT, in h1s written report c~ 5/12/67, tL" :>: recto!' :ie:~e:":'ej ":0 Mr. Wayne Howarth. Mr. Howarth introd:.;c!!d and expla:::",j Change O:-:ie:' If;. K.Jif".;:L'_~ ORDER: Moved by Cour..:::. Decpster, "",::-nded ty C:"..-.:-.=. Noel, to approve Change Or:1er 1f3. AYES: Counc. Demps~er, Jçr~son ~:~l, Sto;':es, Fitzgerald NAYS: None MOt1o~ carried, 5-2 Mr. Howarth introduced and explal~ej Change Or1er ,~. -17- ........u>o ORDER: Mvved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Stokes, to ap;::--: ve Change Order 1/4. AYES: Counc. DeIIIpater, Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Pltzgerald NAYS: None 411 .oÓ!"'~ JIot1.on carr1ed, 5-0 ". ;i,;: Mr. Ib_rth introcbred and explained Change Order #5. " "?_:L::dRD1!R: Moved by CouDc. Dempster. seconded by CÒ\mc. Stokes, 1"'~ ,~' to approve Change Order #5. >~ .. AYES: NAYS: Counc. DeIlQl81;er. Johnson, Noel, Stokes, Pltzgera1d None JIot~n carr1ed, 5-0 Mr. H;::varth 1ntroduced and explained Change Order 116. JU,.,-J."JS ORDER: Moved by CoUI1C. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Stoke, to a;:;::-:ve Chànge Order #6. . AYES: :=unc. Dempste~. Johnson, ~=el, Stokes, P1tzgerald NAYS: ~;=ne Mctf=~ carried, ~-O The ~~~:;tor of P~tlf: Works in:~=juced and explained Cha~~~ Order #1 f~~ Vallco Park. . P~J~g ORDER: ~=ved by Cç'~c. Dempster, seconded by Ccunc. Noel, to a;:;:-:';e Change O:-ie: #1 for \'3.::('0 Park. AYES: ::;unc. Der:rps-;e:" Jahnson, :.:el, 3to;':e5, Pi:zgerald NA 1'3: ~;:;:1.e Mc.'t~:.:: ~arrled", ~-:: . The D~:-~:;tor br1efl;¡ ~'¡iewed ti:e status of -;he plans for deve::;ë.ent of th~ -;~~ee parks, D. iU.,':{JRT OP CIT"! m:¡INEER Assembly ~r Go1 Church; east side of Stelling Road, 150' ~~:h of Alves Drive. Upon :'e:;ommendat1cn of the City Engineer, it ,was moved by Cour.:. Jempster, secc~~ed by Coune. Noel, to author1ze the City E:-¿ineer to r.otlly the Church and their bonding compll'! Y that :~e bonds pre71c~ly submitted to cover all municipal 1mpr=ve=ents may r.ow be retired. Motien carried, 5-0 . -18- Jt'..: .". 2. American 011 Station; Stpvenë Creek Blvd. a~d H1ghwal 85. Upon recoI/Dendat1on of the City Eng1neer, 1t was moved by Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. Noel. to authorize the City Engineer to notify the developer and his bonding company that the bonds may now be ret~red. Motion carried. 5-0 , If) B. REPORT 011' CI'l'Y A'l"l'ORNBY -- Absent dup. to 1llness. 11'. REPORT 011' BOIWING INSPECTOR . 1. Lat~. on the day of th~s meet1ng, the operators of the new car wash on Saieh Way asked perm1ss10n to put up a temporary sign to attract customers now. They w11l incorporate the~r rermanent car wash s1gn w1th the s1gns for the res~ of the development. The Build1ng Inspector displayed subject s1gn. Moved by Counc. Dempster. seconded uy Counc. Noel, to allow this s1gn fer sixty daY5. Moticn carried, 5-C . G. REPORT OF RECREA'r::'ON DIfŒ,:TO" 1. Fifteen sch:J,)ls will b~ rarticipating in !hp F1tness, Track and F!e.d V¿et this coming Saturday. H. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR -- Nothing further. . I. REPORT OF ~IT{ CLERK-FINAN~E ~.RECTOR 1. R1bera ar.d Sue have BU" l' :-e1 their statement for a progress p&.yment ba¡;--·'! :.:>:. lCry,f; completed draw- 1ngs for Portal Park. Upon recommendation of the Recreation Director, this matt~r was deferred to t[,e adjourned meet.ing on May 22n::i, . -19- ~ X UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. PAP.KS DEVELOPMENT (cont1nued from May 2, 1967) .CoUnc. Johnson ·asked 1dJether the City has yet. recelved the 1"eqUested report f1'OlllKr. Beck as to what can be' done with .~. central park 1n proportion to how much money would be .E4e available. , ; , , ¡ ?ii., '" í , ¡ f , « ^;, Counc. Johnson also remJ.nded the staff that the D1rector ot ,Publlc WOrks was going to prepare a report on what port10n or the work the Clty can do on the plrks Mayor Fitzgerald saJ.d the Chamber of Commerce wanted to know 1t they are going to name the plrks. The CO\D1cll preferred to retaln t1d.s respons1bility themselves. Mayor Fitzgerald sald lt has been established the people submitting the w1nning names w111 get bond awards. XI: NEW BUSDÆSS A. COU!lc. Stokes suggested that people who have br1ef business to take up w1th the Counc1l be g1ven the opportunity to do so at the beginn1ng of future meet- 1ngs 50 they don't have to 51t through prolor~ed hours of other bus1ness, wa1t1ng th~1r turn. Xll ADJOURNME!i:' TO 5:00 P.~.. MONDAY, :·!AY 22, 1967. Moved by Counc. Stokes, seconded ty Counc. Dempster, to adjourn t~e meet1ng at 12:52 A.M., to Monday, May 22, 1967, at :; P.M. APFRC\'ED: Is/ :~rry Fitzgera:d ~Y0~ City of Cupert1no A'I'l'EST: /8/ Wm. E. Ryjer City Clerk I . . . .