CC 05-02-67
10300 LJ......, Aver.'.1e, C"~pertlno,
....... U
\ T"
CaU!' ., 95014 I~
May 2, 1967
8:00 P.M.
Conference Room, C1t)-'IJIall. 10300 Torre Ave., Cupert1no
Counc. preser.':: John8cm. JIoel, Stokes, Fitzgerald
Counc. abse~t: Dempeter
Parks Cc=. ¡::-esent: Acker, 1.oon.1s, Parsons, Wandry
Arch. prese::~: Elden Beck of Royston, Hanamoto, Mayes a: Beck
John Sue a: Brian Wittenkeller of Ribera a: Sue
C1ty Jlar..ager, Phil Storm
C1ty Clerk, 3111 Ryder
Director ~f P...bl1c Works, Frank Fir.ney
Recreati~n D1rector, John Parham
Recreaticr. I~~ern, Les H1cks
Recordir~ Se~retary, Lo1s Inwards
Staff pres~::::
Mr. Bec~ ~~s;~aJed the sIte jevelopmer.t plan, stating there bee" Ii :-~... bas1c !'rom the f1.rst d1agramatlc
:) Exc!'.a~_,:~ =:- picr.1c area v~::: the pool area.
~) The s=~~;~-age play area brought down by the poe:
and an:; :':'~m the tror.t ;,!' the park.
It was Mr. 5e;~'s opin1on that the only trees to be retained
would be ~~e ...a:nut orchard arA the large trees along
Stevens :~e~ ?:vd.
JIr. Beck t::en ...ent over the lIIU'..ti-purpose area, JY.;lnt1r.g
o~t how :~ w~:: function. He felt that, with the space
ava1lable, ~~ ...~uld be w1s. to make the areas as versatile
.s pollsn:e; ajapta.)le to var1ed l11tuati~ns and occas1ons.
Be then ex¡::a~ned t~_ water circulation. Another tactor
he worked ln~~ th~ plan 1s that as you drive down Stevens
Creek Blvd. ~r.ere w111 be . long visual exper1ence through
the park, g~ vlr:g the reel ot open space. As you move
through t~e park, there 1s quite a of exper1ence.
however. ~_ere ~111 be a s1zable wheel toy area throughout
tile park. There w11l be an earth bowl which :4111 serve as
_, about 1/3 o~ the way back from Stevens
~ "" Blvd., w1th.. t1re pj.t as the tocal po1nt. TM.s 1s
lID lie within the clQ' camp area. The stage 1s separated ..
~:". the amphitheater b¡ a .tn-· of woter with bridges ,.
";c-" I'C1'OSS it. During the ......e of acts, scenes, etc.,
:~..,-..... a wall of ..ter can be shot up to serve as a
.;~ -::" ~ ~...... re::~:o:~;"::'p1';:::"
. lID ·81ft the feeling of unit)' aøI cohes1veness.
- I... wUl be a falll117 picnic area with small BBQ's scat-
t ~ ...4 throughout the heav117 pIanted area. The major
pt-cr area can handle groups of about 300 people. A pre-
-~1 play area. a schoo1-age play area and tennis courts
are adjacent to this large picm.c area.
1!Ie concept on the swilllll1ng pool 16 one, not of establ1sh-
1cs a competitive swim situat10n such as we w11l have across .
~ street, but a tam1ly sw1111 experience which takes on a
rree form w1th vater Jets and 1slands of "coral beds".
!h:.oe w111 be concrete deck1ng w1th a ra1sed, planted berm.
~ by, there w1l1 be a recreat10n off1ce bu11d1ng, a
~ . !D 's dress1ng room, and a me:: , s dress1ng room w1 th rest
:::.00....... at one end ot the bu1ld1r.g.
~ugh his research, Mr. Bec;c :-..85 determined that the City
se~&6 to need the softness ratrAr t~n the l~~ear type !eel
:;~ a park, as was originally ;;r.posed.
1here w11l be 120 parking 8pa~ea on the site, which w111
De separated from the park ty s~zable earth :::ound1ng.
~~ are ~enches all around t:-A lake and t:-~oughout the
~k. The main effort 1s dire:ted ~oward provid1ng a
~.~wçndous vsriety of tee11nga a~d e~~er~t~~es.
~. Beck po1nted out that a~~~aa ~~ 'he par~ :::ust be
&c!::::.eved v1a Mary Avenue and eve:-j effort m\òst be made tc
prc~ect the large oak tree at t~e entrance. They have d1s-
~.ed the matter with the de.e::per of the adjacent
property and hope to work w1t:-~~ the street pattern la1d
OY~ by the developer. 'l'hrougi'. a:: actual trade of land,
~ by perm1ssion ot a less t:-~ 60' street and no park1ng
al.cms the front of the park ~~rty, these plans may be
realized. Th1s will be a contrclle~ area by use of planting.
~ur P1tzgerald asked it t;here 1s gwing to be any part of
~ park tenced. Mr. Beck sa:.4 he d1d not anticipate any
reac1ns at this time. It may te found necb5sary at a later
~. There are three peð..tr1an entrar.ces to tne park
~ Stevens Creek Blvd., by putting greens.
'II3e _1:1 entrances and þarking areas wi:1 be from Mary
0øw1c. Ncel as,=i:'<! for some eñlmate as to ma1ntenance costs
or t;he f'ully ;i¿veloped perk. :1nclud1ng staf'f'. Mr. Beck
IIa14 he could ;:ut together an accurate f1gure. but at tl11a
u. he est1rated 1.5~ per ~re foc:t per month. Be baa
. ;~ $4500.00 for high ~ce, wh1l:h would ou~ be
..'....~¡;;.......' _ __....:~he ~~t~~::,;ce ø;.=., ...:=/~;11:~:~~~::1-
.,~: " . reat10n D1rector ot:r....t,1;he f1gurea ot t2000 to
'L' ',per acre per year for 11 parka. with larp ~
, :;:')', ,'.', less per acre than \:IIat.
. . _ .¿ P1tzgerald aaked It t!IeN baa been a final 1IOrd troll
»-: t~ Clara County Vater eo.......tlon Diatrict. 1Ir. Beck
, -,'" the;?' tIOuld requ1re a DD8 acre minimum of water. amd
~ also _s the queatlOD ot the respons1blllt7 ot patt1nS
ba the large _ter main.
lIr. Beck d1s¡::ayed a alte plan wIth the front 1/3 portIon
eø:1rc1ed. Ee est1mated this portion could be comp1etel)'
c5eYe10ped for $105.000 to $120,000. The back 2"" portion
or the park =~~:d be left as Is. w1th a sav1ngs ct leas
t!:aD $20,OOC :~ the total $440,000 for the total development
~~ the cent:-a: ~rk. Early eat1mates were $22,000 per acre,
5:; these ng~:':!s seem to c01nc1de. He noted that U',e t~g
~rAiture ~:~~ is 1n tr.e strÀctures, pool areas. &r~
-:=1s cour: s.
:::--.';.:IC. Stok;!s i3~ed fo::' a re'".1ew of the park';
~~s. The ~~:;" Manager 5a11 o;, witr. the $240,OOC 1~
r~eral fur.~s ::~thcomir.g. we sh~uld hav¿ apprcxi~';e:J
I'"-Y.>.OOO an ~:i::e.
:.:....;.:1::. Stc:r<eE ~3.~j he w:"~:'1 :'11Ce t.:· see the entlr'! ~e:--.-:~:
pa~k clearei i~i graded arA ~rees planted se t~ey w:~:=
=a.e maxim~~ ~~:~1ng t1~e. :he c~~ldren's play a:'ea.
pa~k~ng rac::~:~es. picr~: !ac~1:~1es, and re-t rcc~
!a:111t1es a:: seemed t: =e r.ecessary e:ements wt ';~~S ,;:~e.
(JIf:'. Beck ¡;a~:: !::'5,000 t:; $2:,:.oc w)!lld p~t. in ti'.e "'!1';~:-
e:'~nt 1n ::-,~ :':-ont 4.2 a::res.) :;):';:;" Stokes n:;';e1
-:::a't the at:'.-:: -.,,:-ald make ~:"'~a S:::-':'lar to a ne1ght"::"!'.:.:.:
~k. He s:~:~~:y reco~e~1~1 t~e water te incl~dej, ~~
-;~7 can gc :~~s route. 5:; -::-.e r:a'lor of the area 1O:;~:= '~e
r-arks Comm15S~;~;!r Acker ~ererred to the matr1x ~e :41 ý:'e-
;a:ed and i'.::~:i;!d in t~e ~r.utes of April 24th, as a g~l:ie
~:.:~ any necessa:-y cutting and phasing.
C~ssioner :~:mis sa1d t~.e Commission wanted t~ ~~w :~
~~ should f~::J develop Portal and Wilson Parks and ~:rge';
t~ Central ~,~ at th1s ~1:e, or partially develo~ a::
~. Stckes asked tOl!' aD explanat10n of the d1screpmcles
øI 1;be flgur...; for the tSIII:r' wt and play area t'lgures ~or
1:IIe dltferent ¡¡arks. CO . Acker sa1d It 1s in the 11117
- 11 use theIr creat1. 1ft developing these areas.
,<:J -"". Jfoel ..ked tile .rl . '--sonsrs it the7 at &n7 tt.e bad
)' .. J4ft'ed tbe 4neloU . T ..~ UIe Central Park and .Uber
,. -~-oø or Portal tAR ... .'þøtIa.
, . f" .~~ .". ~
..... Stoaa ..b4 It .*iwaldl be poasible to ~- UIe
tbIV tot uo..
í -. StoJau would ua. eo .. the whole Ce!ltra1 JIañ
.;I ·r1I1114", - OM "L ¡-.... on It aDd spend 1... OD tbe
_ Nt.,......mood pub _ tIda t1_. Total deve1cy- At Is
~_ do.. to tile _ ..nton c!ollar t1gure. wb1cb be
"-1t .. to¡;al17 ...... 1-'I4!_~ ror Cupertino. In acSd1.tlon,
:' ~. Sto.. salct _ .. ~ with the atrong posa1b111t7
or paJ'C11a.1IIC anotbft' ~ a1te t'or an area ot the C1t7
11: wb1ch the" 1. no pa1I dte. We must alao keep 1n mnd
<:m per!r 181ntC'MnC. Cll..... 1Ih1ch wll1 go on and on.
:-C-mc. 1Ic~: aaked about f;be hlteral r-..r.ds avallaDle.
~ Recrea~lon D1rector 8a1.d the7 ant!~lpated 501.' Peðeral
~1clpat!on In 1961. 1ft 1968, they .c...ld 11k. to have
S:055,ooc f:r ba:;lc str.oe~ and rurth~r park :2evelo;=ent.
~ the $50.000 Is _t~, .. coulj '~art deveIc~nt
:~ ~he Mc~:. Vista Park. lie rec~r.,1..;! a $7ooc,OOC b:>nð
:.....e 1r: :~.J.
:.:~_c. Nee: sa!d he w~~ be willing :: :~t out el~r~r
~:'~al c:' V1:son ~rk at th1a tillle; s¡:e:-,j $150,OOC f:r tr.e
:~~ :iecUej -.-pon, and spent tl9C,OOC ::", ~h~ Centra: Park.
::1E. ::>ars:~s sugesteeS ~1J'IC a:'l the :",e:essary ea:'";!: 1IGrk
~, .:1 tì'.r'!~ parka and :I1.~r1b'.1~e the :-~,,'; of the !.~s
1mC:".g th~ :!'-.ree parka.
~* City Ma:-.ager suase.~eeS,·· _:' the Cer,,;=--': Park,
~ :.r as ~!:e I'IlCmey wI:: &0, 1!I~ght ~t' ~ ...~se move .:-.:1 <;!".en
~ :~ the >~Jple for tne 80ney to deve~;¡: the other par_a.
11:'. S:~~, of Ribera am "-,, Lands~!Ipe Arch1tects, pre-
se::.ted P:.1,.s for Portal I'al-k. rnaSe I g:'ttd1ng w111 be
:..mportant ~: gIve the r..~1nt: t¡'\8.t tt-.t. park 18 separated
~.::-=: Porta: Av~nue. The picnic ~re'!.~ ¡¡,rt> adjacent to the
:me¡,(10"W arell. The school area hlu a r¡'~:'ly extenal':e asphalt
L""e& so n-~:) is not go1nC ~o be provUej .:>n the park prc-
;¡œrty. GraJlng, und€-~ ut1litie5, turfing. tree and
;enphery sr.rub plant1Ds. pathW..ys, sar:j 1n tiny tot area,
~ gr .Ju¡:' ;:!cnIc area 1no=1udinl; a large BBQ for groups
iIC"e all 1:-.:1'Jded In Phase I, J<\h1t;11 wll: :'Un $130,OOC. .
.Adobe and c.:ncrete w111 lie u.8ed to g1ve the park the
ar17 California, yet cœ¡t~r3ry. feeling. In develop-
bIB a park, they pret'ø> ~ dr.-slop the1r 1dea. 111 a .ea1e
.ødel rather than ext~ye 4ft.lng.. eo.twl... be re-
e-" ~ncSecS regular 11sb' ....ftII.J'd. rather than Cu.8tOll _de
GDe8. T:lecause ot the l1IdA4 quantlt7 needed. '!be7 are
'JIioPOIl1ng bark to be UM4.. pound cover Ullder the srove
,~tre,ell. It w11l haw. 1oIf-'.1ntenance tactol'. and .111
118 practlcal as well.
C'ouDc. Johnson asked. U eNJ"J'bocS7 agrees w1 th the lIOrk1ng
....1ngs. bow long woa14 s.t take to get SOM J'elteNl t'lmds.
'!be PArka D1reetor US4 UIe- aotual tuneSs ~ not be cOIling
~or two or three 7Mft_ ~ the approval of the appl1catlo::1
_ .ell as the (I[ to ØI'_eud could be accOllPl1.bec1 .1thin
tbree week~ About a ~ 1. needed for bld a4yertls~t,
etc. adldiJ1gs cannot be 1.DClucSed 1n the reque.t tor ~
Pederal part1ci..tlon; bø..&4*r. rest room. can.
When asked about t;helr _per1ence ,,1 th the actual obta1nIng
c~ Pederal ~;¡zJd!l. 1Ir. au. ..ld ....rk and san ftlblo have
:oece1vecS Fejerai tuneS. 1mISer th1a sO!& part1cipation proposal.
c::¡' Jor.::s-=~ cc-.ntecS <;bat he "oulj Uke to see grad1ng,
; a::j rest roou on all three parks, tor starters.
:"~.e _et i,~ : t.en IIIOved o·..~ ';0 the recept ion area, wr.e~
Kr. Briar. Vi::enke1ler expla1ned 1n jep~h the llede: for
~rtal Pa~~ .::ich 1s be1r~ ~Isplayed there.
~:SC'USSIc)!' :? WILSON ~
:~~c. St~~~! asked, tac~ 1~ the Ccr.fe:'e~ce Rco~, ~: see a
~sentat:;~ :f W1lsor. Park relatIng to the tIr~ ~:~ a~ea,
scr~ol-age ~~~.. and <;~A ..te~ experIence.
~. Beck sa~: ~helr c~~=e~1cn of the ~~~y tot area ~a~ges
~~m todj:e~ :v abo~t the seven-year-:.j and ta~es :~e form
:.! a large ::~:, sta~1nc w1 th a sha~ :;\Ii portI~~, a: the
::wer end a~j gett1ng d..per as It prcg:'esses upwar1 and
arcund. bec~m1:'-4E :!)Ore challer.glng and, ~h..s,
appea11ng :; :h1ldr~n a :1ttle older the rarthe~ ..~ ~~ey go.
~~re 1s a s~ll scale v~l:age wIth very small r.1::s, etc..
aM plent~' ;~ QPportun1';y for 1magInatIQr1 and c.:'ea~iveness
~ the1r ~:ay. There 1s alae a wheel tey area, and grass
__~ b1rch :~ees 1n the center. The lIghts w111 be er.~:osed
W1th1n a g~;~ping of logs, wl.1ch ,,111 t1e 1n w1th the
:l1mbing ex~erIence elements.
~ school-age play area is essentially the ~me as the ~1ny
~t area, on a larger 8cale and wlth the empr.as1a on
the use of the Jarge IlUScle.. There w111 be a geodesic
:1:1me, sImilar to that featured at the World's Pair In
Canada this year.
'!be spray pool for the t1ny tot area 1s 30' d1ameter
e~'Cle ot concrete tdtÞ a' vertical column ot water coming
oat; or a Jet at the top or .. structure in the center.
BIe. school-age spraJ.'.,p' 36' in diameter and
wuot1al17 the ....~..:.~tiíe~ llti[läller one, but the water
èta tdIl be more ~..;:and. Without the water, each
becomes a :5CUlpturalt:h'f"'8. Wh~n dry, it will be an
~1~~t1~g ~lace to ~7;and climb.
I:r. Beck !:ouche\1 on tile ..tter ot accen to this park.
:I~ 11&8 brought ':ut tba~, tile developer 01' t¡·üS adjacent
JaDð bas subm1tttfti . 'l'eDtatlve Map showing a 15' easement
to the park. Mr. Bec:Je 1'eCOIIIII8ndt.'Ci this De increased to
)0' or it will result in a long, mrrow patt.ay lined
1f1th shrubs on both s14es.
~ only the tront portion ot the Central Park 1s developed
a.~ this time, Mr. Beck cUd not recommend putt1ng 1n the
_~r because the pumplS and things would be very expens1ve
~-:;:" so small a water area at this t1me and would have to
=e moved later. Mr. Seck also d1d not adv1se mov1ng any
:J~ the play equ1pnent 1nto this front 1/3 portion for later
'::'L"lster 1nto the scheduled area.
~7~C. Stokes would 11ke to see Portal and Wilson Parks
~eveloped up to the .306,000 figure, reducing this by 5 to
:~ cecause of the ar.t1c1pated b1ds, wh1ch would leave
~=· $120,000 to use on the Central Park at this time.
3e asked Mr. Beck for a report on what th1s $120,COO would
~~y. The next phase should be the complete grad1ng of
,:::.e Central Park.
:7:'..e :>1rector of PublIc Works requested his department be
~7en the opportunity to rev1ew the plans to determine
¥~¿': port10n of the work can be done ty the C1ty.
;~. Parsons suggested subst1tut1ng asphalt pav1ng for
':~..e concrete pav1ng at Portal Park.
:.=. Loomis suggested start1ng out w1t;h one tot area and
:>-..A! spray pool for Wilson and Fortal Parks.
:'!7.l.!lC. Stokes asked Kr. Sue
some ot the elements there.
ot the elements are deleted
it 1t 1s
Mr. Sue
he would
poss1ble to compromise
sa1d that 1t about half
l1ke to restudy the
'!!:Ie general op1n10n was that all three pU'ks would go to bid
a': the same time, but separately. Afte..- the bids are 1n, tt
.cr~d be determined to what extent each park would be
c1e"ve 10 ped .
. ,
Moved 1»7 COUDC. .081. seconded by Counc. Stokesþ to
adjourn at 11:00 P.M.
~ J~ P1t!lrald
rþ '7 or pert1no
A·.L-J.·...,r :
/8/ WID. E. ~r
C11:y eft