CC 05-02-67 ~ · · · · · 10300 LJ......, Aver.'.1e, C"~pertlno, ....... U \ T" pt.-p- CaU!' ., 95014 I~ Phone: 252-4505 CITY OIl' CUPBRTINO Ca11i"o:rn1a ,. THE ADJ'oomIID IUlRlLAllIIaIE.ulG OIl' 1'HB CITY COUNCIL, May 2, 1967 8:00 P.M. Conference Room, C1t)-'IJIall. 10300 Torre Ave., Cupert1no z R)LL CALL Counc. preser.':: John8cm. JIoel, Stokes, Fitzgerald Counc. abse~t: Dempeter Parks Cc=. ¡::-esent: Acker, 1.oon.1s, Parsons, Wandry Arch. prese::~: Elden Beck of Royston, Hanamoto, Mayes a: Beck John Sue a: Brian Wittenkeller of Ribera a: Sue C1ty Jlar..ager, Phil Storm C1ty Clerk, 3111 Ryder Director ~f P...bl1c Works, Frank Fir.ney Recreati~n D1rector, John Parham Recreaticr. I~~ern, Les H1cks Recordir~ Se~retary, Lo1s Inwards DISCUSS¡C~: :? :EN'1'RAL PAP.Y. Staff pres~:::: Mr. Bec~ ~~s;~aJed the sIte jevelopmer.t plan, stating there r.a-.re bee" Ii :-~... bas1c ct-.ar.ces !'rom the f1.rst d1agramatlc ;:'~n: :) Exc!'.a~_,:~ =:- picr.1c area v~::: the pool area. ~) The s=~~;~-age play area ...as brought down by the poe: and an:; :':'~m the tror.t ;,!' the park. It was Mr. 5e;~'s opin1on that the only trees to be retained would be ~~e ...a:nut orchard arA the large trees along Stevens :~e~ ?:vd. JIr. Beck t::en ...ent over the lIIU'..ti-purpose area, JY.;lnt1r.g o~t how :~ w~:: function. He felt that, with the space ava1lable, ~~ ...~uld be w1s. to make the areas as versatile .s pollsn:e; ajapta.)le to var1ed l11tuati~ns and occas1ons. Be then ex¡::a~ned t~_ water circulation. Another tactor he worked ln~~ th~ plan 1s that as you drive down Stevens Creek Blvd. ~r.ere w111 be . long visual exper1ence through the park, g~ vlr:g the reel ot open space. As you move through t~e park, there 1s quite a cha:1.ge of exper1ence. however. ~_ere ~111 be a s1zable wheel toy area throughout -1- tile park. There w11l be an earth bowl which :4111 serve as _ a.ph1.theater, about 1/3 o~ the way back from Stevens ~ "" Blvd., w1th.. t1re pj.t as the tocal po1nt. TM.s 1s lID lie within the clQ' camp area. The stage 1s separated .. ~:". the amphitheater b¡ a .tn-· of woter with bridges ,. ";c-" I'C1'OSS it. During the ......e of acts, scenes, etc., :~..,-..... a wall of ..ter can be shot up to serve as a .;~ -::" ~ ~...... re::~:o:~;"::'p1';:::" . lID ·81ft the feeling of unit)' aøI cohes1veness. - I... wUl be a falll117 picnic area with small BBQ's scat- t ~ ...4 throughout the heav117 pIanted area. The major pt-cr area can handle groups of about 300 people. A pre- -~1 play area. a schoo1-age play area and tennis courts are adjacent to this large picm.c area. 1!Ie concept on the swilllll1ng pool 16 one, not of establ1sh- 1cs a competitive swim situat10n such as we w11l have across . ~ street, but a tam1ly sw1111 experience which takes on a rree form w1th vater Jets and 1slands of "coral beds". !h:.oe w111 be concrete deck1ng w1th a ra1sed, planted berm. ~ by, there w1l1 be a recreat10n off1ce bu11d1ng, a ~ . !D 's dress1ng room, and a me:: , s dress1ng room w1 th rest :::.00....... at one end ot the bu1ld1r.g. ~ugh his research, Mr. Bec;c :-..85 determined that the City se~&6 to need the softness ratrAr t~n the l~~ear type !eel :;~ a park, as was originally ;;r.posed. . 1here w11l be 120 parking 8pa~ea on the site, which w111 De separated from the park ty s~zable earth :::ound1ng. ~~ are ~enches all around t:-A lake and t:-~oughout the ~k. The main effort 1s dire:ted ~oward provid1ng a ~.~wçndous vsriety of tee11nga a~d e~~er~t~~es. . ~. Beck po1nted out that a~~~aa ~~ 'he par~ :::ust be &c!::::.eved v1a Mary Avenue and eve:-j effort m\òst be made tc prc~ect the large oak tree at t~e entrance. They have d1s- ~.ed the matter with the de.e::per of the adjacent property and hope to work w1t:-~~ the street pattern la1d OY~ by the developer. 'l'hrougi'. a:: actual trade of land, ~ by perm1ssion ot a less t:-~ 60' street and no park1ng al.cms the front of the park ~~rty, these plans may be realized. Th1s will be a contrclle~ area by use of planting. ~ur P1tzgerald asked it t;here 1s gwing to be any part of ~ park tenced. Mr. Beck sa:.4 he d1d not anticipate any reac1ns at this time. It may te found necb5sary at a later ~. There are three peð..tr1an entrar.ces to tne park ~ Stevens Creek Blvd., ..pa.~ted by putting greens. 'II3e _1:1 entrances and þarking areas wi:1 be from Mary A....eaue. I -2- ... · . · . · 0øw1c. Ncel as,=i:'<! for some eñlmate as to ma1ntenance costs or t;he f'ully ;i¿veloped perk. :1nclud1ng staf'f'. Mr. Beck IIa14 he could ;:ut together an accurate f1gure. but at tl11a u. he est1rated 1.5~ per ~re foc:t per month. Be baa . ;~ $4500.00 for high ~ce, wh1l:h would ou~ be ..'....~¡;;.......' _ __....:~he ~~t~~::,;ce ø;.=., ...:=/~;11:~:~~~::1- .,~: " . reat10n D1rector ot:r....t,1;he f1gurea ot t2000 to 'L' ',per acre per year for 11 parka. with larp ~ , :;:')', ,'.', less per acre than \:IIat. ";;.:'~~.:r·'·' . . _ .¿ P1tzgerald aaked It t!IeN baa been a final 1IOrd troll »-: t~ Clara County Vater eo.......tlon Diatrict. 1Ir. Beck , -,'" the;?' tIOuld requ1re a DD8 acre minimum of water. amd ~ also _s the queatlOD ot the respons1blllt7 ot patt1nS ba the large _ter main. lIr. Beck d1s¡::ayed a alte plan wIth the front 1/3 portIon eø:1rc1ed. Ee est1mated this portion could be comp1etel)' c5eYe10ped for $105.000 to $120,000. The back 2"" portion or the park =~~:d be left as Is. w1th a sav1ngs ct leas t!:aD $20,OOC :~ the total $440,000 for the total development ~~ the cent:-a: ~rk. Early eat1mates were $22,000 per acre, 5:; these ng~:':!s seem to c01nc1de. He noted that U',e t~g ~rAiture ~:~~ is 1n tr.e strÀctures, pool areas. &r~ -:=1s cour: s. :::--.';.:IC. Stok;!s i3~ed fo::' a re'".1ew of the park develc~...er.'; ~~s. The ~~:;" Manager 5a11 o;r.at, witr. the $240,OOC 1~ r~eral fur.~s ::~thcomir.g. we sh~uld hav¿ apprcxi~';e:J I'"-Y.>.OOO an ~:i::e. :.:....;.:1::. Stc:r<eE ~3.~j he w:"~:'1 :'11Ce t.:· see the entlr'! ~e:--.-:~: pa~k clearei i~i graded arA ~rees planted se t~ey w:~:= =a.e maxim~~ ~~:~1ng t1~e. :he c~~ldren's play a:'ea. pa~k~ng rac::~:~es. picr~: !ac~1:~1es, and re-t rcc~ !a:111t1es a:: seemed t: =e r.ecessary e:ements wt ';~~S ,;:~e. (JIf:'. Beck ¡;a~:: !::'5,000 t:; $2:,:.oc w)!lld p~t. in ti'.e "'!1';~:- e:'~nt 1n ::-,~ :':-ont 4.2 a::res.) :;):';:;" Stokes n:;';e1 -:::a't the at:'.-:: -.,,:-ald make ~:"'~a S:::-':'lar to a ne1ght"::"!'.:.:.: ~k. He s:~:~~:y reco~e~1~1 t~e water te incl~dej, ~~ -;~7 can gc :~~s route. 5:; -::-.e r:a'lor of the area 1O:;~:= '~e ~-.-::luded. r-arks Comm15S~;~;!r Acker ~ererred to the matr1x ~e :41 ý:'e- ;a:ed and i'.::~:i;!d in t~e ~r.utes of April 24th, as a g~l:ie ~:.:~ any necessa:-y cutting and phasing. C~ssioner :~:mis sa1d t~.e Commission wanted t~ ~~w :~ ~~ should f~::J develop Portal and Wilson Parks and ~:rge'; t~ Central ~,~ at th1s ~1:e, or partially develo~ a:: -:'~--ee. -3- ., ~. Stckes asked tOl!' aD explanat10n of the d1screpmcles øI 1;be flgur...; for the tSIII:r' wt and play area t'lgures ~or 1:IIe dltferent ¡¡arks. CO . Acker sa1d It 1s in the 11117 - 11 use theIr creat1. 1ft developing these areas. ,<:J -"". Jfoel ..ked tile .rl . '--sonsrs it the7 at &n7 tt.e bad )' .. J4ft'ed tbe 4neloU . T ..~ UIe Central Park and .Uber ,. -~-oø or Portal tAR ... .'þøtIa. , . f" .~~ .". ~ ..... Stoaa ..b4 It .*iwaldl be poasible to ~- UIe tbIV tot uo.. í -. StoJau would ua. eo .. the whole Ce!ltra1 JIañ .;I ·r1I1114", - OM "L ¡-.... on It aDd spend 1... OD tbe _ Nt.,......mood pub _ tIda t1_. Total deve1cy- At Is ~_ do.. to tile _ ..nton c!ollar t1gure. wb1cb be "-1t .. to¡;al17 ...... 1-'I4!_~ ror Cupertino. In acSd1.tlon, :' ~. Sto.. salct _ .. ~ with the atrong posa1b111t7 or paJ'C11a.1IIC anotbft' ~ a1te t'or an area ot the C1t7 11: wb1ch the" 1. no pa1I dte. We must alao keep 1n mnd <:m per!r 181ntC'MnC. Cll..... 1Ih1ch wll1 go on and on. :-C-mc. 1Ic~: aaked about f;be hlteral r-..r.ds avallaDle. ~ Recrea~lon D1rector 8a1.d the7 ant!~lpated 501.' Peðeral ~1clpat!on In 1961. 1ft 1968, they .c...ld 11k. to have S:055,ooc f:r ba:;lc str.oe~ and rurth~r park :2evelo;=ent. ~ the $50.000 Is _t~, .. coulj '~art deveIc~nt :~ ~he Mc~:. Vista Park. lie rec~r.,1..;! a $7ooc,OOC b:>nð :.....e 1r: :~.J. . . . :.:~_c. Nee: sa!d he w~~ be willing :: :~t out el~r~r ~:'~al c:' V1:son ~rk at th1a tillle; s¡:e:-,j $150,OOC f:r tr.e :~~ :iecUej -.-pon, and spent tl9C,OOC ::", ~h~ Centra: Park. ::1E. ::>ars:~s sugesteeS ~1J'IC a:'l the :",e:essary ea:'";!: 1IGrk ~, .:1 tì'.r'!~ parka and :I1.~r1b'.1~e the :-~,,'; of the !.~s 1mC:".g th~ :!'-.ree parka. ~* City Ma:-.ager suase.~eeS devel:.pm.,·· _:' the Cer,,;=--': Park, ~ :.r as ~!:e I'IlCmey wI:: &0, 1!I~ght ~t' ~ ...~se move .:-.:1 <;!".en ~ :~ the >~Jple for tne 80ney to deve~;¡: the other par_a. . Ir: :r-S::JSSIO!\ OF PORTAL PAM 11:'. .J-:.hn S:~~, of Ribera am "-,, Lands~!Ipe Arch1tects, pre- se::.ted P:.1,.s for Portal I'al-k. rnaSe I g:'ttd1ng w111 be :..mportant ~: gIve the r..~1nt: t¡'\8.t tt-.t. park 18 separated ~.::-=: Porta: Av~nue. The picnic ~re'!.~ ¡¡,rt> adjacent to the :me¡,(10"W arell. The school area hlu a r¡'~:'ly extenal':e asphalt L""e& so n-~:) is not go1nC ~o be provUej .:>n the park prc- ;¡œrty. GraJlng, und€-~ ut1litie5, turfing. tree and ;enphery sr.rub plant1Ds. pathW..ys, sar:j 1n tiny tot area, ~ gr .Ju¡:' ;:!cnIc area 1no=1udinl; a large BBQ for groups iIC"e all 1:-.:1'Jded In Phase I, J<\h1t;11 wll: :'Un $130,OOC. . -4- . . . IV . .Adobe and c.:ncrete w111 lie u.8ed to g1ve the park the ar17 California, yet cœ¡t~r3ry. feeling. In develop- bIB a park, they pret'ø> ~ dr.-slop the1r 1dea. 111 a .ea1e .ødel rather than ext~ye 4ft.lng.. eo.twl... be re- e-" ~ncSecS regular 11sb' ....ftII.J'd. rather than Cu.8tOll _de GDe8. T:lecause ot the l1IdA4 quantlt7 needed. '!be7 are 'JIioPOIl1ng bark to be UM4.. pound cover Ullder the srove ,~tre,ell. It w11l haw. 1oIf-'.1ntenance tactol'. and .111 118 practlcal as well. C'ouDc. Johnson asked. U eNJ"J'bocS7 agrees w1 th the lIOrk1ng ....1ngs. bow long woa14 s.t take to get SOM J'elteNl t'lmds. '!be PArka D1reetor US4 UIe- aotual tuneSs ~ not be cOIling ~or two or three 7Mft_ ~ the approval of the appl1catlo::1 _ .ell as the (I[ to ØI'_eud could be accOllPl1.bec1 .1thin tbree week~ About a ~ 1. needed for bld a4yertls~t, etc. adldiJ1gs cannot be 1.DClucSed 1n the reque.t tor ~ Pederal part1ci..tlon; bø..&4*r. rest room. can. When asked about t;helr _per1ence ,,1 th the actual obta1nIng c~ Pederal ~;¡zJd!l. 1Ir. au. ..ld ....rk and san ftlblo have :oece1vecS Fejerai tuneS. 1mISer th1a sO!& part1cipation proposal. c::¡'...nc. Jor.::s-=~ cc-.ntecS <;bat he "oulj Uke to see grad1ng, ;:lant~.ng a::j rest roou on all three parks, tor starters. :"~.e _et i,~ : t.en IIIOved o·..~ ';0 the recept ion area, wr.e~ Kr. Briar. Vi::enke1ler expla1ned 1n jep~h the llede: for ~rtal Pa~~ .::ich 1s be1r~ ~Isplayed there. ~:SC'USSIc)!' :? WILSON ~ :~~c. St~~~! asked, tac~ 1~ the Ccr.fe:'e~ce Rco~, ~: see a ~sentat:;~ :f W1lsor. Park relatIng to the tIr~ ~:~ a~ea, scr~ol-age ~~~.. and <;~A ..te~ experIence. ~. Beck sa~: ~helr c~~=e~1cn of the ~~~y tot area ~a~ges ~~m todj:e~ :v abo~t the seven-year-:.j and ta~es :~e form :.! a large ::~:, sta~1nc w1 th a sha~ :;\Ii portI~~, a: the ::wer end a~j gett1ng d..per as It prcg:'esses upwar1 and arcund. g:-a::.ally bec~m1:'-4E :!)Ore challer.glng and, ~h..s, appea11ng :; :h1ldr~n a :1ttle older the rarthe~ ..~ ~~ey go. ~~re 1s a s~ll scale v~l:age wIth very small r.1::s, etc.. aM plent~' ;~ QPportun1';y for 1magInatIQr1 and c.:'ea~iveness ~ the1r ~:ay. There 1s alae a wheel tey area, and grass __~ b1rch :~ees 1n the center. The lIghts w111 be er.~:osed W1th1n a g~;~ping of logs, wl.1ch ,,111 t1e 1n w1th the :l1mbing ex~erIence elements. ~ school-age play area is essentially the ~me as the ~1ny ~t area, Qr.ly on a larger 8cale and wlth the empr.as1a on the use of the Jarge IlUScle.. There w111 be a geodesic :1:1me, sImilar to that featured at the World's Pair In Canada this year. -5- . ", of ··:,.t ¡-'N """, ;15:.\- I~; ...:J; ";;':-' '!be spray pool for the t1ny tot area 1s 30' d1ameter e~'Cle ot concrete tdtÞ a' vertical column ot water coming oat; or a Jet at the top or .. structure in the center. BIe. school-age spraJ.'.,p'ool..~lJ.be 36' in diameter and wuot1al17 the ....~..:.~tiíe~ llti[läller one, but the water èta tdIl be more ~..;:and. Without the water, each becomes a :5CUlpturalt:h'f"'8. Wh~n dry, it will be an ~1~~t1~g ~lace to ~7;and climb. I:r. Beck !:ouche\1 on tile ..tter ot accen to this park. :I~ 11&8 brought ':ut tba~, tile developer 01' t¡·üS adjacent JaDð bas subm1tttfti . 'l'eDtatlve Map showing a 15' easement to the park. Mr. Bec:Je 1'eCOIIIII8ndt.'Ci this De increased to )0' or it will result in a long, mrrow patt. ay lined 1f1th shrubs on both s14es. · V D:tSCUSSIONS OF PRIORI'!'! ~ only the tront portion ot the Central Park 1s developed a.~ this time, Mr. Beck cUd not recommend putt1ng 1n the _~r because the pumplS and things would be very expens1ve ~-:;:" so small a water area at this t1me and would have to =e moved later. Mr. Seck also d1d not adv1se mov1ng any :J~ the play equ1pnent 1nto this front 1/3 portion for later '::'L"lster 1nto the scheduled area. ~7~C. Stokes would 11ke to see Portal and Wilson Parks ~eveloped up to the .306,000 figure, reducing this by 5 to :~ cecause of the ar.t1c1pated b1ds, wh1ch would leave ~=·:r.lt $120,000 to use on the Central Park at this time. 3e asked Mr. Beck for a report on what th1s $120,COO would ~~y. The next phase should be the complete grad1ng of ,:::.e Central Park. . · :7:'..e :>1rector of PublIc Works requested his department be ~7en the opportunity to rev1ew the plans to determine ¥~¿': port10n of the work can be done ty the C1ty. ;~. Parsons suggested subst1tut1ng asphalt pav1ng for ':~..e concrete pav1ng at Portal Park. :.=. Loomis suggested start1ng out w1t;h one tot area and :>-..A! spray pool for Wilson and Fortal Parks. . :'!7.l.!lC. Stokes asked Kr. Sue some ot the elements there. ot the elements are deleted p:..a.ns. it 1t 1s Mr. Sue he would poss1ble to compromise sa1d that 1t about half l1ke to restudy the '!!:Ie general op1n10n was that all three pU'ks would go to bid a': the same time, but separately. Afte..- the bids are 1n, tt .cr~d be determined to what extent each park would be c1e"ve 10 ped . · -6- "' . VI ADJOOIt&uuwI.'T . . , Moved 1»7 COUDC. .081. seconded by Counc. Stokesþ to adjourn at 11:00 P.M. hmuwau: ~ J~ P1t!lrald rþ '7 or pert1no A·.L-J.·...,r : . /8/ WID. E. ~r C11:y eft . . . -7- -.-....--.