CC 04-10-67 ~, ~ :.ø3OO '!'Orre Ave.. CUpertiDo. (»11'.', 95014 . Phone: 252-4505 I.~ CITY 07 CUPBRTIRO ;, C-..t~orn1a t. . . · '¡,.;,'.'~.~.' "- ..'.. . ·01' 'rill AD.TW1UlliU· .i1IIÍuu,..aJI . _r~ OJ' 'liIB CIft WUJai.&L. .,,;~ --, 10 '.J -t:. /" .\~,"! --- · :>-,'- ~~t·/v'~' ¡.' ~' (~,~_>...þ)UDCn ~.ben. 1Ø3oO ~" Avenue. CUpert1Do iff'__ 8100 P.II. ¡,,;..¡:,'.:. ....,....:... ,0-'.,' . :"f.'· · · IV . · 1967 % 8AUJ'1'B '!'O 'l'RB J'LAØ ROLL CALL COunc. present: J J ~ter, ?1tzgera1d, Jo~on (8:),0), Stokes counc. absent: "1 staf't proesent: cs.~ )llDager, Phil Storm Ot7 Attorne7, sam Anderson C1t7 Clerk, Bill R7der D11"eCtor of Public WOrks. Frank Finney d.t7 JPtS'"eer, Bob Shook øecord1.ng Secretary, IQ11'1 Inwards Mayor Stokes announced that counc. Noel would be unablE! to attend th1s meeting because he was out of t.J1fD on bus1ness; and COunc. Johnson 1fØuld be a little late because ot illness. Mayor Stokes announced that the regular17-scheduled Plann1ng commission Meet1ng for April 10 has been adjourned to Apr11 11. MISCELIA.'ŒX>US Ma70r Stokes requested this 1tem be taken up at tMs t1me, to permit the a~va1 of Counc. Johnson before discuss10ns on the De ADZa DDpro.,e.ent Project. A. The C1ty AttOrDe7 introduced Resolut10n 1434, author1z1ng any C1ty counc1~ to attend League of ca11tornia C1t1es' Jlleet1ngs. Moved by Counc. J)._peter, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolut10n 14~. AYES: Counc. Deo4l8ter, Fitzgerald, ~okes RAYS: None ABSBR'l': COunc. JobDson, ]fOel IÞt~n carr1ed, 3-0 B. The C1ty Atto1"DQ' 1ntroduced the procl.-Uon that JIO:1day, April 17. 1967, be pr:>claimed -pather HUgh M. wright Da7-. So IDOved b,( counc. D ~t.¡'. seconded by Counc. JP1tzlerald. IÞt10D carr1"1d, 3-0 -1- I -- ~- . c. ~! ~~~tor of PUtll~ Wörks 1~:~oduced Resolut1on 1445, ac;;':~~~ jed1catlon rrom Otis ~c:'ge, et. ux., ror tt"":~= ;x:rtion ot property fror:::ir.g on Homestead Road. Ir. a;j~~10n, the DireCtor read ~heir letter stat1ng cer- . ta~ ;;::ñ1t1ona 'IIDder which they would be .~ble to ~ tt.1s ;~~c.tion. '!'be C1t7 ",-g,r rec· ~ that the Eng1neering Depertment check Itel 4 or 111'. "'£'P'. lette.L' and the city w1ll then pit in equal to or beti:er p1pel~1'\e. *"ed ~ O:nmc. P1tzpald. ::econded by Counc. DelllP8ter, to accept the ~ed1catlon t'I"GII otis Forge, et. ux., including the cozx!1t1on ot rep1ac~t or p1peline equal to or better tharJ ,ex1st1r.¡. AYES: :':::."1c. De...peter, P1tzgerald, Johnson, stokes DYS: !i:r.e ABS!INT: :';:~"1C. Roel MatIor: carried, 4-:': . PUBLI-= :-:=:,:,,::,:sas A. RE?:::: :~; BIDS FOR SALE OF IMPRO\r:-!ENT BONDS - DE ArIZA, E': .~:. :'ffROVEMEllr PROJECT 66 -1. Attorr.ey ~;~ :.:>nes, c~ ~ilson, Jor.e~, ~;:~ton and LYnch, expla1~~~ :~;:'e are two sets of bc~j~: Series 67-l-A and ser1es :--l-=, on whlc~ t1ds r~d ree~ :,eeeived earlier 1n :he af:;~;:~. The s~~~es A tonds a~; ~cr assessments a681ns: :~; ?:;:th1l1 :'~~ior college Ji~:rict and City af ~pert~~: ~~j ~ture wi~~in ~ive yea:'~. The Series B bands are fc:' aõ~;~~~E~ts aga~r.s: private :^~e:'ship of land and cature ~i::~~ ~1fteer. years. Mr. J;:~;~ ~tated these bids are ve~; a::~a:t1ve ir. :~~t "~ey a~e :elcw prev1o~s e5timat~5. cop1es ::" ::-.; t-ids were =is';;~ib,...rf'j, as ",;ell as rep-::.rte1 crally: . . Ser1es :-.l-':": ?:"~~. ~: a: !::',680,CJO. ~S Ta~"l::' 5: :.:>mpany St;:~; 5: ::~ngberg F1r~: :aliforn1a CG=;:ar.y RoÞe~: ::. Schwese~ cc:peny Tar.r.e" '~.slow &: co=pany Cinc;:::~, Inc. E.F.R. ~:~enbrack J. :Ea:-::-. & company 3.9;'::-{ 3.991;» 4.30-~ 4.3':'254 4.E3~~ 5·p<::-... .- '-'''''~ no t:j no t!..:i ($9J,068.75) c -2- . Bl)bert E. SctDIeser COIIP8Jt7 FirSt caUf'orn1a C01llpalJ7 Stone a: '¡bungberg Tannen WinSlow Ii: C01llPllD7 J. Barth I: company B.P.B. BrChenbrack C1nct.!tta. :me. Pr1ncl¡».l 4.3953~ J¡.46J¡~ 4.6oSo?" 4.624l~ 4.1850.' 5.33~ no bid $208,633.63 --<ø,649.88) Series 67-1-B: ø; RBPORT OF mœ IUlCIU.VIW iOR AWARD OF CON'l'RAC'l' - DB ARZA. B'r AL. .LIU"nuvØIJIti·J: PROJECT 66-1. JII'. a7J1e }lCnlartb, of awrence G. Brian and company. cUatI'1buted s~ sheets to the City council and orally reviewed the engineers' est1JDates and b1ds rece1ved for the project. on the basis of bids rece1ved, a reduct10n ot all but one of the assessments _s reco1lllllended,. . D. WRIT.'JN PRO'rESTS HE: PROJECT 66-1 DE ANZA, ET AL. IMPROVÐŒN'l' . I~. Howarth expla1ned the protests .pprox~mately 2~ of the project. protests from: ~~. santina 3albess1n1, owner of approx. 341' front1ng on McClellan & with1n county jur1sdiction. EState of Ant~~ sa1ch & John sa1ch Parcel 326-34-C34 ~ohn saieh a~j Frances 3a1ch Parcel 326-29-003 35tate of Ar.t::r. sa1ch & J'ot.n saic~. Parcel 326-29-b i'IObert saich ad Ralph salch Parcel 326-29"'2 received compr1sed The C1ty Clerk read the . ~e City Cler~ stated he also was in possession of a pet1t10n i~ ~ppos1t10~ to the project, which was rece1ved at 8:04 P.M. -::~is even1ng. Signatures on thi~ protest were: Anton Dr8gc,:~~, James MClaughlin, Helen Mclaughlin, Margaret :ñ!!1ntzen, Anita Langsford, Lorraine Hunter. John C. HUnter, ;:ïerman Lar.g5f~:'d, and C. Rebert Brown for LDS Ch'J.rch. E. ORAL C()MK;NICATIONS HE: DE ANZA, ET AL, !;'¡PROVÐotENT PROJECT 66-1. . 1. AttorTIey John Thorne. 510 N. Third street, san Jose. *". Thorne explained he _s a,peal'ing for Antor. Dragov1ch, and sa1d he checked h1s watch and felt the pet1~1on was filed at 8:00 P.M.. and was w1thin the specified time. He said the people who are be1ng assessed here are be1ng assessed for someth1ng that will be of benefit to all. He charged nothing 1s being done as to severance dl'.mage. He said the C1ty counc1l should give very ser10us ccns1dera- tion to this so the project w111 not go through on the present basis. He s~ggested they form an assessment d1strict V1thout the jun10r cOllege. wh1ch will give the p~~perty ðwners an opportw~ity to form the1r own opinion about this. -3- 2. Attorney John Thompso~, 505 011ve, sunnyvale. Mr. Thompson said he was representing MrS. BBlbas1n1. First, she 1s not w1thin the jur1sd1ct10r. ot the C1ty of cupertino; . she 1s 1n the county. At the present t1me, she 1s us1ng her property for agricultural purposes and plane to continue doinS so. She feels the burden should be placed e1ther on the c1tizens ot cupertino or on the rootb1ll college D1str1ct tor 1JIprovements wb1ch ,,111 be of benefit to them but not to her. 3. Attorney Al Chasuk, 1271 ØJ,y1118. MOuntain V1ew. Mr. CbSsuk sa1d he represented the ga1ch's. He challenged the evaluat10n ot the property and asked tor the ~s1s on wb1ch the appra1sal ot the fou.'!' propert1es was made. ME'. !!Owarth expla1ned the i&ppraisal was $40,000 per acre, which 1ncludes only the value of the property taken. The area assessment 1s based on a formula wh1ch 1~cludes 450' beh1nd the property 11ne. Mr. Ct-.as....j( tr.¡m asked what the value of the benefit of tile . 1mprovece~t i~. Mr. Jones exp:ained th1s has be~n set forth in the Er.gineers· Report. 7~e tenefit to the prope~ty is the atr;:~:::t that was assess'dj t;: the property ow'\ers. i I I ~ l I \ The City Manager said perce: -6A, corner of sa1c~ ~ay and Stevens :~ep.k Blvd.. is cu:-:-e:::ly bF.ing develQped anj, as suc"., :=?rovements a:-e a r('~...1:-err.cnt regardless o~ tr'.e pro- posed Assessment District. :-'~:-:r,er, it is currer.tly under anotr,~:' :w:1.ersh1p. parcel S:', the northwes" corr.er ;:f Ste1l1,,; ":1d ~tevens cree'; ~·:i., 15 appnise:i at $L.O,OClO per ac:-e. parcel 52, steve~~ ::-eek Blvd. 1mmediate:'¡ east of t~e p:-;:perty owned by "l~e :1:~', r.as been appraisej at $35,000 per acre. . c. REñ:J:NG OF INVESTIGATIC:\ ?~?CR7 HE: DE AKZA, ET AL, I~FRO\~~~ PROJECT 6(,-:'. . Attorney Jones ~aid there a:-~ a few legal requ1:-e:;¡e::ts that must te satisfied before pr=:~ejlng further. Ee Rummarized this written report. In rega:-j to the notices required, there we:-e p~tests that r.ct:~es were not received. Af~i- davits ;:f mailing of notice~ ~:-e on file in the city Clerk's office. The requ1red notices were pub11shed twice in the month of March in the cupertino Courier. Affidavl~s of the re~u1red post1ng are on f1le in the C1ty Clerk's office 1ndicating that the post1ngs were within the time required. As to "no benefit to ¡'Iropcrty owners", and that "the City and seho"l district should pay for th1s project", M:'. Howarth rev1ewed the contribution formula. ~sed on front footage of the parcel and the area considered (to. depth of 450' or to the end of the property line, the lesser of the two), the CJty is participating in ~ha~ cost which is considered . to be "m:;¡re than normal impro1'ement" of any City street. -4- ~' - ~/ ~. . . . . F'oot!'.1l1 College D1str1ct 1s ~ontr1butins toward the "more thar. :~vræl" La....covements. Mr. Jones asked. t;-.rough the Cha1::" whether these benef1ts lire spread to the property ..vnf':"S. Mr. Howarth answe1'f!d in the attl1'11'&t1ve. Mr. Jones tl.en sa14 the matter 1s ready tor subm1ss1on to the C1ty C,~'JJlcll. Mr. CbaaWt asked 1f the grade on StevenD Creek Blvd. is ð01ng to be CN"P". Mr. Howarth aaid the attempt has been to keep it tbe lIt.IIe. Some port10ns 1f111 have to be changed to keep it In line with the majOr port10n. ~r Stokes aake4 If there were ar17 other cOIIIIIIentfl from the a'.J11ence. ~" were none. Move:! by CoW1C. Deçster, seconded by COW1C. Fitzgerald, to close the Public Hear1ng. AYES: NA"'4.-S: ABSD-:-: COW1C. ~pater. Fitzgerald, Johnson, stckes None Counc. Noel Motio:1. carr1ed, 4-0 II: ?..E: = :,.".-:: :~:S FOR ADOPTION A. :E:'::?Jo!INATION !JWER DIVISICN 4 OF THE STREI:.'rS A~u -::;,,-"AYS CODE, T'J PROCEED '...::::'H PROCEEDINGS FOR A:~~:SrTIONS AND I~PRO\~XE:~S. .,......- .....t Atto~ey l~troduced Res.:>lutlon l35:-1S. . 1_... - -... ~~.~.: :.:; t:> .i=::;:~ :)\.Il)c. F1tzgerald.. se~.:",jed by CO'.l::c. Resolut10n No. 13öl-;~. De~rst.er, A~-=~' (".:>anc. Dem~ster, F1t;:gt':,aid, Johnson, Stokes ~¡A 9£3: Sane A3S::\-:: '~"Junc. N'j;e: Mot10n car:'1ed, 4-CI B. ",'::':,~.J IN PRO'r~TS ON RES(LU'I'ION OF INTENTIO}; The ~~:y A~torney introduced Rt'solutlo:1. No. 1381-16. Att:;~:e:; Jones sa1d there are 30rne changes 1n the word- ing:~ the proposed Reso1'..1t10r., wh:Jch chang~s 'fiere r..:>tt'd by ,;~e C~ty C18rk. ¥~. :~~artn then went thr~ugh L r~~pr~ad of vhe assess- ments, taking 1nto account the modifications. and reading the :~st of assessments. -5- Moved by CQunc. Dempster, secor.de'd by CO'.!!'.c. Fitzgerald, to ad.:>;t Resolution He. 1381-16. AYES: NAYS: ABSENl' : Counc. Deapeter. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Stokes None Counc. Jfoel ~<. 1bt10D carriej, 4-0 r ( ~' " ~. ;...;.~ C. ORDERIHO lŒJX1\,;uOll OJ' ASSE3SM!MTS The C1ty Attorney ~roduced Reso1ut10n Ho. 1381-17. Attorney Jones noted .evera1 mcx11t1c..t10ns to be made 1n the proposed Resolution. which were duly recorded by the C1ty Cleric. '" Moved by C.:>unc. Dempster, seco:"ied by Counc. Fltzgera¡d, to ado~t Reso1ut10n No. l381-1t. AYES: C':>:IDC. De::¡~8ter, F1 tzgc :';¡, ::!. Jor.r.sc:"" 3~J~'S NAYS: ~:O:1e ABS:S:: :: 2:mc. Nc~: ~¡:~~O.~23.r:-!~:, ...- !-!ovei -:-:; ~~.:''..lr~c. De:-'~5to;er, 3e('~'~ ..i:".~ r:,· tr.a~ ::-.~ ~t0ve rr.o~~::-. te ~arr(':"e: ::" No. ~:~~-~- Instea: :~ -~ó. '- ,)".l:"'.:. : ~ .~.:. ~ - :-~ . -, read :-.es /. ~~: ,:. AlES: ~ :·~:1C. De~;:~-=e:', :1t:"~f·:~:i, ..7:':---'::3:'., --::: ,.:....3 NAYS: ::,-:",e ABSE~~: ~ :·.L"".c. ~¡-::e: ~:~1o~ ~a~~~~~ ~-~ D. :~::;;.:XJ ADO?:::!; JF EX:; :::';:. ~S3~~~~ŒNT AN: :?~E?I~3 ~~. :\Ef:::F:':'. c :~;:::-"':':j : ,;:~ ~:~...{ A~::J AC';o;:,::::-: :::...; Mc\·e_~ :~: -:·,unc. De:::~5":.er, de"-" ': ::.e<: b:; ,-'::-"':'".:. :~ t"':~-::-:i.":', to aj:;~ ~esoluti~~ ~~. l~j:-.f. AYES: NAYS: A BSEN': : :~...mc. De::¡;3'.;er, ?1tzge:'~:.l, J~ì.r,5:.., '. ...,~.j ~,me CQunc. Noe:' ~t10n carr!ed, , ,... ..-" F. JE.s:;~;A':'ING COLLECTION OFFICER The C1:y Attorney ~r.troduced Resolut10n No. 13al-19. appo1~::,~ the C1t7 Clerk as Collection Off1cer. -6- . . . . . · Move~ :y COlliIC. De~pster, s~cor.Qed by Counc. Johnson, to aj2~t Resolut1on No. 1381-19. Þ ¡;.::o ~, ~ ¡.:" ~".. ~:, !;".', ~~ AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster. Fitzgerald, Johnson. Stokes None Counc. JIoe1 Motion carried, 4-0 G. AiiARDING SAŒ OF' BONDS . The City Attorney .introduced Resolut10n No. 1381-20. awa~:'.g Series 1967-1-A contract to Taylor and Company; and Se::'1es 1967-1-B contract to Robert E. Schweser Com- pany . Moved ~y Counc. Dempster, Bèconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to aè:;~ Resolut10n No. 1381-20. · AYES: NAYS: ABSE~::- : Counc. Dempster. Fitzgerald. Johnson, Stokes None Counc. Noel Motion carried, 4-0 E. "~",~,,,,:> OF COrC?.AC'Y · The ,_.. Attorney ~::troduced Resolution No. :381-21. awa~'::;~:',;; the cont::'a::'".: to R. G. Zipse ~ving Co¡;¡pany. MO\"t?:: :.; Counc. :Je::--.j:>s-:e-:' sec0¡.je.1 by COil:-.::. .Johnson, to ~~:~: ~esolut~ç:: ~o. 1381-21. · AYE2: NAYS: ABS::~:-:-: Coune. V~~pster. Fitzgerald, JorI.so~. Stokes None Counc. ¡;~ç.' ___~ior. ~i-:ì1 ~ '. e.i, 4-C) H. :-=:-:::ì..'HNING !-2:ESS::'I'Y REQ."IRING ACQUIsr-:n!i OF LAN..':: .;:::- AUTHOR!:"'i :':2EFt EIHNENT DOMAIN PP.JCEEDINGS. Thp è::': Attorney ~:,";rcju,~ed Resolutlor. 11'::. i.3Öl-22. Move::; :": Counc. ~=.~ster. seconded by Coun~. Fitzgerald. ~o a~:=: ResoluCl~:: No. 1381-22. AYES: NAYS: ABSE~:-:- : · Counc. De=pster, Fitzgerald. Joræ.50r.. Stokes None Counc. Noel Motion cerried, 4-0 -7- Z MDCELU!ŒOOS Mayor Stoltes .- U tbe:re .. alii' ~ bwdn... to d1acuss. ~.. DOne. ' · y .&»J0UJIHIIIDrr Ji)ved b7 Couno. ~. ..oODled ~ 0&'...0. fttqe_ld. to ad,jOU1'D the ___ at 9:'5 .... l..mOv..." &...~.r: i:;¡r~"'t-tft; or CUpertIno . ~ ;::' -Bv~,a.. C1 t.,. Cleric · . -8- · -.---- . ~ .,.