CC 04-03-67 . . 10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino, Calif., 95014 Phone: 252-4505 - :¡ ',\ C 1 "l Y 0 P CUP B !! T 1 . 0 ':' ''j/~) calitom1a .'. ~:¡:,>;" ' - _ ~ ,., ., l'~: .,., "":/:' ,- ·c,.:g¡,'f, '~ii; f;/~!'.B8 OP tBB JUbu.i.IB ~.L!kt OP 'l'BB CI'l'!' Cuu~.u. - "y: ~~," ,'~.: ",' f.-..:",~ .-ACE: . .": ,--~~. ...... s.~, ~(l;"~~<:, -~r'! . ftIJB: 8:00 P.W. -------------------------~--------------------------------------- Apm 3. 1961 council CI'A.-Jv...... dtJ' all, 10300 'l\:)1"N A.... CUpertino , I SALtITB TO '1'BZ ~G II ROLL CALL · Counc. pres~: ])!.oúpøter, Fitzgerald. Jobnaon, Noel, stokes counc. absent: lfOne Statt pre8ent : City Manager. Ft111 stOl'W City Attorney, sam Anderson City Clerk, Bill RYder Director of PUblic works, prank Pinney Director of Planning. Adde Laur1n City Eng1neer, ~b Shook DIrector of IBrk8 I: Rec., John l'arham Ch1et Bu11d1ng Inspector, Bill Benev1ch Record1ng Secretary, Lois Inwards MINUTES OP THE PRYVIOUS MEBTINGS - March 20, 28, 1967 · III · Ma)'tlJ" stokes rec:r.lE!sted the Minutes ot *r~h 20th be corre~ted on JY~e 13, Item XIIi 1n addit10n to be1ng adJoU1~ed ,~ the memory of Mr. Ivan MQ'erholz, to be adJourr.~1 to the Adjourned Regular Meeting ot the City council on March 28th. MOved by counc. John8on, seconded by counc. Fitzgerald, to approve the ~tes of March 20, 1967, as corrected. MOt10n carr1ed, 5-0 MOved by ccunc. John80n, seconded bl counc. Dempster, to approve the JI1nutes ot March 28, 1961, a8 written. MOt1on carr1ed. 5-0 IV ORAL AND 'UU:!TJYI C<IOI1NICATIONS WRITTEN: · A. Letter ot .-rch 31, 1967, from Mr. J1. aa.ll request- ing reappo1Dtaent to the Arch. I: Site control committee. -1- ....., -- ..--.-. -.- -----_... -_.__._-~ B. ~ttel' of Apr1.1 3. _1967, from James A. Pro.~, asking that the BStatea a»b11 appl1cat10n 4-u-61 appeal be postponed" due to ~1Ie tact that Mr. pa~ V1111...R . rec:e1v~ no~1.c. GO APril 3rd of the appeal date and i8 DOt pre~. C. Letter ot Ja1"Cb2.&,:i967. from Mk'C. patr1c1a ØJlll1pø, appea.11ng ArCh. "te Control C01IIII1ttee dec1810n on app11cation 265-~. . JlDved 117 counc. ~ ""~. seconded 117 Counc. "'1.. to ccntime appllcat1øii ~~7" BStates MOb1J. se~~ce station 'l'1'aller Rentals" to U» next regular meet1Dg. ~ carried, 5-0 MOved by counc. JObDBoD. seconded by Counc. ~_peter: to receive and tile tile written communications. )lOtion carr1ed, 5-0 . ORAL: A. Mr. Tom Traeumer" 22284 De Anza Circle" cupert1no, said that at the last Councll meet1ng a motion was made to w~te a letter prior to the Apr11 11th Board of S¡,:perv1sors' meeting 1n protest of the Use Penu1t . for anott-.3r quar1'7 in the stevens canyon area. If pcssible" he would like a copy of this letter. Also, t::e :ouncll at that time said there was a po~ --ll1ty of :lne member of the Counc11 attend1ng the a.ard of s-;perv1sors' Meeting to speak against thJ.s Use Permit. The City *nager said Mr. Traeumer w1ll get a copy of tÌ".e letter" whJ.cb would be wr1tten the tollowing day. ~r Stokes said that e1ther he w111 attend thp A~l 11th meeting or w111 make arrangements tor one of the other CoUDC11men to do so. Mr. Traeumer offered to obtain th~ informat1on as to the approx1- mate t1llle ot the Bearing and would contact the *yor. Tt.e City Manager stated he would find out the approx- 1ma:e t1me of the Bearing and would I8ss thJ.s 1nfor- _::.on on to the Ja7Or. . v A~ REPORT OF fLo\",,' ~ CCllMISSION (See IC1nutes of arch 27. 1967) Cha1rma:l Ri.shon said he would stay through the Hear1ngs, 1n case the counc11 œ4 any specif1c ~u~3tions about the Plann1r~ ~mmisBion d1acuBs10ns. . Mayor Stokes announced that the City council 1s requ1red to hold an Adjourned RltsuJ.a..' ~eet1n.~ on Monday. J..,ril 10, in regard to tbe De Aœa LID, and suggested the Planning Collllll1ss1on hold their repJ.ar meet1ng on April 11th. -2- · · þ · þ ,., .',- 1. MAHLBr B~ JOBHSON: APplication I-v-67, var1ance tope1'll1t 368 fence on top of 16" retaining wall. 10641 Ølenv1e1f Avenue. Approved at Planning C~ 'IIHt1ng of arch Z7. 1961. Planning CO-""....~< Resolution No. 405. JlDved by ~~~,ÎIÞe1. 'seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Reso1~tUtt~. 405. AYJœ: COUDC.'J ¡of<tèr. Fitzge1'ald, Johnson, Noel, stokes lfA'!S: None ' ~IoD carried, 5-0 REPOR'l' W ~ AacJU.·l·JSIJ"l·utlAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE (See Minutes 01' "roh 23, 1967) Cba11'1118ll Fitch reported the election of the new Cha1rman and V1ce-Cha11'wan for the Architectural and Site APProval collllll1ttee was cOIIJ)leted at the last meeting. He intro- duced the new Chairman Ke1th Irwin. B. cr.alnDan Irwin reported there was a gre¡ot deal of 1nterest 1n the Speedee JIart app11cation. There was a vote to cr.ange the meet1ng nights of the Comm1ttee from second and fourth ThurSdays to second and fourth Wednesdays since this seemed to be the only even1ng that confl1cted tt.e least w1th members I other obl1gat10ns. and he hoped tr~s would meet w1th the Council's approval. CÌ".a~r::¡an Irwin sa1d the M1nutes of Mirch 23rd, regard1ng appl1cat10n 266-HC-61, for Scotty's Cleaners and Draperies, page 7, do not r.learly state that this s1gn would not ccn:'orm w:tth the new Sign orjlr.ance, and this was the reascn for Chairman Pitch's nay vote. A port10n of the S1gr. w11l extend above the ro.:>f I1ne. wh1ch 1s contrary tc the po11cy set tor that shopping center. He recom- !!:en;ied the Minutes be accepte:: "ith those comments. Mayor Stokes stated the Counc~l has enacted an urgency S1gr. Ord1nance tor inter1m, ..ntH the new S1gn Ordinance 1s er.acted. Tr.e Ch1ef Bu1:ld1ng Inspector sa1d this s1gn w111 conform w1t!: the new S1¡n Qrd1nance; however, the vert1cal plane of the s1gn 1s the reason for the obJe~t10n. He further stated that the app11cant ¡.as agreed to s1gn the wa1ver. Cr.a1nDan T.rwin said he was under the 1mpress10n that the app11cant was over the 3~ allowable s1gn 3urface 1n the~ new Sign Ord1nance. Counc. Fitzgerald asked to see the s1gn. KT. J1m cass1dy. of Pe:iera1 Sign and Signal Corp., and Mr. Ron Steward, own&r of the cleaning establishment. placed the render1ng on the bulletin board. Mr. cass1dy sa1d Mr. .stewart is prepared to sign the ~~iver, si~ce ·this is a new business location. his balld1ng 1s set back quite a way from Stevens Creek Blvd., and he reela there 1s IS def1n1te need for this expoSU1.... -3- r f·" W' ~" ~;"; t .'.' ~., ~: '. i~- ~-" ~ f<, ~": MaJOr stokes then proceeded to the Speedee Mart app1~cat1on. Mr. '1'0- Hendereon. 11186 Linda V1sta Drive, cupertino, asked that appl1catton 265-HC-67 be returned to the Arch1- tectural an4 SUe control co1llll!1ttee on the basis that it _s denied H06 øJa1:1on by that ool81ttee because the .P,reaenta~on ...'tIo~ te1t to be oom~tlb1e with the area. . , '- .i'i!Je p1aD.'.... ~:ftY1Ied to comply 1f1thttiìl1l1ahea ø- , pNssed bt ·tba øclíä~t.e. .'.On tile _18 otthe~.bove statement. it..... moved by Counc. IIJ"",tP.~e4 by Counc. 1'1'......14, to reter appl1cat1ÖA,I65<-_,. Speedee Mart, baOk to the Arch1teo- tural ~ Sltl 0Dr1~1 coD1ttee. . . ,,:-" "- .. .tlon Carr1ed, 5-0 MIJOr stokes aaked to see the s1te plana tor Shaw's ot san }l'raDc1sco &rid asked. apec1fically, about the gran1te drive- way. ArCh1tect B1 ..,ere said they are going to resurtace the ez1sttns c1rcular driveway for pedestrian traff1c only. . All the landscaping w111 be sprinklered. COur.:. Dempster asked tor details of the landscap1ng plan. Mr. "7ers sa1d they plan to put 1vy around the base of the ;¡ak trees. The tront port10n, wh1ch 1s presently d1rt, w111 be a spr1nklered lawn. The 1andscap1ng w111 encc:lpass the area around Shaw's, straw Hit, and the old house. He added t~t the old house 1s deter10rat1ng . rap1:Hy. There w111 be an exposed aggregate area behind Shaw's. There w111 be about 40' of asphalt along the front, fac1:-.g stevena creek Blvd. The plan includes three dr1,'e- ways; one 110' from the post office, one oppos1te sa1ch way, and one 400' trom the post office. The setback from the :~rb 11ne to the Shaw's build1ng 1s 55' as opposed to gafeway's 200'. Mr. ~ers sa1d th1s plan 1s in agreement w1tt that previously approved by the Arch1tectural and S1te control COIDIIdttee; the only th1ng left for approval . ..s :he landscapins. _yor Stokes stated that the Arch1tectural and S1te Con- trol collllll1ttee should look into the poss1ble requirement of c:mcrete bumpers 1n s1tuations where the parking lot 1s adjacent to the sidewalk. Mr. MYers sa1d he has 1ncluded concrete bumpers 1n h1s plan. He also stated the C1ty statf has plotted the street trees, at about 60' to 80' centers. Counc. Dempster was concerned about the continuous expanse ot an asphalt park1n¡ lot. In reprd to the Straw Hat, Counc. Dempster asked for the details of the exterior of the bu1ld1ng. ~. MYers sa~d there will be used br1ck wa1nscot1ng on tw~s1des and landscap1ng on the third s1de. The council dec1ded the 1nfol'lD&t1on that w.s required at the t1me of approval of the Straw at in December be submitted to the City council . pr10r to iuuance ot the build1ng permit. -4- ,- UPon recommendation of the Mayor, it was moved by counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to r~qul~e con- crete bumpers to be 1nstalled wher" parking iota are adjacent to sIdewalks. MOt10n carr1ed, 5-0 Moved. by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by COunc. Noel. to approve the Architectural and S1te control Minutes ot March 23, 1967; with the exc~pt1on of appl1cation 265-SC-67 (Speed.ee Mart), which was returned to the Archite~tura1 and S1te control comm1ttee; w1th the amend- ment to application 266-HC-67 (Scotty's) that the appli- cant s1gn the wa1ver; that the 1nformat10n that was required at the time of approval of the Straw Hat con- c.mIne the ~,:ilding ext~rior 1n December, 1966. be subm1tted. to the C1ty Counc1l pr10r to 1ssuance of the build1ng per:D1 t. . Motion carriea, 5-0 ~ ~. REPORT OF THE PARKS COMMISSION . 1. At the April llth meeting, the landscape arch1tect is expected to present complete working drawings for ,Wilson Park and the plan feo' the central park. 2. The five-year improvement program for all parks w1thin the city will oe presented at the regular Council meeting on April 17th. VI ?JE1IC HEARINGS . A. ANNEXATION: APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CmmGUOUS UNINHABITED TERR::':"'0RY DESIGNATED "HOC-HOC 66-1" TO THE CITY OF CUPER~:':O. ORDINANCE lIO. 354. (F1rst Read1ng) :he C1ty Clerk stated there I,d'le been no written protests. Since there were also no oral prJtests, the City Attorney adv1sed the public hearings be closed. ~veð by Counc. Noel, seconded by coune.Johnson, to close tr.a public hear1ng. AYES: Counc. Dempster. Fitzgerald, JOhnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None . Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by Cour,c. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, that the First Read1ng be by title only and the Mayor's read1ng const1tute the First Read1ng. AYES: Counc. Dempster, F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None MOtion carr1ed, 5-0 -5- ::-'*- _z 1~~ ~;t; %.~'''!be City Clerk stated there. have been no written protests. ;~~¡¡¡?'1S1nce there also 1ffte'DOoral protests, the CUI' Attorney '~(:', Vadv1sed the publJ.o ~ be closed. ·~r·~;?ved by ODunc. Noel. ~nded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to ;;~A.l' olose the public heer1a&. .'. _ .""i" þ ~" B; AHJŒIATION: APf~VlHO THE ANNEXATION OF CBR'l'AIH CON- 'l'IOUœS UNI)MaMITJIU 'rJdUUTORY DESIGNATED .I.'DIXJLN SCHOOL 66_4" 1ft) '1'BB cr1'Y OF CUrmmNO~ WW.lN6JIfCB 1tO~ 355. (1'1rat Hr.-Ai..) . , . ~. :- AYES: ODunc. DellPBter. Jitzgerald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes trAYS: ~ Motion carried, 5-0 Moved by ODunc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, that the P1rat Read1ng be by title onl,y and the Mayor's reading constitute the 1'11'11t Reading. AYES: CO::r.c. Dempeter, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes HAYS: None . MOt1on carr1ed, 5-0 c. APPLI::ATION 2-z-67: YEE ENTERPRISES - REZONING OF 1.3 ACRES PROM A RESIDBNTIAL MULTIPLE (R3-2.2*} ZONE TO GEIßWú, COMMERCIAL (CG-r:l) ZONE, LOCATED SW CORNER OF . KILLER AVENUE AND S'l'JSV~S CREEK BLVD. RECOMMmIDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU'HON NO~ 403. COUNCIL ORDINA.\'CE NO~ 357. (1'1rst Read1ng) Mr. Hans 3akke, represent1ng Yee Enterpr1ses, prese~ted the plot plan, upon request of the City council. The plann1ng Director said there does not have to be a site . plan with an application tor re;¿oning, but the Planning Commiss1on can ask tor one together with other 1nformat10n. However, one wa. presented but revised on request by the Plann1nc Director, in order to av01d truck traff1c on craft Dt'1ve, etc. The Plann1ng COIIID1ssion reque.ted the applicant 1nvest1sate further poss1b111t1es, 1ncluding ::~ac1ng the back of the building along the dra1nase ditch. In order roOt to hold up the rezon1ng, the Planning CCI!:iIII1s- s10n lIIIpo.ed a cond1 t10n that the applicant should present an acceptable s1te plan betore the build1ng perm.lt 1. issued. IIa70r Stokes ask.!d the applicant where the sarbase area would be. Mr. W,kJce said 1t would be 1n back ot the ..t.111t. c.nter and the only exposure would be to_rd the ditch, in conJwlction W1th the 20' x 20' dock. . , -6- " · C .l!. Dempster noted a ~ store on the site plan and ,- II 1t' this ls not 41reC~1T across the strset b'Oa a ;-.- school. lb1s would _ bI violatlon ot' the A1cobo11c j~ _~e Control. 1'be CUT At;torney sald there should be ;jireiDDd1tion to the rezOft1JW. it approved, that no liquor ~.801d on the propert1. iD, l18ht or the Alcoholic Beverage 'I t 1'01 taw. JIr. "RIa IrIrA a.:I iii II to take the liquor store ·'·etL the slte plan. . .lI\¡or Stokes asked for c:( ,) ... none. nts from the audience. 'l'here ~c. Dempster did not teel the çouncll should place any .-1;r1ct1ons on thls, as 1.ong as it compl1es with the laws or t;he Alcohol1c Beverage Control and the State ot ca11fornia. . ~c. Johnson questloned the effectlveness of entrance and ~t signs, sl~ce this is hard to enforce and people tend to 19nore t::e:, Rr. Bakke said it would be a hardship tJ develop th1s pro- ;erty withc~: :::e driveways on Craft ~ive. He said they ~lan to ins:a:: 2 x 4' porcelain en~T.e: signs. A gate ~~ld be ins:a::ed. but w~~ld have to :e operated, which :.. expensive, · Nayor Stokes j~es not feel people in residential areas should be s~=:ected to traffic from cc~ercial areas. Counc. :o~son agree::. :O~c. Fit:ge~:d notes :~~t a differe~: plot plan would ~ve to te s_==itted to :~e Planning ~c~T.ission before the ~lding pe~:: is issued; perhaps t~e ~0uncl1 should go ahead wit~ :~e zoning at t~~s time. . Rayor Stokes reviewed the problems: inadequate landscaping; 1nadequate :~~fic flow; commercial :~~flc through resi- ~t~al areas; a liquor store; and re a:~o wonders about ~ archite::~re of the :~lding. 0~ :~e basi~ of the above proi::e=5, Mayor Stokes said he ..as :10t prepared :0 act on the re=J~ing at th1s ~eetlng. · =cr~c. Dem;ster satd the p:ot plan, ~s presented, 1s com- p1.etel1 unac:eptable, but sugg&sted gol,~ ahead with the rezoning. ~ Plannl~~ :irector sa.d the Planr.i~g :ommission felt it ... necessar)" to impose certain conditions, otherwise there .auld be ~~stricted acceaa to reside~tial streets. If warious proi::e~ were solved, the devel.:>pment would not be ~r1menta: . 2be City Attorney read cònd1tion 14, -7- ¡;r __.4 by Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. Noel. to c:l&'.. the Pi,¡bl1c Hear1nC8. ....1 .........ft: Counc. Dempster. ftt.~~..ld. Johnsøn. Noel. Stokes lfone . Motion èaft'1ed. 5-0 ~ B1rahOn bad tbe tol1ølr1ns cOllllll8nts to make: One _-*1_ .a the tact that tile build1ng would be tacing a _ '4eDt1al area; the 6' -.a.¡¡œ<7 11&11 would solve this ..t. !bere 1a o~ one a7 ot com1ng out ot this 1\1 __lop.ent an:! that is ønto JI111er Avenue. He telt this 10Cale vaa .1us~ too ..11 tor this complex. He telt that a b'aft1c prob:e:n woul4 be pooerated by this developnent. COunc. Demps~e~ asked it there .ere alternat1ve suggest10ns. C2aj,~ R1rs~::: suaesteeS pro:'ess1(,:,.al ott'1ces. on the basis that ':~S 1s near a ~ s.:r.o,; ~ and that we have ~ta1r Ma:-lce"; ::ose by. . ~~c. De~;s";e~ ";hought this to te a u~etul p1ece of pro- ~rty. but ~.e 1f:;¡ld rather s_ so:r.et!'~ng else here tr.at -a": b~ co~,::-:::~j thl'OUSh a :1eveloµT,ent plan, rather than a aenes :~ S:4l.:: stores. JI'&¡'Or StoÌ(e3 ~:-eed w1th ~.&::-::ar-. rc.r3~.:m that the prç,perty ~. ~nade~~:e ~:~ the deve:cpce~t ~_ 'rosed. He wondered ~r a rezo~::'~ ~: th1s t~:e V~~:~ e~:o;¡rage the prop~rty ~Ar to .~:~~'3 w1th the de7E::p~E'nt. He d1d r.ot feel :~rc1a: ::~~~~ iA Just~t'l~ tere. . I I I :ounc1~&~ :::':'3':>~ sald ccccer~:a: jevelo~ent of thIs :arse s1ze :s i:Ir~ to prod~:e a l~~ of problems. He be- :':'..,ed th:s :&:-¡e plan 1I&S u::y::-r:at1e .:>n the small odd sbaped 10': ':;'..;"; ";!'.at the zo1'.1:-.. WIlS . r' r:er w1 th certain rrotect1o~ ~:r :~e R-l. ~7~C. Noe: re:"; this would ~ -::' ~ hardship on the ..cple 1n ";~.P a.~ea 1t' tt.1s ;:l&:,"~c ieve loped than 1t wrould be .:>" ";~.e property OV!'.er :~' 1 t ...-ere not. . JlbYed by Co'.,¡:::. Johnson. aec~nd.ed by ',~our.c. F1tzgerald. ~hat app11c&t1:~ 2-z-67 ~e a;~ved ~1th the 16 cor~ltions ftCommended ~¡ :~e Pl&l.n1nc ColllÛssior. and Cond1 t10n 14 }Ie amended ':: :-ead that the c1evelopIT.e~:~ plan 1a to be ...-1ttec1 to ~ ~.e C1ty Counc11 as well 'l8 the PlannIng 00IrA1aa1on. a~~ that the deftlopment plan is to show no ac~eas onto C~~ Dr1ve - 11'~as or egress. a~: Cour.c. :'mpater. P1tqerald, Johnson, Noel aD: Mayor S':~kes Mot10n carr1ed. 4-1 ¡ ì ~. . ~r Stokes S&.1.c1 this conatiÞ&tea the F1 ~st Re.d1na ot ClllrlU.nanoe Wo. 357. -8- · D. AFFI,¡CAITON 3-z-67 :SAICH BROS: - REZONING OF 100 ACRES PP.OM RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE MElJITJM DENSITY (R3-2. 7 iI a) ZONE TO PLANNED DJNEL:)aŒNT (p-re) ZONE WITH PLIJߌD INDUSTRIAL PARK (JIP) USE, 35 ACRES LOCATED EAST OP SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, NORTH OF UNIVERSITY AVBNUB, WBSl' OIl S'l'J5vBNS Flh....Y: AND 5 ACRES VEST 011' MARI AViNUI;' EAST 011' ¡:JTJ5Y1IID ~Y. RECOÞDŒHDBD B!' PLA!nam Caoo:mON RBSOLUTIO. RO. 4011. COUNCIL ORDIlWICB RO. 358. (P1rst Read1ng) Mr. Amos lQ'ausz, representing the sa1ch Brothers, PIlt a plot plan on the bullet1n board. He said 1t was their intent10n, 1t this zoning 1s approved, to create a Þ,1gh1y attract1ve 1ndustl'1al park.· s1lll1lar to Stanford Industrial Park. At the p~sent t1me, they are negot1atlng w1th two large electronics f1rms that 11111 occupy w\'11 over 5<>:' of the Park if the zon1ng 1s approved. Accflss 1s one of the major tactors of d1scuss1on. 'l'1e applicant has approached Southern F8c1fic and rece1ved ind1cat1on from the1r V1ce- Pres1de:1.t and tbe1r Tr8.tt1c Manager that if there 1s to be Incln,5trial zon1ng adjacent, the;r w111 grant cupert1no or Santa Clara County a road easement of 15' along Peninsula Avenue in order to create adequate access to the proþerty. Southern Pacific is currently surveying the pro- perty in anticipat10n of tr.is. · · Mr. Kra~sz said they do ~C~ intend to hav~ a large r-'¿mber of users on this property: three or possibly four. It is their feeling that this i~~strial park will enhance the City of cupertino. TOta: ~~provements of this property would te somewhere aro'~.1 ~e:1. ~111i~n dollars. · Mr. Kra~~z said they rAve pr~pare1 some restrictive :c.en- ants that will require ex~er.sIve landscaping and str1ct arch1tect~ral and site con~r~:. Each user would rAve to come to the city for appro.a: of their specific use. They are mair.:y thinking of ele2·.:""~!:s !'!rrns. 101:'. Ge')rge 3c:::p5 has prepa:,.d a Tentat1"e !o',!L~. · The Pla~.in~ D1rector :.a5 s·", . '.e CJ\¿n,1l copies ~~ ~.i5 memos to tr'.e Planning Co'=~,:~ ,:.r; 'In tMs applica~icr., as well s tIs memo directe:! ~~ ~r.e Council on March 31st. OUr udne~al Plan lndicat~s :~~~5trial U5e of th1s property and the resident1al proper-;y adjacent on the soutr. s~:ie, but it doesn't say how the latter area could be ccn.erte:i. Mer1ts of the project wo~:d not only be that it would w1den the tax base, but it would contribute to a balanced community, with less cO:m:l\l':.er trafnc. The Plar~lng Director does n~t think that industrial use 1tself, whether MP or stra~ght ML, will be detrimental to the adjacent residential area because uses creat1ng smoke or no1se are excluded 1n e1ther case. and screening of ~n8ightly yards can be enf~rced. However, industr1al com- muter and truck traffic is destructive to resident1al values along the acceS8 road; 1n tr.is case ev~n more than ~sual because of the narrow front yards. It 15 our duty to pro- tect established developments; t~~s was the orig1r~1 pur- pose of zoning laws. -9- ~: ,~,~ .' "L ,:2,. 'r-: ~:í ~'&. ,; . ' 11;" ¡is; ~ '., 'i( ;l: ." ,,' " ;1',rC' .;'¡~ ,'! ~' ." "'¡I':;". '. )-~~\'l:. ,';' '';':,!*-''">'''. ':k~1f ''1;l' :~;,:,,}~- , ,"'---- ........L:.:......._. 'l'he plan."ling Director cnntlnued to outline a 8cheTl)e. ..bleh has been suggested to bill. aD! which may prov1c1e a ta1r aolut10n tor all part;1e8. '!'be Qwners of prope1't7 111 tllO blocks along Pen1DaU1a .aww- shoulc1 be ottered eq1a1 area along the north aide fd 1IÞ1vers1ty Avenue, 1Dcludlnc ~v1ng or eUst1nS sL~1:wNS and just compenaatlon tor ØU'dena. '1!I1s w0uJ4 ,lea.. ,tile developer wltb . strip ot IBM which ls_unusab1.1'ar:tJ¡e mment, but mat ¡ro1leb17 would be niided rar tile ~ when the ent1l'e Pk-v_.. L, 111 developotd. Ir œf!MWC Sa done to protect t;he proø-t, owners. the Plann1r.. Dl.ftlCtGr tMtUeves the ftlue ot tL T' 1'8åldent1al prope1"tS....1d deteriorate, the lob ~"" cheaply tor specula~1oD ~n.. aold dearly to . ta- aubs1d1zed redevelo.. ..t ..~~. . 'l'he j>lann1ng Director rec:_M.nded strengthen1nS ot the Plat1~l1ng comm1ss10n's RdOlu1:1on by reword1nC Condit1on 161 .~í'1c1ent phys1cal. v1aUa1 anc1 aud1tive IIcreen1Ds bet5Mft on one s1de res1dent1al lots and on the other s!de tbt' industrial area and the acceas road to this area ~t be ensured before any use perwlt w1th1n the area be ~ted.· He added t.hat 1t Is not tair to a developer to 1IIpoae major restrictive condit1ons at thp. Use PermIt stage; to do so we-..;:j mean to f1rst increase .he land price è7 the rezon1ng and then take tack ¡:art of the :'ncrealle. . ·l'he five a;:res east of the freeway are a problem area, very exposed from the freeway. The Plann1ng D1rect~r rAB wr1 tten a .;oeparate1::e::)O to tr.e PlannIng comm1ssIor. :.:: regard t:: these f1ve acres. Ee has tal~ed w1th sc~e ~~ the propt,:'':y owners aOO:.t t:-.111 also. A reg10nal ~ff:':e for some :arge compar.y ::.igr.t ::e su1taè:e here; or perrApII a reDear;:~ laboratory or a c14ster apartment comp::'ex. Rezon1~g t~ese five acres r~w w~uld pre:~d1ce the ~~~~:.~ of e1ght ajJacent acres. He suggestea leav1r.g o~t trA t1ve acres from the rezcr.ir~ at thIs time. !)Jring t::e publ1c hear.r.gs. 1': .....;3 trc'.ò&ht OlAt trAt tr.1s developme~t would create core ':r~~fIc. EVen w1th the p:'eser..: ::'esident1al zon1.:'.g, ~=~tt1ng ever 2O,COC peçp:. in CUperti~o west of Stever..! freeway, now contemplated traff1c fac111t1es would be ::.dequate. The 1nterchan&e betweer. Stevens Freeway and Stevens creek Blvd. should be of a two-loop desIgn, the same as J'Ur:ipero Serm Freeny's Interchanges with volfe Road and l'Ooth111 Blvd. Elttensi\'e left-turn tacllj t1es would b. needed at the intersection with Butb ~-ter.1nsula Aven~e, etc. The Planning Director concluded that this w0\11c1 be tNe in ~' eve~t, whether the 1nduatr1al rezon1nca were ~te<1 or not. Cha1rmar. HIrshon said it wa. essential tor the applicant to come up with an acceptable plar. for accedS. A Use Pera1t 1s requi::-ed for en1'7 .sevlilo...nt 1n thill area; tor that. reason, t~e Plann1nl CO ia~lon telt it advisable to 10 ahead with the rezonina. . . . -10- ._-- · · · · · , ';,.....'.". , ,..~. . < " .'":. '~t¥ ':~: . ".:.~ ." :~ ,,' - "'!I'!. '! ...~ ::: .:,~, '~~ ,,;f ." k .,¡ , ~ .; """. ~t.~,<,;~- :}- ' _':J.;;.;...... "., ... xra~z sa1d, in n_~>'ð to the access road, that tbe peak hour t~~~c generated .,. uses contemplated by h1Ia wou1.d be 100 a..'"';; from one 1O-ecre lot. plus 2~5 caI'6 t'roa the . ~1n~r~ 25 acres) f'ar ~B than ';reated by a resj,dent1.al eo1lllllUll1-J 1I1.th the B8JIe area. , KI'. xra~I sa1d the)' 1dll aJœ every~ffort to get a 1'&1.1 aer to:'" -:::e one port1oa of the property adjoin1.ng the %'Sllroa~. :''''' LE:é&gue c4 )lalU'orn1a C1t1es Standards ~or J.ndustr"...a.: 8t.:-e.-.ts 1i1.ll be _to JIr. Br"::': ¡¡enn1ger. 10298 ann Dr1ve. Menta V1sta, a re- search ,,-,-;: :ievelopment ~"",er w1th Fa1rch11d Industries, sald his :a::k yard overl.ooJœ this property and the proposed 1'811:'0&:: ~~r would not const1tute a pleasant v1ew f'ro. his ho::..:. Ee did not bel1.eve pr1vate homes should be con- demned ~=:: :ity proflt. 'r.11s property 1s landlocked. EVen i: 3:_:~ern pac1f'ic 5e::~ this land to the developer, the Ci::;- 11:':'':' have to:1:; ~:-£ : ~ndemn1ng. He sa1d ";r.at even tt~ ~a:: Highway ~~si~:1. was considerate e~:;'~, ";~ re-ro..t; :~= ~reewey tc ~-;ect these r.omes. He asked ~~ it wo..':'~ :; ~.:>rally r~";, e.en though it is econc~ca::J f"easlt:.;! :.; .:reate t.:-,·c ~,,::i:;.strlal park. He wonde~ed about :~: :=~: of ex";e,~~~ ~~blic utilities to tr~s area. He as"-=-~ :':' a :Jew Aasess-...e,."; :;;lstrict would be for::e:i t:. help s~~:::::= this a~-a. ä~:¡ a comtir.ation ra11~a~- truck::'.f :::;" t;¡S~ne55 ~_ :':'.-::0 the prope:,ty along -:::-.<:: ra11r:a:: ::=.:;';S? Wi':': iO'" :-..a·,·e another "Coleman Av,::,::.e- here'! J'.r. We:-:.:..~-=~: ~:ated :~.~ ::..::_.2.:.:""':'al cc~plex here 'ft::;.__= ~~ danger:_~ ~~~~a';'5e tr.€:::-~ ~S' :..:-.:y one ac.:ess planne:i. .~4i~ about :"'::"-: :::5"..lranCe :'a:-e~ '!':.-:- everyor¡è ~n the a:"'ea~ As to :'-.: ::-a:'~ic pr::.c:e-::. !J::'. ',¡enn1ge, felt the :i~a=c:'.::' overpa~~ >oa~ 1nadequa-:e. ~ ...:,.za Junior college w~:: te creatl'-i ::'S:'~ic. Per.:ane~~e tr....cks will come stra~g::"; :Sown St\F::-.S creek :e:..-:1. ~:; ::~g:."'''y 8'5. He also referre:i to the :~::':':~'.les rezcr'-¡¡; p=':.?:.~a: of ~xtending a..-c·c r.:.a:i, wr.1ch o=_:~ a:80 genera':e :::;~~ ':'affie congest1on :~ Steve~~ :=-==" Blvd. Be sa:'::' .- '" :~S i~q..ired, and ~'z,:is are not .,.--s:':'able for 1r:'::e,.::,,.: .3tev~r.5 creek Blvd. ";:-.r:r.lgr. Monta '.~::a. With tr,e ,::'&f:::. congestion on Steve:-.5 Creek Blvd., ::=-= ::"J,cks w:.'..:.:: ce ~.-.able tc reach mar~ ¡-~::¡es ~~ there 0;:--= a~ emerge~c7. Mr. We~:-~;~ ffiade the fC:::;1rlr~ suggestions: 1. C¡~st~=~:' town ho~e ~evelopment, where there w~uld be :::~:~erable peL( trarf1c, but not as bad as 1~du8- triA: ::-afflc, and LC problems created by ra11rcad access. The apa,¡-L_t.t.a in back of Qemco are not h1s idea ::' a good develtl¡Bent. He asked what happened _ to" ttþ *son:-cBnterpr1Sea town house' proposal for this prope=:)' . 2. C.OILdIe..-:lal V.be, rerr..er1D6 I!alestax. The l!JDpo:-i¡¡m rece~:~ rroke growd tor.. new store 1n Almaden ~!" :.. n1ce ~ident1al area. There would st111 be a tratf'1c prot::e!II, but no rallroad user. -ll- " ' y,' '~ , 4,.· _. l! ~ ~~ ,.."",. . .,t..'".," c is ~ 1DOst Impo...~ CQII81derat10n here. Be urged Nzon1!:g ~ denied 1IIII:U atewenø Fre".,. and the ex- n or ~:b Road and _ _ ... ·creek Blvd. 1s widened t;be r..~..-:s overpaaø ~4'" Ø)nta V1.sta to ease tbe c c~1on, and _'n UIe tratt1c patterns beco.e ahed L~er the or-'.. or the college and the over- . ........> ''¡;'-'\;" . ~'" . ~~',,::.. '~.". Stokes ~t wanted t;o e1arJ.t7 a ",-v1ola speaker· <" ;,' >, ._- . te'lf points mda b7 ~L '!here 15 :J: proposa1 uat; t;he City condemn any hoIB'!s. .. AIIses~-: Distr1cts are pa1d directly by the property aerved . 3. '!he Ro::-" -g'.;.ez rezon1Dg laa not been before the COlD'lci1 78t. 1Ir. Bober': ~ :fer TOorren" 23]. Old Ac!obe Road, Los Gatos, . ~~ess10r¿: ;:ann1ng cocar-l~" congrat~lated the C1ty on tbe1r f'ol'lla=-=--::-.1nk1ng p1"~'!T1g Director. He charged that ...1; JIt'. ~.;.~:: calls a v..;-acre ¡arcel i:s 1n real1ty two parcels. 7ë.; ~ive acres sbcr.¡id not be disc:::ssed along with 'Ud..s appH:~:::~ because ";2"; area has a different chara::- ~" no1se :;.;:, traffic pa";tern, etc. If we are talki~~ .~t tax ::-æ.~; -:!':en we are ="; ta1k1ng abc~t plann1ng. ~T1g 1s 11.-¿: -:~e land ca:: be :;sed for, safely, and t:; . ~ advan-:a.~; ::' cupert1~..c. ~ isolated property has ~icu1ti~!. :'';'': we are ="; talil:1ng abo:.:.': a hardship c&M here :;:£_3e he felt a.:!eq-.-te compe~sation was g1ve~ '" the Sta-:; "_-.e~ the t'r"~IIoI&T land 'll&S purchased. we abaa.ld be :.:: ~..: hurry to :!eve1:lp this property. Mr. ·.rar. Oer 'l'Oorre~ !.£i:i he 1nves";ipted the a¡:artoent and R-l ; tT1g. ~.e ,;,e¡ 11es in ";be ___ter plan in wh1ch 1ndas- ~ ~ave::~~t 1s propc~ ~or the Monta V1.sta _rea. . ~ _kes ~~.£::c1ng d1t~1:~ t t'::.r an a¡:artment complex ~. He! i'i!5ted tha~ ;¡er!:ape a commercial use would be 8QOd he::'!. :hances are, 1~ we are not very careful, 'tb1a 11111 ~~ ::!-:r1mental ";.ç ~!:.e :o11ege. With careful 7'1....1118. '::',,! a:-ea can be &I: asaet. Traff1c and f1re are problems¡ ~:.e ~:-eeway has :~~ed. a proble!!!. He does art think '::'..i! :-.ardsh1p S::C~ be ¡assed on to the people 1IdID li ve ~. ':::.! area. _. van de:' :':..:rren said a tranj,c count 1s about the 8&oe ftar this L~.;.!-::,1al use a.:x! ~or res1dent1al U!5e¡ but the ~cter c;~ :::e traftj,c 18 dUt'erent. TrUck traffic a.nd .........tr1al ::-:mr...ter trattl¡: are qu1.te d1fferent from _ '''ent1a: ':~f1c. Be~OT'e approval is g1ven to this ___sa1. toe said the con-n sbould cons1der heavy acreen- ~ aDd per!s;:s w1denins or t;bp road. With the 15' ob- -~-IS trolt S:'.;.:hern I'acU1c" _ would have thundering t::aftlc r1~': =ext to two blooD ot relS1dences. He asked . -- L the riTe a::res east or tbe t'ree'll&7 be removed rro. .- ,. appl1ca:i:n and that tbe acees. to the balance ot .... property :e very carat'aJ.J-7 reviewed. -12- -,-~.._~......&..~...._-- ,. --..--.---....-- -----~- · · It · · ~ *yor stOY)B aeked ... van I'ler ToOrrf:ð if he 1s a paid employee of the PIødDIn11a Regional Arts counc11. Mr. ,,-an der TOorren lIA14~t he 1s. Moved by counc. D y1;ar. s,.Jconded by COunc. Roel, to close the pUblic JIeAr1Dg8. . AYES: NAYS: counc. ~. F1tzgerald, JOhnson. Roe1. stokes It)ne JþtJ.œ1 carr1ed, 5-0 Counc. ~el aeked 11" t:he submitted ""'ntative laP ccntonaa w1th the rezoning application. The araawer _s negt.tlve. Counc. Fitzgerald t'elt the five ac1'6:'" ehould be included beca-.use this use 1IOUJ.d be compatible wtth the City's corporat1,on yard wMch 1s located 1n this area. A. '0, there Is a t1ve-acre E1n1mum let s1ze required for che proposed ~p use. The ?:Ann1ng Director sa1d he does approve, In l~eneI-al, the I1gh~ 1ndustria1 park bec:".use we have enough controls 01. It, except that the access and screen1ng problema rema1n unsoh'ed. AS to the tratt1c, the l)1rector ot PUbl1c Works stated the probl~ !:as b\lp.n solved. He said the present 40' ~":.;.nty roadway 1..s inadequate. The addit10nal 15' allo""9 us to have three mov1ng and one park1ng lane. Th1s 1s m:.:-.1:nal, but wou1~ be adequate for the I1ght 1ndustr1al use ¡:::-cposed. He quest10ned whetl:er Southern Pac1f1c would grant th1s 15' easement if the property were developed resident1al 1n nature. In answer to the Mayor's quest10n, the Director ot PUblIc Works sa1d the traft1c 1s under County traff1c control. Counc. Dempster ..s ~ favor of the rezoning tor the fol- 10w1:-.g reasons: 1. 7i:e plltnned 1,;8e is better tr.an the current zon1ng. 2. He 1s 1n ta"'or o~ the ent1r.? parcel be1ng rezoned ~ecause othel'"W1ae this would have to be sent back through th.; p'.~!!'\g commiss10n. 3. Mr. Wenniger has certa1n qualif1ed fears ot th1s pro- posal, but there will have to be proper butft:r1ng. Th1s can be ÞAnrl1 ed like the ',Jallco Park per1meter buttering. 4. The trattic can be c.:lntrolled. Counc. Johnson a&rJJad wIth the Plann1ng Director 1n that the 35 and 5 acre. ....... totally separate. '!'be 5 acres .H"8 g01ng to be 010.. to a quality resIdential area. He asked how .e could pat an industrial park in there. If the citizens in &-·~'II',,_le are concerned l'I01I about resi- ðent'.:í.l trattic 00-.... over an extens10n ot Mary Avenue, how will they te.l 11" It is truck ¡¡rattic, It was his tee11n8 that I!' th1a 18 appro\'ed, we .111 never have s chance ot gett1Dc Ja1'7 Avenue extended. -13- ::... .~ . > ¡ t' , COunc. Johnson telt th'J min1mum standards that are now proposed aft: completelJ' inadequate. He te1t the traffic in the entire area should be tÞoroughl7 studied. He is in favor ot the rezon1ng of the 35 acres. but not u.."1ti¡ tile tratti~ tactor 18 solved. *7or Stoket~ &1so tdt the 5 acres are a sep',_ _ 1;e entity; .m counc. Juz,on1a þ)int on the IIL1'7 Avenue situat10n is well taken. Jilt believed the corporation yard could be mved. ani! has al~ tel~ that -7. ever aince it _s pit there. '1!Je whole area IllU8t be studied. Brtelt so_hat at a 10.. at the apparent satistaction ot the COunc1l to thia rezonir.g at this time. Jilt te1t a comp1et~ st\1d7 of the entIre at'ea 1s needed tt) establ1sh what the 1mpact the rezoning would Mve or. the .rea. COunc. IJempster nated that one ot the cond1t10ns that the Planning COmm1ss1on asked for 1s that adequate access must be prov1ded. Mayer Stokes does not feel the access problem has been solved. Counc. :ohn8on sa1d the developer . rheuld she. oow he 1s going to get 1n and out of this property. He alsv telt tne C1ty must come up w1th a plan to handle all the traff1c from the Colleg~, the large aud1tor1um, the 1ndustr1al property, etc., when it gets onto Stevena creek Blvd. Counc. Fitzgeral:1 sa1d there 1s no alternat1ve to the proposed access. The ~lrector of Publ1c Works sa1d the solution offered by the developer 1s about the best. ~less the Counc1l cheoses to follow . the Planning Director's suggestion of v~rchas1ng the lots along Pen1nsula Avenue. Counc. Noel 1s concerned about County cooperat10n here. . ç. ~' Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Mayor Stokes, that øpplicat10n 3-z-67 be put over for at least two weeks for further study ot the tratf1c s1tuat10n by the developer and the statt, and . apl1t of the 40 acres 1nto 35 and 5 to be made by the ."pl1cant. . Amendment mad~ to the motion ~y CGunc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. ~tzgerald, that a np.w legal descript10n be submitted to the C1ty Council for the 35 acres and the 5 acres east ot the treeway ~.o be sent back to the Plann1ng Commiss10n. to be cons1dered separately from th1s application. The City Attorney advised the applicat10n be r~ferred back to the Plann1ng Comn1ss10n 1n its ent1rety for rev1ew and report. COunl!. Johnson asked 1f the appl1cant I s acqu1escence 1s needed on t~~s. He would also l1ke more data on the tratfic situation. Mayor Stokes asked for more 1nformation trom the D1v1s10n ~\t H1pays about this diamond interchange; whether or noi; the State has had any change 1n the1r think1ng. Counc. Fitzgerald said the SCt1tYt hahoS a¡watYs bteen din ravor or a cl~verleaf, but the . a a c se 0 pu a 1amond 1nterchange herp. -14- . r ,..,...".. · .. .. , , VOte on the amendment: AYES: Counc. Dempster, F~tzgerald, Johnson, NOel, Stokes NAYS: None lllendment i:a1'1'1ed, 5-0 Vbte on the mOtion: ,"., ',':. I» AYES: counc..v.-peter, John8on, "'1, Stokes RAYS: counc,,· JP1tsgerald .. JlØt10n carr1ed, 4-1 . ~ , Mayor stokes called for a recess at 10:30 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:50 P.M. . E. APPEAL: CBOClŒR'S MOBIL SERVICB: APPLICATION 1-n-67 FOR A USB ruvu. T TO CONOOCT TRAILER Rmfl'1 LS AS ì'ART OF SERVICE STATION OPERATIONS AT NIl CORN';":< OF HOKI'.STUD ROI\D AND SARATOGA-StJmF-VALE ROAD~ DENhJ BY PLA~NINI) COMMISSION AT THEIR RÐJULAR MEETING MARCH 13. 1967. · ~. Dwight crocker, Home5~ead Road and saratoga-S~va_~ R~aj, Ct¡pert1no, submitted a petit10n with 132 signat'còres c~ pevple who s~pport hi~ :railer re~tal service ir. e-,,;, p-art lno. :'C"..:.-:.:. Dempster asked if ::-.c applIcant; Wc.Új ¡;e agair..3~ p".:tlng th1s over 'J.r.til ~::t! other appl1cant ~~ able to te p:'esent, unless tr~s woul~ be toe much c~ an lr.conver.ie~.:e ~C:' him. Mr. Crocker sali ~~.t, altho~gh it joes pres~r.t a~, 1r.ccllvenie::.ce to him, :-e 'liaa ...tlllr.g tc c~operate. . Xc';ej by Counc. Dempster, se~cl~jed by ç'o'còr.c. Noel, to ~a:le applicat10n l-u-67 :J t~e r~~t re&~lar ~eetl~g. AYES: Gounc. Decpster, F~t=~t.!·b- i, ::.r_~s,:>:"'., ~e:, St:),(tS ~;AYS: None Motior. ~a~~~el, )-0 Cc'~nc. Jolmsor. felt the :,c.;:-.Jll 9houl:1 jefinl~ely r.ear ~=th applicat10ns l-U-6ì a~d 4-u-67 at ~he r.~~t meettr~, w:~h no more cont1nuan-:ea. The s:;aff .a8 lnstru=ted to P',;: both appl1cat1ons first on the ager.:1a for the April 17 t::eeting. · F. APPEAL: ESTATES MOBIL SERVICE - AFPLICA!"!ON 4-U-67 FOR A USE PERMIT TO CONDUC. TRAILER RENTALS A) PART OF SERVICE STATION OPERATIONS AT SW CORNER 0:' STEVENS CREEK BLVD~ AND WOLFE ROAD~ DIIHIBD BY PLA~NO COMMISSION AT THEIR REGULAR MEEl'ING. JIII.ARt.H 13, 1967. T~1s applicat10n has been tabled. -15- , . ¡, . v.c: ORDI~ES AND RESOLtJi'":ONS POR ADOPrION 'l'he C1ty Attornq introduced ()rd1.nance NO. 359. An Orcu.- D8DCe ot the C1t7 o? Qlpert1Do ~et"1ng StOP Signa to be PUced at the IJtte1'HC1:10D or Terrace DI'1ve aM Jalc,s Wl'dea Dr'1ve. nbll1tthJc th1a tor the F1rst Read1¡1g. '. ':, ' ' ~.~..".,: JI)'tId bJ', CCNDC. .Jo...--.~, lIecondeclJII c»unc. lIDel, .'., ,tÞ.at the ctt7 ~t. ree:Unc constitute tl'.e ftrIIt "', 1tr f "1Y\1 ot or4t-e·]IØ. 359. ~ ' .\ · ~I CQomc. ilL. Ita'. I'1taprald. J'obnaon, Noel. Stokes aDI ~ .t1GÞ carr1ecS, 5-0 VJD PA1IJI) m"' T,'Ii A~ Relo::.-.t1ou -.,. 1"1 and 1..42. Reso1ut:';,. JIo. 1"1 .11 reed by :,,:,easurer Dempster. Moved t;. ::'.;nc. JOhnaun. lIeconded ty Counc. Noel, to adopt Re!:::.-.~1on lb. 1441. . AYES: HAYS: . ~ ...... . --..... Dempster, F1tzgera:j, J~rnson, NOel, Stokes ~~~.e MÞt1c~ :.rrl~d, ~- · Re301~~~;~ ~. 1442 was ~eaj ty :~eas~rer Dempster. MÞved =~ :~·~c. NOel. 5econ~ej ty ...~~~. Fttzgera11, ~o a40pt Re3;:~t1or. He. :....2. AYES: HAYS: "'- ...... ..... .;,....... ~pstQr, P1tzgera_~. Jcr~scn. NOel, Stokes ~;".e Mot10n :arrie1, ~-~ . upon re;;::endat1on of the May .' ~: was moved by Ccunc. Jobnac~, se:onded by Mayer Stv~~~, t~~~ the counc11 ~se a local '::-r....e:' apnt from r.ow ;..r.. c;;;,¡¡-..:. ~::..ster 1I&1d ,;:~cr. case 3~,; ~:j stltr:d on j ts own .erIts. ~ noted there are ~ny ~~t~at1~~s where th1s ID1ght :-.;: ::f' proper. AYES: :;.:.:. Jotn'1110n, Noel,· Stoìr.es HAYS: C'.:.:.::. D!iIllPflcer,P1tzgera"j Mot~~n carr1ed, ;-2 DC REPORT C? OFFICERS A. REP'JR: OF CI1'Y T~l.ASUR¡m -- Nothing further to report. · -16- It B. REPORT OF CITY MANAGER 1. The City ."'-ger 1ntroduced Resolution 1443. a Resolution or Intention, req,u1recS b;y the State in regard to the City staffls adoption ot a retire- ment Jh"QpoaII. Moved b;y counc. )Þ,l. seconded by counc. ntzpra1d, to adopt Resolution )1.0. 1443. AYES: COunc. J)emp8ter. Fitzgerald. JohnSon. Bi)e1. Stokes HAYS: ,8)ne Motion carr1ed, 5-0 2. The City .nager co~nted on the recent carnival 1n cupertino wh1ch was not tor the benetit of .:-4 service organ1zat;10n. He said the;y had no s8ni- tary taci11ti~s. they annoy~ nearb;y bus1n~55es. and there were four 1ntox1cated roustabouts there. - . The C1ty Manager sugg~sted the Junior Chamber and the Little League be g1ven the opportunity to have their scheduled carnivals this year, but that all future carn1va1s 1n Cupertino be cancelled, in light of what has recently happer.ad. . Counc. Dempster felt each applicat10n should be bro'\ght '.1p before the C1ty ccunc11 for individual approval. He felt these pr~blems could be allev1ated w1thout blanket refusal. COUT-c. Noel and Johnson agreed. Moved ty Counc. Johr.son, ~econded by ~ounc. Noel. that the counci: come up w1th a list of controls, such as sanitary fac1:1t1es, for the fut;ure pol1c1ng of carn1vals 1n Gupe:'t 1no. . Counc. Noel th~~ asked who would pclice these controls. It was felt the C1ty Manager could set up th1s l1st and 1mpreas 1t upcn any future carnival cpel·at.ùI·~. Mot10n carrle.1, ?-O C. REPORT OF DIREC'I0R OF PUBLIC WORKS _. Recent rR1ns have delayed the pav1ng, but work on the ut1lities is progressing on the Stevens creek Blvd. program. 2. \ie have reco1ved a letter from the ale:-.n palls people reque~t1r.g furthe~ informattQn. . -17- D. REPORT OP CI'l'Y ENGINEER . 1. )i)_stead Road. dedicat10ns of roadway 1n con- junction with the PAS project. 1JI Cm NC_l Indat10n ot the City J!)'1S1neer. it 1II&S IDOVed by COUDO. IIlrpeter. seconded by COunc. P1tzgerald, to adopt auo1ut1oD 1438. '!be C1t7 AttornQ' adviaed the follow1ng condition ahould be ~ to Rlt801ut1oDa 1438, 1439 and 1.liOl -ns tbe event that tedera1 funda are not ade available tor tu a 1I8tead ROad widening or it, tor aJJ7 reason, the City don DOt bes1n ~onatruction ot the widening ot }l:)meatead Road with1n one year trom date ot recordation ot the above d..cr1bed dedication. the C1 ty shall, upon 30 days' written not~c. :'roll the property owner, reconvey to the property owner td3 same property described above." M;)tlon amended by COunC'. Fitzgerald. seconded by Counc. Noel, . to include the C1ty Attorne~'s recommended c~ause to Resolution 1438. . ¡ ,", ¡"",." !~ :¡ vet. on the amendment: AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, stokes NAYS: None Mot~on carr~ej, 5-0 . vote on the motion: AYES: Counc. Dempa'.;er, Fitzgerald, Joh~30n, Noel, Stoke& NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 ¡.¡oved by Counc. :>empster, seccnj,,'j by Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolution 1439, includ1ng the c:"8.'13e suggested by the . City Attorney. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fltzg~~a~j, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion carried, 5-0 MOved by Counc. Dempùter, seC'onded by Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolut10n 1440, including ~he clause 3uggested by the C1ty Attorney. Motion carr1ed, 5-0 2. Tract No. 4104. Montebello, Vn~t #2, columbus Drive near B.1bb Road. Upon recommendation ::If the c~t,;¡ Engineer, it was moved by . Counc. Dempater. secorA~d by Counc. Noel, to adopt Resolut10n NO. 1436. AYES: counc. ~mpster. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, stokes NAYS: None MOtIon carried, 5-0 -18- . . . . H 3. Tract 110. 4267. ste1l1ng FRrk, unit No.2, oardena Drive.eat or Ste1l1ng Road. uPOn rec~"Uc>n,ot the C1tJ' J!n81IIeer, 1t .s .eved b7 counc. DeltPllter, .econded 117 counc. Jl)el. to adopt Resolut1on 8). "31." AYES: couíiè:. fJl',¡'¡t.r, lP1tzgeJ'Bld. o1'ohnllOn, "'1. Stok.s RAYS: J«me.' "';';W~ [. f<.., on carr1ed, 5-0 E: REPOR'l' OJ' ,C1ft A'1"l'ORRBf 1. Fer . tile CQUDcll'. cUNction, the C1 t7 Attol'D87 hu prep 1"8IÌ Resolution No. 1-35, the .solution in memo1'7 or JIf'. Ivan Meyerholz. lit read it in ita ent1ret)". F. REPORT OF BUIImNO INSPECTOR 1. The Bu.1ldlng Department has 1ssued the bulldlng per.n1t tor the $960,000 vallco FRrk ShoPping center. 2. The B11ld1ng Department has 1ssued tne bu1ld1ng permit for tt.e nO-unit apartment house in the valley Green complex. H. REPORT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR -- Nothing further to reper:. G. REPORT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR The Director rev1ewed the forthcom1ng programs: t1ny tot recreat1~n, straw ~raft class, s:1~-trim class, a talent show sche~uled f0r April 28, a f1tness-track- ani-f1eld class, :4aY DaY a~tivities, and a Mothers' Jay breaktast to be he:j ,,~ S&t'.1rday, ~y 14th. I. RhPORT OF CITY CLERK-FINANCE DIRECTO? J.. In regard t) surplus funds and time :lepes1ts, the C1ty Clerk stated he has receiveè ider.tical b1ds f~m three banks and the fourth tar.k dec11ned a bid. Cour.c. Dempster sug~ested delaying ac~ion on th1s because there m1ght be a change in interest rated by the time th1s money is ava11able. In further discussions, the council felt that 1nterest rates might become lower. -19- . Jl:)ved b7 COunc. D lpeter, seconded by Counc. J'oJmaon, to 41Y14e the IIODq -.. '« UIe three banks that .~tted .H'.'.'!';"''I! ~te. 11'.1 tile --r..a:ih .... !,orthe t1.me per10ds .. 1'eçØ1D- .' .^' 'II Ih( '" &be I" --...... »f þ.t;or. ..,,_ _ .' <,,, 'it . "","",,", ..,. -" .,' .",-. " ....~....,'.:~'~...'.~...... ~At18t C\¡-.-. I ',·ì},tao,.. .....J'J:.... __raId. Johnson. ~. Stokes . , ..., --- . ~.t~.:i~i::.:::..._. '. .' . .' ",. .' .....~ 5-0 ~{~"i~ ~~~-:s~·tai~t~:~~A:~ ~blr!'. "tJí 'II II IlteII. "":;, . 2. !be C1tJ' œ.øc ..sd that Resolut10n 1'3'.. .hich .as .....,¡ ..~ BrCh 2Qth, _s p.¡bl1s!'-.iI C01Te::tly, but theN 18 iii: ~sraph1cal error on the Resolut1oD. 1dd.ch should be corrected. !iÞved b7 counc. De.peter, seccnded by COunc. P1tzgerald, . to correct Resolution 1-31. ~~lon carr1ed, 5-0 3. ~e Wilson, Jor>e~, Morton and ~.0(1 aff1dav1 t of sa:e of l~pr~v~t ~onds, noti~ t1me and dAte ~~ sale. vas ~troduced by the City c:erk. 41 1: UNF'INISh~ i3USINESS t A. PARR:':;:; HOUSE - :-::S:'CR:::AL AD HOC COMMI:-:'EE Mayor St~"es stated he ~AS ~ot c~mpleted his se:ectior. of this co=: ::ee. . :9. PROPOSE:> QUARRY ON S7E".~S l' ~ WON AREA This was :aken care of ~~e::' Oral Commun1catlor.s. c. PROCÜo.'(ATION Per the re~~est ot tÌ"~ ~~pertino School Distrlc~, 1t was mnved by :~~c. De~pa~er, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, that th~ week ot Apr1l 24-28 be procla1med "cal1forn1a Pub11c SC~~C18 Week.- Mot10n cab'led, 5-0 . -20- · · · · I ;¡;;"::~'i;~ /, , ~~,'~;."... . , ~f;;~ )Ji~?;:::' ':~..;..,:O:' ~¡..., .¡~ <; f,ß.; .~:~ '1. D. SPE..--:"C COMMITTBB ~- ATION . . "\ .yor S-;:JF:eS said ,be.., .'.,JIþ, .k.. ed Mr. Pë.ul F1.nch, JIr. Bernard 1'ILu1sen, JEr'. sam,rA9t,~\.. Herb Bev1n, And ... arœra W'lstrœ t~ be on. t".:'~. '. _".. ee to study the _tter ò~ payment ~ CUpert1DQ,~~c:\lme.., as a result or the d1scuaa1~ at the; ~ra)~gJ'es~ for commun1t7 .Ac~on. .}~":. ':·;:{{}\:'i~:··~: .¡ J(Ov:d by .:ÞW1c. ~#.q.'. ~...~. ',:.'.... :.'. ~.:~~ed by CC\.i.Ilc. IF1 tzgera1d. to approve ~ abov'~ ...,. ", t8. Jtjf1oá' ~led, 5-0 D G; HAK:::JiG OF CITY ~ Counc. :;)e Ip6ter 1s in f'a""'.... of naming parks after people who ha.e served the c. ..., ty; t). g., ¡van Meyerholz. He feels t:-~ ;arks ,,111 get enough use and become well known and tr.~E ~~lly located, so geograpr.ical names ~~:: not be neceSU=7 . Counc. ::~:.~~n agreed. ~~~ there are 50 many wor~~ ~nd~v1duals that :: .:~:j be very =~~:1cult to je~ide who to ~~~cse. Counc. ~::~~ agreed w1t!:. ~be Courier recommenda~~c:-. of "P1one~::- ~crial Pari!:.· JIIIlyor St;:"es does not f~: parks shoul~ :~ ~Å~ed after ~pert1no pic~eel's; th1s ~ç~~~ty ex1sts ::~y because c~ ~== space age. Counc. ?i~zgerald felt ::-,~ ~..="::e5 of tr.e ¡:a~~L3 shol:Li ::ave some re::'a:~::.:-. -:0 the ne:~,-::'::,~.ood. The Re:~~~::~n Dl:'ecto:'" =~bm1tted a :i~t of rß~es ~'~ested some ::=~ :;;;; by Cup~:-;~~~ citlze:::õ. "De A:-.::a :s:'k" and ,. ~=::.e<!r park" we:'è rejected t-e~a'~s~ these names :-.a' ~ :een used :"'!!;¡ea-:edly 1:: areas nearty. Moved -~: ~: ~~C. Jot.n.sc:".. -== name ':".:= ~entral par~ "~~r.eer park" a~: ::-Bt addi~lo:'".a: s~gg~s' ~;;~:õ along tr.e :~_e5 ~~yor ~tokes i.:-.: :':'..lnc. pr tzge:a:'d 8ugl;c;~tej ~e consije:'"'e:! f~r the o::-_~=- ;a:-~s. !'~~~c::. :1ed fo¡~ la('k of a sec~r'=. Chair-..A~ ::'.:::nls s'-lgges~~ "Font I'a:-k", and COt:l!::. ?a:>sons sa1d t!:= :":5~vrical SG:le~7 has f-..:.ggested "Fon~ ¡.:-e--oCr1al PBrkÞ. :~~S seem~~ t~ :e~~ ltseJ~ :~ the ~lose aS5~clatlon Padre ?:~,: :-Bd wit" De A::Za. Moved :::0 ~.: .;.!'.c. Jot.r.sor:., seconded the ce:-.::~::' par'k "P1c~ Park". t'y CC .:1.c. Nee:. -- -~ name AYES: NAYS: Fit?geral.:!. .johnson, ~mpste:>. Stokes ~;oel "'. -... -.. ---. ...- -"" -----. Motion -.~1ed, 3-2 MaYo:' S::":=3- f~lt tr.e ~1...'"'e counci'. should be at:'e 1;0 agree on the ~¿=-es c,r the para. ~- CDUnC. P1tzgera1d .-14 p10neers meant quite a b1t to t"e cd.tuens 1n the area. _70r Stokes sa1d there were JI!Ionee1'll eve1'7 place SD th1a country at one t1JM or another. e .. augeated. tbat ...A . r ~e are not ready to œ.e the JIIhb. counc. 1'081 '-JlIi. "" ;.ftd b7 counc. D Ltteì, ,seconded by counc. BÞe1. that , nOÓU1cJeratlon be øWà to the name of the c6ALdJ. park. =: counc. D6-16ter, Jfoel, Stokes counc. P1t",~ì~". Johnson MOts... c&r'1"1ed, 3-~~ n .s telt there sbør.ã.i oe some guidel1nes set down for the nam1ng ot the pazira. Counc. Dempster suggested a group or clt1zens study the problem and then let the counc1l _ke tt.e f1nal dec1alon. Cour.c. Noel suggested tt.e newspapers could be vf!%7 helpfu::' here. )l:)ved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. ~el, that the name wP10neer Fark- ~or the central park be rescinded. . MOtton carr1ed, 5-0 MOved by Counc. Jo~n, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to not nsme the parks a!'~er people; names of h15-':c;r1cal s1g- n1f1cance however are r~t -':0 be excluded. . Mayor Stokes felt a :etter should be sent to t~e serv1ce organ1zations ask.r.g ~or suggestions. The Recreat10n D1rec~or suggested the topograp:-.7. landmarks, contemporary-spec1a¡ ~eat\1re!! be kept 1n mirA when choos1ng names for the parks. counc. Johnson w1thdrew h1s mot10~; Counc. Fitzgerald w1 thdrew h ',5 sec.J1'Jd ~o tr.e :no t ~ - r,. . COunc. Dempster suggested c:':e ....¡·k could be r.a::;-e:i after o~e of the serv1ce c:~~s tr.at donated the most ~r.ey or serv1ce to the park ;orcgra~. Mr. WIll ter ward, Ger.erel Manager of vallco park, s;,;ggested ve consult w1th the park arch1tects as to names. Mr. Stocklme1r rem1n:1ed the Council that they are taced with a very ser10us ;Sec1s10n here. "Pioneer Farkw and -Memor1al Farkw are too trite and commonplace. He sug- gested an ad hoc co~ttee be appo1nted by 1:M *yor to get aome names wh1eh 11111 ring bells 1n the tut'.ll'e; the s1gn1f1cance of a na.e 1s 1mportant. He commented that santoga has named ODe or the1r parks "Wildwood Farkw. . -22- . . t" (,; ~-;~:' , The statt was 1nat1"llC'ted to seek out all local oJ'BilU11za- t10M tor ~it1oas.. JIaJ'Or Stokes telt the parD sbOul\.' be named. betOftcoaet1'UCtion begins. '..-- _._ ct:· '_. "< ,,¡';"_;;'Jò..~"lb Moved ~ couac. I'J.t~1d. seconded b7 Counc. Noel, .. 0; to have the "..... o~ 1;113 ¡jiù1œ put on the agenda ~or the first Council IIieet1JJg in 1Ia7. · . ~ JIotion carried. 5-0 xu: AIìJOURNMENT Moved by Counc. Dellpster. seconded by Counc. Noel. to adjourn the meeting at 12:20 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on MondaY. Apr1l 10. 1967. · APPROVED: Garv Stokes Ma~, )r. C1 ty of cupertIñõ A'1"J:~: t V. R ~dA1' ITY CLERK · t -23- I