CC 03-20-67 . · ~ · · , 1036'0 To......'" Avenue, CUpert:1no, CaUl'., 950ll~ Phone: 252-4505 ... - C' I T Y 0 P CUP E R TIN 0 CaUl'orn1a CW THE REGUIAR Þlu;J:IIf() OP 'lIŒ CITY COUNCIL - March 20. 1967 P__ Council Chambers, C1t7 11111. 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupert1øo T~ 8:GQ P.M. z S&IDl'E TO THE PIAG II BOLL CALL Counc. preser.t: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stolœs Cowtc. absent: None C1ty Manager, Phil Storm C1ty Attorney. Sam Anderson City Clerk. B1ll Ryder Director ot Pub11c Works, Frank Finney Director 'J~ Planning. Adde Iaur1n C1ty Er~neer, Bob Shook Director o! Pari<s & Rec.. John Parham Chief ?¿1:d1r~ Inspector, B1ll Benev1ch Recorj~:-~ Secretary, Lois Inwards ~S :? :-:-::: PREVIO:'-S :O-..::.=._~NjS - March 6 &: 8. 1967 Statf ¡:::'ese~t: ~ved by :=~~:. Noel, se:~:-~e1 by Counc. F1tzgerald. to ~"""'rove -"-" v·~"t··s 0# ....-.. 6 - "67 -k"... _..... ._.~....-.. ... .-.... 10..... , -':J . Mot~o~ ~a~ed, 5-0 '-C.ed by :=~=. Johnsor., se:onde~ :1 Counc. Dempster, to a.~rove -"e V'~u"'es 0.,. V!:lo-......... ~ . .-::..~ ~,j' .... __e" V ... .._. _.... ..,¡, - .J-v/. . Mct1or. :ar~ej, ;-0 _. :?,AL AN:' '..'R:_'_:.N COMMUN::A:-:::SS .:f~'l·l·.z:.ì'; ; -. Letter ='~ !l3.rch 17, :9£7. fro::. Mr. Gerard Stern apply~,~ ~or Architectural and Site Con~rol Committee vacancy. ~_ Lette:' =~ !l3.rch 14, 1967, from Mr. Dw1ght L. Crocker. appea:~r~ Planning Coc=:1ss10n decis10n on app11cat1on l-U-07 ~or tra11er rental at Mobil Serv1ce Stf,t':'on at r.ig~ìiay 85 and Homestead Road. -~- -- - ---_.~ . , 3. tetter of March 17. 1~7. from Mr. pat W111..r....' appeal1ng Plann1ng comm1ss10n dec1s10n on · 4-U-61 for trailer rental serv1ce at Mobi";' Station at stevens creek Blvd. and East ' , " ,r _. tetter of March 17. 1967. from Mr. B. ~ ,h18 vin8 on the rezoD1r.g of the saich 11~flllCl b7 counc. 1)empeter. seconded by COunè.' . of':, ,,? <"..1tpt the written co ..... cations. MOtion carried. 5-0 _ftId b7 counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by COUDO_'i ~ pUblic Hearings tor appl1cat10ns l-u-61 an&I MOtion carr1ed. 5-0 ORAL: 1. Mr. Tom TI'&eumer. 22284 De Anza C1rcle, CU~1DD. . tirst thanked the City council for the wel1-1Ø'1~te. atror~ letter of protest to the C~~~ty P1~n1~ Commission 1n regard to the proposed quarr'7 111 ~be stevens canyon Road area. He learned, however. t:1a~ the Public Hear1ngs were closed, and the perll1t .- subsequently passed. Mr. TI'aeumer sa1d tr.~ appeal to the Board ot SUper- . v1sors will be heard ~~ Apr11 11, and asked that the letter be rewr1tten ';0 the Board of supervisors aDd that one of the counc~lrnen be present at the Apr11 11 meet1ng to read th1s ~etter of protest. MaJOr ~kes sa1d th1s can be bro'.;g:-.': '.lp at the Apr11 3rd COuncil meet1ng, to see who ~5 a7al1able on the 11th. ~ved by Counc. Johnson, se=~n1ed by Counc. Fitzgerald, 4IÞ ~hat a letter of protest. aga~~5t the quarry in the Stevens canyon Road area, te written to the Board of ~perv1sors. Motion =arried, 5-0 2. Mr. Will1am Romans, r~present1ng the American Little League. stated that a letter was wr1tten, but s~hoV not rece1ved at C1ty Hall. As 1n years past. the7 are requesting the bus1ness license fee tor the Amcl'ican Little League carnival be waived. 11; 11111 be held on the warner Wilson property, across ~ (Jemco. The City Manager Ba~d th1s request has been rece1".s from th1s organ1zat1on each year. and has al..,. ~ approved by the Counc1l because 1t 1s for a pod . cause. -2- · . .. ., " So I!IOved by COunc. Fitzgerald. seconded by Counc. Noel AYES: COunc. De.pGter. Fitzgerald. Johnson, Noel. stokes MAtS: None . . Jl)t1oD carried. 5-0 ~;t ;,':"1 .'. ji{ A; .' RBl'OBT.Ó7pt,&';'''~ J!ØCCIIIISSION :~':& ">:{ . ,'. . ,. .,~, (see ~~ 'ot':)IarCh 13. 19(1) ",,,,.¡o;,';,,.'-" ....'.<.,. . . ¡. .)~,~," ,.~iJC " '·""k\;i!;t'.,' .. \§¡;;t.!.;¿r;:~;'l<~''<Cba1l'1BD il4'PboD save a rundown on the oak 1XI011 \1U'18DCe · "": ~ ;f''r';'j"~ . which 11&8 ~ed.1J7· t~ Planning oo-1881oD because there , '~.~", were no ob.1eot:1oD8 t'rom the audience; becauae 1t _8 detel'lll1ned that tbe P. G. 8: E. easement created a hard- ship; and last17. ~uae the Vliriance is ot a II1nor nature . · Mayor stokes asked about the bill1ard parlor application. Cha1rman Hirshon said the applicant assured the Planning commission ot a high-class operat1on, no alcoholic beverages on the premises, and a restr1ct10n of nobody under the age of 16 being allowed on the premises unless accompan1ed by a part1c1pat1ng adult. The Planning Department 1ndicated they had received some objection to t~.1s appl1cation, based on the prox1mity to ~ AnZa college. The Planning ¡)<!partment d1d not feel this was a Justif1able bas1s for objection s1nce there already 1s a bill1ard parlor 1n /llOnta Vista and the fact that this location 1s far enough away from the college and separated from 1t by a:: arterial highway. one person 1n t~e aud1ence spoke 1n favor of this appl1cat10n; nobody spoke against 1t. The City Manager sa1d he !laS spoken w1th one member of the Board of Supervisors on this subject and he sa1d there nave teen no objections to the b11l1ard parlor 1n MOnta Vista s1nce 1t has teen in operat1on; 1n fact. some of the neighbors have been patron1z1ng 1t. Counc. Johnson wanted t~ discuss the mer1ts of a t1me limit placed on the Use Permit. If this turns out to be a ~~~lesome operat10n, the applicant would have no proble!!! in renew1ng his Use Permit. It was brought out that the appl1cant stated at the Plann1ng commiss10n meeting that he would not si~ a long-term lease nor make this large 1nvestment ($45,000) 1f a time lim1t 1s placed on his U:>e perm1t. · · COunc. Noel observed that billiards seem to be the vogue now, as hula hoops, slot Cö~ racing, etc., have been 1n the past. 'rhese fads seem to have about a two-year durat10n. t -3- , . ¡'t"" ." .¡, i... .~~, .þ.i~ c, ',j¡; '.' .~-!!!':,' 'i' .':f~~.· ,. !t.... '"'.->11"' ..... ..-}f1. .....-... . .J'~": ~':~.: ..,." . .~ ''fi . , >".)~.~"~ '~-. . '. -;. ";f.: Cc.;.::c. rempster sa1.d 11£ ".as no object1:m to pla~ng bil:1aros, per Be, l.t ~s a matter of proper IIIIL-.agement. He 1O;::'..lld like to see some 11mlt3t1:ms placed 'oc this Use P!!rm1t. If the business 1s properly --~, the appl.:ca..."t 111111 have DO problem. T!'.e City Attornq "'~, there is a matter oC ~_edure involved here. tllS.at,'1tI. permit .as approv~!_~be P1amdng C01lllll188~~~,tbere 1s no reç~'O,f_..-1. S1r..e~ there has ...;·iiii",appeall tt.e _tter'ze.t:a. unlus a councI1J1BD~eS to bring it up. COUDC. P1tzgera14 ..s:4"the people 1n JlDnta.'YJ,ata ..re conc:erned about tbè 1of;111_"s parler go1JJà íD tIIere. and now the ne1ghbors ..we ~.ome betore the BDa1'd oC Superrtsors, as:d1:ls tbeal to go along wIth it. . . Ma;¡c:" Stokes asked 'tbe C1t;y Attorney 1f this tfSe fenl1t ca!:. ~ reviewed at 8D7 time, if a preble. cSeyelope. Tte ~ty Atto~ answered in the a!t1rmatlve. . 1. ~1( KN~: APplicat10n 2-v-67. ,.r.-anee :; reduce req¡dred rear yard setback f1"08 20' to :~ !, 10427 Vlata Ð1011 Road. APProved 1:7 pla.om1ng ~~::u:11ss10n Reso11õi;1on No. 402. 3/13/67. May::- 3:okes 1n'.:r:x1-~ed application 2-y-67 and asiced fc:" ::=cents fr~~ ~r.e a~dience. Tt.erc were nc~e. . rj:~ ::::; Clerk ~.e ~:,. CO'.Jnc:: Resolut10n Bo. 1433 to a~;:~:~:ion 2-V-~-. MC':~ :y Counc. S=~:, 5econde~ :y Counc. P1~zge~:d, to aè:;:: ?€s"lut1c;r: s::. :"~33. AY~: :,,,unC. I)e::;¡e:e:-I P1tzfe:-a:d, Joh:'lscn, !iO~¡, 3tok~s . :.t~~: Xone ~:1~~ carried, 5-0 b. ?~?ORT OF r..:E .uu;:L.~~T"JRAL t\~'D SITE AP?ROVAL '::OMMI'I'l'EE 'See Minutes ::.r I'L-ch 9, 19é7) Cr2:~n Pitch :-e:apped the hea:-1;¡g on appl1:at1on 262-3:-67, and ex~l&1ned his negative vote was bas~~ on t~e ~=:: that t~~s new sign would ~~t comply w1th th~ ne1ô ~gr. Ord1nance. MaY:~ S:okes, not~ that we coulò have seve:al situat10ns l~k;! :~.i3 before the new Sign ordinance becoees e:ttective, asked ';he city At-;.o:-ney 1f 1t would be feaslbl.! to have the app:~:ant s1gn a state8ent to the effect that they ar~ C;)g:-,~:3.:,t of the !'act tt.at the s1gn may have to be removed . whe~ :ne new Si~ ordinance becomes effect1ve. -lI- . ~ ::.-:y AttOrDe7 sa14 this wxld be in order; or thE: CC=:~: could ~ au ÐDerger.::y S1gn Ordinance unt11 su:~ :;~:::e as the __ S1gn Ord~.a."1ce becomes errectlve. '" .'-.-, ORmiE'. Moved b7D1 ""i":~ ,< Job::;scn, that- '¡r;'," ....,¡...,;". <., ' ,"d. .;;:{.(, b7 -:œ Arch! , .s.:'j :"·:Œi~' 1Del:.õde the..o ,,,,t;:~?Ã*{ tb!¡" are a ' . ,', ·",··"k'¡c·,I',i¡¡';, the::l!'ll S1gñ" i ,~~f1~·f,. !iIr 'ii<1!,¡¡ ~~. ~ 't','. '. ;':' x' '., ,.' 't . carried, 5-0 CbC-~ F1tc~"û.t applIcation 265-æ-61, tor a S;le-edee ~' ...".-, Road, has been postponed. .-": ,;(;,:~ Mo~~ èy counc. ~- aD. seconded by Counc. Pltzgerald, to a..~~ ' 're the þcId~tural a:Jd Site Control JI1nutes of :. ;~. . '". P1tzgerald, seconded b7 Counc. ";permits hereinatter. :It' approved ;tr@ Site Approval <» I~tee. "'M the s1grring ot a s1;a~nt that , 'sign ~ have to 'þe'w.oved when ;'1Iecomes effective. . "'ftD carrie:::, 5-0 C. ~:QRT OF 'l'BE 1'JIBKS CQMM:SS:CN See Minutes or arch 14, :;:-57) . ~~-= :-=::-gatlon J)1.ree'tor expla~~.~:i that Cha1r:a::. I.Þomls wa. .:.a:le to attf!:Jld t;hj.s mee:~'.g, so he rev:.ewed the c:~~_ :~. of the ~ .eet1ng ;;:' :::e Parks Ccmcj,ss1on. Ee .~:.::: they have scheduled a =eeting w1th -:::-e landscape a::-:·..:.:~:t and èld~"~~ arch::~:: ~or the Mar:::: 28th ::::-: =eet1ng w1!;:: 'the City := :.::'1 and F.1s,,;:;:"~cal S.:::~::'. WI P.':::':: :ŒARINGS A. ;:~LUTION':>. ~"¡O: DE:~,;::XG ITS IS':'ESuON TO ::=ER VACATIœ O? A FOR:: ::: JP A CITY STI>.EET ~"CWN AS ·SCOFIELD DR~\ :.' ;.3 PROVIDED :1' SECTION ::.2J ET SBIQ. Œ' 'mE SIR~S A.'I·D HIGHWAYS :ODE OF ::::=: STATE OF CJ,T.T?()RNIA. . Re.::_::on No. 1410"s 1nt::-:.:_:~j, by the MaY:;:-. The C~:7 ;.::~rney aai.!1 'tro.a is a ?'_::~c Hear1:"'.g :::: -:he ab;:-~:~~ent ot a ...1: slive~ :: land on S==~~~¡1 rr~:--=. M;;';:-::: :y Counc. 1)& f't'ter, se::,,::ej by co¡,;::c. !bel, to cl:.= :~e Publ1c sea-~. A~: :ounc. D¢_p.~r, Fltz~~~::j, Johns=~, s=e1, Stokes NA....o. Xone . 1I:I~1on carr::-':, 5-0 -5- "* ,I, MOved bT counc. Dempster, 5ec?nded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1430, orde~ing the abandonment of said property. AYES: counc. Dempste:,. Fitzger1ild, Johnson, Noel, stokes . NAYS': ~ "~: " >., '/1; .~ ~~:..-'~" ;.~ ~-~:(~.:~ ~'.~ . Motion carried. 5-0 VII .iJ1lÌ) RBSOW'l'IOHS FOR ADOPrION A. ' (If JIO~ Ill31: on.LJIIG NOTICE OP '1'BB PROPOSED (II OJ' cBR'l'AIH uø.udfA1u·raÐ nluû'lwn: 'l'O SAID SAID ·J.'dftI'l'ORY ARD DBSIOlfA'l'IHO I'1' 1IAIIB OJ' -DIßJUAL 61-1-. IWCDIG CBR'IAIB RllSnc r~ SAID PROPOSAL; AND GIVIHG NO'rICB OJ' ~ ARD PLACE SAID :=OUNCIL WILL HEAR nwr.a;STS 'p---.(ì~ Moved by eounc. Dempster, seconde1 by Counc. Noel, to . adopt aeeoIution No. 1431. t.YES: counc. Dempst€,:'. F1tzgers11, Johr.s,:,r., No~l, Stokes ~7S: JIcme Mot~~~ carr1ed, ~-O B. RESOLUTION NO. :..2?: ADOPr:~G BIJOOIr. FOR EXPESDITURB . OP 1'UJiIß ALLOCATKr: PRO~ TIlE S7ATE lIIGrlVO\Y F'~iD TO CI'l'IES. ~cved b7 CoU:1c. De!llp.õ~~:-. :!econ~ed by C(·~:-.;:. i"1t¡¡:~enld, t ') adopt Resolut10n ~;':. 142~. ~yor Stokea aaked ~0:- add~tio~~l ~n!ormat~~. ~n t~1s Reaolution. The C1t;; è':1g=.!;€er ex;:>lalned t:·at this . conaiata or monies Ùè~~ve~ f~= th~ gas tax anj is t~ ce uaed on the De Ar.;:a ':'';''~:'11 !:JIpr...,·Jement D~3t:'lct. AYES: Counc. Demps":e!', ~:zgeralj, John~O!'l, Noel, Stokea NAYS: Rone Mot!~n CQ~ried. 5-0 VIII PAYING BILLS A. Reso1ut1on t~. :42t an~ 1427. Treasurer Dempster Int:':)du('~d Re50¡'..:tlon No. 1426. Moved by Counc. Noel, eecor.ded by C~'k~C. Pitzgera~d, to ajopt Re8olution Ne. l42¿. AYES: Counc. Dempste:-, Pi tzgerald, Jor.nsor., Noel, Stokes NAYS: Rone . Moti~r. carried, 5-0 -c- It . . . . . " - "-\ ,..!i:l:'. ., ,\;. .~ 17, ',,: ., ¡ "" , i.: ;.,. '''''J:''~'F'' . '. :Ex Treasurer De~pater 1ntroduced Resolut10n No. 1427. Jl)ved by counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. P1tzgera1d, to adopt Resolut10n No. 1427. &!at oounc. J)ealpeter, Fitzgerald. Jobnaon, Hoel. Stokee IDS. __ Motion carried, 5-0 ~ ~ OWICBBS A. MNrd OJ' CITY 'l'IIBASURER . MIS DO turther report. B. ~1 OP CITY MANAGER 1. ~ City *l1&ler has had d1.cuss1ons with Mr'. ..mer In relP-rd tlJ the library situai"10n. JII'. ..mer has 1ndicated ~hat the County and City ot san Jose are st1ll work1ng on a recipro- cal ~rrangement whereby the City can use county tacllitie.. When this matter hbs been settled by the Board of s...perv1sors, they w111 pursue plana tor a l1b~.~ 1~ thls area. 2. Ho..owners In Vest&cres S'..Ibd1vis10n requested l.st year t~At tt.elr street trees be sprayed. So IIOYed by Counc. Joh~5'):",. !'f'c:mded by Counc. ntzprald. AYBS: COunc. Dempster, :1::3~~1~. Johnson, Noel, Stokes D!S: Hone Jlt>tlcn ca-"'''.1 "j-O 3. 111'. Stocklme1r ar.:: .;:3. Mc~ren .sked for the COuncil's oplnlcr. .3 t.:> the feasIbility of the Da.tco property a~ a =\te ror an add1t1ol1&l city park. 4. JII'. Jack Marlanl has assured the CIty Manaler they would s11n the necessary dedication papera. The City Mansser 18 arrang1ng a ..et1ng with JII'. Oti. Porle for the purpose of outlining the Ho...tead lIOad proJect. 5. Qakdell Ranch Homeowners have requested a traftlc s1ln&l at Stevens creek Blvd. ani Phar LaP Drive. '!'h11 matter has been turned over to the county 3her1fr's Office for a report. -7- 6. '!'be C1.ty Manager has asked the state to forward a øeeolution of Intent1on. w~1ch the City counc1l aaøt adopt bafore the employees can vote on the øet~nt PrograJII. SW'~. 117 the Director of PubUc works and an 1.uí/f6ì*'''.nt f1l'11 indicate that we bave an ad41- t1óDa1 l~ f on our central park propertJ'. . 7. counc. ~"'tIftft ~eels there should be a park site in the area o~ tIIê ....1"0 property, but not necesaarl1J' on tlat prope~. Counc. Dlçøter is in favor ot acquisition of park property in that area. in principle, but we Just passed a bond issue tor tive Jl8l'k sites and the new city ball. He teels we should IIOve torward on development ot the park sites we now have. Be does not tee 1 it 1s advisable to get a certain property owner 1nvol ved and tie up his property since we do not know how long 1t wHI be until we w111 be able to arford acquis1t10n of add1tional park property" Counc. Johnson tee1s this recommendat10n goes along with the subject ot capital Bldget outline, wh1ch should be kept current fer 4 or 5 years. When we may be able to purchase the property should be d1scussed very soon. He commented ~n Fresno' s fine park program. ::unc. Noel does not know where we would ever get this 4IÞ IDUch money unless we have another bond issue. He isn't e\"en sure that this property lends 1tself to a city park, wh1ch would run 1n the nelghborhood of $400,000. It we had that money, he would rather use 1t to develop the :entral parlr. Coanc. Johnson commented tr4t lf we establish that we jJ need a park s1te 1n that area, there IIISY be SOlie . other sites tt~t might lend themselves better to a park. Counc. Fitzgerald was in favor of notifying these people now, because the s1tuation is hopeleas as tar as a new park s1te at this time is concerned. ~yor Stokes agreed wlth Counc. Johnson that, without jlscussing any particular property, the CIty council should establish whether or not a park slte is needed in that area. ~yor Stokes and the Clty Manager have discussed a long- ra~e capital 1mprovement program and these things will be brought out at budget tlme. Counc. Dempster suggested golng along w1tn Counc. Johnson and d1scuss future park sltes at the next budget meeting. o -8- < ~ þ , ?c <' Ji I> ~. . . . . ", / ./ COW1C. Johnson asked if t~~re 1<;oul,) be a writt~n budget fcrecast over the next f1\'e yeaTs. Ma)'or Stokes sa1d this w111 be thrown out fer d~~~~aion~ to see what 1~e!3s should be brought up and l"~v1e1fed. He IlUgested the Counc11llen c(;ntact th~ City Manager .s to the1r suggest10ns or 1telll8 to be UfCuased. Counc. JCj)hnaon would like these d1scussions tQ be pUblic HearlngB. Counc. Dempster and Noel had n(; object10ns to a park in that area. but Counc. Noel specU'icall;y objected to the Damico prop..~"~. Counc. Dempster noted that there 1s no mone)' av.a1lable for additional park s1te ac~u1s1t10n at this t111e. C. REPORT OP DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Referring to his written report of March 17, 1967: 1. Stevens creek Bl'.rd. Improvement Projec': 1s aga1n hallpe:-ed b]' ra1n. 2. In regard to the De Anza, Et AI., ¡mpro\'ement Project~ the Director of Pub11c WOrKs lr.trod~ced Reso1~t1on NO. 1381-14. ~r. Ken Jones, of W1130~, Jones, M:;Irton and ¡.;rr.Ch, rev1e"e,j the A~sessnent sp11t fo~ the De ~~za Project. M.:>ved by Co~~c. Dempster, !econded by CO~~c. Fitzgerald, to dopt !tesol:o':ion No. 1381-14. AYES: Counc. Dt ..pster, lõ'1tzgerald, Johnson, :lcel~ Stokes NAYS: ~one It>t1on carried, 5-0 The D1rector ot Publ1c Works stated his dep.'\r':ment has scld ? sets of plans for thIs project so tar anà expects to sell that many more befcre the bId date. COl.mc. Jo~n asked Clt;y Hall property. veIl solved now~ due contractor. about the drainage problem or. the ~he DIrector sald this is pretty to the cooperation rece1ved from the Mayor Stokes, 1n regard to the letter frolll Mr. Blessing about the voting 11ghts, said ve hold hi. vho~ly respon- s1ble for putting them 1n operable cond1tion. 'tt1e Director sa1d t~~s proble.. too, 1s almost solved. -9- ~:-~. ,,~~_. '~;~T' .... .,( , ..... , " D. RBPOR'i t1I CJft BIIJDIEF.R 1. 9'a~ iJei. 11104. Mon~e Bello. DoH wo. 2; 001·.&01...... A'reDUe near ~bb BDad. . ~o reco ~, .,:~ ot the City IÞIE'-.er. n _a.r~ed VI Comic. ,I ~a. seconded by OoUDC. Woe1, to 0 ResolUé;1oo .;"':.1~. approving Pinal laP. etc. ~. '''' . A!BS: OoUDØ~ þ_ter. Fitzgerald. J'olmaoa, Noel. Stokes laYS: None ',':'" ,,;-_-:.?-!: '.~' .;.,-.'~<:".#;:,".:) "",".;1:,,' -",.:''-''!'( '~,ttf:::~,,"",''-'' ~~}:".'"" ~~ ~ ì.."' -;')1:- . ~~".f., .~;,; :~" .. ~ -(, :". '::$.. -, - ;".' .~. ~:~~' ';--- ,.:¡-:' ',',' t'. Y: -.'r ',. Ja:ltion carried, 5-0 2. Pootb!.1.1 oonvalesc<;'!1t center, unit No.2; soutœeat corner 01' Foothill Blvd. and ~ss Avenue. Upon reco_ndatlon of tb:: cay 'E)1g1neer, 1t was IDOved by COunc. ))(._p..~e:', secoc.,lej by Counc. ~l, to adopt Resolution No. 1"32. acc!!pt~ng readway de,l1cat1on from I):;nald A. EXce11 and Darl!.'l:i? EXcell and Ha~ld V. ~1IIka and Ella R. Talllka. . AYES: Counc. DemPSter, Fitzger31d, J~hnE~n, NOel, Stokes K.3. YS : NOne Mct10n ~a~rIe~, ~-~ . ... -. REPORT OP CITY A'l"rORNEY ~. AttOr.De7 Knect cailed ~he C1ty Attorney in regard to tt"e candy Ro:ìr Improvements. He sald the7 would try t~ wor~ as tast as we have. In aD7 eVlmt, we are on :;'JeIr backs w1th a record~ ResolutIon. 2. The asreement appro\·.~j by the C1ty COuncil to leaae a portIon .;)f tho:! central park s1te to Mk'8. Dorctny varian '>as been sIgne:! by her and a check ror $300, representIr.g the r1rst year's rent.!!l, haa beer. rec~1ved. ~ C1~)' Attorney called the council's attent10n to the changes 1n paragraph 7. . JlIHUTE ORDER: Moved t.~ Co~c. Dempst~r, seconded by COunc. Noel, t" a_nd paragraph ï of subject lease, adding the wçrds "fer the perI:;d ot the lease" atter the word "that·. MOtIon carr~eà, 5-0 . -10- '.'~.&·B ORDBR: "',., ... '':':J'~~~<-~' .., 1:" ., '", " ,'. ,~. :_~:~~·,,~,;"i· ¡'."" . :..('. ., ~ ~~l,~~--' ...,~ '," '.. -....;, '" '1,,:"'ro\\?:'- ,-,~ ~TIi ORD.BR: 3. JIOvedlllr counc. De.peter, aeco~ bJo· ~~. i:Ml. to ~, ~,JIa;ror and C1.t7 C1~ w sip t.be . ~*~.... Dol'Otb;r varJ,an r.w ...Ata1 ~r a ~'i4"" oeœral puoJi JIII'O.......L,. . ,?'JlitJDn ~EId. 5-0 , "~. 1 "':. -; ". . - . wrote to A'~. .'1.,- - .--.teed 81*1. mJeot OGDUnd.D8 "', 'e -'SoD ol,UIe 8I1iI1UoD 't~;to the ilteot tIa~. 1D UIe - ~ tbe . ta11a tJIrou&b. UIe JIi'O......'-, .uJ. reftft' to.lh ortl''''' .....-. !Ida.. &CI..~. 1d.t:b 111". StaDlq's ol1CDte U ......ned .ltldD 7 dQII. II:)ved b7 COunc. J'1tzgerald. aeccmded b7 COUIK. -.el, tJat tbe C1t7 or cupert1rlo accept the colllU.tion to correct JIU'&S1'&pI1 7, &II .-ended. Þ )lOtion carried, 5-0 P. REPORT OP 1!DUDIJfO :œsncroR He had no report. G. REPORT OF RllCRBATION DIRBC'l'OR I 1. A "1'7 ~l achedule haa been set up tor .ater week, but rain Jas hallP8red the act1on. 2. '!'here .. a total ot 20 tea_ partlclpat1n& 1ft ti. basketball tourna_Qt last saturdaJ' at CUpertino JI1Sh SChotJl. Þ 3. A trip to the Circle Star theater to s.. a 11" perto~""'. ot Clnderella baa been acheduled tor '.l't1urt!dq. Jlarcb 23rd. ~. 'l!Iere 1f111 be the trad1tional .ater Pr'o¡r&lt at all pla7P'ounds on saturday, ..rcb 25th. H. REPORT OP PLAlOIIJfO DIRECTOR þ. 1. Regulaticma concem1ng -~n17 ..lIs at boundaries bet.een c~rclal and resldentia1 areas .111 be lncluded in an ordlnance. In the .eants..8. actlon needs to be taken on che detel'lBent or the .sOn17 .all tor the Jll)bl1 Service station at the SB corner ot Ste,..na creek Blvd., and Stell1n& ØC)ad. -11- Jl)ved t7 COunc. Fitzgerald. seconded ~ counc. Roel. to det'er ccmatl'UCt10rr~ the .sOlU"J' _11 t'Qr 08 7M1" t'or tbe JlDbS.1. serv1~e stati.on at ~ SB corner of at"':... CNek Blvd. and StellJnC 1Iøe4. . " ,lIQOr Stolèe..ø.tf.~ the poaalbll1t7 of tbe1r patt1aS ':~¡.. " up. bond, a. ... ~ 1lUlP6ted tor the o1"d1lla.. be1D8 ~.i~í;"".J':?'~pared. .'''P'.......,.'þirector sald this 11111 be ':":::1;;,>' 'required ~ tbe,~1"'lÌIoë.. but _s not reqœet4I4 at the . ¡; r"~..., 'pre91oWl 0,.-"" 4ef'61~4t t'or this statSon. a.....r. , ,~...... 'no ditticulUa.. cI1'e ant'1C1J Bted wlth JlDbl1 011. ~ ---&D" ORDBR: .. .-:".... '. ¿ II:»t10n carried. 5-0 2. 'l'Io years ago, there was an application (II-z-65) tor a spot rezoning to ML ot one lot located within the 13-acre area bounded b7 JIU"J' AYeø&e and the PreeW87. The Planning cc~sslon denied it. '!be Hearing or. an appeal _s cont1nued b7 the City COuncil, pend1ng further atudJ.es. 'lb! applicant would like to revive the Hear1nSB. An applicat10n (3-z-67) to rezone the southern 5 acres of the area to P (MP) ..111 be betore the C1ty COunc1l at the next meet1r~. It se~ ad- 7isable to d1scuss both of these app11cations at that meet1ng. The Plan."lJ.ng D1rector asked 1t th.. Cour:.c1l_n had . each rece1ved a :etter from Mr. Lutz, applicant .::Jf 4-Z--::·. He _s told: "No." He said he 1fOuld 3ecure c,p1es f~~ this distr1butIon. He then j1stri~ted hi" me:nç nf ~rch 20. 1967 concern113S ~he area 1n q~e8t1~n. . I REPORT OP CITY CLERK!FIN.r..N ~E DIRECTOR 1. The City Clerk annolJncf'ed the t1me and place tor Publ1c Hear1ng as shown In Resolution No. 1431 :'s April 3, 1967. 8 P. M., in the cowncll Cha_bers. . X UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY - Mrs. Russell H. varian Th1s item was covered under the City Attorney's report. B. The C1ty Attorney re:¡uested all data 1n regard to the bcundary line or th.: central park be referred to him for" full report before the next Counc1l meeting. So moved by COunc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Counc. Johnson. MOt1on carried, 5-0 . -12- lit, . . . . "ii, c. COWIC. Noel atteD1ed tbe Institute on Iabor Relations in Los Angeles aDd -"'I" llJce to attend the one coming up 1n Sacramento. ,~ b1 Counc. ~r.lIeCODded by Counc. J'1tzserald, 110 draw up a b1A..Jr.1; re80~:1on which would give autbor1za- þt:1en tor Councll_n who are ~ers ot staœ_".ng c~ttees o~ the League ot Ca1:1~ora1.aC1ties to attend those .eet- ;1Dsa and. øpecit1ca117. to author1ze Counc. ",.,,,1 to aäend the meeting 111 Sa.:l'IUIItDto. , ·,1*.:~t, ":7'."';-W AYES: Counc. Dempster. J'1tzsera1d, JOhnson, Noel,. 3tokes JiiiYS: Jlt)ne YDtlon carried, 5-0 XI JŒW BUSINESS A. Mayor Stokes annour.ced that he has done a l1ttle research on the llg.>:'tIr.g ot the present Recreat10n Department bu11d1r-.g, which he found to be 1nadequate. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. PItzgerald, ~j authorize tàe statt ~o install fluorescent lIghts 1n ~he Recreati::-: Depart::e::t bu:11dlng. AYES: XAYS: Counc. Dem~ater, ~tzgera1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes None Mt:;tI:::: carried, 5-0 XII A::JOURNMENT IVAN MEYERHOLZ, PORJeP. )fAYOR AND COUNCILMAN. PAs.:ED AWAY :1i MARCH 9, 19Ó7. A ~OK IS IN ORDER TO AD.JOURW THIS JlEETING IN MEMORY OP ¡-{AX MEYERHOLZ POR HIS SERVICES TO ~HE COMMUNITY AND TO t':'" $EJr1' A RESOLUTION TO THIS EFFECT ~. HIS WIDO.. So moved by Counc. De:pster, seconded by C~unc. Noel. Motior. carried, 5-0 Jleet1ng adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to the Adjourned Regular Jleeting on March 28, 1967. APrrl0VED: &- - ~-£': /s/ Gary G. Stokes Mayor. C1ty ot Cupert1no /-/ *. E. Ryder C1ty Clerk - :i.3 -