CC 03-08-67 .:"", ¡:~,;~.:: , .~~. ,,'*"'-" ~"'(,~,: ':t'~~ ~,'". ''Ì ' · · · · , . 10300 Torre Avenue, cupertino, california, 95014 252-4505 .r .J,. .'¥. ~dS "".-"" ,",''', '.',- 1;'-,. .~: ':-td ' . . . . II CITY OF CUPERTINO cal1forn1e OF TBB AD.1uulU'&&i lUlUu1AR MEB'l'Im OF THE CITY Cuû1fCIL, March 8, 1967 Councll Chambers. 10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Counc. present: Fitzgerald. Johnson, stokes Counc. absent: Dempster, Noel Mayor Stokes noted that Counc. Dempster had t~ attend a Trafficways committee meet~ng, and Counc. NOel was out of town on bus1ness. Staff present: C1ty Manager, Ph11 Storm C1ty Attorney, sam Anderson C1ty Cler.k, Bill Ryder Director of Public Works. Frank Finney C1ty Engineer, Bob Shook Record1ng Secretary, Lo1s Inwards REVIEW ENGINEERS' ASSESSMENT SPREAD FOR DE ANZA IMPROVÐŒNT DISTRICT Mr. W. A. Howarth, of Lawrence G. Br1an & Company, Consu1t1ng Engineers, 595 Pr1ce Avenue, Redwood C1ty, presented cop1es of and rev1ewed the compilation of the engineers' report on Resolut10n ot Intent10n No. 1381-3 of the C1ty Council of the City of cupert1no ("De Ariza, et. a 1., Improvement Distr1ct NO. 66-1"). This covered: Ij Engineers' report and assessment 2 Assessment diagram and assessment role 3 Spec1t1cat10na and contract documents 4 Acquis1tion d1agram w1th 1nd1vidual legal descr1pt10ns 1be Improvement Distr1ct includes street 1mprovements for Stevens creek Blvd. from the future West valley Freeway to Highway 85; Stel11ng Road from a point Just north of Stevens creek Blvd. to a pcint Just south of MCClellan Road; McClellan Road from the future West valley Freeway to a point Just epst of Stelling Road; and the off-street parking lot for the De Anza College campus. -1- . . : ,'1_ There wl1l be traffic signals at the 1ntersect10ns of Mary Avenue and stevena creek Blvd.. stelling Road and McClellan . Road, and Stevena cree1 Blvd.. and stelling Road; the latter be1ng a brand neW innovat10n which w111 more efficientlY handle the expected traffic loads. counc. P1tzgera1d asked who would handle .the tratflc¡ Qontrol ~t this latter inter- section. *. Jt)Wárth sa1d ttiëwcontrol1erw w111 auto_tica1lY control 1t~ but 1t can also be preset. The COllegejlarld.ng lot w111 be comp1ete17 lighted. 'Ø1ere will be Wst]; ea.11ne" type street 11ght1D& up the center at stevena creek Blvd., from R1g)nfaY &.) to the tuture vest valley PreewQ'. 'l'1e per1meter road w111 also be lighted. counc. Fitzgerald asked about the 1sland at peppertree ane and stelling Road. Mr. Howarth sa1d it 1s going to be constructed as nearly as poss1ble in accordance with the requests 01' the homeowners 1n that area. There 1s no sanitary sewer prov1ded for in this Improvement . D1str1ct. The Director of public Works sa1d the cupert1no sanitary District is ready to go in as soon as rights of way have been obta1ned and cleared. The area east of stelling Road is served by the san Jose Water Works. The C1ty ",-,nager introduced Dr. and MrS. DeHart and Dr. and . MrS. Clement~, who were in the aud1ence. Dr. DeHart sa1d De Anza conservatively anticipates an in1tial enrollment of 2800 day students and 2800 evening students. The large auditorium, development of wh1ch tra11s that of the college by one year, will really need these improvements. Mayor Stokes noted that the C1ty of cupert1no's contr1bution to th1s LID 1s $200,000. He asked where this money is going. to come from. The City Manager stated th1s would come from the gas tax funds and city drainage fees. Mayor Stokes asked why the City's contribut10n was ra1s~d from the orig1nal estimate. Mr. }fOward stroted that the f1gure was ra1sed because in the f1rst block of Stevens creek Bl vd., 1n the prelim1nary go-around, 1 t was estimated we could save most of the ex1sting pavement. FUrther invest1ga- tions have proved this is not poss1ble. The drawings d1s- played on the bulletin board ind1cated those areas where the pavement could be salvaged, wholly or in part, as well as those areas that need complete 1mprovement. . l -2- . . . '. . 'III HESOIDTIONS FOR ADOPl'ION A. Resolut10ns tor De Anza No. 66-l. Mr. !en JOM. diStributed copies of the Resolut1ons and s~ she.t. to tbe City council, as "ell aa an invest1- pt10D report and .......nt proceedinp. JIJQOr Stokes ..lied tl» Cit7 øma¡er 11' tbe .....lI88Dt. to the 1Dd1vJ.4u1pro....Æ'tl owners are tbe __ .. tbQ' were. 'J.'be C1t7 .,........US4 tbeJ' are .88.tl8l17 tbe --. aUbouP there 11111 1Mt'" ftriat10n .ince tbere ..... DO ...,-ea1"1D8 4ra1l1np .vaUab1. .t the t18e ot tbe tlret ..tu-te.. Resolution JII). 1381-6 .8 introduced _ tl» C11:7 A.ttorney. I):)'1e4 by OoUDC. fttapl'!ld, .econðed _ counc. JohD80n, 1.0 J:dopt .8olut1cm JII). 1381-0. AYES: counc. Pltzprald, Johnson, Ston8 JaYS: }lime ~AI'n: counc. J)lgpater, lIOe 1 RDtlon carried, 3-0 P.esc:~t1on NO. 1381-7 .as Introduced by the City Attorney. ~VN oy counc. F1tzcera1d, $~co~ed by Co¡,¡r.c. Jor.nson, to &j~p~ Reso1ut1on 50. 1381-7. AYES: ~~13: A3Sr.7: P1tzaera1d, ;~nn$on, Stokes Counc. None =ounc . Delllpeter, Noe: RDt10n ~ar~leC, 3-0 ~es.::~~lor: 50. 138:-8 was Int:-;~.!=~d by t:e :::lo;y Attorney. ~'..~j ty counc. F1tzlerald.. se,;,.j",ct by ad~~o; Resolut1~n No. 1381-0. Jo~.n.on. to Co ¡,mc . AYES: counc. P1tZlera1d, :;t.r.son, Stokes ·,·A13: None ABSEN':': counc. Deapeter, No~: Motion ~arr1ed, 3-0 Res.::~tlon No. 1381-9 was 1ntrod~ced by t~~ C1ty Attorney. Moved by Counc. F1tzgerald, seconded by counc. John~on, to adopt Resolut1on NO. 1381-9. AYES: l:ounc. F1 tzgera Id, Johnson, Stokes XA13: None A3S~"T: counc. Dempster, Noel Motion carried, 3-0 -3- " " r(·' ."., "', ,; C Ii, f:" Resolut1cn NO. 1381-10 was 1ntroduced by· the City Attorney. Moved bl counC. P1tzgerald, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to . adopt Resolut1oD JIo. 1381-10. ADS: counc. P1tzgerald, Johnson, stokes 8'1S: NOne ·ß· , ABSBII'l': counc. ~.peter, Noel Jl)tlon carr1ed, 3-0 Resolution NO. 1381-11, sett1ng the clos~ t1M tor acceptanCe ot sealed propoea1s at 2:00 P.M., Apri! 6. 1961. Moved b7 couno. P1tzgerald, seconded by counc. ,¡obn80n. to adopt Resolution JIo. 1381-11. P1tzgerald, Jor~son, Stokes Dempster, Noel Mot10n carried, 3-0 R.UlU'l'15 ORDER: Moved by ('.ounc. Pi tzgerald, seconded by COlmC. Johns:>n, to :1elete the t1rs:; words of "for two week" on the second lln. of Plge 1 of Resolution 1381-11. AYES: RAYS: ABSENT: counc. None Counc . . Mot1on carr1ed, 3-0 Res:l~~lon No. 1381-12, sett1:1.g the closlng tl.. :or ac~eptance of sealed proposals at 2:00 P.M.. A~l 6, 196~. . Mc\'e~ by Counc. Fitzgerald, 8"~ --;jed ty ~.;:;,¡r.c. Jorr.son, t:; a:1:pt Resolution ~o. 1381-12. . AYES: NAYS: A~EN:': Fi tzgerald, ';O:-,:¡t' _.~. S' .:>ices counc. None Counc. Dempst.er, Noel Motier; ca:':-it:d, 3-;) Re.ol~tlon No. 1381-13 was lr.trujuced by the C1ty Attorney. MoveJ by CounC. F1tzgerald, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to a:Sopt Resolution No. 1381-13. AYES: RAYS: ABSENT : Fitzgerald, Johnson, Stokes Dempster, Noel Motlon carried, 3-0 . Counc. None Cvunc. -4- J . . IV . . . B. Reso1ut10n Accepting Right of way - Jt,:)IIestead Road Improveamt The C1ty.-naser 8&1d conditions have been placed on tMs dedication b7 tbe attornQ'. 'lt1e City AttortJQ'1d:shed to add: aIt. for an¡- reason. the funds are not received and improve- MDts are not ...sa. the propert7 w111 be returned to the o1lDer." lit ftCo~lIulded acceptance ot the ded1cat1on tdth the stipulation that _ not117 tbe owner's attorn87 arid receive the condition. The City ....pr asked that the city Attorney be authorized to 1Ir1 te such a l~ter. So moved by COUDC. Fitzgerald, seconded by coun~. Johnson. AYES: RnS: ABSENT : counc. JP1tzgerald, Johnson, Stokes Rone Counc. Dempster, Noel Motion carr1ed. 3-0 REFeR:' ON QUARRY SITE - STEVENS CANYON ROAD The =: ty Manager sa1d we w111 get a report after the County H-C:r.~rol meet1ng the follow1ng day and then we w11: have some :as1s on which to construct a lett~r. An appeal to the Bca~ ~f superv1sors car. be made 1f th1s 1s passed by their H-=;;~~ rol and Plar.ning CO!:1~issiCJn. The =~~y Manager was instr~cted to contact all members of the C1~¡ =~unc1l 1mmedlate:y ~pon receipt of this 1nfcrmat10n. Co~c. Johnson sa1d th~ county Plann1ng Comm1ss10n w1~1 have the:':- meeting on arch 15th. *' sa1à that roads are our pr1ma~ concern and ~he county H-control w11l not be d1s- cuss1:-:.g this aspect. He feels the leotter of protest si.~uld be wr:'tten now. He sa1d all the H-control w111 be talk1ng abo~~ 1s beaut1f1cat10n; he 1s c~r.cerned atout safety. Co~c. Johnson asked why the letter that the counc11 approved 2t wee;cs alO has not been sen':. Counc. Fitzgerald sa..d, for one ':hing, that he would l1ke to know a I1ttle m.:>re ab~ut the s1tuation betore a letter 1s wr1tten. COunc. Johnaon reviewed the mot1on: " . . . under the present cond1t1ons, an add1tional quarry is pl'otested by the City of CUpert1no.... 1* _phas1zed that we don't want a third quarry up there because the exist1ng ::'06d cond1t10ns wo~¡d _ke 1t un.ate. -5- . . Ò' V HEW æSIJŒSS A. ea.1ss1on Appointments '!'be CitJ' ___pr will send out cop1.ea of a list showing present appointees and the1r tel'llll to Cc8D1ss10na arid O.AlØittees. B. JUscellaneOUS -- There was none. VI ADJOOP.JVI&d Moved by COW1C. Fitzgerald, seconded by COW1C. Johnson, to adJo.lrn the meeting at 9:05 P.M. Mvt10n carr1ed, 3-0 APPRO'nD: /s/ Gar~ G. Stokes Mayor, C ty or cupertino A'ITEST: '¡1m. E. Ryder City ClerK - 6 - . at I . ! . b 1 " t'· .