CC 03-06-67
10300 ~rre Avenue, cupertino, cal1fomla, 95014
. ~: COuncil Chambers. 10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino, ca11fornia
"'F. .
8:00 P.M.
Counc. present: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, NOel. stokes
Counc. absent: NOne
staff present: C1ty Manager, Ph1l storm
C1ty Attorney, sam Anderson
C1ty Clerk, Bill RYder
D1rector of PUb11c WOrks, Frank Finney
Director of Plann1ng, Adde J;iurin
C1ty Eng1neer, Bob Shook
Director of Parks & Recreat10n, John Parham
Ass1stant Planner, J1m NUzu~
Recording Secretary. L01s :nwards
Mayor Stokes po1nted out that the J;iwrence G. Br1an and Compan:¡
1nstead of Nolte En~1neers should be I1sted on Page 11,
Item C 1.
Counc. Johnson noted. on Page 3, second paragraph, that the
rema1nder of the mot10n, starting with: "s1nce we don't know
the specif1cs.......", sr~uld b~ deleted because that was
1ntended to be J~st a comment, not part of the mot10n.
Counc. Johnson a¡ao noted that the follow1ng should be 1nserted
\)n Page 8: Sect1on3 6.114 and 6.115, regard1ng height over the
roof and he1ght ove~ the ground, should retlect that the he1ght
over the ground wou~.d 1n no case exceed that permitted in the
Height Ordinance.
Moved by Counc. Jot.nson, seconded by Counc. Dempster, to
approve the Minutes aa corrected.
Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0
'" .
A. OAXDELL RAHCB -....-.KIIS' ASSOCIATION - Letter to be read
by their repreaeøt;aU,ve.
1!1e February 23rd lø1;er b'oaa MrS. Nad1ne aw1a1ller, Sec."et;ary
o~ the ()ùdell BmCb a_uJ1ID8ra' ASsoc1ation. .a introduced by
1;he City Clerk and 1-..1 1.D ita entirety by Mr. V1n~ Merkhofer,
21932 VOodbur7, CUpert1DD. They teel the Cit7 lacks identi+:y
and is in great need o~ a community center. The letter outlined
their recollllllendatioDII for the development ot the central,
Fbrtal an.1 W1~.son ¡nrIaI. -. Merkhofer added that the pol1t1c&l
cl1mate :~r obtainLng these Federal funds 1s rapidly d1m1n1sh1ng.
Mayor 3~=~es said the City COunctl has been proceed1ng with the
parks p:,:,gram. The pedera1 cont ;'tbution has been granted; we are
present:y Just waiting tor the c~:,~Ì( to arrive. ()1ee the money
~b beer. :'ece1ved, the C1ty counc:: ~11l hold additional meetin.
w1th the ?arks and Recreat10n commissIon to determ1ne just how
tl:ese ;x'.tes are to be spent. The staff was 1nstructed to
notif~' ~::-. M'!!rkhofer i:;y letter w::e:-: the next meeting on thIs
matter t~ :~ be hel~.
M;>ved t:.- :.:=c. De!llps: e:', seconje.i ~y counc. :'1. tzgerald, to
file t::", ·.:'1tten c:J!D:'.;.::.=.cat10ns.
Motiùr. .:?::-rIed, 5-C
3. MlS:~--.\NEOUS
~.e~e ~ere ~;~e.
A. Qr~,:=F~ 'JSE ~: - Santa c:a:,,, '::ùunty
Mr. Tc:: :7aeumer, 222=- De Anza :t:'.::€', cupert~:-,:;, noted that
the Cc~r.::: pa8se~ a ~:=':Jn to w::-::¿> E letter t:; "he Santa
Clara :~_r.:y Planr.1~~ =~cm1ssic~" :~ it wer€ feas~ble, in regard
to the tr.:e:1.t to iss~ a ~8e ~:'~:: to a third ~~arry :J~eratIon
1n ';he ,3:e...ens cany:;:". a:-ea. He a~"ej If this letter' has been
wr1tte:-., ~tnce 1t :ee:-. estat:t~Ì'.ed tha.t 1t wO'J.ld be appro-
Mayor s:.:~es sa1d t~e =:~ty H-c.:~:r.:>l rev1ew 1s scheduled for
March ?:r. and on Ma~t. :5th, 1t will again come tefore the
count~. ;:1,.n1ng COa:mi5~='':::;, and t~e councll w11l then see what
to do a=:~~ 1t. There v~ll proba~ly be an AdJc'~ed councIl
MeetIr.g :3. :er this we~", afte.' we :'ind out what cond1 tIon5 thenH-Cont:':: ~3~ place1 =~ tne permt~.
V A. REPOR'r OF PUNNING COIØIIBSION (Minutes of February 27, 1967)
1I1ce-Chalrœn Ð1thenu~h pve a br1ef' summary 01' ~he results of
1;he meetir.g of Febru817 'ZT. 1967.
(See JI1nutes ot 1I'itérla17 23. 1967)
Cba11'man PItch reca"R ""eel approval or the Minutes o~ ¡Jebruary
23rd. JIQOr Stokes. '!dtb 1;he agreemen~ ot the ccnmc1.1. detained
~ approval ot t!v.t A1'OM.t6ctural and Site control JI1nutes 1.41tl1
1;he end or the meet1D¡J bec.u~e the councl1 had not 78t hlid a
chance to read the II1D1rtet1.
c~ RBPOh:' OP THE pAJnr3 COIØIIBSION (See Minutes ot February 28. 1967)
00-. Looc.s reviewed ..he Commission's dec1sion on the parr1sh
Houae. She said they quea~ion the compatabllity and feas1bl1ity
ot pre!!er\~:-.g the Farriøh Bouse, although they do plan to save
the old ~a~ ~ree. The architect has tri~d to fit 1t 1nto the
_ater p:a~ ~:)r the central par:~, but it Just wouldn't f1t.
They the~ s~~ested an alternate site to the Historical Society.
The Co~ss~:~ reque~ts ~he op1n10n of the C1ty Coun~11 on th1s
Mr. Lou1s 3:::ci<lme1r. 22120 S\;evens Creek Blvd., C'lpert1no,
represer.~~,-<; ,;he H1otorical Society, stated that U.e alteInate
a1te sugges~ej by the parxa and Recreation Coœm1ssj~n 1s of
1nauff1c~e~~ size, and the Commission maùe th1s sUM~est10n with-
out the ¡;:-:~:'ty owner even knowing about 1t. He sa1d the
Comm1ss1:~ :~j already closed the dc~rs on the Histor1cal Soc1ety
aa to th~ ?!!:'r1sh House betore they had even arr1v(?~ at the
J01nt mee~~g. He charged that the ~eeting of the Historica~
Soc1ety v:::: the parks Collllll1ss10n was invalid because there was
no room ~::' j1sc~ss10n; tr~ Comm1ss~~n's minds were made up
betoreaa~~. on th1s basis, he req~ested there be another
J01nt mee~~,~ set up to d~scuss the Barrish House; they w11l
be glad ": =eet with the parks Comm1ssion on a proper bas1s.
Mayor Stci<es ~sked CC~. Loom1s if there would be any point 1n
achedu11:-~ a~~ther Jo1nt meet1ng to j1scuss this matter. She
_id they :-.aj only ~uggeated the alternate property; perhaps
th1s was w~s:-~ul thinking. She said there 1s no other 10cat10n
on the ce~~:'a::' park property ';hat 1s ~'eas1ble for the parr1sh
Mayor Stci<es asked Mr. Stock1me1r 1~ the Histor1cal Soc1ety has any :~~er stud1es as to 10cat10n and f1nanc1r~ of the
preaervat~.c~ of the parrish House. Mr. StocklILe1r cited the
ettorts S'.o:-.:'.J-vale, Saratoga, San Jose and others have made t.:-ward
the prese~;a';ion of old homes and arti~acts of yesteryear.
Mr. 5:~~klme1r said he looks upon this as a project of the city,
not o~ :~st a gr.cap ot c1t1zen~. He f~ele this c~rries Just as .
much weight w~th the c~ty as sports 11ke. say, tenn1s. He
:reels '::!1at 1f the r.1tles of saratoga, ~sn Jose, sunnyvale, santa
Clara, etc., teel this sort of thing 1s ot value, then the C1ty
ot CUpertl!lo should also consider it. He feels the Parrish
BOWIe belongs in the cv:::tral Park.
oounc. ¡ohnson wont over the d1scuss10ns that have taken place
on the ~rrish øouae over the pas~ e1ght months: could we pre-
vlde a location on C1t7 prepert7, and 1f so, where? A mot10n
_s _de to attOllpt to locate this Parrish :¡ouse on the central
park propert7. 1'be COmm1se1on has åons this. The architect d1d
try tc tit the hou.e 1nto the master plan, but 1t Just d1d not
r.:,ved ty counc. De04peter, aeco:¡ded by CO'.1nc. Fitzgerald, to set
up a spec1al meet1ng to resolve the Parr1sh House matter:
1) Have the original mot10n brought before the council agai~.
~) Is ~he Parrish Bouse g01ng to be located on the central
Park propert7?
3) ~g~: the Historical society consider some other 10cat10n
f:r the Parrish House?
4) T~e staf: m1ght explore the matter and be able to come up
w~:~ some other possibilities.
Co\m~. ?itzgerald would 11ke the architect to be present at
this s;~=ial meet1ng.
Maycr 5:;kes does r~t feel the City council should overlook the
cost ;: :,enovat1ng, moving and maintaining the Parrish House.
Motion carried, 5-0
The a':;':e meeting was te:¡tatively set for March 28th.
Clerk ~as instructed to have the complete file on this
at t~e ~eeting on the 28th.
'l'he C1 ty
matter .
VI PUBLI:' ::EARINOS -- There were n~'lle.
A. RESaLUTIONS: De Anza, et al, Improvement Project.
Tl.~ C1:Y Manager recommen6ed this be put over unt1l the
AdJo~~ej meet1ng on March 8th.
A~ RBSOLUTI01iS NO. 1415 and 1416.
COlòJ1c. Del/pster introduced Resolution No. 1415.
Jl)ved b7 COunc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. ]fOe1, to adopt
Resolution No. 1415.
AYES: counc. Delll¡l8ter, F1tzgera1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
IfAts: None
Jl)t1on carr1ed. 5-0
HOTE: See Minute Order at end of m1nutes.,
Counc. Dempster 1ntroduced Resolution Ne. 1416.
Jl)ved by Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by counc.Noel, to adopt
Resùlut10n No. 1416.
:oanc. ~mpster, Fitzgø.rald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
Mot1on c<lrr1ed, 5-0
A. HE?C!'- OF CITY TREASURER -- He had no further report.
:r.e C1ty Manager introj~ced a pet1t10n s1gned by twelve
:-.omeolmers on Herr1 t t Dri ve, regard1ng speeders 0:'
~rr1tt Drive between Blaney Avenue and fl)rtsl Avenue.
~e stated that matte~s of th1e k1nd could be handled
:cre exped1tiously "1t~ J~st a telephone call to him.
:oanc11 act10n Is not req~1red to take care of matters
:~ic:e th1s.
2. :he C1ty Manager contacted the county Plann1ng comm1ss~~~
about the Quarry s1tuat1on.
3. We have the s1gnatures of all the property owners along
Homestead Road except one. and that one is expected by
the end or tn~ week.
4. :he C1ty counc11 had ft report on strea~11n1ng the ut1l1t1es
on the per1meter of De Anza College at the last Adjourned
Cleet1ng. Since that Ideetlng, the C1ty Manaaer has had
conferences w1th representat1ves of the college. Telephone
company, and P. G. & E. De Anza is W11l1~ to assume
the greater portion of the b111; however, $8000 w1ll be
placed aga1nst the C1ty, 1f the Council autr.orizes 1t.
5. :t..e C1ty was presented witt. ':.'1010 shares \Jt stock, valued
at $350.00 each at the time, by an interested c1tizen. .
:t... councIl t'e1t that this could develop into a conflict
~f 1nterest, 80 the stock was sold at $842.75, and this
a::lOunt, 811 augellted b7 the donor, has been placed 1n
t~.e parkll aDd Becreat10n t'un;1s.
6. varian hall taken out a buildIng peNit in the amount of
$2,486.600.00. 'l!Je Chief ~1:11ng InSpector has c01llllented
that It took proportIonatelJ much leaa time to process
this permit than anJ others on a much smaller scale.
Ee wanted to publicly thank Messrs. vorcester and aardner
~r varian AS80ciatell, and the fi1'lll ot øockr1se and
watson tor the tIne set of plans.
He ::'e'õlewed his written reper: :!' March 2nd. not1ng that t~
oa~ ~=:ls project, listed a~ ::e~ 4, has been accompl1shed..,
as :::" :::19 date.
1. ~::' -;he recoc:mendatlon =!' :~.e City EngIr.eer, it was
~;~ej by Counc. Dempste::" ~e::=nded by Counc. F1tzge:'ald,
:: a::cept tr.e i~provemen:~ :::~structed 1n con~unctl=n 4IÞ
.~:~ ,.ep Clirte, un1t ~::. - (~cClellan Road near
::;:::i11 Blv:1.) and the r-:'::-~:-Am Restaurant (ssra-;=ga-
~.::.yvale Roa:i at K1rwir. :;i,.e).
MotIc~ :~::,::'~ed, 5-0
;..~ :'SCOllllllended by the (:1::.- ;::-.glneer, 1t was moved ty
:: ..:".::. Noel, seconded ty ::: _'.c. Pi tzgerald, to autr.cr1ze
::,!!'~~d or 9~ or tne $2,¿~. .;: ::ash bond posted 1~
::,~ect10n w1th Deep Cl1~:~. ~~it No. 4; l~ to be
::,!:alned for ene year t:: ~,~::'antee maintenance =!' :::ese
AI':': :
'"!~ ,\.,:.
Ai""__ .
:ounc. De=pster, Fl:::èe::,alj, Johnson, Noel, S-;::kes
Mot10n ::a::,::,1ed, 5-0
~~~ recOllllllendat10n of the :1-;y Eng1neer:
:: was moved by Counc. De~pster, seconded by Counc.
~::gerald, to adopt Resol...:lon No. 1417. .
Counc. Dempster, Fitzge::,a:d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
MotIon carried, 5-0
:.:Ted by Counc. D-._þ6ter, seccn:1ed by Counc. Fitzgerald.
:: ~dopt Resol1rt1on 1418.
liA1S :
counc. Dl p¡ P1tzgerald, Johnson, tfOe1, stokes
.~lon carr1ed, 5-0
Jl;:1'ed bJ COUDC.JI J.ter, seconded b7 COUDC. Pltzgera1d.
:~ adopt ReaoluaGD 1'19.
counc. D-. J)lter. Pltzgeralc1, Johnllon. lIoe1, stokes
_tlon carried, 5-0
:':'i"ed b7 counc. II _ter, sec~n:1ed by Counc. P1tzgerald.
- - ¡¡dopt Reaol1rtlon 11122.
Ccunc. ~_peter. P1tzge~a:~, Johnson, Noel. Stokes
MÞ~1on ca~~~e~, 5-0
3. _~;.:-: 'T('. 4274, BAYVOOD TER.".A:.'E, -:mT NO. é
3-:: Road at Ra111bov Drive)
~= :he recommendaticn of :~e :::7 Eng1neer, ~: was
:~7~~ by Counc. Jor.naon, se::~~e~ by Co'~c. Je~pster,
:: !~.:>pt Re801~t10n :~21, a::e~:~~g ·Qµ1tc:a~= De~d
~~~ A~thor1z.t1o~· from wa~ '~~=p Developme~~s. Inc.
NA ,-~ ,
:cunc. De2peter, F1tzge:-a:=, :~hnson, ~e:, Stokes
~:~O~ ca~~~~;, ;-0
4. ::>;.:-: :i0. 4190. 0AJt !O=Cu. ~-:--.~, ::mT NO.2;
:r. ,\:'r:svorth I)Z"1ve at Steve,,! ::-eeìc Schoo:)
:~~ =ecommendat1on o~ the :::y ~glneer, :': was moved
:y :~unc. Dempster, seconde~ :y :~~nc. Fitzgerald, to
1::~: Resolut1on 110. 1420, ap~::,:v:'ng Final MaP, etc.;
:::7 Eng1ne~r to .11T. after ~a~~:ary D1str1c: signs,
L-~ atter re:celpt ot the Liter a~~ Mater1al erA
?!L~: !".ful PerfOnlanc. bonds.
:ounc. n~t.r, Fitzgera:=, :ohnson, Noel, Stokes
MÞt10n carr~e~, 5-0
B. REro?::: :ITY A.r'fut'~x
~. ::-, :"!!gard to the ca.r.åy Reck ~Q..r.taln street improvements.
t~~ ;ity Attornr,r 1ntroduced Res~lut1on ~41~ 1n the
Ä:C·~: of $26.632.38, to be ~elivered over to the bond-
~~¿ ::op&ny and U'eated as a claim.
Moved :-¡ :-cune. ~..S-ur, secondeå by Coune. Pltz¡¡erald.
to aj;~ Resolut1on IÞ. 1~l4.
:;~~c. Dempster. Pitzgeralj, Johnson, HOel. stokes
MC:10n carr~ej, 5-0
2. ~~ ~::y AttorDe7 ~trcj~ced Re5~lution 1~23, authoriz-
~~~ :::e Mayor am ::1:7 Clt'!',{ :.:> sign a Deed of
::::~~J3nce 1n ~-d to b ~~;~t ~f easement of 125' to
:. ~. t E. from '::t..e c~ty I:: :....;:'e~tlno.
MOve: :~ ~~~nc. De~ps~e~, gec~~~~: ~y Counc. :=~:~S=~, tc
adc~: ~'"'::·lt1on Nc. >.23.
Demps':~=-. ?::zgel'=':'::,
.- -....
- ,
- --..... .
." ..) t'..ns or..,
, -~
~:::;~. c,,:':'~"'.::, :)-0
_.... At to r:".'=:7. ::; :'~q\.le~-: .;:' :~~e C:;¿.:~:. :'".a.5 se::t
and :::';:7 :~ :~.e :e~~~-= :'.::- tLe ~:':.~:-::; at~~t~-:"".~
·~~.:ral pa:-jI: ~=..:~ :~ ~rs. ·:E.:"~ar... -:..: :'".5.= :"€':el"lei
- ,: _., as ye:.
. .
:=:::LDING :~~::;:::::é
:'~p.:. r't.
J. REPC:=~:' ~E:REATIO~ :::?=:~:C)',
The ~ ~:--: . -:.;:' repcr~e:; ~;.~.a'.: .':~ ..;...~ new p:':.g~~_s. He
ala.: =--:;.:~:~j the ·..a;,,~e=. ~"--.: -s....;;·::-:ir.g p:'::.g~a~s :;,~ the
Se~~.::- ·:.:~:enst g~..¡;. :'.t> a::...¡:' -:-32tcetta:: ::....:"'~.a~er.t
is :~:-€ :;~ulate~.
E. REPC~:: 0 ?:.ANNI~;¡ :':?.B:':S?
1. :-.-.-:- :::,-:,,;:tor prese:,:..:.e:: tr~e ......;:. .:-..:'~: w~tr. c=.p:e!. :of a
:.;:~~:- o:ap or ~r..e area :-.~'A :"t.'~::i c.)::slje:"e~ =:{ ~t.e
:-.:.-:.~.- :".Jr a ¡raTe: p~~.
2. ::;:~~:;~ the ~::'Cr..ry R"i~::,&: Plar. ~r?: ':r:e Plann1ng
~;.;~:-::e:1.t or ABl.3 have bee:, :'o'..e1ved by t:-.e Director. .
~.~ ~~:y PlaMe" }avp beer. ~::,(e; to st',dy 1': thoroughly
~:~;: I:'.d then 1!. ~.: ·~.e::' respe::t:'ve Planning
~:-=:!3iona. Tt-~. ar..'::;¡'¡:,j l.eo .1::~c :'r. a !DO r:.-; t. or two.
1. cons1derable t1me has been spent by the new C1ty Clerk
1n or1ent1nB h1l18elt to the dut1es and problems of his
2. Ser1es 1966-1. part II bonds -- The City Clerk requested
authorization to place the proceeds 1n t1me depos1ts
w1th First valley Bank at ~ on the follow1ng bas1s:
30 days . . . . . . . e1,500
60 days . . . . . .. 21,500
90 days . . . . . .. 443,000
(See C1ty Clerk/Finance Director's Report of March 6th)
Moved by Counc. Dem~~ter, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, tc
place the Ser1es 19éó-1. Fart iI bonds 1n time depos1ts
w1t~ Fl~st valley Bank at 5~ a~ del1neated below:
30 days . .... 1221,500
60 days . . , . . . . 221,500
90 days. . . . . ., 443,000
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald. Johnsen, ~:oel, Stokes
NAYS: ~one
Þ ~tlon carried, 5-0
3. 71:::e depos1ts :::.atured at First -¡alley Bar.k and
:~Jcker C1t1zens' Bank. The C1ty Clerk asked for
a~t~.:>rizat1on to ln~u1re if the banks WOJld r~ta1n
:~ese time deposits fer anJther th1rty days until bids
!I~e received.
Sc :::.::...ej by COJr.c. Ncoel, seconaed by Counc. Fitzgerald.
AYES: :,:;;.¡nc. Dempster, Fitzg,- :.~ ¡ÇI, Johnser., ~:cel. Stokes
NAYS: ~one
Mv~~~;' ca~rled, 5-~
MaY':;~ Stokes ca~lej f~~ a recess at 9:20 P.M. Meet1ng
reconvened at 9:35 r.M.
V B. Counc. NOel asked about details of applicat10n 259-HC-67.
It was noted 1n the Minutes that the app11cat10n 1s well
witÌ"~n the present S1gn Ord1nance ar.~ will be rev1ewed
again under the new S1gn Ord1nance when 1t becomes effecti~e.
AS to applicat10n 260-HC-67, Mr. John Gr1ffin, Alpha Land
Compar~, sa1d the park1ng 18 more than 1s requ1red by the
Ordinance. The bu11d1nJS are compatible with the exist1ng
*ved by Counc. DeMP8~r. secorxied by ~ounc. NOel, to approve
the Architectural and Site control Minutes ot February 23, 1967..
MOt1on carried, 5-0
% uJU'.uasmm BUSnmss
The Mayor stated the Cl1scU8sion of this matter should be
delayed because there w111 be subsequent I.C.C. meet1ngs
on it.
Moved by Counc. JohDaon. seconded by Counc. Dempster, to relllOve
this 1tem from the agenc1a.
Mot10n ~a!"!'ied. 5-0
r::ere was none.
Maycr Stvkes fe:t ~t woula be ajvantagec~~ t~ postpone th1s
ite=, due to tr~ ~act that several th1~gs ~~.e ::ot yet been 4IÞ
res~:ved. such as t~e retirement progra~, a:: c~i::ance
estaè11shing a perscnnel system and an c~:,~~ce encom-
passing employees' s~ggested changes. A spec1a: ~eet1ng
will èe set up to take care of th1s. The :lty Maneger sa1d
he will have a repert at the Adjourned =eet1::g or. wednesday.
B. OOODllILL INDUS:'RIES ')f Santa (lara county ~~'/e re~uested
the C1ty of cupertino proclaim $st~rday, ~~rch 13th. as .
"(}::~j. TUrn DaY" or. "cer.alf of the Gc'odwi:: :~.:bstries.
So 1IIO\'ed by Counc. Fitzgerald, ~e~"l,iej by Cc.;.::.c. Neel.
Motlv~ carried, 5-G
Mayor Stokes noted there w1ll be one vacancy on the Water
Commiss10n, one vacancy on the parks and Recreation Com-
miss1on, and two on the Architectural a~A S1te control
Comm1ttee 1n April. He prevailed on the reporters present
at th1s meet1ng to note this in the1r respect1ve newspapers.
Counc. Johnson reported that the BYlaws were adopted by the .
Plsnn1ng Commi..lon and the Mayor of Saratop w111 be our
representative f~ this area on the EXecut1ve Comm1ttee.
The ent1re co..ttt.. w111 meet every two IIIOnthe.
. -
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B. PBASB II, J5U"""-"....,y PROGRAM
iIQOr Ston_ nported on the I.C.C. meet1Dg in regard to the
proposed "'0 .-1- tax to be put on ~blles 1n santa
Clara COUDtJ' Sa 0JI'der to finance the lmCb-i.-eeded Phase II
or the ,BkPNI) 7 r.'V&6A11o Tentat1ve17 ~..ldf\S, proceeds
11111 be \JM4topa1"Chase revenue bonds to finance Phase II
ot the þpr.....oIa7 Program.
COunc. De~ter ~ be recently d1scueaed this with our
local leli_Jaton 1n sacramento. Sollie are In favor of It.
in principle. bat there 1s some queatioD ot whether It 1d1l
go through tile LeS1alaturt! successfully. It seems equitable
to hi. because 1D this ..,. we would be ......1ng the people
who w111 be ue1DS the expressways. TheJ' have to b<.! built
and this s.... to be the best method so tar for f1nancing 1t.
Moved by COImC. I)e1Dpeter secC'n1ed by Counc. Fitzgerald, to
adopt Resolution No. 1424, w1tt'. the 1ntent that the City
council endorses the proposal or the county on the $10
max1!11U!11 taxing per car with the proper word1ng to be placed
in the Resolution when rece1ved by the :rarricways comm1ttee.
AYES: Counc. De~ps:er, F1tzgerald, Jc~:_scn, Stckes
NAYS: Counc. ~e:
Mot1.:>n carried, ~-:
F. The ~t1onal ~ae~e of Cities' conven:::n ~1l1 te held 1n
Washington, D.:., March 12-l~th. co'~c. Je~pster has
ind1cated he .o'~1 be interested 1~ at:e~ding this convent~:n
as a ~preser.ta:1ve of the city or c~pert1~c and w111 seek
informat1on at()'~t Federal f ...nd~ng of 10:.: 1!:1provement
Mayor Stokes commented that he atte~~ed ~~e ~~ these conve~-
t10ns in DececOe::' and found it ~he ~ost 1r~~rmat1ve of any
convent10n he ~~5 ever attenct~:,
Moved by counc. NOel, secondea by Ccunc. Fitzgerald, ~o
appo1nt Counc. Dempster to !'epresent tÌ".e City of cupert1no
at the Nat10nal League of C1t1es' conver.t1on 1n washington,
D.C., March 12-1~.
AYES: Counc. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes
NAYS: None
ABSTAINED: Counc. Dempster
Mot1on carried, 4-~
G. Former Counaiblan Paul F1nch urged enactment ot an Ordinance
to c05IIpensate tbe C1.tJ' Counc1lmen for theü t1llle, effort,
and expense imro1.yed 1n carry1ng out theü, to be ...
based on the ..,..... .-de 1n the ord1nance bJ' the State Leg1SW
lature. He teela the tailure of the t1nt attempt at pass-
ing such an 01"""-" .. because it was 111-t1Jlled. He sees
not:h11'\g vroug 14th c- ......·attng a person tor I11s time. effort
and expense In e&ft"J'Jns out the City's bwd.D88s. MaJ'or Stokes
shares Mr. i'1Dch's op1D1on. He stated tb1ll J.s one of the
rec~~..tlona to C~ out of the recent ~ss for
C--no1t:: rrosr..s. Be added that the ()rtttnllftt!e , when enacted,
should provide tor PftPlt1es for CouncllJ1en 1d1en theJ' are
Counc. Dempster wouJ.d be willi:1.g to let the Mayor des1gnate a
committee co make a study on õ~is matter and the Council
could make their ~cls1on after ~eceiving the committée's report.
MIJUrIE .-r'-O\: Moved by Counc. Dempster, secc~ded by Counc. Johnson, to
authc:,lze the ~7~r ~o deslgr~:e a Comm1t~ee or Commission t~
study ~his amer~e~ Ord~nance ~Â:1.ded down by the State Leg1s-..,
.':ç ;~'-~
'';.;, ~'
~0tlon carried, 5-~
....-.-== PAYING 3:"rS ~cor:";~::·..;~::.
Res::'~:ien l4:~: JI!:;....ed by C.;~;~.;. Fitzgera:d, seconded by
COl.",:. :ehnsc:-,. ~: de:e':e Wa:',a,.~ 1146 õC ::;:;\.i:'':esy Chevrolet .
beca:.:se ':he t~:.::£ :-ÂS ~c': ye: :ee~ placed i~ sa':lsfactory
ope~a:~~~ con~:~:~.
AYES: ':cunc. je=;:s:e:-, FltzS:2~a:'j. Johr.s:::"'., ~;:el, Stokes
NAYS: X:ne
~·:.:':i.:>n car:-~e:i, 5-8
1:: NEW BUS:X::SS (con': ~:-.:.;e:i:
Counc. :e=pster w~:e= :~e ~ecorj :~ show he xi:: =e ur4ble ~o
attend :~e AdJourne~ ~ee:~r~ on Wej~esday, ~Arch ê~h. because
he has a :'raff1cways ::;:;~ :~ee Mee':::1.g that ni.g.":t.
~ ADJœRN~:'
Jkr¥ed by ~ounc. F1~zgerald, Heconded by Counc. ~oel, to adjourn
at 10:05 P.M. to the Ad:c~rned mee':ing on Wednesday. Karch 8,
1967, in :he Counci.l ~~~ers.
Motion carr1ed, 5-0
.a.5.........::.a.- :
/_/ va. E. ~der
C1 y Clerk
I~ Ga::'~ G. Stokes
yor, 1ty or cupert1no
- 12 -