CC 02-20-67 10300 Torre Avenue, Cuper'Ù.-,o, california, 95129 252-4505 þ. fl~_,t . '" '-,.~ ".,"' :.":~,. .¥.:/5,'i:iÎUCB: . '..~ :t,_ ." or; ;'~ '''~: CITY OP CUPBRTIJfO california '. ," . :;du'.raC OP '1'HB RmUL&B po-.-G OP THB CITY CWMiJ.II-'J'ebru&17 20, 15t'1 Councll Chaaber.10300 Torre Avenue, CupertS.rlø.~8al1tom1a " 8:00 P.M. I SAID'l'E TO TBB lP.LIO II ROLL CALL . þ III . þ' Counc. present: ])empGteI', Fitzgerald, JohnSon, Noel. Stokes Counc. absent: Jione Ci ty Manager, Phil Storm City Attorney, Sam Anderson Director of Public Works, Prank Finney City Clerk, B111 Ryder Director of Plann1ng, Adde Laur1n City Eng1neer, Bob Shook Director of Parks " Recreat10n, John Parham Ass1stant Planner, J1m Nuzum Chief Bu11ding Inspector, B~ll Benevich Record1ng Secretary. Lo1s Inwards M1~-,:1'ES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS - February 6 " 14, 1967. Staff present: Mi~~~es of February 6th: CoUnc. Johnson had the following c~~:'ect10n on page 2, next to the last paragraph; add the words "~,j~r the presen~ circumstances' to the first lin~, between the words 'stated' and ·h€". M~.ed by Counc. Johnson, seco:1.ded by Counc. Noel, to approve the Minutes of Pebruary 6, 196:, as corrected. Mot10n carried, 5-0 M1r.~~es of February 14th: On page 2, f1rst paragraph; the City Cle:'ic noted tae appl1cation number should be 240-HC-66. On page 3, third parotgraph, last line; Mayor Stokes sa1d the word "as" sho~ld be 1nserted between the words "be' and ·adequate". On page 4, the third paragraph; the C1ty Manager sa1d that in order to leave no question 1n the minds of the readers, the first senten~e should read: "Mr. Farrier said.....contract with the City ~f San JOs8,.....agreed upon." Moved by Counc. P1tzgerald, seconded by Counc. Noel, to approve the Minutes of Pebruary 14, 1967, as corrected. Mot10n carried, 5-0 -1- 11' OI\'AL AMD VRIT'l'D CØUlufiCATIOBS , ,~".'.' t;;:,~:::·'_·· .,,,' ..., f> c''-; <,;"',.. 1. Letter ot l'eb1'uar7 15th troll the Board ot SlaPun'!80l'8, . stat1n8 the7 !a". edopted a Resolution in Nlation to' sqU... ftr!øfQ'. 8. A CQ¢lfticatSoD f1'OII tbe Citizens' ater CCI Ittee In reams· to, tJ.uOliJdaUoft. "j,£.ved b7 Counc.,:ft.t-'.i1·~'''d. seccDded by CouDø~1,"'1. to tUe ,he 1R'1tteft au ,..t"~DII. IIbUOD carr1ed, 5-0 "1: 1. 1Ir. John JIÞra1q. Þ.. requested the Counøl1 authorize PQMnt ot t'OOõ f4 tbe balance ot $5000 currently be1n8 retained to ~~. correctlon ot eSetlcleaøÚs in the new City all. RnIlOMJbll1tles or the proble. wIth the vot1Ds 118hta anð t;be ID1crophones has been aooepted b7 . the architect. 'ft1e Chiet BII1ld1ns Inspector said the architect would sub- ID1t a report to tile Clty Manager outl1n1ng the six items that retain to be coIIP1~t~. Actually, tbere are only tour outatand1n8 ttetleiences to be resolved b7 the contractor. Be reco...nded pa;yMnt of the $4000 at this time. _Ved b7 Counc. !fOe1. aeeonded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to release. t4000 ot the remaining .5000 to Pursley Construction Company. A1I8: Counc. Dems-ter, J'1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stok~s .YS: None Motlon carried, 5-0 2, Mr. Toll 'l'raeUlller, 22284 De Anza C1rcle. Cupertino. recap~ the matter ot the County's 1ntent to issue a permit for a tourth qua1T7 in the Stevens canyon RoacS aNa. He allked that the Councl1 take a more forceful stand againllt approval of thill permit, baaed on traftic and lœ.cSec¡uate roads and lIafet)' ot the cltizens living 1.1 that &rea and traveling those roads. It was Counc. DeIIp"ter's understanding that the County, Planning Colllll1l1Blon haeS alreaeSy approved the permit, sub- Ject to Architectural and Site Control approval, and he questioneeS the teaslbility ot the Councll's takir~ any to~l aoUon at this point. Mr. Traeulll8r re-pbasized that the City ot cupertino should ask that it this peZ'lDit 1s granted, it should be conditioned that Stevena can,on JlDaeS be Improved to tour lanes to handl" the increased truck traffic. -2- t ,-'~..\ .';'~ · · · þ 'j: $" ~ . f"~:'· . . . .0. ., Com1c. Johnson d:;d not see how the COuncil could do aJ171;h1ng but; prote!!t this new qu&rI"7 under the pI1e~,road conditions. ,Counc. Fit%gel"iild'fould I1Jœto ~ 1DC)~~t;- ,the 'enUre dt;uat1on betore theC01mCl1 takes a stan(! oñth1ø 1ssue. MQor iI,.' a, &¡reed :I'¡t:h CoIIDC . JohDil,Oh.and ~;,.requelÌted the atatt ., ~ into the _ttel':t it,':.. tbÞ1.'b!_'1.r. trii~,',',ftJt."'1 n come zie th:. CountJ 1"-"tW. COIBIàB3.~, htpr~"~:~ Cit7 'E' 11 øhould wr1te aIßter of prOte8t:~!.ene or IIOre ot the , é1l11en aboulc1,be ~ at the _etØJ&:to ,verbaJ,lT eapbas1ze · ," 1no's tM""t1g..,'CòÜJ¡c. HOel .~ t" CS,tJ' Attol'l187 for .' nts. The City Attoloœ7 had noth1_ j;O'âd4 at ,th1ø time. ÌIØ~ad by Counc. JohnBon. seconded by counc., Hoel. that a letter of protest be submitted to the CountJ Planri1ng Comm1ssion. Counc. Noel sa1d it is the City Council's dUty to look out tor the satety and weltare ot the c1tizens. Counc. Dempster would like to have some cooperat10n 1n the w1den- ing ot the road if this permit is approved. ,.; . ~.. \;"''1t. ð- . ~ -' Mayor Stokes feels the County's procedure should be checked out f1rst to see 1f 1t would do any good. Counc. Johnson sa1d the County Planning Commiss10n would 1ssue a Resolut10n of Intent that 1s based upon Architectural and S1te approval 1f 1t were approved by that body. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 3. ~~. Lou1s Stock1me1r. 22120 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupert1no. sa1d the Historical Soc1ety has had a J01nt meeting w1th the Parks and Recreation Commiss10n 1n regard to preservation of the Parr1sh House. He is now negot1at1ng w1th the developer of the property to the west of the park property to see 1f there 1s a poss1bil1ty of mov1ng the house there. 'Ie presented a wr1tten report to the C1ty Clerk. and cop1es are to be sent to the Counc1lmen. V A. REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION Comm. Horgan represented the Commiss10n at the Counc11 meeting He had no spec1f1c comments to make s1nce the minutes of the adjourned Planning Commiss10n meet1ng had not yet been d1str1- buted. He asked for questions. There were none. B. REPORT OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMI'l"l'EE (See Minutes of February 9. 1967) Cha1rman Fitch asked that app11cation 258-HC-66 be held 1n abey- ance, upon request ot the applicant. He t\.1rther asked that the Counc11 cons1der the COl!!'llittee's recolIP.'Iendation tor approval ot 240-HC-66, 255-HC-67. aM 257-HC-67 att.¡r a report tt'Om the Chief Bui1d1ng I:.spector on tt.e latter &ppl1ca~1on. - 3 - " ~r Stokes st;atf1 the ~1.1 approved application 240-øc-66 _ ~be AdJourned ~et1ng CID February 14th. ¡ :~et B'11ld1nC Inapec~ lilt:at;ed that he had noted the . ;,/ ..',~ .. 11's p1.nrYIId a ~ duplex under their appllcat10n ,--';'iI;;;' '8:-67. !Ids. ProPøI.I.~~ into the city of CUpert1Do ;.'i...·.7,~, . -che CouDt)'.~"-7. ;....~~1" development pl8IUI. Upon 'fii' , , he found~.. ". ,I.I does tall within tbr> zon1ng ... ,,: é;-.. ions for 1Ihe 1tt'O~I~ " . , 1:'~;:' . , ,: ~~...8Chemat1C dl'awinp rcw __û1'ft8t1on 255-HC-67 were d1.8pla78d .... t:IJe bulletin board. lIP. 3. V. Loughlin, 10672 DeeP ClUte ~".. CUpertino, Aid th1a ~ right on the corner ot Mverside _DPJ.". and Footh111 Blvd. stxteen or the eighteen parIdDg s¡Bces wd.11. be underground. '!'be ~ture features s1ng1e-stor'7 across tile 1'ront, v1th the aeCODd-IItor'7 portion set back. There will be Þro-~, two-and-oae-baU-bath un1ts; two-bedroom, two- bath units; and to the: rear 1d.ll be a three-bedroom, two-bath IIIdt. There w111 be a swt-woc pool and many of the amemties tbat w111 lllÙe th1s a b'~1aøs development. There 1s a 12' drop trom Pooth111 Blvd. to the tar side of the property . t'ronting 0"1 Riverside Drive" wMch w111 tend to keep the o'.rer- all he1ght :;f the structure down. Mr. Loughlin has checked 1I1th his ne1d:bors and d~d not t1nd any who were actively against t~ development. Ra70r Stokes ~"1troduced a letter from Mrs. Sever1n, 22570 San 3uan Road, :;tJect1ng to tr~s beca~se it 1nterfered w1th th~ T1ew from ~er ~~tchen w~., and because 1t would 1ncrease '::ratr1c on a~ already over:ca:1ed road and at the scene of many acc:1dents. F".U'ther, she sa1è!he checked w1th Mr. B1anchi, at the County offices, who r.as spec1f1ed that Foothill Blvd. w111 be 90'. Wher. the Severins ~lt the1r home. they ",ere torced to dedicate 25' of their property front1ng on Foothill Blvd. tor this purpose. She a1ac stated that 1f the structure is built as plarM"1ad, 1t w111 be 11' trom the street. She then described the accidents that r.ve occurred here. . Counc. Fitzgerald asked t!1e D1rector of Public Works 1f the County and ~~ty d1d not plan a 60' street here. The D1rector Baj,d this was right. ~r Stokes sa1d that I't'.ase n of the Expressway Program (1Ih1ch has been scrapped) caUed for 90 I up to the beginning or Stevens Car170n Road. CouIx'. Noel asked the applicant about the setback. Mr. Ioughlin 8j,d the plar.s now call ror the structure to be set back 14' r¿~ the property line ~ door, and the ne1ghbor's home 1s 1.' trom the property line. Dr repos1tion1ng the building, JIr. Loughl1n will have between 29' and 30' from Foothill Blvd. Be. ~. haa checked with the County, and Mr. Bianchi told him Uau-e detln1 tely are no plaDs now tor w1den1ng of Stevens caIVon Road. If 1t should go to 90', it would st111 leave 14' to 15' . ~back. . -4- · · þ · þ ck. ,. .:.~:~~, } *'J', ~: ,~:;.,~" ;"¡" it ~ . Jr,¡a:< < f ~ J}- '" l~ .*~_-~ ,0< "'" f.!ov!\i by Counc. DJ J.ter. seconded by Coune. JPl~zgera.1d, to a¡:¡;rove appl1ca~ 255-Hc-67 v~th the cond1.tJ.oD that the appl1c;:.nt 1IOrIr 1d.UI the engineers to ~t tb:1Jl 29' set>,ack t'rom the cariJ llne on ~evens caJ:l7OD Boed. Mot1oD ~ed, 5-0 Moved b7 Counc. Jrl Jter, seconded b7 Counc. .10'-^D, to approve appl1cats.t ~-BC-67 . Mot1GD a.ft~ed, 5-0 Application 258-BC-BT 1f1.l1 be held 1n abeyance. per the reqœst of the app"l1-...t. C. HEFORT OF' THB PABI:s CL_IISSION (See Minute'! or 2/1-/57) CO!:m. ~om1s saM 1;he ColflD1es1o~ r.as d1scussed the possl- bl:~":y of rea11s' .1:. or the 1r.g:-ess and egress or the ce~"::-a: park. It 1.8 the Comm1ss~c~ 's fe~11ng tha~ the cost fo:- :::e mov1ng and reJlC!vat1on c: :::e Pal'r1.sh House should nc: :~ce from park romds. c:;¡=. :.o:;¡m1s stated that on Ma:'::: 31, 1967, tr.e ~8s10ns of )f:. Acker, Mr. P-cœsOD. and ::~:'self will be exp:.ring. S~£' :õ:a:ed further ':œt althoug:: s::e has enjoyed lIorking on tt.€ :=:'~s and Recreat:on Commlss~~~, she wculd r~~ be able t: ,·:~.:i:1.ue because her husban::' :-.a:õ been trar..s~erred out c:'" ::-.-: ?~ea. At tr.e :õ~ge3t10n of ':~.e Mayor, 1t .:5 =oved by ~~~.=. Noel. se~~r.::'£'~ =? =ounc. Pi~zgerald, to :-.a.£' a Resoluti=~ ~~ Apprecia- ~10n ;::'£';,a:-ej for Mrs. :.ocms in re::=~t10n of :-Ær v~rk for the C~::':~ :he Parks ~ Recr~atl=~ :=~lss10n. AYES: NAYS: Dempster, ~:zgeralè, :::-:.son, Noe:, S~~kcs ... ~ ..... ....-..... ,.._~ .'-..- MOtic~ =a~1ed, 5-~ ~¿~:~ 5:okes sta~ed t~.t ~~. Pa:'5=~3' comm1ss1c~ ~8 the only o~£' ~x¡:~r1ng in ML-c:!:. :;~ th1s ~'!!a:' ::ecause the :;::her two we~~ £'x:ended by C:;'~~~l actlo~ 5=~e t1me ago. 'I~ I'UBLI.:' ~~~a.5 "~ ,., A. RES:::;::¡ON NO. 925-23 - A RESO:~-=:JN OF' INTE!lTIOX TO MAKE CF.1..."J!.S AND MODIYrc;.\TIOHS - PRO:::C 64-1. The c:.:¡ Á:":orney askd ~ there have ::een any wñt~e~ protests. The C:.:¡ ::er~ sa1d t~ were none. Attorr.e¡ ~otert Hill then s~r1ze::' :::e Supplemen~ Report, ~creas::';".g the &1IIOunt ~ ~:.25,OOO. -5- !lOved by COU:1c. Dempster, seconded by Cc"mc. F1tzgera~d, to cJ.ose the Public Hear1DgS. ADS: Counc. Dempst..'!r,. J'1.tzgeæld, Johnson, Noel, stokes . aD: Hone Motk.n carried. ~-o avec! 117 Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. ~el. to adopt ]Iesolutlon 925-27, A SupPJ.emental Report, Project 64-1. ~: Counc. Dempster. P1.tzgerald, Johnsor" Noel, Stokes &»31 None '" Motion carried, 5-0 B. ORDINANCE NO. 353: AX ORDINANCE OF THE CI'l'Y OP CUrlm"rINO AMBHDING ORDIHAlfCB JiO~ 89; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OP ~uON, CONS'l'BUC'l'IOlf, REPAIR,. ALTERATION, LOCATION:'ND MAINTENANCE OP SIGHS WITHIN THE CITY OF CUI'Im"1·.u40. ESTAB- LISHING FEE~ AND n-.JWUttES FOR APPLICATIONS, VARIANCES. . ISSUANCE OF PEßII.I'l'S AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FoR THE VIOLATION 'J:~F; A} 1) REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. COlfl'IHUED FROM FEBRUARY 6, 1967. (First Read1ng) 'D1e City Council went over the new S1gn Ord1nance, page by page, with the resul~~ mod1f1cat10ns: Pap Sect10n y',:¡;i1f1cat1on 667 4.:"0 &: ~.1J.¡ 669 ~.2J.¡ 672 5.02 ~- . Ir. answer to Co~c. Johnson's question, the Planning ~irector sa1d t~ese áef1n1tlons ~~ve been taken d1rectly ~rom an estab:lsr~d l1st to coœµly w1th State nomen- c:'ature. ~mITE ORDER: Pi";¡ CO'....11C. JCJhns::m, seconded by Counc. . De:npster, to :ielet£' ~he words "whether supported by the roof c- not." and replace w1'~h the words "supported by t~e roof." Mot~cr. carr1ed. 5-0 IoamITE ORDER: B::1 Co-..nc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to 1nsert the vords "or to des1gna~e the name a~d addres8 of the owner or occ..¡:-ant of the premises upon whlch sa1d advert1s1ng dlspla~ is placed, except 8S tollows:" at U~e end of the parap-",ph, after delet1ng the words "except as follows: Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 . -6- - . . . . !!II!. ,~ sectic..l Modification 5.033 In answer to Counc. 10hnaon'a question. the p:10::-.:l1.ng Director H14 t:be 1ntent was tor se~ce stations, as proposed b7 Western 011 and aell. Be added that perhaps the present word1ng does give a l1ttle too III1ch latitude Counc. JoJmaon propo,ecS deleting 5.038 because the Use Permit ~ a serVice station would take care of this Counc. ÐeIll¡l8te1" øUØ8stecS: D1splay ot _rchand1se to be controlled b7 UN Permit. Mayor StokeS feels th1s paragraph':lIhould be rewritten to service s1:*tions. Counc. P1tz~d suggested: D1splaJ' of' INrchand1se as allowed under the Use Permit. The staff 1I8S 3Sked to rewrite th1ø JI81"8S1'8ph and come up with some fcrmula- t10n as to how to incorporate th1s into the Use Fermi t. frT3 5.03f Counc. Johnson questioned the two square feet per lot 1n th1s Section and the Home Occupation Ordinance allow- ance of one square toot s1gn. 6714 MIlyor Stokes asked 1f some provision should be made here for potential commercial property. Through d1scussions, 1t was dec1ded it would be too hard to def1ne "poten- t1al" commercial property. and th1s matter could always te handled through the Var1ance procedure. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald. to delete Sect10n 6.022. 5.07 67; . ~ 6.022 Mot10n carried, 5-0 67~ 6.031 MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Count:. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Dempster. that the s1gns on freeways, landscaped and unlandscaped, to be 1n coræo~ance w1th the Free- Way Agreement w1th the State. Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 Set~ack to be estab11shed. E77 6.041 Counc. Dempster wants a survey as to how many s1gns would be nonconform1ng under this provision. Ma7~r Stokes called for a recess from 10:05 to 10:15 F.M. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. Dempster. that s1gns 1n R-l are to be of equal s1ze, e1ther 1 sq. ft. or 2 sq. ft. AYES: Counc. ,Dempster, Johnson, Noel NAYS: Counc. Fitzgerald, Stokes Mot1on carr1ed, 3-2 -7- .... .. .1.'...._. ._ - .:,; ><¡iI' 878·· 818 818 619 619 680 Sect10n Mod1f1cat1ons M:INUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc. Dempster.. secondec1 by Counc. Johnson. ;;hat signs 1n R-1 zones Sri:' to be no . larger than 1 sq. tt. Motion carried. 4-1 (MaJor Stokes dissenting) Third line shoUld read: "other than on res14ent1a1 s1ng1e-f'AIII1,y lots. The deposit shall... 11 6.081 6.09 6.071 6.103 6.114 5c 6.115 6.131 681 6.151 683 6.17 683 6.18 ~ 6.201 Counc. Johnson wondered about thE number ot s1gna to be allowed here. COWlC. Dempste!' suggested one eve17 210'. The staf'f' was asked to come up with a recoDDendation on maximum number of' prodv::e ,,::'gn3. K!NUTE OlIDER: Moved by Gounc. Dempster. sec'>ndec1 by Counc. Fitzgerald. to chanp;e the figure to 1 sq. ft. in tlds sect10n and wherever else 1t occurs in this Jrd1I1ance. Mot10n carried. 4-1 (Mayor Stokes D1ssent1ng) . ~~unc. John5~n recommended that ::ow the sign is to be anchored. sect10ti wa5 ~equesterl. 1t be der1n1tely stated A staff report on this . S~o~ld reflect that the he1ght over the ground would ::':1 no case exceed that permi tt;?d in the He1ght Ordinance. :h1rd l1~e: Add "s" to the word "route". ~2.yor Stokes fee ls th~r€ should 'Je a depos1 t on saMi vi- sion d1rectic~1 signs S~ they w111 be reffioved. Counc. ::empste.. d1sagreed becau.i-> the C1ty has some CO'1tl.:>l . over the suè~1v1sion jeve~0per, where 1t otherwise ~.s ~~ effective äay of ensu~jng removal of po11tical s1gns. :ie recoDUJ:ended the staff come back w1 th a I'epoct; that all shopp1r.g c':nter s1gns and ground s1:>;ns be the same ::e1ght, prefen....bly 20' rather than 25'. :in:! for the staff to 11st the arguments, beth pro an~ Con. Fourth :l1r:e sho..lrl. read: "... sign surface." Delete the rema~.nder of the sentence. Fourth line: Replace "Clr:e (1) fc,:.t" w1th "f<..ur (4) fept" Should read as follows: "S1gns 1nd1cating for sale for . ' ~ease, or future type or developmE:nt are peI'!l'.ittE:d 1r. all =ones on vacant lots; he1ght n~t·to exceed four (4) feêt; sign area as prov1ded 1n Sec. t .121 of thls Ordinance W. II Th1rd I1ne: Delete "an exlst11'.g or planned". -8- 688 ~ Section ~lric~~10na · 7.111 JlIHUTE ORDBtlI JIo7eC1 by Counc. Dempeter, ,seconded by COunc. Noel. .~ cJlange "two (2) squa~,.. t'eet." on line 3 to "t'0IØ (lI) square teet." JIoUaacarr1~, 5-0 689 ... 8.2 689 8.1 689 8.2 . 691 10.2 · 696 698 . · 13.1 16.1 4.21, l¡.03, ;'1.1 ,fi'~ii('. lIJ.M 'l'1S ORD_s. . ..IrK by COunc. Dempeter,.econded by CO'MC. PitaPi'i14. to strike ttw word 88&1ntenance". JIoUoD carried, 5-0 kUIU'l' S ORDBR: lIoYed by COunc. Johnson. seconded by ~unc. Dempeter, to strike the word-- ".intenance". MotIon carr1ed, 5-0 KIXJTE ORDBR: JIoved by Counc. Dempster, ,tleconded by Co:;o:::. Fitzgerald. to change the f1gure in the last :i::e from"$10.00· to "$25.00". Mot1o~ carr1ed, 5-0 ~~;::'E ORDER: Moved by CO'ID::. Johns.::n, seconded by ::::.:.::. Dempster, to change the figure "$15.00" to "!~=.OOIf. MQt10r. carr1ed, 5-0 :::--=",3'" "City Ja11" to "Co¡,;:¡ty J1Iil". :-:::~:e the "...,."UE '"a summa::-" or", ~~;"':-:E ORDER: ~ved by Co~nc, Dempster, seccnd~d by Noel, te ~lrect the C1ty Manager to come up def1n1t1on for the '.i.::r:i "ma1ntenance". - -. --_... . ...~::-. a Mct1er. carr1ed, 5-0 .:-.: :'1ty Attorney said the word "ma1ntenanc..:" may have :: :e re1nstated. as there are other appl1cat10ns of 1t. :~: :1ty Attorney adv~sed tha~ Ord1nance 353. w1th the :::--=.:-~es 1nd1cated by th~ r~ty Council, should now go :a::~ to the Planr.d~ Comm1ss10n w1th a report of these :::~:-~es and the City Council's reasons tor them. ;.1:::". j{alter Ward, Vallco Park General Manager, 1n regard :;.~~oPP1ng center s1gns, expla1ned that the Vallco shops ~___ be front1ng on the mall and a shopp1ng center s1gn wi:: be a nece..1tr. -9- t' ¡.-, 'J!., /~ ! "" (, þ:>"~ ~ . ~,~ Y.II ORI'IIlWiCBS AIm RISOLUTIOHS FOR ADOPrION A. ORDIlWICB m. oœ(J'): AX ORDINANCE OF TEE CI'l'Y OF CUrJ!l£J.·.ufO a.-puJJÐ WW.l.~ 110. oœ BY ADDING liJiOUU'l'IORS lOR AIllIH-e IS'ftIA'1Tl;B AD lROPBSSIOJIAL OFFICE (OA) ZOJŒS. (Secœd Rer--t.,.) )t)ftd b7 COUDO. J)¡¡¡ ~ter. . ,econded by Counc. Fitzgerald, that 0rd1DaDce OOIt~) be read by title only and that the ayor's ~1DS ~dtUte ~ Second Reac!1ng. Motion carried, 5-0 )t)ftd 'tI7 Counc. Deapeter, fleconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Ord1nanCe Ifo. oœ (y) . " '.';t " A~: Counc. l'aMpeter, Fitzgerald, Johnsor., Roel, Stokes RA13: !rone Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 '''nI . fa Y:!«; ?!!.LS A. :les:::-..t10r. Ro. 1407 aud l ¡oS. Resc:...~~~n No. 1407 was read by Treasure:- Dempster. Moved by :::ounc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. P1 tzgerald, to adc;~ Rescl~t10n No. 1407. . AYES: =~~c. Dempster, F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NA\'S: :;cr.e Mot10n carr~ed, 5-0 Resc¡~~~~n No. 1408 _as read by rreasurer Dempster. Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald, to . adopt Resolution No. 1408. AYES: =~unc. Dempster. Fjtzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes WAYS: None. Mot10n carried, 5-0 IX REPORT OF OFFICERS A. REPORT OF' CITY TREASURER - He had nothing further to report. B. REPORT OF' CIT'1 MANAGER 1. A tour ot Ðe Anza College 1s being arranged March 23rd. which will 1nclude a luncheon. information or. this 1s forthcoming. for Thursday, Further . -10- i,. 2. At the adjourned meet1ng, there was the matter ot streamllned uti11ties around the college. The Clty "'-ser hac discussed th.1s with Mr. CUtler and will _t with Mr. cutler and Dr. DeHart on Thursday and subm1t a report at the next CouncIl meet1ng. 3. Tbe Homestead Rot..I\ LID, from Iawrence Station Road, westerly. i. .1m1.....r to the stevens Creek Blvd. 1m- prov~nt ProSect. The C1ty Managersa1d he Is Meting with SOme re.istance 1n obta1n1ng the dedicatlonu trom some ot the property owners. He requested a statement ot pollcy troa the C1ty Counc11 on th.1s. I'LUIU'ra UJWBR: Moved by Coun~ Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, that unless the ded1cat10ns from the representat1ve property owners are forthcoming, the Clty w1ll not move torwaro with the t:')mestead Road Project per the eng1neering plans. MINUTE ORDER: Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 4. I.. lease arrangement of surplus park s1te property was prepared and submitted to the lessee, who does not completely agree w1th all facets of the lease. The City Manager feels the lease 1s an equ1t~ble arrangement and should rema1n as 1s. Moved by Cour.c. Dempster. seconded by Counc. Noel, to author1ze the C1ty Manager and C1ty Attorney to send ~he lease back to the lessee and to not1fy sa1d less~e that the C1ty Counc1l feels 1t 1s a good lease as it ~ow stands. . . . Mot10n carried, 5-0 5. The C1ty Manager recommended the new C1ty Clerk's salary to be estab11shed at $844.0C per month, the same as h.1s predecessor. So moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Mot10n carried, 5-0 . C. REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. The D1rector rev1ewed his written report of 2/17/67. Under the De Anza Improvement Project and the Steven3 Creek Blvd. Improvement Project, rather than h1re a"\ eng1neer and have to let him I!..) after s1x months, the D1rector recommended the C1ty Counc11 accept the pro- posal by Lawrence G. Br1an and Co. to prov1de the needed on-the-job serv1ces at 3~ ($26.000). -11- Ma¡.Jr Stokes challenged this f'~gure. Mr. Howarth sa1d the proposaJ. specif1ea one tull-t1me man, when actually 1 t w1ll take two or three men. The Ma~or asked tOT 'i further report on this before a decision 1s made. . Under It_ 5. Candy Rock Mountai.n, of the Director ot Public Works I report, it was decided all negotiations are to be processed through the City Attorne¡. The Director _s instructed to make up a bill and ~-ocess it. D; REPORT OF Crn- ENGINEER 1. Masonry wall - Mobil 011 Se~ce Station, southeast corner of' Stevens Creek Blvd. and Stelling Road. Mobil has indicated they will e1ther b1Äi1d the wall or come before the CO~U1c11 in the near future to request aãd1t10na1 t1me. 2. Bond - Candy Rock Mountain. Upon recommendation of the C1ty Eng1neer, it was moved4IÞ by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald, to accept the improvements constr~cted in conjunction with th1s contract (Perham Construct1on Co.) Motion carried, 5-0 3. Homestead Road dedication. . Upon recommendation of the C1ty Eng1neer, it was moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded ',;{ Counc. F1tzgerald, to adopt Resolution No. 1411 accept1ng roadway ded1cation from Lola F. Shearer. AYES: Counc. Dempster, F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None 4IÞ Motion ca 'ried, 5·0 4. Tract No. 4274, Baywood Terrace "Jnit No.6; Bubb Road and Ra1nbow Drive. Upon recommendation of the C1ty Ellg1nee!', 1t was moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Resolution No. 1412, approving Final MaP, etc., Tract No. 4274. Baywood Terrace Unit No.6. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NA YS: None Motion ca~'rted, 5-0 TJpon reco_ndatiùI1 e,f the City Eng1neer, it was moved by Counc. Dempster, s1.~conded by Counc. Noel, to author~ payment ot $1,260 to City of San Jose for Storm Drain ~ AYES: Counc. Demp~te~, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: Hone Motion carried, 5-0 -12- þ B. RBPOR'l' 0. ern A'!'l"ORIIBY 1. lJrr.64q Ql'd1wwnfte Ro. 16c was ln1:roduced by the City At1:om87. 110_ _ CouII"'. ~ter, lIecolde4 _ Counc. Ifoel. to ....0. ........... l6c. . A-æ. eo---,. fAlllPllter, Fitzpre14. J'olmson, Noel. Stoic... aDc ... ~". -. IIotlon earned, 5-0 2. R880111ÜOD 110. llt13 wall lntroduee4 _ the C1t7 Atto1'llq. aoved bT Co1mc. J)n pster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald, to adopt Re80lut1on Ro. 1413. AYES: CouDc. Dellpeter. Fitzgerald. Johnson, Roel, Stokes NAYS: Jrone · ao1:1on carried, 5-0 3. Ord1nance 110. 1410 was 1ntroduced by the C1ty Attorney, 8etting the date of Hearing tor March 20, 1967. So moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald. · Motion carr1ed. 5-0 4. The C1ty Attcl'ney cOllllllented on the latest 1ss\\e ot the te.~e of Ca~~torn1a C1t1es' Bullet1n. P. REPORT OP anWIHO INSPECTOR He had no tur·¡;her report. · G. REPORT OP JUlli1ŒATION DIRECTOR 1. Two more facilities trom cupert1no School D1strict have been obtained to take care ot add1t10na1 classes. 2. Snow tripe are scheduled for March 4 and 11. 3. The Sen1.or C1t1zens recently had a tr1p to Sauaal1to. H. REPORT OP DIlU!CTOR OP PLANNING He had no rurther report. · -1:- ..~ !' ,.1"'......., ~,"'.~. '"~ ". . :-- ~-,.-:. z. REKffi' OF CITY cø:.: , 1. l'!Þ!! C1ty Cleâ ~_..ed the tollow1ng ~ Order: !!at the C\,I¡.6.....,.otfice or the F1rat Val1q BIu.\.k be 1n.structed ·ttÞ.. ~ ~-..~ the signatures o~ tbe C1.V Cl~rk ~r the De~cu... Clerk, whos\! s1gnaton...an o~ file with thea. :.~ -".,...~ on the UneapecU'1ed !'or the D1rector of ~ on C1ty ot CUpert1Do 1IUaM.8 lIœbered ~LIJ01 to 3,000 1nclus1ve; åId. tJlat the City CounoSol:,èØj.... Ba1d signatures as ....... _ val1d as 1t the -.r-. bad shown City Clerk ~ o~ D1I'ector o~ pi '. r e as the title o~ the ~bn:I%ed 31gner 1n add1.tIaD to that or thF Trea8U1'e1". .. ., .~ 50 moved by C-. Dempster, seconded by Counc. ?1tzgerald. RDt10n carried, 5-0 X T..'HPINn.,. -: 3USINESS II: KÐi BUSIES':; %bere was none. ¡ . May~:, 5:okes asked ttat .\BAG be rut on the agenda ror the next ~gular Counc11 meeting. . . 3. Move=:y Counc. De~ter, seconde:i by Counc. F1 tzgerald, . that ::-.~ ¡.'roposed Pe:'sor.n-:;l Rules a:1.d Regulat10ns are to be Sf': :';,r Hear1r~ a~ the next reg:.;lar Counc1l ::-.eeting. RDtion carriej, 5-0 " ~. The :4: :er of a D1ree+..c r of Comr.:u,~:y Development should be di5~:.;~~~:i at the nex-: regular C1t:. :ounc1l meet1r:g. z::::: ADJOURN1E';O: Moved by ::~~c. Johnson, seconded b~ ::~c. Noel. t~ adjourn the mee:~:-~ at 12:02 A.X. ~tion carr~e=, 5-0 APPRC\"E:: ~ Isl Gary J. Mayor, :~:y Stokes ot CuTf!rt1no /z/ Wm. ::. ~er C1ty:lerk -14- . .