CC 02-14-67
10300 - .n_ Avenue, Cupertino, Ca11f'arn1a, 95014
_'. AD,)!.......".. RDJI.Ø T 1.... or '1'IŒ CI'l'f COUICIL - LIBBABI
~.. ftbru&17 l~, 1961- ,.,",
'~f;r d1 ~.-r, 10300 M.. AYeDue, Cupertino
... 'f'¡:30 P.M.
X _3. CALL
eam:.c. present: Dellps~ (8:20), Fitzgerald, Johnson,
11081. 81'--s
CoImc. absent: lone
S'tat'f presen~: Ci ty "'-~rr, Ph1l StO':1II
Ci ty A~wl'D87, S_ Anderson
City Clertt, Bill Ryder
D1rector of Public Works, Frank F1~~ey
Director of Planning, Adde Laur1n
Ci ty ~ ""1', Bob Shook
Chief BŒ11dir'¡ Inspector, Bill Bene7~:h
Reco~ Secretary, Lols Inwards
Resolutlor. ~_. :409, appc~~~-& Mr. Wllll_ Ryder ~c ~~e posit1on
:~ City Cler~. vas lntrod~e~ by the Clty Attorney.
JI:ved by :;:;';':-.:. Joh."lson, aeccr.ö1er' by Cow.c. Fi tzge:-a.::. t:;¡ a.1opt
3esolutlcr. X:. :409.
Mct1o:. :arrl~~. 4-0
BEVIEW OF 'A.~~ PLANS (H_=cc.~ro: has approved)
Kr. Bob Wor::ester, or V~a& A8svclate5, went over 1~ jeta11 thelr
ba1ldlng ar.: :andscapl~ p1&&8 for their Increment One at Vallco
Park. These jet&11s can be round in the February 9, 1967, minutes
c~ the Arch1~ectural &n4 ~l~e Control Committee meetlr.g.
Kr. Worcester said tney plaL ~o go to bld March 1st, :omp1ete the
building by INcelllber.' 1st, .::'Ie in during the Chrlsta&5 holidays,
IInd tJegln c¡:erations on 3azmary 1st.
-.:vor Stokes asked about the placement of the t~ees.
.aid they wCJ.1d be plant.e4 cr. their ovn property &z¡j
..ould ma1nta1:: them.
Mr. Worcester
~þ~t they
~ed by CeUllC Nee!! seconded by COUlle. F1tzgerald, to app·~o"e
ry"l1ca.t.1on 2!!O ,HC-Þó~ 1n t.he aû1utes of the ArcM.tectural. and
S1te Control Committee of February 9th.
Not.ion carried, 4-0 .
(eounc. ue.pste: _as not present)
In ..." so WORIS DIBEC'rOR WILL pRUR1I'r,~'l'H p.o. II: B. CClŒAft. A
- _..r Stokes vent on to the next item. of business since t.he
..~asentat1ve from P.O. II: E. vas not yet present.
1Ir. Hoyt, ot the Library CODD1ss1or., introduced the other
~ss1oners: Mesdames Mercer, Woodruff, and Bestul.
Since Mr. Farrier, of the Santa Clara County L1brary, vas not .
7e~ present, Mayor Stokes asked the Director of Pub11c Works
~: comment on Item III.
~ Director of Public Works exp:ained that the area ·~~er
;~e5t1on at this ~ime is Stevens Cr~ek Blvd. from Kist·way 85
~: "he northwest corner of the college property, Stelling P.~ad
~!""..AII Stevens Creek Blvd. to McClellan Road, and IkCle:'l&l' Road
~~~ Stelling westerly to tr.é !u:~re Stevens Freeway. rie ex- ~
;:'a1ned the tr~ee alterr.atives f~r the installatio~ cf the
ÿ~~11c utilities on the perime:er ~f the College:
:) Relocate the present wocd pc¡es at a cost of $47,OCO, the
full amount to be pa1d by P.G. & E.; or
~) Go ·st~ea~l1ned· at a total c,st of $94,000, of wh:=h
P.G. & B. w~uld contribute $4~,J00. leaving a ta:'ar.=e cf
$47,000 tc be pa1d by ·sca:e,,~.'" ,,¡se". or
3) QQ to full andergr~ur.à, as ~~~y have done en the caa:pus,
at a cc~t of a quarter of a ~illion dollars, of wh~=h
P.O. & B. would contribute $47,000, the balance of wh1ch
($200,000, more or less) to be paid by ·someone else·.
'.!?".e Director of Publ1c Works' -:¡pinion is that full un:1er~und
~u1d be more pleas1ng, but more expensive. ·Streamline:1· has
a neat. clean appearance.
It the C1ty were to go in and street-light the area, 1t would
cc.t $37,000. The cost of only safety light1ng the area 1s
eat1mated at $10,000, and is lncluded in tha present LID
Co1Qred s11des were shown of a typical subdivis10n .1tn wood .
pole. on the curb l1ne and of one with the new streaml1ned
the Director of P\1bUc Works stated that the Telephone Company
-W probably go underground1t P.G. &: E. does on the perimeter
ot tbe College. The" would be the cost o~ re"lr1ng electric and
kle9hOne service to t:be ind1vidual homes at a "ost of $200 to
.300 per conversion.
"'MC1t)' Manager po1#t8d out that all utiUtles ~ the C814pl8
_ping unde1'g1'Ó1!íll.. Be asked the D11'E<~tor o~ l'UbUc Works
s.c'_ college h&a+4U-cussed the possibility o~ participation
~,the cost of "\oUIS6~'O'md1ngl the utilities on the ~1'1meter.
.... JIow,rth. ot P.II.:.B.. said this bas been discussed with
.... CUtler, but tbê1'e bas been no formal of~er to IBrticipate in
t;Jda cost. Mr. ~h vent on to 6&)' there would be a saving
o~ $200 per pole 1r t:be lighting heads were left off the stream-
:uned poles.
Jla70r Stokes d1d not feel we should 1:1 ~ht the streets from the
~an str1p 1n some parts of tt.e City and along the curb line
1ft others. Further, Mr. Pott has stated that center lighting
v1th1n the med1an strip would not be as adequate street light1ng.
!'.r. Dean Sayre, 10805 South stevens Canyon Road, Cupertino,
sa1d that in the past ten years, from time to t1me, he has been
~~volved and concerneó aèo~~ the rezon1ng along Stevens Canton'
:bad. He sa1d that at the time of the development of Deep
:¡itfe, residents 1n that area were assured there would be
s1ngle-story tr1plexes along Stevens Canyon Road, but they
~urned ou: to be two-story. It has recently come to his at-
~ention that there w1l1 be a np.w, ~ine-unit development on
Stevens Canyon Road and 1t appear~j to him that there has been
a change in the zonir.g wh1ch will greatly affect the view t'rom home. He asked it there was 5'~:::e way the C1ty Counc1l
~an resolve th1s conf11ct of inte~5~ tr~t keeps ~ropp1ng up
~ th1s area. Multi-story develo~~e~ts i~ the area or high-
:ost homes does not sound l1ke ~ =:~patlble arrangement to him.
5e aa1d th1s is one ot the r1ner a.:-""s or. the entire Peninsula.
Mayor Stokes adv1sed Mr. Sayre ar.j his interested ne1ghÞors to
~1rst discuss the _tter or the neighborhood plan with the
?lann1ng Director. He added that :ì.t is i'l1~ opin1on that nobody
;urchases a view unless they purchase the property which pro-
~ects that view.
Mr. Farrier arrived at th1s point, so Mayor Stokes d1rected the
meet1ng back to Item IV on the agenda.
111". Farr1er br1efed the C1ty Council on the present status of
UIe County Library and events leading \.lp to J.t. He sa1d the Library i$ 1.nvolved because the Syztem ',ries to
.ve the c1t1zens of CUpert1no. as well as t;nose residents of .
1m1ncorporated areas. The County entered into a reciprocal
~ement w1th the City of san Jose eight years ago. The revenue
, .';'1ibat time was 1.4¢ per $100 assessed valuat10n. 'l'h1s figure
.. cl1mbed to 21~. In June of 1966. 1t was tound tbat the
" Oøûnt)" was servin¡ the bulk ot borrowers. Upon Mr. Farrier-'s
fIeîOOIIIIIIendat1on, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution
to merge w1th the San Jose Library System. The san Jose City
Coancil 1s st1l1 seeking some solution to this 1Mbalance.
At. the present time, they are try1ng to locate a library 1n
Cupert1no that would involve Cupe:=-tlno. the un1ncorporated
area, and San Jose. Past experier.ce has taught the County
that people will not pay a non-re~ident fee of, say, $3.00, so
_ must e1ther think in terms of a small library that non-
residents will not use. or work out ~o~e type of arrangement
~th San Jose so that this I1brary service would be on a
treader basis. The Boar~ of Supervisors decided there should 4IÞ
be further discussion of a merger. We should agree w1th San
~ose 1n their proposal to sit down ar.d discuss techn1cal
:osts, planning of rut~re bra~ch libraries, ~nd development
a~ establishToent of a system of eq~ating the costs with the
:'.:r1sdiction of the res::'dences of tr,e users.
P~. Farrier said the Co~,ty s~o~ld :hen enter into a contract the City of Sa~ Jose, hò~efully at the meeting on February 4IÞ
Z-th, as to a charge w~~:::r. :s ~utually agreed upon. The C1ty
¥ould then pay the Co~.~y ~~:~ c~arge, which wo~ld make the money
a-:a.1lable to the COU!l':1 fer ~.~.. ' .: ',11 [,gs. If this does not
~terialize by ~Arch :5':, a ~c~-r~s11€~': cr~rge ~ust be intro-
,,~. Farrier saId trA': ~~ '::-.ey 3'-:S",1':: >:'S<i:e tr',e þÛld1r.g i~ a
spot relatively close ':c :a:ã,caza. ;.;~:,,"ry C..hlch 1s in the .
San Jose syste:n, and :ì :!'~:es f["·,' _,-:'':Ir.o CIty Hall) it
poses the questIOn cf ~~A~ :~v~: : ~~~vlce to offer. He
said they f::'g;.¡re one s:r,¡are ~::. ,f ;1trary bul1dir.g for every
~wo people of the pop.;lat::' ')~. ~ ~ .;;£'!ves.
JlJayor Stokes asked whe~:-,er :!.€' ::::o..n':y C'~pertir.o sho',¡,ld
nave one or two llbrar1~s. Xr. Farrier said he ~as think1ng
~n terms of one llbrar/ ~~ ~~pertIr.c and one in the Manta
Vist~ area. The nort~~pertlno·sou':h Los Altos area al~o
needs another library. He said we ought to be th1nking 1n
terms of at least 10,000 sq. ft. buildings.
~ycr St;okes asked if t;herr _s any aQvan"age to librar1es being
located In snopping centel's as opposed to neighborhood l1brar1es.
Mr. Farrier daid they try to place libraries where the people
pass more frequently. The idea of regional librar1es w1th
smaller satellite I1brar1es is ~lso being consIdered: Calabazas .
~nta Vista, et~., could be Eatellites.
Counc. Fitzgerald asked .hat impact De Anza College would have
on the HbraI'7 ø1tuatl00. Mr. Farr1er feelo that the College
bas to have 1ts own 11brar7 and that a publ1c l1brary should
DOt be located ad3ac~ to a campus Cor th1a re&SQn. He
believes 1t should be loCated in a shopping center. He teels
~be students who lIve .~ home will go to the lIbrary close to
bolle, am to the con.. l1braI'7 if he canlt r1nd what he
aeeds tbere.
Jla70r Stokes asked 1t' ~ ot the poss1ble sItes have been
eliminated. Mr. Farrier 881d he 1s tI'71ng to keep an open
mnd on th1s.
Counc. Fitzgerald asked 1Ir. Farr1er 1f he te1t the Board of
SuperVisors will allocate money for a library.. Mr. Farrier
881d the Board sa1d toða7 that they felt rent1ng build1ngs has
been effect1ve 1n the past. He descr1bed the rent1ng arrange-
ment no" 1n effect on the Los A:.t09 Library. Mayor Stokes
asked "nen the dec1s1on would be made. Mr. Farr1er said the
report ::r.;.st be ready by FebruaI'7 27th, or March 6th at the
Mayor St=~es asked for =omments from the L1brary Comm1ssion.
There we~e none. The P:anning Director stated that the Ne1gh-
borhood ?:'an of the P:::::;:h11l Area shows a branch l1brary within
the Co~~~ty Center.
Mr. Fa~~~e:' was asked :: inform tr.e City of the results of the
~eeting :~ February 2~:~.
Moved t, :=~c. Dem~s:e~, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald, to
have t~e :...pertinc L!:~ary matte:' p~t on the Council Agenda
~or tr.e ~~~st meet~r~ ~~ March.
Mc~ion l"a~r~ed, 5-0
(cont ~;"._e:i)
The D~~::=r of ~C:'~: .=r~s ~e:á'~ej the earl~er discussions
of the :¡~S of ut1:~~~e~ to te ,3e:: ;n the perimeter of the
De An=a :a~pus, for !~e teneflt :~ :r~se not present at that
Mr. Dra~ger, cf P.G. ~ E., said they have a standard rate fer
stree~ :'~ghting: LS-: t is the new schedule. The C1ty the lum1na~r arA arm and, in turn, gets a lower rate.
The cost of the subst~~=ture port~cn of the streaml1ne system
1s abe..;.: $23,000. P.j. & E. proposes the City donate $23,000.
Counc. Z.:>hnson feels ~t~ College's preference 1s of pr1me con-
cern here. Mr. Ho"artt. said Mr. CLòtler's preference is "no
poles., and seemed to ~~1cate the College would partic1pate
1n the ~ost of ·undergrounding· the utilit1es on the per1meter.
The City Attorney advised that the City's position should be:
-'!'he Ordinance requirements are thus and so and the C1ty
expects the College to go along with It.u Ir. case of any
deviat10n from the Ord1nance, the City should make formal ex- .
cept10n to the Ordinance and enter into a wr1tten agreement
.tth the College, pursuant thereto.
Counc. Dempster suggested the City Manager, Mr. cutler. the
enslneers, and t;he legal counsel for the LID have /1, meeting
and work :;;,¡¡; the details, and the C1ty Manager 8utll1t a report
to the C1ty counc11 at the next regular meet1ng showing the
possib111t1es to be reached. how the costs can be pro-rated.
and what the legal aspects are since the LID 18 the owner,
1n effect. Counc. Hoel a~;reed- th'it this was the best approach
to the problem.
Mayor Stokes feels the CitJ Cour.c:: should give the staff some
gu1delines. He, personallý.'fee_~ èhat 1t 1s out of the
quest1~n to interta1n the idea cf t~e C1ty coming up w1th
.200,~O for full undergrounding ~f this project. He feels
the street l1ghts should be on the ~u~b 11ne on Stevens Creek
Blvd; they should not go in the center med1an str1p.
Counc. Johnson sald he would still like to figure out a way
to get the underground utilities in here.
MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Co~~c. De~pster, ~e~onded by Counc. Johnson,
that the City Manage:' te :·.~tr'.lcted to confer with
(and attempt -:;~ have 3. t'PFP: next Monday) P.G. II< E.,
the College, -:;he lega: ,,~·.r.sel, and the LID engineers; .
c':>!IIing f:)l",.,ar1 w.ith pe~Jr-,r.e',jatic.ns and proposa'.s as to
h0W the costs ."ill be : a ".-:- care of for the lighting
fdcIi~tl~s, as far as ::-,(' ;'[) is concer:1ed:
:) Whe-:;ner,;;r ~,~t it '." "::<:'le to go to underground
utilitIes :.~. the V~r':-"'·" "f the College-; a!:d
2) The l1g:.t:,.g to be .~", cc;rt l1ne rather than
in the ~e1:an st~i~,
M'~' t ! ...;:".
I ..j, 5-0
The Director of Put::~ W.::-,¡s ;. . "to' q",estion: wWo..: j an
LID i!: itself be terr.:ej a 5.le;:· ::.0:,,:-,"" The City Attcrney
said it wou1:1; r.C1loeve:-, ;,"" lOe are dealing wi-:;h an
educ.::i,:mal facll~-:;:;, whi.':: :ó ,,:-.:rc.::ed by the State.
Mayor Stokes felt. the p:-.imary C,,':-.('ern was how these costs are
to be e~uitably dls~r~butej.
The City Attorney raised the pclnt that the wrong terminology
was used in referr~ng to this as a ·special meet1ngw. Since
the last Council meeting was adjourned to this meet1ng, it
should be referred to as wthe AdJourn£d Regular Meeting".
Rescl~tlon No. 1429 should be ccrrected to reflect this, also. 4IÞ
I/s/ Wm.
So moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson.
AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Hoel, Stokes
HAYS: None
Mot1on carried, 5-0
Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to
adjourn the meet1ng at 9:40 P.M.
Motion carried, 5-0
Isl Gar! G. Stokes
Mayor, C ty or cupert1no
E. :..j':'er
:::y Clerk