CC 02-06-67 . 10300 ..:re Avenue~ Cupert1Do. C>1H'omia~ 95014 fe CI~Y o. CUPIR~I.O 252-4505 ,j~"""~I" t ..,j¡(~ ,:' . , ",---. ~. .,......1'BB -.vwt.:.-...:.·..,'c.ts crrr cw.aL - hbn&17 6. 1961 op.a. , ",,-.dl'~" ·~vs:; :103ØO nœn AftDUe. Cupert1I'.aD. <:-11 ~01'D1& '.1' -a f;.'f,:. .. . . ~ IftMRt 8:00 P.M. ,. . Z 8IL1J'lB i'O 'lBB J'LIØ n BOLL CALL Counc. present: ne.pster. Pitzprald, JolmeOD~ Stokes (8:40) Counc. absent: Roel Vice-Mayor F1tzgera1d presided over the first ba1r of the meeting. Start present: City u-..g'!r, Phil Storm C1ty Attorney, Sam Anderson Acting City Clerk, Gladys McHugh Director of Public WOT¿S, Prank Finney Director of Planning, ~dde Laurin Ci ty Engineer, Bob Shoo~ Recreation Director, John Parham Ass1stant Planner, Jim Nuzum Chief Building L,spector, B11l Benev1ch Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS KEBTIlÐ - January 16, 1967 . III . Moved by Counc. Johnson~ seconded by Counc. Dempster, to approve the Minutes of 1/16/67 as read. AYES: RAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster~ Johnson, Fltzgp.rald None Counc. Noel, Stokes Mot10n carried, 3-0 The C1ty Attorney introduced Resolut1on No. 1406, appointing Gladys McHugh as Acting City Clerk. Moved by Counc. Dempster. seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. l~. . AYES: lIAYS: ABSEIfT : Counc. Dempster~ Johnson, Fitzgerald None Counc. Noel. Stokes Mot10n carr1ed, 3-0 -1- . .----------.--.- . V!: PllBLtC HEARIJQS .a... SALB OF I)IPRO'lEMBIft .8I(IIII)A. - Project Q..1.. fta'1: D. ~ aeaJ.ed bids t'rom S~ -.II! Youngbers ad ~ r. -. 8114 . ~.. In.::... were os--' .. the Act1D& CiQ 01ftIr ... tamed onr to Attorney Hill ~or 6-,-..tat1an. g6.4'n' ~ par; ~ an tbe. ~. . rJaa 1~19'15, 1nc1ua1ve; '-31¥ CD .. ~..... _~ 1976-1982. "~'n·"ft. r:8~ tee! net interest ates 5.~,8 . g6.5Ø ~ par; 5-~ CD tbe ~--. -td1nS 1968-1976. inclu81ve; 5-1.I2S' CD tile WU'. -turSDs ~977-19B2.. 1Dc1.udft. Bstt-- net interest ate: 5.g&;. )':'1 OBAL AND WRITTEN COIGIDlIICA1'ZOBS ..- -.-.... .... - ~ Mr. To!: :'raeumer.. 22264 De Anza Circle, CupertiDo.. apoI(. on ber.al:- of a Home<*Dera' ASSOC1&t1CD 1Ib1ch .... 1te.D f'onaed to objee: to the inteD1; by the Count,. p1.......'W C. 1..100 to 1ssue a Fermit f'or another qu&r'1T to operate in tbe SteYens Canyon Read area. With the present two pwove1, p1t. in operat;io:: in that area.. trucks are travell..aS em SwYeD8 Car.von Read at the ra'te of one eTe1'7 two or three mnutes. S1nce :~e City of Cupenino a.nd Santa Clara COUnt7 bave joint j",.;!'i5d1ct1on eve? Stevens Can7œ aø.4.. 1t ~t behoove the City of Cupertino <;0 take the poslt1oo tbat .~ bave no objee::on to the issuance of this peftl1t prortd1D& the conditio:: is attached Û1&t the road IIWIt be w1deaed to handle t::e increased traff1c; without this cODd1t1cm.. the City of ~pert1no w~~d object to this permit. It was Y.!'. Traeu.'!:~r·s content1on that the COUnt,. p"........"8 COuunlS5:C:l has issued an 1ntent to ap¡ll'Ove thJ.s peftlit and that it ~a5 been sent 'to thto County Ar'Ch1tectunl. ~ Site Control Ccmm1ttee for review pr~or to tí&.~ appl'OY&l b,. the Co~~ty Planning eo.m1ss1on. The C1ty Manager stated that Cupertino's p'...n""S Director and Plar.ning Commlsslcm have stated they bave no obJectIon to the issuance ot the penDit; however.. the,. would be oppo.sed if the road were not widened. Counc. Johnson stated he would like to see the speed l1II1t in that &rea reduced.. as he has previousq propo.ed. Fu.~ther. he feels the City ot Cupertino ahOllld urrAe an add~.tional quarry up 1:bere. Cow.e. T)empster asked 1;be C1ty Manqer to check U:Ie status . of this permit. j:r there is not goil18 to be motbe1' f'oftl&l hearing. he questh"Cled wether thIs W&8 the proper t1ll8 to appeal 1':;. He wou1À sJ.ao like a complete s~ report as to 1:Þ~ type of operatlO1.1 proposed here. stelae I: Youngberg: GrIIDde I: Co., Inc.: :mAL : A. -2- - ~ . . . . J ~ . . . 1 , ¡ ( I t I , i . ; L. Y,L BBPORl' OF PLANImÐ CI' -mqQIJ (See IUnutu or ~) . ',r ';~-, ,'.,.. ~ .~:ii;~O:1=~~~~t;~~; ::"='J':~. ~~~'~;'. . . :' ':!(~ OF 'lBB AJh...· . -T. .AJID 81m U~· '. ,,' ~. "(8èe M1nutes or 1ftI!61fi'1) i:.:" ,,"~' " :rtl;g, Pi"" ....- _ __ "" _.. ~. .- tp ::~. .'. ' "_ét1D&. &8 retlectel m 1ôhe JI1Jmtol or . a-. ,'., '*-8 d1acusalcn or ....u~Ucn 255-BC-67. ... : ...' ted the Co ittea to cuønœ tbe1r anllrtt~- .. ~ i ~~¿;:'tcation to the &Rh1tlC:tui-6 and lJID4~SIII. e. BBPORl' OF 'l'BB PAlIIS OC:::. -MTQB (&M II1Dutea fd VâI8r) ~ Loomis reviewed tile h1&h11ghts ot tbe 1asi; , ~ fII U1e Parks and Recreat1.cm Co .lalJr. &8 ren.ea.tll 1». tile Ift--tea ot :/24/67. . ' .. . 4 . n - ".TC HEARI.'iGS OBDIIAXCE No. 002(y): A1J ORDIllAllCB OP ~ ~ f:. r~.uIû. AJlDDI!Iò OROIlWIClt tC. :vJ2 B!' ADDIlÐ - -..Mft.-s JG& ADMINISTRATIVE AID ~1!.~.:"·IOllAL OPPICS (01) r -. !be Pla:m1'-6 Director st&~ ~s Ord1.nance 002!!l baa bed !"':bilc Hear:'-6s betore tl".e ?:Anning COIIB1aalon C"ap1... have Men sent c:;-: -:0 1nterea~ part1es. 'l'here haft 1Þ.-s DO CCD- .eo::a on i-:. :'he reason ~Ç.r ':h1s ordinance 11 tbat tbe 1t&t1' 1a -....'1& an e~~crt to get :C~ Ç.~ oU!' ord1.nar.ce. oa . .... .er\t -"1s. B_ ~ed by C,~c. Dempster, se=~nded by ~our.c. Jnhn&ftft. ~ clo.e -~.. public ::earings. &T1t,<q: Co~c. Dempster, "==:'son, Fitzgerald SAYS: !'fc:'.e ~.....4t"'I:: C<"'-..;::~. Noel, S~':.ites J!oo;~= carr1ed, 3-0 ~e" by Cc~.c. Iiempst6r, ...::cnded by Counc. J~..&ftft, tbat OnUnance 5c. 002(y) be re&d by t1tle only, and tbat tbe V1co- -.;ror's read!.r.g const1tu~ '":..'le tirat r~1ns. Mot~= carried, 3-0 c. ORDINANCE :{o. 353: ø ORDINANCE OF 'DIr. CIft f:. wr.m:ullO AMBNDING ORDINANCE 110. 89; PROVIDIlÐ 70R or ~CTION, CONSTRUC'l".Iœ. BEPAIR. AL'IS!1M'I~ ~:œ AJID MAINTENANCE OF SIOJIS . I TIt III THE C!'¡'f OP CUl'S__ _ ,~J B8!!àB- LISHING FEES AND P»~'-'JUõS FOR APPLI=:~,;':.r.,:! ISSUANCE OF PERMITS ØIJ DlSPBCTIOlS; , !_~ FOR THE VIOTATION "1"H--~)lI'; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES . ~. I .... -3- ""'__ ..)~... ..;...J.. ... .lanr.i=g D1rector 6&,.4te4 that the Sign 01'"'t.....~e has , .. revien1 and re"A-.~ 1J1 order to lI&Ite 1t ...1er to .. -: r"~ ~1 er.t'orce _ ..u &8 to up-date it. IJiIø'.1DS the 1. J-'t- ~:¡g. at the 1"--'.,. COIIIII1ss1on leveJ.. prop08alS .~ 'u' -.I. ~ ti_ to ~s.e 1»7 var10us interestee ,arUe8, !'~ .,.....,.. __ --. into ................I!>'.... :J . ,. .. eœmaa1on. ~~rl changes in the 8. QI'd1nance " T L I 1 SiF area to M ~ ...... ..ted, not by dl.tlnu tl'CID "JJ__...' k11d1nS. ~ _ _t1tttf1g area; and, 2' 1ÞJoocedurea. " -'8D11cl1nc ~ .... .Arcb1tec1:ur&l &Del ute Cœtrol , .....~ OIM handle a1.1 ~8 concemtga 81pa. Variances .. .. SlCn o~t .....('. are ~ure4 to &8 ·exc~....·. r -. J'ot~.:m auges~ UIat; 8ince the Councl1 woaJ4 111te . Use :,: 8t\147 the .... SSCn Ord1nance, pen.ps c:--nts ..... ~ L.;.~:'ence couJ.d 1Nt Z'e.1ueated at thi8 "'UDa. and __ tile '::..::.:11 could ba1AI & caçlete review o~ 1t the 8ame -,t they :eat with ~ I.11tnL1~' Commiss1on. , ";. 40· .....84 by :: ~_.. De!llpa~r -;c. continue to the ~1r8t Meting 1n arch, t~.~ ;~I::1c h..ar.:r.c OQ the Sign Ord1nance aa4 re~er 1t &<: 'th1l :~=~ :: the Ar'-~~tur&l And S1te Control COIIIIII1ttee ~or 1n8¡:e::~::-, and rec· ·~"'.;lon. 'lb1a mot10n ... w1thórawn ~ Ch&;.:-:.a.:: Fitc.Þ¡ ar~"""'~·-eð the Arch1tectural aa4 S1te :;x.':rol .: :=,:. : :ee has a.:..~y done th1s. (I . ~cr S'::~=~ ~e~: tr~· .~ ;~.ncl1 should, by the next meeting, LATe ~ ._~~:::'ent t~M! t: t~oroughly dieest the Sign :~:.r.ar..:¿. . a=---ed by :: ..:,:. :>em¡:st~:'. ãe:c:-.ded by Cf'unc. Johnson, to :=tin"e :-~ -::a':ter:~ ~~.s~ Ordinance to February 20th, -~e reg a_ " r~11 --e"'~~ ~·.....t --.. --..... - - -...,- _.,.~ .._~.. . JC,,;~= carr1ed, 4-0 A.. SALE -,' :Y.rR~ ~:ms - Project 64-1, Part I:: (cont'd) . ~tt::rne~' ::~_:,' Aftor ~-.-:.~.:-& the b:'~s, report~d that the e~~~ct:'\·~ :'.~: :':-.tere.~ :'&t-e = the S::ne and ':ounpere b1d ~;.: be ::.~.:~"9f, wt.1::-, :'s :..r.. exce&~ ~t ~ lr,wer ~ Grande. ~retor~. :.: ..'as h!8 r~ e-¡dat10n to accept tM Stone and Y~eri :~~ ~;;:' tr.e $ÖEé, ÃX>, wh1ch 18 the bo..'\Aftce o~ the ......me:-.:s '::.&t have bee:. ccr.t11'111ed to date, with the ex- :~'t1on ::' !~::5.16 le!': :..~.tanc11na. 'l'h1a dec1a1ODIfIUI ac- ~table :: Y:. Bob V::r::e.~r, reprasentlna Varian Aa30clates, ... Mr. ¡¡&'::er Ward, rçreaecting Vallco Park. !!lie C1ty ;":::r:-.ey 1nt:'Ol1=ed Resolut1on No. 925-25. ..... .--- .<':' ... - --~ ----'-- ---- --..- . I I t· Ifoved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt ~~801utlon No. 925-25. . 'i&~: IIA'fS : "~K~·t: Count:. None Counc. Dempster. Johnson, Stokes, J'itzgerald Noel . . Motion carried. 4-0 '!be City Attorney introdw:ecI Resolution No. 925-26. JIoVed by C01D1C. Dellpat;el'. seconded bJ' Counc. JoImson, to adopt Besolu\;1c.'! Mo. 925-26. .uBS: NAYS: ABSENT : Cou.'1c. Dempster, Johnson, Stoltes, J'1tqerald Mone Counc. Noel Mot1on carried, 4-0 . The C1ty Attorney introduced Resolution. No. 1381-4 and 1381-5. Moved by Counc. Dempster, .econded bJ' Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1381:.4, and to request the C1tJ' Manager to prepare a cost breakdown and a report on the .tudie. made on this Project 66-1. . AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stoke., Pitzgerald None Counc. Noel Mc~ion carried, 4-0 Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1381-5. . AYES: NAYS : ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stoke~, Fitzgerald NonE: Counc.Noe1 Motion carried, 4-0 VII ORDINANCES AND RESOurr;;:ONS FOR ADOPTION A. RESOLUTION NO. 1401: GIVIHG NOTICE OF 'l'BE I"ROPOSED AR1ŒXA- TION OF CEPTAIN UNIlIHABI'l'BD TIlUtITORr 'rO SAID crr!. DBSC'lus- ING SAID TERRITORY AND DBSIQ1IATIIII IT BY 'l'BE 1WŒ OF "HOO-HOO 66-1", MAJCI1IO CERTAIB FIRDIlIOS RBSPBCTIIII SAID PROPOSAL; AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND fT.ACE SAID COUlfCIL WILL HEAR PROTESTS THBRETO. . Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolution No. 1401; to be read by title only, and the Vice- Kayar's reading to constitute the t1rst read1ng. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT : ~-_...__.~.....- Counc. None Counc . Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, F1tzgerald Noel Motion carr1ed, 4-0 -5- RESOLUTION NO. ~lIo2: GIVIlIU IIO'.r1CI ~ tII8 '"'__ JUI- 1ŒXATION OF ""-f&~ ~-"1n''1'BD B SAD ~L.. .DESCBIBIm SAID --~ AID B . till ..- OF wLIHCOUl ~ ~,;a~' r r." ,lvldNI ....-a......- IRG SAID PROPOØIL¡·ØI). 1IO'l'ØI. ,. - I'UGI SAID COUNCIL uu.:d&1t PlOSS. v .4;. .Moved by Counc. _atel-.1 ..~~ed _ Ocìo.....". .Jfthø~ to adopt Reso1ut1on No. ~1I02;to _ I'.-d ~ Ùt1e~~ .... UMt ftce- Mayor's reAl'i"g to;c~1tute tbe ~ n-........ B. . AYES: BAYS : ABSENT: Counc. Dellp8ter. .Toim-œ. 8~.. ftt...-.14 None Counc. Hoel IIotlon calTied. '-0 VIII PAYING BILLS A. RESOLUTIONS NO. 1403 and 1404 Resolution No. 1403 vas read by Counc. Dapater. Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded b1' Mqor 8~a, to adopt Resolution No. 1403. . AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, P1tzgerald None Counc. Noel . Mot10n carried, 4-0 Resolution No. 1404 was read by Counc. Dempster. Moved by Counc. Johnson, seconded by MaJor Stokes, to adopt Resolution No. 1404. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Counc. Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, P1tqerald None Counc. Noel . Motion carrled. 4-0 IX REPORT OF OFFICERS A. REPORT OF CITY TREASURER He had no further report. B. REPORT OF CITY MANAGER 1. A request has been received trc. the .TC's to hold a carnival the week of April 3-9 on the Wilson property across the street from Gemco, and that the tee tor a 4IÞ business l1cense be waived. -6- " , i,.' .~ . , . · · · Moved by Counc. Jnhft...... seconded by Counc. ~ster, that the request 1'ra8 tbe JC's be granted and that tbe tee be waived. ADS: RAYS : . ABSØr: DeIIpater. Johnson, Stokes, J'J.hgerald Coull: . lIoI1e Counc. '< '. .081 Ifotion carried, 4-0 2. Mrs. Var1aI1'. request 11111 be reviewed at the next rqul&r Me1;1ng of the C1ty Counc11.. 3. '!'he City ~".ger recOIIIDended the .tter or masonry valls be }uuldled under Ordinance rather than as a standard cœd1.tion. Mayor Stokes felt a method should also be dev1sed to control those masonry valls now being held in abeyance. 4. 70 ensure proper handling of app11cations, each depart- :!ent ia now being asked to check all plans that come in. 5. A report trc:a the City of San Jose regarding a solici- :ation committee was requested and received by the City :~ Cupertino. 6. =~e C1ty Manager asked that the Counc11 cons1der addi- :~onal landscap1ng around the City Hall. He would l1ke :: put camell1as on the north side and roses in the ~~ont to provide more color. Moved =? ~yor Stokes, seconded by Counc. Johnson, that the City s:a~f be authorized to proceed with the landscaping of the City Ea::, as proposed by the City Manager. AYES: NAT::!' AB~:': Dempster, Johnson, Stokes, Fitzgerald Noel :.Junc. ~;,Jne ::,unc. Motion carried, 4-0 7 , . Jur applicat10n for Federal funds tor park development ~as been approved by the Regional Off1ce in San Francisco and forwarded to Washington for final approval. '!'he funds should be here shortly. rhe City Manager checked on the status of the proposed fire stat10n on McClellan, across from the winery. rhe Board of Supervisors has turned down the applica- tion because of the ~rotests from neigt.Òors in the area. ;:, ~ . -7- Returning to the matter or'. 80~or.-8cr..nj" c~ttee, If&yor S~okes fee18 1;b&~ . sre&t of soo4 caD c~ 1:1118. He said Lo8 A1~ 8111. baa . poet ()rdt -. CD \ tb1. subJect. He sussestell pNBs1DlE œ .Ub tb1::. IID4 _~ tbe staff draw up such aD cøoIt-(!e ~ MIre IIc.I S' _"'.uC1D8 u 1:0 the c~ttee. ~. ~ster 1IOUJ4 11Ø tile ÇwMi1 1:0 consider .cœid.tteit ~ thne atber tIMID tift .....le 1Iu."- It is too d1tt1cu1~. ·.:~te 1IbeD too ~";le .... tivolved. II8ðOr StoÞ-' ...4. Be tel~ OU' oroH-Ire ~4 .. 1'&ab1ooed atterSD 3oae's. Co.unc. Pitzser&ld øq&êne4 the ~ ~U' or e. rce mnc1:ora 1Itìht be able to 1üIIíf". tads. slDce it Is 01_.]7 J'e1ate4 1:0 SOll8 of their presen~ duti.s. CcMIIK'. Delll»ñer r.u tbe Directors already bave .....·Sh to do; &Del tbe JIoU'4 ~"""s every year. He feels tlds should be . up&I'ate Co 'aalœ. set up like the other C. Iss10ns in the C1~7. IIIQor 81:ous added that the Chamber i8 IDOre intere8ted 111 8011C1t1D& of businesses the.., of residences. Counc. JohP&.;:) woul4 lIke to see the plans fo:- 1mplementation ot this pr..ana before mù1nS any decisions. Counc. Del:lpster sa1d the rec1I11ents at thi8 COIBIIIiS81on' s . approval for one year should not const1t~te &pprov&l for succeeding years because cond1tions change. He ree18 it is 1mportant that solicitor8 annually show th~~ommi~sion what is being dcn~ with these funds. t i!. " (. . . Vice-M"'cr Fitzgerald called for a recess at 9:25 P.M. The meet1r~ r~convened at 9:40 P.M. Counc. Johnson left the . meeting a: this p01nt. IX REPORT:::P OFFICERS (c:mt1nued) C. REPCR':' OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS The D:rector rev1ewed his written report of February 2nd. A:t~c~gh there is some question about jurisdiction ot the water pump under construction, whlch had a hazardous . ccn~~:lon; this cond1t10n has been corrected by the City. D. REPCR':' OF THE CITY ENGINEER 1. :Tact No. 4103, Montebe11o; west s1de of Bubb Road at Columbus Avenue. Upon recc~endat10n ot the City Er~ineer, 1t was moved by Counc. D~pster. seconded by Counc. F1tzgera1d, to accept the improve=ent5 constructed in conjunction w1th Tract No. 4103, Montebe::':". AYES: ~AYS: ABSENT : Counc. Non~ :ounc. Dempster, Fitzgerali, Stokes Tohnson, Noel Mot10n l:arried, 3-0 -8- . . 2. Tract No. 3086, Belmont; and Shell m.l. Park and H1ghway 85. Upon recOllllllelldat1on ~ the City EDg1neer, 1t .. ~ by COUnc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. P1taaenJ4, to authorize J 'the City EDg1neer to 1nf'orm the devdopU'. aD4 ~ p .,...."1. " companies that the improv-.ent bands .q ... be ntulld. Mot1on carried, 3-0 .,...- , 3. BoIDestead Road Dedication in con,,11111CUOD With ns project. Upon recCllllllendat10n of the City ~ neer. it.. ..oYe4 ~ Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. ftt~, to tl4øpt Resolut1on No. 1405, accepting road1ra¥ didicat10D hca Varner Montgomery W11son, et ale ~..- . '. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT : E. . F. . Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Stokes llone Counc. Johnson, Noel Motion carried, 3-0 REPORT OF Gl'l''í ATl'ORNEY The City Attorn~y reported that the County is now setting up new ordinances governing subdiv1si...~s 1Ib1ch \rill be more in line with Cupertino's present ordtn.nces. REPORT 0' BUILDING :ï:NSPECTOR 1. 'allco Park la-acre shopping center plana are now 1n ~~e hands of the Building Department tor processing. 2. ?ne 150,000 sa. ft. Var1an bulld1.l\'t plana are also in the Building Department for processing. 3. :'he voting ligt,ts problem is in the process ot being resolved, at ne extra cost to the Clty. G. REPORT OF RECREA'£'!Otl DIRECTOR Six trips (to ac~ommodate 663 people) ~ being arr&n«ed ~o the Circle Star Theater to see ·Sound ot Muslc". J.. 2. 3. 4. . 5. :'his Friday fiight there will be a Valentine's Dance at Collins Schoel, with an expected turnout ot 350. Pla~rgrounjs will bE: open on Febru&1'7 13th, a holieS..,.. One hundred forty-six people have slsned up tor the February 19th trip to Obkland to see an lce hockey game. Registration for the new Inter10r Decoratlon course was l"105ed at 30; however, 15 addit10nal people showed up at the first meeting. -9- B. REPORT::? pLAIfNIl'lG DI AIb}1'()R A cOlm1õ:'-:..cat1on h&a been received tram the County stating . tbat tt:.er are worlt1.aS CD & regulation whereby ~ots along Stevens Creek Blvd. _1' be required to have ten 1"eet ot landscçiD& adJlleeoft to tile street. 'lbe Plarm1"8 tirector 'stated tœt the ~1-1CD S.V. reasanal)le except there should be SOlIe var1.~~ MIl alloancr; tor hex1bUity. U the Council wi.... to eDltorse the County's polley. they ataht ant to add: II.-.pt under special circuastaaces, - tbe Cit)- of Cupert1DD wøald req¢re ten teet 01" landscaping &d.1aeent to Stevens ~ lIE B1vd.· IIQ'or StcJtes did DO~ ~.. with the County 011 this. Be 1"eels the Archit8Ctaa1l: S1te Control c~ttee 18 doing an excellent Job witb1Ð the City ot Cupertino. Counc. Fitzgerald agreed. Xn d1t1on, we will be having the 18' pl~~er strips d~ the center ot the Boulevard, and we alsc ~.&ve our tree plant1n& program. Moved ty :OWlC. Fitzprald. seconded by Counc. Dempster, . to autt:r~ze the Planning Director to intorm the County ot the =:'~cil's teeling on the above matter. Motion carr1ed, 3-0 X u.IIr.1..iISHED =:-~INESS A. Mrs. :a~:::np. Jag1ello, 22408 Balustrol Court, Cupert1no, prese~:~: sc~e statistics ot the quarry operat1ons up near Steve::. :~.yon Road. She sald the people Hving in that area ~A~= ~ormed a H~eovn~rs' Association to f1ght this permi: ~.:~S5 the road is widened. . Counc. :==pster asked it the people would be able to live wtth :t~ s:tuatio~ it the road were widened. Mrs. Jag1ello said t~~? are not tighting the perr.~t, but are pushing for 4It wider.~~ :~ the road it the permit :5 gr~ted. Mrs. R::~r: Caldwell, 22570 Al Ca:de, sa1d their property fronts :~ Stevens Canyon Road. She strongly rrotests the noise i~~erated by all t~ð trucks on Stevens Canyon Road. She 1s ~:t protest1ng tt.e speed of the trucks, but the no1se. ~t.e feels two more laneR will do nothing but increas~ :~e traffic and the no:se. B. The Jc:~: =eeting of the City Council with the Library :~mm1s.:::1 was set fer e P.M., Febr~ary 14th, in the Counc:: :~ambers. C. Due tc ::-.~ holiday on February 13th, there will be no regula:- P:a.nnlng Coma1ssion meeting that week. There will be a F:~:.:ng Commission study sefsi~1 on ~ebru&ry 15th . inste&.::.. -10- .~ XI: JIBII BUSINESS . A. Counc. Dempster said be bad received a cal1. b'ca sc.e o~ the meJll!)ers ot the ~bonl Board in regard to UD1.ftcaticn. Counc. Deapster and J'1tzprald were both in taYOr or unification. Mayor S1;-«*es feU there were both a4ft1Dtqes and disadvantages a¡Jd be was DOt prepared to .... a statement, e1ther WILJ'- B. MIROTB ORDER: Moved b)" Counc. Dempster. .elHoSeéI b7 Counc. Fi_.n.1d. to authorize the CitJ' --pr to draW up a Resolution on a C1~~, to present to 1Ir. .John Rodr1guez, recently chosen "JIlin of the Year- b7 1:be Cupertinc Chamber o~ ec:-rce, in recocn1tlœ or 1:be numerous things he bas done tor the Ci tJ' . Motion carried, 3-0 C. Mayor Stekes stated that he has been Cupertino'. representa- t1ve or. the Transportaticn Policy CoaD1.ttee for the past three ~...e&rs. At the present t1m..., they are closing out Phase I al'ld attempt1ng to establist>. a tinancial se';up tor procee=::-.g vi th Phase II. Be fee) , th1s is a convenient time t.: :-esign and suggested Counc. Dempster a.5 his suc- cesser. Meetings are held the second Wednesday o't each month. . . :>. So me,~i ty Counc. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mayor Stokes. Mct10n carr1ed, 3-0 Moved ::; :::=c. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Pitzcerald, to gi,~ ~ ¥0te of thar~s to Mayor Stokes tor serving on the Trans~::":a:ion Policy Committee for the past three years. Mot10n carried, 3-0 Mayor '::::te5 reminded the statt that Ma.for ~, santa Clara, is tc be notitied of th1s change, and Counc. Dempster asked :~a: his bus1n~ss address be used. . :g. The Ci:y ~.anager intonsed the Council that the annual C1ty Manage:"s' !::eeting begins on Wednesday 1n Palo Alto. XII ADJOURNME:--: Moved by :::-.:.;.:. Dempstl~r, seconded by Counc. Pitzcerald, to adjourn tc :::e specia', meet~ on February 14, 1967. Meeting ad~ourned a: :J:20 P.M. Motion carried, 3-0 ~TTEST: ~~,~1fMerk APPROVED : /s/ ~Stokes or -u-