CC 01-16-67 1~..!OO Torre Avenue 252-4505 CI'rY O~ CUPBR'l'I.r. -'"~0Z'Id.a u RQU, CALL CoUDC. p1'elMlDt: D ;.ter.. fttspre14.. 30" ...... JIoe1, Stone CoUDC. abaeats ... Start preaents C1~ .....pr.. Ph11 StoN C1~ &tto1'lWl, SUI J-'-ncø . ..-.... D1réCtor, _ . ~ D mrector ot Public VlJrIaI.. ft'ank Finney mrector or P1....1., A44e taõU'1n C1t7 ~_r, Bob Shook J)1re:tor or Parka . Rec~tlon, .John ~ u.l.tant P1anner.. 3111 IIIt- Chter ad1d1ng Inapector.. mll Benevlch Reeorc21ng Secretar)', LoU ImIards t III MIl«! uS OF 'l'BB J".K&Y.lOUS RlYITJ.JIJ - .Janu&1'7 3.. 1967 ..':: P"" <.." i~ ;. -~, ""'J~:': ~ ~"- , ,It '~'..> ,', ", ";, .~ OP !'lIB to _..... :! 'fIr'/ f .' ,~ " '~*' '<~ ,.l '!' -'., .~. ,'j; ~ ,~ ~,:~,; ..;" , 1\'., " J J .....- '10 - -- j' " 1Ii1IIUN&.8 -.a;;aa ,~ -. .-~.,I-' ~, . ."f. CoUDCU Ch-~. 8100 P.... .. ~ 'l'BB CIft """...lL - ~. -"7 16. 1967 10300 '!oI'N AWeDØ, C4JUDo. Cal1forD1a Mayor Stokes noted that the IIOtlona tor Or41DaDces 349 and 3~:, Usted on pace 6, should also Indlcat. that those or:l1nances were eaacted. pIc';~ by CoWlr.. ~ r.ter. seconded b7 Counc. ntz¡erald. to ap¡;.rove as corrected the IUnutes ot .Jaø··T"J' 3, 1907. fJotlon carried. 4-0 Counc. Roel absta1DC!4 ORAL AJQ) VIU'n-_ oœ-.IUCA'l'IORS WP.I'l"rEN: '!'tIere were none. Mrs. ~r. ot Monta Vista, thanked the C1ty Manager and Clty'l.ttorney tor their help In getting rid of the "ra11road JUDIr- in Monta Vista. Mr. .John P\lra1ey. .Jr. of Pursley Construct10n Company, asked. tor ~.'1t ot ~37, ø . 85 tor conatruct10n of the new city halJ.. The,C1ty would sUll retain $5000 until the 24 r-1ft1P1ß II1nor def1c1encies &re corrected. The subcontractors are on the Job now. and all 1tems should be cleaned up by the end of this week. . IV ORAl: 1. 2. þ ._~.~ ......." ..... ...Jo.. . .... - -1- J 1/16M 0.." "" ~ '!be Ch1~ Eu11d4.ng T . t;.ør atated that at the tble or the la.r.:ouncll ..".tUt:bere. were 40 items or cJer1cJ.encJ.es. . ~ 2-\ ~ining uw,~~. aDd the $5000 would ..ore than , cover tbs. Be:.,.:..~ P81JDeDt be made to l'brB1.q " ConatN:t1on Co,t~~ . ~¡~ .- ~~ ud. 117 CD;mc. Noel. ., ': ... b7 Counc. Fitzgerald. t;o IIi7 ~$37,927.25 to Purs'~"'&..nICtlon Company, but; ........... ~_ Cdrc~8 11111 .~i»." .. """'Y1g $5000 be pa1d untn an .-.r.101eucIes are corNd'r'f~;: ,. .~~. ^' "h' -..., -..., Co1m:. Dempster. n. .....'&ld. Johnson, Noel. StoIœ8 lleœ MotIon ......184. 5-0 y &. RBPORr 0: PIJû'ÐII1ID (3 .M.lOll (See Minutes of 1/9/67) 'ftee-Cha1rJB:: 3utheJNth pYe a resume of Plann1ng ~ a810n åelslona ::a':~ on JanUU'7 9. 1967. :.. WARD ~:,_~= 'EVELO~~. DIC.: 8-TM-66 T,)ntat1ve Jl&P. Bayvc:>i :~:T!ice Unit 110. 6 - Ra1nbow Drive, west o~ Bubb !\.: !.:, :.8 acres. Approved by Planning Co!llñsslon Re801~:~:~ ~. 391. Z.~~ 9, 1967. . "!!be Planr~_ò' :::-ector saj,d there were no problems here; xwever, ~, ~:t:::'a cond1t1on _s placed on the approval :;f ";.he tenta::'~ :ap rega~ alignment cz' the street ~ f'ront . :~ Lot #: ~~~ :: be to ~he sat1sfact10n of the r.1ty ~~1neer. ~.... CE>ER: Mc'''~,: =":' Counc. De ptlter, seconded by COUDe. He;!l, to a~;~:'~ :-TM-66 w1t~ cond1t1ons as recommendej ~ t~~ ::~~~1ng Co~..~on. Motion carr1.ed, 5-0 =. REPOP.::?:'HE ARCHI=---'T'JML AND SITE APPROrAL CCl"_~'l'l'U; . (No ..".~- '--1 --- --"~I :. REPOP.::??ARKS C(WII'f~oø (No mee~ing) WI ~C I&.~~:GS -- There .ere none. ~ ut"..u~CES;""'C RESOLUTIOJIS POR ADOPl'ION ~. ORDIiU.SC::: NO. 349: ~. Jllarchese &: Son - Rezon1r.g c~ approY'-~ely 20 (t~t..i) acres from Al-43 to Planned Devel:;c~~: (p) w1th PlaDned Industrial Park (MP) ~se, loca~e': !: intersect~ ot Pruner1d~e Road and Tan~~ Aven~e :x:ens10ns, vest ot westwood-Oaks subd1vision. (FOr ~~:;~10n only) Xt was determIned that this ..s enacte': ~~ the JanUll%7' 3. 1967, Council meeting. . -2- · · · · þ 1/16/67 , B. ORDDWlCB BO. 350: Willlam Horton - RezoD1Ðg or a~te17 (1) ODe acre from n-1a3 to us)d: XDSua- trial (IlL), 1OCa~ on ..st slde or BJ'"'"'7 AYeØie, a~tel7 360 reet south ot :øo.eat...s Bo84. (roz- adopt1oD~) It as deter-t- tllat tbi8 .a eDacted at tile n -~ 3. .1961. couacl1 ~ c~ OIID'--.. _I B1cbUd J. KeJDI'JÆ - "~"'" or a~""""'~ (2) Þo acreS trca Al-'3 to Qer -.J. c.. I'OU1 (~). located at SB col'DØ' or ~ Road aid 1JI~ A...... ... Second Bee"'... '!'be C1t7 ...,---_ 8ta'teð tbat we have reedftd tile cSels.ca- t10M along ~ Baed. Moved by COUDC. D r.tar. seconded by eounc. J'1tzprald, that the JIa7Or'a .&: 1.&4"'1[ conat1t>1te the Second JIee"'"S ot Ordinance 352 aDd tbat 1t be enacted. AYES: Counc. DølP8ter, P1tzgera1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes 1fA!S: IIone MotIor. carried, 5-0 RESOLU'l'Iœ BO. 925-22: A Resolution Ca111~ for Mds on Sale ot 1JIprc-..._nt Bonda (Project 110. 64-1) The Clty Attorney sta~ed that we would call for blds at 8 P.M., Mon4a7, Pebr..-r7 6, 1967, 1n the COuncil Chambers. D. Moved by COUDC. o...ps~.r, seconded by COunc. Noel, to adopt Resolution 925 -22. A'!IS: Counc. ~~er, P1tzgenld, Johrulon, Noel, Stokes 1IA!s: lIone Ilet1::::: ::arrled, ';-0 B. RBSOUJ"!'Iœr BO. ~ -23: A Resolution ot 1nten':10n to Make ChaIIs.s am JIod1!1cations (Project 110. 5Jo-l) The C1ty Attorney stated this Resolut1on 1s the res~lt of rec:o_ndat1ona or '::".e eng1n_rs and attorneys and trat the Hear1Dg on ..1:1 Reaol'.1tion 1s set Cor 8 P. M., Pebruary 20, 1967. Moved by Counc. ~':er, seconded by Counc. JohnSon, to adopt Resolut10n 925-23. AYES: Counc. Dellpeter, Fitzgerald, Johnaon, Noel, Stokes 1fA!S: None )l:)t10::. :arr1ed, 5-0 -3- ftJ]: 1/16/67 P. RESOID'rION NO. 925-24: A Resolution Authoriz1Dg Settlement of f~rcels 1-4. 1-4A1 1-5. 1-10. 1-11. 1-1lA and 1-1lB ~or the Sum of ,61,515.00 and AuthoriZing Attor.WJ' of Becord to Accept Deeds, Aåsessment District Pro3ect 64-1. Be.01ution 925-24 was introduced by the City Attorney. Woved by Counc. Dempøter, .ecoøled by Counc. Fitzgerald. to adopt Resolut10n 925-24. . A~: Counc. Dempeter. Fitzgerald, Johnson. Noel, Stokes lIAYS: None Mot10n carried, 5-0 PAYING BTT.T .q A. Resolution No. 1392 and 1393 Treasurer Dempster read Resolut10n 1392. Moved by Counc. Noel. seconded by Counc. Johnson, to adopt Resolut10n No. 1392. . AYES: Counc. Dempster. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Motion carr1ed, 5-0 Treasurer Dempster read Resolution 1393. Moved èy Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Pitzgerald. to adopt Resolution No. 1393. . AYES: Counc. DempE¡ter. Pi tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None . Mot10n carried, 5-0 xx A. REFORT OF CITY TREASURER He had nothing further to report. B. REFORT OF CITY MANAGER 1. We now have an Employees' Assoc1at10n. The C1ty Manager requested the revenue from the vend1ng :achines be turned over to the Assoc1at10n, to be used for ma1ntenance of the lounge, etc. __~ ORDER: So moved. by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel. AYES: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes NAYS: None Mot10n carried, 5-0 . -4- . , , · · · · 1/16/67 2. !be C1~ .- ~u ..ked the eouncU'. 'd'" on the r.a4V~ _ ~ CoUt SbDWS. vho vo\I1d UJœ to COM to ~~UIIØ.SD ~ DUrH1'7 area o~ ø '0 SboppinS CeDteI'. r.a,-- to teo dQII. .' '>t' *_ 117 ~-'~~.~.Î~rø'aiI 117 CoUDO. ft~. to ft~klct 1feñ 'GII--:~- U r to tb1'ee 1.61188 or ~. ," CoaDD. m ~_, . "'. ftts¡erald, JIoel CoIlllO. Z~_ I. StolCe8 .,- - caft'1ed. 3-2 ~r Stokea teela Ud.a 1JI the tne ot tb1DS ~t should be taJœr1 cue ot bJ' tile atatt unle.. aDd untl1 it beCoM. a probl_. Counc. ~o»t AoJr- ~ ud. A!IS: .181 C. '. '1'he C1t7 .-pr reported the Clt)' Ball landscaping shoUld be co.pleted w1thin a week. _. The var1aD lease w111 be covered under the City AttorDeT'. report. _. In re~ ~ Counc. Johnson's proposal tor a .COIP'm1t7 Coordinator·, the City Manager will have his report read)' for the next regular Council meeting. : . A pension ¡¡roçam for Cl':y employees 1s being proposed. ?3.~ OP DJ.ltBC'f'OR OP PUBLIC WOR!tS ~~ D1rector c~nted on r.1s wr1tten report. In add1tion ':: tho.. it..., he asked for the Counc1l's opinion on xrtng ot seTeral large p1ne trees on the Marian1 property :~ ~stead Road. Øo dec1sion was made; however, 1t was ::'Cught out t!at pine trees grow rather rapidly, and the ::st ot IIOv1n« tho.. mature trees might be prohib1t1ve. :-. Moved 117 Co\mC. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Fitzgerald. upon recolllllendation ot the Director of PUblic Vorial, to re1ncorporate the $250 allocated to the loud .peakera and microphone system in the or1g1nal contract, 1IbJ.ch was w1th:irawn when 1t was dec1ded to put 1n the present system. The present system has proved 1~te. AYES: Counc. D_ ..ter, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NA!S: None Jbtlon carr1ed, 5-0 -5- 'I ..'~ ~.. { r" ~, tt' t ' ;c.: , r' o 1/16/67 RBPORr œ CITY _.- · 1. Alpba La11d ColBJl8J'o-" ~..., Way at Rodrigues Avenue. reco .mtion of t.',þ.(¡,jRrlplleer, it was mved b7 C. DeII:¡:8ter, secoadecl;.;~. Heel, to author1zØ the " ... Engineer to inf'ol'S ~.~loper and his bco....1ftg COllI- ,~; d' , .'.' that the Il11P1'Ovement ~. may now be retired. ,:!',- .t[f,;(t" '''0 " :(',)iI'- 4.;~: Counc. Dempster. J'1~\'ald, Johnson, Noel. Stokes ': t"'a'JS: None MOtion ~j 5-0 2. Tra:: No. 4245, &deb Vay at Stevens Creek Blvd. 1fpon reco~::dat10n or the CJ.t,- Engineer, 1t was moved by 001U1C. De:;e:er-, seconded bT Counc. Noel, to adopt Beso1ut1o::. ~. 1394 accept~ -Quitcla1m Deed and Author- 1Zat10n" :'::-:::: iiatson and Associates. A~: Ce~:. Jempster, P1tzgi!ra1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokes 1IA.YS: Ne::; . Mot10n carr1.ed, 5-0 3. ',::':::: Shopp1ng Cen':er, SE corner Homestead Road a::::' ~:met Lane. -Upon rec::==:",'::tion or the City Engineer, it was moved by Counc. De~;¿:;:" seconded C7 Counc. Noel, to adopt iæsoluti:::: ~:. 1396, Acce~~ Ut111ty Easement, Good Samar1tar. ~':':':h, etc. · A~: JlA.YS: C~,·_- ... --.~ . N::::; Jempster, ?1~zgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes Mot1on carr1.ed, 5-0 -Upon rec:::I:=:"~~t10n of the City Eng1neer, it was moved by . Counc. De=;~:;:" seconded C7 Counc. Noel, to adopt Besolut1o~ 5:. 1395. Accepting Roadway Dedicat10n, Good Samar1tar. ::,.::h, etc. AYES: Cc~:::. Jempste~, Fi~zgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes .YS: Nc~; Mot1on carried, 5-0 4. E::=-:~:ead Road, SB corner Blaney Avenue and F~=~!:ead Road; roadway ded1cations. Upon reco=¿::..iat10n of the City Eng1neer, it was moved by Counc. De=;:;s:e:, seconded 117 Counc. Noel, to adopt Jlesolutio:: ~. 1397. A~: Co=::. Dempster, P1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes .YS: Nc~; · Motion carr1ed. 5-0 -6- .... f . . . . 1/16/67 Upon rec~ndat1oD or the CIt7 ~gJ""er, It was IDOVed b7 Counc. DelÇSter. 81111.:1D1Sed b7 Counc. Jroel, to adopt Reaolatlon Bo. 1398. ;: AYES: aYS: CoUDC. De1IJI81;er. J'1tzgera1d, Johnson, Noel, Stokell Rone JIOtSGD carned, 5-0 ·~n reco.lllndatlon or the C1ty Ð\g"....er, it wa. IIIOved by - CO\IDC. Dempster, seconded b7 Counc. Boe1, to adopt , Resolution Bo. 1399. A'!BS: Counc. Dempe1;er. Fitzgerald, Johnson, Jroel, Stokell HA!S: lfon~ Motion carried, 5-0 Upon recommendation or the C1ty Engineer, it was moved by CO'IDC. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to adopt Reeolu~ion No. 1400. A'!BS: Counc. Dempster, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes NAYS: None Mot1on carr1ed, 5-0 E. RK.."ORT OF CITY ATTORNEY 1. Tte C1ty Attorney stated a cla1m has been t1led against the C1ty by Mrs. Nor1ko Shiba, 1nvolving ::'Oadway cond1t10ns at Portal Avenue and Stevens Creek Blvd. This claim has been forwarded to our ~nsurance company for proper act10n. It was noted ~rAt this 1s a County proje~t where the accident c~curred. Moved :y Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. Noel, to authorize the above act10n. 2. Mot1on carried, 5-0 Papers have been drawn up for leas1ng to Mrs. Var1an a port10n of' the Chllck property. After prel1m1nary approval or the Council, they w111 be sent to Mrs. Varian's attorney for rev1ew and ret.....""!led to the Counc11 tor f1nal approv~l. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald to tentat1ve approve the lease w1th Mrs. var1an and to forward it to her attorney. Paragraph 6, proh1b1ting const~uction of any permanent build1ngs on sa1d property, wUl be added. III.-u'rJ!i ORDER: Motion carr1ed, 5-0 J' . REPORT OF EUILDDfG IRSPECTOR There _s no report. -7- _._. ~-""'¥..'-""''"'----- 1/lG/67 ø. .RT OF PARKS AJO) RllCRBATIOR DIRECTOR 1. Copies ot the 1961 Spring Program were distributed. . L BBPOR'l' OF PLANRIlIID.øŒ1'œ 1. There 1I8S noNJIC)rt. . , if. RBPORT OF FIHAJfCB: DÌRBC'l'œ 1. Identical prppoSalS or ~ interest on $125,000 tor siX months have been received from four banks. The C1ty cUJTently has the follow1ng deposits: F1rst Valley Bank of Amer1ca Crocker C1t1zens Wells Fargo $141.139 34,750 134,750 159,753 Moved by Counc. Noel, seconded by Counc. Johnson, to depos1t the $125,000 in Bank of Amer1ca at 5~ interest for siX months. . AYES: Counc. Dempster. F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes HAYS: None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 2. We t3ve l'ece1ved not1ce from Cal1fornia Correct1onal Indt;stries (fro·,n whom we purchased the new C1ty Hall . furni:ure) that there 1s g01ng to be a price 1ncreaae 1n the very near future. We are in need of add1~1onal miscellaneous furn1ture for the new C1ty Hall 1n the amot;nt of $2,100 at current pr1ces. The full $18,000 originally allocated for city hall furniture and furnishings has been depleted. Moved by Counc. Dempster, seconded by Counc. F1tzgerald, to . au~horize t~e City to purchase the $2,100 worth of needed miscellaneot;s furn1ture. AYES: Counc. Dempster, F1tzgerald, Johnson, Noel, Stokes HAYS: None Mot10n carr1ed, 5-0 ",!/!, <> The D1rector rev1ewed the F1nanc~al Report w1 th the Council. 4. In regard to the p1ck-up truck from the local dealer that was author1zed recently by the Counc11. 1t was the recommendat1on or the D1rector to never accept sealed b1ds from them aga1n because of the1r fa11ure to make de11very and their apparent apat~ to the situation. . -8- p " ., "'. ~'..f , . . . 11..,' , 1/16/67 X UJU',UUSJIB[) JIJ8IBBSS 1. The C1t7 .......ger aaid the pond above L1Dda V1sta DrIve has beeD taken care of. 2. A repoñOD aaonry walls and procedure tor appl1cat1oDll ~ so1D& tJøøush Architecturel and Site Control 18 f'ortbO-.. II ~ ~ö··_aa JIQOr Stoke8 introduced tbl requeat tnat Pebrua17 20 tbl'oql Eaater """'.;)' be proclaimed the period f'o!' the 1961 Baster Seal Appeal. So DIOved b;)' Counc. Noel, seconded by CoUbc. Fitzgerald. 1. Notion carried, 5-0 2. The letter trom Santa Clara's Mayor MaJ1'l8rd concerning ABAG waa cUscussed. The C1ty Manager _s instructed to wr1te a letter to Mayor MaJ1'l8rd. thank1ng him tor keepilig CUpertIno apprIsed of' the1r Council action and Ind1cat1ng we w11l reciprocate. 3. Counc. Dempster sa1d that, 1n v1ew of the number of solicitations made d~ing the year and the fact that Cupertino 1s getting :arger, and 1n l1ght of the problema that could arise, he s~ggested the format10n of' a screening comm1ttee. MINUTE ORDER: Moved by Counc. ~~yster, seconded by Counc. Noel, that the format1o~ of a screen1ng comm1tte~ of three membere be explore:i ty the staff and a rt Jrt !ll8de to the Council. Mot10n carr1~, 5-0 4. Counc. Fitzge:ald sa1j the bus1nesses along Stevens Cree~ Blvd. are suffer1ng seriously by the slowness of the street 1mprov~nt project t~ere. The D1rector of Publ1c Works w111 request the Co~n:y's ~ooperat10n in eXpedit1ng this. Mayor St~kes haa beer. 1n contact with some of the Board of' Supervisors and Mr. ?3rrier regard1ng the l1brary. He feels we should deve:cp a program for us to follow to present something tc t~e Board of Superv1sors. We shoulJ make a decis10n on r.ow we want to proceed on this pro- posal. 5. Counc. Fitzgerald feels the County 1s wa1t1ng for sor.eebody to otter a s1te. The Library Comm1ss10n 1s probab).:f wa1tinb tor someone to take the 1n1tiative. Mayor Stokes suggested a Joint meeting with the Library Commission. A 'tatt report on preliminsry 1nvest1gat10ns on f1nanc1ng, poss1b1e 10cat10ns, and data on the 11brary 1n Los Altos was requested. The City Manager w111 contact Mr. Farr1er to set up this J01nt meeting. -9- 1/16/67 , , ~'he date o~ the Jo1.nt meeting (prob!o.b17 ~or the week of Pebruar,y 13th) w111 be set on Pebruary 6. 6. ~r Stokes II11œ1tted a report on tbe League ot C:1Ues Con~OD in Las Vegas. It.s Ms ~eeUng that Cllpert1Dò-abóÌ1ld send a representative to this 1IOrtlDfb!le cCIIIìÌ'Ì\IÌDtlon again. Copiea ~ presented to the PlJmn1"1Co1D1ss10n, the Clt7 Council, and _bers or the· start. xtr AD.1uulUWœlrr Y"·· , f' ,~. JlDved by Counc. De1IIpeter, seconded by Counc. JoJmson, to adJourn the meeUng at 9:33 P.M. APPROVED: /s/ aaz Stokes ayor A¡:X"~¡;: ~0;: 700. _~ar.:e rec .or ~~ _y Clerk -10- _d ._ 41 . . . .