CC 01-28-2019CUPERTINO APPROVED MINUTES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 28, 2019 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING ROLL CALL At 5:01 p.m. Mayor Steven Scharf called the Special City Council meeting to order in the City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue. Present: Mayor Steven Scharf, Vice Mayor Liang Chao, and Councilmembers Darcy Paul, Rod Sinks, and Jon Robert Willey. Absent: None . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -None COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 1. Subject: Interview applicants for commission terms expiring on the ' Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Library Commission Recommended Action: Conduct interviews and make appointments to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Library Commission; and select alternates Written communications included emails to Council. Conducted interviews and, on January 29, 2019, made the following appointments: Parks and Recreation Commission Appointed Gopal Kumarappan to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Scharf, Chao, Paul) Appointed Xiangchen Xu to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Scharf, Chao, Paul) Appointed Carol Stanek as 1st alternate (unanimous) Appointed Wang as 2nd alternate (Scharf, Chao, Paul, Willey) Planning Commission Appointed Catherine "Kitty" Moore to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Scharf, Chao, Paul, Willey) City Council MINUTES January 28, 2019 Appointed Vikram Saxena to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Scharf, Chao, Paul, Willey) Appointed R "Ray" Wang to a partial term ending 1/30/21 (Scharf, Chao, Paul) Appointed Sanjiv Kapil as 1st alternate (Chao, Paul, Willey) Appointed Geoffrey Paulsen as 2nd alternate (consensus) Library Commission Appointed Qin Pan to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Chao, Paul, Willey) Appointed Rahul Vasanth to a full term ending 1/30/23 (Scharf, Chao, Paul) Appointed Lane Young as 1st alternate (Chao, Sinks, Willey) Appointed Parth Bharwad as 2nd alternate (consensus) Note: The official ballots are available in the City "Records" digital archives and the City's website in the "Agendas & Minutes" meeting details. ADJOURNMENT At 9:43 p.m., Mayor Scharf adjourned the meeting. Kirsten Squarcia, Deputy City Clerk