CC Resolution No. 3525
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;:,rULc-'nt ÌlcC' ]¡;nd1E' .'.;nl~(_'!~:vi:~Dry cc-ì;t::col "3)' ~i¡bp2n:: ¿'[1
\-¡j.t-huut pD.)' j o:~ serious OJ' uc,pr:-aî:c;,J j_n-r:rdCt.~üw:; Dr rc ~Jla.tJ;__)l'':-'., ~)Uc.1-J ~';1h-
penr:..ion:'-.iJ<'i.)' !lOt exceed thjrty (30) cì,c;ys ::L-n. ;ltJ> t\-Jcl\"e (JL) T:'-:;ath p"I,Ír::-:l
\\.j thcut Uh: ri hí' of tlF' c: pjoyce Lo ¡-:;. 1 (~ dll é"j.JtJc<,_l I,dth ti'.(: }\D¡Joiilt
.\utJ¡('¡r·]l:Y [or 2 hé'¿)rin~~ on the· ,8tter. (S..::~c S2Ct:iO (.,] \'hc
}~()tÌJjn¿., cDnt¡Ün(:d herein shall preclude, thc: r.i~~llt of the dep;~j'!' ,;::;It
hea.lÌ to require an c.,:plc.'yec to cease \:/o:ck 2nd le2cve the-: í·
prcDiscs l.,,'iLh'):.:t pay Í^7hE:n ~~ucb action by the deFdrtnent head is in tllc l;lten~s['
cf :,;afeguardî.:)·· the health, sc:.lcty ace1 1.'J('lfarc of the City, its c:'.ployc(>~:':~
ci t i ,;t~ES and their propcI·t-J(::.,:>
Sectio.] 5.11.
Vis:-,.is s al
An eTI'.pJ uyee ;;¡ay b(~ clisll!isscd hy 0. sUIH,~r\'ising lÌepD.rt:1;\ent hL-'a(Ì :~or
sl¡bstallt:i.aU~(l cause uhcn it is dee.ued to be. in the best interest of the Ci.
Upon verhEl] or \n.-ittC'n notJc.:~ of disl!lif::s:..11 an cmpj oyee 8hFl11 be l"2quircd t.ù
lCdve Lbf~ vlO~:;( pn~xìÍscs ~vlj th 10;,s or all rights a_net priv:Llc::es of e;~lploY¡,H:t~L"
Ún c-:mployee holding certified status nay appeal fl'onl dis;~-d::~3"~.1 to till':: J\ppoLnt-·
ing Autllority within tllYCe (3) working days iroĊ d2te of notice of (lis~lj.ssal.
¡t no appeaJ. is initiated wIthin ttle specified period, the (lismissed CQpJ_oyee
sllalJ, be rliscllurged [rom ~~ploY8~nt.
Sectjon 5.2,
An ei~lploycc 511Fl11 be. dischargE-'d from c!\JploYi:1c.nt ,¡,rtth thc City after
dis¡¡lis~al witll0lll nppcal ()r arter denial of an appcaJ by t11C Appointing
Authority. An employC'e so dis('h'1tl~C'tl shall lose all pays, rights and
pr:lvileg('~~ of employ!\:cnt '.-lith th(~ City on t!1t':': effective date of notJce of
dismiss<J.l. 1\ 1;lrittc~l :..;tatemc~nt. of the C;_\U~;(>:3 of dL;chargc and disn;Íssal
;;hall be. prepared for the cmploy.::e I s per:;nnnel L'ccorlb and a copy given to
the affected employ"e,
SectilJn 6.0. £r~E¡.~~__?J;_ APP_~¥~~L
All ."l.ppeaL~ to the Ap~hJ.Lltíng A1..1tho city shall be in writing and
shall be signed by the employee.
Section 6 .1. !..~-.1.:!YJ!'___5?..:~_!:\J)I.J'_':1,~:_
·rhe filing of all appE',-Ü to the Appointing Authority ::5h<111 be ac- r
complishccl hy the ;;ubn'lr;:,;ion of l:_I1l:.' si~~ncd ',·¡ritten dOCl1!nünt to the .Personnel
Director >;}ho shall ])"-2 rt-;;;pol1;;Lblc Eor the is;,uance of proper no(:ifications~
2cc:ti0)1 6.2.
2ç~ I') T(;::; (~n t::~ l-¡_c]~
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,\t1 cri1ployc(~ ~;UÌJilì-Lttin::_,~ ;:ll appeal t:o the Ar-:pointing Authority may
be repr('-~_;l~llt:ed by :t pC1::,nn 0; :t:' dlOOSJ¡1'"~ or may elec.t to r2Vú',':.;\'nt him~:;t-'.lf;
vrovid,',d, bm,,~pv(;',r, l:hat í,;rhèl1. an '~'-Ipl.()'yee is to be rc~pL"<::;,;cnted by n_nother
[1<:.'.rson Ul'-~ rLlme o_E thai_' P(:'c;on ;:';'\n :_1 1)(: ~L:'-1C1,-, knc'-;vn to I:he .\pPG:!.nting ¡\uthorLty
:_It :teasL r';·l:'r'CQ c1::.'/'3 pr:_:;l" to 11(' ~;cÌl~·>dul(~d, SubstLt\1t_~_un of repre-
;'_:ënt:o.tJ O;l ::'(1)' only be: t,'; pC'f"l 'I by L:he I\FPointing AuthoT.Lty.
~;l_~'~_:LLl!n 6.], 1.",_
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l.:n ;1 pcr:Ï.l;d, ur ;'lrt:t~r· '1:)t:Î.C.f:'_ of dL~!'lLssal.
::1yi)cf IJ. nnly by c_[;1ploYC't:s cU1TC'.ntl"y 1101 <-ling
('30) Lrl any ~:'.... ~_1-,'
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Section 9,2. Comp_ensatory Ti!'~e__O[f
An cmploye~ may at his option elect to be compensated Íor such
overtime work as follows:
~~en situations arise which require an employee to perform
outside of his normal work dé\Y due ln~ any perLod of time
within the first five (5) days of his normal work ~,¡eek, he
shall receive co~npensatory time off in like anount for the
time so worked.
Hhen an employee is required to perform non-scheduled duties
during the sixth and seventh days follO'i'ling the first five
days of a fiorilloll £i ve day ',';0 rk Heek, on a City holiday) or
during 3 scheduled vacation, he shall receive co~pensatory
time off at the ratc of one and one--half (1--1/2) tines for
the time so ':-lorked.
Sect ion 9.21.
Cocnpensatory time off ~')hall be taken '..lithin the calendar year \.¡hich it is earned tmd during such periods as Inay i'llutual1y be agreed
upon bet\.¡een the employee and the supervisor. Exception to this rule shall
be allowable only on sppcific authorization of the Appointing Authorit~y.
Section 9 _ 3. ~~~la~~~~~~..~~)A__Ç.0~l!j-ª_~ntial~ !?vert~me:__
A11 dpproved,,'icrk in 2xce:3S of the norlTlal vlork day or no Glal Hork
\'¡;::E-~k perforn,ed by emplo:lct'?'s occ:upyin,", positions officially dí,:1tcd as
m.:lna~;cmcllt or conficlè.nt L1t shall be cmLlpensated ,;.¡ith c:o;",pcnsat::ory tir:,e 0 [f in
like Clmount: tor the time ;~o '\v'orkc.d. Such t~o:ni)('n.sato-ry tL¡,c~ off shall not be
officially recorded [or atteadance and µayroll fn__lrposes) .:tnd shall be taken
at such tJ¡;~1;.;8 '\,¡ithin the. calendar yeal.·în ·..,Th'Ldl it is c,, as is r~ìutu3.11y
agreed upon bcth.'ec.n the l".mpJoycc i1nd the super']ising departF,ent head,
Section 9. 11·. ~?~0__n..c¡~--:--È5.})a'1.
r:\l~)lojce.s \,;1:1.0 ,'l,:e rc~qll:lTcd to ,"akc th~'.:,1se1.vcs ~ivailable for bèiug
(':dl!~d back to ';'7ork Oljt~;j,~l(: ~hc 11cJ::,i',aL \--Jor~< Ik'i'.Lod 3hd.LL Le cOHpensai,::J:dfIJr
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(:3) Nv.\,,i Yc [>,1" L)
(b) l,'}Dsh5n;::i:on: s ß.i.:rtLday
(c) Lineal,nls Birtllday
(d) Hemorial Day
(c) Inclepcndcnce Day
(f) Labo r Day
(g) Vcterai1 f oS Day
(h) Thanksgiving Day
(1) Friday follmving Thanks gi Day
(j) Christmas Day
Section 8.15.
Employees Hhose normal vJork day is at variance \.¡ith the normalv]ork
hours specified in Section 8.0 of these Rules may be COi'ìpensélted for the
differenttal shift hOllrs their duties require. The City ?-lanager 1l1_ay
suitable administrative policies and guidelines for this compensation.
Section 9. o.
It shall be the policy of the City to keep overtime at a minimum.
íV'hen situ,'jtions arise \<7hich require an e:'lployee to perform outside of the
normal \vork day or the normal \vork week, compensation shall be l.\la(ìe in one of
the follO\\ ways at the option of the employee.
Section 9.1. .:r:~,-n~,..3E,(1 Olw·-ll,,:l£Pay
All approved work performed by weekly salaried employees, other than
those employees occupying positions officially designated as manag(~ment or
confidcn tial, in exccss of the nor:'.liJ..l 1tlork do.-y or normal Hork \vC'ck, shall be
pnid at fbè rate of one and onc-half (I-'l/L) times the normal ratc of pay,
Hork perforn~ed on Saturdays, Sundays and City holtdays or during an employce 's
scheduled vacatlon shall be considered to be overtime and paid accordingly.
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