CC Resolution No. 3556 r:},S,-)LUTI0ê1 ,;Q. 3556 A RESCLU'}.']O~1 'J}' THE CITY CUÜ};CI.L vI" THE CITY OF CUl'El:"l'INO ht\Klî~G 1'1'3 CP.JEE lìE~;CRIBll':G THE P.OTJNDi~!{IE3 DES IGN,t\TED AS hNOO~~AN 73-8" TO BJ:. ,,"I.Nl,:EXED 10 THE CITY /;'l~D ORDEI(ING A!:T- !~I3~~.ATIONS T8 'LiE CITY ~':ITBOUT PUBLIC Hf.A.RING l\~; p}<nVIDEJJ j',Y LAW, AJ'P¡ZOXINATELY C!. }86 ACR£ LOCAED EAST SIDE OF ORAnGE AVENt'r BETVJEEN ALCAZAR AVE!ìU£ AND I1C CLELLAN ROAD \<HIEREAS} purf>'\'_ant to tb.e prov1s1ons of the Annexation of Unính:lbit..:~d Territory Act of }', 39, proceedings have been initiated by the City Council, at '[he rr.:.q'.J2.st of 2.11 the O\~111Cr8 of the real p-rOpe.l'ty situate i.n the pro- p2rty her.einafter- ::~.Qs(::r:ïb;d, on its own motion to annex to t.he City all of thãt uniahabited territory situate in tbe County of Santa Clara, State of (;3.1i fornia, hereby designated as "Noonan 73-811; and WdEREAS, thf:': Sanca Clara Coe.nty Local Agency Formatio:l COlt1Jnissi on, by R,·.solutIon No. ;, 3-156 adopted the 3rd ¿ay of October, 19ï 3, has dut.horized the City of Cu?e:t:i.no to annex Lhe territory descr~..bed in ExhilJit !IAn and c.8 shm.;rn on the map in Exhibit liB" J designated 38 "Noonan 73-8", withoHt noticc~ hearing or election in accordance with the District R2organization Act of 1965; Bud \oIHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is to the best interest of the City ans of the t.erritory proposed to be anne:x:eà that the. t~2.rri.tory be iinnex~d ~..Jithout public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the territory described in Exhi.bh l1þ~lI and as 5hm..'n on the map in Exhibit 11 nil , attached heret.o and maùe par~ her:eof, is hen:.~by annexed to the C~_ty of Cupertino. ~ASSZD AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of City of Cupertino this ~_ day of __.....t\ugn1=:r. vot..: the City Coun{'il of the , 1974, by the follm.;r1.r.g AYES: ~ ., vounClimea - Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Jackson NOES: Councilmen - None ABSENT: Councilmen - Sparks ATTEST: APPROVU1: ~ ì ._-~~-=~~ _~ay~tv:> (' l.upêrtino Pro Tern e City Cle K " . . '.' "~-".-.' --.,,~.". ,-~. ......, Exhibit "Au Re3. No. 3556 All that certain rEal property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of Califorh.in, more part:i.cularly described as follov.~s: A portion of Lot 2/", as shown on the Map of the Noonan Subdivision, Unit 2, fU.ed Mgy 6, 191,6, Book 10 of Maps, page 16, Santa Clara County Records., desc¡:ibe.cl as f011ows: Beginning at the southeast COLn~r of said Lot 24, said corner being one cürne.r of that certfiin parcel of land annexed to the City of Cupertino by Ordinance No. 83 entitled IIcClellan No. I-A; thence from sa.id Point of Beginning along the southe.rly line of said Lot 24, N. 89°58'1<., 168.25 feet to the easterly line of the parcel of land described in Deed to Tilford Shockley, et. ux., recorded October 29, 1954, Book 2996 Official Records, page Ill; thence along said easrerly line ¡::nd along the f'asterly line of t.he parcel of land described in the Deed to George N. BalJoll, et. ux., recorded September 13, 1954~ Book 2975 Official Records, page 418, north 100 feet to the northerly line of sllid Lot 24; thence along the northerly and easterly lines of said Lot 21" S. 89°58'E., 168.25 feet and south 100 feet to the Point .of Beginning. Containing 0.386 gcre, more or less. , . -,..~._~. . ",",",.,"~..~." . II /JI[l;~~~~~~~1r:r;¡ \ '\\\'1\ , AI,u.." , L____ ': i \\',\ \ \ ~' 'R ')A ^' \\ \:: J II . I "\ """ "C' ,__ ,'- ,\ ) ' ~ ¡iF"'~J< ,,",,'" :;:',,;:,, '~~\>~( I 7.L'.MV-- ~~^!.------~ L\i:,_ \.S....:; (" AT I 0 N WI ,Q-:'_=~=-- 19 18 : 17 I ~7 . I : oð- 1! ~ 1.¿:T~-71/'4/;~·~~- ____1__; h /",^/ /~,v/ /' I¡'o~ ~o ~ ,'V/ / fa ' / / 0 g 40' --- . / ,~':'.'O/ / / J-<I' \. ' ./ .~, fZ";YB;'~';:' - "&G~ïs,,,,,:,¡(~p.o.ß.' r-----J ---,- _._..."~,.,-~_._~-~-~-_._-_._'-'-'._'--"~"--"-'-- -_. -~.__._,._- ~".~ E\'}I1BIT 1;13" ) I .... tt.} >U' .j.' -~~j s (l' CO c'¡'- _JlLZ}~~ IJ c·, ,l\lCAZAR .r ~ .:~ '01' " ::.,< Í'" ~ 1 '" / . I ¡ \.. -I ~( c/ t- .''''~ ''<. '" /<.... ..\.) ~.> 'LO (12 ~ .o:.~t,; ~". . ~'<' . \'<" ~". ð o.e,. ~\ ~\~<,o",<,,>t\ )(" ~.. ,,~ ..<.(\ þo. . ~t"..,Q.''''O ,... \," v 0..... ',,\-\ (1" .('t-+ Þ-~ . CCo",,>:\ p..'<' ~..:VV ":".r-P· ~~ UJ lO Z <t a: () ~ __.J o "" ROAD fý\ÇCL~LLM! . . I I I l o @ pr-tOPOZEr,¡ AllNF>::AT.ON __ ____ G}(IST: crT'( LaM'" Lt....E o I I j . .us tOO EX/-IIBIT ~8N PROPOSED ANNE~ÄnO¡.J I 'TO TI-IE I CITY 01= CÚPERT(I"IO I E.t-JTITl E'.D II ..t--JOONAt~ 73-5" 1"< 100' A~lo. 1Ð t<¡1'3 -" , --_._~----~ ---- - ----~~- -~-----