CC Resolution No. 3552 ¡ŒSOLUTIO:, ,;0. 3552 A RESOLVTlO:, OF THE CITY COl!:\CIL O!: TEE CITY OF CUPERTH:O h1ELCO}IE\G RAT?; h1HElZEAS) thc Cupextino City Council did on ~·hrch 5, 1973 officially prohibit rain Hithin its City limits for t:1è rerao.intÌer of :farch, 1973; anJ ~EEREAS, it has becn brought to the attention of the City Cotmcil from llU~:l<2rOUS sources that "it isn t nice to fool :'~c)ther }!ature! 11; and HHEREAS, for runy months since (-[arch the City h(~::; been in an extreme drought, possibly as a result of the aforesnid resolution (but tnol-e probably the result of the usual summer dry season); and h1ìlEREAS, the aforesaid dr,1ught has created bro~.Jn hillsides, fire hazards, heat, smog o.nd genE~ral discomfort; and 1':!!EREAS, if this condition should continue un<lbated it ,;QuId result in great detriment to the cíti::cns of Cupertino, 2nd might even be considered tile fatllt of tl1C City Council due to its propensity to mess around with weather conditions \,1here it docsn I t belong; NO'·), THEREFORE, in order to promote the health, safety and gener<ll welfare .1.nd to r;'I<'ÜcC amends for its prior auùo.city, the Cupertino City Council does reGal ve as fo110\.';¡5: 1) The I-Ieek of October 14-20 is hereby proclaimed as "¡ve1eome Back, Rain" Heck in Cupertino. 2) Residents of Cupertino are requested to observe this celebration by all appropriate r;"!Céms such as \·¡caring raincoats and carrying umbrellas. 3) It is hereby requested, but not directed, that r<lin fall (mod- erately) \o.1ithin the City 1il:1its or Cupertino during said '-leek as a fitting part of the festi.vitics. 4) The City uf Saratoga is hereby requested (but not directod) to refrain fro::1 intel"f(~r:i.ng \'y'ith any passing rain clouds \\1hich might be inclined to ac:cep:': the above stated invitation. PASSED AXD ADOPTED at a rc[;ular meeting of tho City Council of the City of Cupertino this )-DX__ day of Qç,.t.D.l::__v.~~, 19/3, by the follo\\'ing vote: AlES: Council,,\cn - Jackson, :rcycrs, Sparks :\OES: Councih\èn - Frolich ABSG\T: Councilr;¡c!1 - ~onc A})STAIXLD: Counci.llìkn - In.¡in ATTEST: ~¡;;¿ City Clerk, / APPROVED: -2- Cupertino "