CC 03-17-75 . . . ~ OF ~..., S1'ATB OP...'.....ä1U Torre .a. :. Cupert~' ; .._ êfå1uornia 95Ð14 : m-4S05 ,'.:;;:,,::~'~~::,:,¡(':';"-: ,~.._. -'t"'"....~. , .'. '~:)'},.~¡(:¡4,~ . . .,c;~t£~!~i' ., .~. 'IIŒ em þ~,.~~..¡)fi.:."1Ii..",.,,..'.jì._....:;..,:.'- .Ç1L ........... cmt.~·~f".. "":i '*~: .- ·l,:':~''itt..',~·;'~·:. ,<~ 't' ~;. -,' ·r~::~,:.;,,'\~~_' ,_' ",,; J: >:~E TO DE lUG . -....{, 'C " ::i -.,or Sparks called th,-, - Salute to tile nq. , ,- A, ..~ Þ order at 7 :35 p.., with the --.z. CALL Coaac. presec: Coaac. abse:::: Frollch, .J-M-~. Meyers, Sellis, Mayor Sparks NODe kaff prese::~: City Manaaer QIa:inJ.an Clty Actoraey Adaas Dlrector of ~i8trative Services Ryde1." Dlrector of P1aDnlng and De.elopment Sisk Director of PDbllc Works ¥is~ovich Director of Parks and Recreation Butler ELECTION OF ~a:XCIL OFFICERS ~. (a) ~r !IInred by c..-.:::..:. Se1lis. 8ec--"~d by Counc. !<e:'ers to nOlllnste Coaac. Jsd:s-=c f"r the Offic.e of Mayor. Motion carrieS. 4-0-1 Counc. J~~~SOD abstained (b) !ta;--~: Pro Tempore .....,d by Cx=..:. Frollch, s....----.J by Counc. !ldUs to noaiaate Coaac. Meyers :or the Offlce of Mayor Pro T......,re. Ifotlon ta.'"rlel. 4-o-l Counc. Heyen abstained ~-_.._--_._-~._.,~_.._.._._--,._._-----~----_._~--- C:C-2S4 : I'..~ I . i I ¡ ¡ I . . J!guT~ 01' tHE HUQt 11. 1,,5 CITY COUICIL IŒETIBO , , ~'J'_ , J,.' OUL C- -lCAUCBS . , ì;,t~ 2. In.. utlOD of .IJI!.~t f1a& IIId certif1cacc éo Cit)" of c:.pertiDO.-- -"': ,;; -- -'-'!'~'~:~~,.i"" QÌaber of C 1."Ce Pr...i'it~l,~fiank ~ke~ presllftteclthe .official certU1cate and B1cent....ó4~~'~l1â1 to Mayor Jacksoo. Mayor .Jackson wanted to include CooDC. ftOUeh in the acceptance sinc. he 18 vorldDa dUigently on tldsprojec,t. Plctures were takea. 3. Suhaitted requests to IIIIdress the Council. (a) HODe 4 . Recognition by Mayor of audience requests. (a) None ¡:~BLI~::::::::n I-Z-75 of Hay Invest~ent Co.: Rezoning 5.6 acres froa RI-IO (Residential, single-faaily, IO,OOO sq. ft. per dweEing unit) zone to P (Planned Development with reaidential, single-faaily, cluster Intent) zone. Said property is located approxùoately 375 feet westerly of t~e intersection of Forest A.enue and Vista Drive and adjacent to and southerly of the future extension of Lazaneo Drive bet~een Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Vista Drive. lIec_nded for approval. l-Z-75 . :Hoved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Coun~. ~ellis to combine the l-o-75 ~'public he~ring of applicatlon I-Z-15 with application I-U-15 since cOIIIbineol' ! they concern the same property. Motion carried, 5-0 ll. (b) Application l-Ð-75 of Hay Investment Co.: Use Permit to allow constructioD of 40-unit cluster development. Said property is located approximately 375 feet weste1."ly of t'e intersection of Forest Avenue and Vistu Drive and adjacent to and southerly of ~he future extensiQP of Lazaneo Drive between Saratosa-Suanyvale Road and Vista Drive. Recommended for approval, e , {l -r jd OF t1Œ 1IAICII17. 1975 C1Tf CIDIIICIL HEETIBC -Ir;:~' <- t' ':;;'.:*~-":;;.- ""/~,,"f"l Düector iDUOIIaced tile proposal, ootiD¡ that tile l+~ oed tvo cClllÜcioaII . fa_ .wItton to those found in C-f...~fOQ 1le801í1~'JIo.1397 ad 1398. They ca be fa the IIarch 17. 1975 .uff ~....."l. ~;:j "/'"":', '-:-'. ~.;.eU1a ....tlobecl whether dd.a proposal truly..eta the ~1011 of the ruideatia1 cl..ur since we have here detached .....,.-faUy haMs, The Pl-ms Direçtor said this is a: PI r ... J"paeat, vtaich Is the aost ÚIpOrc.at !ssue. to be resolved. a:' lfartin Ball, l3101 Par 3 Dri"e. Cupertino, offered to answer ~ questions. Originally, they calle in wi.th 43 units planned fGr Chis property. Subsequeøt1y, they created open space bet-een tile _its which resulted in the reduction to 41 hOllIes. He said tile aarket these days is for sin¡le-faaily detached homes. This ....lopment is completely diffe1."eat from their previous ones. Be answered Counc. Nellis that these unlts run 1400 to 1800 sq. ft. in size, sad are 2-bedroaa with den or 3-bedrooc and loft. 1bey are not c~tecplatina deeds with certain age group~ require- _to COuDc. Nellis ~as concerned about the 4' wall-to-~all space between the u=::s be~ause, with the overhang of th~ roof, it will leave only a:=ut 2' of sky a1."ea. Hr. Hall said they can't get ~ financi~s =~ attached units today. An argume~t in favor of this space be:.een the units is that it allows the ,eople to get fraa the fr~t to the back yard ~ithout going throu~h the unit. ~ could :e ~uite an inconvenience with gardening equipment. Cauac, Meyers and ~ellis were concerned that perhaps we are using tile Cluster Ordin~~ce in order to achieve higher density. Go.ac. Meyers suggested that it aight have been b~tter to cluster .saplexes. ~. Ball point~d out that the General Plan allows 4-10 units per 8C%e here and t~is development works out to 7 units per acre. The units will sell in the vrlce range of mid $40,OOO's to low $SO.OOO's. ~u~c. Meyers asked if the applicant aa¿ looked into f~cing for a suhsidized-type of housing for this property. COaac. Sparks as\ed where the 1."ecreation area is. ~r. Hall said fa: v1ll go i~ the green area In the center of the project. lie saLd they are learning at seminars they are attending th:oughout die Country t~t ...:my time. the people don't use the recreation ~ and pools so they are going to wait and see if the people ... purcbase these homes want the _ities put in. C:C-2S1i .... 3 -~,. -~._.- _._-~-_. a:-254 Pa&e 4 I e .;.À&.d 01' TIlE IIAICI1 17. 1975 ern COUfCIL !ŒET1IIG Jacbœ .uecI that ~ilt1ØD 17 1M l:etIOrded to precl.....:ySRal ioD. .. stated t...._ ceød to IIin _ of tDe ted>.D1ca1. . 'of the IHldentSal,c:iatter. Ba teacla to fawl: .cluat:ftl:ijÌpÜX. '.,- . - thia proposal. &-. . _ .awnup· Oftl: ~ receø.t p-ropNå1. ..:~ effeet. . ':';":i~""_ WiÍlr'JacksaD aslted for e_ta trc. the audiellÌee. There _re_. ..... by Counc. lIeUla, aecoøded '" Counc. Heyen to close the . "14... bearillS OQ appUcaU_ 1-Z-75. IIotiOft carried, 5-0 COaDc. Nellis said she felt thla and another application on t~is aaenda bave caused scae problems for her. She does not believe this proposal _s the 1:1itial criteria of the PD Cluster Ordinance.. However. she reco¡nized the problems of economics at the present tlme as well as coastruction costs, etc. She was in favor of sendlng this pro,~sal back for some redesign. HaYed by Counc. Sellis, seconded by Counc. Meyers to deny application l-Z-75. CouDc. "eyers said he would like to consider about 6 units per acre. GouDC. Frolich said that in the 4-10 density category, this is probably I the closest ~~ will get to single-family homes. It would be hard to ¡Justify large: lots in this particular section of town. He felt that if the City Council was of the opinion that anything over 6 units per acre would not be approp1."iate here we should ao back and reward our Ceøeral Plan. He said he has not been happy with any of the cluste1." dewe10pments in the City thus far. Counc. Nellis withdrew her .otion and Counc. Meyers withdrew his second to the mot ion. ØØged by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers to send this proposal b.clt to the Planning Commission fo1." review. This motion was held in abeyance for IIOre discussion. CoaDc. Meyers said he would like to see a reduction in asphalt. CoaDc, Sparks said that with this price range, it will exclude the youna -.rried couples tIOving to Cupertino. ·1 . '~~'~-"~ ;~;:--.:.:"~:,:;">~ ¡,J::¡...'. ~''''-~:¡¡:'.- . ·~<i:~-~~?:"~,:ri : >~,7,r,,~~ - ~'t-_·';'¡'" ,', ....;,~. ",. W_",'~ , ';'.'." '..,' - '. í';f. , ,,(' .~, I ~ , ,. i .'~"'" , e -IUJIUu." ar t1m !WICK 17, 1915 CITY COUNCIL !!£ETING CC-254 Pagl' 5 ,.,.. by c.:.c. lfe1er8 ," I J . ~ palk: ~a. , .-. by Counc. FroUcb to reo,. '.. . i" ~ "::~-: _".. e-ri". :.:,)";:<',',,', s-o ,,:,i ~ .. 1Iø~ . C1r1ffin, of,M.'.....·. Office, said they feel thi .,:opoea1 Is die result of. die P4'1irements and deaanda of the 1ÌIIdtet to6ay. Be asked for f-"her dlrectiou f1."oa the City CouDcU. CouDc. JII!:!i'Ð:s was concerae.l ø-t the total .aunt of asphalt aDd bail~ coverage. 1Ir. C:riff1D said this proposal bas 28% baUd1Ðg :~raae and 421 1-.f-¡:aped area. there are less than 2 persOD5 ..,r unit aver... _ the 50o-unit !!acKay developlDeDt. They v....:t ~;>peal to the e.pty nester. La.",è in Cupertino now rwu! $45.tI:C per acre. Counc. ~:::3' concern was the lona, alle~~ay effect. Mr. Griffi polnted ~~ chat the roofs coing in diffcr¿~c directions serve to open .:: ::::e visual effect as well as :"r.e s~aggering of the unlts. Hr. Hal: 'L.': Io'e have to ccosider the ec~~.'=i"3 of today. If we take un::; roay we are not talking about t::, same cost of the units. : f ;.:m.......nted thaÇ in the const ruc: i::1 indust ry, 40% of the pet',:, 1:"~ ,'ut of vork. Counc. ~<~__3 said it appears that the rea; :1eed for housing in Santa C~.=¡ :~unty is for ~erate incoce :ñ~ilies with children. Our sch.::: =c?ulation is decreasing and i:: ::oc Berryessa area they are f;"'~ to èouble aa4 triple sessi:::,. She believes the County U L whòle should be addressing this problem. Moved by :.:=.:. Meyers, secoDde:! by Coune. ~¿llis to continue chi. he¿:co; to April 1, 1915 and to refer toe proposal fo1." I-Z-l and l~--: :~,,~ to the Pl..~g Commissi.r. :~r redesign. MotioD carried, 4-1 Couac. Sparks disse::t :r\g Mayor Ja;,-,,-n called a recess at 9:48 p.n.. The meeting reconvene at lO :0;' : _Jl_ :~.-.'.. . "~;"r:,~- e - HINUTES OF nŒ MAlb;Ø 17. 1915 CITY COUNCIL !ŒETI1fG Applkation 2~nOC c:øUwll Banur Mma¡eMØt QÞcpontioo (~ Prope~~l.)~.*i"" -1"115,5 acres frea P ~. 1 .r . DeftlOplMDt with cœaerda1/ ~.. . .s. intent) zoue to r (PI'" ..... Devel..-nt v1~?';. . uta! use latent) &0De. .... PØI,!8"Y is locat'" DOrtherlt'.Of~~ JDteraectioG of L__ Dd_ .... BaDdlq Drive 011>:.,- tedy and _terly aUa òf,~"",~n., Ddve sad esteadiua øõn..ü, for a d1stSDce of .pprr4......ly 1100 feet. Ree -'''':I for "P,~..d. The PlanuiD& Director iDu_aced ths proposal, detail. of which em be found in suff report dateol !!arch 17, 1975. The G_ral Pl_ allows iDdust1."ial/ctame1."cial/resi4eDtial uses here with 16 trip ends restriction. The Planning Director said the 1."eal issue here is .t ....t polnt do we let involved in the 50' Imdscaping along Saratoga-Swulyvale load. Be answered ~unc. Sparks that the 50' buffer will COIle about at such time as the front property is developed. Counc. Sell:$ sald th.t if this proposal ls approved we are making an industr:..: use of this pro:>erty with sOllIe commerclal "tong Saratoga- Sunnyvale ~,j an~ excludin& any residential pos~ibilitle.. Mayor Jac~':~ commented tha~ with this proposal lt will make development of the frc~: ?ortion extr~c¡y difficult. Mayor Ja:~>:~ said we are really talkio¡; here about the nl.;¡:;Òer of ....ploy.>es rs:"er than just ~llding ,'-;u~re footage of ind-01Strial building. The Direc::: -,f Public WorLs reviewed ::,e process used to reach the trip ""è ::~_":r.tint. Mayor Jackson s"iJ it \ôould see.. appr"priate to ask this a::':cant at use ?8rmit tlmc t~ jo something sinilar to what Vall co Pa:~ :; doing to help alleviate t~e traffic probl",. There foU"...ed . '::scussion on the antlcip.ttoJ traffic on Stevens Creek Blvd. as ~C:: as on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Read. Mr. N. L~~:~~o, of Coldvell Sanker ~u:1ag"ment C"rporation, 1 Embarcadero, San Francis:.:. stated tbat t~ey do conf-'"", with the tr.ffic count formula 1.:i ~ut by the Di:ector of ruo~i~ ~orks. He noted that this proper~y l; .ery close to Freeway 280. In San Tomas Business Park, the peak hour :5 3:30 p... He $aid that I.'i:h this propos.l, about 1/3 of the bui:l:~~ are. i. warehousing, L) is offlce area and 1/3 aaanuf acturL",,~. Kayor Ja~k5:~ said he would prefer to see thb~e properties fronting on Sarat.ga->unnyv.le load included in the conceptual plan. Counc. !lell:, observed that vith thls proposal we are po..tting the full burden of t~t 50' buffer strip on the ~roperties fronting alona Sar...tog.-Suc~,vale_1to1lll ú:.c2ad of spreading the responsibility among all the pr~?":ty owners. - e -1I111UTES OF THE HAJC1117. 1975 CITY COUltCIL IŒETIlIG -~r JacuOll expbf"::' to the applicant that the City will cae 'lip with a cooceptaa1¡.~ for those p~1UM froatiaa OD " í'arUop-SUDDJVale· .....;¡ . <.!IIe City Attorn., .. ...e.s to subait a WitteD op1aiøD .. to the .',,_nt the Clty .., 10 111 replatina hour. of basia..s throu¡h JrIDd use cont1."ola. 1Iayo1." JaclulOll ..lead fœ c~ta frOll the audience, There were IIODe . MOved by Counc. Nellta.- ~econded by Coune. Sparks to close the public hearing. MOtlon carried, 5-0 MOved ~y Crunc. Keyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to approve applicatlon 2-Z-75 with the conditions speclfied in Planning eoa.ission Rr~olutiOD No. 1399. MOtion carried, 5-0 A Minute Or¿rr Vag proposed by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Meyer~ to instruct the staff to initiate proceedings for a concept~1 zonr for those properties along Highway 9 north of Stev~n. Cr~e~ blvd. MOtion carried, 5-0 (a> First Reading of Ordinance No. 683: "An Ordinance of the City of Cu~ertino Amending Section I of Ordinance 2 by Rezonina 15.5 Acres from P (Planned Development with C~rcial/lndustrial Use Intent> Zone to P (Planned Devrlop..nt with Industrial Use Intent> Zone; Located Northerly of the Intersection of Lazaneo Drive and Bandley Þ~1.e on the Easterly & Westerly Sides of Bandley D1."ive Extending Northerly for a Distance of Approx iaately 1100 Feet." - read by Mayor Jackson. MOved by Counc. Heyers. seconded by Counc. Frolich to have Ordinance No. 683 lead by title only and the Mayor's reading shall constitute tbe First Reading. MOtion carried, 5-0 . CC-2S4 Paae 7 I ~ ¡ 2-Z-75 approved Hvy 9 conceptual zonE proceedings in it iated Ord. 683 First Reading .S Yr Capital IIIproveaents ! Prog1."'" revi_ {Karch 24th I I I I' I·· e e HIwrES OF THE øuœ 17, 1975 CITY COUNCIL HEETIBG uøF1lIS1ŒD BUSIIISS ; :"..,.·.il' 13. Settins of ..~",.... tiM for revÎåV of subaitted requests for 'ive Year CeiiW laprov_ts Piau. (Continued froa _et1ns of Hareh 3'. 1m) . Before proceedilla wltb the nut bearing on the asenda, it was decided the Five Year -Capital Iaprov_ts 1'lau 1."8vlew would take place on Honday, Ma1."ch 24, 1975. at. 7 :30 p ,JR. In the Conferenc«-' RoOlll of the City Hall. - Moved by Counc. Kellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to combine the public hearinas for agenda items 1, 1 (a), 8, 9 and II (a). Motion carried, 5-0 7. Application 25-Z-14 of De A~za Racquet Club and Village Green (Don O. Bandley and Equity Development Co.): Rezoning 13.2+ acres from P (Planned Development with General Commercial Intent)-Zone to P (Planned Development with Residentlal/Recre2tional and Incidential Commercial Activities Intent) Zone. Said property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stclling Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended [or approval. (a) 1'1 rst Reading of Ordinance No. 677: "An Ordlnance of the City of Cu?ertino Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezoning Approxlmately 13.2+ Acres f~om P (Planned Development with General Commercial Intent) Zone to P (Planned Development with Residential/Recreational an~ Incidential Commercial Activities intent) Zone; Located at the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of Stelling Road and Stevens Creek Blvd." - read by Mayor Jackson. 8. Application 21-U-74 of De Anza Racquet Club and Village Green (Don O. Bandley and Equity Development Co.): Use Permit to allow cOßNtruction of a commercial racquet club consisting of a clubhouse, restaurant, p1."O shop, Olympic swimming pool, four'handball courts, and eighteen tennis courts. Said property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stelling Road and Stevens Cree~ ßlvd. Recommended for approval. 9. Applicatlon 3¡-U-74 of De Anza Racquet Club and Village Green (Don O. Bandley and Equity Development Co.): Use Permit to allow construction of a residential cluster development containing Nixty units, Said property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stellina Road and Stevens Creek Blvd. Recommended for approval. e e MINUTES or THE HAJQI 17. 1975 CITY ,COUNCIL MEETING CC-2S4 Pase 9 . - 11. (a) APP1~~ ~!.Ø-74 o,f De Aøu ·lacquet Club ... YW,.9~n-\;f:f't~.q. ...uey aDd Equity ~. J rt eo., 1.~.-r~~Ø toreclivide 13.2;t acres fato two fM'Ce1a.,,' c~''J'lJf!Jty.ia located at the DOrtIIYest comer of CWiillcâdectloD of Stel1ina Døad aDd St_ Ct_·'I"~ '-'i'ìí?' ':'-oIeeI for approval. ~ . " _. . -'>0 . \. . , , ~,. ! ,';,;~ Hr. ~lth Pdtchsrð..25SVest ,-4I\Ston Ddve, SIIIIDJ9e1e. repre- ..nUna the VillaS. Gr"'. renewed the exhibits em the balletin board. They bave red~-' the total nUllber of unlu to 60. have added s.... trees mcI ~ .-bat increased the space betveea the cnlts. They have aareed to the Plannlna COIIIIIissloa'. recoa- aendaUœa in reaard to the teøaiø COU1."t area. Mr. Donald Boos, Lnd-o:ç- Architect, 30863 Elenda Drive, CuperU nviewed tile landscape detail. All entries are now froa the vehicular side. There are 26 ¡uest parking spaces. The parking rat io is 3.46. , The al.ticipated sel1in~ price for these units range frOlll Ü.e high $40,OOO's to high $60,OV)·s. They are basically two-bedr~~= ~~it ranging frUD 1200 sq. ft. ;0 1800 sq. ft. Ha)'or Jackson asked for :o=ents froM the audience. There ..-ere nonc. ¡ t I ¡ Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to close the public hearina. Motion carried, 5-0 Mayor Jackson advlsed that, in addition to belng lncluded i~ the cc & a's, the noise factor should be included in the aarketing. This proposal is within the density range. There is more open space than in the prior plan. The trees will give it more of a lived-in feelina. Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Sparks to approve application 25-Z-74 in accordance with Planning C~...ission Resolution No. 1403, vith the _rd "concerning" chanaed to "connectina" in Coadit1oG l5. 25-Z-74 approved lfDtion carried, 4-1 Couac. Heyers dissenting t. ¡ c;c- 254 . .... 10 ',¡,' .¡...:' ··26-nt-74 . ~r"",, 'J,. ..!¡. ~. ;," ., ·f _ í7-V-7. 3l-U-71o a~)p['ov.ed Ord. 611 First ~1iing ¡f I, , , IWIUTES or tHE HARCII l7. 1915 CITY CC);JNCIL HEETIIIG ÌIoYed by CoaDc, Rellb; ~wdecl by Counc, Frolicb to 4fIItu". appUcation 26~74 ill accordmce witJt'l'J-fftl CoaIIIiscion Ilesolut1oa 110. 14M. . Øøt10a carried, 5-0 ;",' IIoved by Coune. Rellis. sec0n4ec1 by Counc. Prolicb to approve app11caUoa 27-V-74 in accordanc. with Plmøing Collllllissioa Resolutiaa Ito. 1405 vlth the following modif1catiolul: That all such tou~t. referred to .ball requi1."8 prior City approval UDder Condition No. 17. UDder Condition No. 19, tbat an explaøatory clause be sdded incIicatu. the adjoining 1."esidential coaplex a. being the area for eaeraeney fike access. IIotion carried, 5-0 Counc. Nellis asked that sose legal thought be given to the CC & a's that should not restrict children of any age. Mayor Jackson vculd like to explore the possibility of the City having such a policy. !:.>ved by Coune. Sparks. sec.onded by CO'In"'. Frot ich to ;¡;: ';:;rr...~ a::;:ication 31-U-74 in accord:mce with 21anning Co:n;::i~sion r.(.·~;(\tutian :~..,. !-.:.s ·...ith the following ðID"ndmcnts: 7ha: to C~"'¡¡tion IS sh,dl ;,e a¿¿~~ "r.¿ all s.:11es agreementDi" to those ~:1 ·....hlch a ~tötement indictiting: ::-.e ~::3tí0:1 of "the amphltht.!ðter, et.c., ~~all app1l ;.hld that lht..'r~ be an <11..:it:1o:-.o41 Conditl,n No. 26 providing tt~t no credit will be alto~ed t~r private open space. ~~tlo~ carried, )-2 Counc. Meyers & Nellis dissenting Moved by Counc. Nellis, sec~~ed by Ccunc. Sparks to have Ordin~ce No. 677 read by title only and the Mayor's reading shall constitute the First Reading. Motion carried, 5-0 Mayor Jackson called a reces. at lO:40 p,m. The meetina r,"conveøed at 10:51 p... lO. Resolution No. 385l-l: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Creating a Specific Underground Utility District and Estaolishing UnderarOUDd Utility District No.5." . The Director of Public Works reviewed the staff report on this aatter, including the cost estimate and financing. All property owners were DOtified of this public hearina. '. e e KINUTES OF THE HAIŒ 17. 1975 CITY COUNCIL HEETIMG ..., "< ''J..o- '., llaÿor Jackson V8Dt"~tcJ.ciíìlp1J8liDt Terrl'.UB1C8 fot' thè1r ~aa contribution. .~ ;1_ . .Li' ,;~.K \~~__. '.. ,-<~ Since there were DO ~. .\-. f_ the n....-.-.. it - IÌDrioI 111 Counc, Keyers, see_d.' "'··Coàac. Sparks to close thepalll1c . hesrla¡s, .:j 1fDC:Iaa earded' s-o Hoved by Counc. !feyen. __0n4ed by COUDC, Spadtll to adopt Resolution No. 3851-1, with the record to 1."ef1ect the offer of Terranoalcs for fuadina assistance to p1."lvate property owners in the district of an __·t DOt to exceed $2,000 for COllts in e2¡ces of $200 per residential unit. Motioa carried, 5-0 ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL APPLICATIONS 12. <a) Application HC-5l.075.40 - Vallco Regional Shopping Center requesting approval of lighting ~nd the modifica tion of archiceccure for the portion of the shopping center on the C3st and west sides of Wolfe Road north of Scars. Rec(YD:ended for approval. Moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc, Frolich to approve application HC-5I,015.40. Motlon ca1."ried, 5-0 (b) Application HC-5l,333.4 of Sobrato-Berg requesting approval of site, architecture, landscapina, grading, lighting, and signing for 3 industrial buildings locate at the southeast corner of Valley Green Drive and Beardon Drive. Recommended for approval. Moved by Counc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to approve application HC-5I,333.4. Motion car1."led, 5-0 13. FlY!:: YEAR CAPITAL :'O'JI)VEHE!lTS PROGRAM revlew set for Karch 24, 1975, 7:30 p..., Conference Room of Clty Hall. CC-254 Paae 11 HC-5l,075.40 approved IIC-5I,333.4 approved . .....-., AIIaat of bid for CiY1c . Ceatec lsad- scapias, etc. ExpI-:re alt. for c-;rfing Faria 5<;hool Bcrtysan Claim referred to City ,Attorney City ....U t autborlzed ,', ~. e MINUTES or THE Hbœ ·17. 1915 Cl'l'Y ~OUKC1L HEEtIRG . lEV IUSIIISS ,. ,).' .......,. l4. lepot-c.ofllîb ntèe1ve41 ad ..ard of contract for Civie Center .....¡,....ap1rla.1JIdiaa of Sehool p1."Operties sad WUson Pa1."k _trance. \ "", ' . .' .:' . The Director oì;.¡Uc Vorb rèvleved the bids sad tbe staff rec~da- tion, dated lfarch 17. 1975. Koved by Counc. lfel1is, seconded by Counc. Frolicb to award the contract for Civic Center Laadscapina, Tu1."fing of School P1."Operties and Wilson Park Entrance to Arthur H. Shooter, Inc., for his bid of $43,000 represeaUnl the base bld plus Alternate l. AYES: NOES: Counc. Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Mayor Jackson None Motion carried, 5-0 A Minute Order was ?roposed by Cotlnc. Nellis, seconded by Counc. Frolich to dlrect the staff to investigate possible alternates for turfing of sites other than that scheduled for Faria School. Motion carried, 5-0 15. Submission of claim for wrongful death by R. C. Berryman and Dorothy C. Berryman. Moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks to refer the claim submltted for W1."ongfu1 death by R. C. Berryman and Dorothy C. Berryman to the City Attorney. Motion carried, 5-0 16. Selection of independent auditor for fiscal year ending June 30, 1975. Upon recommendation of the Director of Administrative Services, it was moved by Counc. Frolich, seconded by Counc. Meyers to retaln the firm of Peat, Marwick. Mitchell & Company again as the City's independent auditor for the year ending June 30, 1915, at a rate of 80% of $20.00 per hour for a fee not to exceed $5,000 for the City Audit and $3,000 for the Water Utility Audit. AYES: NOES: ~unc. Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, S?arks, Keyor Jackson None Motion carried, 5-0 ~~_._-~._..._~--_._-----,-~--~-----_._.._._- . e ;." ÀÙAu~ 01' DE ItUaI 17. 1f15 em COUHCIL JllB'rJRG ClC-254 Pas. 13 ,;;,:..-r -iu... - ,^ . , ,\. ~ ~: ;, co -lC:øIOll ?'>-:'i'" '\.) r~~ ,,,,",, t" {.¡~~ ':,;:::~ v ~'j '1.-,'. ,..ò- ,...' :..... , :~lt. ,~rt" City ~*f- - ~ ~; . (a) ......t &..Di'J'* .1d S. .ToelsOl1 requud.. ,the City Co_l1 hoicl'~Saaa1 h..rlnas on the retail sal. of "ufe 8Dd ~'fJiewrks. (b) Jequest fr.. cJ. IUatodcal Bedtase C0J0001.sioD for c -"ts 011 tile fAc1uslon of the E. J. Parrisb Bouse an the Tank ~ Scracture on the Nathan Hull Property on tbe list of altenaatives whlch may 01." may DOt be euSlb to 1."eceive State funds for preservation. Mayor .Tackson said he bad recelved a letter frOll the Ase1."ican Le&ion reaardlna sale of fireworks this year.> Counc. Nellis would also llke to consider the old school house on Heney Creek and the Fr.-nt Older hOnle on the list of alterna- tives for State funds. It waS the consensu~ of the Council that any hearings or further discussion relating to the sale of fireworks ~ould be after .July 4, 1975. The City Attorney was requested to provide information relating to the cODt1."actual rslatioDship between the City and the Bank of Aaerlca acting as the City's fiscal agent. The staff vas requested by the Mayor to draft a letter for review by the Council at the adjourned meeting of March 18th relating to the Council's coaments CD alternates to the priority list~ng adopted by the Board of Supe1."Vlsors for the possible fundlng unde the 1974 State Bond Act. OIDlNAIICES 18, Second reading of O1."dinance No. 68): "An O1."dinance of the City of Cupertino ~dlng Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezonlna 0.55 Ac1."e fr_ CG (General COIIIIIII!rcial) Zone and 0.51 Acre fro.. RJ-2.2 (Residential, ~lultiple, 2.200 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelling Unlt) Zone to R2-4.25 (Residential, Duplex, 4,250 Sq. Ft. Per Dwelllna Unit) Zone; Located at the North- west Corner of the løte1."section of Foothll1 Blvd. and Silver Oak Way and the Soat~t Comer of the Intersectlon of Foot Hill Blvd. and Silve1." Oak Way Westerly of an Exist1na Servic St..:ion." - read Irf llaJor Jackson. . 'C''''''VS.1I .._~~..,... , -",'0 I I . xt:;: 'DunS Œ tIlE IfAICII 17. 1"5 an ~ IlEUIlIG "~ L. . . ....'. . . -, _,', by Come. ~...~, §~ CoaDc, leUis to .....~.,~. ~68J:'r'" by titl.~)t!t_,., _ .. lfayor'. re8ll~ 8ha11 c.I!...... ~t1Ite ~;:,~ : - '·Ieëoad --r"'..., - ::q/'!.. '..;. 'i~'~ ... .,;~;..~ carded. s-o .... ~,~ IIøNd by c-ç. HB,.r.. 8 ~ It'"d by Couøc, Bellis to eaact Ordilumce 110. 681. IIDUon earned, s-o 19. Flrst readlna of Ordf..-e Ro. 684: "An Ordlnanc(! of the Clty of Cupertino Amendlna OrdiDance No. 490 Designatlna Speed Liaits on Bubb Road Between BaiDbøv Drive and Ste'lens Creek Blvd., on McClellan Road Betve_ Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Bubb Road, and .. on Mary Avenue Between Stevens Creek Blvd. and Meteor Drlve... read . y Mayor Jackson. Ord. 684 First R~",df"'l; Moved by Cc~nc. Keyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to have Ordiaance 50. 684 rea¿ by title only, and the Mayor's reading shall con.titute the First Reading. Motion carried, 5-0 IIESOLUT lOS S 20. No. 3S~O: "A Resolut1oD of the City Council of the City of CupertiDO Declaring its Intention to change Street Name Within tbe City of Cupertino Pursuant to Sectlon 5026 of the Streets and Hi¡hways Code, State ~f California, Fixing Time and Place for Hearina and Provldina Noti<e !hereof; Chanae Forest Court to Lazaneo Court." Res. 3870 adopted Moved by C~nc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Nellis to adopt Resolution No. 3870. Motion carried, 5-0 In re¡ard to the followina Iesolutions, Hayor Jackson said a .tatement is needed froa Vallco Park reprdina the LID. Vallco Park General Manager Walter Ward said tbe reason tbey need the LID i. that Hewlett-Packard 8Dd West1."idge use perœit. detenaine their share of these public 1apr~nt.. In the event the others do not pay, Vallco Park will. Froa a financing standpoint, this asse....nt district is very important to Vallco Park. They have participation of 99+%. Tbey have about $SO .u.llon investaent at tbe present tt.e. e e . IØØrES Of' tIlE BUCB 17. lt7S Cl'Ø c:œøCIL I!EE.TIIIG .¡- , -- ,',-,'",¡, ,~r J...- said he "I~,' ;.!~~ the ptoeeduP OD theee, , _.SIIIiIò111ti_. Be 1Dal.~~"" . staff _k1p OD dais to, '?'Uf. bact. to ta the fuÞiØ;"' ,;t . '-' ;, . '" '- ':.: JIG .It"l c.. _1 IaDUeth.JOIIIÍiIIÌ-iiIu that techDica11y. -~ i8 :ID oÑS'. .... ~. <;-t 21. 10. 3111: -,. JI,eaOl_~ 'of ~he City CoœcU of the City of Cupettil» Deter-t"t". to GllllerCaka proceedinas PurlRJC1t to Special Auessaeot .. ..-_ut Rood Acts for the kqu1s1- Uoo _ CoostrucU_ of lalprøw_ts Vltbout ProceediJl&S UDder Dinsiou 4 of die S~reets and HighwaY. Code, Vallco Park As-·--t DistrlcC 110. 1974-l". 22. No. 3Sil.l: "A ....ol.døø of the City Council of the City of Cupe:ti::>o Appolntin& .....,-"'1" and Attorneys and Author1z1na Execl;t~ of Contract for Eø&lue.!ring Services, Vallco Park Asse5~t District :0. 1974-l." 23. No. 3571.2: "A il.esolation of the City Council of the City 0 Cu,e::::': of Intentlou to Acqulre and Construct Improvements, Val1:~ ?ar, AssessseDt District No. 1914-1." 24. No. }S-3: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupe::~ DeterainiDa to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Spe::L. Asses5llleht sad AssesS1lleUt Bond Acts for the Acquisi- tio~ ~~.: C:nstruction of 1ap~v~nts ~ithout Proceedings Under ~:vision 4 of ~be Streets and ~'ghways Code, V311c~ Pari. AssesS1:lent Distric:t 110. 1914-2." 25. N... :;';"3-1: "A ResolutioD of the City Council of the Cit,' 0 Cu~:::~ Appointina EaÎ1Deer and Att~rneys and Authoriz1~1 Exe:~::'~ of Contract for En&ineerin~ Services, Vallco Park Assusact Distdct 110. 1974-2." 26. No. j.S-3-2: "A ResolutiOD of the City Council of d,e City of Cupe:::no of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements Val~:c Park Asscs_t District No. 1914-2." 27. Ho. 3874: "A ~oolut1øD of the City Council of the City of Cupert1n.:t Detenoinina to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Speci.al Asses_nt aad Asses_t Bond Acts for the Acquisi- ti..n aod Construction of laprovements Without Proceed1uas Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, Vallco Park Assessaent District 110. 1974-3," CC-254 .... l5 . ~..,... . ...~ C' . \Î'~;':~ Vall::o LID , .."0IuI:1o.... adopted les. 3876 adopt" ~;. - e . JIDIUr.£S OF TH& IfAIaI 17, 1975 CITY COORCD. MUrIllO 110. 3874,11 -A ~ rlr';"'.Ô" of the Cit1 C:-Cil of the City of _c..-t1aoA¡lpo~,~r IIId Attoraep.... Aathoridq .. ~1It1cm of ~:ift,Enlineer1D. Sèrv!ca,. V.ueo .uk &ae_t ~)ìi~ 1974-3." 29. 110. 3874,2: -A ~ of the City CouDc11 of the City of Qapftt!no of taí:""i tôoo to Acqui1."e and Construct x.pro_u, Vallco Park .u_-~t ~tdct No. 1974-3.- 28. 30. 10. 3875 \ "A 1eao1aUoa of the City Council of the City of Qaþértino Deter-fll.' to Undertake Proceed lap Pursuant to SpecW Asses_c aDd Aaessment Bond Acts for the Acquisition sad Construction of 1IIpr0vements Without Proceedinas Under DiYision 4 of the Str_u and Highways Code, Vallco Park Assessment Discrict Ro. 1974-4." 31. No. 3875.l: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Appointing Eaaineer and Attorneys and Authorizlng Execution of Contract for Engineerina Services, Vallco Park Assesstllent District Ho. 1914-4." 32. No. 3875.2: "A ~50lution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino of ln~~ntion to Acquire and Construct Improvements, \'allco Park Asses_t Dhtrict No. 1914-4." Moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded ~y Counc_ Frolich to adopt Resolutions No. 3811, 3871.1. 3811.2, 3813, 3873.~, 3873.2, 3874, 3874.I, 3374.2, 3815, 3815.l, and 3875.2. Kotion carried, 3-2 Counc. Nellis, Mayor Jackson dissenting The reason for th~ dlssentina votes was that it was felt staff input was needed. 33. No. 3876: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving Final Plan for the Improvement of Frontages Located on Wolfe Road, Vallco Parkway, et al; Developer, Vallco Park Ltd., a Lla1ted Partnership; Authorizing the City Engineer to Sign the Final Plan; and Authorizing the Ex,",cution of AareelDent in Connection Therewith." Koved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Frolich to adopt Resolution No. 3876. Kotlon carried, 5-0 ._._-~.~._-~-~-_.._."--------_."._~ -;........ ~....""":'...._~ - - . ;. "-~ ,:. --" IWIUTd OF TIlE MUCH 17, 1975 cm COUNCIL MUrUG "'1&:.:,;;1; '" ~t· ~i't. ~". ·',f.!': .",',,:;¡J:. ..~:.~~~'~; . ","'- ,.~' . t: \i~,,· 1"::" '. . .. 34. 110. 3177. "A. lIøo1cioD of the City c-t-fl_;tIIe City of Cllpenillo AilthodaiDa tile Iac1atiOD of 1IO,......reeaeat with Valleo Padt.I.t:I.. . Liaited PartDlnllf....fozt...Ia- plOw vt of Praaupe OD Volfe load, ,anco·'r.,4.-J, et al." IIoged 111 ColIne. Ifeyen,..e0D4ed by Couac. s,øta'to _opt Iuolution Bo. 3877. r lIDtioD carried, s-o 35. Ro. 3878: "A. l.eeolatiaa of the City CouDcU of the City of CupeniDO Authorisinl the !!xecution of lDd_lty Aare...nt with Vallco Park. Ltd., . Liaited Part1lenhip." Mowd by Counc. Heyers, secoDlled by Counc. FroUch to .sopt Resolution No. 3818, Motion carded, 5-0 CONSß!,¡ CALENDAR 36. Request for removal of items from Consent Calendar - Nonc. (a> Resolution No. 3866: '~Rcsolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demand" Payable in the Amounts and From the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Pedod Ending March 4, 1915." (b) Resolution No. 3861: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amount and From the Funds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Exp~nditures for the Seven Day Period Ending Karch 7, ¡giS.1t (c) Resolution No. 3869: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demand5 Payable in the Amount and From the Funds as Hercillafter Described for General and Miscellaneous Expenditures for the Seven Day Period Ending Karch 14, 1915." CC-254 I'... 17 .... 3877 adopted Res. 3818 adopted CC-Z54 hþt 1t Ccasent Cal. approved , , . . JUIWl"r.S OF nŒ !L\ECII 17. 1975 CITY ~CIL JIEE'lDIC - (e) (d) a-ladoa ~..{_:_ -"lasolut1OD of ~he CitJ Co i1u of tIae Clt7'oL;..~~.-. :., ,.'.þ~lpaUq the 0,...""'; . Cl-iaS lfouttF, . ·'Ytlie&,rark.· ."' " , ,:·,::,:t~.<.: ,~-,,-y~ ",',',.,'~ . -', ~.tion Jrcj~~~S:oïA~íut1(jQ 'of the Clcy .~ . ftl of tIae City of\i~ 'IØthodaiD¡ Executloo of 'tom DrúD leiabur"j"iAlnTAat Betweeu tbe City mot It-tey Cree and SIc1û7 Grce; tøeat1on, Bll1crest Road." " IInoed by Coaac. FroUeb, HC:"IIcIed 111 Counc, Kellis to 4Pprove the Cøasent CaleDllar. AYES I ~: Cca::c. FroUch. Heyers, Bellis, Sparks, Mayor Jacksoa IIoae . H:>t1on ca1."r1ed, 5-0 ADJOURNME..\'T ftoved by C~., ~¿llis, seconded by C~úñc. Meyers to adjourn this .eetlng at :::~7 p.~. to 1:30 p..., March 18, 1975, for completion of the 3~e~1 i~~s. Motion carried, 5-0 APPROVED: Is/ James E. Jsckson Kayor, City of Cupertino &nEST : Is/ Va. E. bier City Cluk