13050083 .CITY OF,CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 105007NDE ANZA BLVD CONT"C-TOR;DEVCON PERMIT NOr 13050083 CONSTRUC-TION IN_C •OWNER'S'NAME: MISSION WEST'PROPERTIES LP IV ;696,GIBRALTAR-DR `DATE ISSUED:05/09/2013' OWNER',S SHONE:.4088629,794 :MILPIT•AS';CA:95035 'PHONCINO:(408)942=8200 � LIC -- .EN.SED:CONTRACTOR'S DECL:A- -R:ATION JOB DESCOP„„TION: RESIDENTIAL El COMMERCIALE] _ LicenscCdass Lic,# APPLE-COM -T.1 4TH.FLO:OW 1,744 S"Q_FT_ TO INCLUDE /'�� NEW`-OFFICE,AND CONFERENCE ROOM Contractor, 3&O/E, ` Date, ere, in that;I am'licensed finder the:peovisi sto " hapter ;9 (commencing with Sectiorr7000),of,Division;3 of the Business&c-Professions Code;and;thatmy license-is„in full foree;and effect. I hereby affirm:under penaltyof perjury one of:the following'two declarations: I,tiavei.and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insurcrfor'Workcr's Compensation,aas provided for.by Section 3700 ofthe Labor.Codcjor'the. ,perfoimance0thc�work forwhich this perinit,is issued. S4.Ft Floor Area:; V„aluatioq:,$I50000 have and will,maintain.Worker's Coriipensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700:of the'Labor Code;for the performancc:'of the work for which4lhis - permifis�issued. AVN Number:,31622017.00 Occupancy Type: APPLICANT`CERTIFICATION 1"6ertify that;l have read this applicatiomand state thafthe above inforniatibwis` PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT-STARTED correct-1 agree to.compl'y With;all,city and county(?dmancesrand`state lawstrelating WITHIN 180,D'AXS OF PERMIT"ISSUANCE OR to budding construction„and hereby authorize representatives of,t8is,city to enter p.rP ._,. - p p p )agree � =M LAST CALLED INSP CTION. u onthe;above:'menponed;"ro ert”"fy�ins epctiom ug oses:.:We a �e g save 180 DAYS- " P Y indemnify'and keep)harrWss the.Cit °of Cupertino a amst liabilities, ud ments; costs.1and.expenseswhich may"accrue�against said City in,:consequence of'the granhng,,of this;permit. Additionally,the appli. ant=undctstands!,and will comply Issued'by: Da"te [ ' with all nonpoint'source;regulations perthe. upertino Municipal Code;Section RE-ROOFS: Signature \ Date All roofs shall be inspected;priorto any roofing:material beinginstalled:e-a.roof is installed Without hist obtain_in anlinspection,I agree tgremove all new materials:for inspection. ❑ OWNER-.BUILDER DECLARATION Signature,ofApplicantt Date:, `I"hereby affirm.thailLam exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of „r. p Y p. Y ALL,ROOF'CO`JERINGS TO BE,CLASS"A"OR BETTER th'e,following two'reasons: I;;as oWnerof the, ro e. ;,or m em to ees with wages as their;sole compensation, will do the work;,and'the structureis;not intended_ ondfMied`.forrsale(Sec:70,44, _ 'Busi`ness&ProfessionsCode) 1,1,as;ownerrofthe,property,am exclusively contractiiig with licensed contractors:to, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,DISCLOSURE construct'thi roect Sec.7044,Business&-Professions Code: - p J, ( ) I•have read thChazardous materials requirements under Cha the California Health&Safety Code;Sections 25505'25533,and.25534; I will I,heretiy9affirm under penalty of,perjury'one,of Elie followrng;tFiree. maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and`the rdeclarations: Health&sSafety,,Code,Sec'ti'on 25532(a)�should;I store or handle hazardous [have and will+rl5aintaimia.Certificate of ConsentAo;self=insure for Worker's. material. Addiiionally,,should,I use equipment or deviceswhieh_,emit,hazardous Compensation,as provided for by'Section 3700:of the Labor Code;for the airIconiam_inantsas define&& the Bay-Area Air Quality Management"Districf I performance of theWork:for which this„permit,is;issued. will maintaincompliance with the,Cupertino Municipal Cod e;-Chapier 1 12 and. &.Safe Health ” I;have-and will mainWor tain` ker�s�Cornpensafion Insurance,aspro`vided,"for'by the- ty Code,See.tions25505,25533,and.25534. Section 3700 of the:LaborCode,;forithe;performance,ofthe,work for which this 4 Owneraor authorized agent: , Date: permit,is issued:, I�certify that in-ihc;performance;of the>Woik:for,which this permit is issued,lwshall, not emptoy any perso.Win any manne.r..so alto become subject fo the Worker's 'Comp-ensationlaws;ofCalifornia. If,'after,making this certificate ofezemption,I. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker'sCom'p_ensationprovisionsof fic Labor Code,;l must, 1 hereliy'afficm thavthere_is aFconstruction lending_agency'for the performance:of forth*i&coinply`wiih,such provisions or tfiis permit shalf be,deemed:revoked. work's for which this permit is issued.(Sec.-3097,Civ C.)' Lender's°Name APPLICANT<CERTIFICATION Lender'§Address Lceriify that,l lia6e,read.thisiapplication and statCthatthe above information°is: , ' correct;j agree to:comply'with4ll city and and'stateilawsrelati—, to building?construction,and.hereby,authbrize representatives ofthis,city'to enter- „ upon the7above7mentioned"property forxrnspection purposes (We)agree to$save lt"indemn"ify and"keep harmless theCrty.of Cupertino against liab Irties,Judgments, ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION :. costs,sand expenses which niary crue;againstsaid City 1 inconsequence of the I anderstand myplans,shall be used,as publiarecords. granimg�oftfiis permit.Additionally,the:applicant-understandsland.,will comply With all non-point'ssource,regulations penthe'.Cupertino Municipal,Code,Section Licensed':9.18. .. - - Signature" Date CONSTRUCTfON PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELO'PMENT'DEPARTMENT�BUILDING DIVISION b( 10300 TORRE AVENUE'o CUPERTINO', CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3228 FAX.(408)177-3333 building aa-cupertino.orq CD NEWONSTRUCTION Q ADDITION [eTERATION'/T[ D. `REVISION!DEFERRED ORIGINAL PfiRMIT,# T PROJECT ADD$ESS 1 g� APN# OWNERNAN,M, -(� - - PHONE - ;ADDRESS CITY, STATE /� ``. ;ZIP, FAX STREET ACT NAME L qs: PHONE EMAIL ixl y STREETADDRESS' CITY,STATE, ZIP l FAX 4.� ❑OWNER .❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER.A GENT' NTR.4CTOR ❑coNTRAC1.ORAGENr ❑ 'ARCHITECT ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVEwPER ❑TENANT CONTRACTOR,NAMEo, Let `LICENSENCiMB LICENSE TYPE BUS.LIC4 COMPANY NAMEE-MAIL FAX `De v c o,,�' +, a�yS is p Q Co - t, C e K. STREET„ADDRESS. ..• * .. C1TY T' ,ZI�' PHONE, a _ 1-6t Or 9so3s' Dom• s • rag ARCHIPECT/ENGINEERNAME o LICENSE NUMBER BUS,,LIC# CONIPANYrNAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE;ZIP. PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK EXISTING USE PROP,DSIP,USE, CONSTRTYPE #,STORIES Vii.c _Pr Q -' . USE TYPE OCC. SQ.FT.. VALUATION($),. EVSIG NEW FLOOR DEMO 'TOTAL AREA �.I. {rt{. AREA AREA !NET AREA . BATHROOM _ KITCHEN OTHER. _ REMODEL-AREA - REMODEL•AREA REMODEL AREA ' -:PORCH AREA ".DECK AREA TOTAL'PECK/PORCH AREA. GAR'AGE'AREA:: DETACH . . .. _. - .. ..' '....' ....:. ❑ATTACH #DWELLING UNITS:; ISA'SECONMUNII ❑•YES SECOND,STORY ❑YES - ' - BEINGADDED? E]NO ADDITION? ❑NO <' PRE-APPLICATION AYES IF YES;'PROVIDE COPY,oF=._ IS THE BLDG,AN ❑YES `'RECEIVED$Y 'r *. 2�t'+' "� TOTAL-VALUATION- '- .- _ _ «,_. FPLANNING'APPL-.# ❑T10? PLANNING'APPROVALLETTER EICHLERIiOME? ❑NO a� `"� \-"'-s �'�. , a Y li ation and the'informatio I have roVlden; correct. I,have,read the Descri tion of Woik,and veri It i oaccurpe. Dapree,t&c s'behal£ 1-have a read this B m,sinature below„I certi ,weach of the followir : I'.atn the: roe owner'or autho_nzed`a'enbto acC �� v pp p p fy siaccurate. Iaagree totcomply-with all applicable local ordinances andstat@°laws relating to buil_di preseniativeslof Cupertino.to_enter therabove-identi d pr 'inspection pwposes. Signature ofApplicanOAgent: - Date: S. MENTALJNF D SU?PLE � kms= s t, • .- 4P�ANCHECK�TxYPE,� :w �"*' ;4�� - On'permitifor '�mx-psi.?x� �`Is r� p k s '�” ,� New SFD or;Multifamily PP Y for demoliti HCl zovRT�coutvTERL7BuunlNcPLAt\ EVIEs # existing I uilding(s) Demolition permrt;isrequired;prtor.to Issuance of building .pe`rmiffor new building. 1 EXPREss `` k ; � rLnrtrrlivG pinN vlE u Coffinercial.Bldgs: Provide,a completed Hazardous Mker-ials.Disclosure ksTArmnRD t �0 ruBl ictivoRxs l , , k forri p any,.Hazaidous'Materials are being used.as}fart"of,this project: _.,Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Meeting with'Plarining prior to . Err Dxrc ,submittal of,Buildifl Permit a licatiori7 MASOR� r��I� a e IT SEWER IST - g PP §'SDENyiROPIMENT BldgApp_201.1'.doc;cevised'06/21%11. CITY OF CUPERTINO �° :FE'E ESTIIVIAT.OR— BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS--10500 N DE ANZA BLVD DATE. 05!0912013 REVIEWED BY: MENDEZ' ,APN: 'BP#: `VAL'UATION: $6,500 %PERMIT TYPE Building Permit PLAN CHE:fWfYPE:. Tenant Improvement i'-PRIMARY PENTAMATION Commercial Building 1GENCO M ;USE: PE]kM T'�TYPE:, WORK 'APPLE—COMM T:I 4TH,rFLOOR- 1.-744 SQ FT TO INCLUDE NEWOFFICE AND CONFERENCE SCOPE ,ROOM, - :a nal I • Mcc7i :Plan Clieckl F,'Grfnb. 1'iUn C"lrerlr #'lcc.-fyl am(�h;eck- Ltecfr. 1'>rir5rleia: F1 ,rrh:Pcir,l!'etrt Lcr.Pe>-mitJFee: . C)t/rrtr:Y/ech.l'nsp: ET 1VOTE Tli'is,estimate does n'ot include fees.due;to o;her.Departmenls(ix:Planning,Poblic Works,Fire,Sanitary,Sewer District,,School District;etcr: Thesefees are<based on tier ieliinioa, 4nformation availdb`le and are ohlylan estimate Contact'the.De t or addh!l-,in o. FEEATEMS (Fee Resolution.1l-033 a M/12) FEE :QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan,Check:Fee: Hourly Only? 'Yes :No $0.00 2 hours Plan -heck,: H,ourly " Suppl._,PC Fee:. Q)�Reg. OT ro,0 Hrs $0.00 $266.001STPLLNCx, PME Plan.Check: $0.00 ,Permit;Fee: Hourly Only?; Yes, No , $0.00 Suppl.`Insp.Fee.S,Reg. Q OTp p hrs $0:00' PME:UnivFee:. $0:00 PME Pe`rmf,Fee: $0.00 Conlrzreli��n Ar(Ilm m.stkative 1,-ee.' Work Without Permit? 0 Yes .,E) No $0.00 Advanced Plainiii ,.t?ee $0'.00 16 Hours. Inspections Tr ai el I�ocr"unc ntul�crn I t c s: �Inspecti h--Hourly Stroh °IVtotion Ee'e: 1:BSEISMICO $1.37 Select an Administratiyeltein . Bl`d�Stds�ComrnhsiomFee:o 1.BCBse' $1:0,0 -- � � SUBTOTALS $2.37 �TOTALLAFEE r .5 ^ Revised: 04/29/2013