13010132 CITY OF C-U'PERTINO BUILDING PERM-IT BUILDING ADDRESS: 16100 N;TANTAU,AVE CONTRACTOR:'XL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO: 13010132: OVUNER;S NAME; ROCKTINOi•EEE LLC 851 BUCKEYE:CT DATE ISSUED:04/09/201.39 OWNERS-PHONE; 408862439.7 MILPITAS CA.'9501.35PHONE,rNO ,(408)246-6000 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S'DECLARATJON JOBDESCRIPTION:'RESlDENTIAL COMMERCIAL - License Class Lic.,#' (O 11 - :APPLE;IST AND 2ND FLOOR-COMM..T.'I 61,683 SQ.FT Contractor . .l�'rit nc ,C/ at �3: - DEFERRED'',SUBMITTAL#l>FOR.GLASS?RA'ILIN,G FOR [`herebyaaffirm that I am'licensed under the prov sioostof Chapter;9. STAIRCASE'&LANDING-ISSUED,OVER'THE-COUNTER;A/23%2013' (commencmg withlSirtiom7060)ofDivision'31of the;Busine. &;Professions ". `Code`and that my'licens6is;in full force and effect. - I.hereby,nih,in under oenalty-6f perjury a of;the,iollowingitwo declarations: 'l have aria will`mairitain,' ;certificate;of e6risent.to.self=insure for w.6tker's Compensation as,prov�ded'for bylSection 3700'of the:LaborCodeJdr the perforrnanoe ofthe"work`for.wh�eh`this permitis'issuad. Sq.FfFloor Area: Valuation:$6606606.= I•have and will maintain Worker s,'Coinpensaiion Insurance as',provided for by` SeeUon 3700 of the-Labor Code for the performance of the work.for which,this + APN Number:"31619061:_16100 - :Occupancy Type: perntit'is issued:, APPLICANT CERTIFICATION l:certifyttiat haye;ieadpthis-application-andstatethat the'above;information is PERMIT'EXPIRES IF WORK-IS NOT STARTED correct Ijagree to comply with all city•and.,county ordinances and;state laws relating, fo 6ui]ding construction and,hereby authorize representatives of ttii's city to enter WMIJN°180 D F`PERMIT'ISSUANCE OR upon thelabove mentioned property for inspection purposes '(We)agiee,.to save '180'DA. O AST CALLED INSPECTION: agams6said City�tn consequence'o menu, ostsmand zip-keep a hl may accrueof Cu ertino a amst iatiilities judgments, 2 ._ fY� p Y P g J granting•ofthis;permit Adiiitionally,;the applicant,undeistands and wd1'comply by, _ Date; with all.non point source regula"tions per`the'Cupertino Municipal:Code_S_ection RE-ROOFS: Si natureool� Date g All roofs shall be inspectedpriorto any roofing material being installed:If'a roofsis installed without,firstaotitaming an inspection,,[,agree to remove all'new;niaterials for: inspection. 171 .:OWNER,BUILDER DECLARATION' affr 'Signature of:Applicant: Date: I hereby metha"fLarn ezempt,from the-Con"tractor's:License Law forone�of . the following itw easons: N ECL ALL ROOFCOVERI GSTO.B ASS:."A"O R_BETI'ER l;as owner of the, Yoperty,or"inyemployeeswith wages as their,sole,compensatio_n; will do;the work,"and the'structure'i's riot intended or'offered for sale_(Se_c,.7044,: - Businessr&Professions Code) :I,as owner,of the°property;am exclusively contraeting.,with?licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS-MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct.the,project(Sec:7044 us P..rofessions Code). I have readahe haza_rdods materials'requiremenis under Chapter 6:95 ol,the California Health,&Safety•Codei�Sections 25505,25533;and 25534. Lwill •T hereby affirm under penalty of perjuryeone of the followiiiethreIe maintain compliancewithihe Cupertino Municipal Code,.Chapter 9.-12,and the i'have,and will main Health;&Safety,Code;;Sec,tion 25532(a)should I;store.or handle hazardous declarations �I ', ,{' o self-'insurefor Worker's tam a'Certificate�of Consent��t matenal. Additionally,s.houldl use)egmpmenGor devices which emit hazardous Compensation fas.provi&d`forrby Section,3760,of the Labor Code,for'the air:coniaminants as.defined"by the.Bay;Area,Air Quality."11'Ianagement'Distnchl p 66ftnance.of the,work forawhich this permit is issued. will maintam compliance,with.the Cupertino Municipal'Codc,Chapter 9 12 and I'have and;wil s mamtam Worker s Compensdiion Insurance,asiprovided.for by the:Health,&,Safety Cod'e,.Secti 2550 ,.25533,and`25534: Secuon 3700 of the'L�abor Code for the performance of the work for which•thi- 2 Owner or authorized.ageni: Date 7 peen t is issued 1.1 µ I certify,that m the)pgrformance ofthe work,`for which this:permit:is issueii,el shall r not employ any person tn'any'manner so,as to,liecome,sAecttothe Worker's Compensation lawspof 1Califoinia- If,after making this•certificate of exemption,I CONSTRUCTION LENDnSG AGENCY become sub ecfto tlte,Worker's Com ensation'rovistonsof the LaliorGode,lmust I hereb affirm,that there is a construction Fending agency for the performance of - .J n i P-. P, Y forthwIith comply with{such provisionsior this permit.shall be deemed revoked., work's for which tliis.permiti'is issued;(Sec.3097 Crv:C) Lender's Name _ a'` .AP-PGICANT:CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certifytliat I liaue read thisiapplicatio`ri and stata'that thelabove•information is correct I"agree to;cornplyrwrt_hallcit y`and7county•ordinances,and;siateJaws"relating to'building construcpon and,hereby authoriA represen[atiyes of this city to:enter '• • upon the•above mention'd propeit ',tor;mspection purposes:(.We)agree to save r ARCHITECT'S`DECLARATION indemnify:and keep harmlessethe City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs and expenses'which",inay accrue?agamsfsaid City:iniconsequence of,the' I understand`.my plans,sliall_be.used,As public',records. pgranhngof this permit Additionally;theidpphcarit:uiiderstandsoand will comply with all non po"'inf.source,regulations per the Cupertino:Municipa],Code;Section Licensed Professional - VIS. '', Signature.ii_ '�.�,- . '' ( Date r CITY OF CUPE'RTI'NO"BU,ILDING PERMIT. 'BUILDING.ADDRESS: 10100'•NTANTAUAVE CONTRACTOR:`XL,CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,NOsJ34I0132, OWNER S'NAME. ROCKTINOTEE.LLC: 851 BUCKEYE CTI DATE ISSUED:0;4/097201°3 • OWNER'S PHONE 40.88624397 MILPITAS,,CA 95035' PHONE NO:(408)240=6000 LICENSED CONIRACTOR'S'DECLARATION JOB,DESCRIPTION: :RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIALQ '. 6,47 14.,% 4PPLE-1ST AND 2ND FLOOR-COMM.T.I 61,683 SQ FT 'L'icense Class" Lic.# Contractor �L, j-t lL+i. f1Date - „ I herebyatfirmahat I am licensed under.ifieprovisio-ns of Chapter9 (comof.Diviskm 3 of the;Busrness,&Professions C6di4fid'-thaWuylicense is in;full;force and effect. 'I hereby,affifm�under-_penalo of perjury-one of the following two:declarations: fhave and;will maintain a ccitificate`of consentto seif;'insure for Worker's Compensation,`as'provided-for.by Section 3,700 of the-Labor:Coiie;,for the performance of the"work for-which this•permitis issued. Sq._Ff;Floor Arear Valuation:,$6000000 I have and wi Il.maintain W.orker's Compensation Insurance,ras provided'for,.by Section 3.700 of the Labo-r:CdAe for the perforinance,.o the work-for which this APN.Num6er:i31619061.10.100 Occupancy Type: .permit isiissued. ; -APPli[CANT CERTIF[CATION ' I certifythafl haveir`ead this'application and,statc�thatthe_above information;ispER1VIIT EXPIRES IF WORK'IS NOT STARTED' correct I agree to comply,with;A' ty and county ordrnancesiand�state laws��rciating ' .• `to building construction,and,hereby authonzegepresentatives of this"city,to enter WITHIN'1'80,D ERMIT`ISSUANCE OR upon the"-bove,mentioned property for'nspection purposes (We)agree to save, '180 D" �° 014 '` 1�LLED INSPECTION. indern'Afy:and,keep'harmles's the,Crty of Cupertino againstaiabilities;judgments, - costs andtexpenses which ma"y,accrue against said City m.consequence'of the - grantmg of thts�perinrt:•Additionally,�the applicanttunderstands and�,wdsue Date: comply' ' with allanon-pointsource regdiations,per•the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section- RE-ROOFS:' Signature Date All roofs shall be•inspected.pnorto.anyaoofng material being installed. If a:roof is installed without,fi'rst:obtainiiig;an inspection,I agree to remove all-new materials for inspection. OWNER=B UI L'DER,D ECLARATION Signature of Applicant: _ Date: 1'heret yaffirm that'I-amtexempt;from,the'Cont'riefor'-s License Law for one of, the[[ owing'two,reasons:'r ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO,BE CLASS"A"OR"BETTER,. I;as owner ofthe roe ` p p.rty,ormy employees;with wages their sole.compensation, will dotlic4ork,and,the,structure isnot intended or:offered forsal'e'(Sec.7044, Business•&Professions Code) 1,as'owner-of the property,am:exclusiJely,contracting,with licensed,contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct,the,projed(Sc10044,Business&ProfessionsfCode). I have=read the hazardouslmaterialstrequirement's under,Chapter 6195 of the California�Healthfet ,&Say,Coded Sic hons'25505,25533',;and 25534 I;will °I hereb affirm under penalty of er urone of-the followm ;thre_a Health:.&.Safe Code,Sec'ti a Cupje2 a should Ipa1 C or handjter 93 2 and the' ahave.apons p ty p I Y g material. afc�C allyshoulul2 532(aui_hould storeices handle hazardous y d well mamtam a:Certifcate,of Consent to self-'msure,for-Workec swhich emit hazardous Compensaii.on;as provided for bySection,37,00 of the Labor'Code";'forthe: air contaminants as defined by the.Bay.Area,Air Quality%ManagementlDistrict I performdffce,of the work for'which this'permit.is;issued. will maintain compliance with-,the Cupertino Municipal".Code,Chapter;9 12;aud, 'I,have andwill maifitam Worker s Compensation Insurance,as provided,for 6y the Health-&1,Safe-ty Code;Sections 255j,)•5;;25533;and;25534. rl Section 3700 of the'L�abor Code,for the performance of the work for which this, t Owner or authorized,agent:- Date ? KL permit'is issued I1� ,l � I;certifahtmfmhorforhicfi this permit is issued,.LshallyoQ. ww not employ any person m any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation lawsfofrCaliforma If after making this`certificate of;exemption,I CONSTRUCTION:LENDIIVG AGENCY; become subject to the.Worker s Conipensat on provisions pf the Labor Code,I must I hereby affirm that there is a.construction,lending agcncy,for the,performance of.' , work's for which this ennibs issued Sec.3097 Civ G: f0rthw4fi,complytyith such proviswns:or this permit shall'be deemed revoked. P ( ) i Lenders Name,- , I �APPLICANTiCERTIFICATION - Lender's Address. I,certifythat I haveiread,tHis,application and state that t_he above information'.is �. .correct� agree to;comply-withial-I,'city and.countyi ordma ides-and;state laws;,relating ' to building constract�on;,and hereby�authonze representatives ofthis city to enter upon.ihe,above�mentwne6,roperty forlmspection:purposes (We)agree to save indemrii and kee ;harmless the 6 of Cu"erfino a ainst liabilities .ud ments ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION fY p tY°'� p g J gR._- costs,.and'expenses`which may accrueragaimt-said City:intconsequence of the I understand. v plans shall be.:used as publierecords:, granting ofth�s pertiirt Additionally,'the applicant understands and.wdl,comply' with all?non pomtSourcc regulations per the Cupertino.Municipal Code,Section Licensed_Professional Signature,2;'r! I -v{ Date CITY OF''CUPERTINO FEE.ESTIMATOR=BUILDI'NG°.DIVISION ' 'ADDRESS:`10100 N UN RE DATE'• 04/23/2013 REVIEWED BY: MELISSA 316:19061.'10100 BP#`: s.{���)) �' — VALUATION: ` $0 a+ , PERMIT.TYPE: Building Permit PLA_N CHECKTYPE:; Alteration,/'Repair ` PRIMARY, PENTAMATION SFD or Du Plex 1GENRES USE _ PERM7TTYPE:, E. ,ws RK .DEFERRED-SlJBMITT,AL`# 1 FORJG'LASS'RAILING FOR 2 STAIROASES & LANDINGS OPE. 'q',.- '% k€. t" 1 I '4- .•:1.. vi d .. x' _ Ma + d 1 4 11 u+ M pv. - - - tifE c:ft�('Ian Ghc�k Pfzih�rb:_flan Check I1 c .L'l ar (?heck- :11eFa?.,I't>rnril'l ec:' 'lurrr��.p rinr'-T'ee: C)tlaer.;��eC:h.,7ra•s���. - (Iii;er:'F?1t�n:b 1rsp: C)iher'Giee. ILzsp. � . 1t'7eCh /nsL� fec,l' L' mate;does`not include fees.due to other Departments(he-Planning,Public Works,.Fire;Sanitary Sewer District;School . ' ,ya1V0+TE This esti Drstraet,eta , These ees;.are based,,owiiie.'rebmina 'in ormation available aiid'are.on''l ;an:-estimate. Contact the e t or'addn'l:in oy { {FEEfITEMSi(Fe`e J.; ll'-Oi3`Lfj 7/1/12) FEE QTY/FE_E' MIS•C ITEMS - _ {1�, „Plan'Check Fee;{' Hoarly Only? I'es No Plan Check Hourly $,0.00 2' _liours� y Suppl+PC.Feesl °� Reg:, 0, 0T 0.0 firs $0.:00 $266.00, tsTPLrrcx �° ��P1v1E'P1an��Check $0.00 $0.00 f iJ l,�' ljd 11� �{ Supply Insp'�Fe�ej,Reg.. ®OTS Q.Q hrs $0.00 "PME+Pe'rm t•Fee '' •j;; ^i. $0.00 <tisLtcucti��r r14ui ' IT $0.00 ' 'i 1+•',_�I ui'1.+n 11+{ -r iii .. i I Work+Without Permrt?''r .Yes, ;`No $0.00 " .Ad'vanced,'Planriin�l!Fee $0:00- � Select a�Noii-Residential_ "_.1x'11 ' Bulldi g or Siructure� a �cn�el;l3©z„ra���rztu,tror�;f+:eex_`_�� ©� Strong;Motion:Fe'e ,, • $0.00, S'elect,an Administrative Item 1B1d��Sid's.Corrimi'ssid'h Re' $0.00 1 � y+ - � ` SUEBTOTALS Q@0.00 $266.00. 4 r®TLFEE• $26600 Revised: 0410172013 1 , . :li• ,111, � t�;I' - � '. .. . -'- CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR BUILDING DIVISION .ADDRESS:. 10100 N Tantau.Ave, DATE: 01/25/201.3 REVIEWED BY: Mendez APN:, BP#: *VALUATION: $6;000,000 *PERMIT'TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE-, Tenant Improvement :PRIMARY ComPENTAMATIONmercial Building' 1B T1 USE: PERMIT TYPE: ,WORKA �l'e=Ist.and'2nd'floor- cornmAJ 61,683,sq ft SCOPE OCCUPANCY-'TYPE:: TYPE'OF 'FLR AREA PC FEES` PCFEE ID BP FEES BP FEE ID CONSTR-, s:f B ((Tenant Improvements) II-8,111-B,IU;V-B 61;683 $6;516..52 1.BTIPLNCK $23;143.67 IBTIINSP : '61,683 $6,516.52` ` $23,1.43 6 TOTAL'S7 MECH, H�iTRI Y Yes . ' es` Q No ELEC;HOURLY' Q Y s; iNo WE- 4�. pyx ` - Q No PLU#MB H'OURILY Y x weclr. Flan C'.heck P?r+irih,Plurr CfecA' Elec::.P?r�r. <"hack ,'�t�3cPr,�'�rr��cfF'�c�r R7r�mb. f'�rnzil.L�Gar: &'lac: f'e+-rnuree:. Ocher Heeh:.lrsp, er Plumb.lnsp CJ??rtr i lec.lopsp., .Vocli-;jn p:-Fee: 'PhXib. ttr 1.i). Fe'?': NOTE: Tk'is-:estimatedoes.not4n-dude fees.due to other Departments(i.e.Planning;Public.Wor,'ks,.Fire;Saniiary'Sewer District,,School District,etc. : These ees,are based�on,the relainiita in urination available.and areronl°•aniestimate- 'Contact.the.De t-oraddn Tin o. 'FEE``ITEMS,(Fee Reso'luti'on 1l1=053.EAT 7/1/12) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $6.,5'16:52 Select a'Misc Blh/Structure: 'Sup FeeQ Reg. ®.OT Q4p hrs $0.00 or Element,of a'Bi ilding PNW,'Plan Check: $0.00 Permit fF dl- $23,443.67 �Suppl.Insp:Fee, RegOT' 0.0 firs $0.00 PMP'Unit Fee- $0:00. .P-.ME Permit Feed C ons"ii-r.ie tion .T Aclmleiisrr�xtiuel�:c�e Q Woik'.uithoutPermif? QYes (j),Nb $0.00. Q Advanced•Plahriin�Fee: $0.00 Select a..Non-Residential Q T?cn 4;,IXkaOn°entuviori Fees: Build ng'or"Structure Q Stroni:,k1oflon Fee: IBSEISMICo $`11,260.00, Select an,Administrati`ve,Item Bld-i Std§CO-inniission Fee: IBC-BSC. $24000 SUBTOTA+LS� 31160.'19 $O:QO ,TOTA EES $31160:1°9 f ..., ised: 1'0