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CITY'OF�CUPERTINO BL[ILDING PERMIT BjALDING;,ADDRESS: 10900 N TANTAU-AYE CONTRACTOR:APPLIED'CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO:,1.208001'6 TECH, OWNER!$NAME_:'CUPERTINO TANTAU,LLC. 1230 OAKMEAD°PKWY DATE-ISSUED:09/04/2012 OWNERS PHONE:=6503299030 SUNNYVALE;CA'940.85 THONE;NO:(4o8)z52a9990 UeENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION, t, BUILDING PERMIT INFO:, BLDG= °' ELE � P.. MB License'Class: Li'c:,#` ; i MECH RESIDENTIAL CtL ERCIAL ` Contractor I'hereby,a'M m f:#in lieensed under the provisions oPChapten9JOB DESCRIPTION PANASON ND FLOORD> 50 FEET O (commencing witSection 7,•000)of Division 3 of-the_ Business_&Professions, DEMISING'WALL AND A' LA p'DO Code:and.that:my license is in fulC;force:and;eff&t EiECTRICAL,MECHANICAL A *SEE'NOT *" 1 herebylaffirm`under7lpenaltyof perjury one of the,following'two,"declarations: lihave>and:will maintain a certificate:of consent to self insure;for.Worker's Compensation,as provided for,by Section°3700 of the;Labor=,Code,,.fofthe performance;ofthe work forwhich°this,permit is:issued. Iiliave and'wi11 maintain Worker;s,,Compensation Insurance,as provided3for by 5ection3700 of the Labor Codejor the performance of thework:fo-r,which;this Sq..FtTloor reap Va ati 132000 permit is issued. APPLICANT,CERTIFICATION PN Number `3I6090 A pancffyper 1 certify'thata ha"v"e read;ttiis;application and state thatthe above information is: confect.I agree'to'complywith'all city and county�ordinances'-and,state:.laws relating ' to,building'construction,and herebyauthorize representatives of this city to enterA PJ mdemne a and kee n harmlesshe Ciforof specpon purposes.-(We)agree to save R• , IF RK IS`NOT'STARTED p_ ppm P T EXPIRE, fy p ty Cupertino against liabilities;judgments, AYF PERMIT°ISSUANCE�'OR . m - 'D: costs.and�expenses which may accrue against§aid'City.in copseq uence�of the WI RN. granting,d..this;perrnit. Additionally,`the applicant'anderstandsand,Will,co"mply� witH.,all."non-point source re tions'per the Cupertinoavlunicipal Code,Section 180 DA' S,FROM.L CALLED�I'NSEECTION: _�.� Issued by„:� � Date:' Signatdre� Date_. ❑ O EWLBUILDEWDECLARATION. RE=ROOFS:. I•:herebaffirmahat"Pam exempt from;the Contractor'sL cense Law for one;of .AWroofsshall be inspected prior toianyroofng material being installed,If a roof is' [,,as own ing;two-reason's: t elle, ithout.fi_rsi obtaining an inspection,I,ag- - the,follow ' eF of thepr'o'perty, - '` - reeito remove=.all+new materials for, _ .or my'cmpl&yees with`Wages as�.,theirsolc coin"-nation, p will`&ihe work,,and'ihe si'ructure'is+not,Mended or,off-ered,for,sale(Sec 7044, Business&ProfessionsiG de) = Signature;of Applicant:: Date: 1,as owner"of the property;am`cxclusively contracting with I icensed,contractors to constructtthe projecp(Sec:7044;Business&,P rofessionsCode). ALL'.ROOVCOVERINGS"TO BEICLASS"A"''OR BETTER i hereby affrm under'peoalty of-pe-rjury,ofte of the following°'th"ree declarations: l,haveiand Will maintainia,Certificate of Consent t&self=insureiforWorker'_s HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE; Compensation,asprovided'for.by'Section 3700,ofthe.LaborCode,for,he: I have,read.t1whazardous materials requirem ents under Chapter 6.95 of the` performance of the work -,forwhi'ch this;permit,is�ssued. 'Califorma'HeaIth&Safe,ty°Code,Sections,25505,25533,and,25534_.1 will maintain I`have and,wilI maintain Work er's:Compensation:insurance,as;provided',for'by comphance:wrth4he CupertiuokMunieipaLCode,Cha;pteF.912 and the.Health& Section,3700 of the`LaborGode,tfor_the'perfoririarice of.the work fof which this SafetyCode,Sectioo_25532(a)should listore`,or.handie,hazardous:material. Additionally,should;I use equipmenfor devices which;emit hazardous air permit is issued. contaminants asdefined;by the Bay-Area Air Quality Management District.I will I'cern the erformance+of the workifor-Which this permit is',isssued,l shall fy"that in p maintain;:c)mpliance'Wit h;the Cupertino.Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12:4nd the, not employ any person,inyanymannerso as'to becomesub-iect,to'thc Worker's Health`,&Safety'Co&,.Secfions 25505,;25533;and,25534: Coinpensation.laVs of.Califoinia. If,after makingithis+cCrtificate'ofezemption,I become subject to the;Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor,Code;,Imust; 'Owner uthorii ^ -forthwith.complywith,such;proyisions'or`this,,O rmits'hallbe,deemed,revoked.Dater APPLICANT CERTIFICATION CONSTRUCTION LENDING;AGENCY I certify that.I have read dhis;4application and state that the above information is,, ZebyZ`ffatere is a construction lending agency forthe perforiirance'of Honk's. correct;l agree tocomplywith-all city andcountyordmances and state laws relating rmit'isissued(Sec:3097,Civ C.) to.building dbhstruction,and:hereby'authorize representatives of this city.to enter, Lender''s,Nam_e upon the,above,mentioned property fbrInspectionpurposes.(We)'agree io'save indemnify'andkeep harm Iess;the,CiiyofCupertino againsf:liabiliiies,judgments, Lender's,Address costs,and expenscswhich may accrue against said,City in consequence of the granting of this permit:Additionally the applicant,understands and-will.coniply ARCHITECT'S,DECLARATION with all-non-point source regulationslper the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section: 9'.11K l undeFstand"rny,plan's shall be used as'public records. Signature Date Liceosed,Professional. CITY OF CUPE'RTINO, r. FEE ESTIMATOR--BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS--,-16900.n.tantau ave: DATE: 08/06/2012 REyIEWED BY:, larry s ,APN: BP#: NAL UATIONc $132,000 *FERMI TTY PE: Building Permit PLAN CHECKTYPE Tenant ImproVerhent 'PRIMARYPENTAMATION USE: Commercial Building PERMITTYPE:. B T WORK add'800rox,50 feet of demising wall and associated doors electrical mechanical ancA sprinklers SCOPE . TYPE OF FLR AREA OCCUPANCY"TY,PE:' PG.. FEES- PC FEE I BP' , BP FEE,1D. CONSTR. (s.f. ;B (Tenant Improverrients) II-B,III-B,IV;V-B 1.,"137 $1.',99,4:.10 IBTI NC1°1'9:1.3 IBTIINSP TOTALS: 1,,,137 99410 s,� �' $.1,119.13IWIF MECH HOURI,I' 1 e E ., ..fiHC;r-.O o� E _ ,m Yese ,No �r jp �1;zcla. F?i`an(.'hU;_k- 1''fiur;l>.," lr"rrz=C'lzc;c•h1?i�c..Rltrn.C'hei;k alerfi. 1'ceriz;'1'cc 'inmh,.Pesr 'ri t.;licc. Re'ririit:l'cet Oilier;l ech. I,isr). (e1i.%r P11` 1i IrzsT. Q;z r Glec.ins;:. El ,Heck Insp.,Fc: Plumij.lrs/3.; 'Eee 1,7ec-lna7�..1<'r:er' NOTE:Tkis'estimate„does�not`,indude fees,dsie to otherDega tsfi.e..Planning;Public'Wbrks,Fire_,Sgnitary Server District,School, District,etc : .These ees dkl`-asedonahe relimina ,'in ormation,available:and areonl an estimate. Contactlhe,De t°or adds I info. FEEITEMS free Resolutioxv 11-6573e Eff., 7/'1X1'1* FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check.Fee: $1,994,.1'0 Select a,Misc B'ldg/,SWucture Suppl. PC`Fee: ,O Reg: O.'OT 0,,0 hrs :$0:00 or Element of'a'Building PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit''Fee: $1,119.°1:3 Suppl. Insp.:Fee;O:.Reg. .O OT p,0 firs $O.:pO PME Unit Fee: $0..00 'PME Permit Fee: $0.00. Co.nstan.rci��ns:Trr.r;; �1.dincl�isrrativ,e.hies O Work'Without Permit? O;Yes :No $0.00 Advanced,Planning:F:ee: $0.00, Select a,Non4esidential' (F) Travel Do vin;mtWiOri:,l ecus. B.uildmg,or;Structuie O A Strong,Motion Fee: .1BSEISMIC0 $27•.72' Select an..Admiriistrative Item B'ld�l Stds Comfnission Feer: IB'CBSG< $61:00 SUBTOTAL S� -$3,.14. 95 0,00 }TOTAL,FEE a _ 6 $ A E k _ $3,146;95. Revised: 07/0:1/2012. CO'N.S-rRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT•'BUILD.INGDIVISION (0300 TORRE AVENUE'- G.UPERTI NO. CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3228, FAX'(408),777-3833• buil'din-gQcupertino.org C'U P:E RTI N O' ❑',NEW"CONSTRUCTION , ❑ ADDITION , "ETERATION./'T-I ❑- ,REVISION,/DEFERRED ORIGINAL P IT#° �( IPAOJECT ADDRESS' APN �/- OWNER NAM E-MAIL; le" LA L ;j V STREET ADS SSS• O J CI ATE;ZIP CONT CT NAME -'TeC -HONE `T Er-1MAIL; PJB STREETADD SS- CI STATE,.ZIP, FAX cam.% 1 v,..:n ❑ OWNER ❑;OWNER�B,UII:DEROWNER.AGENT: CONTRACTOR ❑CO TRACTO T ❑ CHITECT, ENGINEER, ❑. DEVELOPER, ❑ TENANT .CONT CT R^NAME LICENSE';NUMBER LICE E TYPE ,BUS.LIC# A NAME. E--MAIL FAX S S. f CITY,STATE,: IP PHONE �bQ ARC/Ht-T►ECT/EN INEERN ME LICENSE,NUMB BUS.LIC,# 3 - 00 E-M 4II FAX ;STREET, D_D C STATE; P PHONE �'�G B�s hoc W i EXIST_IN&USE PROP,OSEUUSECONSTR,TYPE #STORIES USE, TYPE OCC; SQrFT" VAI DATION(S). EXISTG ,NEWIFLOOR' DEMO TOTAL ` AREA AREA AREA NET;AREA BATHROOM' _KITCHEN OTHER, :REMODEL,AREA REMODELIAREA 'REMODEL AREA -PORCH AREA `DECK AREA-. TOTAl DECKT,,ORCH AREA GARAGE AREA:; DETACH' #DWELL-ING UNITS' IS=A;SECONVUNIT ❑AYES SE,OND ORY. ❑YES BEING'ADDED? E]NO, ADDITION?: QNO - PRE APPL^KATION ❑,YES IFYES;PROVIDE COPX OF IS THE BLDG AN ❑YES RE EIVED�BY t s - T TAL VALUATION: .._ ,C.. _ PLANNING;A'PPL# ❑NO, PLANNINGAPPROYAL.LEITER' EICHLERHOME?, ❑NO ��*' t ¢r' n I. I:haV-e read:3his ` g t`,on tfie;property,owner's behalf. By myisrgnature below,I:certlfy to,each of the-follow :ingI arrLthe�property:owner orsauthorized<a ent;t ac application and the informatiohaye provided is correct. I have read,the,Descnptlon of Work<and verify.Itis accurate. I'agree"to comply with'aIl applicable Iocal ordinances.and-state laws relating to building co . I au_thorizerepr_esentaiives of Cupertino,to enter the abo enti _d roperiy for inspection,purposes. Signature+of Applicant/Agent; Date:, . SUPPLEMEN INF ON RE' UIRED Q , -- PLANyCHEGKTYPE, ROUTING.SLIP, New-SM orivlult"amily dwellings: Apply fordemolifion perznit for ' - DS OVER THE COUNTER t ❑ REVIEW `' existing.liullding(s) D"emolition permlt_is°requlied«prior to issuance°of building f BPNO UILDINGPLAN permit;for new building. y EXPRESS ❑ PLANNING PLAN REVIEW#1, ny Commercial Bldgs: Pro vade a completed Hazardous,Materials pisclosure ',TANDAIiD; 'F ❑ rIJBLICwoRxs f form-,if any.Hazardous,MaieridK,arel being used as pamof;this.proje"ct. 0,LARGE"e ❑ FIRE _Copy of Planning,Approval-Letter or'Meeting,with,Planning,prior'to. ® MAJOR �+ ❑ SANITARY sEw' ER vIs IcT; � submittal of Building Permit application. �� •� =" ,,-....� ! A, ..,.:, .❑,.:ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH A14gApp_2011,.doc revised 06/21/1,1 Building'Deparf ngnt` City Of Cupertino_: . - t03003orre Avenues Cupert rio,•6,9' 14-325'5' Telephone: 40$ 777 3228` CU'PE'RTfNO =' �_ w` F,aX:;408=777 33313, -ONTRACTOR- IN 4.? JOB ADDRESS Q :j�r < TERM'IT-# OWNER'':S NAIVIE CC /L TH- NE#' GENERAL;CONT,RACTOR t: LTSIN'ESS'LICENSE,#:. pZ . ADDRESS. CITY/ ZIP,CODE: *O,urmunicipal.code re,"quireS:all businesses working,in;the3cty to have a City of Cupertino business license:; N.O.;nBUII DING:=h1NAL OR'FINAL'OCCUPANCY INSPECTIONS) WILIJ:BE SCI EDULED UNTIL'TILE- -... GENERAL CONTRACTOR''AND ;ALL SLiBCONTWA CTORS,-BAVE ©BTAINED Ao CIT,Y Ohs C.LTp INO'. BUSINESS UCE'NSE: _ jr lam noCusing;any ubcontractors " Signature �: Date ' Plea§e check applicable,subcontractors anil complete the-followingI for a �/' STJB_CCONTIZACTOR ` ` 'Jo. US E B INESS NAM BUSIN` SS LICENSE# _db"inets & 1Vlillwork f, Cement E nishirig`' Electrica�l 4 5 Excavation -r Flooring/;Carpeting` t y Lirioleum� Woods Gl-ass.,, Glazing - . Heating;• ._z ;x •' - z _ �r�.� - r Insulation'; h L -, - .Landsca` In . ." . - - �- '• - - . = e5. - ` - - .' . 1 p g =� f; Lathing --• .Masonry- - °-.� � _- , c _ .. a_ Painting/'Wallpaper Paving _ 8'3/ /Z:_- 'Plastering _ _ _ - .� • - _ - „ . '�; � • -_ . ' - PIbing -: Roofing - _ : `Sepiic Tank• Sheet Metal _ Sfieet Rock Tile. Y - -caner/'Contractor' -gnature :Date - _ e C O MAR 1 .3 2013 APPLIED ` O TECHNOLOGY Name. c City of Cupertino 3/12/13- Building Department-Sue Winslow -� 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Re: Building Department Expiration Notice Dear Ms. Winslow, Regarding Building Permit Application# 1208001.,6, whereas no construction has been started and our client: Panasonic has elected not to go forward on the planned construction; we request the rebate of the permit costs not expended to date. Upon receiving the Building Department Expiration Notice yesterday from your office dated: 3/7/13, noting that the expiration date was: 3/3/13, we then notified our client-and they have decided not to pursue their.option to sublease to Apple Computer, therefore making-our demising construction work no longer needed. Panasonic was under no obligation to explain to us;but apparently the lease negotiations broke down and both parties decided to back away from the sublease negotiations and part ways.. In"a conversation earlier:today-with Patricia Garcia of your office, she requested a letter be written to you requesting such and we are complying. If there is additional information, please let•us know and we will make best efforts to obtain it in a timely way and get back to you. For mailing purposes our address is: 1230 Oakmead Parkway, Suite '216, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 and my direct dial is: 408-328-8404. Since y, 15 U �U Stephen D. Mason President, Applied Construction Technology; Inc. BUJ I�