12020128 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10148 S TANTAU AVE CONTRACTOR:REC SOLAR,INC. PERMIT NO: 12030085 OWNER'S NAME: WANG JEAN AND LEDAIN JOEL E 775 FIERO LN STE 200 DATE ISSUED;03/19/2012 OWNER'S PHONE: 4083662593 SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA 93401 PHONE NO:(888)657-6527 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG ELECT PLUMB License ClassLic.# yT" ` �pC MECH RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL A Contractor PL S O(c✓ �In:. Dates « � [hereby affir€€t that I am licensed under(tic provisions of Chapter 9 JOB DESCRIPTION:S.SSKW PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR MOUNTED FLUSH TO II ROOF, (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of(lie Business&Professions 24 PANELS Code and that my license is in full force and effect I Itereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of die work for which this Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$35000 permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION APN Number:37507037.00 Occupancy Type: I certify that I have read this application and state that(lie above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state taws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED htdenniify and keep harmless tire City,of Cupertino against liabilities,Judgments, WITHIN 180 PERMIT ISSUANCE costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply t8O DAfyS FROM L T CALLED INSPECTION. with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. F Issaied by: Signature Dater r ttte: ® ONNINER-BUILDER DECLARATION RE-ROOFS: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of All roofs strait be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is the following two reasons: installed without first obtaining an inspection;I agree to remove all new materials for 1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, inspection. will do the work,and(lie structure is not untended or offered for sale(Sce.7044, Signature of Applicant: Date: Business&Professions Code) I,as owner of tire property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the I have read the hazardous materials requir ernents under Chapter b.95 of tine performance of tine work for which this permit is issued. California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will maintain l have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9,12 and the Health& Safety Code,Section 25532(%)should I store or handle hazardous material. Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous all- permit irpermit is issued. contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will I certify that in the performance of Bre work for which this permit is issued,I Shall maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9,12 and the not employ any person in any tmanner so as to become subject to the Worker's Health&Safety Code Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,I '� become suhiect to the Worker's Coinpensa(ion provisions of the Labor Code,I must Owner or t _ f � _. Dater forthwith comply with Stich provisions or this permit strait be deemed revoked. wv,_ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby affirm that(here is a construction lending agency for the performance of Nwrk's correct I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances mud state laws relating for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) to building construc(ion,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter Lender's Nam upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, Lender's Address costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of tire granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply ARCHIT'ECT'S DECLARULTION with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code,Section I understand my pians shall be used as public records. 9.18. Signature Date Licensed Professional i i ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION AE 10300 TORRE AVENUE•CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 La (408)777-3228•FAX(408)777-3333•buildinwo-k pertino.org C.t1Q»l!tTINQ APN# PROJECT ADDRESS , 114� • �`,. '"v /y, - -J , OWNERNAME - f PHONE r- , E-MAIL ' I/(;, - (6, • � mary3 1 STREET ADDRESS (( CITY, STATE,ZIP FAX CONTACT NAME ., PHONE E-MAIL , � 7 7 yG 1, e/ c,,,-r-,/C � G ,`ti i rr <cs STREET ADDRESS / CITY,STATE,ZIP�Px FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OwNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNERAGENT ® CONTRACIOR ❑CONTRACTORAGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME 4 / LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE TYPE BUS.LIC# A k C ; �.to < r " t-'---" a, C` l COMPANY NAME ,g E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE 7 n __.. �` - .-T�y , ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS.LIC# COMP ANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY,STATE,ZIP PHONE USE OF ❑ SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family PROJECT IN WI.DLAND PROJECT IN STRUCTURE: ❑ Conunercial I URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes ❑ No FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 SOLARPANELS 1 ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION ❑ �SILARWA�TERIHIEAITNG ❑ OTHER: FOR SOLARPANELS. .NUMBEROF PANELS/UNITS: KILOWATTS(COMMERCIAL ONLY): TOTAL VALUATION: DESCRIPTION OF WORK 'RECEIVED BY By my signature below,I certify to each of the followin I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I•have read this application and the information I have provided i �t. I have r -thbescription of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to buildi ction ofii"ze representatives of Cupertino to enter the above Identifed property for inspection purposes. p rl�o !Z Signature of ApplicantlAgent: �_ Date: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED OFFICE USE.ONLI _ 4 ❑ OVER-THIiCOUNTER 0 EXPRESS U. ❑ STANDARD „d� ❑ LARGE - F .MAJOR PVApp 2011.doc revised 03/16/11 I CITY OF CITE TIN CJ I FEE ESTIMATOR—BUILDING DIVISION � ADDRESS: 101443 s.tantau ave BATE: 03/19/2012 REVIEWED Y: larrys BPft° 'A'ALUATION: $35,000 r � APN: / fff 'PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PTYPE: Addition PRIMARY PENTAATION SOLAR-RES USE: SFD or Duplex PERNUT TYPE: WORK 5.88 kw photo voltaic solar mounted flush to roof. 24 panels � SCOPE NOTE:This estimate does not inchtde fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc.). These fees are based on the relirtnar in arntation available and are onl an estimate. Contact the De t or rrddrt'l in o. FEF,ITEMS (Fee er�2 zaldltitJ7P 1lmd?.a31s' . ?1/1�a FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 1 # Alternative Energy System Suppl.PC Fee: 0 Reg. Q OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 $214.00 IPHOTOPREs Photovoltaic System PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl.Insp,Feer Reg. d OT 0.0 ht`s $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Pert-nit Fee: $0.00 0 Work Without Permit? OYes G No $0.00 Lcl , Select a Non-Residential rh ' Building or Structure Q atoms=T��lo iter d�.�ss: IBSEISAffCR $3.50 Select an Administrative Item Pi t .y _c)t,rr7as s L�i FFf�, IBCBSC $2.00 SILMTOTALS: $5.50 $214.00 TOTAL,FEE: $219.50 Revised: 1/19/2012 ii Building Department City Of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: 408-777-3228 CUPERTINO Fax: 408-777-3333 CONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR LIST JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT# 0-�010 eS OWNER'S NAME: PHONE# '-I,y 7-Z-Yi,k, GENERAL CONTRACTOR A'Ieef' BUSINESS LICENSE# e� ADDRESS: r1w 5!� CITY/ZIPCODE: *Our municipal code requires all businesses worldng in the city to have a City of Cupertino business license. NO BUILDING FINAL OR FINAL OCCUPANCY ! ,SPECTION(S) WILL BE SCHEDULED UNTIL THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBC�!T, C,TORS HA-V.E OBTAINED A CITY OF CUPERTINO ' BUSINESS LICENSE. I am not using any subcontractors: Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring/Carpeting Linoleum/Wood Glass/Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Painting/Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature Date i i HIGH""PERFORMANCE SOLAR"MODULES E5 PLC,Peak Energy(PEj=Series rnodutes„ aye ffie perfect choice foc buitdirig otar systems that combine tong tasting ; product quMity with reliable;power output: MOREPOWER ROBOSTAND d PERFTT DURkiLEDESIGN ENERGY PAYBACK US-PRODUCED ?I"MEOFONEYEAR SILICON 39.02, Ek 111 '51 77 Peak Power Watts-P,,(WP) 215 220 225 230 235 240 Maximum Power Voltage 28.3 28.7 29.1 29.4 29.8 30.4 36.3 36.6 Short Circuit Current-lsc(A) 81 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.4 Module Efficiency(9/6) 13.0 13.3 13.6 13.9 14.2 14.5 Value5 at StandardTo5tConditions STC(Air w��� � TEMPERATURE RATINGS(235 IN RATED MODULE) WARRANTY Nominal Operating Cell Temperature(NOCT) 47.9'C(±2'C) -J' ty"6f�qb% 6�j��6' Temperature Coefficient ofV,,, -0.32%/'C Temperature Coefficient of l,c CERTIFICATION MECHANICALDATA MAXIMUM RATINGS Dimensions 6535x39D2x1jm A v lI76ft` C E 8-I � Qh��mo 3975,2 Ibsftl:2(36060� .6 lbs 0sir pa, c",ofieo according to uona IEC m215and IEC m/30 REC is a leading vertically integrated player in the solar energy industry.REC is among the world's largest producers of polysilicon and wafersfor solar applications,and arapidlygrowing manufa ctumrvfsolarcells andmvdules.RE[iso[so enQaQedinprojectdeve topmemactivitiesioject o,ha out not ce, selected PV segments.Founded in Norway,REC is an international50lar company,employing more than 4,0U0people nvr|d worldwide.RE[hod re,enue�inexcessvfN0K9bU|mnin2009, approximately EUR|billion and approximately USD l4billion. Please visit www.recgroup.com �����— U���~ ~ RE[Solar USLLC � P0Box 3410 � San Luis Obispo,CA 93403 USA www.recgroupmm I I I _ I 1 l�r 3rf r�/ r✓ r r y 3-,.`rFr fi ,,.. `' ,.,,,,,," r /' E Yy r„l t✓Item ..p l ��r'r✓r r,��"'°r r 1 r I - ! ra tP'l�l l u y f77, yt II, II I r1 si°yl I)r';r�PEYtIr EtE�51lt�lil w +I It �yr� II�IVi�E1 ,I�Y�v�(nN � ff �: r r. r �6r s is I 1 l 1 r rr °r � r. fr ,� - r✓y� lr s nr� y�r +�' ��'f t �,/:v l�tru;: rr�✓f r' r r r r � r '��trrs r��rJ �r.,z,�,.,�i' rrl���N�✓ �' J far I ,� r ✓/ r ar �x ry 7 r 1J�����,?yt��'r✓si}l'y c?�`r Jr r G r1✓ r r r �$y r,�'��l�r";,;.,��r .rf��'�'� ��; �r,",r- s.� UL Certified Efficient Safe Simple For countries that require UL -97%peak efficiency •Galvanic isolation - Patented automatic grid certification JUL 1741/IEEE 15471 -OptiCooll"active temperature voltage detection* management system •Integrated DC disconnect switch SUNNY BOY 5000-US / 6000-US / 7000-US / 8000-US Versatile performer with UL certification The Sunny Boy 5000-US,6000-US,7000-US and 8000-US inverters are UL certified and feature excellent efficiency.Gradu- ated power classes provide flexibility in system design.Automatic grid voltage detection* and an integrated DC disconnect switch simplify installation, ensuring safety as well as saving time.These models feature galvanic isolation and can be used with all types of modules—crystalline as well as thin-film. US Potent US7352549B 1 i f i Technical data Sunny Boy 5000-US Sunny Boy 6000-US Sunny Boy 7000-US Sunny Boy 8000-US 208VAC 240VAC.. 277YAC'. 208VAC, 240VAC 277VAC 208YAC 240VAC 277VAC 240VAC 5.277VAC Input(DC) Max.recommended PV power(@ module STC) 6250 W 7500 W 8750 W 10000 W Max.DC power(@ cos N=1) 5300 W 6350W 7400 W 8600 W Max.DC Voltage 600 V 600 V 600 V 600 V DC nominal voltage 310V 310V 310V 345 V MPP voltage range 250V-480V 250 V-480 V 250 V-480 V 300 V-480 V Min.DC voltage/start voltage 250V/300V 250 V/300 V 250 V/300 V 300 V/365 V Max,input current/per string(at DC disconnect) 21 A/20 A 25A/20A 30 A/20 A 30A/20A 36 A@ combined terminal 36 A @ combined terminal 36 A @ combined terminal 36 A @ combined terminal Number of MPP trackers/ 1/4(DC disconnect) fused sfrings per MPP tracker Output(AC) AC nominal power 5000 W 6000 W 7000 W 7680 W 8000 W Max.AC apparent power 5000 VA 6000 VA 7000 VA 8000 VA Nominal AC voltage/adjustable 208V/•j 24oV/•;', 277V/•i 208V/• 240V/• 277V/• 208V/• 240V/• 277V/• 24ov/• 277V/• '( AC voltage range :: 183-229V 211-264V 244-305V. 183-229V 211-264V 244-305Y 183.-.229V 211-264V 244-.305V 211-264V ;244-305V S AC grid ifrequency;'range 60 Hz;59.3-60.5 Hz 60 Hz;59.3-60.5 Hz 60 Hz;59.3-60.5 Hz 60 Hz,59.3-'60.5 Hz Max,output current 24A 21A 18A 29A 25A 22A 34A 29A 25A 32A` Power factor(cos p) 1 1 1 1 Phase conductors/connection phases 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/=1 1/2 1/1 Harmonics <4% <4% <4% <4% Efficiency _ Max.efficiency 96.7% 96.8% 96.8%: '96.9% 96.8% 97.0% 97.1% 96.9% 97.0% 96.3% 96.5% CEC efficiency 95.5%`' 95.5%'+ 95.5% 95.5% 95.5% 96.0% 95.5% 96.0% 96.0% 96.0% 96.0% _ Protection devices DC reverse-polarity protection '' • • • • s AC short circuit protection • • • • Galvanically isolated/all-pole sensitive monitoring unit •% •/- •/- •/ - Protection class/overvoltage category I/III 1/III I/III 1/III General data Dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 47016151240 (18.5/24/9) - DC Disconnect dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 187/297/190 '(7/12/7.5) Packing`dimensions'(W/H/iD)in mm(in) 390/580/800 (16/23/31.5) _ DC Disconnect packing dimensions(W/H/D)in mm(in) 370/240/280 '(15/9/1 1) z Weight/DC Disconnect weight 64 kg (141 Ib)/3.5 kg (8 lb) 66 kg'(145 Ib)/3.5 kg (Bib) Packing weight/DC Disconnect packing weight 67 kg (14716)/4 kg 191b) 69 kg (15216)/4 kg (91b) Operating temperature range(full power)' -25°C...+45°C (-'13°F...+113°F) Noise emission(typical) 44 MAI 45 dB(A) 46 dB(A) 49 dB(A) Infernal consumption at night 0.1 W ' 0.1 W 0.1 W 0.1 W = Topology LF transformer LF transformer LF transformer LF transformer Cooling concept Opticool Opticoo) Opticool Opticool i- Electronics protection rating/'connection area NEMA 31?/NEMA 3R NEMA 3R/NEMA 3R NEMA 3R/NEMA 31Z NEMA 3R/NEMA 3R Features Display:text line/graphic •% •/- •/- •/- Interfaces:RS485/Bluetooth 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 Warranty:10/15/20 years' 6/0/0'+ 0/0/0 0/0/0 •/0/0 z Certificates and permits(more available on request) UL 1741,'UL1998,IEEE 1547,FCC Part 15(Class A&B)1CSA 022.2 No.107;1-2001 _ NOTE:US inverters ship with gray lids. Data at nominal conditions - •Standard features O Optional features Not available Type designation '< - SB 5000US 5B 6000US SB 7000US SB 8000US E - ---- - - -------- -- j Efficiency curve SUNNY BOY 7000US i - - ACC0550r185 - --- - 9 s 99 r j RS485 interface K Blvelool6°Pi99y Back j 96 - ` ;$ -:r` 485USPBSMC-JR BTPBINV-NR v .............................. m; - 94 I 92 jo° d �.� a: 96.5 ....._.... -E ,� rw.r- CombiSwitch Combiner Box ' c 90 7; s 955 - I.mj DC diuonnecl and PVI = Simplify wiring for added '+ Vv,=250 V DC -O P' array combiner box convenience and safety 945.......... _..... °. ° 88 j . i a' COMBOSWITCH SBCBb3R or SBCBb4 V =310VDC w °' 80 86 VDCJ ( a 1000 2000 3000 '4000 5000 6000 7000 -mi p S[W) PAz - - -- - -- -------------- Toll Free +1 888 4 SMA USA www.SMA-America.com SMA America, LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE # DESCRIPTION o PV-01 SITE PLAN OFFICEICOPY "' PV-02 MODULE LAYOUT PV-03 MOUNTING DETAIL m (E) RESIDENCE PV-04 ELECTRICAL DETAIL PV-05 3 LINE DIAGRAM Id "Id PV-06 SIGNAGE SYSTEM INFORMATION ARRAY PITCH MAGNETIC TRUE M ORIENTATION ORIENTATION `--'- AR-01 180 1660 1800 �� Comers Park eu Raynor Park 471-211 n g Ortega Park Neighb ors $ 0. W Mtxntsir.4tS#2d E btvr<'se$.iead Rd ��' Hoanesfes LU v w CDM vNf7v�E1iEtDpA ClEPAR7ME � Q t1iLDINC DIVISION-C PFATtPtt - _ Cupertino v i n ,Lift' vd 4 47'-$11 55 -1 P OV eAzus Ivert Z v Q a ° This set of pl ns and specification be kep#at they > Q job site Buri g construction. €t is to make any ras I— 4 changesor alterations on sat " ft to deviate . `� itny a Q therefrom, ithout approval from uilding Ofliclat, ? a ' a The stampingof this plan ami spe ifications SH*L NOil ` v.�El�; ftp v o be held to it or to a an app coral of the vigtation � w$,i � Rogers Gatabaza� � 111-211 of any p vi Ions o y City Card ta> or State Law. Doran �- Id ? Id BY c r' Rainbow M (E) DRIVEWAY LPERMIT NO. � W (N) INVERTER WITH INTEGRATED (N) ARRAY AR-01 LEGEND DC DISCONNECT (INTERIOR) (N) - NEW CONSTRUCTION VICINITY MAP SCALE: NTS rn (E) SERVICE ENTRANCE & (N) CONDUIT RUN (E) - EXISTING CONSTRUCTION MAIN PANEL (N) AC DISCON49LW PLA118 PROJECT NOTES: CJIECY lid 1) 5.88 KW DC SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM INSTALLED BY REC SOLAR. (EXTERIOR) (INTERIOR) 2) SOLAR MODULES MOUNTED FLUSH TO ROOF USING SNAPNRACK RACKING SYSTEM SERIES 100 DATE ( ?wla-- SYSTEM WEIGHT: 3 LB/FT2. SYSTEMS ARE NON BALLASTED. 3) TWO STORY CONCRETE CURVED S TILE ROOF AT 18° PITCH. 4) INVERTER LOCATED ON INTERIOR GARAGE WALL OPPOSITE OF MAIN PANEL. LP NNING DFPT. 5) CONNECT SYSTEM TO TO MAIN PANEL VIA 240V CIRCUIT BREAKER. tyA 6) RUN CONDUIT ON ROOF, DOWN EXTERIOR WALL, PENETRATE INTERIOR TO INVERTER. FOLLOW BACK OUT TO MAIN PANEL. FOREMAN TO CONFIRM EXACT CONDUIT RUN WITH CUSTOMER AT INSTALL. Ov Ut.iJKt. iD, 7) ROOF STRUCTURE: 2X4 PRE-FABRICATED TRUSSES 24" OC. 8) CONTACT: JOEL LEDIAN (408) 366-2593 Rc REC SOLAR, INC. ENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE SITE PLAN REV: A G CACI#750184 167 Commercial Street 10148 S.TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-01 �., Sunnyvale,California 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: 1/16" = 1' 3/12/2012 Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 v�-s.zvu:eo« ,snuvmdemmwuwoteasveox.we�ioza-iaeacoaoartv�.anwww+wp oevyo«vmme+�i.mu,.xei ae+aa.s ::snvmu rn OFFICE COPY r f~— 9'-5ti 13'-211 31-511 J jJ , PENETRATION (TYP.) i 1 2 ,r RA RAIL TYP. �` O Q — j2' ° 161-5 R b 10'-11" 44' ` 6'TY 4COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q — # BUILDING DIVISION-CUPERTINO a E G 32t11 � APPROVEDO This set of plans and specifications MUST be kept at the job site during construction. it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on same,or to deviate i 3 therefrom,without approval from the Building Official. The stamping of this plan and specifications SHALL NOT ' be held to permit or to be an approval of the violation 2x4 PREFABRICATED of any Provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law, r TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. BY --- m DATE _ NOTE TO INSTALLER: P`PMI T O. • SYSTEM WILL BE VISIBLE FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES. • PENETRATIONS MUST BE STAGGERED TO REDUCE LOAD ON �J EACH RAFTER.(WHERE POSSIBLE WHILE MAINTAINING 6' MAX SPAN.) • SOLAR MODULES SHALL NOT BE HIGHER THAN 1' ABOVE THE ROOF MODULE NOTES: RACKING NOTES: SURFACE AT ANY POINT. REC SOLAR : REC245PE(BLK) USE SNAPNRACK RACKING SYSTEM • SOLAR MODULES DO NOT EXTEND 245W MODULES SERIES 100 RACKING. OVER THE ROOF LINE. 65.55" X 39.02" X 1.5" MAX 6' SPAN, MAX OVERHANG 2'6". REC SOLAR, INC. ENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE MODULE LAYOUT REV: A CA CL#750184 167 Commerclal Street 10148 S. TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-02 SO Sunnyvale,Cal08M a 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: 3 16" = 1' 3/8/2012 t Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 / c:,Docwneius ae SenM,G.�neyty oaumrntsWsn cm niteaan,loeLozn-csieoq-ozz,Fro.�*.rorrmaq Deign DocvxaWm.Jhxeia vacs ::v8/W (2) 5/16"-18 x 2-1/2" SS HCS SNAPNRACK MODULE MID CLAMP (2) 5/16" SS SPLIT LOCK WASHER RAIL SPLICE INSERT NOTES: ® • LAG BOLTS MUST EMBED IN ROOF m SNAPNRACK MODULE END CLAMP STRUCTURAL MEMBERS/RAFTERS 4 TORQUE ALL 5/16" HARDWARE TO 10 FT-LBS r SNAPNRACK CHANNEL NUT — (120 IN-LBS) TORQUE RAIL SPLICE TOP s RAIL CAN MOUNT TO EITHER SIDE OF POST SNAPNRACK STANDARD RAIL • o } (2) 5/16" SS SPLIT (UPSLOPE VS. DOWNSLOPE) • FOR UNEVEN ROOFS, USE 1" STANDOFF SHAFT o / LOCK WASHER SNAPNRACK RAIL _ _ — 5/16"-18 x 1" SS H OFFICE COP SPLICE ASSEMBLY E� 611 411 �PNpoFF NEIGH �\ SNAPNRACK STANDOFF CLAMP 5 SNAPNRACK CHANNEL NUT 5/16 SS SPLIT LOCK WASHER SNAPNRACK RUBBER RAIN COLLAR MAR .. o 5/16"-18 x 2 SS HCS o INSTALL OVER FLASHING SNAPNRACK STANDOFF KIT 5/16"-18 x 3.5" SS HLS SNAPNRACK STANDOFF SHAFT (SIZE & SKU VARIES) \ (MIN 2.5" EMBEDMENT INTO RAFTER) \ ' SNAPNRACKCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 5/16" SS FLAT WASHER STANDOFFDOFFBASE BUILDINGDIVISION-CUPERTINO \ SEAL PENETRATION AND UNDER APPROVE \ BASE WITH RAINBUSTER (OR This set of pans end specifications MUST be k Fit at EQUIVALENT) 01 r'�,_c,.onstruction. it is unlawful to lake W FLASKl' , alteration me,or to div' STAN WC out approval from the `` Officia. ' ��o-,? E r DIAMET 'tjrq�"�p�his plan and sr Ifications- OT // INS�PZN ZN m oe geld to permit or to is - approval of+'l Ia on (E) ROOF DECKING of any provisions of City Ord an r State Liv._ BY (E) RAFTER DATE PERViIT NO. SNAPNRACK RACKING SYSTEM SERIES 100 : STANDOFF MOUNTING DETAIL REC SOLAR, INC. ENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE MOUNTING DETAIL REV: A CA CL# 50184 167 Comme clal 5lreet 10148 S.TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-03 Sc ^ Sunnyvale, (408)74 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: NTS 3/8/2012 t Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 C:WxumeMSPM 5Nf4pslM1+MWYOocwntMfVxa VnJttlsLLMah.Joel.}02R-168LED/�0212�rpFenYq\WMYq Dnhn DocvnttRiVGroJtGeM ION Rev 0.Qw9 : O.s&2012 120/240 VAC SINGLE PHASE SERVICE METER#: PG&E 1006678855 200A MAIN PANEL 3/4" EMT OR EQUIVALENT: HOT BUSSED (2) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS 3/4" EMT OR EQUIVALENT: (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 NEUTRAL (4) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS (1)8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 GROUND (1)8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 GROUND unu CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO FREE AIR: MEMPI (4) 10 AWG RHW/USE-2 CONDUCTORS (1) 10 AWG BARE COPPER GROUND SMA AMERICA SB5000US(240V) MANUAL 5000 WATT INVERTER LOCKABLE DISCONNECT 30A PV IT; (24) REC SOLAR : REC245PE(BLK)MODULES BREAKER � IN(2) STRINGS,OF(12) MODULES EACH 446 VDC EXPECTED OPEN CIRCUIT STRING VOLTAGE SQUARED JUNCTION BOX DU221R6 OR EQUIVALENT NEUTRAL3R, 30A, 120/240VAC '��" EXPOSED TO FREE AIR: BUS FUSED STRING COMBINER& ARRAY (1)6 AWG BARE COPPER GROUND LOAD RATED DC DISCONNECT GROUND NOTE TO INSTALLER: ) (690UN D)] 11 GROUND MAX DC INPUT VOLTAGE: 600V BOND 6 AWG BARE COPPER TO BUS [15 AMP FUSES] GROUND ROD AND RACKING OR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING COND. FACILITY GROUND GEC COMPLIANT WITH NEC ARTICLES 250 AND 690. 6AWG BARE COPPER GROUND RUN OUTSIDE RACEWAY OR 8AWG THHN IN CONDUITf 'JrtuSr C P. (690.47, 250.30, 250.66, 250.64&ANY OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS) 0 "`,-F ` r` ' `C�OI� 1 COPY ELECTRICAL NOTES: MAR 19 2W 1. GROUNDING WIRE WILL BE BONDED DIRECTLY TO FACILITY GROUND. 2. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WILL COMPLY WITH 2008 NEC 250. y 3. MODULE INTERCONNECTIONS WILL BE MADE WITH 10 AWG RHW/USE-2 WIRE. 4. ARRAY CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR DERATED CURRENT PER STRING. 8.68 AMPS SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT r 125% DERATING FOR EXTREME IRRADIANCE CONDITIONS (NEC 690-8 (a)) rn COMMUN{TY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125% DERATING, CONTINUOUS PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE CURRENT BUILDING DIVISION-CUPERTINO (NEC 690-8 (b)) APPROVED 156% TOTAL DERATING (COMBINATION OF ABOVE) 13.54 AMPS TOTAL CAPACITY This set of plans and specifications MUST be kept at the (AMPS TOTAL CAPACITY = STRING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT MULTIPLIED BY TWO ABOVE DERATES, 1.25 X 1.25 X SHORT CIRCUIT job site during construction. It is unlawful to make any CURRENT) changes or alterations on same,or to deviate 5. INVERTER PROVIDES NECESSARY GROUND FAULT PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY 2008 NEC 690.5 GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. therefrom,without approval from the Building Official. 6. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM HAS CONDUCTOR BONDED TO GROUND IN INVERTER AS REQUIRED BY 2008 NEC 690.41 SYSTEM GROUNDING, The stamping of this plan and specifications SHALL NOT AND 690.42 POINT OF SYSTEM GROUNDING CONNECTION. be heid to permit or to be an approval of the violation 7. WHERE DC PHOTOVOLTAIC OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE A BUILDING THEY SHALL BE CONTAINED IN A METALLIC RACEWAY OR of any provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. ENCLOSURE FROM THE POINT OF PENETRATION TO THE FIRST READILY ACCESSIBLE DISCONNECTING MEANS - 2008 NEC 690.31 (E). 8. USE UL APPROVED BONDING FITTINGS AT ALL CONDUIT/BOX JUNCTIONS. BY 9. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. DAVE 10. INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. a T Kin R /� REC SOLAR, INC. ENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL DETAIL REV: A i�\ri cAcLu7soi84 167 Commerclal5treet 10148 S. TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-04 SO Sunnyvale,Californa 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: NTS 3/8/2012 ( Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 C:Wocummb aM Sae.YyaWrcWY DuumeMsVosA Pro}ecbVnlaY,Ioc1_1010.-]a8tE0A_0111jrq.ratiq\h'attq Obyn PxvrcrisVCro}tdah btl 0.r AQn9 : xV2- V O 120/240 VAC SINGLE PHASE SERVICE METER#: PG&E 1006678855 200A MAIN PANEL HOT BUSSED rn 3/4" EMT OR EQUIVALENT: Unum (2) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS 3/4" EMT OR EQUIVALENT: METER (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 NE4UND (4) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 CONDUCTORS (1) 8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 GRO (1)8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 GROUND MANUALERICA CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO FREE AIR: LOCKABLE (240V) (4) 10 AWG RHW/USE-2 CONDUCTORS DISCONNECTINVERTER �(1) 10 AWG BARE COPPER GROUND 30A PV BREAKER QIL (24) REC SOLAR : REC240P -S S UARE DND IN (2) STRINGS OF(12) MOON7E0��"DU221RB 446 VDC EXPECTED )�IIRCUIT STRING VOLTAGE 30A 120/240 V FUSED STRING COMBINER& " LOAD RATED DC DISCONNECT PQ NEUTRAL MAX DC INPUT VOLTAGE: 600V BUS JUNCTION BOX ARRAY GROUND OR EQUIVALENT GROUND BUS GEC COMPLIANT WITH NEC ARTICLES 250 AND 690. [690.47(D)I R' 6AWG BARE COPPER GROUND RUN OUTSIDE RACEWAY OR 8AWG THHN IN CONDUIT EXPOSE EfIPFACILITY (690.47, 250.30, 250.66, 250.64&ANY OTHER APPLICABLE SECTIONS) (1) 6 AW R �ND GROUND NOTE TO INSTALLER: BOND 6 AWG BARE COPPER TO GROUND ROD AND RACKING OR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING COND. i� C t L ',") RT COMMUILDtNG D'N SIONECUPER�TNO Et T`l [3 pp VE This set of plans and specifications GUST be kept at the job site during construction. it is unlawful to make any changes or alterations on same,or to deviate therefrom,without approval from the Building Official The stamping of this plan and specifications SHALL NOT be held to permit or to be an Ordinoanceval for Statthe e Law. of any provisions of any at City BY.� DATE PER�,t,IT NO. !� REC SOLAR, INC. ENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE 3 LINE DIAGRAM REV: A is CA CL#750184 167 Commercial Street 10148 S.TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-04 SO Sunnyvale,California 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: NTS 3/8/2012 ( Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 C:Wxumrn[s MOSetIYgrV^<�Y De[wneMiVo.O rvF�\1e4+F,JoeL30IA-3<HIED�Oii]SFnpMMp\M,MMDr.WDxvmVsVb•uJM R%�R'+/�V ::x/013013 • 411 411 LJ 1° Solar Disconnect 111 DC Disconnect O SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS r STICKER System Size 5.88 kW WARNING - Electrical -ock Hazard WARNING - Electrics ock Hazard (— System Open Circuit voltage 496 V DO NOT TO H RMINALS System Operating Voltage 362 V „ DO NOT T RMINALS M Max Allowable DC Voltage 600 V 2 Terminals on b e and Load sides Terminals on a and Load sides System Operating Current 16.2 Amps System Short Circuit Current 21.7 Amps may be ener ed in the Open Position. 3t, D may be ener ed in the Open Position. H MODULE CHARACTERISTICS LABEL PLACEMENT z AC DISCONNECT, NEAR BREAKER REC SOLAR : REC245PE(BLK) 245 Watts (FRONT OF PANEL/DEAD FRONT) DC VOLTAGE IS ALWA11�3 P E Open Circuit Voltage 37.2 V WARNING SOLAR MODULES ARE E I Open Circuit Voltage: (NEC 690.7) 41.4 1„ INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION LABEL PLACEMENT Max Power Voltage 30.2 V DO NOT RELOCATE THIS DC DISCONNECT, Short Circuit Current 8.68 Amps OVERCURRENT DEVICE COMBINER BOX Ott Short Circuit Current: 1 10.85 Amps LABEL PLACEMENT -0L (NEC690.8(A)( )) az Ac BREAKER . WARNING - Electric Shock Har (INSIDE OR FRONT OF PANEL) 1tt No user serviceable parts i , 3�� Contact authorized servicer for assistance NOTES TO INSTALLER: •REPLACE(2) 15 AMP BREAKERS WITH(1) LABEL PLACEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 15/30/15 QUAD BREAKER TO MAIN PANEL. AC DISCONNECT, BUILDING DIVISION-CUPERTINO TIE PV SYSTEM INTO 30 AMP PORTION OFCOMBINER BOX, APPROVED QUAD. RE •NO METAL FLEX CONDUIT TO BE RAN IN INVERTER ATTIC00 is set of lar�tand s ecifications MUST be kept at the S0LAR®rrrrrr ch es or i tions on sa ,or to dev ate ny r 2'l •DO(NOTOPERATE888)657-6527 Toll rSOLAR SYSTEar.com RE 1 WARN I N Qe- Qa u a "iFazli Mesic I. rn INSPECTION BY YOUR UTILITY II" Second seluwepisgph@tovoIt (f8; 8t )1ai OT LABEL NOTES: •NO NET ENERGY CREDITS WILL BE EARNED i be held to permit or to be an approv I of the vion •DECALS MADE OF WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL •A FINE CAN BE LEVIED BY YOUR UTILITY LABEL PLACEMENT of any provisions of any City Ordinance or Statw. WITH DURABLE ADHESIVE. •THIS TAG MAY BE REMOVED WHEN SOLAR MAIN PANEL NEA% lETER D •RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CAPITALIZED TEXT. _ SYSTEM PASSES UTILITY INSPECTION 7tt PLACARD NOTES: LABEL PLACEMENT T v •PLACARDS MADE OF PLASTIC MATERIAL WITH DURABLE AC DISCONNECT 1�� CAUTION : SOCA ADHESIVE. •RED BACKGROUND WITH 1/2"TALL WHITE LETTERING. LABEL PLACEMENT CONDUIT, JUNCTION/PULL BOXES ®� REC SOLAR, INC. rciENGINEER SYLVIA DESCRIPTION: JOEL LEDAIN RESIDENCE SIGNAGE REV: A ■"f CACI#750184 167 Commercial Street 10148 S.TANTAU AVE, CUPERTINO CA 95014 PV-04 �® Sunnyvale,Califomla 94086 DRAFTER LANE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCALE: NTS 3/8/2012 Ft Phone(408)747-2489 Fax(408)746-3890 APN: 375-07-037 C:\Ox.meMSAM se"NgzV•eVtY Dxume.tz\3ozA YlolttbUeEaN,loci]0]A-]a8t£plL03II�rgNm.y\rvaYYq oezaM ou.nmVMs}matt bN Pra AOna ::3/w-