Reso 1374Li W ASAC r-SOIUMON NO. 1374 APPLICATION 9-U-83 (AME:=) PAGE -2- 14) The house locations shown on Exhibit 1,2 of PPPlication 9-3-83 (amended) are not approved under this application. ASSM AND ADOP= this 25th day of April, 1988 at a regL+ia� meeting of the A=utecbmal and Site Approval Committee of the City of Cipertiao, State of ra? ' f=iIa, by the folic--M roll call vote: AMM: _ Baca, Gong, ram SA=- : APPRO . /91 Randal R_ Tsuda /s/ Betty :'Mann dal F- a 9etl-7 Mamn, AC--9 Cha- Plar-ner _ +tea-mace-ural & Site Apr.=vl. Come. RMW-83 (2 ) r, W V