CC 06-19-78 <,,' ... _or .' ~ . ,\ . ' . . CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Aven'Je, Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone: 252-4505 MINUTES or TBB UGULAJl MEITIHG or TBB CITY COUNCIL HELD ON JURI 19, 1978, IN'lBB COUlIClL ClWlBER, CITY HALL CUPERTDlO, CALlPOItNlA SALUTE TO THE FLAG The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.lII. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. ROLL CALL Counc. Present: Meyers, O'Keefe.(8:22 p.m.), 2ogers·(7:50 p.III.), Sparks, Mayor Jackson Staff Present: City Manag£r Quinlan Director of Administrative Services Ryder Director of Planning and Development Sisk Director of Public Works Viskovich Director of Parks and Recreation Butler City Attorney Adams CONSENT CALENDAR . Agenda item 13 was removed from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unanimously with Counc. O'Keefe and Counc. Rogers absent. Vote IlelDÒers of the City Council AYES: Meyers, Sparks, Jackson ¡mESo None ABSEN'l' : O'Keefe, Rogers I.BS1'AIN: None 1. Resolution No. 4723: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Gp.neral and Miscellane- ous Expenditures for the Seven Day Period Ending Hay 31, 1978." 2. Resolution No. 4724: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Payable in the Amounts and from the Funds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for tne Payroll Period Ending June 6, 1978." . ~, Resolution No. 4725: "A Resolution of the City Council of tI,,, City of Cupertino Allowing Certain Claims and Demands Pay~ble in the Amounts and From the Funds as Hereinafter Described foe General and Hiscellane- ous Expenditures for the Twelve Day Period Ending June 12, 1978." ·Counc. Rogers and Couuc. O'Keefe were late due to their attendance at a Sister City function. CC-421 Paae 1 Item removed; Consent Cal- endar ap- proved <'<'<"t ..'/. '. CC-421 P.2,. 8. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -~;:::'~''f'~'~'':''':'~~;::~~~'~~~~,::: ,~~~~~~:~ r~-~,,:,-,;:<::;: :~·:r':';~:?¥frr'-r"'.,,:~\,,~~~~1~· MINUTES OF TIlE JUNE 19, 1978, CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4. Resolution!iQ. 4726: itA Re801ut1on of the City Council of tbe City of Cupertino Authoriainl Ezecution of "vbed IIDprovaent Agr...nt, Tract No. 6OS9. Ph.ue I and Ph.ue II, Cupertino Gardens Patio 110_, De Anza and 1Iø..teacl." 5. Re..oluticn 110. 4727: "A Resolution of tbe City Council of the City of Cupertino Approvina the Final Map and ImproveMnt Plans of Tract No. 6332 Located on the East Side of Blaney Avenue South of Stevens Creek Blvd.; Developer, Willi81118 Pro;>erties, lnc.; AccepUna Certain Easements; Authorizing Signing ,')f Final Kap aM Improvement Plans; Authorizina the Ezecution of Agre_nt in Connection Therewith." 6. Resolution No. 4304.29: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving Contract Change Order No. 6 for North De Anze Boulevard Assessment District Project 76-14." 7. Resolution No. 4731: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Acceptit , Partial Reconveyance of Calabazas Creek from the State of Kuwait, Acting by and Through its Minister of Finance. II Acceptance of City project performed under contract: Merriman Road Main Extension Project 78-5 Contractor: West Valley Construction Co., Inc. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of May 30, 1978. (CC-416-A) Minutes of regular meeting of June 5, 1978. (CC-417) ~linu tes of adjourned regular meeting of June 6, 1978. (CC-4l8) Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of June 12, 1978. (CC-419) Removed frolll Consent Calendar Application HC-51,454.1 - San Jose Building Designs, Inc. (Brenda Williams) requesting approval of site, arcbitecture, landscaping, grading and lighting for a 12-unit residential development on the east side of Blaney Avenue, south of Stevens Creek Boulevard. Recom- mended for approval. 15. Application HC-51,458.1 - Coast Federal Savings & Loan Association reques~ing approval of site, architecture, landscaping, lignting and grading for a financial building located at the nor~h side of Stevens Creek Boulevard west of De Aoza Boulevard. Recommen~ed for approval. . ..,-c.,.........<':O'"~~,......,~~.'9;,~:;""', '" '.~ ',,- :', '.." :.', ,~,c "'" .~"-,:;,, :, '- " ',,-', "<,. . MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1978, CI'lt COUHClL MUTIIIG III. Application HC-51,402.4 - TerrllDOII1c:a DneJ.opeut Corporation requ..U approval of architecture for &all abope buildua witb 108111nl clock within a c_rcial aboppina center at the _the..t quadrat of Portal Avenue and StavelUl Creek BouJ..vañ. JIac_Dded for epproval. 17. Application HC-51,421.3 - P3cif1c Valley Bank reque8tina approval of Bite, architecture, arad¡"8 and ligbtiDa for a tvo-story office building on the north side of Stevena Creek Boulevard ...t of Ce Anza Boulevard. Rec01lllllend«d for approval. 18. Application BC-51,312.4 - Deunia and Jean Widman requestina approval of arading for a single-f8ll11y home in Tract 6028, Regnart Canyon. ReC01lllllended for approval. 19. Resolution NO. 4733: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Making Its Order Describina the Boundaries Designated as 'HcClellan 78-7' to be Annexed to the City and Ordering Annexations to the City Without Public Hearing 118 Provided by Law; Approximately 0.67 Acres Located on the West Side of McClellan Road I!etween Mira Vista Avenue and San Leandro Avenue." . 20. Resolution No. 4734: "A Re~lution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Makina Its Order Describing the Boundaries Designated as 'Riviera 78-10' to be Annexed to the City and Ordering Annexations to the City Without Public Hearing as Provided by Law; Approximately a.30 Acre Located on the North Side of Pal. Avenue between Riviera Road and Scenic Boulevar.d." 21. Resolution No. 4735: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Makina Its Order Describina the Boundaries Designated as 'McClellan 78-5' to be Annexed to the City and Ordering Annexations to the City Without Public Hearing as Provided by Law; Approximately 0.479 Acre Located on the North Side of McClellan Road between Byrne Avenue and Orange Avenue." ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 22. Presentation of flag by Mary Lou Lyon and Judy Meye.s of Bomestead High School. ..-;; \.", ' Cc-421 Page 3 Judy Meyers of Homestead High School presented the flag lIISde by her under Flag pre- the direction of Mary Lou Lyon, California Experience Teacher for Homestead sented Hig., School, and gave a history of the era represented by the flag. 23. Request to address the City Council by Harilyn Christian, Director, Cupertino Community Services, Inc. It was the consensus of the Council that this be postponed until the two absent members of the Council were presect. . 24. Request to address the Council by Mrs. Jo Ann Gholson relative to Reg- ~art Road Assessment District. It was the consensus of the Council that this issue be addressed later in the meeting during the discussion on the proposed annexation of Regnart 77-10. -.,.~,.c."""_-,-,,,_,,_,,,,.__.,"_'''..' Postponed Postponed CC-421 Page 4 . Public hear- ing scheduled Public hear- ing closed R.NO. 4729 adopted Publi c hear- ing closed Postponed . .,..-'t -"c-·...-·-,..~·:"~~;:c:¡.,!..;::.,:1~~t~"7t..~.~~~~;!fV".~..~.~;y~,..,w9.~;.t;..:~:l7~~~~..';":'"'· '" '. ..' ''>:' '--' ",.",:' ","'-',.,," '';-''''" "; .",' ,,,~,,,- .''' ':'\-:' ::.'}'r.<· ,';",,', ',--, ,,'- ',-', ,.' " ," MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1978, CITY COII!ICIL IŒBTIIIC 25. Request of Jolene G. GiUette to IIddre.. Council relative to natua of Lazaneo Drive cloaure. Mrs. Gillett.e ioquired aa to the status of the LalaDen Drive closure. After explanation, it vas llØYed by Counc. Sparks, seconded by CoUtu:. Kayars and pæsed unanimously with Counc. O'Þefa and Counc. Roaers absent that a public hear1na be scheduled ~or the first Merina in Auaust to receive input frail the public on this matter. PUBLIC IIEA1lINGS 26. Request for grantiug a one year extension for completion and adoption cf Mandatory General Plan Elements. (continued frolll meeting of June 5, 1978) (a) Resolu~ion No. 4729: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Requestina Approval frolll the State of California Office of Planning and Research for a One Year Extension of Tille to Co&plete the Noise, Seismic Safety, Public Safety and Scenic Highways Elements." It was moved by CoU!lC. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed UC'Ul- imously with Counc. O'Keefe and Counc. Rogers absent to close the public hearir.g. It was moved by Counc. Meyers. seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- ~mously with Counc. O'Keefe and Counc. Rogers absent to adopt Resolution No. 4729. 27. Use of Revenue Sharing funds in context with summary of total budget as proposed. There being no comments fl'Clll the public, it was moved by Counc. Meyers. seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan~usly with Counc. O'Keefe absent to close the public hearing, this being the only action required. 28. Annexation - "Règnart 77-10." (a) Resolution No. 4728: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Making its Order Describing the Boundaries Designated as 'Regnart 77-10' to be annexed to the City aod Ordering Annexation to the City Approximately Fifty Acres, More or Le8s~" It was the consensus of the Council that this matter be postponed until later in the meeting when the full Council would be present. 29. To consiùer an ordinance regulating hillside residential develop- ment including building setbacks and height. fence locations, permitted uses and vegetation removal. · · · " ",.'. "'ìJ'OI""~''j;~~'''''''J'~,~~~;¡J,'''Y''''\' MINUTES OF THE .JUlIE 19. 1975, CITY COUNCtL MlŒTIIIG 29. (a> Fint roeading of Ordill8llce 110. 881: "AD Ordinance of the City of Cupertino ~dina OrdiDanca No. 002 b7 Batabliahing Reau1a- t10ns for Ie1ldanCW Bi1111d. Deve.1.os-eøt." During discussion of this proposed Clrd1nance. sWf vas directed to review those sections questioned by aeabers of the Council. Those included the f oIJ.owing: Section 4.07 for the possibility of increasina from 10 to 12 the maximum number of children peraitted. Section 5 to relax the restriction on the number of dogs and catd; to make more restrictive the number of donkeys permitted; and to relax the restriction on the number of SIIIall animals permitted. Section 5(e) is to have added "or resident" after "property owner" in the last sentence. Section 9,2 is to provide considera~ion for the slope of land when relating to maximum height of buildings. Section 13.1 is to provide for appeal by any. interested person. It was moved by Counc. O'Keefe, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously that Section 13.2 require that notification be given all properties affected which are situated within 300 feet and not only to those being contiguous of the subject site. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously that Ordinance No. 881 be referred to staff for the redrafting of langnage so <is to address the expressed concerns of the Council and that the public hearing be continued to the lIIeeting ~f July 17, 1978. Following this motion.discussions were introduced by Jo Ann Gholson, Reg- nart Road and Nancy Hertert, San Juan Road. 30. To amend Sections 18.16.260 through 18.16.310 of the Municipal Code relating to the regulation of Hillside Subdivisions. (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 882: "An Ordinance of th" City of Cupertino AmenJing Sections 18.16.260, 18.16.270, 18.16.290, 18.16.300 and 18.16.310, Chapter 18.16 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, General Regulations, Hillside Subdivisions." It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously to close the public hearing. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously to approve the negative declaration as recommended by the Environ- mental Review Committee. It was m01ed by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. Rogers and passed unan- imously that Ordinance No. 882 be read by title only and the Mayor's read in to constitute the first reading. CC-421 PaS- 5 Sectionø quastioned and reviewed Ord. No. 881 referred to staff for redrafting Public hear- ing clos"d Negative declaration approved First reading of Ord. No. 882 CC-421 Page 6 . " Request not honored Let ters sub- mit ted pro- testing an- nexation . Letter sub- mit ted sup- porting an- nexa t ion Public hear'· i..closed F.ings submi tted re protests; 30 day waitin period 'f"~~~~:O~~~'~~:~:"':ZI'~,~:~~",Ç" 7':':J.";:~~~~~..."~~-.!'T.',,,'\~~'1". < ,1i;~~':r.l""","/~"'~"';.¡I(f~lf~~,r;~~:J~~'-' . " ,,' '.- . ",' ',' '; ":' ,< ~', ': ~ ":~" "_ " - ,,,,' ,''',' ',": ' ," '.' -- " 'I" MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1978, CITY COUNCIL 1ŒET1NC At this time, MaYor Jacltaon req....ted that agenda it... 23 ba taken up. P~e.entation. - Joe Tellbrock, Scofield Drive. Cathnin. Gaa1cb, Hillcre.t Road; Marilyn Christian, ~r.ctor, It was moved by Counc. Heyers, seconded by Counc, O'Keefe and p...ed with Counc. SparÍUI abstain1na and Counc. Roaera dissentina that the request for $15,000 funding not be honored. 28. Annexation "Regnart 77-10", (a) Resolution No. 4728: "A Resolution of the City Council of tbe City of Cupertino Kaking its Order Deacribing the Boundaries Designated as 'Regnart 77-10' to be .\nnex~~ to the City and Or- dering Annexation to the City Approximately Fifty Acres, More or I.ess." Mrs. Jo Ann Gholson addressed the Council and submitted a letter dated June 19, 1978 signed by Mr. John Ellis, 22135 Regnart Road, which the City Attorney ruled was to be considered as a protest to the proposed annexation. Mrs. Gholson then referred the Council to a previously sub- mitted written protest signed by David E. DuFault and Val R. Du Fault, 470 Wagon Wheel Drive, Lebanon, Oregon, who own a parcel of land in the subject area, followed by letters of protest by Genevieve Ziegler, Dorothy B. Wright and JoAnn Gholson. The City Clerk noted that the letter from Genevieve Ziegler ~ad not been signed, and as she was in the audience she did sign it. The letter sub- mitted on behalf of Jack and Dorothy Wright was signed only by Dorothy B. Wright and was ruled by the City Attorney to be a valid protest with but the one signature. There then followed a presentation by Kathy Nellis, Regnart Road. Counc. S~arks moved that the public hearing be continued to June 20, 1978, wh!r.h motion was withdrawn. Mr. Robert Nellis, Regnart Road, submitted a letter signed by Mr. John Ellis, 22135 Regnart Road, dated JUlie 19, 1978, stating support for the annexation of his property and that this letter superseded the earlier letter of the same date. This was ruled by the City Attorney as being a withdrawal of the previous protest. It was moved by Counc. Sparks that the public hearing be continued to June 20, 1978, which motion was withdrawn. Presentations - Mr. Jacobs, Regnart Road; J. Merkelo; Dorothy Wright. It was moved by Counc~ O'Keefe, seconded by CounCa Sparks and passed unan- imo\'~ly that the p"blic hearing be clo8ed. At the request of the City Attorney, the Director of Public Works submitted his findings that written pretests had been received from o~~eLS of land amounting to 47% ot the proposed annexation. The City Attorney advised the Council that there .as now a requirement that there be a thirty day waiting period prior tJ the adoption of the resolution. ",--'.;,. . . . .'.....¡ . "";·"i'::""",~"'é,-!"'~'\,~''í~~'?f'~;~~;'''".·C:'~Y~:~~·.'::'',!:·:~'-'~~';'"'" ~"::¡,:;r ;~"P~---"'~" MINUTES OF THZ JUNE 19, 1978, CITY COUNCIL IŒETING It was !lOved by Counc. O'Keefe, seconded by Counc. Sparka aJId pu.eeI unan- illlously tbet the City Council follow the City Attorney's opiDioD on pro- cedures end that the Council proceed as req~~red by law. 31. To d~termine whether public nece.sity, heelth, eafety, or welfare required formation of an Underaround Utility District on the East Side of Foothill Blvd. from a point 12S ft. south of Sal.. Ave. to a point 80 ft. north of Salem Ave. (a) Resolution No. 4720.1: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Creating a Specific Underaround Utility Distric and Establishing Underaround Utility District No.9." It wa~ moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe and passed unan- imously to close the public bearing. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc. O'Keefe 8I1d passed unan- imously to adopt Resolution No. 4720.1. The staff was requested to review the feasibility of including cable TV facilities in this undergrounding. PLANNI~G APPLICATIONS 32. Application S-U-78 of Oxbow Land & Development Co.: Use Permit to construct a duple" on a .2 acre parc..l and ENVIROIIKENTAL REVIEW: N<> action required. The project was previously assessed in c03junction with a Planned Development zoning action. Said property is located on the southwest side of Santa Clara Avenue approximately 125 ft. ~esterly of Alhambra Avenue in a P (Planned Development with residen- tial duplex intent) zone. Recommended for approv~J. It was moved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Co.mc. Sparks and passed unan- imously to approve Application S-U-78. 33. Application 9-U-78 of Dr. Joseph F. Brown: Use Permit to allow con- structi<>n of an industrial building containing approximately 36,500 sq. ft. and ENVIRONMENTAL REVtEW: No action required. The project was assessed pcevio~sly in conjuaction with an earlier application submittal. Said property is located at the northerly terminus of Bandley Drive. Recommended for denial. CC-421 Paae 7 Council to pro-:eed as required by law Public hear- ing closed Res. No. 4720.1 adopted; cable TV to be re- viewed S-U-78 approved It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- Continued imously that the public hearing be continued to the meeting of July 3, 1978 as requested by the applicant. RECESS 34. Application I-V-73 of Barre Barnes: Variance from Section 66.1 of Ordinance 120 (g) (Height OrdiDance) and See: tions 7.1 and 9.2 of Ordinance No. 780 (Ordinance regulating single-family zones) to permit a home to be constructed at a height of approximat"ly 35 ft. in lieu of a maximum permissible height of 30 ft. and a front setback of 7 ft. in lieu of 20 ft. as required under th" aoove-refetenced ordinances; and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No action r.,quired. The project was cate- gorically "xelllpt. Said property consists of approximately .30 acres CC-421 , .8' >,;' .--',' ~.~.., "'''õ'?''>'''''~~.~~''''!'!..':!'~'$......~,,1ffl'.'''''''''':\''''''~':''~. """ ,:,~-,..-- .: ..' "". . :'" '.,'i.~.' ,; :,...!;/.' .'."..:...;;,(........';"'.'"' ,'....~ I MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19. 1978, CITY COUNCIL twITING 34. (coLtinued) located on the north side of the privatel, _d portion of San Juan Road ..."proximately .500 ft. westerly of Cordova load in an Rl-IO (ain&l_ family residential 10,000 sq. ft. lllinimua lot size) zoning district. Recommended for denial. (0) Resolution No. 4732: itA Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Grantina a Variance to Barre Barnes From Section 66.1 of Ordinance 220(a) (Height Ordinance) and Sections 7.1 and 9.2 of Ordinance No. 780 to Permit a Home to be Constructed at a Height of Approximately 35 Ft. in Lieu of a Kaximum Per- missible Heiaht of 30 Ft. and a Front Setback of 7 Ft. in Lieu of 20 Ft. as Re:¡uired Under the Above-Referenced Ordinances; Approximately .30 Acres Located on the North Side of the Privately Owned Portion of San Juan Road Approximately 500 Ft. Westerly of Cordova Road in an Rl-IO Zoning District." I-V-78 denied tt was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- imously that the application be denied. 1- ration H~1:S area l5-U'-77 approved . Minutes ap- proved as amended Presentations - Louis Paviso, Robert Wnlfe, Mrs. Willey, Brother Robert, all area residents. It was moved by Counc. Heyers, seconded by Counc. Sparks and passed unan- imously that the Inspiration Heights not be expanded into the area under discussion which includes property immediately adjacent to the north of Inspiration Heights. 35. Application 15-U-77 (Revised) of Sobrato-Berg Properties: Use Permit Revision of a previously approved use permit to i~crease the floor area of the existing Peppermill Restaurant by approximately 800 sq. ft. and seating capacity of approximately 40 seats. and reduce the building site of an approved f.,ture bank facility by approximately 1,200 sq ft.; and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No action required. This projcct is categorically exempt. Said property is located on the northeast corner of North De Anza Boulevard and Kariani Avenue in a P (Planned DeveloPlll!nt with commercial, industrial/office use intent) zone. Recommended for approval. It was moved by Counc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- imously to approve Application l5-U-77 (Revised). ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS 36. None ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 13. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of June 13. 1978. (CC-420) It was moved by Ccunc. Sparks, seconded by Counc. Meyers and passed unan- imously to approve the minutes of June 13, 197~ as amended. The amen~ments are as follows: ~.".~~ -0.........;..;0"...._ _ .,"_'.I,A'" ~ '. . . . ·}-",~··~~~<;r~1>"'~·~:'0'!>!"_~ ..~..~ . . " . ....":-Z-')'t>:,~..~~~."'¡~,~":"~~":o1:..~: -:"'~~''''!"''.,"~' , ": '", '. " . ...,' " .,-." ._~:" ("" '\ ,-'.. , .1. '. MINUTES OF THE JUNE 19, 1978, CITY COUNCIL HBETmG On page 1, change the reduction of &..propriat1011 fOr the Cupertino Scue frOll $10,000 per year to 10 issuea per year. Show on paae 2 the vote on the deletion of tile ìforth Ik ADaa Blvd. riaht of way acquiaition waa approved with Coune. O'Keefe abseot and not dia- sentina· On page 4, show that the staff vas dirE!cted to work with the Architectural and Site Approval Coaa1ttee for a reduction of ataff support tÚle. Page 4, the reduction of appropriati~n for City Council =onference and meetina expenses frolll $5,500 was to $4,400 and DOt $4,000. The Mayor adjourned the ~eting at 11:21 p.lII. to June 20, 1978 for a con- tinuation of th~ agenda beginnina at Item No. 38. City Clerk '" ":); CC-42 1 Page 9 .endaoents to ainutes