V. Setting, Impacts, And Mitigation MeasuresV. SETTING, IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES This chapter contains an analysis of each topic that has been identified through preliminary environ- mental evaluation of the Apple Campus 2 Project and as such, constitutes the major portion of this EIR. Sections A through M of this chapter describe the environmental setting of the proposed project as it relates to each specific environmental topic. The impacts resulting from the project, and mitiga- tion measures that would reduce significant impacts of the project, are also presented in each section. A. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE Under CEQA, a significant effect is defined as a substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse change in the environment.' The CEQA Guidelines direct that this determination be based on scientific and factual data. Each impact evaluation in this chapter is prefaced by criteria of significance, which are the thresholds for determining whether an impact is significant. These criteria of significance are based the CEQA Guidelines and applicable City policies, such as the City of Cupertino General Plan. B. ISSUES ADDRESSED IN THE EIR The following environmental issues are addressed in this chapter: A. Land Use B. Aesthetics C. Population, Employment, and Housing D. Biological Resources E. Cultural Resources F. Geology, Seismicity, and Soils G. Hydrology and Water Quality H Hazards and Hazardous Materials L Transportation and Circulation J. Noise K. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sustainability L. Air Quality M. Public Services and Utilities Preliminary analysis has determined that the project would not result in significant impacts to agriculture, forestry, and mineral resources. Consequently, these issues are not examined in this chapter of the EIR but are discussed briefly in Chapter VII, Other CEQA Considerations. 1 CEQA Section 21068. P:\COC 1101 Apple 2 Campus\PRODUCTS\DEIR\Riblic\5-SettinglmpactsMM.doc (06/03/13) P UB%IC REVIEW DRAFT 181 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLE CAMPUS 2 PROJECT EIR JUNE 2015 V. SETTING, IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES C. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING This chapter has been prepared in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15125, which states: "An EIR must include a description of the physical environmental conditions in the vicinity of the project, as they exist at the time the notice of preparation is published, or if no notice of preparation is published, at the time environmental analysis is commenced, from both a local and regional perspec- tive. The environmental setting will normally constitute the baseline physical conditions by which a Lead Agency determines whether an impact is significant. The description of the environmental setting shall be no longer than is necessary to an understanding of the physical effects of the proposed project and its alternatives." The NOP for the proposed Apple Campus 2 Project was published on August 19, 2011. Thus every one of the environmental topical sections in this chapter includes a discussion of physical conditions in the vicinity of the site on or around August 2011. In certain cases (e.g., Section V.I, Transportation and Circulation), existing conditions data reflect the best available data gathered in the months before and after publication of the NOP. For instance, existing traffic conditions data were gathered in May 2011. However, no substantial changes in existing conditions occurred in those months preceding publication of the NOP. In addition, to more comprehensively evaluate the potential impacts of the project, other topical sections and chapters of the EIR include an analysis of the effects of the project on baseline scenarios other than existing conditions. In Section V.I, Transportation and Circulation, one of these other scenarios is the "background" scenario, which encompasses traffic associated with approved but not yet built or occupied developments. The purpose of this background scenario is to better understand the impacts of the project in the context of development that is expected to occur in the near-term. D. FORMAT OF ISSUE SECTIONS Each environmental topic considered in this chapter comprises two primary sections: (1) Setting and (2) Impacts and Mitigation Measures. An overview of the general organization and the information provided in the two sections is provided below: • Setting. The Setting section for each environmental topic generally provides a description of the applicable physical setting for the project site and its surroundings at the beginning of the environmental review process (e.g., existing land uses, existing soil conditions, existing traffic conditions). An overview of regulatory considerations that are applicable to each specific environmental topic is also provided. bnpacts and Mitigation Measures. The Impacts and Mitigation Measures section for each environmental topic presents a discussion of the impacts that could result from implementa- tion of the proposed project. The section begins with the criteria of significance, which are the thresholds used to determine whether an impact is significant. The latter part of this section presents the impacts from the proposed project and mitigation measures, as appropriate. The impacts of the proposed project are organized into less -than -significant impacts (which do not require mitigation measures) and significant impacts (which do require mitigation measures). P:\COC 1101 Apple 2 Campus\PRODUCTS\DEIR\Riblic\5-SettinglmpactsMM.doc (06/03/13) P UB%IC REV,IEW DRAFT 182 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. JUNE 2015 APPLE CAMPUS 2 PROJECT EIR V. SETTING. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES Impacts are numbered and shown in bold type, and the corresponding mitigation measures are num- bered and indented. Impacts and mitigation measures are numbered consecutively within each topical analysis and begin with an acronymic or abbreviated reference to the impact section (e.g., LU). The following symbols are used for individual topics: LU: Land Use AES: Aesthetics POP: Population, Employment, and Housing BIO: Biological Resources CUL: Cultural Resources GEO: Geology, Seismicity, and Soils HYD: Hydrology and Water Quality HAZ: Hazards and Hazardous Materials TRANS: Transportation and Circulation NOISE: Noise GHG: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sustainability AQ: Air Quality PSU: Public Services and Utilities Impacts are also categorized by type of impact, as follows: Less Than Significant, Significant, and Significant and Unavoidable. The following notations are provided after each identified significant impact and after identification of mitigation measures: LTS: Less Than Significant S: Significant SU: Significant and Unavoidable P:\COC1101 Apple 2 Campus\PRODUCTS\DEIR\Riblic\5-SettinglmpactsMM.doc (06/03/13) PUBLICREV,IEW DRAFT 183 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. JUNE 2015 This page intentionally left blank. APPLE CAMPUS 2 PROJECT EIR V. SETTING. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES P:\COC 1101 Apple 2 Campus\PRODUCTS\DEIR\Riblic\5-SettinglmpactsMM.doc (06/03/13) P UBLICREV,IEW DRAFT 184