CC 01-06-58 III PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Written 1. State Bosrd of Equalization: Statement of local sales tax distribution for the period October 5 to November 7 )2459.68 allocated to Cupertino. 2. St~te Department of Finance: Census estimate unlikely for City. No bench mark dAta available due to recent incorporation. J. Dick Cox: Request for notification in advance of any special meetings. 4. Elwood Mitchell: Request for Cupertino policy on recrea- tion. Present thinking is to expand on Tantau Recreation District. The letter was referred to Councilman Faizis. 5. p.U.C.: Investigation for the prupose of establishing a list of railroad grade crossings of City streets or CountJ roads most urgently in need of separation. 6. Piaz'ca Paving Company: Bond covering repair work on Stevens Creek Boulevard. 7. A. J. Feters and Son: Indemnity Insurance covering Corte Madera Highlands Local Improvement District. 8. RegistrAr of Voters: Their office no longer able to suppl maps showing the County election precints, the various municipalities and school districts. 9. City of Palo Alto: Announces meeting of the Joint Interim Committee on Highway Problems in San Francisco on January 9 and 10. 10. Mayfair Bus Lines: Copy of application to P,U.C. for extension of route 1n Alviso vicinity, 11, St~te Controller: Summary of apportionments of Motor Vehiole License Fees for the period June I, 1957 to November JO, 1957, 12, Sheriff: Speed limit study on Bollinger Road. The City of San Jose, and the County who share juris- diction with Cupertino on Bollinger Road wish to reduce the speed limit to 35. Moved by Councilman Wilson ~ Cupertino endorse the recommendation of the Sheriff's Office and the City of San Jose to limit the speed on Bollin~er to 1~; seconded by Councilmen Paizis, carried 5 - O. Mr. Nathanson stated that warning tickets would be issued for about ~ month to parking violAtors on the north side of Cali Avenue. 1J. Fire Marshal: Inspections of Cupertino Coffee ShoP,. Cupertino Cooperative Nursery, and Cross Roads Furniture Store have disclosed deficiencies according to the County Fire Prevention Code and State Health and Safety Code. J':", State Board of Equalization: Distribution of local sales ~~xe3 during the fourth quarters of 1956 and 1957: Fourtl :':;']~'l'ter of 1957 distribution for Cupertino - $4366. ,-) C;,)t:l'1ty Boundary Commission: Three annexations to San Jose ,md CTIe to Santa Clara. H. :~,_;_:-)~~.." None II THE MINUT~S OF TBE PREVIOUS ~IEETING OF DECEMBER 16, 1957 were read; the following corrections were noted: Item V-D, change "just east" to "in front". V-F, delete the last sentence. I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Meyerholz, Nathanson, Paizis, Saleh, Wilson Councilmen Absent: None . p. O. Bo~ 597 ~l 2-4505 C I T Y 0 F C ~ PER TIN 0 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE REGt~AR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANUiffiY 6, 195 Place: City Iffi11 , 10031 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Time: 8:00 P.M. Press Present: Miriam Soomil, Cupertino Courier Roger Beal, Sunnyvale Standard Dick Cox, San Jose Mercury .._" IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A, ¥~lnances ay¡d Resolutions for AdoÐ~ion . On rnoUon by Councilman, seconded by Cqunollman Palzis, Resolnti011 No. 68 was adopted unanimously, This Resolu- ti071 ('e·)lqre,; the intersection of Homesteac1 Fload and Highl'll:\] 9 e cr!.. i;1cal traffic hazard and requests the Division of highways to take immediate measures to controj the traffic at that intersection by electrioally oon~ trolled stOPlights. Copies to be mailed to the County Traffic Engineer, Sheriff, City of Sunnyvale, and Divisio) of Highways, 2, Mov~d by Councilman Wilson that Resolution Nq. 67 be adopte~; seconded by Councilman S?iCh, carried 5 - 0, changing the name of El Vista Avenue to Vista Drive. J. Ordinance No. 4J w~s introduced, setting speed limits at or ne"r the interseot!,on of Stev<:ns Creek E0ulevard and HighwbY 9 as follows: R~ductlún to 35 miles per hour on Ste1Jens Creek Boule'lard for a distanoe of 1/3 of a mile eest~r:y 8td 1/3 of a mile westerly of its intersection and reduct;ion to 25 for a distance of l/J of a mile east and west. of the intersection for all traffio approaching the intersection, 4, First reading was also given to Ordinance No, 44, a franchise enabling ordinance, pre;.:ar9tory to consideratiol of the franchise application of California Water Service. Gouncilman Wilson asked that copies be given to the Council prior to final reading and adopti~. :a, Peter BiancQ1, Matter Mr. Anderson reported that Bianchi has been cited to appear at the City Office January 14 to take steps relative to abating an alleged zoning violation. C. Paul Swanso~ , The Chairman of the Planning Commission reported that Sw?nson had not received the expeoted letter d~e to illness on'iÜs part. Nr. Luckhardt, attorney for Swanson, sald he would like to state their position at the next Council meet- J' ing, and that he observed only three serious differences now. 1þe matter is to be plaoed on the agenda for January 20. Dt ,froDosed new route of Junipero Serra Freewav The Mayor said that he had received a call from Mr. G~ene of the Highwsy Division for a meeting around January 2 at whio~ were reviewed routes U-l, 2, and 3. These were discarded and a neW route, designated U-5, was produced, This U-5would pass through the Kyne & Cunnings Subdivision an4 oQnneot to a Stevens Cr~ek Freeway interchange close by, Th~n it would oontinue easterly about 1/4 mile south of aomestead Road and just north of Lucille Avenue, which would ser~e as an aooess road. The City of Sunnyvale has evidently plao~d obstacles such as subdivisions in the path of the U-l anQp..3 routes. ~r. Booker, the Assistant State Highway Engineer, said that the tivision will decide between U-5 and B, making their reo()Jnmendation to the Highway Commission by next July, With U..l and U-3 rejected, Cupertino can choose between these ot~e~ two, Therefore a meeting will be called for the lnt~rested parties along the two routes. The Highway Division 1s e~pected to furnish maps and some statistics, Stevens Creek Free~;ay, however, will be moved closer to Lowe Avenue and will be located about 450 feet east of the railroad track in accordance with the City's request, Mr, Booker said they will provide railroad access across the high- way. Upon adoption of a highway recommendation, purohase of right-of-way will be the next step. A Mr. W. ~. Powell, living on Randy Lane, asked if the proposed meeting would be é:1!l open one to which the Mayor replied in the affirmative, ,. ""S",~"l"~"OUS '-Ye ~.~....~*",;;-~~~.- Mr, Odell from San Martin said he would llke some advioe i'rom the City Council with respect to the incorpore.tion of (: ,:,,~.t¡y. There foJ.lowed a number of que&tlons wl1ich various ~;?n;be1;'t1 of the City Counoil and City Atto!:'!,ey answered to the ~8ti~fec~ion of the SanMartin people. They sought the infor- ;,£'(;1!)J:¡ í):'om Cupert1.no s1.ncethe C1.t¡¡o re cent11 undertook the ?SK ch.ey hpve in mind. Thedes1re to remain rural and :"rcenbp.lt problems of farmers are common to both Sl!ess, ...2~ Moved by Councilman N8thanson that the 3S00 deposit R1ä~d bv,Kvne & Cum~inÅ’S to cover Dubllcq~1on and incidentAl .Q!,:]~i;s for the C.M.H. subdivision. be returned to the develope! sec~nded by Councilman Wilson, carried 5 - o. , Moved by Councilman Saich that the Sheriff be paid his ,.6....000,00 stipend for the six month period; seconded by '::':,,;r:c1lman Wilson I carried 5 - 0, ~l4,458.7J 7.'320.26 ~ 7,lJ8.47 Disbursements Warrants 2J5 to 294 Inc. Receipts over expenditures $ 217.20 401.94 2000.26 74J5.94 235.00 J76.76 500.00 2500.00 757.60 '34.0'3 BUSINESS Attornev's Report At the suggestion of Mr. Anderson, moved by Councilman Nathanson, seconded by Councilman Saich, carried unanimously that $42 be J-.!l.Y.~~~d_1.Ql'_~ purchase of two volumes on~he law of ~;l~" Bl1d p1!]!ming. Report~Q[-Jl98d Comm~ssi9D~ Councilman Saich reported that Piazza started the Stevens Creek Bouleva,rd repair January 6. The Council requested that the set back of the new high school be checked, also the possibilities of dedicating on 11iller, Report of Police and Fire Chi~ - No report Report of Plannin" Commission Chairman The Planning Commission Chairman read his report which included a recommendation to hire Edwin J. Myers. Councilman Nathanson moved that Mr. Mvers be~~in~d as Plannin£ Com- mission Cons11ltant to do s1!£Lwark !; S is required by the Commission inclu~1ng~ pr~at1on of the necessary maps and kindred paper~~1ect~!Þ~ di~e~ion of the City Co~~ .2JJ,.¡ seconded by Counci.lman Paizis, carried unanimously, Hi:] resignation from the Planning Commission was thereupon accep- ted by the Council, With respect to a City Engineer, dis- cussion arose about the advisibility of rètaining the Mark Thomas firm or a member thereof, one of whose first tasks will be to check the subdivision map prepared by this same firm. It seemed tô be ~eed that Jack Fleming could sign this map in a capacity other than that of member of the Mark Thomas Company. Mr. Fleming verified this and said that firmf preparing maps also check the same,· mea 2!s6iJ.\UL!Wtway. Mr. Anderson said he considered the primary responsibility to be with an individual rather than a firm, Ethics wo~ld dictate that the interests of the City prevail in the event of con- flict between ones company and a City. Mr. Fleming said the usual retainer is ~lOO plus fees for individual projects, Councilman W1lson moved that we retain an en~ineer for the Eurposes of actin~ as a City Engineer; seconded by Councilman aich, carried unanimously. With respect to the Seventh Day Adventist Church item the Council saw no obstacles to the use permit providing the Church can meet the req~irements of the b~ilding and safety oodes. It was noted that parochial schools enjoy less strin- gent requirements than public schools. With respect to the subdivision described the Council directed that steps be tsken to include it in the City. Councilman Wilson moved that the report of the PlanninÅ’ Com- mission be ~ccepted\ exceptin~ tQerefrom the subdivision item to be held for studY¡ seconded by Councilman Paizis, carried :5 .. C * Tre'·surer's a~~ort October 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957 Receipts Planning Commission Licenses & Franchises Fines S81es Tax Beverage Tax Property Tax Corte Madera Highlands State Highway Fund Motor Vehicle Tax Miscellaneous -J- " ~. C. D. B. NEW A. v ,.spectfullY SUbmitted,. .' t-Q~,v.....,~ I( !(la.~ LA"!RENCE K. MARTIN Administrator-Clerk VI ADJOuaNl'lENT - lO:JO P.M. F. Miscall~þ~pus l~ oved by Councilman Wilson that we provide a pin-up board and blackboard for the Planning Commlssion; seconded by Councilman Nathanson, carrled 5 - o. 2, Moved by Councilman Paizis that the City Clerk be authorized to si~n the final map for Corte Madera Hlghlands Subdivlsion; seconded by Councl1man Saleh, carried 5 - 0, -4- --_._--~._--