CC 02-03-58 · " 'p. O. Box 597 Al 2-/4.505 C I T Y 0 F CUP E R TIN 0 CUPERTINO, C!\.LIFOFNIA NINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE GIn COUNCIL FEBRUI>RY ), 1958 Place: Time: City Office, 10031 Saretoga-Sun1yvale Road 8:00 P.M. I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Meyerholz, Nathanson, Faizis, Saich, Wilson Councilmen Absent: None II T:m LIKUTES OF THE FR~VIOUS MEETINGS OF J,ì\U\SY 20 and 27, 1958 were read; the following corrections were noted: Change "Special Meeting of the City Council Jam..al'Y 27" to "Adjourned regular meeting of the City Council Janue.ry 27". Page 4 change "property to "easement". III PETITIONS AND COMlmNICÞTIONS A. Written 1. County Controller: Trailer License Taxes collected for the City of Cupertino, 12-10-57 -,124.65. 2. Lep~rtment of Public Works: ~uarterly allocation of gas tax funds to Cupertino for period ending December 31, 1957 is i 1338.60. 3. Department of F1.lbl1c \':orks: 1958-59 estimate of 5/8 cent gas tax funds for Cupertino is ,,;5150.00. 4. Boundaries Commission: 1958-1 Annexation to Cupertino approved as to definiteness and certainty of boundaries, lines of assessment, etc. 5. Division of Highways: Allocation from 5 million dollar gas tax fund to grade separation projects of Separation of Grade Districts, Cities, Cities and Counties, end Counties. 6. Northern California Theater Association: Literature opposing pay television. 7. Kleinsmith Inc.: Acknowledging receipt of our letter relative to repair of Miller Avenue. R. Division of Highways: Letter of transmittal with the U-5 layout. 9. Mark Thomas Co.: Progress billing for repair of Stevens Creek Road. Further study of the surfacing will be made 8nd recommendation then made as to whether to proceed with the application of the plant mix resurfacing. Moved by Councilman Viilson that the pro¡:rress bl11in¡:r of:')41.7<, be paid to Piazza Co.; seconded by Councilman Paizis, carried ., - O. 10. Hayden Pitman: Listing of special assessment districts included within the territory proposed for annexation to the City of Cupertino. 11. State Board of Equalization: Notice to file on or beforE Feb. 1 a statement pertaining to Blaney l-C Annexation, legal description of the annexed area and a map delineat- ing its boundaries. 12. O.A.S.I,: City request for Social Security coverage approved on behalf of the Secretary of Health, Education and Helfare on January 10, 1958. 13. Division of Highways: Acknowledging receipt of Resolutir No. 68 concerning traffic conditions at the intersection of Homestead Road with Highway 9. lLf. County Bound?ry Commission: Stevens Creek Annexation No.4 to the City of Santa Clara, Boynton No. 11 to the City of San Jose. 15. Application for transfer of AlcoholiC Beverage License to Leonard Mandella et al at 20020 and 20030 Stevens Creek Road. 16. County Health Department: Reference to letter from State Director of Public Health in regard to Santa Clara County being declared a rabies area. 17. California State Juvenile Officers Association: Referenc to coming conference March 25 to 28. 18. Rooster of California Chiefs of Police. 19. Attorney General Brown: Form letter to Chiefs of Police B. ~ - None -2- IV UNPINISHED BUSINES. A. Ordinances and Resolutions for Adoption 1. Mr. Anderson said he is doubtful that the City can enter into an actual contr8ct with an err'ployee such as the Planning Consultant, City Attorney, etc, 2. Resolution ~:o. 69 was introduced appointing a Planning Consultant. Moved by Councilman ~ilson that Resolution No. 69 be adoptedj seconded by Councilman Paizis, carried 5 - o. 3. Upon introduction of Resolution No, 70, a resolution of the City Council appointing a City Engineer, Councilman Wilson moved adoptionj seconded by Councilman Paizls, carried 5 - O. 4. Swanson rezoning. Ordinance No. 45 was given first reading; the Council authorized the inclusion of the R-l:B-2 designation in the ordinance ,for the 6.92 feet that exceed the R-3-H zone. 5. Subdivision Ordinance. A.fter review of the first draft, moved by Councilman ~ilson that Ordinance No. 46 be 8dopted as read "!'cod revisedj seconded by Council¡m:m Paizis, carried 5 - O. B. Consideration of SupplYing Engineering for Curbs in Felton Park bv Mr, Nelson representing owners. ~lr. Nelson said the committee in Felton Park asJ(ed that the City st~nd the expense of the engineering. The work would be done to standard specifications. He said that he would not attempt the project without almost unanimous approval. The Mayor questioned the advisability of condoning any work unless the whole street is included. Mr. Nelson said the streets would be OK if the property is closed and proper dr~inage provided. Under the improvement district procedure all th~ improvements must be installed. The Mayor said that the residents should petition the Council to supply the gradesfor curbs if they wish to proceed with the matter. Jack Fleming said the streets are not bad although the shoulders are poor, Nelson said he plans to use 4 to 6 inches of base rock plus seal coat plus two coats of asphalt emulsion oil plus two coats of screenings. He said this would eliminate 90 percent of the maintenance. The Mayor said the cost of furnishing the traðes should be paid by the contractor. Nelson st~ted that the price to the residents would be reduced if the City sapplied the engineering. Councilman Saich said that he would like to see a report from the residents. The Mayor observed that it would be difficult to maintain if not uniform. Jack Fleming confirmed Nelson's estimate of the drainage situation and street con- dition. Councilman Wilson said the Council should have some word from the citizenry along with a description of the pro- ject arid an estlÅ“ate o~ the cost. The Mayo~,41~ected that a mimeographed application be distributed to the Felton Park residentø,reg9rdin[ the installation of curbs and p.:utters. Mr. Anderson said it would be proper to conduct the project on a competitive bid basis. There was some discussion rela- tive to enforcing uniformity if sufficient numbers contract for the improvements and a few decline. Councilman Nathanson suggested the matter start with a hearing and proceed from that point. Councilman Paizis moved that notices of a permit to perform the improvements be sent to residents in the sub- division for signature: seconded by Councilman Saich, carried 5 - 0. C. Misoellaneous - None I.) '. BUSINESS Attornev's Report - None Report of Road Commissioner 1. - 11"'. Spich reported that NcCarthy has repaired additional chuckholes. 2. He estimated the necessary si¡;,'ns at i 20 apiece. Nine street sirns, two school signs, and four speed limit sigr are presently needed. Boved by Councilman Wilson that the ROf!d Commissioner be authorized to spend UP to ~>400 for: 'i;l:.~ neoessary road sil?"ns; seconded by Councilman Nathanson, carried 5 - o. " NE\~J ,. . -3- 3. Suggestion was made that some barricades be purchased to be stored in the garage until needed. It was thought that McCarthy could suVly the flares necessary for the barricades. C. Report of Pol ice and F..1.re Chief Mr. Nathanson reported that the Police Department has begun that mornj.ng to issue tickets for parking violations along- side the Post Office. D. ~iscellaneous 1. Moved by Councilman Saich tQnt the twelve-wing panel mountin~ board be authorized for the Plannjng Commission; seconded by Councilman Wilson: carried 5 - O. 2. Jack Fleming reported, as previously, that Yamaoka and Johnson are interested in annexing to the City, If the Council wishes to expand on the annexation, he said. he would 111~e their authorization, The map including about 52 acres of Yamaoka and Júhnson has already been approvec by the Boundary Commission. It is possible that resi- dents to the north may wish to annex; it is also possibl, tð include them even if they 8re uninterested. The territory could be expanded. he sald, to be made an inhabHed annexation. There are several patterns possib stemminr from the Yamaoka property. i'10ved by Councilman Wilson that the Cit~TIgine~ be authorized to sound ~ the area to the north of Yamaoka and Johnson; seconded by Councilman Saich, carried 5 - 0, VI ADJOUENMENT - 11: 00 P .1'1. Re~pectfully submitted. 1\(v,,-,w-<'.~1I. ,1\. t(lJ.J:~- LAHRm~CE IC. MARTIN Administrator-Clerk