CC 03-03-58
p. O. Box 597
Al 2_L~jG5
[>l~::Ge :
I0031 SarS1togD-SUnl1ivaJ.e Hoad
8:00 F.!1.
Councilmen Present:
Councilmen Absent:
Meyerholz, Nathanson, Faizis, W¡lson
read; the following correction was noted: Item V-D-6 chango
"900 feet" to "1350 feet",
A. Wr,itten
1, State Board of Equalization: Statement of sales tax
distribution December 5 to January 6 - ~1098.92,
2, City-County Record: Publicity concerning California
Mayors tour of Europe.
3. Air Pollution Control District: Report of actions taken
by Board of Directors at meeting of February 5, 1958.
4. Peter Tormey, Insurance Broker: Certifioate of Insurance
for Los Altos Garbage Company.
5, County Boundary Commission: Boynton No. 111\ Annexation
to S3D Jose, San Tomas No.4 to the City of San Jose.
6. Petition sifned by residents protesting the condition of
Hiller Avenue between Stevens Creeit Road and Phil Lane.
Claude E. íCerr, who presented and circu18ted the
petition, said that all of the people contacted signed
the paper. The Mayor asked the City Attorney what could
be done to force the contractor to repair the road which
he used as a runw·o,y for mç:cbines and earth moving opera-
tions ratt,er than a th,)rour;hfare to transport men and
materials. He also requested the City Engineer to deter-
mine the cost of restoring the road to its condition of
last August. !'Jr. Eerr said he understood the road could
not be thoroughly repaired until the school construction
was complete; he expects only that the chuckholes be
filled and simple maintenance be performed prior to next
The Mayor st~ted that the City will maintain the road;
then settle the financial end of it with the contractors.
j'!ith respect to the 9rchttecture and street design, Mr.
Leon9rd of the Planning Commission said that school dis-
tricts consider themselves an instrumentality of the State
and immune from certain local regulations. The locations
are subject to local control, not the buildings and plans.
The r1ayor directed th~;t the Road Commissioner be instructe'
to repair the street immediately.
B. Q.ul - None
A. Ordir.8nae8 e, R"solutions for Adoption
Resõïû~Gïõ'D-1Tò;·~ï2·. beiñg-a-ì.:ëšolutioü aocepting deed to real
property for road purposes was introduced, completing the
street dedication of Paul Swanson, Moved by Councilman Paizis
t1¡PJ. B8~ol;,t;jQ!L.1? be aCiopted; seconded by Councilman Nathan-
son, carried 4 - O.
B. ~Q.Q!'..:t on Pe;Lton P'1rkJle.eting Conc~rning Street Improveme~
The City Administrctor-Clerk informed the COl.U1Cil that vir-
tually all of the Felton Park residents present at Lincoln
S-::hool on Febru8ry 19 were oppoBed to the street improvements
r-r0posed by Nelson, the contractor,
1"]. 0pé,:Jes at CornEr of Vista and Stevens Cnee1{ H08d
'~T~::'--Wlë;:'1i1~the City Ênglneé'r ,-što.'Ged -'thå-t"ŠvJanson has sub-
[T,j. tted 'J checl{ in the amount of ';~lOOO to the City for storm
drainage; he has also dedicated tì1e roadway as mentioned ¡3bove
fl'n. Fleming had these qlJcstions to ask of the City Council.
The fJ.rst one concerned the locat¡on of the power pole at the
corner. Prevailing op¡nion seemed to be that it should be
placed between the sidew21k and the curb. The !1ayor also saic1
that the City should have bench mark dace and that the pro-
perty o¡mer should set t1e other, intervening, e'rades. The
secoY\d concerned the sidewalk. Reference was then made to
the rezoning agreement by which Swanson agreed to pave at
present only to the extent of his immediate operation, This
is somewhat indefinite in that ¡VIr. Swanson has not determined
exactly where his building will be loc~tcd, Mr, Fleming
suggested that in the future the prCJcedure take the following
steps: 1, Clearance from the Planning Com:nission, 2. Clea:(,
ance from the City Council. 3. Dedication, storm drain, anô
other requirements completed. Ii, Submissi\)n of development
plan, cost to be borne by the developer, I~oved by CouncU.m2.n
HUson th.£!t the G,100\L$J:¡eck Nritten by ¡'!L...-~nson JL\.~"U!..Q'£'
,of t'1e City of' Cupertino be d~:8.9ßited lJ,;11.til the pC(')8'.r-,,,utJlQJ.~-
":\.tv for baj'ldling be deter:mined-,-?nd. adopt the eTlpeJneeS.ê-.QlalL[
iDcluð in/?" the curb 1L~'ades; seconded by Councilman Pai:.:is,
carried 4 - O.
At Jack Flemin~'s suggestion Councilman Wilson moved 1hãt
the City approve thlL-install~tion of an extension to tpe
existin'?:.....Q.ülv£!:,t across Vist£! r;rive. the ErJf!.ineer to~~
1h~ORt; seconded by Councilman Paizis, carried 4 - O.
ChGW B21J§JUE£-9P Rodri~~~~
Mr, Leœ.ard of the Planning Commission said that he has con-
tacted Chow with a request to submit a plot plan at the next
Planning Co~mlssion meetinf,
Councilman Pa1.zis said MrfJ. J. G. Atkinson called to tell
him that the building is too close to the rood, there is no
screen planting and there is an access road to which she
The Mayor questioned the amount of control ~¡hich the Count
and also the City has over temporary buildings, He said that
the City could do notlÜng in the preseTJt circumstance unless
the construction effected health or safety. !1r, Atkinson
asked if the construction aligned with the previous agreement.
He said that the planting: could wAit until the constructi~n
was completed, He did not object to the height of the build-
ing: which he estimeted at 18 fe",t (later revised to 13). He
also said the set back should be from the eventual property
line not from the present psvement and requested that the
development be made to harmonize with the present surrounding'
To this the Mayor maintained that Chow is entitled to an
agricultural exemption. In the second place the construction
is temporqry, and in the third place it is not a building at
all, a3 defined by the building code.
Mr. Anderson said that there has been no rezoning in
Chow's case, A health menace could be abated, he said. Other
jurisdictions includ~ng the Co~~ty are encountering difficulty
with this same probleQ,
CovIlcllmen 1¡Jllson said that the crux of the matter is that
an agreement had been reached. k~k~~ðKk~~~~~ðkt~~b~~ He took
the position that the City should see that this agreement is
followed. r';r. Leonard said tb3t the buildings appear reason-
able. There has been some confusion about which structures
are to be placed at the rear of the property, he said.
~1r, Pelosi, another resident of Rodrigues Avenue, asked
what plans the City has for the balance of the acreage along
"!estern and Rodrigues Avenues,
I,11~~ cel~.al1e()U s
Counciiiiiãñï.:ìilson moved thA.t the City assume the responsibilH
for storm drainage w:thin the City but outside the Sanitary
District. Mr. Leonard said th~t the area along Miller could
be asked to annex to the Sanitary District. Councilman Nathan
son said that the City could enter into a contract with the
Sanitary District to handle the storm drainage at least for a
term similar to the b91ance of the present City Council with
a proviso for a cQntinuance.
Other suggestions wece made with the result that the matt
was to be discussed at the scheduled joint meeting of the
Sanita,ry Board and the City Council on the following Wednesday
~rneyls Report
1. In 19.55 the State Legislature created the County Air
Pollution Districts, The Bay Area called for separate
treatment of this matter and the LegisLture found that
air pollution existed in the San Francisco Bay Area.
City's8lective comm~ttees were set up and the Mayor of
each city appointed a representative on the control
\~1th regard to the orchard situation an open fire caL
be allowed by the County Agricultural Commissioner. He
can authorize burning for disease prevention purposes.
City Councils can also adopt crdinances effecting burn-
ing and/or air pollution increasing the stringency of
the air pollution regulaticns but not decreasing, Mr,
Anderson s")id< Agricvltural burning is permitted at
present, The Farm Bureau has obtained a delay on the
ban on open public bUI'ning with the possibility of furthe
2. 'rhe Council authorized the City Attorney to abate the
alleged nuisance created by a duplex use in a single
family zone at the Bianchi property,
RC'Port.-Q..L.ß.o8à Cr>n1ltl.êsL<2P-!i'J.:. - No report
The question of ¡'liller Avenue repair had already been
Re'Oort .of Police <. Fire Chie1 - No report
Rep_crt of CO'!!WiD¡).o,? Cha 1.rm!i11
~1r. Leonard reported thae: an application by the Monta Vista
Water Works for a use permit would be heard at the next
meeting of the Pl8nning Commission.
Report of Cl1y ~n~ineer
Hr. Fleming s$id he is pre9aring a check list for subdivisiof'
applicDt ions which he Hill snbmi t to the P18nninf~ Commission,
Request for q.t911.!}~81k at AVe11l1e and Larry W121L
It was decided to place the matter on the next agenda of the
School Board in the hope thAt they would paint the crosswalk
or share the cost.
~11 scellaneous
1, The Hayor directed that the Divi.sion of Highways be
informed that the commu:nity passed a resolution favoring
Houte A or the most northerly route for the Junipero
Serra Freeway.
2. i10ved by Counc.ilman 'tiilson :thFit the Clty DaL8_ll bills
as pl'esented_ to th.s:..-~.'Ireasurer; seconded by Council-
man Paizi s, carried 4 - O.
VI ADJOULm1EITT - 10:35 1'.M.
R~pectfully submitted,
l(lt~ .t--.'\j('-._ ,/, W-Ø,.J:~
Adm inist ra tor-Cle rIe