CC 06-02-58 P. O. Box 597 Al 2-4505 crT Y 0 Feu PER TIN 0 CUPER'rINO, CALIFURNIA MINUTES OF THE HEGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 2, 1958 Plac e : Time: 100)1 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8: 00 p, [-1. I ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Lazaneo, Mcyerholz, Nathanson, Pelosi, Saich None II THE !UNUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MW 19, 1958 had been n~iledj the followlLG cerrections were made. Item V-A-7, change "Citizens" to read "h'ogress, Item VI-F-5. change "Citizens" to "Progress". Item VI-B, ch,mge "Surfaced" to "Burned". Item VI-D-), p2razraph 2 should be placed at end VI-D-l. III PETITIONS AND COI'lMUNICi\,rIO¡,'S A. \~ritten ~Sëëretary of State: Certification of Cupertino Annexation 195'3-3, as stated in Ordinance 46, 2, Peter Tormey: Letter requestinE the City to review its insurance coverar,e, 3. Air Pollution Control District: Answers to ouestions refarding weed control as affected by the District open burning rec:u1ations, B. Or'Ù Mr:"""swanson requested the CouncJ.l's permission to install a temrorarJr sign, also a small bUilding. rr¡oved by Councilman Meyerholz that the Swanson Agency be permitted to install a sign at the rear of the improved property, 6' x 50', standing 15 feet high, to terminate on or before the lapse of a 6 month period: Seconded by CouncJ.lman Saich and carried 5 - O. IV UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinances & Resolllt ions for AdoDtion 1. OrdJ.nance No. 51, Rezoning the .¡ilson Property. ¡'Ioved, seconded and carried that the second reading be waived by unr;mimous consent. Adoption of Ordinance 51 moved by Councilman ielosi, seconded by Councilman Lazaneo and c8rried 5 - 0, 2. Resolution excluding City from T8ntau Recreation District. Councilman Pelosi said th8t insufficient facts were presented at the last Recreation Committee meeting. He read a letter from Elwood Mitchel~ to the County Engineer, requesting the assistance of the Engineering Staff in the pre:9aratJ.on of a Recreation District map, Hr. Pelosi sJ.ad that he is not in favor of joint action with the present committee unless the facts and plans are clarlfied, Councilman Lazaneo proposed passage of the resolution excluding the City from the Tantau J:,istrict. .Ji th regard to its value and purpose, Mr. Anderson said A Resolution J.s an expression of the official opinion of the City Council. Councilman Meyerhalz spoke in favor of the Eesolution excludin,¿ the City until the facts can be studied and a concrete plan drafted. It wes moved by Councilman Pelosi that the Resolution read at the ,revious meeting be adoptedj seconded by Councilman Saich and carried 5 - o. :3, Resolution Authorizing the County Director of Civil lefense to act as Operational Area Coordinator. :ouTIcJ.lman Saich moved adoption; seconded by Councilman Meyerholz and carried 5 - o. 4. A letter from the City En[incer to the Oliver Rousseau Or[aniz2tio:I WDS read reaffirrll1TIg the City's position on the Larso,:, .\TIEel.) property w: ;-,(j ~e:a;-'è to zoning, storm dl"'ainag~ P-'~.':. f:Ld:')i',~['''r'y sewers .~~ :¡:,!1~TI!'Jil of' ')0DO sr.:.uare foot lO"Gf ~ 11:. b'2 T;,~..'riTlltted un th_·.;~ (:2 .'""";.·,,;:·e ·,,<~::-'c =:;1", - 2 - A 55 foot right-of-w?j along the North line of the property 1s reouired by the CC'unty Flood Control District. The cost of this right-of-way will be credited to the Stor~ Drainage Deposit. :~ reh1forceð. concrete box culvert, the cost of which can also be credited to the Storm Drainage Deposit must be constructed across Blaney Avenue. Other requirements conform to the standards set relative to sanitary sewers, etc. Noved by Councilmen ¡jeyerholz that the nayor, City Clerk and City EngiIH-'cl ))", autilcrlzed to si¿n the letter to the property ow~er, L,e ::~'.F' ':1:L:'7cr hOLèsseau Orgsmization. Seconded by Counc~_lm3~ ~U~l~'n ?-r~d carrieè. 5 - o. Ceorge Oakes, director of the Rousseau Company, s~id he recognizes the transitional effect of this subdivision and eXDressed his intensions to cooperate with the City. He estimated the price of the homes at ~16,000. At the suggestion of ¡'1r. Neyerholz the CouncE agreed that the su1:>division of the Cerrito Property be referred to the Planning Corr.mission since it is part of the original City. Moved by Councilman Saich that the Cerrito Froperty be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council of the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Pelosi and carried 5 - 0, B. fossibpity of Inc~jng- S~,llJ.ng- in Citv "itreet System Mr. Anderson said tlmt he is researching the legal titles of all property fronting on North Stellin£ between Homestead and the Wilson Property and expects to make a report at the next meetin? C. !iLscellanpoul 1. Councilman Meyerholz said that progress is being made on the Weed Abatement Ordinance. 2. Councilman Saich suggested the employment of a City building inspector. The Council agreed to take this into conRiderat !.on and contact prospects. v. NEW A. BUSHESS Attornev's Report 1. WHh rë'i:ardt'o the Batch Plant application and hearings Mr. Anderson advised the Council that there is nothing before the Flannine; Commission other than the written applicatIon rec:uesting a rezoning to H-2-H from M-I-H of the specific site described in that application. He discounted the necessity for formal Planning Commission decision on any verb~l application and said that an amended or new application would require additional publicatj.on and notice in the same manner as another. 2. Councl1mcm Meyerholz aslœd the City Attorney to determine whether the Planr.ing Commission can exercise the H Control or not. He said that he wss told that this was not their function. r1r. Anderson said that he would study the matter but could say at this tiTI'e that the body of law relative to Flanning Commission decisions was very slight. Case law being neRligible it woul~ be conjecture as to what a court would flnË':. A Flanning Commission practices are established by usa[e. 3. The Council requested that the City send a letter to Peter Tormey asking him to file a new policy to cover the operation of the Cupertino Cab Company. 4. Mr. Anderson reported that an annexation map has been filed by another City, overlapping Homestead 2. Hssolution No, 89 was introduced, giving notice of the propoceè. annexat 'oct' of certa!.n unir,ha~):. ted territory, dC3C:-"ibi1:}g said terl...i·co::....Y 8.::~ð. d ~s~_£::n~.~:':ng it by the name Hom28tced. ;2., c:r..d ?i'?lng r:ot:)..C? :.1' -:~·ir:l~ C~L'=. -:JJ.ace said C~ìU1l~i:':" %'~ 1.1 ~':-?,-ì.:' rlr;'ces'~ "~·_~J.~-...'"2:·-' C--·,::t::,:'.~.:,.<~Y.ì. ~1t=!:¡erholz rr..cvr:::d. 2:l.6c,::- -.~o"":':~ ;.::-';,::,:/~,,'6. :'"J} ,'(.'.¡-~' " £¡?:: ;~.·I) c"(..1 ca.r::>ied 1T,. -, I) , r.·,~_.·,:- ',..". .~ ", r.l.·ì~.. .~.J::\ .',....~ f; -1'_ _ )'" .'--,... . .. . ~ -. ~..L. _ . _ _ _~ ..;,., ~ 'Jc.:.,;~'.,. ;¿~. .- 3 - Ja. C. D. E. None - None Chairœan - None F '/ ~:~~~~ o{R~aè....£.Q.J!l.!n1§.s~sm~.- _ _ of l' _l~.LÓ\..!.!r,e-ºhl.ef R~PQrt of 31~t;y;r-ºQ.]I1);'.§sion Report of _iJ;LJ1:1l2;.ir.j¡ß): 1. Mr. FIeming refe~r3Q to the Projeét Statement under consideration fur '~he signal installation planned for Homestead Road aad Highway 9, Moved by Councilman Meyerholz the.t t'lè project st"ltemént be preþared allooating gas tbX funds for the signal at the interEec".;j,o¡" ,~'l' HOr.leste3d Road and Highway 9; seconded by C0t:,~10 )J,rr::.n ;)2.ch a.nd cDrri ed 5 ... 0, 2. Mr. F:e:TIJ.;'w 8a['"f:es~ed ·;hat the City take the opportunity tc :,'CV1~'I""" :",'eewGY )')~E'tructiol1 plans before the contrac,'; :.é :.']:; to olð. ln o!"'der to sêeÌ{ conformity with 10c~Ü plal::::. 'k'l1e Council agreed that the Engineer should write to the Hlghwa.;i Division €<nd keep posted. 3. An annexation r¡¿;,p c;Jnfli(;ting with Bubb I has been filed by San Jose wi~h tl'1e Boundary Commission. 4.. Mr. Fleming reported that Fiazza Paving Company has been instructed to complete the pavement of Stevens Creek R.oad pe.' contrar'\ t, along wi tl1 stretches of Blaney and M.iller. 5., The 11aster Curb Grade plan is almost complete, at which time the City 'fiLl no longer require individual expendgures for 'chElt information. RéPorULE.loi¡iikiYJ:2U.3.£H,1L~ ¡I!r. Myel's re'~erred ·~o the present zoning ordinance of the Ci ty which rrovicJes, in its reg,ulations for C-l Districts, certain permitted L,ses. .àmO!ll these are autfmobiJe serv ice stations, for' (,nly tile se.Ie ()f gasoline oil, and mino:' excess;Jries. He suge;estecJ. '¡;1~8t the Z,,:Ür;g Ol'cJ.inance be am';mded with respect to Section 20.A,2 by placin,;; the above reference to serVlce stations in Section 20.A.3 thus requiring the su'oJect in each case to secure a permit. At the present time a gas station is a permitted use in a cOMmercial zone, there being only C-l-H. The H factor is intende<'l to control the position of the building on the property, but very little else. This method will give the Planning Commission and the City Council the means to exercise a -pc:,icy r'.etermination until the new zoning Ordinance is effective. Mr. Myers explained that this amount.s to chm;ging the status of gas stations from that of ~ermitted use to ttat of use by permit, G. Moved by Co~mc nman l'1eyerl101z that the recommendat ion of the Planning Consult'.mt c:mcerning zoning of s2rvice st.ations be appro7eð: seconded by COvncilman Saich and carried 5 - O. Repcr·~- r..f 3.2c;¡~e,9·:';j_C-r. Cl'"'.ajriT'8:::J. sèë"Ã--'Ï'i-i;;:2 a(,é~;<-'---- _.-- PoltC.2 Co:r._t.:-'f1(~t '~.r,tt;l S:'el'iff The 60tüìëil-bc¡;~~-1~':c-~:: i';b2·~~ël:!:r.s of t~e p;:'oposed Shf3riff I s contr8~ i.;. The c·.'lç.~·ße :0:' the fiscal ;ýcar 19.58-19':;9 will be ;;16,709 Cen,s1J.c:; ~:l·2~,t__AE2£..9.Y_ª..1-. Grant2ë. Pro .\f;,9 ·C ,?ta~2ng1t..._~º..r..;..:~-,K~':": ~:~r:~~}JZ·~J-"£1)-º""'1.. F..cJl1ê..ª-t_~8d and Hig~.F1.'L5~ See V-E above AnnuaLRemort on R.9ßL&-13t..-'-:::§et~º-s.f)-º;'_,ª-¡;f.Y. A new code se~tior requires the aùmir.i3~~ation to file such a report with the CJ.ty Cou:1cil by June 2., Exter.:::ion requested als:) GOlme',,). v ieVls C'.:1 !èequi:-en.e'o;-i;. ~h8 City Council directed ''ch~ 2i.1;J..!1e2r' to t!1a!ve 3. ftAr-:i'lE'r' r8I)Crt. ,1::2:';>';;_ 5_,:.Çl_É\l'~fl.:.f:"<. :: cS_ J,7..5£'..:..U.,i ,;" rl\J.k-:":.l ··.~~··:c (;,or.sidel'óci.u;-: 11l1~~_c: Q~::.~~'":T.ç,,:?~~Ç. 1. T:-,.'¿ f'1(;:::.~:l:~:_·'r ~,)_~.:t15 ~JPre :ìl'Ese~yt;'~d +;::; tfl'3 8ity C01.:.¡l~il. H :""r(~2 -j,',~ '.'c~rJ.Jj,~fTla:: ':·ai_.~::: :::1:'~":'_ '. '::>')J''l.(-:é'·-:::, ':"~~ CO'..'T~ci:'lílG.n ::J¿:'""':u~'~C' :"r.r'::'l: -: ~..Z. ~',"_~ 18 "i.'P P?..;J1.. H. 1. J. K. .I.I ~ n. " . - 4 - 2. Council~an Sa13h acked for a road map bringing the total street n.l'¡;:'? ~"......I~·h."..": tn.':! City' ::'jrnits up to date. VI ADJOURNr1ENT' - Ü; ': ,: ~'^ !'1. 111<~P. eV.'.t..fUllY submitted, , / ~ .(¡,·.uv'-("~·_!\· !J-U ....i.4.v. ::"1,,¡;:m::JCE K. ~1A1J.TIN L~.ty ~d~i~1str2t0r-Clerk