CC 06-16-58 P, O. Box 597 C I T Y 0 Feu PEP T ! N 0 -----·CUþËR'~ mo~·-èi;:rfi~éjÎ.IT;,}A-·--·- Ai 2-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR LEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1958 Place: Time: 10031 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 8:00 F.B, I ROLL CA.LL Councilmen Present: Councilmen Absent: Lazaneo, Beyerholz, Nathanson, Pelos i, Saic:1 None II THE NINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS ¡1EE'rING OF JUNE mailed, The following correction 'was made. "Also a small building". 2, 1958 had been III-B: Delete III PETITIONS AND COI'1EUNICATIONS A, Written 1. County Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment: Summary of actions - June 4, 1958 2. Louts F, Bonacich: Permission requested to install a septic tank type of sanitation system for dwelling just West of Western Drive. Referred to Planning Commission and Health Department. 3, County Boundary Commission: Recent annexations within three miles of Cupertino, With regard to an overlapping Sunnyvale annexation Mr. Anderson said that the last equalized assessment roll shows a Joseph A. Sorci to be o~mer of record. At the present time, the City of Sunnyvale owns the piece of land formerly owned by S~rci, Mr. Anderson said that Sunnyvale would like Cupertino to omit their two and a half acres from annexation. The con¡;ensus indicated willtngTIess to exclude Sunnyvale territory if they agree not to protest the annexation. 4, County Planning Commission: Agenda of June 18, including hearing on application for variance in required front set back from 30 feet to 20 feet, for addition to warehouse at the southeasterly corner of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road and Homestead Road. Mr. Leonard said that the County had deferred action in order to get a statement from Cupertino sinoe the other three corners are already within the City Limits. Prospective widening of Homestead Road which shows a plan line of 90 feet poses an additional problem. The Mayor noted that the impending installation of traffic e:ignals may not allo,~ room for a variance. 5. County of Santa Clara: Supplemental agreement for buildiTIg inspection service in which Cou~ty retains 607~ of the building permit fees and remits 40;j of the permit fees to the City of Cupertino monthly with the Conn'cy to retain all fees in connectj,on with issuance of electrical gas and plumbing pel'mits, The M9.;yor read ;;11e agreement and it was decided to table the contract until further discussion of the building ins'pection function was held. 6. JoIn¡ Eo Fleming: Checks Enclosed from Yee Enterprise£'- :00955.00 for Scorm Drainage, and (,1519,20 as depos:..t for ('·",',c \U.Y"[ and inspect ion fees. 7, COGnt;' C87!trcller: Fines collected in the month of May r:-;;',:,^l1 ~è69::'oJ6 to the City. S. F;.¡bl.i ( "àt lonal Insurance' Company: Reinstatement of pollo'; Ü:sc;.eJ to Andrew D. Clark, 9, ASSO"l- '(.é',j Plu",lb:ing Contractors: Offer of assistance j,n h:..·"~: ~ l: [t .1:r~;Jpe:-;tlo11 matters" 10" Dlvi2ic ,Y! HíghY!:;j~s" CC?y of encroachl':lent permit iGn1)~~ê. c:) Cl~"':->C':,,:",,·:,;~~",::-: .Sönl.tn:·,V' DIC:,[;.:'.)-; r,,-·,.;, ~Jr-'~',::!.ì" Jìl8.:~:::1<"":; cell 'L,:","·t-::;:.:\~-:;.~;..s ..j~. )-;~; (,:;t 8.Y{.('¡·.~,(_,"':-. ~;-j.~~f~':; ~.' -,'-':~_::;l:,vJ'ç...~r ':! IV UÞWINISHED BUSINESS A, Ordinances & Resolutions for Adopting 1. Weed Abatement: Mr. Anderson requested more time before introducing a Weed Abatement Ordinance. The Mayor requested the City Clerk to inform the owner of the 11 acr~ property midway between Highway 9 and Blaney on Bollinger that the property is becoming a fire hazard and a nuisance. 2, Amendment to ZOJ'Üng Ordinance: The first reading was held on Ordir.ance No. 002(B) amending Ordinance 002 and providing fer use permits on all gas stations. 'rhe amendme.,-c ch,mges the status of gas stations to that of us~ by permit rather than a permitted us~ in C-I-H zoni':1g, Tile Ordinance is understood to be an interim proc~dure unt!.l a comprehensive zoning Ordinance for the City can be compiled. Councilman Pelosi questioned the Ordinance with regard to its effect on present property owners and more particularly on owners who may have purchased recently with a gas station in mind, Mr. Anderson said that the first reading simply places the matter before the C()uncJ.l and has no legal efficacy. Mr. Pelosi said that he is concerned about the matter of individual property rights. Annex?t.~ºnLQ[ a PQ~j9n o~ Stelling Road into the City ~et_ß~~~~~; Mr. An~erson said the Government Code pro'lides that a City can initiate an annexation and suggested that proceedings be commenced with regard to Stell1.ng Read, A title ,search will be needed to determine whether CWL8îShip extends to the center of the road. Resolutivn No. ?O ;-!as :tnt,:,odu.ced giving notice of the proposed 8.1'11' ":':8.c:,,:m ot cert?,in uninhabited territory, desc.'ibir·£i f;f,j.j,';er~'itory and designating it by the name StelJ.i~g :? ,,-Y',} P;"yt;1F :t:(',t1.ce of time and place said Council wll'. heT~ r,l'ç~~sts 'U¡u'e'Goo Carried 4 - 0: Councilman Pelosi ~bc~~~i!le;:, ~~·r;JrVl.l'.:.,.Q,~;.;:;',~~,~~:~,~.·:J? 0Ìi1~';;',;8", 'v" t,_ '::~l~ :'.1seð. r.-.·)O ::urther discussion. EmT'lu~To·ie~t1.~; ':t JI~.:.ld ·i.rl'~' ».'~cT,p.eto~ _ _... "~'_'--." -, . ~.___,. V',._ ....."... ..-..... .~.,_..._., . ".............- ..__ Omi';;ted 6.;", 'Go ;;]:J'3 UE;8r1 fGl' {lu'ther discussion, iVIi see J.~~'i:c.o ;.-,1_~ i: ï:-....r~õ',:--è¿.._··'~·_·r;(!·,!::::,;ll.~?c~,: I.:ì¿;~'neo) secoTIded by COl~+ncl1man .?S20;:-:" t':-::}'::· ';.,-:1(~ Cit,:'f·:ti.y,-,lIE'.8'2 tn."? 2erial m,s'~S prepared ::"J t.~-:': _'';-1.", ;:'.:::--.:).'1. r>,:.,'·,Y :_':,"; f~,:::\'n :,:1, 1952,. Ca:'r>j.,~:(-;. '"' - 2 - 11. Foothill College District: Acltnowledgement of C1t,y help in the recent Bond Drive, ' 12. County Engineer: Copy of letter to Raymond Wi Fisher ooncerning Miller Aven1,le Storm Drain and'Tract No, 1181 Yeelæ¡d Heights. Permission granted to utilize the existing 18 inch storm drain located ât Miller Avenue as an outfall for Yeeländ Heights 13. Santa Clara County: Ordinance No, 710 r~gùlating the moving of bU:i1dings Or structures withirt the unincorporated al'eas of the County and a169 applying to tl"_o City of CU'08I'tino Mr. Anderson said that the provisions of the Ordinance are strict ánd provide for fees, li"llJility lnsurance, routes, roller inspection, etc. See IIJ-A-4. ,,, 14, League of California Cities: (a) 1958 Legislation affectirtg Citie~ (b) Release of June lJ mentioning City Street deficiency reports, introduction of H.R. 12414 providing for a five year federal census, etc. 15, The University of California Conference Planning Committee: Notice of regional conference on: The problem of organizing for services and funotions in Netropol1 tan Areas, to b.e held July 21~, 25, Claremont Hotel, Berkeley. Tabled for further consideration at next meeting. B, ~ '-'0 D. E. v - 3 - .' 2. It was asked that the building permits be ¢hecked to determine whether a structure on North Highway 9, West side, was completed without benefit of permit, NEW A. BUSINESS A ttorne¡ ~Rep..Qrj¡ 1; H Control with respect to Planning Col!U!Ìlssion: Mr Anderson said that he has been unable thus far to loca~e any ,resedent in this matter, 2, Mr. :-I::e:"'s 1.3 worldng on a sign Ordinance of a general type ,=,or'.";ai~1!.::1g avthority to move signs not complying wi;;h the ")~'cJj.na~lCe, It was requested that Mr. Myers be p::'aca,} on ths agneda for the following meeting to render a progress report on this Sign Ordinance, Report 01 Road Commissioner Councilman Saich reported on some recent patch work and also said that white striping for Stevens Creek Boulevard would be included in the Piazza Contract. Councilman Lazaneo said he has been receiving complaints about the road repairs. ReDo~t of Police and Fire Chlp.f The Mayor reported that citations have been issued along Stelling Road following complaints from nearby residents that cars were speeding on that street, Report of Planning Commission Chairman: Mr. Leonard reported as follows: 1. The Rousseau Subdivision of the Cerrito Property on Stevens Creek Road, requesting zoning to accommadate lots approximately 7,000 square feet has been scheduled for June 20. 2. Excell & Son have applied for R-l; R-J-H and C-l-H for portions of some 7 acres along North Highway 9. West side. First Hearing June 20. J, George Yamaoka has applied for C-I-H for his frontage along Stevens Creek Road East of Portal, First Hearing has been set for July 18. 4. A tentative subdivision map for the East end of Silverado is pending due to a ~~wer problem. 5. The Batch Plant Application is also pending while awaiting applicant's decision on site preference. If he chooses the lower of the two possible sites a new hearing ~~y be required. Councilman Lazaneo questioned the Sanitary District arrangements on the Aronsen property with regard to the acreage specified for Storm Drain Deposits. 6. The two new members took their official places at the Planning Commission meeting of June 20, Street Lighting: Yeeland Heights. etc. Mr, Anderson. City Attorney, said that a Street Lighting Act of 1919 and another of 1927 with the 1957 Amendment permit annexation to a street lighting district. The question is pertinent at the present time with 5 or 6 subdivisions pending. The City Ordinance requires street lights to be installed at the expense of the subdivider. Mr. Addison, Street Lighting Engineer for p. G, & E, described two main ways by which the City can handle the street lighting problem. One, by annexation to the existing Cupertino Street Lighting District or two, by creating a lightin8 distr~ct of the entire City not including the exist in,s dis,;!'; ct, This second method would require the electric lighTi~g bill to be paid from the general fund of the City. C0uncilman Meyerholz suggested that the new are?,¡'J annex .~(; the original district with the subdivider to pay al.:. the cOS'cs less maintenance and electricity. B. C, D. E, F. No decision was reached. attention, Niscellaneous 1. couiîèiï~in Lazaneo requested be asked for proposed 8011001 that the School District sites 0 T~e matter will be given further --~""--'----.._---.---------.---- - 4 - 2, Councilmen Saich asked about thew1dening of Miller Averue, CC1l.1Jc·l1man Meyerholz sald that the school district considers itself an instrumentality of thè state and is i~clined to act accordingly, . The Mayor lnstNcted the City Clerk to write the Superintendant of Fl'smont High School District and request a meeting to ði30USS the widening of the street on the high school sj,de. J. Councilman Pe:osi suggested that the warrants be ini \;j'3.:''-'',," ;-::~r fA~_ternate Councilmen, VI ADJOURNI>1ENT. - lC:Cr) P,M, Respeotfully submitted, LAWRENCE K. !1ARTIN City Administrator-Clerk